July 18, 2021 Bulletin

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CONNECTION CENTERS OUTSIDE THE SANCTUARY & ROBERTSON CHAPEL Stop by the Connection Centers to get your questions answered, sign up for groups, serving opportunities, and events, and learn about ways to connect here. RESTLESS CHILD AREA GATHERING AREA (LEFT OF SANCTUARY) & CENTRAL PASSAGE Enjoy our live services in these spaces if your child needs a break during worship.


Condolences to Judith Proffitt on the loss of her husband, John Proffitt. Condolences to the friends and family of Bert Merrill. Condolences to Judy Lowe on the loss of her husband, Cathy (Michael) Haffey and Jenny (Kurt) Riegner on the loss of their father, John Lowe Sr. Condolences to Jennifer Juechter on the loss of her stepmother, Sherry Groban. Condolences to Norm Stuart on the death of his wife, Sue Stuart.


BACK TO SCHOOL EXTRAVAGANZA NOW – JULY 24 Help provide 4,200+ Washington Township kids with every item on their school supply list and school supply support throughout the academic year. We’re also extending our reach by adopting classrooms in Kenya via our outreach partner UMOJA. Our support will provide food, books, uniforms, and school supplies for Kenyan elementary students for the entire academic year. If you give today, an anonymous St.Luker has offered to match donations dollar for dollar up to $10,000. Let’s rise to the challenge and make this the best Back to School Extravaganza ever! Give at stlukesumc.com/backtoschool. CURRENT NEED LUKE’S LEADERS We are partnering with Jordan YMCA to help equip at-risk Washington Township Youth with adaptive life and leadership skills to navigate life’s challenges and thrive. We are looking for volunteers on Tuesdays, September 14 to November 9 from 5:30 to 7:30PM. Please contact andrea.leadford@ stlukesumc.com to sign up.


CHURCH TOURS JULY 20, AUGUST 2 • 1:30PM | AUGUST 15 • 12:15PM Whether you’re new to St. Luke’s or you’ve been coming for a while, join with others to explore our facilities and learn a bit of our history as well. Tour guides: Susan and Roger Frick. If you require childcare, please call Debra Peek 317-8463404 x 364 at least two weeks in advance. Signup at stlukesumc.com/events. NORTHWEST NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS INCUBATOR SATURDAY, JULY 31 • 9:30AM • ONLINE & IN PERSON This year, St. Luke’s is hosting our first-ever Neighborhood Business Incubator event, for which entrepreneurs are invited to present their ventures, focused on inclusive entrepreneurship. As a part of the incubator, these entrepreneurs receive a variety of resources and benefits to help level the playing field, ranging from access to training opportunities as well as business loans and more! Join us for this event where you can learn more about these entrepreneurs and have the opportunity to support their business ventures! Learn more at stlukesumc. com/antiracist. GLOBAL LEADERSHIP SUMMIT AUGUST 5-6 • ONLINE & IN-PERSON No matter who you are, you have influence. When you invest in developing your leadership skills, you strengthen your relationships, build trust on your team, innovate toward a better future, and face challenges head-on

with fresh perspective. Join us for this two-day event where you’ll hear from influential speakers, grow your leadership, and engage in sessions that will help you understand how you’re wired and where God is calling you. Register at stlukesumc.com/summit. Use priority code 21HSFAMILY to receive the discounted rate. BACK TO CHURCH CELEBRATION: YOU BELONG HERE SUNDAY, AUGUST 15 • AFTER SERVICES Join us for an all-church celebration! Meet ministry leaders, learn about ways to get connected, signup for groups and classes, and discover ways to serve! We’ll have mocktails, special treats, and activities for everyone to enjoy. And, when you sign up for something, you’ll get some fun swag! Learn more at stlukesumc. com/youbelong. ELDERBERRIES (55+) ITALY UNDER THE STARS THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 • 6PM • TENT Join us as we gather for community and an Italian feast including spaghetti and meatballs, salad, wedding cake, and homemade ice cream, all made by Chef Joesph. This event is only $5 per person, and you can register online at stlukesumc.com/events or call the office. Feel free to invite guests, and we look forward to seeing you! FUNERAL PLANNING CLASSES WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25 • 11AM IN THE TENT • 6PM ON ZOOM This class takes on a topic that many think about as they get older, but seldom know how to get started. This class helps you understand and plan your Christian service of death and resurrection. Join us in person or online this summer for the next class. Signup at stlukesumc.com/group-finder.


SUPPORT GROUPS Are you looking for support groups on topics like grief, cancer, depression, infancy loss, single parenting, and more? See a quick list of what we have to offer: • Stephen Ministry • Cancer Support • Grief Support • Chronic Pain Support • DivorceCare • Caregiver Support • Single Parenting • Military Ministry Support

Visit stlukesumc.com/group-finder to sign up for and get details about a group that will walk alongside you and care for you in your greatest time of need. NEED PRAYER? Submit your prayer request at stlukesumc.com/prayer.

TRADITIONAL ORDER OF WORSHIP Prelude | Terry Woods, piano Welcome and Call to Worship | Rev. Nicole Caldwell-Gross Leader: God of our dreams, you created us in your image and likeness. All: And so we have the courage to dream the impossible. Leader: You spoke into the darkness and created light, All: And so we have the courage to dream the impossible. Leader: You have delivered your people through trials and tribulations. All: And so we have the courage to dream the impossible. Leader: God, you have been the guiding light along the paths of hope and love, leading toward a beloved community where all are fully seen and loved. All: And so we have the courage to dream the impossible. Opening Hymn | How Great Thou Art #77 – verses 1,3,4 Baptisms Revs. Rob Fuquay and Nicole Caldwell-Gross Mack Douglas Armington Vivian Samantha Wille Announcements Call for Offering | Rev. Rob Fuquay Dramatic Reading | Dreams by Paul Laurence Dunbar | Shanique Edwards Offertory Song When Dreams Take Flight – Paul Laurence Dunbar & Rollo Dilworth Chancel Choir; Michael Conley, director Scripture Reading | Genesis 40:1-8 | Diane Rice Message | Rev. Nicole Caldwell-Gross Future Survey Closing Hymn | Come, Let Us Dream – John Middleton Benediction | Rev. Nicole Caldwell-Gross Postlude | Terry Woods, piano


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