Indianapolis Spiritual Directors List

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INDIANAPOLIS AREA SPIRITUAL DIRECTORS, 2019 Thomas Merton, O.C.S.O., a Trappist monk and 20th century mystic, stated, “The task of a Spiritual Director is to help others recognize God’s grace and find any barriers which keep them from being prayerful people.” A Director should help guide you into a deeper life of prayer which will assist you to discern the movement of the spirit. The Spiritual Directors listed below are in Spiritual Direction Training Programs or have graduated from one. When picking a Spiritual Director we suggest you: • Talk with 2-3 Directors. Who do you feel most comfortable with as you continue your spiritual journey? • Ask if they have a Spiritual Director. They should be actively involved in Spiritual Direction for themselves. • Ask is they are in a Spiritual Directors’ Peer Supervision Group. This group helps Directors stay accountable for their direction of other people.

KAREN BLOCK - Non-denominational Directees: Indianapolis and surrounding area 317-371-5392 | Meet in person or Skype, trained in use of Ignatian Exercises

TERRY DANIEL – United Church of Christ Directees: Indianapolis area 317-251-1845

THE REV. JEAN DENTON, RN – Episcopal Directees: Indianapolis area 317-259-8208 |

BEVERLY GALLAGHER - Methodist Directees: Indianapolis/Carmel area 317-844-6276 |

BARBARA HALE, RN, MA- Spiritual Formation - Methodist Directees: Indianapolis area 317-696-6747 |

KAREN HOBSON - Methodist Directees: Indianapolis area 317-370-0906 |

ELISA JENKINS -- Methodist Directees: Indianapolis/Muncie area 765-288-9890 |

REV. BILL JOHNSON - Disciples of Christ Directees: Madison/Indianapolis area Meets in person, skype or facebook 317-654-1777 |

STEVEN KRUSIE – Methodist Directees: Indianapolis Area 319-361-3340 |

SISTER BARBARA LEONHARD, OSF - Catholic Directees: Indianapolis area - Sees people at Benedict Inn, Beech Grove 812-933-0364 or 317-788-7581 (Leave Message) |

KIM PARKER - LUTHERAN Directees - North Indianapolis & Noblesville Areas 317-476-4183 |

REV. REGINA PROCTOR – Methodist Directees – Indianapolis area 317-846-3404 x378 |

JACKIE REED - Methodist Directees: Indianapolis area 317-577-8867 |

JOAN SAXTON – Methodist Directees: Indianapolis/Zionsville area 361-446-0996

SISTER WANDA WETLI, CSJ – Catholic Directees: Indianapolis/Tipton area - Sees people in Tipton and at Benedict Inn, Beech Grove 765-437-5731 |

REV. Dr. JOHN YOUNG - Methodist Directees: Muncie/ Indianapolis area 765-284-3930

Compiled from Spiritual Directors International Guide. Barb Hale personally knows all the people on this list. If you have any questions about spiritual direction, please contact her at 317-696-6747.


BENEDICT INN RETREAT & CONFERENCE CENTER Offers training in Spiritual Direction 317-788-7581 – Sister Julie Sewell, OSB

FATIMA RETREAT HOUSE 317-545-7681- Sister Mo or Father Keith

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