never e m a s e h t
‌hopefully May 17, 2020
joys & concerns CONDOLENCES TO: Robert Long on the death of his father, David Long Romelle Schoff on the death of her husband, Ed Schoff Tracy & Jeff Silcox on the death of her brother, Jim Noonan Family and friends on the death of Lynn Daniel Mary & Ron Wakefield and family on the death of their son, Wayne Wakefield CONGRATULATIONS TO: Justin & Katie Roski, big brother Max, and grandparents Fred & Cindy Heseman and Debbie Roski on the birth of Olivia Grace Roski on May 6 Ifeoma Morrison and Tony Turner on the birth of Olivia Jubilee Chisom Turner on March 9
announcements WORSHIP
ONLINE WORSHIP Our online worship services can be seen at 9:30 & 11AM and 4 & 7PM. Choose your style of worship, either traditional or contemporary, as well. And be sure to invite others to join you!
GROW in your faith… More information on all of these opportunities can be found at Luke’s Online ANCHORPOINT | Today Our Sunday morning Bible Study is streamed each week at 8:45AM and 12:15, 3:15 and 6:15PM. ONLINE SERMON DISCUSSION GROUPS If you haven’t connected to a group at St. Luke’s yet, why not try it now? Join Pastor Jevon Caldwell-Gross on Wednesdays at 6:15PM to discuss the previous Sunday’s sermon. Interested or have questions? Email Mindie Moore at moorem@ and receive the Zoom Link.
THE WELL Pastor Nicole leads The Well, an online faith community for women that meets via Facebook Live Thursday nights at 9PM. PASTOR’S BOOK STUDY Pastor’s Book Study takes a break this week, but join us again at 10AM on Wednesdays, May 27 – July 1 as we discuss different topics with a rotation of pastors. Pastor’s Book Study is always open to all, and this is a great time to join! Head to our Luke’s Online page where you’ll find a link to easily join us. WEDNESDAY NIGHT THEOLOGY TALK May 27 – June 24 • 6:15 – 7:30PM Whether you’re brand new to St. Luke’s or have been here for years, this conversation is open for all to discuss different elements of life and faith with St. Luke’s pastors and occasional special guests. Join once or weekly - each session stands on its own. Details and registration can be found on our Luke’s Online page. RICHARD ROHR ON VIDEO Wednesdays, May 27 - June 24 • 6:30 - 8PM • Zoom Learn about this 21st century Catholic theologian’s views on progressive Christianity. Expect a video presentation and an opportunity to discuss a variety of topics. Register at and receive the Zoom link. STARTING POINT | Today, 1 – 1:45PM • Zoom Starting Point is a casual conversation with Terri Coe, Director of New Here Ministries, and lay members of the church where guests have the opportunity to learn more about St. Luke’s ministries, ask questions and discover next step possibilities. Find details and registration on our Luke’s Online page. You’ll be sent a link to join a zoom meeting. See you there!
NETFLIX AND CHAT | Sundays, May 31, June 14, June 28 Add some community to your Netflix watching! Using the Netflix Party platform, we will watch either a show or movie and chat life and faith in light of what we’re watching. Sign up for any or all dates, and the link will be emailed to you. Must use Google Chrome browser to participate. May 31: The Good Place. Register at Hosted by Mindie Moore. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL | Week of June 8 VBS won’t be derailed! We’re moving it online for 3 days the week of June 8. Registration includes a digital access pass AND a VBS kit - both packed with lots of fun for $15 a child! Not local? You can hop on the train and purchase a digital access pass for $5 a family! Register by May 24 at stlukesumc. com. Email Jennifer Ebner at with questions. LANDS OF THE BIBLE PILGRIMAGE | May 10 – 23, 2021 Travel with Pastor Rob and Susan to follow in the footsteps of Jesus in Israel and the Apostle Paul in Greece. For full information, contact Bob Zehr at rdzehr@
If you need help we are just a click or phone call away! Outreach Hotline: Our Outreach Team has opened a new Benevolence Hotline that can be reached Monday – Friday at 317-749-2129. They can also be reached at Emotional and Spiritual Care Hotline: If you would like to speak with someone from our Care Team during this stressful time, please call 317-643-2293 between 8:30AM and 5PM, Monday – Friday.
GO in service to others… SEW IN LOVE Use your gift of sewing to create surgical masks. Our Caring Cars Ministry will pick them up and deliver to hospitals and nursing homes in the Indianapolis area. Email caringcars@ for pick up. To watch a video of how to make masks, visit our Luke’s Online website page. P.E.W. MINISTRY We typically gather in pews and you may be missing that connection, feeling anxious and lonely. This new ministry recognizes the central role the church plays in our lives and creates a virtual place of connection to “promote emotional wellness.” Offered in groups on Zoom or individually, these online gatherings help us connect, share and be cared for in a virtual pew. To learn more, email HOMEBOUND HELPERS If you need help shopping for groceries, prescriptions or other items, please let us know! We have a team of volunteers ready and willing to run errands for you. Email outreach@ and let us know how we can help! SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED Do you know of people in our community who would love to receive a weekly note of encouragement right now? We have many volunteers waiting to write notes to seniors and others in our community who are homebound. Names can be emailed to CONNECTIONS GIFT AND BOOKSTORE Shop now for your birthday, graduation, Confirmation, sympathy and comfort needs from our new spring catalog. View the catalog at When you’re ready to order, just call, pay over the phone and volunteers will deliver your wrapped gift to the requested doorstep within 48 hours. Mailing of gifts is also available.