ORDER OF WORSHIP Welcome & Prayer of Invocation | Rev. Rob Fuquay Opening Song | How Deep the Father’s Love For Us Call to Repentance | Rev. MaryAnn Moman (12PM), Rev. Jen Gibbs (7PM) Leader: On this day, we begin our journey to Easter. The first step is to examine our lives: our need for God, and our desire to be closer to God and each other. So let us join together in this prayer of confession: People: Merciful God, you have told us that you will draw close to us if we draw close to you, yet so often we withdraw instead. Our busyness gets in the way. We often confuse the urgency of the moment to overshadow the truly urgent. Sometimes our withdrawal from you is because you have failed to act as we want, revealing our hidden desire to take your place. Sometimes we withdraw because we have put ourselves too much at the center of life instead of finding our true center in you. For these and all sins that so easily entangle, forgive us we pray.
Ash Wednesday WHO WE ARE St. Luke’s United Methodist Church is an open community of Christians helping people find and give hope through Jesus Christ - regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, disability, or socioeconomic background.
Leader: And hear us O God, as we continue in prayer making our silent confessions to you.
No matter who you are, where you are from, who you love or what you look like, we want you to know that God loves you and YOU BELONG HERE.
Assurance of Pardon
Leader: Hear the good news: Christ died for us while we were yet sinners. That proves God’s love toward us. In the name of Jesus Christ you are forgiven. People: Amen! Prayer of Consecration | Rev. Mindie Moore (12PM), Rev. Jen Gibbs (7PM) Commissioning Lenten Small Group Leaders Pastoral Prayer | Rev. Mindie Moore (12PM), Rev. Jen Gibbs (7PM) Song | Psalm 19
NORTH INDY Traditional 9:30, Contemporary 9:30AM & 11AM MIDTOWN Contemporary at 11AM ONLINE, FACEBOOK & YOUTUBE The North Indy Sunday morning services are streamed on our website, Facebook & YouTube: Traditional Services: Sundays at 9:30AM & 11AM Contemporary Services: Sundays at 9:30AM & 11AM
Scripture | Matthew 6:9-13, 23:9
Submit your anonymous prayer request at stlukesumc.com/prayer or on the online prayer wall at stlukesumc.com/prayerwall.
Message | Rev. Rob Fuquay
Imposition of Ashes Songs | Beautiful Things Good Good Father Here I am to Worship Lenten Charge | Rev. Rob Fuquay
CONNECTION CENTERS OUTSIDE THE WORSHIP SPACES Stop by the Connection Centers to get your questions answered, sign up for groups, serving opportunities, and events, and learn about ways to connect here. RESTLESS CHILD AREAS - AREA IN CENTRAL PASSAGE NURSING PARENT AREA • E126 Enjoy our live service in these spaces if you’d like to nurse in private and/or if your child needs a break during worship.
HOLY WEEK PALM SUNDAY - SUNDAY, MARCH 24 Traditional Services: 9:30AM - Sanctuary Contemporary Services: 9:30AM & 11AM - Robertson Chapel Contemporary Services at Midtown: 9:30AM - Midtown, Sanctuary Online Services: 9:30AM (Traditional), 11AM (Contemporary) MAUNDY THURSDAY - THURSDAY, MARCH 28 Sanctuary & Online: 7PM - North Indy Campus, Sanctuary GOOD FRIDAY - FRIDAY, MARCH 29 Sanctuary & Online: 12PM, 7PM - North Indy Campus, Sanctuary EASTER - SUNDAY, MARCH 31 NORTH INDY Sunrise (Chapel) | 7AM Traditional (Sanctuary) | 9:30AM, 11:15AM | Rev. Rob Fuquay Contemporary (Chapel) | 9:30AM, 11:15AM | Rev. Dr. Jevon Caldwell-Gross MIDTOWN Contemporary (Sanctuary) | 9:30AM, 11:15AM | Rev. Mindie Moore ONLINE Traditional | 9:30AM, 11:15AM | Rev. Rob Fuquay Contemporary | 9:30AM, 11:15AM | Rev. Dr. Jevon Caldwell-Gross Brunch will be available on Easter morning after each service at the North Indy campus. Reservations for Easter and brunch will open on Sunday, February 18.
WRITTEN BY REV. ROB FUQUAY The season of Lent began as a 40-hour observance commemorating the period of time Jesus’ body lay in the tomb which ended on Easter morning. Over time, this observance was increased to the week prior to Easter starting on Palm Sunday recalling all of the events of Jesus’ passion, which comes from the Latin word for suffering. This is what became known as Holy Week. Eventually the six days grew into 36 days representing a tithe (10%) of the year meant to be a time devoted to spiritual practices of prayer, fasting, meditation, and giving. The sacrifices associated with the practices help Christians focus on the suffering Christ endured for us. By the 8th century, four more days were added to make Lent a season of 40 days keeping with the biblical significance of events like the 40 days Moses was on Mt. Sinai, the 40 days Elijah fasted, and the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness. Therefore, Lent begins on a Wednesday, and since the Sundays in Lent are not counted in the 40 days, we refer to them as the Sundays in Lent. The Sundays can be a time of breaking from spiritual practices and focusing on celebration in worship. Ash Wednesday got its name from the ritual of marking people’s heads with ashes made from the burned palm fronds of the previous Palm Sunday. The ashes are a symbol from the Old Testament representing our desire to repent and turn to God. The ashes also represent our mortality as we hear the words, “From ashes you came and to ashes you shall return.” This ritual reminds us that
while we are physical beings, we are also more than that; we are essentially spiritual beings. We begin Lent recognizing these two realities with a desire to give attention to our souls and draw closer to Christ who gave his life for the redemption of all humankind. Lent takes its name from an old Anglo-Saxon word, lencten, which sounds a lot like lengthen, pointing to the lengthening of the days as spring approaches. Because fasting or giving-up excess features of daily life has often been practiced in Lent, people in centuries gone by would get rid of fatty items from their pantries. Hence, the day before Ash Wednesday became known as “Fat Tuesday,” when people would clean out items they wouldn’t indulge in again until Easter. Such self-denial practices today can take on other forms as we, again, give attention to Christ who denied himself and took up a cross, the symbol of God’s forgiveness of our sin.
LENTEN GROUPS BEGIN FEBRUARY 18 Each year we encourage EVERYONE at St. Luke’s to join a Lenten small group. Not only is this a great way to connect to your community – but each week we will dive deep into the sermon throughout the series. Sign-up for a group today online at stlukesumc.com/lentgroups EASTER EGGSTRAVAGANZA SATURDAY, MARCH 23 • 9AM-12PM | NORTH INDY Are you ready for this year’s Easter Eggstravaganza? We are! So many activities will be offered and you can expect things like bounce houses, a train to the Easter Bunny photo booth, story- telling, crafts, games, an egghunt for the little ones (0-4 years), a raffle, and lots of fun, prizes, and treats! Registration opens on 2/23/23 STATIONS OF THE CROSS MARCH 17 - 29 • NORTH INDY We invite you to do as pilgrims for centuries have done when unable to visit Jerusalem to walk the final footsteps of Jesus. This interactive experience is available to experience at the North Indy campus during church hours and regular business hours. BLACK HISTORY MONTH CELEBRATION DINNER WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 AT 5PM Come celebrate the richness of Black history with us at our special Black History Month Celebration Dinner on Wednesday, February 21, 2024! Join us for an evening filled with cultural appreciation, delicious food, and engaging conversations. This special menu has been curated by people of color within the St. Luke’s staff and congregation. Reservations requested online at: stlukesumc.com/celebrationdinner MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR VICTIMS OF GUN VIOLENCE FEBRUARY 25 AT 6PM - NORTH INDY In 2023, 171 lives were lost to gun homicide in Indianapolis, and scores of other lives were impacted by unintended shootings, non-fatal shootings, and completed suicides. We mourn with those who have experienced this kind of loss. We are dedicating time and space to remember by name those 171 who were lost, and to grieve together with family, friends, and community.