January 22 2017 Contemporary

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Sunday | January 22, 2017

WORSHIP ORDER Sunday | January 22, 2017 OPENING SONG I’ll Be There for You | The Rembrandts


* WORSHIP Build Your Kingdom Here | Rend Collective Experiment Glory to Glory | Lauren Evans, Rick Seibold, and William Matthews

CALL FOR OFFERING For Good (from Wicked) | Stephen Schwartz

SCRIPTURE | Daniel 1:3, 5 & 6 Nate Montgomery (9:30AM) Ellen Hostetler (11AM)

MESSAGE | The Power of Accountability Rev. David Williamson (9:30AM) Rev. Rob Fuquay (11AM)

* WORSHIP I Need You (to Survive) | Hezekiah Walker


* standing, as able

Announcements BOOKSTORE VOLUNTEERS | Today • 12:30PM • Bookstore We are building a new team of volunteers for the bookstore. A variety of roles are available with varying time commitments. Join us today at an informational kick-off meeting! Seeking help with: Inventory Manager/Buyer, Displays Designer, Sunday Morning/Special Events Volunteers, Organizers and Display Managers. Contact Kelly Witte at wittek@stlukesumc.com for more information. BLOOD DRIVE | Today • 9AM - 1PM • Great Hall

Indianapolis is at a critically low supply of blood for area hospitals. Please give!

ANIMATE BIBLE STUDY FOR 20s & 30s | Today • 12:30 - 2PM • The Rusty Bucket Join us monthly for a time of digging into the Bible together over lunch. No prep; no homework; just space for questions and discovering how this ancient book matters to our lives today! DEPRESSION SUPPORT GROUP | Mondays, January 23 – February 27 • 6:30 – 8PM • E207 Meet with the same small group and get information about helpful depression resources. Give & receive encouragement and hope. Led by someone who has experienced depression, Jacquie Reed. Contact her at jreed46038@hotmail.com. WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE | Wednesdays • 5:30 – 7:45PM

WNL will be starting again this week with dinner in the Great Hall at 5:30PM (no charge – but a free-will offering is appreciated). After dinner, adults can head to a class while your children enjoy choir at 6:15PM. A full listing of classes can be seen at stlukesumc.com, in the new Ministry Catalog or stop by the Connect Here stations this morning for more information!


10:30AM – 1:30PM • Great Hall The Children’s Choirs will be sponsoring the best of St. Luke’s chefs! Bring a crockpot of your secret recipe or come taste all the entries! This fundraiser ($5 per person, $20 maximum per family) will provide a wonderfully warm Sunday and rumor has it that there will be serenading! Tickets are available today in the East and West Passages.


Take care of your Super Bowl Sunday dinner with pizza from this fundraiser for St. Luke’s youth! Pizzas can be ordered today in the West Passage and picked up Feb. 5. At $10 per pizza, you may need a couple!

EXPLORING MEMBERSHIP | January 29 • 12:15 – 3:15PM •

Luke’s Lodge Hear the story of St. Luke’s and discuss what it means to be a member of this local congregation. Learn the process for formally joining St. Luke’s. Childcare available upon request. Register at stlukesumc.com

ST. OLAF CHOIR CONCERT | January 30 • 7:30PM • Sanctuary

This renowned choir has set the standard for a cappella choral excellence since its founding in 1912. Incorporating a diversity of voices and cultural traditions, this ensemble is bringing its artistry to St. Luke’s on its 2017 tour. Tickets are available online at stolaf.edu/ tickets or by calling 800-363-5487.


Parlor Come learn about environmental legislation being discussed in the 2017 Indiana General Assembly and what you can do to make your voice heard. Contact Betty Brandt with questions at brandtb@ stlukesumc.com.

CAMP LUKE (VBS) | June 12 - 16 • 9AM - 12PM

We’re excited to kick off our fun summer activities for all ages: Maker Fun Factory, for 3 year olds through grade 4, Middle School Mayhem for grades 5 - 8, with extended day options available, and MAD (Music and Drama) Camp for grades 2 - 4. We’re prepping for the best week of the year so mark your calendars now! Register at stlukesumc.com. Volunteers are also needed for this busy week and can volunteer with Heather Hilbert at hilberth@stlukesumc.com.


9 - 14 We are heading to the Appalachian Mountains on this year’s domestic youth mission trip! We will partner with local organizations to meet ongoing needs in Lincoln County, West Virginia. Cost: Students - $500, adults - $300. For more information, contact Heather Campbell at campbellh@stlukesumc.com.


DATE | July 6 - 14 Current 8th – 12th graders are invited on our trip to Fondwa, Haiti this summer where we will work at an orphanage and clinic on construction and relationship development. A $400 deposit is due by 1/29; total cost will be approximately $1,800. For more information, contact Josh Sweeney at sweeneyj@stlukesumc.com.

CAMP KIDJAM | July 10 - 13 Camp Kid Jam is a fun, high energy, life transforming overnight camp at Indiana Wesleyan University. Kids will experience dynamic discipleship through jam sessions, small group time, and interestbased activity tracks. It will take place July 10 - 13 for kids in grades 3 6. Limited spots are available. Please email Patrice Smith at smithp@ stlukesumc.com if you are interested. EMPLOYMENT AT ST. LUKE’S | stlukesumc.com Looking for a great place to work or know of someone who would be a great addition to the St. Luke’s staff? We currently have an opening for a part-time Facilities Staff Member, Church Management Systems Administrator and a Director of Operations and Administration.

WELCOME! WE’RE GLAD YOU’RE HERE! Thank you for registering your attendance. Please pass the attendance folder along your pew. New guests will learn more about us in our “New Here” brochure in the attendance folder and find a gift just for you at the Welcome Center.

CONNECT HERE To find your way of connecting with classes or small groups at St. Luke’s, stop by our Connect Here booths this morning in the Gathering Area outside of the Sanctuary or in the West Passage outside of Robertson Chapel.

PRAYER CONCERNS Share prayer concerns on the prayer cards in your pew pockets and place them in the offering plate – or find the “Prayer Request” link at stlukesumc.com. Pastors are available for prayer following each worship service.

CARING FOR ST. LUKE’S If you are hospitalized, we want to know and care for you. Please call Laura Marine at 317-846-3404 or send an email to stlukescares@ stlukesumc.com.

PARENTS OF YOUNG CHILDREN We provide childcare and Sunday School for newborns through 4th-grade children. Register all children in the East Passage. Activity kits are at the Welcome Center for children who remain in worship. Room 126 is equipped for nursing moms, including live streaming of worship.

YOUNG ADULTS Join us for coffee and cookies outside Robertson Chapel following the 9:30 & 11AM Contemporary services.

YOUTH PROGRAMMING 5th - 6th Grade – 9:30 & 11AM @ The Modge 7th - 12th Grade – 9:30AM @ Luke’s Lodge; Worship and hang out. Come early for games. Find more at stlukesumc.com/connect/youth

LEARN MORE Pick up a copy of our winter/spring Ministry Catalog, visit stlukesumc.com or subscribe to our e-newsletters for more information.

JOYS & CONCERNS BAPTISMS: 9:30 – TRADITIONAL Leah Marie Lohman, daughter of Peter and Megan Lohman Taylor Sue Vuchenich, daughter of Dan and Tara Vuchenich 11AM – TRADITIONAL Jack Thomas Kusy, son of Jason and Lindsay Kusy Owen Scott Kusy, son of Jason and Lindsay Kusy

CONDOLENCES TO: Bob and Ann Kizer and family on the death of her mother, Tonya Barker Jay Sickels on the death of his mother Toni Sickels Walt and Donna Scheid on the death of her mother Sandra Pippin Lauren Thorne on the death of her grandfather William A. Thorne Jr.

CONGRATULATIONS TO: William and Sara Winkowski and Byron and Kim King on the birth of their son and grandson Ascher Chase

COMMUNION ELEMENTS are available in the Prayer Chapel between services.

CONTEMPLATIVE TAIZÉ SERVICE 5PM • Third Sunday • Robertson Chapel

CONTACT US 100 West 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260 stlukesumc.com • 317-846-3404 info@stlukesumc.com Rev. Rob Fuquay Rev. Eric Burton-Krieger Rev. Kim King Rev. David Williamson Rev. Jamalyn Peigh Williamson

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