St. Luke’s United Methodist Church

St. Luke’s United Methodist Church
Dear St. Luke’s,
During our current stewardship series, A Generous Life, we are uncovering the different motivations behind why a person gives, not just giving financially to an organization, but why people care to be givers. What does it mean to live a generous life? Is it really better to give than to receive? Is my giving just about my money? How we live a generous life does not come about by happenstance; it is conscious choice.
As we reflect on 2024, we are filled with gratitude for the ways in which St. Luke's has continued to grow and make a positive impact on our community.
Throughout the year, we supported Freedom School, Luke's Leaders, Hub for Hope, Back to School Extravaganza, all-age discipleship ministries, Vacation Bible School, Crooked Creek Food Pantry, and countless global outreach efforts. We also offered weekly worship, care ministries, and fellowship opportunities.
Thank you for being a caring and supportive community. Your generosity and involvement have made a significant difference in the lives of many.
As we look ahead to 2025, we invite you to join us in our continued journey of faith and service. On November 17th, we will hold a Service of Commitment where we will celebrate our accomplishments, share our vision for the future, and make pledges to support St. Luke's.
Your pledge matters! It helps us set goals and plan effectively for the year ahead.
Please find the enclosed intention card and start thinking about your pledge. Bring it to church on November 17th to make your commitment during the service. If you are unable to attend in person, you can mail your intention card to the address provided.
Let us work together to create a brighter future for St. Luke's and our community.
With gratitude,
*You can view your pledging status and giving records at stlukesumc com/myaccount Please contact the church Finance Department at faina.kleyner@stlukesumc.com or 317-846-3404. To see all of your giving, print statements, etc., log into your account at stlukesumc.com/myaccount.
St. Luke's North Indy is a vibrant community hub where faith, learning, and service come together. Throughout 2024, we've been privileged to witness the transformative power of these three pillars in the lives of our members and the community we serve.
Discover Your Faith:
Explore over 38 Adult Ministry classes weekly. Join small groups in our Student, Kids, and Special Needs ministries.
Grow through discipleship programs tailored to your needs.
Nurture Young Minds:
Enroll your child in our thriving Early Childhood Program (ECP).
Access tutoring support through FAST. Become a mentor in Luke's Leaders.
Find Hope and Healing:
Join addiction recovery groups meeting weekly. Receive support in our Care Ministry groups (chronic pain, grief, divorce).
Find community and hope through our Outreach Ministries like Freedom School and Crooked Creek Food Pantry.
Experience Transformation:
St. Luke's is more than just a building. It's a place where hearts are transformed and lives are changed.
If you spend enough time around the Midtown Campus, you will undoubtedly hear someone remark how critical volunteers are to everything we do. We are blessed to engage nearly 100 volunteers in regular, committed serving roles, plus those who serve at one-time events. No matter where they serve or how they do it, volunteers who give their time generously are helping create a thriving, growing worship community at St. Luke’s Midtown. Here are a few stories of the volunteers who are helping shape the Midtown Campus:
At Midtown, we are growing in hours served, as well as resources given. In 2024, the number of households who pledged grew by 38%. Midtown worshipers have not only increased their pledging, but they have said yes to opportunities to give above and beyond: funding special ministry projects and being part of the Making Room Campaign. This is a faith community that is deeply committed to the mission and vision of St. Luke’s and understands the part that they play in our church as a whole. We can’t wait to see how God continues to move through St. Luke’s Midtown in 2025!
Skye and Levi can be found serving in our hospitality ministry, welcoming guests at the Connection Center and keeping traffic moving in the parking lot. Skye is also the curator and creator of our Midtown Art Gallery. Skye has helped people discover St. Luke’s Midtown through the Broad Ripple Art Walk and has developed a culture where our congregation enthusiastically welcomes and supports our artist of the month. Through the Midtown Gallery, St. Luke’s Midtown has developed an important connection with the Indianapolis art community.
Matt and Libby have been part of the Midtown Campus for a little over a year. Libby leads our Events Team, facilitates the monthly Starting Point gathering, and leads a small group. Matt serves in just about any place he’s needed—he will move a table, jump into parking lot duty, or fire up a grill! Serving together has helped St. Luke’s Midtown feel like home for the Sylvesters. They became members in 2023, and Matt was baptized. Through serving, they have deepened friendships and found their place at St. Luke’s.
Margaret leads our Outreach Team at the Midtown Campus. She works closely with the North Indy Campus to keep our ministries aligned, while also building unique relationships with organizations in the Midtown area. She has empowered the other volunteers on her team to help sharpen our focus to better know and serve our community. Their work has allowed us to better connect with organizations like Dove House, The MLK Center, and the Indiana Diaper Bank.
28.1K WATCH HOURS (UP 435) 5.9K
God is using individuals and their stories to shape and create new chapters in our worship ministry at St. Luke's. We are growing and evolving as a worship staff, exploring new ways to work together across departments to create more unity and synergy, planning worship across all campuses and worship spaces. In the coming year, we will explore:
Implementing a new worship planning system
Expanding our choirs and worship teams
Creating opportunities for more volunteer connections across worship ministries
Hosting a night of worship
Pushing the boundaries of new and creative ways to experience worship
It's exciting to consider all that has been accomplished and all that is still yet to be written. Thank you for joining us on the journey.
Jeff is a dedicated volunteer band member in the contemporary worship service. Despite having stage 4 cancer, which leaves him fatigued and in pain, he continues to lead worship. Jeff finds great fulfillment in giving of himself despite his circumstances. He is an incredible example of faithfully walking through suffering and still generously praising and serving his creator.
Fletcher is a long-time member of the Chancel Choir. In addition to singing, he also dedicates his time to tending to the Sanctuary each week. Fletcher walks around the space, inspecting the pews, chancel and altar area, and choir loft, looking for things that might need to be picked up or need attention. No one asks him to do this. He gladly does this as an act of service, seeking no recognition.
Sam is part of the Midtown worship team and is passionate about growing and exploring his musical gifts as part of a larger expression of worship. Despite moving to a new state away from family, he has found a place to belong and is committed to serving and ministering as part of the worship team. As a young adult Sam has many other opportunities he could devote himself towards, and yet he intentionally gives his time to the ministry work before him.
This team is made up of many individuals who work tirelessly to serve in numerous ways. Many people do not realize that this team doesn't just serve on Sunday mornings; they also support many additional ministries and events at St. Luke's, including Freedom School, VBS, funerals, weddings, and special events. They are the hidden yet committed individuals who don't seek acclaim but deserve to be acknowledged for their faithful service throughout the year.
A long-time member of St. Luke's United Methodist Church recently shared her heartfelt story of how the church has profoundly impacted her life. From the moment she was new here until she decided to relocate back to Texas, St. Luke’s was more than just a place of worship; it has been her community.
As she reflected on her time at St. Luke's, she shared, "When I first moved to Indiana, I was a single mom looking for a supportive community. St. Luke's provided that and so much more."
The church's numerous programs for children inspired her to become a member with her son. Through her involvement in small groups and discipleship ministries, she found spiritual and emotional strength. Her son's confirmation in 2021 was a testament to the positive influence of St. Luke's on their family.
She also discovered a newfound purpose through serving others. Inspired by a divine calling, she joined the prayer team and has experienced a significant growth in her faith.
As she prepares to move back to Texas, she expresses her gratitude to St. Luke's for the love, support, and spiritual guidance she has received. She will always cherish the memories and lessons learned during her time at the church.
St. Luke's is a place where individuals can find a sense of belonging, spiritual growth, and a supportive community. We are grateful for the positive impact the church has had on her and countless others.
Care and Contemplation is about changing lives; it is about healing people. This department, we believe, holds people in their most vulnerable times and walks with them in that journey, to find grace and peace and what it really means to live in the community of God’s loving people. Through this department, people get to experience God’s love through the care and contemplation team and the volunteers that are so well dedicated to serving God through St. Luke’s. We have ministries, support groups, resources, all tailored to helping people find healing through their different journeys in life. The testimony below, shared by Jeri, is among many of the transformational healing stories happening through care and contemplative ministry:
“A friend told me about the GriefShare support group, and I searched for a location near me. The location I chose is St. Luke’s United Methodist Church. I was truly struggling after the loss of my mother who was also my best friend on earth. Meeting with others who are experiencing loss truly helped me manage my grief and loss, in addition to having empathy for others who have experienced loss. In my group, I have gained six sisters in Christ, and we continue to meet and support each other to this day. It really helped me deal with my grief and loss.
Thank you, Grief Share Team at St Luke’s!”
The Care and Contemplation team has one main drive, to be present and offer care when needed. We believe that caring for people is the backbone of a living church community, so we are intentional about being available and present when people are in need of care, for we know that a church that does not show up when needed may not be needed at all. At St. Luke’s, we believe, as stated in our mission statement, that the church should offer an inclusive and explosive love for others and that compassion and empathy be integral in caring for our congregation and our community.
That is what we strive for at St. Luke’s…to provide love and support for others, through Care and Contemplation, in the spirit of Christ the good shepherd
Earlier in 2024, we, as a congregation, raised $85,000 for our diaper pantry. This will support 850 babies with one year of diapers from our pantry! This year, 250 families have visited our diaper pantry with a combined 1200 visits, receiving 76,000 diapers for healthier babies. But Hub for Hope is about more than just diapers, it is a place of connection and belonging for families who are looking for hope.
Tiffany (not her real name) was accepted into the Healthy Beginnings at Home program through IU Health when she was pregnant and facing homelessness. Because of the relationship St. Luke’s has with Healthy Beginnings, Tiffany was invited to shop at the Rummage Sale with a $100 voucher donated by the United Women in Faith. Through Hub for Hope, Tiffany was given not only diapers, but also a baby shower by a St. Luke’s small group. The small group has been walking with Tiffany this year, visiting her and her new baby in the hospital, exchanging calls and texts, and even helping with a community service situation.
Healthy Beginnings at Home (HBAH) provides support to pregnant women in Marion County who are experiencing homelessness. Participants are also part of research efforts that seek to understand the impact of stable housing on maternal and infant health, and that lead to systems changes that improve outcomes for mothers and children in Indiana. St. Luke’s works with HBAH to support the program’s moms and children in a variety of ways. HBAH Director, Dr. Jack Turman, consulted with Hub for Hope in the launch of our diaper pantry, and has been a speaker at several of our awareness and advocacy events.
St. Luke’s work with HBAH is a beautiful example of how our dual values of justice and outreach come together to make a difference in our community. We are caring for moms and babies with critical and immediate needs. And we are involved in the long-term work of changing systems that lead to a more just community for all.
Tiffany now has a secure home and a supportive community through HBAH. She has new friends at St. Luke’s. This fall, Tiffany is choosing to baptize her baby at St. Luke’s as they continue their faith journey as a family. She has found new hope through the support of HBAH and a sense of belonging because of St. Luke’s!
A main goal of Mosaic Ministry is to help ensure all individuals, regardless of disability, are able to be fully integrated into the life of the church. Just as we are one in the body of Christ, each individual needs to be present to fully represent the church community. This has been evidenced through beautiful examples of inclusion in our Kids Ministry, Youth Ministry, and Adult Discipleship over the past year.
A key volunteer in ensuring the inclusion of all into the life of the church is Sam Flood. Sam has been serving as a youth small group leader over the past few years, and his role has evolved into leading and advocating for individuals with special needs within our Youth programming. On Sunday mornings, Sam can be found connecting with students with autism. His background in teaching special education has allowed him to understand the needs of all kids and provide these kinds of supports in Youth Ministry. These students are fully integrated because of this support. They know they have a safe space.
Sam has extended his involvement by leading training for youth small group leaders on including individuals with disabilities into Youth Ministry. He also serves on the Mosaic Ministry Leadership Council, focusing on ways to partner with local high schools and service-learning opportunities. Sam’s involvement and advocacy have allowed so many youth to have a place to belong and thrive in a loving environment at St. Luke’s.
It’s generous when parents give us the opportunity to love and pour into their kids. It’s generous as people pray for our ministry. It’s generous when people give financially in ways that support what we believe God is calling us to. And it’s generous when people bravely step into the unfamiliar spaces to make sure every child has a place to belong.
And that’s what Carolyn did.
This past year, as VBS was nearing, we found ourselves in a space where the math wasn’t working….we had more kids registered than the number of needed volunteers. We did NOT want to close registration early. We felt a deep conviction that we wanted to say YES to all kids and families who wanted to be a part of VBS.
We had the financial ability to welcome all through generous donations that allowed us to grant every request for a scholarship, and what we needed in that moment was people - people willing to say yes to a week that would change their lives and the lives of the kids they met.
Carolyn heard the plea for volunteers. Her kids were registered, and Carolyn couldn’t stand the thought of others’ kids being unable to attend. Carolyn moved a work trip, took the week off and signed up to be a small group leader for four year olds. Because of Carolyn’s generosity, and others just like her, we were able to say yes to EVERY SINGLE KID and EVERY SINGLE KID not only knew they were they invited to the party, but that they had a place to belong when they got here.
Our Student Ministry continues to be a place where students find belonging and that belonging turns into transforming. In the last year, we had a student join our ministry who was new to the area. They knew no one, their grades weren't great, they wanted nothing to do with the Church, and they had some hard situations they were dealing with. Week after week they came to their small group (with a little encouragement from family), and week after week they were accepted for exactly who they are. Over time, that reluctance to come to church turned into excitement, and the people they wanted nothing to do with have become their closest friends. Their grades have improved, and they have had real growth in their personal life. The family credits St. Luke's Student Ministry and the community here for helping bring them some healing and get them on the right track.
This is what our ministry is all about.
It may not always be a dramatic transformation. Even though many of our students have grown up here in the church, our Student Ministry is consistently a place of belonging for all students. It is one of the only places where they don’t have to “perform,” achieve, or pretend to be someone they are not. For just a little bit each week, students can let their guard down and just be. Be present. Be themselves. Be who God made them to be. On the walls behind our stage are the words, “Everyone is welcome. Everyone belongs.” We are living into those words and seeing them become more and more true each and every day.
When you look around our small groups and classes, you'll notice something special - diverse ages, stages, perspectives, and lives all joined together in pursuit of growth and depth in their spiritual lives. We are a large church made intimate through small group and classes.
In Adult Discipleship we have over 100 groups and classes and over 1000 people involved. That is a massive chunk of our congregation engaging together on a weekly basis. You will see Chef Joseph teaching in Pastor's Book Study, Lenten Groups utilizing every nook and cranny of the church to gather, and Disciple Groups diligently meeting and diving ever deeper into scripture. Our church is deeply committed to maturing in our faith and passing it down throughout the generations.
One of the fresh expressions learning is coming through innovative classes like our "Deconstruction Done Healthy" class and its companion six-week podcast. We're guiding people through unraveling the difficult and challenging aspects of their past faith experiences in order to move into holistically healthy spiritual lives. It’s a topic that can be tricky and sometimes feels taboo inside of the church, but at St. Luke's we are committed to diving into the sticky places and coming out healthier on the other side. One comment heard after the class, "(this class is) so good! I felt so alone with these questions, but I’m so glad I didn’t give up on my faith. It’s stronger than ever!"
In Adult Discipleship we are building a robust community of faith grounded in scripture and pointed at changing the world through lives lived differently.
St. Luke’s Endowment Fund was created in 1989 with a goal to establish and maintain a growing, perpetual endowment fund to ensure that St. Luke’s would be able to minister to the needs of our community today and in the future. The Endowment Fund had grown to $7,618,621 as of January 1, 2024. In 2023, the Endowment generated a 15.3% rate of return on investments.
In 2023, the General Endowment generated $130,560 in interest and dividends. This was combined with $102,152 in carryover from 2022 to make $232,712 available in 2024 for funding ministry and mission needs not included in the operating budget.
In addition to the General Endowment, St. Luke’s is fortunate to have ten named endowment funds to support designated purposes, including areas like Sowers, Orchestra, Worship and Arts, and Staff Parish. At the beginning of each calendar year, the appropriate committee chairpersons and staff members are notified of the funding available to them for the year from these designated funds.
The Planned Giving and Endowment Committee also receives and considers grant requests from various ministries. In 2024, three grants were awarded: a $137,137 grant to the trustees to renovate the second-floor music offices and create a recording studio, a $19,043 grant to purchase a soft serve ice cream machine for the church kitchen and a $40,000 grant for a playground improvement project that addresses drainage issues and adds a path to accommodate mobility devices.
The Endowment Investment Committee is responsible for managing the Endowment. The Endowment is invested through Elser Financial Planning and custodied at The Charles Schwab Corporation. The Endowment Investment Committee meets periodically to review fund performance and reports to the Finance Committee at least quarterly.
For assistance with current or planned gifts to the Endowment, visit our planned giving website, stlukeslegacy.com, or contact David Heetland, Pastor of Planned Giving, at 317.399.6202.
$5,333,000 $1,451,000
Q. Why do we ask for an annual financial commitment/intention?
A. Your commitment is the basis for how we fund our budget as a church. Your financial intentions tell us if we will have the resources to put desired ministry into action in the coming year.
Q. How can I submit my commitment/intention for 2025?
A. You can make your commitment in these ways: ONLINE: visit stlukesumc.com/give and click on “Submit Your 2025 Financial Commitment.”
IN-PERSON: bring your intention card to worship on Sunday, November 17.
DROP OFF: bring your card to the main office any week day between 9AM-5PM.
St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, 100 W 86th St Indianapolis, IN 46260
St Luke’s United Methodist Church is an open community of Christians helping people find and give hope through Jesus Christ - regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, disability, or socioeconomic background. We work to ensure that our congregation and its leadership represent the community in which we are located. We are dedicated to including women, people of color, and LGBTQIA+ as staff and in positions of leadership and decision making. We renounce the way religion has been used throughout history to support racism, war, discrimination, genocide, violence, and poverty, and we pledge to rid ourselves of the conscious and unconscious biases when sacred stories are used to uphold injustice. We are particularly sensitive to the issues facing our brothers and sisters of color and LGBTQIA+ individuals, both within the United Methodist Church and in the general society. We pledge to be leaders in eradicating racism and discrimination.
Q. Can I set up a recurring electronic gift?
A. Absolutely! After you’ve submitted your 2025 commitment/intention, go to the website: stlukesumc.com/give and click, “Set up Your Electronic Giving.” You can use a bank account (lower fees for us) or a debit/credit card.
Q. Can I prepay my 2025 commitment?
A Sure! You can either drop off a check at the church office or make a one-time gift online at stlukesumc com/give Indicate that it is for 2025 We also accept stock transfers by calling the church office
To be an open community of Christians helping people find and give hope through Jesus Christ.
To be an explosive force of God’s radical, inclusive, and just love, reaching hundreds of thousands of people, especially those who have given up on church or the possibility of a God who loves them.
St. Luke’s Legacy Society recognizes and thanks those persons who have included the church in their estate plans. If you have already included St. Luke’s in your estate plans and your name is not on this list, or if you would like further information about planned giving, please contact David Heetland, Pastor of Planned Giving, at 317.399.6202 or david.heetland@gmail.com.
John & Marsha L. Anderson
Scott & Linda Arant
Frances Arnold
John G. & Margaret P. Baker
Lori Ball & Lisa Hicks
Kimberly Basch
Nancy Dellekamp Bell
Roger Boop
Barbara K. Burke
Steve* & Linda Claffey
Diane Clayton
Brian & Susan Elser
Andrew & Danielle Fiega
Larry & Carol Franks
Barbara R. Furlow
Brad & Terri Fuson
Donald & Marilyn Griffith
David R. Hamer
Yvonne Hammond
Adolf & Naomi Hansen
Sandra K. Harlan
Brent & Gwen Harvey
David & Kathy Heetland
Vicki E. Hittle
Stephen & JoAnn Hoskins
George & Marli Howell
Joseph & Dinah Huse
Steve & Barb Jackson
Denny & Judi Jones
Ann W. King
Tom & Nancy Lange
Glen & Lana Lehman
Kent & Cheri Millard
Mike & Patty Miller
Donald L. Moehn
Rita Peat
Jeffrey & Debra Peek
Bing & Suzi Pratt
Judith Proffitt
Kim Reeves & Becky Sondgeroth
Sallie Rowland*
Jerry & Sue Shanks
Paul & Jan Snyder
Judy Stamper
John* & Barbara Stark
Risa Stockton
Mary Ann Thaman
Bob & Jane Tharp
Jerry Timmons
Doug Tirmenstein & Joan Metzler
Pierre & Susan Twer
Karen Wever
Jim & Joyce* Winner
Barry & Margaret Wood