December 24, 2013 Worship Guide: 3pm

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013 • 3PM

ST. LUKE’S SERVICES: 8:15, 9:30 & 11:00AM, Sanctuary THE GARDEN at Beef & Boards Theatre: 8:15, 9:15 and 10:15AM, Dr. Linda McCoy, Pastor ENTRY.POINT at OAK HILL: 10:30AM, Rev. Stan Abell, Pastor CONTEMPLATIVE TAIZÉ SERVICE: No December service. Next Taizé service will be Sunday, January 19, 2014 at 5PM in the Sanctuary. LATER@ST. LUKE’S: 6:00PM, Robertson Chapel, Dr. Marion Miller, Pastor

Welcome! Thank you for celebrating your love of God with St. Luke’s today. If this is your first visit, please stop at our Welcome Center for a special gift.

Who We Are

St. Luke’s is an open community of Christians gathering to seek, celebrate, live and share the love of God for all creation. We envision being transformed by God and transforming the world into a compassionate, just, inclusive, Christ-like community.

OUR Clergy

Rev. Rob Fuquay, Senior Pastor Dr. Marion Miller, Pastor of Later@St. Luke’s Rev. David Williamson, Pastor of Family & Children’s Ministries Rev. Jamalyn Peigh Williamson, Pastor of Outreach Ministries Rev. Kim King, Pastor of Congregational Care

Prayer Concerns

Submit prayer concerns in writing by placing a pew card in the offering plate or via the “Need a Prayer” link on our web site. Our Wednesday prayer group will pray on your behalf. Our Prayer Chapel, located beside the main entrance by the large cross, is available during church hours. Pastors will be available for prayer following each service this morning.

Today in Worship Christmas Eve Family Service at 3PM Rev. David Williamson Organ Prelude: Michael Conley Hymn: “O Come, All Ye Faithful” (verses 1, 2, & 6) Lighting of Advent Wreath: The Kellogg Family Anthem: “A Christmas Lullaby” by Jane Linder “Dear Jesus, It’s Your Birthday” by Brandon Abbott Genesis & Friends Gabriella Cruz, Trinity Smith, and Reese Walker, Soloists Debra Nethercott, Director Holy Family: The Dybala Family Mini-Nativity: Luke 2:1-5 Luke 2:6-7 Luke 2:8-14 Luke 2:15-20

“O Little Town of Bethlehem” (verses 1 & 2) Gavin Murphy “Away in a Manger” (verses 1, 2, & 3) Abby Keaton “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” (verses 1 & 2) Iris Bailey “The First Noel” (verses 1 & 2) Paige Zvokel

Anthem: “Hear the Bells” by Michael Bedford St. Luke’s Children’s Choirs & Bell Choir Debra Nethercott, Director Family Prayer Time Children’s Moment: All children may come forward to the steps as we sing “Infant Holy, Infant Lowly.” Pastor Dave has a special message for our youngest worshipers. Join in singing “Go Tell it on the Mountain” as they return to their seats. Offertory: “Jesus, Light of the World” by Mark Patterson St. Luke’s Children’s Choirs Debra Nethercott, Director Celebration of Light Closing Hymn: “Silent Night” (verses 1 & 4) Benediction: Rev. David Williamson Hymn: “Joy to the World” (verses 1, 2, & 4) Organ Postlude: Michael Conley

Outreach Opportunities (For more details or to register to serve these or any events go to

Kids in Mission January 12, 6-7:30PM • E107/109 Kids in Mission is a group of kids making an impact in their world through hands-on service. Kids in Mission is open to all elementary-aged kids (K-5). Contact Mary Hach at hachm@ to learn more or to register your child. You may also register online. Highlights from last year’s projects include serving dinner at a downtown shelter; putting together “survival kits” for homeless Indy teens through Outreach, Inc.; preparing 20,000+ meals for Guatemala through Kids Against Hunger; designing t-shirts that were delivered to orphanage kids in Fondwa, Haiti. English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes January 22-March 19 • Fellowship Hall • 6-8PM St. Luke’s will offer ESL classes for our neighbors once a week. We will begin with a meal for the entire family (adult students and their children) before transitioning to the class. While parents are learning English, children will receive homework tutoring and enjoy recreation. We are expecting 150 people each week and have many opportunities for volunteer servants. To be a part of this weekly ministry, sign up online or contact Julie Sommers Neuman at You may also make a financial donation toward the cost of weekly meals. 2013 End-of-Year Giving Guide In the pew racks, you’ll find an End-of-Year Giving Guide outlining ways in which you can contribute to specific projects or initiatives underway at St. Luke’s and around the globe. Choose a project that you feel led to support and make a tax-deductible donation in 2013. Be sure to indicate the name of the project you’d like to support on your check. Upcoming Mission Trips: Fondwa, Haiti • February 24-March 1 $900 + plane ticket. Shake off the winter blahs with a heart-warming trip to Fondwa, Haiti with Pastor Dave Williamson.


Family & Children’s Ministry WORSHIP 24/7: Watch live broadcasts on www. Purchase worship videos on CD or DVD at sermonarchives, or stop by the Welcome Center to order. Listen to or download sermons on our web site. Find sermon video links by following us on Twitter@stlukesumcindy or liking us on our Facebook page. COMMUNION AVAILABLE EVERY SUNDAY: Communion is offered in the Sanctuary on the first Sunday of each month. The elements are consecrated every Sunday and made available in the Prayer Chapel from 9:15AM-12:30PM. Please enter in silence. PARENTS: Childcare and Sunday School are provided for newborn through 5th grade children. Visit the Information Center in the East Wing to find a classroom. Nursing mothers are always welcome! If you prefer, ask an usher for room E126 where we have rocking chairs and live streaming of the worship service for your comfort. Junior High and High School students gather in Luke’s Lodge (in the Northeast corner of the parking lot) every Sunday at 9:30 and 11AM and 6PM. 100 West 86th Street Indianapolis IN 317-846-3404

Thank you for joining us in worship this Christmas! We hope you’ve had a meaningful experience today with your family. There are several ways to learn more about our Family and Children’s Ministry: •• Visit our web site at www. sundaymorning. •• Like us on Facebook at St. Luke’s UMC. •• Follow the Track on Twitter @StLukesTrack. •• Text the words “follow @stlukestrack” to 40404 to receive tweets as text messages. •• Email us at Children’s Music We have vocal and handbell choirs for children ages 3-1/2 through middle school. To register for any of the children’s music programs, go to and click “music” then “children’s choirs.” For more information, contact Debra Nethercott, Director of Children’s Music at 846-3404 x329 or New Contemporary Service St. Luke’s is expanding its family of worship styles to include a contemporary service in Spring 2014! This new service will be held on Sunday mornings in the main sanctuary and will feature relevant messages by our senior pastor, Rev. Rob Fuquay, along with amazing musical talent and a more relaxed, interactive environment. If you’d like to be kept up-to-date as announcements become available, we invite you to join the Facebook group, “St. Luke’s New Service Participants.” For information about how you can support the new service launch, contact Amy Myhand at Dr. Kent Millard to Preach Sunday, December 29 9:30 and 11AM. We are pleased to welcome back to the pulpit St. Luke’s former senior pastor, Dr. Kent Millard. Please note only two service times will be held. For information on all classes and events, pick up a copy of Communion magazine, visit our web site or subscribe to our e-newsletters. Access electronic version of Communion using your smartphone here:

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