Advent/Christmas Events Fill Holiday Season P. 2
Live Nativity Moves to Saturday see back cover
A Guide to the Month Ahead: December 2014
Feeding Folks in the Desert:
It’s What God Does. It’s What St. Luke’s Does. p. 11 Choose from Advent Worship, Service & Learning Opportunities Coming Soon! Advent Through the Lens of Classic Movies, p. 1
2 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 15 19 21
Worship & the Arts Care Children Youth Emerging Adults Outreach Angel Tree Fellowship/UMW
December 2014 Connections@ St.Luke’s: a publication of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church 100 W. 86th St., Indianapolis, IN 46260 317-846-3404 A PDF version of Connections is available online. The deadline for submitting announcements for the next Connections@ St.Luke’s is Dec. 1.
Adult Learning Spiritual Life Center New Here?
St. Luke’s office is open 8:30AM-5PM Monday-Friday. Our Prayer Chapel is available for silent prayer and meditation when the church is open. In case of a pastoral emergency, call 317-846-3404. After hours, leave a message including how you can be reached by the on-call pastor.
Frequent Needs...........................Name, Extension
Adult Class Registration...................................... Terri Coe, 308 Childcare Needs for Meetings/Events................ Kristi Chamberlain, 307 Member Care/Death/Hospitalization Stephen Ministry Request.................................. Mary Katherine Schnitz, 365 Membership/Births/Address/Phone Change..... Sylvia Forbes, 343 Special Events/Room Reservation...................... Heather Backus, 325 Weddings............................................................ Allison Flickinger, 370 Baptisms............................................................. Kristi Chamberlain, 307 Pledge Balance/Information............................... Faina Kleyner, 313 Oasis Bookstore.................................................. Sharon Holyoak, 350 Communication/Marketing Support.................. Patricia Case, 328 Early Childhood Weekday Program.................... Mollie Smith, 844-3399 The Garden......................................................... Judy Tolley, 310
Staff email is last name followed by first initial, followed by @stlukesumc. com, for example:
Many Styles. Many Locations. One Community. St. Luke’s UMC. Sunday Worship St. Luke’s is an open community of Christians, offering multiple worship opportunities designed to meet you where you are in your journey with Christ. To receive Tuesday & Thursday weekly e-devotions related to Sunday’s sermon – sign up for Pastor Rob’s Rev-elation e-newsletter:
Sermons At St. Luke’s Sermons on the Main Campus - Rev. Rob Fuquay “Coming Soon! Christmas Classics”
This Sermon Series on the Main Campus Sunday mornings explores Advent through the lens of some all-time-favorite, classic Christmas movies. Nov. 30 – “A Charlie Brown Christmas: Clear the Clutter” Dec. 7 – “A Christmas Carol: See Your Legacy” Dec. 14 – “How the Grinch Stole Christmas: Change is Possible” Dec. 21 – “It’s A Wonderful Life: Hold onto Hope”
Worship @8 & 9:15AM 8, 9:15AM in the Sanctuary with Rev. Rob Fuquay, Senior Pastor – These services feature relevant messages by our senior pastor, while engaging worshipers in a robust, classic musical experience. Organ, Chancel Choir, and on the third Sunday of each month, a full Orchestra lift hearts and minds in praise of God. The classic style of liturgy, invites the worshiper into a setting that carries on traditions of the church in a time-honored, yet forward-looking fashion.
Worship @10:45AM 10:45AM in the Sanctuary with Rev. Rob
Messages at The Garden - Rev. Linda McCoy
Fuquay, Senior Pastor – St. Luke’s expanded its family of worship styles to include a contemporary service on Sunday mornings in the Sanctuary. It features relevant messages by our senior pastor along with amazing musical talent and a more relaxed, interactive environment.
Advent/Christmas Events & Services
Miller – Experience a multi-faceted worship that draws on cultural expressions of spirituals, Gospel, hymns and jazz music; featuring Later Band and Vocals, and a thought-provoking message. Communion is served every Sunday and is available to all persons. Light refreshments before and after worship.
Dec. 7 – Room for Everyone: Create inclusiveness Dec. 14 – ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas... Dec. 21 – Winter Solstice: Celebrate the rebirth of life Dec. 24 – Star of Hope: Could this be our beacon? Dec. 28 – No Letdowns: Was the year what we hoped?
(In Main Campus Sanctuary, unless otherwise noted) Candelight Christmas Concert – Dec. 5, 7:30PM & Dec. 6, 4PM Live Nativity – Dec. 13, 2PM & 4PM Longest Night Service – Dec. 21, 6PM - Robertson Chapel Christmas Eve Eve Service – Dec. 23, 7PM – Robertson Chapel (contemporary) Christmas Eve Services – Dec. 24: 3PM – Family Service 5PM – Candlelight (traditional) 5PM – Candlelight - Robertson Chapel (contemporary) 5 & 6:30PM – Candlelight - The Garden at Beef & Boards 7 & 9PM – Candlelight (traditional) 11PM – Candlelight - Robertson Chapel (traditional)
Later @St. Luke’s 6PM in Robertson Chapel with Dr. Marion
The Garden 8:15, 9:15 & 10:15AM Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre with Dr. Linda McCoy – The Garden is a satellite ministry of St. Luke’s providing non-traditional worship in a comfortable, casual setting. Music is provided by The Good Earth Band. The worship experience is hosted off campus at 9301 Michigan Rd., Indianapolis. It is designed to reach out to those who might not otherwise engage with an established Christian community.
Taizé 5-5:45PM Third Sunday of each month, by the baptismal font in the Sanctuary, with musical community and Rev. Kim King – This service of peace and candlelight offers a contemplative style of worship. Silence, scriptures, prayer and music combine to engage worshipers in a spiritual experience.
December 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Longest Night Worship Service Sunday, Dec. 21, 6PM Robertson Chapel Come worship with us as we celebrate the hope Christ offers in the midst of darkness.
Christmas Eve Worship Services Christmas Eve Eve Service
Tuesday, Dec. 23, 7PM • Robertson Chapel – Contemporary worship celebration of Christmas.
Christmas Eve Family Service
Wednesday, Dec. 24, 3PM • Sanctuary – Remind your family of the reason for the season with this oh-so-family-friendly celebration of the birth of Jesus.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Services
(Childcare for 5 and 7PM Main Campus services only) Wednesday, Dec. 24 5PM - Services in Sanctuary (Traditional) & Robertson Chapel (Contemporary) 5 & 6:30PM - The Garden at Beef & Boards 7 & 9PM - Services in Sanctuary (Traditional) 11PM - Service in Robertson Chapel (Traditional)
Free Blood Pressure Screening
Grief Ministries
Support Groups
Holiday Hope & Grief
Chronic Pain Support Group
December 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
9-10:30AM Dec. 14 Conference Room in Main Office (watch for signs) Join us for this free service on the 2nd Sunday of every month.
Dec. 3, 5PM, Luke’s Lodge Holidays and grief have something in common. Both are times when we recall people we love. That is what makes the holidays so difficult for those who are grieving. It is hard to celebrate when it feels like there is a hole in your heart. Hear Rev. Rhonda Hainer, UMC pastor and bereavement counselor from the Iowa Conference, share strategies for coping with grief in the midst of holiday celebrations.
Healing Under Grief Support
2PM Sundays in the Parlor, with dinner out at 4PM If you have finished a small group grief support experience, HUGS may be a next-step group. This group is ongoing for anyone who has lost a spouse or significant life partner. Contact Marsha Hutchinson,
Monthly, 2nd Tuesday, 7PM, Spiritual Life Center For any couple or single parent who has lost a baby to miscarriage, fetal demise, stillbirth, or early infant death due to genetic issues, S.I.D.S, or any other. For more information contact Marsha Hutchinson at A memorial garden is located on the west side of St. Luke’s for any perinatal or infant loss. Engraved plaques may be ordered and mounted on the brick garden wall. For information contact Marci and Jim Harenberg at 317-705-0771.
Men’s Spousal Loss Grief Group
Every Thursday from 1-2PM in Luke’s Lodge (northeast corner of church property) This men’s group will meet for fellowship and support and to allow a safe and confidential place to “say it all” with other men who understand this complex journey. Whether you have lost a spouse recently or years ago, you are invited to join. For more information, call Bob Shive at 317-253-8184, or
Dad’s Child Loss Grief Group
For any father who has lost a young adult child. The Dad’s group meets every Tuesday at 7AM for light breakfast at the Hilton Indianapolis North Hotel, 8181 N. Shadeland, and Thursdays at 7AM at Denny’s at I-65/Greenwood Exit.
Monday, Dec. 15, 6:30PM, N101/102 A support group for patients with all types of neuropathic and fibromyalgia pain and for their families and friends. No registration is required. Questions? Contact Dr. Meg Frazer at 317-844-2903 or
Family Support Group
Wednesday, Dec. 10, 6:30PM, Conference Room Emotional and spiritual support for families who have a member abusing drugs or alcohol.
Adult ADD Support Group
Thursday, Dec. 18, 7-8:30PM, W125. Support for adults with ADD. For more information call Mary Katherine at 317-846-3404 x365.
Caregiver Support Group
Second Tuesdays of the month, 6:30-8PM Main Office Conference Room There are no rehearsals for this new role in which many find themselves caring for aging parents just as they prepare to be empty nesters. Contact Tina Voelker ( or Leanne Jackson ( for more information.
St. Luke’s Heath Ministry A chance to care; a chance to heal
Spiritual, emotional and physical health are naturally connected. Whether you have time and skill to share or learn, or you are in need of health care services, Health Ministries & Parish Nurses offer services and programming that support the integration of a healthy lifestyle into the life of faith. Offerings include screenings, assessments, blood drives, and educational seminars that help individuals examine lifestyle choices that promote wellness. To volunteer or to register for classes or care, contact
Need To Talk To Someone Who Cares?
While this is a joyful season, for some it is a painful reminder of personal cares. If you have a burden that is hard to bear alone, we stand ready to accompany you. Please contact us 317-846-3404 or email to arrange a time to share your concern.
Children Sunday Morning Options:
Preschool at 9:15 & 10:45
Merry Christmas! It’s here! It’s here! The bestest time of year! That’s right, friends, Christmas is just around the corner. This year, we are sharing THE BESTEST NEWS EVER with our preschoolers. You know what the bestest news ever is? That God sent us His Son, Jesus, on that very first Christmas day. Yes, THE CHRISTMAS STORY is truly the bestest news ever. We’re going to have a great time this year sharing the Christmas story with our preschool friends. Each week, they will be introduced to a section of a fun rhyme so that by the end of the month they will be able to share the entire Christmas story with anyone and everyone they meet. Imagine it: Every preschooler in your church knowing the Christmas story. That truly would be the bestest thing ever. We’ll start the month with the story of how the angel came and told Mary she was going to have a special baby named Jesus. Then, during week two, Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem to find no room in the inn, and Baby Jesus is born in a stable. The shepherds enter the story in week three and run to meet this special baby. Finally, the wisemen arrive in week four completing both the rhyme we wrote and the Christmas story. Four weeks, one BIG story and we can’t wait to celebrate all month long!
Elementary at 9:15 & 10:45
Over the next several weeks people will spend a lot of time and energy buying presents. Relatives
will be asking for Christmas list so they can get the shopping done and the commercials on TV are rolling out their latest and greatest. You know, with all this Christmas hoopla, it is easier than ever to lose focus on why we celebrate Christmas in the first place. That’s why we want to spend this month talking about generosity: making someone’s day by giving something away. People love to give gifts but I wonder if maybe it’s because, by giving, were tapping into what it means to be created in God’s image or something about giving that reflects God’s character to those around us. This month we hope kids get wrapped up in others as they show them how much God has been so generous toward us. It’s easy to get so wrapped up in things that we missed the essence of the season, and that is Jesus. God has been so generous to us through the gift of his Son so it is only natural that, in return, we show that generosity to others. Generosity changes us when we learn how to give the way God gives. This month, we will learn that we should get wrapped up in giving, not just the Christmas, but all year long. We’ll spend the month talking about the birth of Jesus and understand what it means to show God’s character to the world. We just think that if children understand how to understand generosity, it will not only change the world around them, it will also change them as well. Our memory verse is a great reminder of that. 1 Timothy 6:18 says, “be rich in good deeds; be generous and willing to share”. That kind of redefines what it means to be rich. In other words, you’re not generous because you’re rich. You’re rich because you’re generous.
@StLukesTrack or text “follow @stlukestrack” to 40404
December 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Children’s Music Ministries
We have many musical opportunities for children ages 3-1/2 through Junior High. For more information contact Debra Nethercott (“Miss Deb”) at nethercottd@
Hospitality Volunteers
We need extra hands to help families with children navigate our church building – to greet new families with a warm smile, to help them register their children for the first time and to guide them to their new classrooms. To be one of these important people, please contact Heather Hilbert at hilberth@
St. Luke’s UMC - The Track
December 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Our Mission: To welcome all youth and families into loving, Christ-centered relationships where they can get in tune with God’s amazing love and be empowered to transform the world! Register for any event at www.stlukesumc. com/youth.
Youth Sunday Morning
High School
Middle School (5th-6th Grade)
High School Progressive Dinner -
9:15-10:30AM @ The Modge (Modular building near Door 16) 10:45AM-Noon @ Luke’s Lodge
Jr. High (7th-8th Grade)
9:15-10:30AM @ Luke’s Lodge 10:45-11:45AM @ Luke’s Lodge (5th-7th Grade) Teens can check out a fun, welcoming atmosphere at the Lodge! Come early for game systems, ping pong, foosball, air hockey and pool. First, we head to the chapel for a game, live worship, a message and small groups. See you on Sundays!
High School Kevin Davis, Director of Youth Ministry, davisk@stlukesumc. com; 846-3404 x326 Mindie Moore, Associate Director of Emerging Adults, Moorem@, 84603404, x369 Heather Campbell, Associate Director of Youth Ministry, campbellh@, 846-3404 x346
9:15-10:30AM, @ Luke’s Lodge 10:45AM, Sanctuary High school youth group meets on Sunday mornings in Luke’s Lodge for student-led worship, a brief message, small group breakouts, experiential learning, and time for hanging out with friends. Whether you’re already plugged in or new to high school youth activities, this is the place to connect! All high school youth and friends are welcome!
Upcoming Events
January 11 - Youth Winter Kick Off! February 13-15 - High School Winter Ski Retreat
December 13, 6PM-midnight, Cost: $10 All High School students are invited to join us for a fun night of food, friends and adventure! This year’s high school progressive dinner will once again be a “Road Show” as we are welcomed into families homes to share part of a meal together. We will return back to the lodge to share dessert together as a group. Then games and other activities wrapping up the fun night at midnight!!
December 19-20, 7PM-8AM, Cost: $30 All students grades 5-8 are invited for a fun-filled night at the Lodge! Wear your best Superhero costume! Adult leaders will be dressed as villains – but we’ll keep our plots for world domination at home. We will head to SkyZone in Fishers where we will have a private jump session with pizza and refreshments! We will then head back to the Lodge for more games, activities, movies and all kinds of overnight fun! Pick up is at 8AM on Saturday. Invite your friends! Sign up online, and don’t forget to bring your forms and $30!
January 19 - MLK Service Day February 15 - Grades 5-7 Laser Tag Event!
Colleen Baumgartner, Administrative Assistant, baumgartnerc@ 846-3404 x323
Join our Facebook groups!
@liveintunejh and @liveintunehs
Emerging Adults
It’s a Party... December 21 @6PM, location TBD Reunite with old friends and make new ones at our Christmas Social! Wear your best ugly Christmas sweater.Contact Mindie Moore for more information.
Connection Groups To give input into this ministry or launch a new group yourself, contact Mindie Moore, MooreM@
Mondays, 8:30-9:30PM, St. Luke’s Gym/Great Hall. Unwind after a long day with a round of volleyball.
Board Games
Friday Night, 6:30PM. Relax after a long week with an evening of board games and friends! Contact Avery Moon at 317-910-5412 for details.
Post-College Women’s Group
Every Tuesday Night at 6pm. This group of women meets weekly for community and growing together in faith! Led by Michelle Hennessey.
6:01 Happy Hour With a Twist:
Every Thursday Night at 6:01pm at HopCat in Broad Ripple. COMING IN JANUARY! Come enjoy food, drink, and God talk with good people every week! Led by Jason Davidson and Dee Dee Addison.
Facebook Groups
Check out our Facebook groups: “St. Lukes UMC - College Students” or “St. Luke’s UMC - Young Adult Ministries” to stay updated on all events and to connect with other members.
December 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Mindie Moore, Associate Director for Emerging Adults, moorem@; 846-3404, x 369
Give a Kid a Chance. Tutor.
LOCAL Opportunities
December 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Fox Hill Elementary School Teachers are available and Butler University students train tutors on the curriculum. Contact Tom Lange, Fox Hill Relationship Manager at tom.c.lange@gmail. com; or complete the online volunteer form at www. forms/z7p5q9/.
Handy? Help Family Center
If you can swing a hammer or fix stuff, consider this outreach opportunity: Help Indiana Center for Children & Families catch up on their “honey do” maintenance list. Choose your own hours, based on the daily facility schedule. Contact Sandi French at for more information.
Fletcher Place Community Center
Help break the cycle of poverty for Fletcher Place clients. Sign up to serve breakfast Dec. 9, 11, 19, 23 & 30, and Jan. 8, 13, 16, 27. (Contact: Lucretia Scammahorn, 317-299-9472) Cook, transport and/ or serve dinner meals Dec. 15 & 24, and Jan. 28. (Contact: Kay Horton, 317-253-9833). FPCC is always in need of goods for its pantry, cash donations and with the Christmas season approaching there are many opportunities for volunteering. For additional information or to provide donations in support of Fletcher Place, please contact. VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES Monday, Dec. 1-Friday, Dec. 5 (10AM-2PM) Set up and organization of Christmas Shopping store, sorting food items and packing food orders. Saturday, Dec. 6 (Shift #1 8:30AM-12:30PM, Shift #2 12:30-4PM) This is a special day as you assist a parent in selecting clothes and toys for their children. Monday, Dec. 8 – Help with clean-up, distribute remaining items and set up of dining hall. To sign up for these opportunities, contact John Nepsa (317) 402-7665 or
East 10th Street United Methodist Children & Youth Center
The mission of East Tenth United Methodist Children and Youth Center, Inc. is to provide a safe place where the spiritual, emotional, educational, and physical needs of children, youth, and their families are responded to in a holistic approach. The Center is an outreach initiative of East Tenth United Methodist Church and celebrated being open 18 years in March of 2014! Do you work downtown and wish make a difference in child’s life? The East 10th United Methodist Children and Youth Center which serves over 120 children in its daycare and afterschool programs is looking for volunteers who can share an hour reading to preschool children or helping children in the after-school program with their homework on afternoons, 4:30-5:30PM. Please email Cathy Neal at or call 317-417-9099 for more information. St. Luke’s partners with the Center and E. 10th Street United Methodist Church in its outreach
initiative. As part of their outreach, they serve Sunday Community Dinners. This is a free dinner offered to those in need in the E. 10th neighborhood, serving 80-100 people each week on Sunday evenings. St. Luke’s helped out last year and would like to do that again on January 25, March 22, and April 26, 2015. Twelve volunteers are needed each date (children 3rd grade and older are welcome, there must be one adult per child). We will serve and provide the meal. To volunteer for any of these dates visit The meal will be served with food donations we receive.
Homeless youth go to Outreach when they are at a crossroads. Hurting, neglected, and often abused, they might be living on friends’ couches, in shelters, hotel rooms, abandoned buildings, even the street. Many hope they can just make it to tomorrow, much less dream about graduating from high school or college. How can we support and bring cheer to their holiday season? VOLUNTEER Volunteer to work at the St. Luke’s sponsored Christmas Dinner for the community of homeless youth in Indianapolis on Thursday, December 18. This great celebration will have over 160 people in attendance. SIGN UP on our website. DONATE Donate GIFTS to the youth for this year’s Christmas Dinner. Stop by the Angel Tree Table in the narthex to get a list of gifts needed. Donate FOOD for the Christmas Dinner SIGN UP on our website or at the Outreach Post in the West Passage. PRAY Go to the Outreach, Inc. website to see prayer requests and pray for the clients, staff and ministry.
Support for SAWs is now possible through AmazonSmile, Amazon’s charitable program. Please remember as you shop for the holidays any purchase made on Amazon indicating SAWs as your choice of charity to support will result in a 0.5% donation to SAWs. Congratulations to the SAWs Indianapolis Construction Group! In September they
December 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Hang an ornament. Make a difference. Angel Tree collections continue, with hopes to help more neighbors than ever. Learn more and sign-up online to support this important ministry. Visit Direct questions to or Julie Hunt at
Giving Opportunities • Donate $100 to purchase a specialty Kroger Gift Card • Purchase a “Home Essentials” Basket • Purchase gifts for an individual or family • Sponsor a person/family by donating money • Donate money for United Christmas Service Vouchers • Give of your time to assist families in the shopping experience on Dec. 21
When/Where Can I Sponsor Someone or Donate Money? • At tables on Sunday mornings between services through Dec. 14 • Online at through Dec. 7
When/Where are Gifts Received? • Between services on Dec. 7 & 14 at the Angel Tree Narthex table or the Main Office during the week • Gifts need to be dropped off no later than Monday, Dec. 15
December2014 February 2014 Communion Connections@St.Luke’s
New Outreach Partner: Jordan YMCA
Outreach Ministries is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Jordan YMCA at 86th and Westfield.Jordan YMCA focuses on building community and creating positive change for families, singles, college students, new couples and emptynesters. St. Luke’s will be partner with the YMCA through seasonal events like Thanksgiving and Christmas, the Back-to-School Extravaganza (August). Watch for more details in 2015.
Feed Every One
Feed Every One needs volunteers to take unsold food from area grocery stores to Indianapolis shelters on Tuesdays, Saturdays or Sundays. (Contact: Vick Knapke at vlkchiro@
Outreach surpassed the 500 total ramps built in the Indianapolis metro area since 2003. As their building season approaches its end, Rik Hagarty, President, wants to thank each and every volunteer that has driven a screw, cut a board, shoveled dirt, made a phone call, surveyed a site, drawn a plan, or raised a dollar. YOU make this possible! YOU are responsible for giving those who call on us their freedom back. THANK YOU!” Direct questions to Paul Snyder, Relationship Manager 317-695-0585.
National Opportunities
Take your Small Group to the Next Level with ‘See. Serve. Surrender.’
What would it be like if your small group (a class, or affinity group like singles, women’s circle or men’s gathering) challenged each other to learn first-hand about mission? That’s the idea behind the See/ Serve/Surrender program at St. Luke’s. Participants pay about $250 for a weekend adventure in another city, designed to demonstrate what God is doing beyond the Metro Indianapolis area. See/Serve/ Surrender invites participants to see each of the target cities in a new light; to serve with existing ministries in those locations not only to help their ministry, but also to gain new insight into mission practices applicable for St. Luke’s; and to surrender time, talent and treasure. Preparation for the trips includes training, commissioning and a followup session to unpack next steps back home. Plan now for your service learning adventure. Current 2015 trips include: Cleveland, OH – February 14-16 Detroit, MI – April 23-26 St. Louis, MO – June 4-7 Rosebud, SD – June 13-19 Nashville, TN – September 14-17 Direct questions to Meghann Bowman at
What Will Your Kids Remember About Your 2015 Summer Vacation? While a South Dakota American Indian Reservation might not be Disneyland, chances are, children who take part in this family summer experience will never forget their week with the Lakota people. The Lakota, who are known for the value they place on community, will welcome their St. Luke’s tiyospaye (extended family) June 14-20, 2015 for a week of living, loving and learning. This experience is meaningful for children of God ranging from seven
years old to great-grandparents. Experience native cooking, traditional powwows, ceremonial events, games and spirituality (including a sweat lodge experience) – as well as a little construction work around the reservation. Participation is limited. Reserve a place today with $125 deposit at www. Direct questions to Wendy McNarney,, or Robb Eads,
Naples, FL Habitat for Humanity
Week of January 19, 2015. Please register by Dec. 14, 2014. LEADERS: Cheri and Kent Millard St Luke’s will be returning to Naples, Fla., to assist Habitat for Humanity of Collier County in building homes. The project will focus on working in a neighborhood owned by Habitat. COST: Transportation, housing, meals, In-Kind Donation to Habitat of Collier County Work TuesdayFriday 8AM-1PM; meals on your own, but planned for fellowship; some snacks provided on work site.
International Opportunities
Spend 2015 College Spring Break on a Beach with Friends – in Haiti
That’s right. Hop on a plane to a faraway place in the sun and make a difference on something besides your tan. “Impact Experience,” March 14-21, 2015, partners with Haitians to change their lives – and yours. You’ll learn more about life in Haiti through the eyes of Haitian families and orphaned children. While there may be a hands-on constructionrelated task, the main goal will be for participants to develop an awareness of life in Haiti. Hike in the mountains, shop at the market, visit the health clinic, spend a day at a Caribbean beach. Participation is limited to 20 people. Secure your spot with $200 deposit toward the $900 registration cost at at Additional cost for transportation (expect about $650 - $700). Pastor Jamalyn Peigh Williamson can answer questions at
Feeding Folks in a (food) Desert Is Right up God’s Alley When Erica needs groceries for her family of seven, she has to plan ahead. Her apartment in the Crooked Creek area of Indianapolis sits in the middle of a food desert – an area of town where affordable and nutritious food is difficult to obtain, especially for people without convenient transportation. She and her husband both have jobs, but their wages being what they are, the family still lives below the poverty line. Erica is grateful to have access to the food donated to the pantry at Second Presbyterian Church. It’s the only food pantry serving Washington Township, and the closest one to Erica’s apartment. But situated more than 3.5 miles away, Second Presbyterian is tough to access without a car. At least once a week, this fast-food employee catches the bus in her neighborhood, and rides it to the center of downtown Indianapolis. There, she changes buses and heads back north to Second Presbyterian Church at 7700 N Meridian. The round-trip journey is about a four-hour trek. Other routes may take a little less time, but they involve hiking about four miles in the process. So she rides the bus, and doesn’t complain about lugging groceries for seven, on and off two buses.
Together, we are about to change all that. St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, Dow AgroSciences, Gleaners Food Bank and Eskenazi Health Center Pecar will partner to establish a food pantry in property on the Health Center campus. Plans are to be fully functional in early 2015. This facility, at 6940 N. Michigan Road, will put healthy food within a half-hour walk of thousands of Crooked Creek and Pike Township residents, like Erica. As you consider gifts for those you love this year for Christmas, consider Erica and her familiy. What better gift than a donation in honor of your loved ones to help with start-up costs for the new food pantry? Visit to make a donation, or respond to the offering during the Dec. 5-6 Christmas Concerts. (p. 3) Let’s leave no doubt that we serve the God who has a solid track record when it comes to leading, feeding and tending people in deserts.
December 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
For more information on Elderberries events or to make reservations, contact Adra Wheeler at 317-253-4914 or 317-846-3404.
Christmas Luncheon
Sunday Lunch Bunch
Monthly Euchre Game
December 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Thinking about retirement or have recently retired? We are planning several social (pitch-in) events in homes to facilitate individuals getting to know each other better. For more information, contact Jackie King, jk21@ or 317658-4375.
Saturday, Dec. 6, 2PM, Fellowship Hall. Enjoy fellowship, food and the music of the Annual Christmas Concert at St. Luke’s. The Concert will receive an offering for the launch of a new Food Pantry in the Crooked Creek area, so be prepared to be generous with this important ministry for our neighbors! The monthly Elderberries Euchre game will be Saturday, Dec. 20 at 6:45PM in the Parlor. Please bring a snack to share.
ReachOut New Members Always Welcome
ReachOut is a diverse and inclusive group within the St. Luke’s community offering spiritual support and encouragement to LGBT persons. We strive to lead a life of service to others, achieve Christian maturity and educate ourselves in matters of faith. For more information, contact Mary Katherine Schnitz at
Sports Men’s Basketball Open Gym
For adult basketball enthusiasts (16+) who are looking to play friendly pick-up games on Thursday nights from 7:30-9:30PM in the Great Hall. Weekly emails are sent to confirm players for the week. Contact Chris Lemming at 317-595-8545 or email
Co-Ed Volleyball
6:30PM or 7:30PM Mondays, through April 27 2015, Great Hall – New players of all skill levels are welcome and encouraged to join the fun. Games emphasize fellowship: competitive, but friendly (no spiking, blocking, overhand serves). If you are interested in playing and are not already on a team, contact Brent Scott (247-2065 weekdays, 875-9382 evenings, or Registration is $25/player.
Sundays, 12:15PM Join us for fun, food and fantastic times! For more information, contact Armen at or 317-298-8913.
Singles Fork, Knife & Glass Dinner
Fork, Knife and Glass is a community group for anyone who would like to have dinner once a month at a local restaurant and enjoy conversation and laughter with other singles. Hosted by Armen Avakian, or 317-298-8913.
Tuesdays, 7-8:30PM, N101/102 Toastmasters International offers effective ways to improve communication and leadership skills. Guests attend for free. For information, call Cathy Baker at 317-334-7821.
Most Wednesdays & Fridays, 6:30PM, Great Hall See the schedule online or check the volleyball status line at 317-721-3099 after 4:30PM. The cost to play is $2. For information, visit the Singles Meetup page: or email slsvb@ecnsltng. com. You can also leave a message on the status line and one of the team leaders will return your call.
Check the Singles calendar online at www.stlukesumc. com/ministries/adult/ singles
December 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Sunday, January 18, 2015 St. Luke’s United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall 1-2:30PM FREE p.m. Fellowship Hall at •1:00 p.m. -•2:30
Sunday, January 18 FREE
Registration is required at
Registration is required at This workshop invites you to embrace various As a result of participating, you will gain: aspects of your identity, and explore how • A new framework upon which to rewrite Thisreally workshop invites you toamong you feel about differences As a result participating, you will gain: your story,offocused on reframing your embrace various aspects of your others. This interactive and experiential vision and outlook on life, especially identity, and explore how you really negative times. on rewriting your program engages everyone... “unA new framework •during feel about differences among engageables” included, and offers a diverse the importance reframing • Astory, greater appreciation andof deeper others. This interactive group a unique opportunityand to celebrate your vision and outlook towards life, understanding of what diversity means, experiential program engages their differences. Join us and take part in especially negative times. and its many during hidden elements. everyone… “un-engageables” thoughtful conversation in a fun and nongreater appreciation and deep understanding of the impact our included, manner. and offers diverseand often • •AAdeeper threatening This a powerful understanding of what diversity choices make towards those we serve. group a unique opportunity to moving experience promotes stronger selfmeans, its many often-hidden Make moreand informed choices in how you celebrate their differences. Join us elements. awareness, acceptance, and compassion. interact with others as you serve. and take part in thoughtful • A deeper understanding of the conversation in a fun and nonCome prepared to play, move and interact fully.impact This experience is ideal for anyone our choices make towards threatening manner. This powerful those we serve. Make more 13 years and older, and is only effective if each attendee understands the importance of and often moving experience informed in how you full interaction and participation with others. This is crucial tochoices the success of the program promotes stronger self-awareness, interact with others as you serve. as this is NOT a typical workshop or lecture experience. acceptance, and compassion. COME PREPARED TO PLAY, MOVE, AND INTERACT FULLY. This experience is ideal for anyone 13 years and older, and is only effective if each attendee understands the importance of full interaction and participation with others. This is crucial to the success of the program as this is NOT a typical workshop or lecture experience.
December 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Fellowship United Methodist Women (UMW)
For specific times, dates and locations of upcoming UMW events, check the calendar at www.stlukesumc. com/news/calendars/ or email the contact person listed.
UMW Cookbook
The UMW cookbook will be available for purchase at all UMW events by contacting Allison Flickinger at Allisonflickinger@ It contains over 500 recipes donated by St. Luke’s members and their families and friends. Cost: $10, proceeds benefit UMW missions.
UMW Christmas Dinner
Mon., Dec. 8, 6:30-8:30PM, Fellowship Hall – Please join the United Methodist Women for our annual Christmas Dinner. All women of St. Luke’s are invited to attend. Come celebrate the season and another great year of mission work with us. We’ll announce recipients of our mission funding at this meal, as well. Free Childcare is available. Sign up to attend below. This is a free event. www.
UMW Reading Group
There will be no UMW Reading Group meeting in December — enjoy the week of Christmas! Our reading selection for our January 26 meeting will be The American Way of Poverty: How the Other Half Still Lives by Sasha Abramsky. Make a New Year’s commitment to read and be part of a small group at St. Luke’s! Newcomers are always welcome. For information, please contact Jennifer Todd at
Sarah Circle
Monday, Dec. 15, 1PM, Parlor. Please join us to hear Marilyn Griffith co-leader and social worker about missions in Sierra Leone. She and her husband Don lead teams to provide medical education and help to remodel outpatient clinics at Lassy Hospital in Freetown, Africa. The next meeting is Feb. 16. No January meeting. For more information please call Esther Childress, 317 2573382 or
Mary Magdalene Circle
Mary Magdalene will be meeting on Wednesday, December 10 for a Christmas Lunch at Serenity Tea Room, 135 South Main Street, Zionsville. Our lunch will begin at 11:30AM. Please email or call Lori if you would like to participate. We plan to go Christmas shopping after lunch. Mary Magdalene Circle membership is open to all women of St. Luke’s. If you have any questions, please contact co-chairs Jolynne Wilhoit at 403-2462,wilhoitj@ or Lori Chambers 6965965 or
Eve Circle
We invite all mothers to join us for fellowship, service projects and spiritual growth. Eve Circle meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Tuesday, Dec. 2, 9:30AM. Members will be delivering and sorting gifts we have purchased for Fletcher Place. Members not wanting to go off site will be working on a service project in the parlor for students at Greenbriar Elementary school. Tuesday, Dec. 16, Fellowship Hall. We will be making fleece blankets for Project Linus. Free childcare is available for meetings by contacting For more information or to receive email updates, please contact
Hannah Circle
Hannah Circle welcomes mothers working or staying at home that need an evening circle and support group. Hannah Circle meets one evening a month from 7-8:30PM, Sept-March. Free Childcare is provided. Please email childcare reservations at least one week in advance. In creating this circle, we hope to connect mothers at St. Luke’s for Faith, Fellowship, and Mission through the support of our UMW. For more information or to be put on our email list, please email Dawn Bick at
New Life Circle: Single Women
Join us on Tuesday, November 18 at 7PM in the Spiritual Life Center for “The Beauty Around Us” with Betty Brandt, Director of the Spiritual Life Center. Come learn about the sacred art in the Sanctuary, Robertson Chapel, the Spiritual Life Center and other places within St. Luke’s walls. We promise you a spirit-filled, inspiring evening of fun and fellowship. Invite a friend. For information, call Nancy at 341-5032 or email at or Cathy at 334-7821. New Life Circle welcomes single, divorced, and widowed women of all ages.
Adult Learning New!
Advent Classes Not a Silent Night: Mary Looks Back to Bethlehem
This book by Adam Hamilton helps us imagine Jesus from Mary’s point of view - proud of her son, in awe of his gifts and mission, guided by love for him as a person and so much more. In this book, Adam Hamilton begins at the end, with Mary at the crucifixion and resurrection; travels back in time as she witnesses his life and ministry; and ends at the beginning, with the Christ child born in a stable, Mary’s beautiful baby. This year, experience Advent and Christmas with Mary. Each week we’ll watch a part of the DVD, based on Hamilton’s book. Class discussion will follow. Books available in Oasis Bookstore. This class will be offered: • Sundays (Nov 30, Dec. 7, 14 and 21) 10:45AM11:45AM, N101/102 led by Bill Shaffer • Sundays (Nov. 30, Dec. 7, 14 and 21) 9:30AM10:30AM, Parlor led by Bill Eckert • Sundays (Nov. 23, Dec. 7, 14 and Dec. 21), 10:45AM-noon, E105 by Sandy Harlan • Tuesdays (Dec. 2, 9, 16 and 23) noon-1:00PM, N101/102 by Bill Shaffer
Wednesdays (Nov. 12, 19, Dec 3, 10, 17) 9:30AM-11:00AM, E105 by Marion Miller
Under Wraps: The Gift We Never Expected
Under Wraps explores the character of God described in the Old Testament and then revealed through Jesus Christ in the New Testament. Each week centers on a key word that describes a characteristic of God: faithful, dangerous, expectant, jealous and joy. No registration necessary. Books available in the Oasis Bookstore. • Kim King Pastor’s Bible Study Wednesdays (Nov. 19, Dec 3, 10, 17) 10-11:30AM, Parlor
“A Christmas Carol” Bible Study
This video-based Bible study features the classic Charles Dickens’ film as a musical with Kelsey Grammer in the lead role of Scrooge. Join the members of the Empty-Nesters Sunday class – Nov. 30-Dec. 28 • 10:30-11:30AM – to reflect on our expectations for this Advent/Christmas season. Director of Adult Ministries, Terri Coe facilitates.
9:15AM Sunday
10:30AM/Later Sunday
“On Being” Discussion - Ongoing
Adult Sunday School
Sundays, 9:15AM, Spiritual Life Center If you are a fan of Krista Tippett’s “On Being” radio show airing Sundays, FM90.1, then join Betty Brandt for a lively discussion of each week’s show. Krista interviews authors, spiritual leaders, storytellers, entertainers, scientists, and political activists. Listen to the show prior to class at www. Podcasts of the show are posted on the Friday before the Sunday airing.
Not a Silent Night
Sundays (Nov 30, Dec 7, 14 and 21) 9:30-10:30AM, Parlor. See description above.
Sundays, Nov 30 and Dec. 7-21, 10:45-11:45AM, N101/102. See description above.
Empty Nesters - Ongoing
Sundays, 10:30-11:30AM, Parlor This Sunday school class/social group started when participants were new empty nesters. They continue to face post-empty-nest challenges together, and welcome others to morning studies and monthly dinner or other events beyond the classroom.
Sermon Discussion - Ongoing
Sundays, 10:45AM, N103/104 Discuss the sermon after the 8 or 9:15AM service; class led by Craig Overmyer & Gary Chambers.
December 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Whether you are new, returning or experienced in Christian faith, St. Luke’s Adult Learning Opportunities are designed to help you find the “next step” on your faith journey.
Registration & Child Care
Please pre-register if class description requests that and/ or if you would like to request our complementary childcare, which is offered for some of the classes. Visit www.stlukesumc. com, type the class name in the upper right search bar and then click on the link to the class. If the Internet baffles you, call us as 317846-3404 and ask for help.
Adult Learning
Small Groups
New Perspectives - Ongoing
December 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
As St. Luke’s continues to grow its ministry, we continue to watch for opportunities for small groups of members and friends to gather in intentional groups that may start out by studying together, but soon find lasting relationship with one another. To learn more about small groups, contact Susan Fuquay, Associate Director of Adult Ministries, fuquays@
Sundays, 10:45-11:45AM, Spiritual Life Center A welcoming community of theologically diverse people seeking a place to respectfully share and explore ways to deepen their faith and increase understanding of what it means to be Christian. Expect DVD series with discussion led by Don Reed.
Singles Bible Study - Ongoing
selection of literature. This casual group also enjoys lunches, watching movies, taking field trips, and celebrating birthdays. Before we meet, read as much of the book of the month as you can. Class facilitator is Phyllis Bybee. Books are available in Oasis Bookstore.
Weekdays for All Adults
Sundays, Nov. 23 and Dec. 7-21, 10:45-noon, E105 We’ll be studying Not a Silent Night - Mary Looks Back to Bethlehem by Adam Hamilton. Books available in Oasis Bookstore. Led by Sandy Harlan
Weekdays for Women Christian Chat
2nd & 4th Mondays, 10-11:30AM, Spiritual Life Center Drop in for interesting discussions about Christian topics and to enjoy fellowship in this class designed for busy women. Each session is self-contained, and there is no homework. Join as your schedule permits, and come late or leave early as needed.
Women’s Bible Study
Wednesdays, 1:15-2:15PM, E105 Join Leader Terri Coe and other women for lively conversations related to various Bible studies be they of a book of the Bible, theme-related, or character studies. We always seek to understand not just the biblical text but how we can apply our learning to daily living.
Thursday Afternoon Book Study Thursdays, 1-2:30PM, Parlor Join this group to read and discuss a diverse
Looking Ahead to Lent 2015 Save the dates: Feb. 18-April 5
Disciple Re-Starts in January
All Disciple Bible Study Classes will begin the New Testament Portion the week of January 5, 2015. Enjoy your December holidays and be ready to start in again! Anyone interested in joining in the New Testament Portion of Disciple Bible Study, contact Susan Fuquay at (You need to have completed the Old Testament portion in a previous year to join.)
Morning Bible Study
Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30AM, The Forum at The Crossing An off-site senior adult Bible Study. Led by Terri Coe, Mary Katherine Schnitz and others.
Café Conversation
Wednesdays, through Dec. 17, 9:30-11AM, E105 Using a DVD based on the book, Dr. Marion Miller leads discussion of Adam Hamilton’s Not a Silent Night – Mary Looks Back to Bethlehem. This book imagines Jesus from Mary’s point of view.
Pastors’ Book Study - Ongoing
Wednesdays, 10-11:30AM, Parlor The Pastors’ Book Study has rotating staff members leading discussions on books throughout the year. Rob Fuquay kicked off the year, followed by Adolf Hansen, Kim King and David Williamson. Class coordinators are Judi Hosfeld & Sally Pearson. No registration necessary. Books are available in Oasis. • Under Wraps: the Gift We Never Expected. Dec. 3, 10, 17, led by Pastor Kim King.
Advent Adult Book Study Recruiting Lenten Small Group Hosts for 2015 NOW Interested? Contact Susan Fuquay
Tuesdays, Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23, noon-1:00PM, N101/102 Join Bill Shaffer in discussion surrounding Adam Hamilton’s Not a Silent Night – Mary Looks Back to Bethlehem. See description on page 15.
Adult Learning Celebrate Diversity
Taught by Kevin Wanzer, Sunday, Jan. 18, 1-2:30PM, Fellowship Hall – (13 or older). Embrace various aspects of your identity, and explore how you really feel about differences in others. come prepared to play, move and interact fully. Sponsored by The Garden. Registration at www. (see page 13).
December 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Living the Question
Thursdays, Jan 15- Mar. 5, 7-9PM, Garden Meeting Room C-124. Facilitator Barb Hale, MA-SF, with Rev. Linda McCoy on March 5th. On our faith journey we may encounter questions about God, Jesus or The Bible. This group will examine videos of 30 leading religious voices and discuss many of those the questions. Register at
New 6-Week Classes starting January 8 – February 12, 2015! Women meet in the church parlor on Thursday mornings for coffee, refreshment and fellowship at 9:15 and then move into one of the following classes from 9:30 to 10:45. Childcare is provided. Register online at or call Adult Ministries at 317-846-3404 with questions. All ages of women are invited.
Real Moms, Real Jesus
What does Jesus know about the peanut-butter-and-jelly life of a mom? Plenty! Jill Savage, founder of Hearts at Home, introduces the real Jesus to real moms. Jill brings Jesus right into the laundry-filled, sticky-fingered days every mother knows. In Real Moms...Real Jesus, Savage continually reminds the reader that Jesus is not an unattainable deity, but a Friend who understands. Books in Oasis Bookstore. Led by Heather Hilbert. Meets in the Parlor.
The Christ-Centered Woman
Kimberly Reisman helps women to find balance at every age and stage of life. Confronting the daily chaos of competing demands, she asks not “How do I juggle my responsibilities?” but “How do I make choices that reflect my relationship with Christ and his direction for my life?” Focusing on Ephesians, Chapter 3, women explore what the Bible teaches about Christ-centered living and how to contemplate, sort, and prioritize our lives. Books in Oasis Bookstore. Led by Debra Peek. Meets in E212.
The Gifts of Imperfection
In The Gifts of Imperfection, Brené Brown, a leading expert on shame, authenticity, and belonging, shares ten guideposts on the power of Wholehearted living—a way of engaging with the world from a place of worthiness. Books in Oasis Bookstore. Led by Bev Gallagher. Meets in E213.
Twelve Women of the Bible
This video-based Bible study is based on the stories of twelve women in the Bible. Discover new insights and be challenged, encouraged, and empowered to face trials in your own life by drawing nearer to God. Register online. Study guide available in Oasis Bookstore. Co-Led by Wanda Thompson and Linda Roberts. Meets in N101/102. This group is made up of wonderful grandmothers.
Moms of Young Children Small Group
This is a friendly group of mothers with younger children who meet together and discuss the sermon from the previous Sunday. Led by Lindsey Rabinowitz. Meets in the Spiritual Life Center.
December 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Adult Learning Social Media 101
Jan. 4, 11:30AM - 1:30PM – Join an open Q&A forum on how to make the most of social media for work or play. Come on first Sundays of each month. Walkins are welcome, but registration is helpful. Register at
Retreats & Travel Journey to the Celtic Lands
Join Dr. Linda McCoy and others from The Garden and St. Luke’s on a journey to the Celtic lands of Ireland and Scotland. Travelers may choose one or both portions of the trip: Ireland, from June 6-13 and Scotland, June 13-21. Contact Linda at or Judy Tolley in The Garden office 846-2384, ext 310 or tolleyj@stlukesumc. com for more details. Register by Dec. 15.
Civil Rights Pilgrimage
March 5-9, Atlanta, Montgomery, Selma, Birmingham & Memphis. Register by Dec. 31, $950.
Join this pilgrimage to the South led by Dr. Kent Millard, a Freedom Fighter during the Civil Rights Movement. Visit places made famous and infamous by the Civil Rights Movement, including Selma, Ala. on the 50th anniversary of the March for Voting Rights. Fee includes flights to Atlanta with return from Memphis, 4 nights at 4-star hotels, bus transportation, museum entry fees, daily breakfast and one group dinner. Register online.
15 Spaces Remain for Trip Walk in the Footsteps of Paul
Travel to Greece & Turkey, Fall 2015 Travel with Pastor Rob and Susan Fuquay to Greece and Turkey in the Fall of 2015. Cities include Thessaloniki, Corinth, and Philippi, Athens in Greece and Ephesus and Santorini in Turkey. Learn more about the world Paul encountered, the people who lived there and the ancient culture from which they came. Email Bob Zehr at zehrb@ for more information. There are 15 spaces open.
Creation Care Interested in learning more about current important social issues?
Every 3rd Wednesday at 6:30PM in the Parlor. Come for dessert and conversation, then break into Creation Care and Social Justice groups at 7PM.
Creation Care Leadership Team
Dec. 10, 5:30-7PM, C110 Contact Eric VanSteenberg,, to learn more about how this team strives to raise awareness and engagement in Caring for Creation through St. Luke’s.
Caring for Creation Series
Every 3rd Wednesday, through March 2015, 6:30-8PM, Parlor. Dec. 19 – Environmental Issues in the 2015 Indiana Legislature Studies show that if a legislator hears from 10 constituents, attention is paid. We can get involved in communicating with our state legislators if we know about upcoming legislation in the 2015 session. Come learn about three issues and make your voice heard.
Spiritual Life Center Spiritual Life Center SPIRITUALITY AND THE ARTS
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Tuesdays, 1-3PM, Luke’s Lodge Prayerful volunteers who like to knit or crochet and love the fellowship of working together make prayer shawls for those needing to be wrapped in God’s healing love. New knitters welcome. Led by Helen Vriesman.
Sister Jody O’Neil Exhibit December “Identity” Gallery – Sister Jody O’Neil is an artistin-residence with the Sisters of Providence at the Roethele Art Studio on the SP Motherhouse grounds at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Her website is appropriately titled Working in an environment rooted in spiritual values and eco-justice, it is obvious that she enjoys her work as much as her work environment. Her work ranges in a variety of media. Artist’s Reception: Sunday, Dec. 7, 10AM-12:30PM.
Crochet Guild of Indianapolis
1st Saturday of the month, 10AM-Noon, E107/109 Learn to crochet and contribute to on-going projects. Contact Edie Huffman, 317-228-0496.
St. Luke’s at the Movies
“How the Grinch Stole Christmas” Friday, December 12, 7-8:30PM, Parlor. During Advent sermons will be based on classic Christmas movies. The Sunday, December 14 sermon will feature this favorite Dr. Seuss’ story - How the Grinch Stole Christmas. A 1966 American animated television special directed by Chuck Jones, it is based on the story of The Grinch trying to take away Christmas from the townsfolk of Whoville who live below his mountain hideaway. Come see this movie and another short Christmas film, enjoy treats and discuss themes. No registration, donations appreciated.
Computer Collection Drive and E-Waste Recycling Event
Saturday, January 3, 11AM-2PM in the back parking lot, door #7. Donate your no-longer used computer equipment to Wings for West Africa, a local non-profit that refurbishes and ships computers to schools in West Africa. Hard drives are professionally wiped and tax receipts provided. We are also accepting anything with a cord to be safely recycled by RecycleForce Inc. For a complete list of what can be recycled at this event go to www.stlukesumc. com. Tell your friends and neighbors! Cans, bottles and cardboard also accepted. Fee is collected for TVs.
Recycle those Christmas Catalogs! Even if you can recycle your junk mail, catalogs, newspapers, etc at the curb, please bring them to the green and yellow Abitibi bins on the east side of our property (moved 50 yards north of previous location). Your unwanted paper can earn money for Creation Care Ministry when we hit our 4-ton monthly goal!
Gentle Yoga Class
Monday & Thursday 5:30-6:30PM, N103/104, $8/session Open to all ages and abilities, this gentle yoga class welcomes those not flexible enough to sit on the floor (chairs provided) as well as those who can sit on the floor (bring a mat and a blanket). Taught by Carol Holden.
Yoga for Stress
Mondays, Nov. 3-Dec. 15, 9:30-10:45AM $84 Thursdays, Nov. 6-Dec. 18, 8:30-9:45AM; $72 All classes in N103/104 – Walk-ins $15/class Ending with a 15-minute guided deep relaxation, this class will help you gain balance, strength and flexibility in your body and peace and calm in your mind. All levels are welcome to join. Register/pay online, New classes begin Jan. 5 & 8, respectively.
December 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Find SLC On Facebook
“St. Luke’s UMC – Spiritual Life Center.”
Spiritual Life Center
Spiritual Life Center’s Blog
Prayer and Meditation
December 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
The Spiritual Life Center now has a blog at slcblog. Watch for posts about trends in spiritual development, interesting spiritual journeys, new ideas, poetry and comments from Spiritual Life Center classes and events. If you would like to be a contributing writer, please contact Betty Brandt at brandtb@ or 317-846-3404 x339.
New Year’s Eve Labyrinth Walk
Wed., Dec., 31, 6-8PM, Fellowship Hall. Welcome the New Year with a time of reflection and gratitude. All are invited to this Open Labyrinth Walk. Hostess will greet you and introduce the labyrinth and answer questions.
A Year of Prayer Continues
Every Tuesday, January 13-April 28, 6:30-7:30PM, Brandt Lounge, Luke’s Lodge. Join this growing community - put prayer at the center of your life in 2015! Learn new prayer forms, develop a personal prayer practice and pray for other group members. Led by Elisa Jenkins, Jacquie Reed and Roger Frick. Come when you can. Registration suggested, no fee.
Ongoing Meditation Group
Mondays, 6:30-7:30PM, Spiritual Life Center No fee or registration. Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome to join in a 30-minute discussion followed by 30 minutes of Christian meditation. You will find support for your practice, new ideas and a community of others who welcome silence. Led by Merri Leffel.
Soulful Breathwork Classes
1st and 3rd Mondays, new participants meet at 7PM, all others meet at 7:30-8:30PM, N103/104 Soulful Breathwork is a practice of active conscious breathing that heals and rejuvenates physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The method is gentle but extremely effective because it activates the intrinsic intelligence of the body to heal and generate cumulative and permanent changes. It is an excellent tool for self-discovery, often leading to a more integrated and authentic experience of self and increased compassion toward self and others. Work done lying on the floor. Please bring a yoga mat, blanket and pillow. Led by Lynn Tisza. No registration, $20/session or package of 5 sessions for $80. Co-sponsored by the Health Ministry and Healing Partners.
Healing Partners Appointments
Sessions to re-energize and relax persons to enable their own natural resources to deal with illness or injury. Process honors all faith traditions. Call 317-846-3404 x442 for a daytime or evening appointment. No fee, donations appreciated.
Pilgrimage Healing Process Training
Sat., Feb. 7 or 21 8:30AM-4PM –If you feel called to bring the healing power of God’s love to others, you may be interested in joining our St. Luke’s Healing Ministry. You can be trained in this hands-on-healing modality. The training includes background of the Pilgrimage Healing Process, learning the steps, being both receiver and giver and a discussion of your role as healer. Registration required. Fee of $150 includes training manual, DVD and lunch. Experiencing a healing session in preparation for the training is required. Call 846-3404x442 to schedule a healing session appointment. Contact Betty Brandt, brandtb@, 846-3404x339, to express interest and ask questions.
Discovering Your Spiritual Word for the New Year: A Mini-Retreat Sat., Dec. 6, 9-11:3AM, Parlor A growing spiritual practice is that of choosing one word each New Year to focus on, pray about, and live by. During this mini-retreat, you’ll be introduced to the concept of choosing your spiritual word, participate in a guided reflection exercise, and have the opportunity to explore your chosen word using a variety of artistic expression. Join us on this journey of discovery as you prepare to embrace the New Year in a new way. Led by Spiritual Directors and St. Luke’s members: Beverly Gallagher and Robin Chaddock. Registration requested, fee: $10/ person to cover cost of materials.
Book Studies & Workshops
Sunrise Book Study
Wednesdays, 7-8:30AM, Parlor. Start your day with friends, prayer, a good book, stimulating discussion and personal enrichment. Contact Betty Brandt at 317-846-3404 or
Women’s Spiritual Book Study
Tuesdays, 1-2:30PM, Spiritual Life Center Group meets weekly to discuss meaningful and sometimes controversial books. Contact JoAnne Waeltz, 317-872-0895.
New Earth Community
Thursdays, 7-8:30PM, Spiritual Life Center This study group discusses innovative and challenging spiritual books. Contact JoAnne Waeltz, 317-872-0895.
December 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Next Steps: Lunch with the Pastors
e’s k u L . t S o t e m o lc e W
glad hodist Church! We are so et M d ite Un ’s ke Lu . St Welcome to , we hope ow this faith community kn to t ge u yo As . re he you are ing body of are an open and welcom we at th r ve co dis ll wi you seek, celebrate, live and “to : ion iss m r ou t ou es believers, that liv r all creation.” share the love of God fo of We strive to be the kind know what to nts wa t community tha can learn God cares about, so we munity com a ; too it, to care about even when that does the right thing t smooths it’s hard; a community tha curious the path for those who are ong and about how to have a str h a loving wit p shi on life-giving relati kind of faith God. We strive to be the the light of community that reflects d us. Christ to the world aroun
, We’ll show you around ning share what we are lear ur and help you make yo this way into the heart of we all community – even as to continue the journey in the heart of God.
been looking for th community you have fai of d kin the like s nd and. That’s why we Maybe this sou re about us. We underst mo ow kn to ed ne lly ps with us. These – but you rea to help you take next ste es niti rtu po op e som ed p with God, even have develop out us and our relationshi ab re mo rn lea u yo lp he opportunities h God. your own relationship wit as you try to strengthen in your If you have young people you to family, we can introduce ing that’s age-appropriate programm ve a robust available for them. We ha ung adult children’s, youth and yo ministry at St. Luke’s. s, please do If you have any question ch with Terri not hesitate to be in tou nistries, Coe, Director of Adult Mi or (317) 846.3404, ext. 308.
Sunday, Feb. 8 • 12:15-1:30PM - Bring the family and meet St. Luke’s ministers, including Senior Pastor Rob Fuquay. Learn about our vision and mission - and how to find your way at St. Luke’s. Lunch is on us! Other gatherings that are especially helpful for new guests include:
Exploring Membership Class
Sun., Jan. 11 2015, Noon-3PM - Learn Pastor Rob Fuquay’s vision for St. Luke’s and what it means to seek, celebrate, live and share the love of God. You’ll also learn what it means to be a member.
Discover Your God-Given Gifts Wednesdays, Jan. 14 & 21, 2015, 6:307:45PM • E212 – Each of us is given purpose and gifts empowering us to match our deepest passion with the deepest needs of our neighbors. Take an inventory to identify your God-given abilities. Grow in your understanding of the ministry of the church and your role within it. Discern where you can make a difference.
Get Acquainted with the United Methodist Church
Sundays, Feb. 1, 8, 15, and 22, 10:45Noon, E213 - Join United Methodist pastors and gain an overview of the movement and the ways of the Wesleys John and Charles. Questions welcome.
Church Tour
Wed., Jan. 21, 2015, 7-8:30PM - We offer a guided tour of all the nooks and crannies of the facilities in this look behind the scenes at St. Luke’s.
To register Go to and type the event name in the search box on the top right. Many of our materials are available for purchase in the Oasis bookstore just inside Door #1 of the church. Childcare is often available; just indicate needs on registration.
St. Luke’s is an open community of Christians gathering to seek, celebrate, live and share the love of God for all creation. We envision being transformed by God and transforming the world into a compassionate, just, inclusive, Christ-like community.
Please join us for our indoor performances, then take a walk through the village of Bethlehem.
Dec. 13
2 & 4PM