WELCOME! WE’RE GLAD YOU’RE HERE! Thank you for registering your attendance. Please pass the attendance folder along your pew. New guests will learn more about us in our “New Here” brochure in the attendance folder. Find a gift for you at the Welcome Center.
PRAYER CONCERNS Share prayer concerns on the prayer cards in your pew pockets and place them in the offering plate – or find the “Prayer Request” link at stlukesumc.com. Pastors are available for prayer following each worship service.
ST. LUKE’S AT WORSHIP TRADITIONAL 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM • Sanctuary CONTEMPORARY 11AM • Robertson Chapel CONTEMPLATIVE TAIZÉ SERVICE 5PM • 3rd Sunday • Sanctuary LATER @ ST. LUKE’S 6PM • Robertson Chapel
PARENTS OF YOUNG CHILDREN We provide childcare and Sunday School for newborns through 3rd grade children. Register all children in the East Passage. Activity kits are at the Welcome Center for children who remain in worship. Room 126 is equipped for nursing moms, including live streaming of worship.
YOUTH PROGRAMMING Incoming 4th - 6th Grade – 9:30 & 11AM @ The Modge Incoming 7th - 12th Grade – 9:30AM @ Luke’s Lodge Worship and hang out. Come early for games. Find more at stlukesumc.com/connect/youth
YOUNG ADULTS Join us by the stained glass in the Narthex for coffee at 10:30AM. We meet the third Friday, 6:30PM at Luke’s Lodge for “The Table.” Eat. Talk. Serve. Find YOUR place at The Table.
COMMUNION ELEMENTS are available in the Prayer Chapel between services.
Sunday | July 10, 2016
Sunday | July 10, 2016 PRELUDE
I Can’t Get No Satisfaction | The Rolling Stones
Rev. David Williamson * WORSHIP
Michelle and Terry Collins on the death of her father, Art Martin Dr. James Roche and family on the death of his wife Vi Barbara Stark and family on the death of her husband, John Frank and Erica Klene on the death of their infant son, David Franklin Gordon Allen and family on the death of his wife, Betty
Your Grace Is Enough | Matt Maher In Your Presence | Elevation Worship
Riley Rapp & Hannah Blachly on their marriage July 9
Michael Shew & Andrew Summers
BLOOD DRIVE | Today • 9AM – 1PM • Great Hall
Did you know… every 2 seconds someone in Indiana needs blood and each unit collected can save the lives of 3 people? Please consider donating today. Bring a picture ID and a list of medications with you to the Great Hall this morning.
It Is Well | Bethel
SCRIPTURE | Philippians 4:10 - 20
Nathan Montgomery
MESSAGE | The Great Joy Heist “Arresting Discontent”
Learn how you can support others as they face life’s challenges. Stephen Ministry will have a table in the West Passage today to sign up for the next training class.
ARTIST RECEPTION | Today • 10AM - 12:15PM
Rev. David Williamson
The watercolor artwork of Barbara Easley will be displayed in the Identity Gallery this morning. Experience her vibrant and simplistically beautiful pieces as she shares her gift with us.
Christ Is Enough | Reuben Morgan & Jonas Myrin
July 11 – August 29 • 6:30 – 8PM • E207 For more information: Jacquie at jreed46038@hotmail.com
RED ENVELOPES | Today • Narthex & West Passage Pick up a Red Envelope, marked from $1 to $300, and support several Ministry Partners: SAWS, Habitat for Humanity, Family Promise, Back to School Extravaganza and Africa University scholarships. Fill the envelope with your chosen amount and return it to the offering plate in worship or the main office.
* standing, as able
4TH ANNUAL BACK TO SCHOOL EXTRAVAGANZA | July 23 • 10AM – 2PM Volunteers are needed as we provide everything from backpacks to dental exams for students heading back to school. Opportunities are available on July 22 and 23. Sign up in the Narthex today.
PROJECT ABC | July 30 • 8:30AM - Noon Help local schools prepare to welcome students for the new school year. Volunteers will work inside and out during the morning - trimming bushes, cleaning classrooms, organizing school supplies and more! All ages welcome; meet at the school where you volunteer. Sign up in the Narthex today.
STRONG AND WEAK | Tuesdays, July 18 – August 9 •
6 – 7:30PAM Flourishing people are both strong and weak, as was Jesus. Join this book study, led by Rev. David Williamson, to experience author Andy Crouch showing us how to walk this path so that the image of God shines through us.
FALL MUSICAL AUDITIONS | July 27 and 30 Auditions for Ragtime, St. Luke’s semi-staged fall musical will be held soon! Cast, crew and orchestra open to anyone. Performances are October 21 and 22. Contact Bob Zehr at zehrb@stlukesumc.com to schedule your audition.
LOTTS CREEK MISSION TRIP | August 21 - 25 Interested in preserving local history and serving an Appalachian mountain community? Volunteers will help restore an original log cabin school house at Lotts Creek, Kentucky. For more information on this trip, contact Gina at woodsg@stlukesumc.com
EMPLOYMENT AT ST. LUKE’S | stlukesumc.com Looking for a great place to work or know of someone who would be a great addition to the St. Luke’s team? We currently have openings for a Graphic Designer, AV Worship Director, Administrative Assistant for Care Ministries and Director of Children’s and Youth Music.
CONTACT US 100 West 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260 stlukesumc.com • 317-846-3404
Sunday | July 10, 2016 PRELUDE
I Can’t Get No Satisfaction | The Rolling Stones
Rev. David Williamson * WORSHIP
Michelle and Terry Collins on the death of her father, Art Martin Dr. James Roche and family on the death of his wife Vi Barbara Stark and family on the death of her husband, John Frank and Erica Klene on the death of their infant son, David Franklin Gordon Allen and family on the death of his wife, Betty
Your Grace Is Enough | Matt Maher In Your Presence | Elevation Worship
Riley Rapp & Hannah Blachly on their marriage July 9
Michael Shew & Andrew Summers
BLOOD DRIVE | Today • 9AM – 1PM • Great Hall
Did you know… every 2 seconds someone in Indiana needs blood and each unit collected can save the lives of 3 people? Please consider donating today. Bring a picture ID and a list of medications with you to the Great Hall this morning.
It Is Well | Bethel
SCRIPTURE | Philippians 4:10 - 20
Nathan Montgomery
MESSAGE | The Great Joy Heist “Arresting Discontent”
Learn how you can support others as they face life’s challenges. Stephen Ministry will have a table in the West Passage today to sign up for the next training class.
ARTIST RECEPTION | Today • 10AM - 12:15PM
Rev. David Williamson
The watercolor artwork of Barbara Easley will be displayed in the Identity Gallery this morning. Experience her vibrant and simplistically beautiful pieces as she shares her gift with us.
Christ Is Enough | Reuben Morgan & Jonas Myrin
July 11 – August 29 • 6:30 – 8PM • E207 For more information: Jacquie at jreed46038@hotmail.com
RED ENVELOPES | Today • Narthex & West Passage Pick up a Red Envelope, marked from $1 to $300, and support several Ministry Partners: SAWS, Habitat for Humanity, Family Promise, Back to School Extravaganza and Africa University scholarships. Fill the envelope with your chosen amount and return it to the offering plate in worship or the main office.
* standing, as able
4TH ANNUAL BACK TO SCHOOL EXTRAVAGANZA | July 23 • 10AM – 2PM Volunteers are needed as we provide everything from backpacks to dental exams for students heading back to school. Opportunities are available on July 22 and 23. Sign up in the Narthex today.
PROJECT ABC | July 30 • 8:30AM - Noon Help local schools prepare to welcome students for the new school year. Volunteers will work inside and out during the morning - trimming bushes, cleaning classrooms, organizing school supplies and more! All ages welcome; meet at the school where you volunteer. Sign up in the Narthex today.
STRONG AND WEAK | Tuesdays, July 18 – August 9 •
6 – 7:30PAM Flourishing people are both strong and weak, as was Jesus. Join this book study, led by Rev. David Williamson, to experience author Andy Crouch showing us how to walk this path so that the image of God shines through us.
FALL MUSICAL AUDITIONS | July 27 and 30 Auditions for Ragtime, St. Luke’s semi-staged fall musical will be held soon! Cast, crew and orchestra open to anyone. Performances are October 21 and 22. Contact Bob Zehr at zehrb@stlukesumc.com to schedule your audition.
LOTTS CREEK MISSION TRIP | August 21 - 25 Interested in preserving local history and serving an Appalachian mountain community? Volunteers will help restore an original log cabin school house at Lotts Creek, Kentucky. For more information on this trip, contact Gina at woodsg@stlukesumc.com
EMPLOYMENT AT ST. LUKE’S | stlukesumc.com Looking for a great place to work or know of someone who would be a great addition to the St. Luke’s team? We currently have openings for a Graphic Designer, AV Worship Director, Administrative Assistant for Care Ministries and Director of Children’s and Youth Music.
CONTACT US 100 West 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260 stlukesumc.com • 317-846-3404
Sunday | July 10, 2016 PRELUDE
I Can’t Get No Satisfaction | The Rolling Stones
Rev. David Williamson * WORSHIP
Michelle and Terry Collins on the death of her father, Art Martin Dr. James Roche and family on the death of his wife Vi Barbara Stark and family on the death of her husband, John Frank and Erica Klene on the death of their infant son, David Franklin Gordon Allen and family on the death of his wife, Betty
Your Grace Is Enough | Matt Maher In Your Presence | Elevation Worship
Riley Rapp & Hannah Blachly on their marriage July 9
Michael Shew & Andrew Summers
BLOOD DRIVE | Today • 9AM – 1PM • Great Hall
Did you know… every 2 seconds someone in Indiana needs blood and each unit collected can save the lives of 3 people? Please consider donating today. Bring a picture ID and a list of medications with you to the Great Hall this morning.
It Is Well | Bethel
SCRIPTURE | Philippians 4:10 - 20
Nathan Montgomery
MESSAGE | The Great Joy Heist “Arresting Discontent”
Learn how you can support others as they face life’s challenges. Stephen Ministry will have a table in the West Passage today to sign up for the next training class.
ARTIST RECEPTION | Today • 10AM - 12:15PM
Rev. David Williamson
The watercolor artwork of Barbara Easley will be displayed in the Identity Gallery this morning. Experience her vibrant and simplistically beautiful pieces as she shares her gift with us.
Christ Is Enough | Reuben Morgan & Jonas Myrin
July 11 – August 29 • 6:30 – 8PM • E207 For more information: Jacquie at jreed46038@hotmail.com
RED ENVELOPES | Today • Narthex & West Passage Pick up a Red Envelope, marked from $1 to $300, and support several Ministry Partners: SAWS, Habitat for Humanity, Family Promise, Back to School Extravaganza and Africa University scholarships. Fill the envelope with your chosen amount and return it to the offering plate in worship or the main office.
* standing, as able
4TH ANNUAL BACK TO SCHOOL EXTRAVAGANZA | July 23 • 10AM – 2PM Volunteers are needed as we provide everything from backpacks to dental exams for students heading back to school. Opportunities are available on July 22 and 23. Sign up in the Narthex today.
PROJECT ABC | July 30 • 8:30AM - Noon Help local schools prepare to welcome students for the new school year. Volunteers will work inside and out during the morning - trimming bushes, cleaning classrooms, organizing school supplies and more! All ages welcome; meet at the school where you volunteer. Sign up in the Narthex today.
STRONG AND WEAK | Tuesdays, July 18 – August 9 •
6 – 7:30PAM Flourishing people are both strong and weak, as was Jesus. Join this book study, led by Rev. David Williamson, to experience author Andy Crouch showing us how to walk this path so that the image of God shines through us.
FALL MUSICAL AUDITIONS | July 27 and 30 Auditions for Ragtime, St. Luke’s semi-staged fall musical will be held soon! Cast, crew and orchestra open to anyone. Performances are October 21 and 22. Contact Bob Zehr at zehrb@stlukesumc.com to schedule your audition.
LOTTS CREEK MISSION TRIP | August 21 - 25 Interested in preserving local history and serving an Appalachian mountain community? Volunteers will help restore an original log cabin school house at Lotts Creek, Kentucky. For more information on this trip, contact Gina at woodsg@stlukesumc.com
EMPLOYMENT AT ST. LUKE’S | stlukesumc.com Looking for a great place to work or know of someone who would be a great addition to the St. Luke’s team? We currently have openings for a Graphic Designer, AV Worship Director, Administrative Assistant for Care Ministries and Director of Children’s and Youth Music.
CONTACT US 100 West 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260 stlukesumc.com • 317-846-3404
WELCOME! WE’RE GLAD YOU’RE HERE! Thank you for registering your attendance. Please pass the attendance folder along your pew. New guests will learn more about us in our “New Here” brochure in the attendance folder. Find a gift for you at the Welcome Center.
PRAYER CONCERNS Share prayer concerns on the prayer cards in your pew pockets and place them in the offering plate – or find the “Prayer Request” link at stlukesumc.com. Pastors are available for prayer following each worship service.
ST. LUKE’S AT WORSHIP TRADITIONAL 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM • Sanctuary CONTEMPORARY 11AM • Robertson Chapel CONTEMPLATIVE TAIZÉ SERVICE 5PM • 3rd Sunday • Sanctuary LATER @ ST. LUKE’S 6PM • Robertson Chapel
PARENTS OF YOUNG CHILDREN We provide childcare and Sunday School for newborns through 3rd grade children. Register all children in the East Passage. Activity kits are at the Welcome Center for children who remain in worship. Room 126 is equipped for nursing moms, including live streaming of worship.
YOUTH PROGRAMMING Incoming 4th - 6th Grade – 9:30 & 11AM @ The Modge Incoming 7th - 12th Grade – 9:30AM @ Luke’s Lodge Worship and hang out. Come early for games. Find more at stlukesumc.com/connect/youth
YOUNG ADULTS Join us by the stained glass in the Narthex for coffee at 10:30AM. We meet the third Friday, 6:30PM at Luke’s Lodge for “The Table.” Eat. Talk. Serve. Find YOUR place at The Table.
COMMUNION ELEMENTS are available in the Prayer Chapel between services.
Sunday | July 10, 2016
WELCOME! WE’RE GLAD YOU’RE HERE! Thank you for registering your attendance. Please pass the attendance folder along your pew. New guests will learn more about us in our “New Here” brochure in the attendance folder. Find a gift for you at the Welcome Center.
PRAYER CONCERNS Share prayer concerns on the prayer cards in your pew pockets and place them in the offering plate – or find the “Prayer Request” link at stlukesumc.com. Pastors are available for prayer following each worship service.
ST. LUKE’S AT WORSHIP TRADITIONAL 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM • Sanctuary CONTEMPORARY 11AM • Robertson Chapel CONTEMPLATIVE TAIZÉ SERVICE 5PM • 3rd Sunday • Sanctuary LATER @ ST. LUKE’S 6PM • Robertson Chapel
PARENTS OF YOUNG CHILDREN We provide childcare and Sunday School for newborns through 3rd grade children. Register all children in the East Passage. Activity kits are at the Welcome Center for children who remain in worship. Room 126 is equipped for nursing moms, including live streaming of worship.
YOUTH PROGRAMMING Incoming 4th - 6th Grade – 9:30 & 11AM @ The Modge Incoming 7th - 12th Grade – 9:30AM @ Luke’s Lodge Worship and hang out. Come early for games. Find more at stlukesumc.com/connect/youth
YOUNG ADULTS Join us by the stained glass in the Narthex for coffee at 10:30AM. We meet the third Friday, 6:30PM at Luke’s Lodge for “The Table.” Eat. Talk. Serve. Find YOUR place at The Table.
COMMUNION ELEMENTS are available in the Prayer Chapel between services.
Sunday | July 10, 2016