October 3, 2021 Bulletin

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CONNECTIONS BOOKSTORE OPEN SUNDAYS • 9AM - NOON CONNECTION CENTERS OUTSIDE THE SANCTUARY & ROBERTSON CHAPEL Stop by the Connection Centers to get your questions answered, sign up for groups, serving opportunities, and events, and learn about ways to connect here. RESTLESS CHILD AREA GATHERING AREA (LEFT OF SANCTUARY) & CENTRAL PASSAGE Enjoy our live services in these spaces if your child needs a break during worship. DONUTS & COFFEE FELLOWSHIP HALL After service come meet new people while grabbing a coffee and donut. Come connect with Pastors Nicole Caldwell-Gross and Mindie Moore to learn more about The Well Unfiltered or stop by the Center for Contemplation & Justice table to learn about the Montgomery/Selma Social Justice Trip.


St. Luke’s Youth hosts a Pumpkin Patch each year in the southwest corner of the parking lot. Our patch features a wide variety of pumpkins and gourds. All proceeds fund youth mission trips and activities. There’s even a spot to take Instagramworthy photos! Stop by on weekdays from 4-7PM or weekends from 9AM-7PM and get your pumpkin today!


We are bringing children’s music back starting today! This break has given us the opportunity to make some awesome changes, and the BEST news is that ALL of the children attending Sunday school will get the chance to see for themselves what our Children’s Music is all about! On the first and third Sundays of the next few months, we will have an Extended Sunday School. This means that instead of picking up your child from Sunday school at 10:30AM, you will be picking them up at 11AM in either the Treehouse for our preschool and pre-K friends or the Clubhouse for our elementary friends. Today, there will be a special coffee bar and breakfast treats for our parents in the children’s passage! Our Nursery caregivers are staying until 11AM to give parents a chance to have a solid conversation with another adult without being interrupted. We cannot wait to share our love of worship with your children and hear what you think!


WALKING THE MEDICARE MAZE OCTOBER 4 • 6:30-8PM • IN PERSON: N103/104 & ONLINE: ZOOM Medicare A, Medicare B, Medicare D, Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement. What are they and how are they different from one another? How do I choose? When do I choose? Come hear an unbiased overview. No specific insurance plans or carriers will be highlighted, and no one will try to sell you anything. Signup at stlukesumc.com/events. JOYSWING JAZZ ORCHESTRA OCTOBER 2 • 6PM • ST. LUKE'S It’s time to put our joy back in swing! Come enjoy JoySwing Jazz Orchestra as 18 highly trained instrumentalists and vocalists create a Big Band experience unique to today’s modern jazz clubs. St. Luke’s own Katy Gentry McCord is a featured vocalist and Jim Butz directs the JoySwing Jazz Orchestra. You don’t want to miss this night of joy and jazz! No registration is needed, just show up! Donations made at this event will go to support The Freedom School. THE WELL UNFILTERED PODCAST BEGINS OCTOBER 12 There are a million podcasts, but this one is for YOU. This is for the women who don’t have it all together. This is for the women who love God but still cuss a little. This is for the women who learn from the faith stories of other women. This is for you. Meet us at The Well Unfiltered and connect to God and each other. Learn more and listen at thewellunfiltered.com. ELDERBERRIES HALLOWEEN EVENT (55+) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21 • 6PM • TENT Join us for a Halloween themed costume party! We’ll gather for a fun meal which includes meatloaf, baked potatoes, green beans, and slaw, all made by Chef Joesph. This event is only $5 per person, and you can register online at stlukesumc.com/ events, or call the office at 317-846-3404.

MIDDLE SCHOOL INVITE NIGHT: HALLOWEEN HEIST FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22 • 6:30PM • THE LODGE Get ready for a heist! This Invite Night is for 5th-8th graders and their friends. Come enjoy snacks, worship, teaching, and shenanigans all evening long! This fall party will include food, candy, games, and time to hang out with your friends. And as with any Halloween party, costumes are encouraged. The cost is only $5 but guests are FREE! If you are a guest, just leave the payment section in the registration blank. Registration is requested but we will always accept walk-ins! Signup at stlukesumc.com/students.


SUPPORT GROUPS Are you looking for support groups on topics like grief, cancer, depression, infancy loss, single parenting, and more? See a quick list of what we have to offer: • Stephen Ministry • DivorceCare • Cancer Support • Caregiver Support • Grief Support • Single Parenting • Chronic Pain Support • Military Ministry Support Visit stlukesumc.com/group-finder to sign up for and get details about a group that will walk alongside you and care for you in your greatest time of need. NEED PRAYER? Submit your prayer request at stlukesumc.com/prayer.


We celebrate the life of David Glen Owen (1936-2021. He was the Associate Pastor of St. Luke’s from 1982 to 1990. The public celebration of David’s life will be October 10 at 1:30PM at North United Methodist Church, 3808 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46208. The celebration will also be livestreamed at youtube.com/watch? v=BWtr4gefJ50.

TRADITIONAL ORDER OF WORSHIP WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY Preludes | Fantasy #1 in F Minor – Arnold Sherman | Worthy of Worship – arr. Bill Ingram Wesleyan Ringers; Rebecca Holt, Director Welcome and Call to Worship | Rev. Rob Fuquay Leader: We gather around God’s table with Christians throughout the world All: We all are the People of God! Leader: Though we differ in languages, customs, and traditions All: We are brothers and sisters in Christ! Leader: For there is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism All: We are One in God’s Spirit! Leader: We are one and together we remember our Lord Jesus All: We are the Church! Leader: Come, let us worship the God of our Salvation!

Opening Hymn | The Church’s One Foundation #546 – v. 1, 2, 4, 5 Affirmation of Faith: A Statement of Faith of the Korean Methodist Church, adapted Rev. Nicole Caldwell-Gross Leader: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is the one true church, apostolic and universal, whose holy faith let us now declare: All: We believe in the one God, maker and ruler of all things, the source of all goodness and beauty, all truth and love. We believe in Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, our teacher, example, and Redeemer, the Savior of the world. We believe in the Holy Spirit, God present with us for guidance, for comfort, and for strength. We believe in the forgiveness of sins, in the life of love and prayer, and in grace equal to every need. We believe in the Word of God contained in the Old and New Testaments as the sufficient rule both of faith and of practice. We believe in the Church as the fellowship, for worship and for service, of all who are united to the living Lord. We believe in the kingdom of God as the divine rule in human society, in the final triumph of righteousness, and in the life everlasting. Amen. Glory to God | The Gloria Patri #70 Anthem | O Sing to the Lord a New Song – Lloyd Larson Chancel Choir, Dr. Jeff Rogers, Director; Carol Dennis, flute; Wesleyan Ringers Prayer Time and the Lord’s Prayer | Rev. Nicole Caldwell-Gross Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Announcements Call for Offering Offertory Song | Gather Us In – arr. Lloyd Larson | Chancel Choir Scripture Reading | Ephesians 2:11-22 | Laura Duvall-Whitson Message | Rev. Rob Fuquay Communion Prayer Today, God, we confess fumblings and failures in accomplishing unity, as we set aside yet another day to remind ourselves of that task. On this World Communion Sunday, give us eyes to recognize your reflection in the eyes of Christians everywhere. Give us a mind to accept and celebrate our differences. Give us a heart big enough to love your children everywhere. We thank you for setting a table with space enough for us all! Amen. – The Africana Worship Book, Year B Communion Songs | One Bread, One Body #620 – Sarah Flores, soloist They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love #2222 TFWS Benediction | Rev. Rob Fuquay Postlude | Michael Conley, organ


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