Christmas Offering
Each year we are grateful for the generosity of our congregation in sharing their talents and their financial gifts. At year's end, we appreciate those who can give a gift to St. Luke’s during the Christmas season. These contributions continue to support the ministries as we end the current year, as well as the unexpected needs for St. Luke’s in the year ahead.
Midtown Campus
For Midtown, improvements in the outdoor area beside the main entrance are needed to make that a functional and fun gathering space. This would include new surfacing, outdoor furniture, possibly a pergola-type feature for shade, and any other comfortable additions.

Kids Ministry

St. Luke’s Kid’s Ministry hosts over 200 elementary aged children each summer for Vacation Bible School. Our goal is that no one is turned away due to financial burdens. These funds will offset costs for VBS tuition for anyone who needs assistance and will support other Kids Ministry programs.
Student Ministry
The Student Ministry would like to upgrade their programming areas. The Lodge at North Indy would love some updated outdoor seating to accommodate outside meetings for small groups.
Outreach & Justice Ministries
Outreach Partner Fund - $25,000
This fund will help us support our community through partners like Fletcher Place, Family Promise, SAWs, MLK Center, Outreach, Inc, and more.
Angel House (Tanzania) - $30,000
Angel House in Tanzania is a home for orphaned and impoverished children. Your gift will help to build a classroom for their new elementary school.
Pastoral Requests
Garrett Theological Seminary Scholarship Fund
Sometimes people in the church are gracious to give a Christmas present to Pastor Rob. One great way you can do this is to contribute to the Robert E. Fuquay Scholarship at Garrett Seminary that supports future students who will be future leaders of the church.
Bishop’s Christmas Offering
The Bishop’s Christmas fund provides a unique opportunity for us to live in the light by supporting ministries that care for children and families in need.
Give the gift of hope.
Information Technology / Facilities / Security
The Trustees have been working in partnership with IT, Security, and Facilities and as we continue to review safety/security needs for the building we have recognized we need to have a way to quickly communicate throughout the building to all who are on site. Funds are requested for an updated communication system throughout the St. Luke’s main campus. The updates will allow automated messages to be broadcast throughout the campus in case of an emergency. This changewill enhance the systems and procedures currently in place.