Look Book_summer 2018

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summer 2018

We are an open community of Christians helping people find and give hope through Jesus Christ. 2

We would love for our community to get to know St. Luke’s! Here are some great events for inviting friends!

june 11-15

june 11-15

july 28

june 25–29

August 9-10


august 5, 12 & 19 3

adult discipleship discover…

a class or small group to join by stopping by the Connect Here booth – Each week we’ll have tables outside of the Sanctuary and Chapel where people can answer questions and help you identify your next step.


a group or take a short-term class. You’ll find a place to learn and begin to experience spiritual growth and community. Topics vary from sermon discussion to current issues and season of life (parenting, retirement) and are offered throughout the year.


Summer is a great time to connect with others at St. Luke’s and make our large church feel smaller. During June and July, we’re hosting dinners in people’s homes and restaurants, gatherings in parks, and parties for kids of all ages. We want to encourage YOU to take part in one of these meet ups. These aren’t gatherings of established groups but opportunities to help you expand who you know at church. The host of each meet up will be in touch about 2 weeks prior with final details for a two-hour event. A sample of meet ups includes: • Concert at Conner Prairie • Dinners in People’s Home • LGBT Summer Party • Dinner for 2 middle school families

• Labyrinth Celebration • Indianapolis Zoo – Zoopaloza • Indianapolis Indians game • Home school gathering • Vegetarian luncheon gatherings

sign up at stlukesumc.com


early years & elementary ministry Sundays, 9:30 – 10:30AM & 11AM – 12PM Young children learn that God loves and cares for them always – no matter what. By spending time with us, they are sure to discover that our church family is beside them every step of the way, too. Nursery is available 15 minutes before through 15 minutes after each Sunday morning worship service. Our paid staff and volunteers will ensure that your child is safe, comfortable and happy! Elementary kids gather in the Children’s Clubhouse for exciting music, skits, games and a special time of prayer led by our 4th grade students. Following large group, kids return to their small groups for engaging games, crafts, discussions and prayer activities. These activities help kids better understand the weekly Bible story and theme so they can apply them to their daily lives.

volunteers wanted! We are always looking for more volunteers to join the fun on Sunday mornings! Contact Patrice Smith at smithp@stlukesumc.com or Jennifer Ebner at ebnerj@stlukesumc. com for more information about getting involved.


1. VOLUNTEER! Help is needed in all 3 camps… choose the week and time that works for you!


How YOU can participate:

3 YEARS - 4TH GRADE June 11–15 • 9AM–12:15PM Contact: Patrice Smith at smithp@stlukesumc.com or Jennifer Ebner at ebnerj@ stlukesumc.com


3. SPONSOR A CHILD/DONATE SUPPLIES Stop by the tables by the Connect Here booths on Sunday. Your donation will help provide snacks and supplies for the kids attending Camp Luke!


June 11–15 • 12:30–5PM Contact: Gay Talbert at talbertg@stlukesumc.com

5TH - 8TH GRADE June 25–29 • 9AM–5PM (half or whole day options) Contact: Heather Campbell at campbellh@stlukesumc.com

Registration & volunteer opportunities: stlukesumc.com


middle school VOLUNTEER FOR VBS!

SUNDAY MORNINGS Join us for “Middle School Summers Under the Tent!” Incoming 5th-8th graders meet under the tent outside of the Modge, May through July, from 9:30 to 10:30AM.

EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES HUDDLES WITH HEATHER Incoming 5th – 8th graders meet on Wednesdays, beginning June 6th, 3-5PM at Huddles in Nora. Hang out with Heather and our summer intern each week! MIDDLE SCHOOL MISSION TRIP TO NASHVILLE Current 6th – 8th graders travel July 15 – 20 to “Music City,” Nashville, Tennessee for a week of serving. We’ll serve in soup kitchens, senior living centers, gardens and more! There are limited spots left. For questions or to sign up for any of the above, contact Heather Campbell at campbellh@stlukesumc.com.


Who: Middle & High schoolers When: June 11 – 15 Where: St. Luke’s UMC Hey, you! Have you been looking for a great way to spend some time this summer? Consider volunteering some of your time with the Littles! Volunteers are wanted to spend time leading groups of 3-year olds through 4th graders. Sound like something you can handle? If so, go to stlukesumc.c0m and volunteer under “camps.”

high school SUNDAY MORNINGS From 9:30 – 10:45AM, 9th-12th grade students meet in The Lodge to experience worship and games together as a large group and then break into grade specific small groups led by adult volunteers.

EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES ULTIMATE AND NICEY Invite some friends and lets get ready to play! Sunday evenings from 4–5:30PM at Gray Road Park, E. 106th St. and Gray Rd. in Carmel. HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER SMALL GROUP Wednesdays, 6 – 7:30PM. This summer we’ll be looking at Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

SUMMER MISSIONS 9TH – 12TH GRADE MISSION TRIP TO HAITI From June 3 – 10, students will travel to Haiti, work in the community, play games at the orphanage, play soccer with the locals and create wonderful relationships with Haitians. HIGH SCHOOL MISSION ROAD TRIP High schoolers are hitting the road July 15 – 19 and stopping in Knoxville, Asheville and Nashville to serve in different communities along the way. Cost: $200. Spots are limited. For questions or to sign up for any of the above, contact Josh Sweeney at sweeneyj@stlukesumc.com.


young adults (20s & 30s) COFFEE GATHERING Sundays, 9:30 – 12PM Drop in and grab a cup of freshly-roasted coffee and a cookie. Coffee is a great way to plug in and find your place at St. Luke’s!

SMALL GROUPS Small groups share life, grow in faith and serve together. Groups meet all over Indy. Whether you’re single, married, a parent, newly out of school or finishing up your degree – whoever you are, whatever your story, there is a group for you!

ST. LUKE’S TAKES OVER THE URBAN CHALKBOARD Friday, June 22 • 5:30-7PM • $10/Family Parents of young children (elementary age or younger) – let the kids play and have fun hanging out with other parents as St. Luke’s takes over the Urban Chalkboard! Space is limited, so reserve your spot in advance online at stlukesumc.com. For questions or to sign up for any of the above, contact Mindie at moorem@stlukesumc.com.



united methodist

St. Luke’s



United Methodist Women’s PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ, to develop a creative, supportive fellowship, and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.

Living on Purpose. It’s something all of us seek. And yet we need guides to help us stay focused and friends to encourage us along the way. St. Luke’s Men is here to help every man be the follower of Jesus that God intended him to be.

To find out more about the UMW at St. Luke’s, contact Kathie Clemenz at kkclemenz@sbcglobal.net or stop by our table in the West Passage any Sunday morning.

Stop by Java Joe’s outside of Robertson Chapel to grab a great cup of coffee, pick up a copy of our devotional “STAND FIRM” and find out more about us.



June 3 – July 29

This campaign supports Outreach partners and initiatives. Pick an envelope, marked from $1 to $300, in the Gathering Area, and support one of our recipients: Back to School Extravaganza, Cool Creek Community Development Foundation, Social Action Initiatives and scholarships for our weekday preschool program. Envelopes may be returned in the offering plate, bookstore or the main office.

FAMILY PROMISE As St. Luke’s supports homeless families, 100 volunteers will be needed to serve meals, sleep overnight as a host at Luke’s Lodge and provide transportation. Sign up now: stlukesumc.com/serve/partners (under Family Promise) or in the West Passage on Sunday. Contact Bob Dillingham at robertdillingham@yahoo.com for information.

July 1 – 7


July 28 12

St. Luke’s will be providing a one-stop-shop where families can find many of the items they need to get the school year started off on the right foot! We’re looking for volunteers as we meet the needs of over 1,200 local students. This year, we are not only getting kids ready to head back to school, we are also helping to prepare the schools themselves. Sign up online or in the Gathering Area during June or July.

For more information on our events or partners, please contact Jennifer at bleekej@stlukesumc.com


Rev. David Williamson

Rev. Jamalyn Peigh Williamson

Leaving this summer are Pastors David Williamson and Jamalyn Peigh Williamson. Dave is headed to Zionsville United Methodist Church and Jamalyn is starting a non-profit called Zanmi Fondwa (based in Indiana) to continue her and David’s work in Haiti. We will celebrate their last day at St. Luke’s on June 17.

Joining us are Rev. Regina Proctor on June 24 and Rev. Jevon & Rev. Nicole Caldwell-Gross on July 15. We welcome these new leaders in our community and details on welcome events will follow. Rev. Jevon & Rev. Nicole Caldwell-Gross & family

Rev. Regina Proctor & family


SUNDAY WORSHIP TRADITIONAL | 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM CONTEMPORARY | 9:30 & 11AM TAIZÉ | 5PM Third Sunday of each month in Robertson Chapel with musical community. Led by Betty Brandt.


summer calendar of events JUNE



Summer Meet Ups

Summer Meet Ups

5 – Men’s Breakfast

2 – Men’s Breakfast

1 – Men’s Breakfast

8-9 – Global Leadership Summit

4 – Building closed 10 – Starting Point

5, 12, 19 – Faith in the Real World sermon series

10 – Starting Point

15 – Taizé service

12 – Starting Point

11-15 – Camp Luke/MAD Camp

19 – Adult Discipleship Fair

17 – Youth Car Wash

17 – Introduction of Rev. Jevon Caldwell-Gross and Rev. Nicole Caldwell-Gross

17 – Taizé service

15-19 – HS Mission Road Trip

24 – Introduction of Rev. Regina Proctor

15-20 – MS Mission Road Trip to Tennessee

24-July 1 – Rosebud Mission Trip

28 – Back to School Extravaganza

3 – Exploring Membership 5-9 – High School trip to Haiti 9 – PRIDE Parade

17 – Williamson farewells

19 – Taizé service 26 – Small Group launch


25-29 – Middle School Mayhem


exploring membership class Sunday, June 3 • 12:15-3:15PM • Luke’s Lodge Understand the purpose of the church and learn about United Methodism. Hear the story of St. Luke’s and discuss what it means to be a member of this local congregation. Explore discipleship next steps in faith and service. Learn the process for formally joining St. Luke’s. Some attend this session ready to affiliate with the church while others make the choice after attending this class.

starting point Sundays, June 10, July 8 & August 12 • 10:45-11:15 AM or 12:15-12:45 PM • C115 For those new to St. Luke’s – gain an orientation to St. Luke’s and leave with recommended next steps to help you find your place within the church.

st. luke’s church tour Tuesday, June 5 • 6:30PM • Main Office Did you know that St. Luke’s has a small prayer chapel off of Robertson Chapel? Have you wondered about the meaning of the various stained glass windows throughout the building? Are you curious about the building on the northeast corner of the parking lot called Luke’s Lodge? Whether you’re new to St. Luke’s or you’ve been coming for a while, join with others to explore our facilities and learn a bit of our history as well. Tour guides: Susan and Roger Frick. Register for New Here events at stlukesumc.com. Childcare available upon request.



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