Live Nativity presents
Breath of Heaven D E C E M B E R 21, 2 0 19 | 4 & 6 P M
Your Gifts Change Lives TO every donor, volunteer, shopping guide and gift wrapper: THANK YOU! Together we served nearly 700 children in our annual Angel Tree and we couldn’t do it without YOU! Believe it or not, we are already preparing for next year and are taking donations for Angel Tree 2020. Our neighbors and hundreds of children are grateful for your support!
Welcome to St. Luke’s
Live Nativity: Breath of Heaven cast Narrators.................. Lauren Walawender & Michael Davidson Joseph.........................................................Joseph Weingartner Mary.............................................................. Daria Weingartner Inn Keeper’s Wife..............................................Leigh Ann Stadt Inn Keeper...................................................................Gary Dyer Shepherds...........Nicole & Preston Black, Hannah Buis, Ernie Myette, Miles Rogers, Matt Russell, Kat Stebbins, Todd Trabue Kings...................................... Keith Young, Mike Elkin, Ty King Angels......................... Olivia Payton & Thomas James Mason
We are so glad you’ve chosen to bring your family to this annual program that has become a St. Luke’s tradition. Whether you’re a long-time member of our church or this is your first time here, we hope you feel welcome.
St. Luke’s Chancel Choir singers...............Director: Jeff Rogers
LEARN MORE ABOUT ST. LUKE’S Would you like to learn more about St. Luke’s? Stop by the Welcome Center near our main entrance for more information. If you are a guest, we have a gift to thank you for joining us.
Stage Manager............................................................Rob Stadt
NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE? While this is a joyful season, for some it is a painful reminder of personal cares. If you have a burden that is hard to bear alone, we stand ready to accompany you. Please contact us at 317-846-3404 or email Pastor Regina at proctorr@ to arrange a time to share your concern.
St. Luke’s Orchestra............................... Director: Robert Zehr, Administrator: Margaret Spilker Producer............................................................Leigh Ann Stadt Costumes..................................Leigh Ann Stadt & Denise Fort Lights.................................................................Sean McDaniel Spot Lights............................................. Chris & Luke Stebbins Sound....................................................................... Del Cottrell Animal Handlers.........................Sarah Dilley, Elizabeth Frazer, Jessica Frazer, Natalie Frazer, Megan Hoppes, Kim Hoppes, Jordan Woolsey, Lisa Stebbins Special thanks to Jeanne Lewis, Susan Fuquay, Chris Foltz and the St.Luke’s Chancel Choir Singers
Musical Numbers EMMANUEL SHALL COME.................................................................................... Choir and Congregation THE PROMISE................................................................................................................ Narrators and Choir COME, THOU LONG EXPECTED JESUS.......................Lauren Walawender, Michael Davidson and Choir MAGNIFICAT......................................................................................................................Daria Weingartner CALL HIS NAME .........................................................................Lauren Walawender & Michael Davidson, Olivia Payton & Thomas James Mason & choir YOU FOLLOW.................................................................Joseph Weingartner, Daria Weingartner and Choir BREATH OF HEAVEN.................................... Lauren Walawender, Olivia Payton & Thomas James Mason EMMANUEL IS BORN MEDLEY............................................................................. Choir and Congregation WELCOME TO OUR WORLD............Leigh Ann Stadt, Gary Dyer, Daria Weingartner, Joseph Weingartner AT THE FEET OF JESUS....................................................................................... Keith Young, Full company
Hail the heav’n born Prince of Peace Hail, the Son of Righteousness Light and life to all He brings, Ris’n with healing in His wings
Shepherd, why this jubilee? Why your joyous strains prolong? Say what may the tidings be Which inspire your heav’nly song?
Mild He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die Born to raise the sons of earth Born to give them second birth
Hark the herald angels sing Glory to the new born King Peace on earth and mercy mild God and sinners reconciled!
Hark the herald angels sings Glory to the new born King.
Joyful, all ye nations rise Join the triumph of the skies With th’ angelic host proclaim Christ is born in Bethlehem
Sing, choir of Angels Sing in Exultation O sing all ye bright hosts to heav’n above! Glory to God, All glory in the highest! O Come, let us adore Him. O Come, let us adore Him. O Come, let us adore Him Christ the Lord!
Hark the herald angels sing Glory to the newborn King. Yea, Lord, we greet thee, Born this happy morning. Jesus to Thee be all glory giv’n Word of the Father, Now in flesh appearing! O come let us adore him. O come let us adore him. O come let us adore him Christ the Lord.
Welcome, Friends! The activities that bring you to St. Luke’s during this holiday season present an opportunity for you to get to know this faith community just a little better—and vice versa! We invite you to take advantage of the many opportunities we offer to deepen your holiday experience. Blessings on your faith journey. We hope it leads you back here soon. If it’s your first visit, please stop by our Welcome Center to learn more. We especially want to invite you to worship tomorrow morning for a very special dramatic monologue titled The Prophet of the Messiah. Worship times are listed below. Nursery is provided for all services.
CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES Family Service 2PM | Sanctuary Contemporary Services 4 & 6PM | Chapel Traditional Services 4, 6 & 8PM | Sanctuary Communion Service 11PM | Chapel
Visit Connections bookstore outside the sanctuary for all your last minute Christmas gifts. So many meaningful and fun gifts. All profits go to St. Luke’s Missions and Outreach.
CHILD CARE Nursery only (infants – preschoolers) at 2 & 8PM; All ages 4 & 6PM. No child care at 11PM services.
St. Luke’s is an open community of Christians helping people find and give hope through Jesus Christ.
SUNDAY WORSHIP TIMES Traditional Services | 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM Contemporary Services | 9:30 & 11AM
@stlukesindy | 100 West 86th St. | Indianapolis | 317-846-3404