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Our Neighbor’s Faith In conjunction with focusing on being in community with our neighbors, Dr. Millard will be preaching a sermon series entitled

Our Neighbor’s Faith. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about the faiths that are likely practiced by people we all know and work with.


Our Neighbor’s Faith: Islam Sunday evening August 30 the Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation, Second Presbyterian Church and St. Luke's will be providing an evening meal at the Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation for our Muslim neighbors as they break the Ramadan fast that evening.


Our Neighbor’s Faith: Hinduism


Our Neighbor’s Faith: Buddhism


Our Neighbor’s Faith: Native American Religion



Our Neighbor’s Faith: Christianity OCTOBER 11:

Our Neighbor’s Faith: Sikhism


Our Neighbor’s Faith: Judaism



COMMUNION SPECIAL ART EXHIBIT St. Luke's is blessed to be showing the art work of K.P. Singh in our gallery in conjunction with the sermon series focusing on knowing your neighbor's religion. K.P. Singh is well known for his beautiful pen and ink drawings of historic architecture from all over the world. He is raising money for the Interfaith Hunger Initiative and will donate 25% of all sales made at St. Luke's between August 29October 1. He'll be in the gallery on Sunday, September 6 between services to discuss his work and sell his limited-edition prints. Go to to learn more.

“In Our Own Backyard” Continues in September The T.I.M.E. theme “In Our Own Backyard” (IOOB) strives to blur the lines between what is “mine” and what is “yours” until there is only what is “ours”: our children, our neighborhood, our schools, our families, our community. We are all invited to become inspired and engaged to remove the fences that separate us and get connected to the people who share our backyard—those who live and work in the nearby areas surrounding St. Luke’s. IOOB got off to a great start with Servant Day on August 8. Nearly 300 volunteers of all ages performed service projects at 11 different community organizations in the St. Luke’s backyard. Thank you to all who participated and helped make this a very successful day and a successful start to our IOOB efforts. September IOOB activities include the Umoja Inter-Faith Carnival which our Youth are doing in conjunction with Second Presbyterian Church, Community Safety Day, and the Family Camping Weekend. Look for the T.I.M.E. logo elsewhere in this publication for details on these events. September 27—Community Safety Day in the St. Luke's parking lot from 2-5PM. Everyone in our own backyard and beyond is invited to meet and greet those who protect and defend our community. Members of the metro police, canine corps, motorcycles, IFD with firetrucks, Survive Alive house, Red Cross and more will gather at St. Luke's to show us how to be smarter about public and private safety and to learn about the roles of our important community helpers! Don't miss this opportunity to say THANK YOU to those who risk their lives every day! Also, sign up for the Washington Township Mystery Trip, Saturday, October 10. For more details about these September IOOB events as well as upcoming October events, pick up a copy of the “In Our Own Backyard” catalog at the information desk or one of the publication racks in the hallways.

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