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Later on the Lawn Sunday, August 9 5:30PM food • 6PM concert

A joyous celebration of music brought to you by Later@St. Luke’s

Music provided by Richard Ramsey with the Later band, Later gospel ensemble, Carla Shead, Pamela Westbrook from Nu Traditions & other special guests Adults $5 (Advance tickets available) Children under 12 free Great Summer food catered by The Mansion at Oak Hill.

Blessing of the Backpacks—see pg. 4




“In Our Own Backyard”

You are invited to attend a ceremony honoring Dr. Carver McGriff, as well as recognizing the contributions of all war veterans and active-duty military personnel.

“In Our Own Backyard” strives to blur the lines between what is “mine” and what is “yours” until there is only what is “ours”: our children, our neighborhood, our schools, our families, our community. We are all invited to become inspired and engaged to remove the fences that separate us and get connected to the people who share our backyard— those who live and work in the nearby areas surrounding St. Luke’s.

Dr. McGriff (former St. Luke’s senior pastor from 1967-1993) has been named a Chevalier by the Legion of Honor of the French Republic. The entire community is invited to honor the service of all men and women to their country as Senator Richard Lugar presents the Legion of Honor medal to Dr. Carver McGriff. Join us on Sunday, August 9 at 4:30PM in the Sanctuary for a brief ceremony and afterwards for a reception with Dr. McGriff and Senator Lugar. Continue the celebration with a dinner at The Mansion at Oak Hill at 6:30PM. Cost is $20/person. Make reservations with Erica Lampe at by 8/3.

“In Our Own Backyard” launches on Saturday, August 8, with Servant Day. To help us connect with our neighbors in a positive way, you can join other members of our congregation as we go out into the community to help with a variety of service projects. We will gather at St. Luke’s at 8AM for breakfast and a prayerful send-off. We will then go into “Our Own Backyard” and perform service projects from 9AM-1:30PM. There will be opportunities available for all ages and abilities. Look for the T.I.M.E. logo next to many classes and events listed in this publication for more IOOB opportunities. For details about all these August “In Our Own Backyard” events as well as upcoming September and October events, pick up a copy of the “In Our Own Backyard” catalog at the information desk or one of the publication racks in the hallways. NOTE: Community Safety Day has been rescheduled to September 27.

St. Luke’s is an open

community of Christians gathering to seek, celebrate, live and share the love of God for all creation. We envision being transformed by God and

transforming the world

into a

compassionate, just, inclusive, Christ-like community. This issue lists upcoming events July through mid-August 2009. The deadlines for submitting announcements for the 2009 COMMUNION MONTHLY:


August 10 for September issue (publishes 8/30) September 8 for October issue (publishes 9/27)

Send your announcements to Lori Crantford at or leave them in her mailbox in the main office. Notices of births, deaths and weddings should be given to Sylvia Forbes ( or 846-3404 x343) and can be left with her weekly to be published in the Worship Guide.

a publication of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church 100 W. 86th St., Indianapolis, IN 46260 317.846.3404 •

All classes, events and groups are open to all; church membership or affiliation are not required for participation. WELCOME TO ST. LUKE’S!

ADULT EDUCATION To pre-register for a class, contact DeAnna Moran at 317-846-3404 x367 or Oasis = Oasis Bookstore and Gift Shop located inside St. Luke’s.

Adult Ministries Information Tables Sunday, August 23, 9AM-12:30PM, East & West Passageways Stop by the Adult Education, Singles, and Spiritual Life Center tables to see what personal growth and spiritual formation experiences/class offerings are available this fall. Visit with key leaders as well as pre-register for the various opportunities of interest to you.

Our Neighbors’ Faith: Personal Stories Sundays, August 30–October 11, 11AM, Parlor Our community and other faith traditions will share with us the story of their personal spiritual journey. Here is an opportunity to get to know your neighbor and to reflect on your own spiritual journey while listening to theirs. Co-sponsored by Adult Education and the Spiritual Life Center. AUGUST 30: Islam—Farzad Fadae SEPTEMBER 6: Hinduism—TBA SEPTEMBER 13: Buddhism—Ani Drolma Lobsang SEPTEMBER 20: Bahai—Debbie Whitman SEPTEMBER 27: Native American—TBA OCTOBER 4: Greek Orthodox—TBA OCTOBER 11: Sikhism—K.P. Singh

Women’s Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study Wednesdays, September 9-October 7, 1-2:30PM in E105. Stumbling Blocks to Faith: This five-part series explores a handful of issues that are troubling to some individuals and discourages them from participating in Christianity. Learn about concerns with regard to 1) Hypocrisy; 2) Intolerance; 3) Science; 4) Suffering; and 5) Sacrifice. Discuss caring, helpful ways to listen and respond. Led by Terri Coe.

Disciple I—An Introduction to the Bible Thursdays, September 10-May 20 (with holiday breaks), 7-8:30PM in E105. This 34-week study of the Bible covering approximately 70% of the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation is excellent for those beginning to study the Bible as well as for those who would like a refresher course regarding the overall content of the scripture. Learn and grow through group discussions, video presentations, and study assignments. A class workbook is available in the Oasis Bookstore. Pre-registration recommended. Childcare available upon request. Led by Rev. Marsha Hutchinson.

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Disciple III

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Wednesdays, September 9-May 19 (with holiday breaks), 7-8:30PM in E105. For those who have completed Disciple I. Study the prophets and the life, ministry and teachings of the apostle Paul. Workbook is available in the Oasis Bookstore. Pre-registration recommended. Childcare available upon request. Led by Ed Simpson.

If you know of someone in a health care center, or confined to their home, please call Mary Katherine at 846-3404 x365. The Care Committee makes these monthly visits.

Disciple Lite: Introduction to the Old Testament

Stephen Ministry

Wednesdays, September 9-October 21, 7-8:30PM in E213. An eight-week introductory study of the Old Testament. Learn and grow through group discussions, video presentations, and weekly study assignments. Workbook is available in the Oasis Bookstore. Pre-registration recommended. Childcare available upon request. Led by Terri Coe.

Stephen Ministry is a confidential one-on-one program, designed to support those going through a difficult time in their life. If you would like to speak to a Stephen Minister, please call Mary Katherine at 846-3404 x365.

Care Committee

Applications are currently being accepted for the fall Stephen Ministry training class. These forms can be found on the information board in the West Passage, or call Mary Katherine at 846-3404 x365 or Deadline is August 15.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES SUMMER in the Children’s Wing Child Care will be available for children (birth to 5) at 8:15AM and (birth to 3) at 9:30 and 11AM. Children who have turned 3 by 6/1/09 are transitioning to a young three Sunday school class in room E130. Children age 3 to those who will attend kindergarten in the fall will have Sunday school. If you can volunteer one Sunday in the summer, please contact Mary Hach at 8463404 x351 or Now-August 30 we will show movies geared for children who have finished kindergarten, first through fourth graders are also welcome. If you are able to help in a movie room one Sunday this summer, please contact Dawn Bick at 8463404 x328 or Third and fourth graders have an option to do “get to know you,” character-building and team work activities. To work with this age group one Sunday this summer, please contact Dawn Bick at x328 or Fifth graders are invited to the Lodge for Movie Matters. Volunteers needed for all above activities. Call the contact listed above to provide much needed assistance.

Sunday School for the 2009-2010 School Year August is registration time for Sunday School. Letters will be sent to all families in August along with a registration form. If you have already turned in a registration form, thank you! For those who need to use the mailed registration, all children infant to grade 5 need to be registered for the fall. Forms may also be found in the Education Office or on the website, Please fill out the form and return it to the Education Office by August 17 to ensure placement in a class. Direct questions to Dawn Bick at or 846-3404 x 328.

School Year Sunday School September 6, 13, and 20 are promotion Sundays in the East Wing (Children’s Area). All children will be registered in their new Sunday School classes. Sunday School is offered at the 9:30 and 11:00 services for children age three (by September 1) through grade 5. Preschool students will report directly to their classrooms. Elementary students report to Children’s Church (more details below) and then proceed to their classrooms for small-group time and dismissal. Families can get new room assignments from a greeter in the Preschool area or in front of Robertson Chapel at 9:30; 11:00 families may see the greeters near door 16.

Children’s Church At 9:30 and 11AM all children grades 1-5 attend Children’s Church for large-group worship time. Children report to Robertson Chapel at 9:30 and to C123 at 11AM. After Children’s Church, children return to their classrooms with their teachers. 11:00 Sunday school children will be picked up at C123, the drop-off point.

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Early Childhood Music


September through May, preschool, pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students attend this bi-monthly worship experience with their classes during the 9:30 and 11AM services. Children learn, sing, pray and celebrate special holidays as a church family.

Registration Information: For information regarding openings for the current school year or general information call 8443399 or contact Bobbi at or Alison at

New Programming for 11AM Elementary Sunday School


11AM elementary students will be treated to a new program this fall. The rotational model will focus on a particular person or time period from the Bible in many fun, creative ways. Please attend Children’s Church in C123 with your “shepherd” who will then take you to your week’s activities. Classes can be drama, art, movies, etc. Plan to pick up your child at C123, the drop-off point. What a great way to “get into” the stories of the Bible!

Classes (9AM-1PM) for three-year-old (by 9/1/09) to fiveyear-old children are offered in a safe and nurturing Christian environment. All teachers are experienced, highly qualified, well-trained and strive to maintain strong relationships with the children and their families. Our Preschool offers a developmentally appropriate curriculum in which children may grow socially, creatively, emotionally, cognitively, and physically.

Sunday Heroes Needed!

Parents' Day Out

Our young members need you! No super powers necessary (no biblical background either). Sunday school teachers for Early Childhood class are needed. Please contact Mary Hach at 846-3404 x351 or at

Classes (9AM-1PM) offered for children ages ten months (by (9/1/09) to three years. PDO was established to provide parents of young children time for themselves on a regular basis. Children participate in structured play in a safe and nurturing Christian environment one, two or three days per week. Opportunities are provided for children to learn beginning social skills while having fun.

Child Care Providers Wanted! Come and play in the East Wing with children from birth to age three. Please contact Jane Bennett at 846-3404 x307 or at

Children’s Commission Want to have first-hand knowledge of the great programming in the East Wing? Become a member of Commission on Children’s Ministry (“COCM”). We brainstorm and staff events such as Palm Sunday Reenactment, Mother’s Day Flowers and so much more. Please contact Janet Miller at 846-3404 x327 or to express an interest. Meetings are once a month beginning in August. We typically meet on the fourth Tuesdays at 6:30PM.

St. Luke’s Parents Night Out 2009/2010 Parents Night Out is a parent run co-op childcare program that runs from August thru July on the 2nd Saturday night of every month from 5:30-9PM. Parents are obligated to watch children at the church two months of the year and are free to have “date nights” the other ten months. Children four months of age up thru 3rd grade are eligible to participate. Annual fee is only $25 per family. There are still a few spots available for 2009/2010. For more information, please email

Third Grade Bible Sunday Third Graders will be presented with their own bible in the Sanctuary at the 9:30AM service on Sunday, September 13. This is a special time in the life of our children, and bibles will be used throughout their Sunday school years.

Blessing of the Backpacks On Sunday August 9, students will be sent off to school the following week with a blessing of their backpack. Join Later on the Lawn at 5:30PM for food and 6PM for music and blessing.

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CHILDREN’S MUSIC St. Luke’s Children’s Music Program Rehearsal Schedule 2009–10, all rehearsals are in E208, 2nd floor. To register for any of the Children’s Music programs, go to, click “Music, then “Children’s Choirs.” For more information, contact Debra Nethercott, Director of Children’s Music at 846-3404 x329 or


Voice for Life

Rehearses Sunday 8:50–9:20AM (begins August 23; Parent Orientation August 23) Ages 4, 5, & kindergarten (age 4 by 9/1/09) Movement and music activities including ringing bells, playing rhythm instruments and singing sacred songs.

Meets Tuesday, 6–6:30PM (begins August 18) This is a program for music theory, ear training and overall musician training. Participants can earn RSCM ribbons and medals. Open to any singer who participates in the Tuesday evening program – Crescendo! and The Choristers.

Elementary Music Program—Grades 1-5 Rehearses Sunday 10:25–11:15AM (begins August 23; Parent Orientation August 23) Any child who attends the 11AM Sunday School/Worship Service will be dismissed at 11AM. All other participants will be dismissed at 11:15AM. (NOTE: this is a time change from the past season for 1st and 2nd grade singers.) Activities of this group include singing, movement and an instrumental program: Orff instruments and choir chimes.

ADDITIONAL MUSIC OPPORTUNITIES These groups are directed by volunteers and are in addition to the instrumental opportunities offered at 10:25AM on Sunday morning. Participants must also be members of one of the above listed groups. More information will be available soon.

Crescendo!—Grades 6-8

Rehearses Sunday 11:15AM-Noon (Start Date TBA) Ms. Donita Murphy-Sims, Director

Rehearses Tuesday 7:15–8PM (begins August 18) An outstanding group of youth singers who participate regularly in worship services in the St. Luke’s Sanctuary.

The Choristers—Grades 3-8

Handbell Choir— Grades 3+

Orff Ensemble— Grades 3+ Rehearses Sunday 11:15AM-Noon (Start Date TBA) Mrs. Gay Talbert, Director

Rehearses Tuesday 6:30–7:15PM (begins August 18) A select group of treble voices; by audition only.

COMMUNITY MINISTRIES Fox Hill Elementary School/St. Luke’s Partnership

Outreach School Supplies Collection

School is starting! August 12 is the first day of school at Fox Hill Elementary, St. Luke's new partner school. The Fox Hill/ St. Luke's Partnership is actively recruiting volunteers to help. From one hour /one time to once a week, if you are interested in helping with children, this is the opportunity for you! In-class volunteering, tutoring during and afterschool and mentoring will begin late August. Event planning, grant writing, enrichment classes and other opportunities will begin September. Please let us know your interest. Contact Jayne Thorne at 846-3404 or email Julie Sommers Neumann at to get involved.

If you donated school supplies in July, we thank you. You may continue to donate supplies through August 2. For those of you who would prefer to give a monetary gift, we would greatly appreciate it (check to St. Luke’s with “school supplies” on the memo line) and we will use the funds to purchase specially-requested backpacks and items that teachers need for their specific classrooms.

Fletcher Place Meals Breakfast dates are August 11, 13 and 21 and September 8, 10, 18 and 29. Need donations of food, paper goods or cash to pay for these items. Call Norm Stuart at 293-3535 for more information or to volunteer. Dinner dates are August 17 and 26 and September 21 and 23. Need volunteers to cook, transport and serve or donate food items. See bulletin board in the hall between Robertson Chapel and Oasis Bookstore to sign up, or call Sue Stuart at 293-3535 for more information.

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Underneath It All Campaign Coming Up in September Going back to school is just around the corner. While you're shopping for back-toschool clothes, please pick up a few new items for the annual Underneath It All We're All the Same campaign to help kids in need. All month long, we will be collecting new underwear, socks, and undershirts for kids (K-12) who may not have these everyday necessities. Larger sizes are always in big demand. Monetary donations will gladly be accepted also. Look for the bright boxes in the hallways during September. Questions? Contact Kitty Furman at or 845-0676.

FELLOWSHIP Family Camping Weekend Camp Tecumseh, September 25-27. Registration takes place August 16, 23, 30 and September 6 in the East Passage. St. Luke's families of all ages are invited for an amazing weekend of fellowship, worship and fun at Camp Tecumseh on the Tippecanoe River! Hiking, a climbing wall, fishing, archery, hayrides and horseback riding are available during the day. Evenings will include special worship and bonfire experiences for the whole family. Invite friends and don't miss this incredible faith opportunity for your whole family. For more info, contact David and Stacey Harmon at 3704414. COST: $59/person (1 night, 3 meals), or $89/person (2 nights, 4 meals).

Family Fellowship Ministries Focus on creating opportunities for community-building and faith growth for families. In addition to organizing Family Camping Weekend, Live Nativity, Family Bingo Night and the Easter Egg Hunt, the group itself is a community of support and fellowship for St. Luke’s families with children and youth. To learn more about FFM, we invite you to join us for an ice cream social on Monday, September 14 at 6:30PM in the Parlor. For more information, please contact Chris or Becky Bultinck (585-1829), Jim or Julie Dickson (818-9619) or

St. Luke’s Coed Volleyball 2009-2010 Monday evenings, September 14-March 29, Great Hall. Games will be scheduled for 6:30, 7:30, or 8:30. Competitive, but friendly, no spiking, blocking, overhand serves, our emphasis is on fellowship and fun. COST: $20/player. New players of all skill levels are welcome and encouraged to join the fun. If you are interested in playing and are not already on a team, pick up a registration form in the church office. Returning players can check with your team captain to be sure you are included on a team registration form. The deadline to register is Sunday August 30. Any questions, please contact Brent Scott (247-2065 weekdays, 8759382 evenings, or

THE GARDEN News from The Garden The Garden has recently been awarded two grants. The first is a $15,000 matching grant from the Indianapolis Center for Congregations to implement the first phase of a multi-phase project creating a Virtual Church online. The grant is designated for the development of a "Garden-style" virtual church website, where anyone can pursue their quest for spiritual growth and conversation. The Garden also received a Clergy Renewal Grant from the Lilly Foundation, which will provide Senior Pastor Linda McCoy the opportunity to travel, study, rest and experience spiritual renewal. Linda will experience her sabbatical in the summer of 2010.

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GREEN MINISTRIES “Bottlemania” Book Study As part of our summer focus on water, we will be reading and discussing this interesting book about the bottled water industry. Where does our bottled water come from? What do we actually know about it? What are the costs to the underground water systems? These questions and many more will be part of the discussion on four Thursdays, August 6-27, 7-8:30PM in the Parlor, led by Sharon Chambers. Registration required, no fee. Request book at registration.

Shred Your Documents The Green Ministry and the Men’s Ministry are co-sponsoring a Shred-It Truck to be parked in the front parking lot on Saturday, August 8, 9:30-11:30AM. Donations are appreciated to pay for this helpful service. Invite your neighbors to bring their documents to this community service project.

Everything About Water Fair The Green Ministry and World Missions invite you to an opportunity to learn about and interact with water and water resources. Talk with people from local organizations who care about water quality, water conservation and storm water systems and hear from people serving populations in Africa and Haiti. Learn how to make your own water barrel or order one from Keep Indianapolis Beautiful. Taste watermelon gazpacho and other water treats! Sunday, August 30, 9AM-12:30PM in the Great Hall.

Green Gratitude Award The Green Ministry appreciates all the choirs’ efforts to recycle all those pieces of paper they use week in and week out. The choirs are on vacation in August to rest up for another year of recycling.

HEALTH MINISTRIES Free Blood Pressure Screening Stop by E105 on Sunday, August 9 from 9-11AM for a free blood pressure check. Remember to refrain from drinking caffeine or smoking at least 30 minutes prior to your check.

MEMBERSHIP Membership is Easy! The next Membership Class is Saturday, August 15, 9AM12:30PM. Registration is encouraged and childcare is available upon request. Contact Sylvia at 846-3404 x343 or

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MUSIC MINISTRIES August Family Choir

Time to Play-er, Sing

Family Choir welcomes all elementary-aged children (and older) and their parents to join their voices in a rousing singing experience. The Choir will sing on Sunday, August 16 (9:30 & 11AM services). To participate, plan on attending at least two of the four scheduled rehearsals: Sunday, August 2 (11:30AM), Sunday, August 9 (11:30AM), Thursday, August 13 (6:30PM), Saturday, August 15 (noon) in the Choir Room. RSVP to Bonnie at 846-3404 x338 or to let us know when you're coming!

Your Part with the Chancel Choir

Joyful Sound St. Luke's Early Morning Singers— with Attitude! Joyful Sound is a group of 20 enthusiastic people of all ages who meet for music, laughter and fellowship one evening each week from September through May. We sing and lead worship at St. Luke's 8:15 service twice each month —usually on the second and fourth Sundays. We also rehearse, party, do music outreach performances, and share life stories together—sort of like a musical family—and are guided by St. Luke's organist, Charles Manning. If this sounds interesting to you, or if you would like information, contact Charles at or 846-3404 x349. Joyful Sound's fall season will begin with a meeting and rehearsal on Thursday, September 10, at 6:30PM in E208. If you have a desire to sing and want to have a lot of fun, we would love to meet you. No audition is required, and experience in music reading is not needed.

If Sunday mornings just wouldn’t be the same for you without hearing the music, consider joining those who provide it nearly year-round at St. Luke’s. Chancel Choir members not only enjoy the best seats in the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings and a surround-sound experience during services, but also contribute in a unique and often moving way to the worship experience of others. The Chancel Choir resumes rehearsals on Thursday, August 27 with a get-acquainted dinner pitch-in starting at 6PM. Rehearsal runs from 7:30 to 9PM. No auditions required— come as you are. Childcare is provided when requested through the music department. Regular rehearsals are on Thursdays from 7:30 to 9PM. The choir sings during the 9:30 and 11AM services starting September 13. The fall schedule also includes a half-day retreat where singers get acquainted with music to be sung during Advent and Christmas Eve services. New members are assigned mentors to introduce them to other singers and familiarize them with various choir procedures. Mentors also can be helpful in interpreting the director’s hand signals seen only by the choir on Sunday mornings (you want to know, don’t you?). Still not sure? Singers are welcome to visit and observe as many rehearsals as they like, and only start singing on Sunday morning when they feel adequately prepared. For more information, contact Mark Squire, Director of Music Ministries, at or 846-3404 x334, or Carol Tully, membership and recruitment chair, at 5660762 or

SINGLES MINISTRIES Singles Summer Block Party

Leah Circle

Join us Wednesday, August 26 from 6:30-8:30PM in the West parking lot for our annual Singles Summer Block Party. ALL Singles are welcome! We’ll be listening to live music by the Indy band “Big Daddy Caddy” and will have a host of food for you to enjoy. Admission is only $5 for this concert and tons of food. For more information, contact Chris Thornsberry at

Attention single women -- it’s Gals’ Nite Out! Slip away to the tropics with Leah Circle on Tuesday, August 18. Don your best island attire and join us for a relaxing evening of fun, food & fellowship. Invite a friend. We will gather between 6:30 & 7PM at Joe's Crabshack (on the water) at 8250 Dean Road. For additional information, call Nancy at 255-1226 or Cathy at 334-7821. We would appreciate your R.S.V.P. Leah Circle is a gathering of single, divorced and widowed women of all ages.

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SOCIAL JUSTICE Pedal for Peace Bicycle Teams Forming Now Are you interested in a local event that will help promote peace in much-needed areas of our world? Come and join us as we Pedal for Peace at the Major Taylor Velodrome on Saturday, October 17 from 4-10pm! This six-hour team bike relay promises to be a worthwhile, memorable and fun event for bikers of all levels. So mark your calendars! Questions, please contactMaryjane Behforouz at 443-2632 or

SPIRITUAL LIFE CENTER To pre-register for a class, contact DeAnna Moran at 317-846-3404 x367 or Oasis = Oasis Bookstore and Gift Shop located inside St. Luke’s. Fall class sign-up in West Passage on Sunday, August 23, 9AM-12:15PM.


No Open Indoor Labyrinth Walk on Fridays this Summer Enjoy our Daylily Labyrinth this summer. It is accessible if you walk around to the back of Luke's Lodge (NE corner of back parking lot), down the stairs and across the little bridge into the neighborhood north of the St. Luke's campus. It is available during all daylight hours. Labyrinth on the floor of N103/104 is available any time there is not other programming in that space. Check the room reservation sheet by the door. Our indoor open labyrinth walk will resume in September. Walk in peace!

Daylily Labyrinth Maintenance Workers Needed Our Daylily labyrinth is divided into 15 sections for summer maintenance. Would you like to adopt a section for weeding, spot mulching, trimming of leaves and pulling dead stalks? Did we mention enjoying the beauty of a summer morning surrounded by daylilies and butterflies? Contact Betty Brandt (, 846-3404x339).

Spiritual Intuitive Awareness Group If you are exploring your imaginative skills and wish to deepen your ability to use intuition for discernment and to live in a God-centered state, find a safe place for discovery in this forum for learning and sharing. Led by Maria Celeste, first Tuesdays, August 4 & September 1, and fourth Tuesday, August 25, 6:15-8:30PM, Spiritual Life Center. No registration; $10/session.

Oneness Blessing The Oneness Blessing is not a faith or a religion, but rather a practice that may help people reach a deeper level of connectedness with their own faith. It is a practice that is spreading all over the world; Irene Maher will be bringing it to St. Luke’s on the 1st Tuesdays of the month, August 4 & September 1, 7:15-8PM in the Spiritual Life Center.

Celtic Contemplation Carol Dennis provides flute music and Marsha Hutchinson offers communion during this time for prayer, scripture, optional labyrinth walking and silence. First Wednesdays, September 2, 6-6:30PM, N103/104 (enter door #8).

Drumming for Wholeness Drumming is an ancient sacred practice that replicates your heartbeat. The hour will consist of both structured and unstructured time. Drums provided or bring your own. No prior experience necessary. Led by Dane McCullough, the 4th Wednesday of every month—August 26, 6:30-7:30PM in the Modular Building. No registration, donations appreciated.

Qigong Meditation Class If you are looking for a mid-week group meditation opportunity, attend Amy Barr’s new Qigong Meditation on Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30PM in N103/104. First Wednesdays, no class 9/2. No registration; fee $10.

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Conversation About Religion, Meaning, Ethics and Ideas

Teresa’s Mansions:

Where can you find discussion about religion in America, the wisdom of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, the effect of torture on democracies, how tv shows are modern-day parables? These topics and many more are discussed every Sunday morning in the Spiritual Life Center, 9:30-10:30AM. The time together is based on the American Public Media show “Speaking of Faith” ( Meet new people, learn about current trends and ideas and energize yourself for the week to come. Led by Betty Brandt.

Day of Mindfulness with Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh Members of the Speaking of Faith Discussion Group plan to travel to Batesville, MS for a one-day retreat on Tuesday, September 1, 2009. If you would like to travel with us, contact Betty Brandt (, 846-3404 x339).

Growing Deeper in Your Relationship with God Join other spiritual people to study, discuss and reflect on Teresa of Avila's castles. Each session will end with a different way of praying that Teresa described to her nuns in the 16th Century. The classes will be designed around Carolyn Myss' Entering the Castle—An Inner Path to God and Your Soul. Led by Barb Hale, MA-SF, graduate of Shalem Contemplative Prayer Program. Six Thursdays, September 10-October 29 (omit 9/24 and 10/1), 7-9PM in W120 (Conference Room). Registration required; no fee.

body ~ mind ~ spirit Ongoing Integral Hatha Daytime Yoga

Aikido Training

8-week sessions began Monday, July 13-August 31, 7:30 & 9:30AM; and Thursdays, July 9-August 27 (8:30AM) in Luke’s Lodge, upstairs. Fee is $96, Walk-ins/$15 for either session. Registration suggested, taught by Marsha Pappas. Classes continue on September 14.

This discipline uses martial training as a means of character development rather than fighting prowess. Open to men and women. Come observe a class, or email through website, Adult classes Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 7-9PM, Saturdays, 8-10AM. Classes for children ages 6-15, Saturdays, 9:4510:30AM. All classes in N103/104. No class Sept. 7.

“Pay What You Can” Happy Yoga This yoga class is open to all, regardless of your finances or yoga experience. Come to class and find your strength and happiness through poses, breath and meditation. Taught by Robin Howard. Mondays and Thursdays, 5:306:30PM in N103/104. No registration or fee; donations appreciated. Bring a mat AND blanket. No class Sept. 7.

Ongoing Qigong Classes Qigong (Chee-Gung) is an amazing set of gentle exercises similar to Tai Chi which help to enhance and maintain one’s overall health. It is a self-healing practice used to recover from illness, relieve stress, lower blood pressure, increase blood circulation and reduce chronic pain. Thursdays, 10:30-11:30AM in Luke’s Lodge, upstairs. No registration; $10/session. Taught by Amy Barr.

Authentic Movement Workshop Authentic Movement is a profoundly simple form in which a mover moves with eyes closed in the presence of a witness. Yielding to the inner wisdom of the body as it manifests through sensation, impulse, image and memory, the mover experiences her/his personal, creative and spiritual truth in the presence of a nonjudgmental witness. Authentic Movement is, at its core, about trust: trust in the innate wisdom of the body and trust that this wisdom is a manifestation of the source of life itself. Led by Heidi Fledderjohn, Dance / Movement Therapist, Saturday, August 22, 3-5:15PM in N103/104. Registration suggested; fee $25. On-going class possible in the fall.

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“Beyond Theology”—Video and Discussion

Balance Matters: Exploring the Circle of Your Life

All are welcome for an interesting hour of Public Television video and discussion about spirituality and religion in America today. Some session titles are Church and State, The Ground of Being, American Pluralism, Science and Spirituality. See more about the series at, Sundays beginning September 13, 11AM in E105. No registration; fee $5.

Do you find yourself meeting yourself coming and going? Are you running out of time to do what is most important to you? Is it difficult to set and keep priorities? Discover ways to keep balance and harmony in 12 major aspects of life: work, play, finances, diet, exercise, spirit, life purpose, relationships, stress mastery, health care, environment, self-esteem. In four short weeks you will realize that Balance Matters! Led my Rev. Cyndi Alte, Certified Life Coach, four Tuesdays, September 15-October 6, 6:30-9PM in W120 (Conference Room). Registration required; fee $100.


Needlecrafters & Evening Prayer Shawl Ministry

St. Luke’s Writers’ Group

The St. Luke's Needlecrafters will meet in C122 from 7-8PM on Tuesday, August 11 to crochet and knit scarves, hats, children's sweaters and blankets, toys, dishcloths, etc. for people in need. The St. Luke's Evening Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet in C122,7-8PM on Monday, August 24 to knit and crochet prayer shawls for use by St. Luke's Prayer Ministry. All are welcome at both gatherings. Please contact Edie Huffman, 228-0496 with any questions.

Anyone interested in doing more writing and having support for his/her endeavors is welcome. 2nd Wednesday (August 12 & September 9), 7-8:30PM in E212. Contact Jacquie Reed ( or Laura Duvall (

Prayer Shawl Ministry Adds Daytime Group If you are called to knit or crochet shawls for those in need of God’s encircling love, come for fellowship and instruction. Daytime group meets every Tuesday, 1-3PM in W120; contact Donna Cripe (, 228-9365).

Studio 3 Art Ministry for Artists and Dabblers Come meet others who are interested in sharing spiritual and artistic interests while building an art community at St. Luke’s. Bring your favorite medium and spend the morning working, sharing and laughing. Thursday mornings 9AM-Noon in C122. For questions or info, call Glenna Heath (2984873) or e-mail Linda Etherton at j.etherton1@

AUGUST: Between Paper & Palette Exhibits This wonderful group of watercolor artists invites you to view their paintings all summer and to attend a special performance reception on Sunday, August 2, 4-6PM in the exhibit area above the east end of the Narthex. Marilyn Wilson, a religious poet from Barnes United Methodist Church, will recite poems from “Exultations of Praise” which includes writings by Ms. Wilson and her daughter Kelsey Goins. An interpretive dance done by Ms. Wilson’s granddaughters, D’Asia and Jasmine, will accompany the reading of “Dust In Dress.” Refreshments will be served.

Studio 3 Art Retreat for August: Card Making, Collages, Handmade Books

Quilting Ministry Our highly successful Quilting Ministry has changed its meeting time to the 2nd Wednesday, August 12 & September 9, 2-6PM at Trish McComas’s home (471-8625). If you want to learn to quilt or add your talents to this ministry, call Trish.

Focus will be on learning methods of embossing and debossing images and making several dimensional forms. Learn some readily accessible "tricks" in design and stamping. Each participant will leave with several cards ready to send or give and will be exposed to ideas useful in the larger format pieces of collage and books. Contact Glenna Heath at 298-4873 or for a suggested materials list. Bring dish for pitch-in lunch. Thursday, August 13, 9:30AM-3PM in C122.

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UNITED METHODIST MEN Raising a Modern-Day Knight Do you have a son? If so, we have the program for you. Join St. Luke’s United Methodist Men for a six-week video series and book study. Robert Lewis’s book, Raising a Modern-Day Knight, explores how we can raise our sons into noble, vibrant masculinity. The video series is hosted by the author and FamilyLife founder Denis Rainey. This study will be facilitated at St. Luke’s United Methodist church by our own Chris Bailey. The dates are tentatively set for six consecutive Mondays starting September 14 and ending October 19. The study will likely start at 7:30PM and lasts about an hour and a half. The precise dates, times and room are TBD. Please contact Chris at or 313-7618 if you are interested in participating. FYI, this will be the third RMDK group at St. Luke’s. There are over 25 men who have participated, developed new friendships, were encouraged, strengthened and sent out to father with intention. Call Chris and sign up today!

Save the Date—Fish Fry The UMM will be hosting a fish fry on October 1 to benefit the Interfaith Hunger Initiative. Mark your calendar now to come out for fellowship and all the fish you can eat, cooked by the men of St. Luke's. If you are interested in helping, contact Matt Roop at 538-5931 or Keep your eyes open for more details!

UNITED METHODIST WOMEN UMW Reading Group What is Slow Food? Slow Food is an idea, a way of living and a way of eating. It is a global, grassroots movement with thousands of members around the world that links the pleasure of food with a commitment to community and the environment. Join us on Monday, August 24 from 7-8:30PM in the Parlor to discuss Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver. “With characteristic poetry and pluck, Barbara Kingsolver and her family sweep the readers along on their journey away from the industrial-food pipeline to a rural life in which they vow to buy only food raised in their own neighborhood, grow it themselves, or learn to live without it... Part memoir, part journalistic investigation, the book makes a passionate case for putting the kitchen back at the center of family life and diversified farms at the center of the American diet.”

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle has received RAVE reader reviews. We will have an opportunity to learn more about the growing Slow Food movement in Indianapolis, share our recommendations regarding local farmers' markets—"In Our Own Backyard"—and think about the importance of eating locally grown and fresh in-season foods. New attendees are always welcome. For more information please contact Jennifer Todd at

Meet Your UMW Neighbors Are you ready to be inspired? Who are the United Methodist Women, and what do they do? Learn about the UMW and find out the many ways you can be a part of this caring community and be of service to others. All women are welcome. Child care provided. Meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 26 at 7PM in the Parlor. Contact Lori Schick 696-5965, l.schick@ sbcglobal or Heather Hilbert at with questions and to register for child care. Please let us know by August 19 for child care.

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White Cross Guild White Cross Guild provides volunteers to participate in activities supporting Methodist Hospital. Meets at Methodist Medical Plaza, 151 Pennsylvania Parkway (103rd and Meridian) in the first floor community room. They meet the 2nd Monday of each month from 9AM-2PM (next meeting: August 10) to prepare gauze squares used in surgery (bring your lunch). They also meet the 4th Tuesday of each month (next meeting: August 25) from 1-3PM to stuff and sew heart pillows for patients who have had heart or lung surgery. Contact Marguerite Moehn (873-1956) or Barb Querry (879-0543).

WORLD MISSIONS Join a Team to Sierra Leone You are invited to join one of three Medical Continuing Education Teams organized to serve in Sierra Leone next year. They will leave January 9, 23, or April 10, 2010, to serve for two weeks each. You would work with hospital and clinic staffs to improve health care services at The United Methodist General Hospital at Kissy in Freetown, Mercy Hospital in Bo and a small clinic at Taiama, a rural village up country. Participants are needed in disciplines such as ultrasound technology, medical records, medicine, dentistry, nutrition, building and equipment maintenance, finance, management and other allied health disciplines. The cost is $3100. For information, e-mail Marilyn Griffith at Include your phone number to begin the interview process.


Johns Island, South Carolina

Hurricane Katrina Rebuild

Habitat for Humanity October 11-16 Leader: Carter Jerman (575-8574, Cost: $250 (+ transportation)

D'Iberville, Mississippi, November 9-13 Leader: Al Dalton (849-7736, Cost: $100 (+ transportation)

This is a wonderful opportunity to get "hooked on Habitat." All skills are needed from painting, siding, light construction, cooking and waste management. A great introduction to mission team work for the first timer.

While Indy weather is nippy in November, why not head south with World Missions to Texas, Mississippi or Haiti?

Hurricane Ike Rebuild Port Arthur, Texas, November 2-6 Leader: Al Dalton (849-7736, Cost: $100 (+ transportation) Join the St. Luke's and Heritage UMC teams in Texas to participate in the Hurricane Ike recovery efforts. We will assist in construction, clean-up and hope. Sleeping accommodations will be at a nearby church.

St. Luke's team will return to D'Iberville, Mississippi to do routine maintenance and paint the Seashore District Volunteer Center, which Indiana built in 2006. To date, the SDVC has housed over 6,500 volunteers! We will also head back to the neighborhoods to continue rebuilding efforts.

Jeremie, Haiti

(pictured above) John Wesley School, November 21-28 Leader: Dave Duba (339-2481, Cost: $1,200 Thanksgiving in the Caribbean? World Missions will be going to Jeremie, Haiti—"The City of Poets"—as part of our longterm commitment to education in the Jeremie District. We will be staying at the Methodist Guest House doing painting, rehab of two existing chicken coops and working with the orphanage to maintain the chickens.

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YOUTH MINISTRIES Helping youth get in tune with God while welcoming them into loving, Christ-centered relationships.

For more information stop by Luke’s Lodge (the youth building on the NE corner of the church parking lot), visit, or contact: Kathleen Headington (Senior High, 9th -12th):; or Matt Peyton (Junior High, 6th – 8th): Beginning August 3, we welcome Kevin Davis as St. Luke’s new Director of Youth Ministries.

Welcome, Kevin! On Monday, August 3, St. Luke’s will welcome Kevin Davis as our new Director of Youth Ministries. Kevin completed his BA from Southeastern College in Church Ministries, with a focus on youth ministry, and has nearly completed his Master of Arts at Indiana Wesleyan in Spiritual Leadership. He has nearly 15 years experience working as a youth director and minister, most recently at Christ the Savior Lutheran Church in Fishers. Join us in welcoming Kevin and his family—wife Meloni and children Kori, Clay and Brianna—to the St. Luke’s family. We are excited about Kevin’s passion for working with youth and look forward to seeing how God will use Kevin’s enthusiasm and experience in our vital youth ministry. He will be introduced to the congregation during the morning worship services on Sunday, August 9.


“In Our Own Backyard” Service Day Saturday, August 8. All youth and families are invited to join together at St. Luke’s for breakfast and devotions before heading out into the community to work on a variety of service projects, all located “in our own backyard!” Sign ups will take place in the Narthex throughout the month of August.

Lightswitch Band Auditions Sunday, August 9, Luke’s Lodge. All youth are invited to be a part of auditions for the youth worship band, Lightswitch. Vocalists, instrumentalists and musicians of all kinds are invited to audition for roles for Sunday morning and evening worship opportunities throughout the 2009-2010 year. See the website for more details.

Volunteer Training Sunday, August 16, 6-8:30PM, Luke’s Lodge. Ever wanted to join the fun and be a youth ministry volunteer? Now’s the time! Join us for a volunteer training dinner and workshop at Luke’s Lodge where you will share in food, fellowship, worship and training with other volunteers and learn what it means to be a part of the fun and excitement of St. Luke’s Youth Ministries.

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Youth Kickoff! Sunday, August 23, 4:30–7:30PM, Luke’s Lodge *Meetings for all parents from 5–6PM. Help us kick off another great year of youth ministries at St. Luke’s. Our theme is the Olympics. Come test your strength in various games and celebrate your victories with old and new friends around Luke’s Lodge. Join us for great food and entertainment, including worship led by our youth praise band, Lightswitch. Check out all of the great programs that will be offered this fall while catching up with friends and leaders at this exciting event!

Confirmation Sundays, 9:30–10:30AM, Luke’s Lodge, beginning in September. Watch for more information about the upcoming Fall Confirmation class beginning in September.

“Live in Tune 2009” Youth Leadership Retreat Friday, August 28–Saturday, August 29. Join us as we build community through workshops, worship, a ropes course, fun and fellowship. Retreat participants will develop their Christian leadership skills and learn to use them in everyday life while building a stronger community between friends and leaders.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR SEPTEMBER: • Kenya Carnival, September 5, 2-6PM, Second Presbyterian Church • Jr. High Fall Retreat, September 20-22 • Family Camping Weekend, September 25-27 • Sr. High Fall Retreat, October 9-11


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The following is a listing of essential info and on-going classes/events.


HOURS: St. Luke’s office is open 8:30AM-5PM Monday-Friday. Our Prayer Chapel (located inside Robertson Chapel next to the Spiritual Life Center) is available for silent prayer and meditation when the church is open. A pastor is always on call in case of emergencies; call 846-3404 to leave a message after hours.

E-MAIL: Need to email someone on our staff? Easy. Our email is our last name followed immediately by first initial, followed by

IN GENERAL: When you need something, our outstanding front desk staff can direct your call to the appropriate person. But here are some tips for some of the most frequently requested information:

Sunday Worship Services 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM, Sanctuary with Dr. Kent Millard • Communion is served the first Sunday of the month at all three services and is available to all persons. • St. Luke’s Orchestra plays the third Sunday of the month. • Baptisms take place the fourth Sunday of every month.

Taizé, a contemplative service incorporating chants, silence, scripture and spoken prayer, 5PM every third Sunday of the month in the Sanctuary. Celtic Contemplation, Carol Dennis provides flute music for this 1/2 hour of prayer, scripture and silence. Come for a quiet moment in your busy day. Every 1st Wednesday 6-6:30PM in N103/104.



Adult Class Registration

DeAnna Moran

Later@St. Luke’s, a casual, dynamic and

Childcare Needs for Meetings/Events (charges may apply)

Kristi Chamberlain

Member Care/Death/ Mary Katherine Schnitz Stephen Ministry Request/Hospitalization

innovative experience open to everyone. 6PM every Sunday in Robertson Chapel with Dr. Marion Miller, Pastor. Communion is served weekly. Classes and care for children also provided.

Membership/Births/Address/ Phone Change

Sylvia Forbes

The Garden is an off-site satellite ministry of

Reserve a Room/Request A/V

Beth Lammers or Carol Helmus

Weddings/Special Event Coordination

Carol Helmus


Bobbi Main-Jackson

Pledge Balance/Information

Jan Emmons

Oasis Bookstore

Sharon Holyoak

St. Luke’s providing non-traditional worship in a comfortable, casual setting. Dr. Linda McCoy, Pastor. The Garden at Beef & Boards: 8:15, 9:15 & 10:15AM every Sunday; music provided by The Good Earth Band. The Garden at Oak Hill: 10:15AM every Sunday; music provided by The Oak Hill Band. Rev. Stan Abell, Campus Pastor.

S U P P O R T I N G T H E M I N I S T R I E S O F S T. L U K E ’ S U M C

Inspirational Gifts, Jewelry & Books Conveniently located inside St. Luke’s UMC Sharon Holyoak, Manager Gift Registry Available


10AM - 4PM 9AM - 1PM


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A Listening Heart:

Kent Millard’s Book Study

A Bible Study for Women with Young Children

Wednesdays, 10-11:30AM in the Spiritual Life Center. Join this group for a time of prayer and fellowship as well as the sharing of insights from the reading of books on various topics. On hiatus until September 30, when the group will reconvene with The Last Lecture, by Randy Pausch.

2nd and 4th Mondays, 7-9PM in, E212. Childcare is available upon request. This is a Bible study focusing on the inspiring stories of the Old and New Testaments that encourages making time for scripture reading, digging deeper into our faith and reflecting on what we have learned. This study challenges us, but definitely is friendly for “beginners.” New members are welcome any time. For more info, contact Ann Smith, 569-1359 or, or Kari Miller, 8738606 or

Wednesday Morning Bible Study Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30AM, The Forum at The Crossing. An off-site senior adult Bible Study. Led by Terri Coe, Mary Katherine Schnitz and Chris Thornsberry.

Empty Nesters

Thursday Afternoon Book Study

Every Sunday (except holidays), 9:30-10:30AM, E107/109. Class members read/watch and discuss a variety of contemporary and traditional books and videos. They also gather once a month for social activities. For more information, contact Ann Townsend at 842-0464.

Thursdays, 1-2:30PM, Parlor. Enjoy this mid-day opportunity to gather for conversation on topics of interest and concern. While it is a reading group, from time to time the women can be found having lunch together! For more information, contact Sylvia Forbes at (317) 846-3404. Led by Phyllis Bybee.

New Beginnings

Mothers of Young Children Book Club

Sundays, Sept.-May (except holidays), 9:30-10:30AM in E213. Looking for a place to connect? New Beginnings is a self-led couples class that meets weekly and discusses a wide variety of topics. We have regular social gatherings as well! For more information, contact Nathan or Paula Montgomery at, or 340-7115.

2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 9:30–11:30AM, E105. Participants in this group read approximately one piece of current fiction or non-fiction per month. Childcare is available upon request for $5 per family. For book list, to request childcare, or for info contact Dawn Pasquale at

Flo Hardy Bible Study

Thursdays, 7-8:30PM, Spiritual Life Center. This evening book study discusses innovative and challenging spiritual books. Contact JoAnne Waeltz, 872-0895,, for current title.

1st and 3rd Mondays, 9AM in the Spiritual Life Center. Join others in coffee, prayer, reading and discussion of selected Biblical texts...just like we did in the "good ole days!" (with occasional “non good ole days” videos). Led by Rev. Marsha Hutchinson. Will resume September 21.

Tuesday Afternoon Women's Spiritual Book Study This interesting group of women focus on non-fiction books with spiritual themes every Tuesday afternoon, 1-2:30PM in the Spiritual Life Center. Contact JoAnne Waeltz, 872-0895,

Sunrise Book Study Wednesdays, 7-8:30AM, Parlor. Start your day with friends, prayer, a good book, stimulating discussion and personal enrichment. Contact Betty Brandt at (317) 846-3404 or Continues all summer.

George Vickery Men’s Discussion Group Wednesdays, 8AM at Shapiro’s. Discuss current events or the latest book of interest you have read. For more information, call Bob Waeltz at 872-0895.

New Earth Community

Ongoing “Speaking of Faith” Discussion Every Sunday morning at 7AM on FM90/1, Krista Tippett interviews fascinating spiritual leaders. A community of “Speaking of Faith” fans meets at 9:30AM in the Spiritual Life Center to discuss that morning’s program. The show is available on the prior Thursday at

Ongoing Meditation Group Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome to join in 1/2 hour discussion followed by 1/2 hour of Christian meditation. You will find support for your practice, new ideas and a community of others who welcome silence. Led by Merri Leffel, Mondays, 6:30-7:30PM in the Spiritual Life Center. No fee or registration.

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Chronic Pain Support Group

(H.U.G.S.)—Healing Under Grief Support. Find yourself needing fellowship and support on your journey following the loss of a loved one?

August 6, 6-7:30PM in N101/102. This is a support group for patients with all types of neuropathic and fibromy-algia pain and for their families and friends. No registration is required. Questions? Contact Dr. Meg Frazer at 844-2903 or

Diabetes Support Group NO MEETING in August. Meets the first Tuesday of the month from 7-8PM, E213. This is a laidback, easy-going group open to learning and sharing through exercise, diet and prayer. Contact Debbie Allen at 796-2189.

Family Support Group August 12 and September 9, 6:30PM, Main Office Conference Room The group offers emotional and spiritual support for families who have a member abusing drugs or alcohol.

Adult ADD Support Group Thursday, August 6, 7PM in W125, “Teens and College Students,” with Jodi Sleeper-Triplett. Tuesday, August 25, 7PM in W125. For more info call Mary Katherine Schnitz at 846-3404 x365.

FELLOWSHIP Basketball St. Luke's Men's Basketball Open Gym. For adult basketball enthusiasts (16+) who are looking to play competitive pick-up games on Thursday nights from 7:30-9:30PM in the Great Hall. Weekly emails are sent out to confirm players for the week. No weekly commitments required, but looking for regular attendees. Please contact Steve Coyner at 590-0235 or email for more information.

Dad’s Grief Group for Young Adult Loss Meets Tuesday mornings for breakfast at 7AM at the Hilton Indianapolis North Hotel, 8181 N. Shadeland Ave. For info call Dr. Adolf Hansen, 846-3404 x450.

HOPE For pregnancy loss or loss of a baby. Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7PM, Spiritual Life Center. Call Rev. Marsha Hutch-inson, 846-3404 x315 or Jim & Marci Harenberg, 705-0771. ••• We are now taking orders for family name plaques to be placed in the HOPE Memorial Garden.

Mom's Group following the Loss of a Young Adult Child This group is meeting monthly on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 6:30PM. Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson for more information at 846-3404 x315.

HUGS Group (for fellowship and support following the loss of a husband, wife or significant other) Meets Sundays, 2-4PM in the Parlor. All are welcome, for recent loss or those of the past. The group goes out for light supper following the meeting (optional). Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson for details at 846-3404 x315. HUGS Fellowship Dinner Meets fourth Sunday of every month, 4:30-6PM. For anyone who has experienced the loss of a spouse, recently or in the past. Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson, 846-3404 x315.

Footprints An opportunity for lay people who would like to become a caring resource to someone who is recently bereaved. For information call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson, 846-3404 x 315.

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SINGLES Singles Sunday School Class Every Sunday, 11AM–Noon, E107/109. Join us every Sunday for a wonderful walk through the Bible and many other biblical resources. Singles of all ages and stages of life come together for a wonderful time of spiritual growth. We are studying the series Traveling Light: Releasing the Burdens You Were Never Intended to Bear by Max Lucado Whaddifs and Howells—The Burden of Worry AUGUST 9: It’s a Jungle Out There— The Burden of Hopelessness AUGUST 16: A Heavenly Exchange—The Burden of Guilt AUGUST 23: Get Over Yourself—The Burden of Arrogance AUGUST 30: I Will Lead You Home—The Burden of the Grave AUGUST 2:

Sunday Lunch Bunch Every Sunday, 12:30PM, join us! Every Sunday we pick a different local restaurant to eat at after church service and Sunday school. Feel free to join us at these locations on the below dates for some fun, food, and fantastic times! AUGUST AUGUST AUGUST AUGUST AUGUST

2: Famous Dave’s (Michigan Rd.) 9: Max and Erma’s (N. Meridian) 16: On The Border (Castleton Square) 23: MCL (86th St.) 30: Moe and Johnny’s (College Ave.)

Singles Wednesday Nights Every Wednesday evening, singles gather for a time of fun and fellowship. We’ll be meeting in the Fellowship Hall and the Parlor starting at 7:15PM for a time of Coffee and Conversation. Our programs start at 8PM, unless otherwise communicated. Then from 9-9:30PM we have a time of enjoying some great snacks and chatting again. Afterwards, we eat at a local restaurant. As always, a $3 donation to help offset the cost of this evening is appreciated! Feel free to call our Singles Info Line at 317/846-4826 for all program information or contact Linda at

Fuel – 20s/30s: Faith Discussion Class Wednesdays, 6:30-8PM, Spiritual Life Center. An opportunity to see how your faith connects with your life, local and global issues. Ask questions and grow in community, learning together what it means to be a Christian today through discussion, Bible study, books, and movies. Contact Chris Thornsberry at 846-3404 x332

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30's/40's and Young at Heart (50’s) Meet new and interesting people with similar interests. We welcome all singles whether never married, separated, divorced or widowed. This group are proactive with their social life and are interested in getting out, having fun, meeting new people and making new friendships. For information regarding this group, meeting times and locations, check out our meet-up website at: or contact Jodi at

Primetime Movie Night & Dinner Second Saturdays of every month, meet at the Landmark Theater at Keystone in the front lobby table area. We’ll choose a movie to watch and then have dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. For information, contact Sharyn at

Volleyball Volleyball meets every Friday at 6:30PM, and every Sunday at 2:30PM in the Great Hall. The cost to play is $2. For info, email Tim Adams at

Hiking Saturdays, 10AM at Eagle Creek Park. Meet outside the park at W. 56th and Reed Rd. and walk in together. Cost is $2/time or $20/yearly pass. Hike approx. 4 miles. Wear comfortable shoes and bring water. No children under age 12. No pets.

Toastmasters Tuesdays, 7-8:30PM in N101/102. Survey after survey shows that presentation skills are crucial to success in the workplace. Toastmasters International has been around for more than 84 years and offers an effective way to improve communication and leadership skills. Guests can attend for free. For more information, call Cathy Baker at 334-7821, or visit

UNITED METHODIST MEN Monthly Men’s Fellowship It's Smee's time once again. Come out for a relaxing evening of food, drinks, and fellowship with the men of St. Luke's. No script or agenda. Just an opportunity to meet new friends, or catch up with old ones. We'll be meeting on the third Wednesday of the month (August 19) at 8:30PM. Smee's is located on the NW corner of 86th and Ditch. Contact Matt Roop at, or 538-5931 if you intend to make it.

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YOUTH MINISTRIES For more information, contact Kathleen Headington at or stop by Luke’s Lodge (the youth building on the NE corner of the church parking lot) or visit


Unplugged Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM, Luke’s Lodge. Through the end of August the Jr. High youth will continue to meet on Sunday mornings to watch video clips and discuss how they relate to faith in our lives.

Remix Sundays, 6-8PM, Luke’s Lodge, beginning Aug. 23. Join other Jr. High youth on Sunday evenings to share in food and fellowship through sports, games, spiritual growth activities, and vibrant worship.


Wake Up at Starbucks Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM, Starbucks at Willow Lake. (2800 W 86th St.) Experience Sunday mornings in a fresh, new way. Grab a cup of hot chocolate, a comfy chair and join friends and leaders for discussions about the relevance of our faith in today’s society. Parents can drop off their youth at Luke’s Lodge by 9:15AM, and staff-provided transportation will return youth to the church at 10:30AM.

LIVE! At the Lodge Sundays, 6-8PM, Luke’s Lodge, beginning Aug. 23 Senior High youth meet on Sunday evenings for dinner, sports, games and fellowship. Join friends for worship led by our live youth band, Lightswitch, followed by awesome small group discussions each week.


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