Renewal Lenten Small Groups p. 4
Renewed Life in a New Land p. 8
SLC: Celebrating 20 Years p. 10
Pastor’s Notes
Spring is in...the ground ? Okay, I know that’s not exactly how the saying goes, but it’s truer to reality. Spring was certainly in the air as we experienced warmer than usual temperatures this mid-winter. Flowers and buds appeared in late February! Then the cold temps returned and that new growth appeared to have succumbed to the fickle air. But life is persistent! Not even winter’s late blasts can hold off the emergence of growth inside the earth. Dead seeds, roots and bulbs will not be denied their time. It makes me wonder if our calendar is off just a bit. Spring would make a better final season of the year. New life is the desired outcome of all life. Paul says we shall all be changed “at the last trumpet.” Yet the last trumpet doesn’t signal death but new life when “the dead will be raised.” (1 Corinthians 15:52)
Jesus illustrated this idea of resurrection with nature. He said, “Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” (John 12:24) Life begets life…through death. We can no more fathom the mystery of spiritual new life than we can understand exactly how God created seeds with the power to reproduce. We can try to make sense of it all or we can participate in the reality. Jesus presents a truth we see every year at this time. The earth greens. Buds bloom. Leaves appear. The point is not to ask how this happens, but rather, given its reality, what seeds am I planting? How am I positioning my life to experience renewal, fresh beginning and new hope? We’ve thought a lot about nature this past season of Lent with a series on water. All of life depends on water to sustain. I received a number of emails and notes from people reflecting on messages and the meaning of the Lenten journal and small group experiences. Many of these talk about the way they have encouraged their faith and lifted their spirits. But what I have found interesting about many of these messages is what people share about a time in life when they “planted” something. They recall experiences when they took a new step in their relationship with Jesus. They talk of “responding to a nudge to serve,” “joining a small group,” “going on a mission team,” etc. As they engaged themselves and “didn’t remain idle,” they experienced new growth. I invite you to consider places where you can plant new spiritual seeds this spring. Read the stories of renewal in this issue of Connect. Take advantage of the church Catalog listing the many classes that are offered. Call Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger about covenant group opportunities. Seeds are of value only when planted. So let’s dig in!
Enjoy the b eauty and serenity found in the Sowers Garden
Sunday Worship
In this issue...
St. Luke’s is an open community of Christians, helping people find and give hope through Jesus Christ.
A dul t Di s c i p l es h ip: Le n ten S m al l G r o u ps
TRADITIONAL • SANCTUARY 8:15 & 9:30AM with Rev. Rob Fuquay 11AM with Rev. David Williamson
Fam i l y: Re new al vs . Repla c e m e n t
Outr eac h: Re new ed L i f e in a New L and
S p i r i tual L i f e Ce n t e r : Cel ebr ati ng 2 0 Ye a r s
Chi l d r en: U n ex p ec ted Ren e w a l
Music: Jo yf u l S ou n d
CONTEMPORARY • ROBERTSON CHAPEL 9:30AM with Rev. David Williamson 11AM with Rev. Rob Fuquay TAIZÉ • 5PM • ROBERTSON CHAPEL Third Sunday of each month with musical community.
Connect With Us St. Luke’s on The City @stlukesumcindy Search for St. Luke’s United Methodist Church CONTACT US: 100 W. 86th St. Indianapolis, IN 46260 317.846.3404 OFFICE HOURS: 8:30AM-5PM, Monday-Friday. Please enter through Door 6. Our Prayer Chapel is available for silent prayer and meditation during office hours. URGENT PASTORAL CARE NEEDS: In case of a pastoral emergency, call 317-8463404. After hours, leave a message including how our on-call pastor can reach you. 3
Adult Discipleship From Making Changes Stick to a Lenten Small Group By Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger Pastor of Adult Discipleship
Renewal. It takes on lots of forms in our lives but for me it always begins with a connection. Sometimes it’s a moment when God’s presence draws close but perhaps more often, it begins when we’re prompted by the presence of others to deepen our commitment to grow, to work for justice and to believe that more is possible than where we are right now. In this issue, we profile a class that has gone on to be a Small Group in Lent and an upcoming opportunity – both places where renewal is to be found. – Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger While we have a goal at St. Luke’s of having 100 small groups in the life of our church, many people’s first step is to begin by taking a short-term class. This is a way to, “test the waters” and discover new friendships that can grow into deep connections through
small groups down the road. Recently, this very thing happened as a new group of people came together for a 5 week Making Changes Stick Class. In January, Linda Tanella began leading a class focused on making changes in health
and living, specifically working on weight loss and developing a healthier life style. Over 25 people completed the 5 week class. Participants loved learning about how small changes in behavior make a lasting impact. For example: How planning ahead can bring success to sticking to an eating plan vs. getting caught unprepared, or how to choose to use a food craving as a prompt to pray or ways to get in simple exercise without heading to the gym. Participants agreed that partners within the group really helped for both accountability and support. Tanella says, “It really wasn’t about the food, it was about the planning, support and accountability. People left the class each week encouraged in their healthy living and faith journeys, in spite
St. Luke’s small group memb ers.
At the end of the f ive weeks, people were making better choices, stopping and thinking before giving into temptation, and they were looking forward to being together.
of some failures, because they received grace from the group. They realized that setbacks happen and found encouragement to keep going.” At the end of the five weeks, people were making better choices, stopping and thinking before giving into temptation and they were looking forward to being together. 18 of the 25 chose to continue meeting as a Small Group during Lent. They committed to another five weeks together and will explore Lent’s spiritual themes while adding time to continue to find support for their weight loss. Yes, they want to continue losing weight, but they also see their friendships and connections as encouraging a deeper faith. Here’s what participants have to say: “We had such great discussions at my table group. I made new friends that not only gave me accountability but genuine support.” “I loved having this class at my church. This is one of my biggest life struggles and it means so much to have my church offer help in this area of living.” “Continuing this class into Lent will help me continue to make this change stick as well as deepen friendships and my faith.”
A Gathering for Men We’re a pretty egalitarian place at St. Luke’s and so focusing on men might strike you as odd. Yet, what it means to be a man today (and all of the roles that come with that) is in flux and we need role models, mentors and guys to challenge us in faith and in life. So we’re hosting United Methodist Men from around the nation at a gathering at St. Luke’s on July 7-8. Men from our congregation (including Rev. Rob Fuquay) will be offering their perspectives and leadership as a part of the speakers, workshops, worship and service (where our own SAWS ministry will be featured) taking place. Stop by Java Joe’s on Sunday mornings to learn more about this event and to register. Scholarships for registration available. If you’re interested in leading or have questions, contact Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger at bke@
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Renewal vs. Replacement By Rev. David Williamson Pastor of Family & Worship Ministries
No, it isn’t strange, after changes upon changes we are more or less the same. –Paul Simon The siren call of our culture is for new. New phones. New televisions. New homes (or perhaps new floors and counters and so on). The truth is that technology and goods have the ability to “renew” themselves at a much faster pace than our ability to acquire them all! However, when you think about it, the story of the consumer culture is not really about renewal. It’s about replacement. The old phone is not made new. It is simply tossed
aside for a better model. (At best it gets recycled if the owner is conscientious about the environment.) So this is our current culture—whatever goods were “new” and all the rage just a few years ago quickly find themselves on the junk heap of “old.” Is this what Paul was talking about when he wrote to the Corinthians: “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old
For the season of Eastertide (the six weeks following Easter), we’ll be looking at Jesus’ use of common objects to explain spiritual truths. What do you think of when you hear the phrase “the kingdom of God”? How would you describe it? Well, Jesus described it as a seed, as a treasure, as a field full of weeds, as a group of workers waiting to get paid, as a wedding banquet in need of guests. Come join us to learn what Jesus saw in each of these stories and examples!
has passed away, and behold, the new has come!” (2 Cor 5:17) On the surface, it can sound like replacement. As if the goal of the Christian faith is to swap out who we are and replace it with a cookie-cutter, rubberstamped, factory-approved “Christian.” (Insert here all the stereotypes our culture associates with that label.) Let’s be honest: that’s what sometimes happens. I have an old friend from college, who somewhere along the way in his adult life found faith. And he drank deeply from the Kool-Aid, if you know what I mean. When I receive his Christmas letters, I am impressed with his faith, and genuinely thankful that he seems to be happy. But I also find myself wondering: Whatever happened to the Old Charlie, the one who was rough around the edges and one-of-akind? Because the truth is, I liked that guy.
Thankfully, replacement is not what Paul was talking about. Author and Pastor John Ortberg suggests that the true measure of spiritual growth is not how “holy” we become, but how true we become to the person God created us to be. Here’s how he puts it: God doesn’t make anything and then decide to throw it away. He creates, and then if there is a problem, he rescues. Redemption is always the restoration of creation. You will always be you. Either a growing, healthy you, or a languishing you. But God did not create you to be anybody else. It is humbling that I cannot be anything I want. I don’t get to create myself. I can only accept myself as God’s gift and accept becoming a new creation as the task God sets before me. The call for scripture is to newness of life. Not to try harder, or to be a better person. To be made new. Which of course prompts the question – how do we do that? Trying harder, or making better choices – those things are within our control. But being made new? That isn’t something we can do. No amount of pulling ourselves up by the bootstraps can make us new. As Ortberg says, we don’t get to create ourselves. The implication is that we need someone or something outside ourselves to be made new. Which also means that the only thing we are in control of is our willingness to die, figuratively, of course. Then we have to wait for God to do what only God can do. Jesus said, “Unless the seed falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit” (John 12:24). The call is to newness of life. Or to “fruitfulness,” to use the language of Jesus. But the path Jesus prescribes is death – to let go of self; to let go of false ways of living. To surrender, and to trust God to bring newness and fullness of life.
This is, of course, the message of Easter. Jesus was willing to be literally buried in the earth (his parables often have this autobiographical meaning). And while that death was not an easy choice (consider Jesus’ prayer in the Garden!), it was the only way for Jesus to experience resurrection, and to usher in God’s new creation. We are called to take the same path. To surrender. To turn away from the siren call to make ourselves new with the latest purchase or trend. To give up false ways of living. To die. And yes, that figurative death is painful and we will resist that move with all we have. That’s why we need a community to help us do it. And then we wait, like the disciples huddled in the upper room, and like the women journeying in grief to a tomb they did not know was empty. We wait, and trust God to bring to us life like we’ve never known it before.
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Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane by Heinrich Hofmann, 1890
The Women at the Tomb by Annibale Carracci, 1590
Outreach Renewed Life in a New Land By Kay Hervey “My future plans are to go back to college this year and after I graduate from college, I’ll get a better job. I’ll continue to work and save some money and buy a house then marry, then enjoy my happy life after all.” – Edward Peace
English as a New Language (ENL) classes meet at St Luke’s on Wednesday evenings. There are many stories in our building on those evenings. One of our current students, Edward Peace, was a refugee from Burma (also known as Myanmar), and came to Indianapolis to start a new chapter of his life. He recently became a US citizen and has high hopes for what life in America will look like for him. Civil war has raged in Burma for over 60 years. Edward was born there but fled the country with his family in 1997. He was only six years old. For about three weeks they hiked through the mountains, hid in the forests, and crossed the rivers to arrive at a refugee camp in Thailand. Little did they know that the refugee camp would be their home for 10 years. Although they were physically safe, there was not enough food, there was poor education and worry for daily life was constant.
Edward was finally able to come to Indianapolis in 2008. He went to high school and successfully graduated, which was no small accomplishment. Language and money kept him from attending c o l l e g e i m m e d i a t e l y. Working hard led him to a good job with Allegion and he has been there for two years now and plans to stay. They will assist him in paying for college – an unexpected blessing! Edward says the most important advice to other newcomers is to “learn English!” Because of his background, Edward appreciates the basics that many of us take for granted: having enough food and
an an opportunity for a good education. He is happy with his job and hopes training and education will lead to promotions. “My future plans are to go back to college this year and after I graduate from college, I’ll get a better job. I’ll continue to work and save some money and buy a house then marry, then enjoy my happy life after all.”
Social Action Renewal
“…I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me
By Sandy Harlan
something to drink; I was a stranger and you “We are called to connect the church with the world.” Last August I was invited by a friend to join St. Luke’s Social Action Committee. I began attending the weekly breakfast meetings held at the Unleavened Bread Café on the corner of Central Avenue and 30th Street. The café is more than just a restaurant; it is a community center for the neighborhood. How appropriate that we meet there! Our mission is to provide opportunities for individuals to work for justice and stand against systemic and institutional injustice. We are working toward building a broad
welcomed me; I was naked
network within and beyond St. Luke’s to this end. We base our mission on Matthew 25 values. I was ordained a deacon in 2000; deacons are called to lead and equip the church in servant ministry, so in simpler terms, we are called to connect the church with the world. I believe that the results of the recent election have awakened a renewed interest in all kinds of societal issues and justice concerns. National security concerns, rising crime rates, poverty, health care,
and you gave me clothing; I was sick and you took care of me; I was in prison and you visited me.” Matthew 25:36
criminal justice reform, transparency and matters of ethical behavior all demand our attention. In addition to the divisions that seem more pervasive than ever, there is a deepening sense of fear by many, especially those whose immigration status is undocumented as well as those who fear people seeking to enter our country through refugee programs. Never has there been a greater need, or better time, for the church to take the message of Jesus to the world. I retired two years ago, but serving on this committee has provided an opportunity for me personally to renew my commitment to my call. If you are interested in joining me on this committee, or would simply like more information, please contact Scott Severns at
Syrian Refugees
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Spiritual Life Center
Inspired, Blessed, Called, Thriving and Renewed. Let’s Celebrate! By Betty Brandt Director of the Spiritual Life Center
During the dreaming stage for the building of the Education wing and Sanctuary in 1997, a group of mostly therapists met to talk about creating a counseling center as part of the construction project. As we brainstormed, it became obvious that there were lots of therapists’ offices up and down Meridian Street. What was missing from all the mainline churches we knew about was programming that was similar to what we could experience at retreat centers. This group birthed the idea of the Spiritual Life Center at
that moment with little more than a passion for this kind of experiential and contemplative programming. WE WERE INSPIRED! Joy Goehring, who was a student at Presbyterian Seminary in Louisville at that time and is now a retired hospital chaplain, was our first staff person. The beautiful physical space we call the Spiritual Life Center and Prayer Chapel was on the budget chopping block until
Dick and Connie Summe appeared with a generous gift. All the pieces were in place – vision, sacred space and people with a passion. We went forward meeting the needs of the St. Luke’s family and the surrounding community. WE WERE BLESSED! I became the Director of the Spiritual Life Center in 2000. Some see me as a visionary. I am not. My gift is for implementation. People bring me their passions and I help make them happen. My passion and skills meet the gifts of others and together we serve the needs of the world. I AM CALLED! It has been 20 years since Kent Millard convened the first meeting of the Spiritual Life Center on May 28, 1997. We have much to celebrate in this 20th anniversary year. We have created hundreds of classes beginning with Meditation, Intuition and Labyrinth Walking. We started Creation
Inter faith youth crea ting sand mandala at 2014 Inter faith Celebration. 10
The Healing Partners Demaris Dugan and Linda Warder pray for a client.
Care and Healing Ministries and took many risks along the way. We have studied hundreds of books and learned from dozens of DVD series. We have welcomed Buddhist monks who meditatively created a sand mandala in our sanctuary and then, to remind us that nothing is permanent, destroyed their masterpiece and threw the sand into Williams Creek. Singer and songwriter Carrie Newcomer brought her wisdom and heart for social justice several times and will again on Friday, October 6 (mark your calendars!) in concert with educator and writer Parker
Palmer. We have opened our ears and hearts to progressive theologians Marcus Borg and John Phillip Newell. The list goes on and on. WE HAVE THRIVED!
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of mind, body and spirit through the transforming love of God. Following the compassionate and
Now, as we celebrate these 20 years, we also affirm who we are and continually seek that place where our gifts and the needs of the world intersect. It is with much humility, acknowledging the mystery of the work we do, that the Spiritual Life Center Commission stands firmly in its mission:
Raised money and planted 106 trees for Neighb orwo o ds project, April, 2009.
We experience the evolving journey
inclusive example of Jesus, the programming of the Spiritual Life Center nurtures community and offers spiritual opportunities to all. WE ARE CONTINUALLY RENEWED!!!
We will be celebrating all year with classes and photo exhibits, special book marks and parties. It will all culminate the weekend of October 6-8 with a special Friday evening program and lots of treats on Sunday morning. Please join us as‌
Unexpected Renewal By Patrice Smith Assistant Director of Children’s Ministry
Serving kids is a blessing that requires time and energy, but you always gain more than what you sacrifice. Volunteers often sign up to serve in Children’s Ministry without any expectation of finding renewal. They simply want to give back in a way that they find meaningful. However, when you serve God’s children so they can grow up with a solid foundation, knowing God’s love and purpose for their life, you can’t help but be reminded of His love and plan for your own. “Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25). It’s amazing how this verse holds so true when we extend ourselves beyond our own lives. Investing in the youngest hearts here at St. Luke’s will always bring you to spiritual renewal. We asked some of our beloved volunteers to share how volunteering with kids has renewed their own faith:
Marcia Pa
Children’s Ministry h as taught better und me to erstand th e love and God as see g ra ce of n through the childre The highli n’s eyes. ght of my week is sta with the ch rting off ildren on S unday mo They are fill rnings. ed with lov e, compass innocence. ion and My heart sin gs after we together! I are all feel so very blessed.
Pam Black
k Kelly Clar Teacher en
’s in Children wn serving ro g to s e a h m h d My fait has helpe ecause it sus in a Je f o Ministry b s storie e th y, in la p ay. In a wa better ex aningful w e m , n le p childre is more sim sages with s e m e s e ho don’t sharing th h people w it w g n ri a h et – it similar to s ith Jesus y w ip h s n o ti tice for have a rela elical prac g n a v e d o . o of all ages has been g ith people w s n o ti a rs conve
en Teacher
Special Need s Buddy, Second Grad e Teacher M y fa it h h a s d e fi n it e ly g ro w n s in c beginning w e ith the Child re n’s Ministry. It’s been ea sy since my team has be so supportiv en e and their en thusiasm an dedication is d so contagio us. I am gla to be a part d . I’ve discove red that the is always so re mething to learn – whet you are a ch h er ild or an adu lt!
Serving kids is a blessing that requires time and energy, but you always gain more than what you sacrifice. We invite you to consider ways you can plug in! Although you would be signing up to help meet needs, along the way unexpected renewal will become all too familiar. To learn more about serving in Children’s Ministry, please email Patrice Smith at smithp@ We are always recruiting, especially for our upcoming CAMP LUKE. Please prayerfully consider joining our team!
A Resting Place By Josh Sweeney
We provide students a resting place; a place to catch their breath in the midst of the chaos of their over-scheduled lives. The renewal of the High School ministry at St. Luke’s is taking place right now! I’ve been involved in youth ministry since 2006 in a variety of positions, at places all around the Southeast. If it wasn’t for my youth pastor at St. Luke’s UMC in Pensacola, FL and a mission trip to the Bahamas with my youth group I would not be in ministry today. I love youth ministry and what it provides in the lives of students and their families. I love the United Methodist Church and what it stands for and against in the face of injustice and human rights. In seminary, we often talked about the faith development of human beings and used James Fowler’s book, Stages of Faith, and it began to shape my theology of youth ministry. I believe youth ministry is important in the lives of teenagers. No, we are not a sports team that will hold a trophy, a choreographed dance or cheer that will receive medals or an assignment that will receive an A+ grade in red letters. But youth ministry is an active, engaging, mission-oriented community believing in the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament Scriptures that share a love so overwhelmingly beautiful that it begins and ends at a cross.
weakness, how it goes astray in the ways of sin, and he also knows that it is accepted in grace and mercy” (Life Together p.118-119). This is an inspiring message that needs to be shared with youth. Their worlds are turned upside down by social media, peer pressure, parent pressure and the ideal of excellence that can become simply too much at some points. They’re moving into a more permanent social circle at school and pulling their interest into more fixed activities such as sports, dance, band, music, theater, writing and the arts. So what do we provide? We provide students a resting place; a place to catch their breath in the midst of the chaos of their over-scheduled lives. We see
Dietrich Bonhoeffer writes, “Looking at the Cross of Jesus, he knows the human heart. He knows how utterly lost it is in sin and
students evolve from early adolescence to full-fledged teenagers and we see them becoming young adults by the time they leave high school. During this time, a whole host of things begin to take shape. They move from concrete thinking to abstract ways of looking at the world, their faith and who God created them to be. They begin to see God in the face of the people on mission trips, the people we serve locally and their classmates at school. All the while there is a host of activities they are pulled into. So the church stands and gives students an opportunity for renewal and refreshment in the love of Christ. It is a place for them to explore their faith, ask questions, gain new experiences and create a Christian community. With our youth at St. Luke’s, we use six guiding principles for our ministry. We want to create: discipleship, small groups, service opportunities, retreats, worship and over all fun. If we live into these principles, students will become better stewards of their faith and become true servant leaders. Philo of Alexandria said, “Be Kind. For everyone you meet is carrying a heavy burden.” When we get that message across to students, they will lead lives filled with empathy, compassion and open hands and hearts rather than apathy, self-centeredness and clenched fists.
Sunday morning at the Lo dge. C O N N E C T @ S T. L U K E ’ S 13
Joyful Sound: Offering Inspiration at 8:15AM By Charles Manning
If you, or someone you know has an interest in singing or in finding out more about Joyful Sound, please contact Charles Manning at, or call him at 317-846-3404.
Assistant Director of Music Ministries & Organist
…the name Joyful Sound captures the essence of what we do, both in St. Luke’s worship services and in our outreach and social events. It’s 7:30AM on a Sunday morning. I’m seated at the piano in the Sanctuary, playing the vocal warm-up exercises for the singers of Joyful Sound, the choral ensemble of the 8:15AM traditional service. I’ve been the director of this dedicated band of singers for 17 of the group’s 20 years. Our singers come together from all walks of life, and are so eager to share their love of music as they lead the congregation in worship. “I love the fact that we are such a close-knit group. It’s so great to sing with a small ensemble when you know everyone there!” said Debbie Wagner, one of four original Joyful Sound singers still in the ensemble. “We have so much fun at our weekly rehearsals, and we do such an amazing variety of music,” she continued. As Joyful Sound prepares for its third decade of music-making, the group is looking for additional singers. Over the years there has been a total of over 60 people in Joyful Sound!
the ensemble was first called the “Chapel Choir.” When the current Sanctuary was completed in 1999, the move to the new worship space inspired a name change. I still like to refer to them as Charlie’s Angels, but the name Joyful Sound captures the essence of what we do, both in St. Luke’s worship services and in our outreach and social events. Joyful Sound provides an opportunity for those who love singing to have a spiritual outlet for their passion for music. The time commitment is significantly less than that required of the larger Chancel Choir, as
Joyful Sound leads in worship just twice a month, versus every week, and has the summers off. Anyone who loves to sing is welcome – prior experience with music reading and choral groups, while helpful, is not a necessary prerequisite. Joyful Sound spans all ages, from young adults to over 80. The singers embrace a variety of professions, including doctors, educators, pastors, secretaries, bus drivers, computer professionals and others. They share a love of music and a dedication to St. Luke’s as an open community of Christians. Joyful Sound’s mantra is “The longer you sing, the longer you’ll live.”
Originally initiated to sing for the early service in what is now Robertson Chapel, Joyful Sound sings for a retirement community at a recent Outreach event. 14
Welcome new staff Marci Jordan Kitchen Manager Marci has been showcasing her cooking and catering talent for over 20 years and taught mentally challenged young adults to cook before officially retiring last year. She is definitely St. Luke’s newest Crazy Kitchen Lady! Warning: Stay clear of the kitchen utensils!
Josh Sweeney High School Ministry A transplant from the Southeast, Josh loves working with High School students by engaging and helping them grow in their faith personally and to the community around them. Most of his time is spent with his wife Anna and their dog Abby.
Andrea Leadford Associate Director of Outreach With 10 years of experience in social services, if you are looking for community resources, Andrea is who you want by your side! She brings a passion for helping and serving others to St. Luke’s.
Cheryl Wyatt Administrative Assistant Cheryl comes to us with more than 30 years of experience as a professional vocalist both in and out of churches. Her contagious smile at the front desk instantly welcomes our visitors and lets everyone know how happy we are that they are here!
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HERE? Welcome! We’re happy to see you!
April 30 or June 4 12:15-3:15PM • Luke’s Lodge
April 27 or May 9 6:30PM • Main Office
Understand the purpose of the church and learn about the United Methodist Church. Hear the story of St. Luke’s and discuss what it means to be a member of this local congregation. Explore discipleship next steps in faith and service. Learn the process for formally joining St. Luke’s. Some attend this session ready to affiliate with the church while others make the choice after attending this class. Childcare available upon request. Register at
Did you know that St. Luke’s has a small prayer chapel off of Robertson Chapel? Have you wondered about the meaning of the various stained glass windows throughout the building? Are you curious about the building on the northeast corner of the parking lot called Luke’s Lodge? Whether you’re new to St. Luke’s or you’ve been coming for a while, join with others to explore our facilities and learn a bit of our history as well. Tour guide: Mary Katherine Schnitz, Director of Care Ministries. Childcare available upon request. Register at
For more information… contact Terri Coe, Director of New Here Ministries at or 317-846-3404 ext. 308
2nd Sunday of the month (3rd Sunday May) 10:45-11:15AM or 12:15-12:45PM N101-102 For those new to St. Luke’s, gain an orientation to St. Luke’s, meet key leaders and leave with recommended next steps to help you find your place within the church. Pre-registration is helpful at stlukesumc. com, but walk-ins are always welcome. Coffee and juice available. Childcare available upon request. • @stlukesumcindy • Search for St. Luke's United Methodist Church on Facebook