January 12, 2014 Worship Guide

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News and Events WORSHIP 24/7: Watch live broadcasts on www. stlukesumc.com/worship/watch. Purchase worship videos on CD or DVD at www.stlukesumc.com/worship/ sermonarchives, or stop by the Welcome Center to order. Listen to or download sermons on our web site. Find sermon video links by following us on Twitter@stlukesumcindy or liking us on our Facebook page. COMMUNION AVAILABLE EVERY SUNDAY: Communion is offered in the Sanctuary on the first Sunday of each month. The elements are consecrated every Sunday and made available in the Prayer Chapel from 9:15AM-12:30PM. Please enter in silence. PARENTS: Childcare and Sunday School are provided for newborn through 5th grade children. Visit the Information Center in the East Wing to find a classroom. Nursing mothers are always welcome! If you prefer, ask an usher for room E126 where we have rocking chairs and live streaming of the worship service for your comfort. Junior High and High School students gather in Luke’s Lodge (in the Northeast corner of the parking lot) every Sunday at 9:30AM and 6-7:30PM. 100 West 86th Street Indianapolis IN 46260 317-846-3404 www.stlukesumc.com

TODAY Youth Pizza Sales: East and West Passage and online Sermon Reflections and Discussion: 11AM-Noon • E213 Youth Kick-off and Parent Meeting: 6-8PM Introduction to Donald Miller: 11AM • E212

by contacting Jilliane Pruiett (pruiettj@stlukesumc.com; 317-846-3404 x364) at least one week in advance.

MONDAY Trying to shed a few pounds? Try “The Daniel Plan”: Info meeting at Noon or 5:30PM • N101/102

SATURDAY Dinner for Newly Married People: In the home of Barry & Margaret Wood. RSVP to David Williamson at williamsond@ stlukesumc.com.

TUESDAY Disciple Bible Study Fast Track: 12-1:15PM • E213 Trusting God for Everything: 7-8:30PM • W125 WEDNESDAY Prayer Class: 12-1PM • Spiritual Life Center Embracing God-Seven Promises for Every Woman: 10-11:30AM • E213 Disciple Bible Study Fast Track: 6:30-7:45PM • E105 Storyline (Donald Miller): 6:308PM • Spiritual Life Center THURSDAY Mom’s Sermon Discussion Group: 9:30-10:30AM • Spiritual Life Center. Childcare is available

FRIDAY St. Luke’s at the Movies: To Build a Farm • 7-8:30PM • Parlor

LOOKING AHEAD Blood Drive: Sunday, January 19 7AM-1PM • N101 Financial Peace University: Nine Weeks starting Tuesday, January 21 • 7PM • E107/109 • $100 per household Chili Cook-off: Sunday, January 26 • 10:30AM-1:30PM • Great Hall Job Opening: Full-time Evening and Weekend Custodian View the complete job description and download the job application at www. stlukesumc.com. Completed job applications may be dropped off at the church office or emailed to scottk@stlukesumc.com

Everything Happens for a Reason? Sunday, January 12, 2014

ST. LUKE’S SERVICES: 8:15, 9:30 & 11:00AM, Sanctuary THE GARDEN at Beef & Boards Theatre: 8:15, 9:15 and 10:15AM, Dr. Linda McCoy, Pastor ENTRY.POINT at OAK HILL: 10:30AM, Rev. Stan Abell, Pastor

For information on all classes and events, pick up a copy of Communion magazine, visit our web site or subscribe to our e-newsletters. Access an electronic version of Communion using your smartphone here:

CONTEMPLATIVE TAIZÉ SERVICE: Sunday, January 19, 2014 at 5PM, Sanctuary LATER@ST. LUKE’S: 6:00PM, Robertson Chapel, Dr. Marion Miller, Pastor

Welcome! We’re glad you’re here and hope you feel the presence of God in this worship service. If this is your first visit, please stop at our Welcome Center for a special gift, and join us in Fellowship Hall for refreshments following each service. We look forward to having you worship with us again.

Who We Are St. Luke’s is an open community of Christians gathering to seek, celebrate, live and share the love of God for all creation. We envision being transformed by God and transforming the world into a compassionate, just, inclusive, Christ-like community.

OUR Clergy

Rev. Rob Fuquay, Senior Pastor Dr. Marion Miller, Pastor of Later@St. Luke’s Rev. David Williamson, Pastor of Family & Children’s Ministries Rev. Jamalyn Peigh Williamson, Pastor of Outreach Ministries Rev. Kim King, Pastor of Congregational Care

Prayer Concerns

Submit prayer concerns in writing by placing a pew card in the offering plate or via the “Need a Prayer” link on our web site. Our Wednesday prayer group will pray on your behalf. Our Prayer Chapel, located beside the main entrance by the large cross, is available during church hours. Pastors will be available for prayer following each service this morning.

Today in Worship

Outreach Opportunities

Sunday, January 12, 2014 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00AM Rev. Rob Fuquay Rev. Jamalyn Peigh Williamson

(For more details or to register to serve these or any events go to www.stlukesumc.com/outreach)

Sermon Title: “Why Does the Bible Say... Everything Happens for a Reason?” Scripture: Romans 8:28 (NRSV) We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn within a large family. Genesis 1:1-2 (Living Bible) When God began creating the heavens and the earth, the earth was a shapeless, chaotic mass, with the Spirit of God brooding over the dark vapors. Lamentations 3:33 (NIV) For (God) does not willingly bring affliction or grief to anyone. Music provided by: Chancel Choir; Mark Squire, Director of Music Ministries Charles Manning, Assistant Director of Music Ministries/Organist Joyful Sound Ken Knowles, Vocalist

Congratulations to: Kevin Davis & Kimberly Curtiss on their wedding of Dec. 31 Condolences to: Fred & Janice Wiley on the death of his father Hugh Wiley

Upcoming Mission Trips: Fondwa, Haiti • February 24-March 1 $900 + plane ticket. Shake off the winter blahs with a heartwarming trip to Fondwa, Haiti, with Pastor Dave Williamson. Civil Rights Tour • March 20-23 Cost: $450 + meals. Bob Zehr and Gustanna Moss Chaney will lead a group from St. Luke’s to Alabama for the Civil Rights Tour. Alternative Spring Break Trip: Spencer, West Virginia March 23-29 and April 6-12 • Cost: $150 + transportation. Enjoy a week in the Appalachian mountains serving at Spring Heights UMC Camp about six hours from Indianapolis. The trip would be ideal for families with elementary aged kids through high school. Native American Family Work Project: Rosebud, South Dakota June 15-21 (Registration deadline February 15.) • Cost: $350 + transportation. Join us as we work and live on the reservation with the Lakota Indians. English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes January 22-March 19 • Fellowship Hall • 6-8PM St. Luke’s will offer ESL classes for our neighbors once a week. We will begin with a meal for the entire family (adult students and their children) before transitioning to the class. While parents are learning English, children will receive homework tutoring and enjoy recreation. Sign up online or contact Julie Sommers Neuman at jsommersneuman@gmail.com. You may also make a financial donation toward the cost of weekly meals. Fox Hill Elementary Tutoring and/or Lunch Mentors There are opportunities for in-class tutoring during any school day, tutoring in the After School Achievers program (2:30-6PM, M-Th), and a new emphasis on providing mentors (especially men) to have lunch with kids who don’t often experience conversing with adults during meal time. It takes as little as one lunch hour a week to make a difference to a child learning to appreciate the wonderful world of reading. Please contact Tom Lange at tom.c.lange@gmail.com or 251-2274 if you are interested.


Welcome! We’re glad you’re here and hope you feel the presence of God in this worship service. If this is your first visit, please stop at our Welcome Center for a special gift, and join us in Fellowship Hall for refreshments following each service. We look forward to having you worship with us again.

Who We Are St. Luke’s is an open community of Christians gathering to seek, celebrate, live and share the love of God for all creation. We envision being transformed by God and transforming the world into a compassionate, just, inclusive, Christ-like community.

OUR Clergy

Rev. Rob Fuquay, Senior Pastor Dr. Marion Miller, Pastor of Later@St. Luke’s Rev. David Williamson, Pastor of Family & Children’s Ministries Rev. Jamalyn Peigh Williamson, Pastor of Outreach Ministries Rev. Kim King, Pastor of Congregational Care

Prayer Concerns

Submit prayer concerns in writing by placing a pew card in the offering plate or via the “Need a Prayer” link on our web site. Our Wednesday prayer group will pray on your behalf. Our Prayer Chapel, located beside the main entrance by the large cross, is available during church hours. Pastors will be available for prayer following each service this morning.

Today in Worship

Outreach Opportunities

Sunday, January 12, 2014 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00AM Rev. Rob Fuquay Rev. Jamalyn Peigh Williamson

(For more details or to register to serve these or any events go to www.stlukesumc.com/outreach)

Sermon Title: “Why Does the Bible Say... Everything Happens for a Reason?” Scripture: Romans 8:28 (NRSV) We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn within a large family. Genesis 1:1-2 (Living Bible) When God began creating the heavens and the earth, the earth was a shapeless, chaotic mass, with the Spirit of God brooding over the dark vapors. Lamentations 3:33 (NIV) For (God) does not willingly bring affliction or grief to anyone. Music provided by: Chancel Choir; Mark Squire, Director of Music Ministries Charles Manning, Assistant Director of Music Ministries/Organist Joyful Sound Ken Knowles, Vocalist

Congratulations to: Kevin Davis & Kimberly Curtiss on their wedding of Dec. 31 Condolences to: Fred & Janice Wiley on the death of his father Hugh Wiley

Upcoming Mission Trips: Fondwa, Haiti • February 24-March 1 $900 + plane ticket. Shake off the winter blahs with a heartwarming trip to Fondwa, Haiti, with Pastor Dave Williamson. Civil Rights Tour • March 20-23 Cost: $450 + meals. Bob Zehr and Gustanna Moss Chaney will lead a group from St. Luke’s to Alabama for the Civil Rights Tour. Alternative Spring Break Trip: Spencer, West Virginia March 23-29 and April 6-12 • Cost: $150 + transportation. Enjoy a week in the Appalachian mountains serving at Spring Heights UMC Camp about six hours from Indianapolis. The trip would be ideal for families with elementary aged kids through high school. Native American Family Work Project: Rosebud, South Dakota June 15-21 (Registration deadline February 15.) • Cost: $350 + transportation. Join us as we work and live on the reservation with the Lakota Indians. English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes January 22-March 19 • Fellowship Hall • 6-8PM St. Luke’s will offer ESL classes for our neighbors once a week. We will begin with a meal for the entire family (adult students and their children) before transitioning to the class. While parents are learning English, children will receive homework tutoring and enjoy recreation. Sign up online or contact Julie Sommers Neuman at jsommersneuman@gmail.com. You may also make a financial donation toward the cost of weekly meals. Fox Hill Elementary Tutoring and/or Lunch Mentors There are opportunities for in-class tutoring during any school day, tutoring in the After School Achievers program (2:30-6PM, M-Th), and a new emphasis on providing mentors (especially men) to have lunch with kids who don’t often experience conversing with adults during meal time. It takes as little as one lunch hour a week to make a difference to a child learning to appreciate the wonderful world of reading. Please contact Tom Lange at tom.c.lange@gmail.com or 251-2274 if you are interested.


News and Events WORSHIP 24/7: Watch live broadcasts on www. stlukesumc.com/worship/watch. Purchase worship videos on CD or DVD at www.stlukesumc.com/worship/ sermonarchives, or stop by the Welcome Center to order. Listen to or download sermons on our web site. Find sermon video links by following us on Twitter@stlukesumcindy or liking us on our Facebook page. COMMUNION AVAILABLE EVERY SUNDAY: Communion is offered in the Sanctuary on the first Sunday of each month. The elements are consecrated every Sunday and made available in the Prayer Chapel from 9:15AM-12:30PM. Please enter in silence. PARENTS: Childcare and Sunday School are provided for newborn through 5th grade children. Visit the Information Center in the East Wing to find a classroom. Nursing mothers are always welcome! If you prefer, ask an usher for room E126 where we have rocking chairs and live streaming of the worship service for your comfort. Junior High and High School students gather in Luke’s Lodge (in the Northeast corner of the parking lot) every Sunday at 9:30AM and 6-7:30PM. 100 West 86th Street Indianapolis IN 46260 317-846-3404 www.stlukesumc.com

TODAY Youth Pizza Sales: East and West Passage and online Sermon Reflections and Discussion: 11AM-Noon • E213 Youth Kick-off and Parent Meeting: 6-8PM Introduction to Donald Miller: 11AM • E212

by contacting Jilliane Pruiett (pruiettj@stlukesumc.com; 317-846-3404 x364) at least one week in advance.

MONDAY Trying to shed a few pounds? Try “The Daniel Plan”: Info meeting at Noon or 5:30PM • N101/102

SATURDAY Dinner for Newly Married People: In the home of Barry & Margaret Wood. RSVP to David Williamson at williamsond@ stlukesumc.com.

TUESDAY Disciple Bible Study Fast Track: 12-1:15PM • E213 Trusting God for Everything: 7-8:30PM • W125 WEDNESDAY Prayer Class: 12-1PM • Spiritual Life Center Embracing God-Seven Promises for Every Woman: 10-11:30AM • E213 Disciple Bible Study Fast Track: 6:30-7:45PM • E105 Storyline (Donald Miller): 6:308PM • Spiritual Life Center THURSDAY Mom’s Sermon Discussion Group: 9:30-10:30AM • Spiritual Life Center. Childcare is available

FRIDAY St. Luke’s at the Movies: To Build a Farm • 7-8:30PM • Parlor

LOOKING AHEAD Blood Drive: Sunday, January 19 7AM-1PM • N101 Financial Peace University: Nine Weeks starting Tuesday, January 21 • 7PM • E107/109 • $100 per household Chili Cook-off: Sunday, January 26 • 10:30AM-1:30PM • Great Hall Job Opening: Full-time Evening and Weekend Custodian View the complete job description and download the job application at www. stlukesumc.com. Completed job applications may be dropped off at the church office or emailed to scottk@stlukesumc.com

Everything Happens for a Reason? Sunday, January 12, 2014

ST. LUKE’S SERVICES: 8:15, 9:30 & 11:00AM, Sanctuary THE GARDEN at Beef & Boards Theatre: 8:15, 9:15 and 10:15AM, Dr. Linda McCoy, Pastor ENTRY.POINT at OAK HILL: 10:30AM, Rev. Stan Abell, Pastor

For information on all classes and events, pick up a copy of Communion magazine, visit our web site or subscribe to our e-newsletters. Access an electronic version of Communion using your smartphone here:

CONTEMPLATIVE TAIZÉ SERVICE: Sunday, January 19, 2014 at 5PM, Sanctuary LATER@ST. LUKE’S: 6:00PM, Robertson Chapel, Dr. Marion Miller, Pastor

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