April 10, 2020 Good Friday worship guide

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order of worship G O O D F R I D AY

Sanctuary | April 10, 2020 WELCOME Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger

* HYMN What Wondrous Love Is This? | No. 292, sts. 1, 2

* UNISON PRAYER Rev. Regina Proctor Almighty God, graciously behold this your family, for whom our Lord Jesus Christ was willing to be betrayed into the hands of sinners and to suffer death upon the cross. Mercifully grant that we not ignore the sacrifice made, first by our Lord, and then by those who have followed him; in order that the love of God might find its way into the hearts of women and men. Today, may our hearts find their way to the one who died, lives, and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, for ever and ever. Amen.

The Story READING Jesus in the Garden | Luke 22:39-54 Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger

HYMN O Sacred Head Now Wounded | sts. 286, sts. 1,2

READING The Arrest | John 18:12-13, 19-24, 28 Rev. Regina Proctor

ANTHEM Lamb of God | Twila Paris Lauren Walawender, Vocalist

READING Peter’s Denial | John 18:15-18, 25-27 Kevin Davis

HYMN Ah, Holy Jesus | No. 289, sts. 1,2

READING Jesus Before Pilate | John 18:29-33, 37-40 Mindie Moore

ANTHEM Via Dolorosa | arr. Ken Barker Kathrine Kouns, Vocalist

READING Jesus Judged by Pilate & Crowd | John 19:1-9, 13-15 Rev. Jevon Caldwell-Gross

ANTHEM Why | Nichole Nordeman Kathrine Kouns, Vocalist

READING Jesus Is Crucified | John 19:16-24 Rev. Rob Fuquay, Bishop Richard Wilke, Susan Fuquay

HYMN When I Survey the Wondrous Cross | No. 298, sts. 2,3

READING Jesus Dies | John 19:25-30 Rev. Nicole Caldwell-Gross


If you need help we are just a click or phone call away! Outreach Hotline: Our Outreach Team has opened a new Benevolence Hotline that can be reached Monday - Friday at 317-749-2129. They can also be reached at outreach@stlukesumc.com. Emotional and Spiritual Care Hotline: If you would like to speak with someone from our Care Team during this stressful time, please call 317-643-2293 between 8:30AM and 5PM, Monday - Friday.

announcements WORSHIP EASTER SUNDAY We hope you’ll join us for Easter – see the back of the bulletin for service times.

GROW in your faith… ANCHORPOINT | Sunday Next Sunday we will be back on our normal schedule, streaming at 8:45AM, 12:15, 3:15 & 6:15PM. ONLINE SERMON DISCUSSION GROUP OPPORTUNITIES If you haven’t connected to a group at St. Luke’s yet, this is a great time to try it out! We have two opportunities beginning next week: Tuesdays at 7PM with Eric and Meagan BurtonKrieger and Wednesdays at 6:15PM with Jevon CaldwellGross. Both groups will discuss the previous Sunday’s sermon. Interested or have questions? Email Mindie Moore at moorem@stlukesumc.com and for the Zoom Link. THE WELL Pastor Nicole leads The Well, an online faith community for women that meets via Facebook Live Thursday nights at 9PM. PASTOR’S BOOK STUDY Led by Minide Moore, April 13 - May 20 on the book, “Miracles and Other Reasonable Things” by Sarah Bessey CHILDREN’S EASTER CELEBRATION - ZOOM | April 11 Join us via Zoom on April 11 at 10AM with your preschool and elementary children for a time to gather, listen to the Easter story, and play games together via Zoom. Register at: https:// my.stlukesumc.com/registration/EasterCelebrationZoom. CHILDREN’S EASTER SCAVENGER HUNT Need an Easter activity to do with the kids today? Children can work together to create Easter eggs for their front window

(template provided), then join a scavenger hunt by walking or driving around on Easter. Search for other eggs or create your own eggs. Children mark off what they find including the St. Luke’s eggs! More info on our Luke’s Online page at stlukesumc.com. VBS – SAVE THE DATE! | June 8 – 12 • 9 – 12:15PM Join us on the Rocky Railway to be reminded of how Jesus’ power always pulls us through! $25 per child/$75 max per family. Price increases 4/13. Ages 3 (by 9/1/19 and potty trained) through current 4th graders. Early drop-off available. Details and registration at stlukesumc.com. M.A.D. CAMP | June 8 – 12 • 12:30 - 5PM If your current 1st – 8th graders love music, the arts or drama, save the date for this camp immediately following VBS. We will work on a musical to perform for you on Friday afternoon. More details and registration info at stlukesumc.com. HIGH SCHOOL CAMP | June 14 – 19 • Epworth Forest Conference Center All 8th – 12th graders (2019/20 school year) are invited to this camp focusing on helping students be change agents. Amazing worship, swimming, kayaking, soccer, nuke ‘em, a giant harness swing and more! A great way to connect with peers. Register at stlukesumc.com or contact Travis at bannont@stlukesumc. com. MIDDLE SCHOOL MAYHEM | June 22 – 27 • 9AM – 5PM • Lodge Our favorite event of the year! This year’s theme is Olympics: Mayhem 2020 as we focus on Jesus’ kingdom narratives. We’ll have worship, recreation, games, snacks, service projects and small groups. Full and half day options. Get more info and register at stlukesumc.com. LANDS OF THE BIBLE PILGRIMAGE | May 10 – 23, 2021 Travel with Pastor Rob and Susan to follow in the footsteps of Jesus in Israel and the Apostle Paul in Greece. For full information, contact Bob Zehr at rdzehr@traveltoremember.net.

GO in service to others… P.E.W.S MINISTRY We gather in pews and you may be missing that connection and feeling anxious and lonely. This new ministry recognizes the central role the church plays in our lives and creates a virtual place of connection to promote emotional wellness. Offered in groups on Zoom or individually, these online gatherings help us connect, share and be cared for in a virtual pew. To learn more, email outreach@stukesumc.com VIRTUAL TUTORING All Indiana K-5 schools have moved to E-learning for this school year. Families are struggling to keep up with their work and new homeschool responsibilities. If you are passionate about education, join us to assist students with e-learning via Zoom meetings. To learn more, contact outreach@stlukesumc.com HOMEBOUND HELPERS If you love to shop, this opportunity is for you! We are putting together a team to shop for groceries and medications for St. Lukers who can’t leave their homes. To serve you must be under 55. Please email outreach@stlukesumc.com for more information and to volunteer. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED Do you have a gift for writing notes? We’re beginning an effort to reach out and keep in touch with seniors and others in our community who are homebound. If this sounds like you and you’d like more information, email outreach@stlukesumc. com. HOW TO HELP For the most up-to-date list of opportunities click on Luke’s Online on our website.

EASTER SUNDAY Live streaming both Traditional & Contemporary 8, 9:30 & 11:15AM 4 & 7PM


100 West 86th Street • Indianapolis, Indiana 46260 stlukesumc.com • 317.846.3404

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