“Love God. Love People. Do Stuff.” – Bob Goff, Love Does Bob Goff is coming to St. Luke’s on May 12. See back cover for details.
A Guide to the Month Ahead: May 2014
Adult Ministries
Spiritual Life Center
Worship and the Arts
Children’s Music
Children’s Ministries
Youth Ministries
Outreach Ministries
Member Care
St. Luke’s office is open 8:30AM-5PM Monday-Friday. Our Prayer Chapel (located inside Robertson Chapel next to the Spiritual Life Center) is available for silent prayer and meditation when the church is open. A pastor is always on call in case of emergencies; call 317-846-3404 to leave a message after hours.
Contact Information:
When you need something, our outstanding front desk staff can direct your call to the appropriate person. Here are some tips for some of the most frequently requested information:
I Need:
Adult Class Registration.............................................Jilliane Pruiett Childcare Needs for Meetings/Events.......................Kristi Chamberlain Member Care/Death/Hospitalization Stephen Ministry Request.........................................Mary Katherine Schnitz Membership/Births/Address/Phone Change............Sylvia Forbes Reserve a Room/Request A/V...................................Heather Backus Weddings/Special Event Coordination......................Allison Flickinger Baptisms....................................................................Kristi Chamberlain Pledge Balance/Information......................................Faina Kleyner Oasis Bookstore.........................................................Sharon Holyoak
Need to email someone on our staff? Easy! Our email is our last name followed immediately by first initial, followed by @stlukesumc.com.
This issue lists upcoming events May through mid-June 2014. The deadline for submitting announcements for the next Connections@St.Luke’s is May 1 for the June issue, which is distributed after worship at St.Luke’s on May 27. Connections@St.Luke’s: a publication of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church 100 W. 86th St., Indianapolis, IN 46260 317-846-3404 • www.stlukesumc.com A PDF version of this publication is available online.
Inside the walls of St. Luke’s is a peaceful place where you can browse, meet new people and experience a little retail therapy. Find books for your adult education class or book group… inspirational jewelry and home décor… the perfect selections for Confirmation, graduations, birthdays, baptisms, Easter and Christmas presents. Best of all, the proceeds from all purchases made in Oasis benefit the ministries of St. Luke’s.
Oasis is Open Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10AM - 2PM Sundays 9AM - 1PM
Multiple Styles. Multiple Locations.
St. Luke’s is an open community of Christians with multiple options for strengthening your relationship with God. We offer the following worship opportunities designed to meet you where you are in your journey with Christ.
Sunday Worship Services with Rev. Rob Fuquay 8, 9:15AM (Traditional) & 10:45AM (Contemporary) • Communion is served the first Sunday of the month at all three services and is available to all persons. • St. Luke’s Orchestra plays the third Sunday of the month in the Traditional service. • Baptisms take place the third, fourth and fifth Sundays of every month. Parents must attend an orientation class to sign up their child for baptism. See www.stlukesumc.com for details. SPRING SERMON SERIES: “TWEaks: Making ‘WE’ Work” April 27 Accept One Another Pastor David Williamson preaching (Graduate Recognition) May 4 Forgive One Another Pastor Rob Fuquay preaching (Communion) May 11 Love One Another Pastor Rob Fuquay preaching (Mothers’ Day) May 18 Encourage One Another Pastor Rob Fuquay preaching May 25 Wait for One Another Pastor Rob Fuquay preaching (Memorial Day Weekend)
New Contemporary Service @10:45AM St. Luke’s expanded its family of worship styles to include a contemporary service! This new service is held on Sunday mornings in the Sanctuary and features relevant messages by our senior pastor, Rev. Rob Fuquay, along with amazing musical talent and a more relaxed, interactive environment. If you’d like to be kept up-to-date as announcements become available, we invite you to join the Facebook group, “St. Luke’s @1045 New Service Participants.”
Taizé Third Sunday of each month, 5-5:45PM by the baptismal font in the Sanctuary, with musical community and Rev. Kim King. A service of peace and candlelight with silence, scriptures, prayer and beautiful music.
Later@St. Luke’s Sundays, 6PM in Robertson Chapel with Dr. Marion Miller Come hear contemporary Christian, gospel and jazz music featuring the Later Band and Vocals, along with a challenging, thought-provoking message. Holy Communion served every Sunday, along with light refreshments before and after the worship service.
The Garden Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre with Dr. Linda McCoy
8:15, 9:15 & 10:15AM every Sunday The Garden is a satellite ministry of St. Luke’s providing nontraditional worship in a comfortable, casual setting. Music provided by The Good Earth Band.
entry.point The Mansion at Oak Hill with Rev. Stan Abell
10:30AM every Sunday Entry.point church is an open faith community where people of diverse backgrounds and life experiences will find a safe and creative space to explore and deepen their personal faith journeys. The worship style at entry.point is characterized by creative use of multi-media—music, video and spoken word. The casual services are 45 minutes and are crafted to engage relevant life questions. Entry.point kids’ programming is originally created and corresponds with the main service so that families can have faith conversations appropriate for all levels of understanding.
May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
To pre-register for a class, go to www.stlukesumc. com and search for class title on home page search box. Or contact Jilliane Pruiett at pruiettj@ stlukesumc.com or 317-846-3404 x364. Oasis = Oasis Bookstore and Gift Shop located inside St. Luke’s.
Adult Ministries Exploring Membership Class
Leaders: Rev. Rob Fuquay, staff, and lay leaders. Sunday, May 4, Noon-3PM, Luke’s Lodge. Childcare available upon request. Join Pastor Rob Fuquay and others for a time of getting acquainted with one another, learning the vision and values of St. Luke’s, a brief overview of the history of the church, and a bit about United Methodism. Discuss what it means to be a member of St. Luke’s as we look closely at what it means to Seek, Celebrate, Live, and Share the love of God for all creation. Everyone will have an opportunity to sign up for future classes, serving opportunities within the church and outreach events. You may choose to join St. Luke’s after this class if you desire.
Adult Education Faith that Makes a Difference
Leaders: Tony Baumgartner, St. Luke’s Member and Terri Coe, Director of Adult Ministries Tuesdays, May 6 – June 10, 7-8:30PM, E105 We all want to have a faith that matters but what does this mean? What are the life-changing beliefs and practices that help us embrace God’s love and
grace, follow Christ, and live life with meaning and purpose? Through scripture, story, and conversation, explore next steps for your personal spiritual journey. The workbook, The Wesleyan Way: A Faith that Matters, will be a resource used in class and can be purchased in Oasis. Childcare available upon request.
Introverts in the Church
Leaders: Extrovert Betty Brandt, Director of Spiritual Life Center, and Introvert Julie Gentry, St. Luke’s Director of Information Technology Four Thursdays, May 8-29, 6:30-8PM, Parlor In this hugely extroverted society, many introverts feel overlooked. Church could be a place for introverts to feel understood and prized for their gifts and talents. How can St. Luke’s make this dream a reality? This four-week class, based on Introverts in the Church by Adam McHugh, will begin a dialogue between extroverts and introverts about our life together at St. Luke’s —
Adult Ministries experiences and needs, desired opportunities and programming, leadership possibilities and space planning. Registration appreciated. Book available in Oasis.
1 Corinthians: The Challenges of Life Together
Wednesdays: May 21-July 2, 6-8PM, Parlor Life among Christians can be great. But – let’s face it – it can also be frustrating! Just ask the Apostle Paul! Since the start of Christian fellowship, joys have too often given way to division and debate, with arguments over such issues as worship preferences or the place of charismatic gifts. In 1 Corinthians: The Challenges of Life Together, we examine the problems of the Christian community and find some practical advice and principles for overcoming them. Book available in Oasis bookstore. Leader: Miriam Holden.
New Small Group Opportunity
A Retreat For The Ages! All Of Them
July 13-17, 2014, Lake Junaluska, N.C. SOULfeast is The Upper Room’s spiritual formation event for children, youth, and adults who seek deepening spirituality across a spectrum of soulnourishing experiences. Pastor Rob Fuquay helps lead this retreat and hosts a workshop. Register by June 1: $179/adult and $75/child, online at http:// soulfeast.upperroom.org. Housing is not included in the registration, but is available at Lake Junaluska Conference Center. Visit the Soulfeast website for more information.
In coordination with the May 12 appearance by Bob Goff, human rights advocate and author of best-selling book, Love Does, watch for early May small group opportunities. Groups will spend five sessions together using the small group study guide and short videos by Bob Goff. Lessons drawn from Bob’s life and attitude just might inspire you to be secretly incredible too. Topics are: • Session 1: I’m With You • Session 2: Free to Fail • Session 3: Audacious Love • Session 4: Be Not Afraid • Session 5: Follow Me Visit www.stlukesumc.com. Search “love does” for times and dates of small groups, or contact Susan Fuquay at fuquays@stlukesumc.com. Study guide (required) available in Oasis and online.
May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
May 20142014 February Communion Connections@St.Luke’s
Adult Ministries Singles Check the singles calender online at www.stlukesumc.com/ministries/adult/singles Sunday Lunch Bunch
Every Sunday, 12:15PM Join us for fun, food, and fantastic times! For more information, contact Armen at aa737us@yahoo. com or 317-298-8913. May 4 Max and Erma’s, North Meridian at Carmel Drive May 11 Oobatz, Clearwater Shopping Center May 18 Rusty Bucket, 86th Street, east of Ditch Road May 25 Istanbul Café, 86th Street and Ditch Road
Fork, Knife, and Glass
Thursday, May 15, 6:30PM, House of Cheung, Keystone and 71st St. Fork, Knife, and Glass is a community group for anyone who would like to have dinner once a month at a local restaurant and enjoy conversation and laughter with other singles. Hosted by Armen Avakian, aa737us@yahoo.com.
Singles: Bible Study Opportunity
Sundays, 10:45AM, E105 Group Leader: Rev. Sandy Harlan at revsandy@sbcglobal.net. Now studying the history of Christianity. Video presentation led by Professor Luke Timothy Johnson (second from left in photo below), author and Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at Emory University Candler School of Theology. Discussion follows video.
Meets Tuesday, May 6, 7-8:30PM, E107/109; May 13 & 27, 7-8:30PM, N101/102 Toastmasters International offers effective ways to improve communication and leadership skills. Guests attend for free. For information, call Cathy Baker at 317-334-7821.
Most Wednesdays and Fridays, 6:30PM, Great Hall See the schedule online or check the volleyball status line at 317-721-3099 after 4:30PM. The cost to play is $2. For information, email Tim Adams at timmytown@msn.com.
Adult Ministries Sunday Morning Classes
Conversations Around the Scripture
Sundays, 9:15-10:15AM, E105 Led by Gary Chambers, Brian Earnhart, and Craig Overmyer.
Empty Nesters – New Focus!
Sundays, 10:45AM, Parlor Empty Nesters is a Sunday school class/social group. We invite couples and singles whose children have “flown the coop” to join us. We also get together for dinner or other events on a monthly basis. And we’ve become one of the best support groups around! Try us out. We’d like to meet you.
Ongoing Classes
Christian Chat
2nd & 4th Mondays, 10-11:30AM, Spiritual Life Center You are invited to drop in for interesting discussions about Christian topics and to enjoy fellowship with other women. This is the perfect group for busy women because each session is self-contained and there is no homework. Please join us when you can and feel free to come late or leave early. For more information, contact us at ChristianChatWomen@ gmail.com.
May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
George Vickery Men’s Discussion Group
Wednesdays, 9:30AM, Luke’s Lodge Discuss current events or the latest book of interest you have read. For more information, call Bob Waeltz at 317-872-0895.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30AM, The Forum at The Crossing An off-site senior adult Bible Study. Led by Terri Coe, Mary Katherine Schnitz and several other St. Luke’s lay members.
Pastors’ Book Study
Wednesdays, 10-11:30AM, Parlor Now through May 14, Linda McCoy leads a discussion of the book Finding God Beyond Religion by Tom Stella. All are welcome to enjoy this relaxed format, stimulating conversation and thoughtprovoking topics.
Thursday Afternoon Book Study
Thursdays, 1-2:30PM, Parlor Our May book is The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton, June book is The Christmas Wedding by James Patterson, July is Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd. The group also enjoys lunches, movies, field trips and birthday celebrations. Class facilitator is Phyllis Bybee. For more information, contact Sylvia Forbes at 317-846-3404 or forbess@ stlukesumc.com.
Volunteer Opportunities Devotional Writers Wanted
We have had wonderful feedback on the Lenten Devotionals written by our St. Luke’s family. In response to this feedback, we are currently developing a team of people that would like to write devotionals. A writer is given the topic, a scripture verse, and asked to write a 300-word devotional with a closing prayer. We hope to begin sending devotionals at least twice each week by August. These devotionals will match the theme of the sermon series. If this is something you would like to try, contact Susan Fuquay at fuquays@stlukesumc.com.
Big-Event Planners Needed
On August 17 Adult Ministries will be host a “Let’s All Go to Class” event, showcasing adult classes and small group opportunities. If you enjoy planning or executing a one-time big event, contact Susan Fuquay at fuquays@stlukesumc.com.
Help Design a Women’s Study
Next September, St. Luke’s will offer a Thursday morning (9-11AM) women’s study opportunity. Besides coffee and fellowship, the gathering will offer a variety of classes aimed at strengthening women’s faith. There will be childcare. But first, we need to design it! If you are interested in serving on the Design Team that will meet through the summer to craft class topics and other details of this activity contact Susan Fuquay at fuquays@stlukesumc.com.
Tech-Savvy People: We Need You! Are you skilled with Google Hangout, Skype, or Blackboard? St. Luke’s is working hard to move into the online learning age! We need some IT volunteers to help us with research and development.
May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Adult Ministries Online Classes
Travel Experiences
United Methodism 101
Wesleyan Heritage Tour
May 14 - June 25 or June 18 - July 30 Cost: $9.99. This online course is designed for new United Methodists and anyone wanting to know more about the denomination. Are you a lifelong or long-term Methodist? You may be surprised at what you can learn about our denomination. The course includes four modules: United Methodist history; theology and beliefs of the United Methodist Church; organization and governance; and, present and future challenges. Each module, with many interactive features takes about an hour to complete. You can move through the modules at your own pace. For more information or to register for class, go to www.stlukesumc.com and search “united methodism” in the search box on the homepage.
July 23-31, 2014 Join Rev. Sandy Harlan and Bishop Michael Coyner to explore the spiritual roots of the United Methodist heritage. Visit sites with historical significance to John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church. Tour includes stops in London, Bristol, Epworth, Birmingham, Coventry, the Cotswolds, Gloucester and Oxford. Tour Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, Aldersgate Street, Stratfordupon-Avon and Christ Church College at Oxford University. Departures from Indianapolis ($3,746) or Chicago ($3,696). Trip includes roundtrip international airfare, deluxe motor coaches, firstclass hotels, guided sightseeing and entrance fees to site visits. Breakfast and dinner daily, except dinner in London. Lunch is on your own. Fee includes gratuities, fuel surcharges and taxes. A four-day extension to Ireland is optional. ($1198/additional fee). Tour operator is Educational Opportunities, which has hosted a number of faith-based tours. For more information, contact Sandy at revsandy@sbcglobal.net or call 812-327-0234. Register online at www.EO.travel: Tour #HE14, Code 072314C, Host ID #49200.
Disciple Bible Study New Classes Will Begin This Fall
Disciple Bible Study is a comprehensive Bible Study for people that are beginners to long-time students of the Bible. Disciple I covers the whole Bible and requires about 30 minutes of Bible reading every day. Over 300 people at St. Luke’s were enrolled in Disciple this winter. New signups will begin this summer for the fall classes. Plan now to be in Disciple Bible Study this Fall! Disciple Study Guides are available in Oasis.
Adult Ministries Spiritual Life Center
Ongoing Classes
Sunday Morning CLASSES
Krista Tippett’s “On Being” Show
Sundays, 9:15AM, Spiritual Life Center If you are a fan of Krista Tippett’s radio show that airs at 7AM every Sunday morning on FM90.1, you will want to join the discussion of the show on Sunday mornings. Krista interviews authors, spiritual leaders, storytellers, scientists, professors, political activists and musicians. The discussions are as lively and interesting as the show. All are welcome and encouraged to listen to the show prior to attending class. The show is available beginning the prior Friday at www.onbeing.org.
Sunrise Book Study
Wednesdays, 7-8:30AM, Parlor Start your day with friends, prayer, a good book, stimulating discussion and personal enrichment. Contact Betty Brandt at 317-846-3404 or brandtb@ stlukesumc.com.
Tuesday Afternoon Women’s Spiritual Book Study
Tuesdays, 1-2:30PM, Spiritual Life Center Group meets weekly to discuss meaningful and sometimes controversial books. Contact JoAnne Waeltz, 317-872-0895.
New Earth Community
Thursdays, 7-8:30PM, Spiritual Life Center This study group discusses innovative and challenging spiritual books. Contact JoAnne Waeltz, 317-872-0895.
The Heart of Art, A Teacher/Student Journey
Study of Five Major Religions Begins In May
Sundays, 10:45-11:45AM, Spiritual Life Center Explore the essential structural components shared by all faiths by focusing on Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Learn about creation myths, concepts of the divine, lifecycle and calendar based rituals, various types of sacred people, texts, objects and spaces, and religion’s ultimate goals. This Great Courses DVD series is hosted by the New Perspectives class. Expect a DVD presentation by Professor Charles Kimball, University of Oklahoma, followed by group discussion. Come for entire 24-week series or drop in any time. No registration or fee.
Meet the artists on May 4, 10:15AM – Noon, “Identity” Gallery Paintings by teacher Sylvia Gray, Encaustics by student Blake Lewis grace a gallery show highlighting encaustics (painting with wax). Blake came to this medium with Sylvia as his teacher. He found this form calms his ADHD and helps him find peaceful moments. The hot wax combines air and heat with color to create vibrant effects. Exhibited all of May in both the “Identity” and “Vision” Galleries.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Tuesdays, 1-3PM, Luke’s Lodge Prayerful volunteers who like to knit or crochet and love the fellowship of working together make prayer shawls for those needing to be wrapped in God’s healing love. New knitters welcome. Contact Helen Vriesman at 317-849-9417 or hrvaintree@ yahoo.com.
May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Spiritual Life Center’s Blog
The Spiritual Life Center now has a blog at slcblog. stlukesumc.com. Watch for posts about trends in spiritual development, interesting spiritual journeys, new ideas, poetry and comments from Spiritual life Center classes and events. If you would like to be a contributing writer, please contact Betty Brandt at brandtb@ stlukesumc.com or 317-846-3404 x339.
Adult Ministries
Where is the Spiritual Life Center? Enter through door #2 just before you get to the main entrance.
Studio 3 Art Ministry for Artists and Dabblers
May 20142014 February Connections@St.Luke’s
Thursdays, 9AM-4PM, C122 Anyone interested in building an art community at St. Luke’s is welcome to come spend the day (or a portion of the day) with other artists. Bring your favorite medium and plan to go out for lunch. Occasional field trips and pitch-ins too. For information, contact Susie Gilbert at sulinn2000@ yahoo.com or 317-582-0001.
Crochet Guild of Indianapolis Find SLC On Facebook
For updated information about our programming, go to “St. Luke’s UMC – Spiritual Life Center.”
1st Saturday of the month, 10AM-Noon, E107/109 Learn to crochet and contribute to on-going projects. Contact Edie Huffman, 317-228-0496.
St. Luke’s at the Movies: “Beasts of the Southern Wild”
Friday, May 16, 7-9PM, Parlor Join other movie lovers for “Beasts of the Southern Wild,” a 2012 “Critics’ Pick.” Author and critic A. O. Scott, writing for The New York Times, calls it a “blast of sheer, improbable joy, a boisterous, thrilling action movie with a protagonist who can hold her own... Hushpuppy, the 6-year-old heroine … has a smile to charm fish out of the water and a scowl so fierce it can stop monsters in their tracks.” No registration. Donations appreciated. Dessert and conversation will follow.
Yoga for Stress
Seven Mondays, May 12-June 30, (omit May 26) 9:30-10:45AM; $84. Eight Thursdays, May 15-July 3, 8:30-9:45AM; $96. All classes in N103/104. Join anytime. Walk-ins $15. Ending with a 15-minute guided deep relaxation, this class will help you gain balance, strength and flexibility in your body and peace and calm in your mind. All levels are welcome to join. Register/pay online, www.stlukesumc.com. New classes begin July 14 and 17, respectively.
Gentle Yoga Class
Aikido Training
Monday and Thursday evenings, 5:30-6:30PM, N103/104, $8/session Open to all ages and abilities, this gentle yoga class welcomes those not flexible enough to sit on the floor (chairs provided) as well as those who can (bring a mat and a blanket). Taught by Carol Holden.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 7-9PM, Saturdays, 8-10AM. All classes in N103/104. This discipline uses martial training as a means of character development rather than fighting prowess. Open to adult men and women. Come observe a class, or visit www.indyaikido.org for more information.
Adult Ministries
May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Prayer and Meditation
All Church Devotional Opportunity “50 Day Prayer Guide to Knowing God’s Love” Many people have developed a meaningful daily devotional practice during the six weeks of Lent and hopefully will want to continue that practice. The “50 Day Prayer Guide” is a way to do that. Each day find a scripture and a prompt to pray for a person (someone in your neighborhood, someone in your church, etc.). The directions are clear and simple. There are devotions for every day between Easter and Pentecost. Find paper copies at the Welcome Center, the Adult Education table in the West Passage, or sign up at www.stlukesumc.com/enewsletters for the daily email version.
Green Ministries Green Ministry Leadership Team
May 14, 5:30-7PM, C110 Our ministry leadership team meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month and welcomes new people to the discussion. Contact Sharon Chambers at sharon.chambers39@gmail.com or 317-578-7502, or just show up.
“No Plastic Bag” Pledge
If you wish to join the movement to rid the environment of plastic bags, go to the Green Ministry page, www.stlukesumc.com, and take the “No Plastic Bag” Pledge. Remember to always carry your reuseable bags whenever you shop! Reusable bags can be found at the Recycling Center in Central Passage hanging on the red pole. Take one!
Save the Planet: Wash Dishes Ongoing Meditation Group
Mondays, 6:30-7:30PM, Spiritual Life Center No fee or registration. Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome to join in a 30 minute discussion followed by 30 minutes of Christian meditation. You will find support for your practice, new ideas and a community of others who welcome silence. Led by Merri Leffel.
The Green Ministry seeks people interested in reducing the number of single-use items used for St. Luke’s events. Contact Sharon Chambers (Sharon.chambers38@gmail.com, 317-578-7502) if you are willing to join the Dishwashing Team. Next event is Bob Goff dinner on Monday, May 12.
Green Gratitude Award
The Green Ministry wishes to thank everyone responsible for the beautiful redecoration and increased lighting of West Passage. Thanks for considering “green” alternatives in lighting and carpeting.
May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Walking Through the Medicare Maze Tuesday, May 20, 7-8:30PM, E107/109 Medicare A, Medicare B, Medicare D, Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement. What are they and how are they different from one another? How do I choose? When do I choose? It’s complicated! To learn more about these plans and what might be best for your needs, join an informational gathering with Jim Chesterfield, an employee benefits 25-year veteran, brought to you through the joint effort of the St. Luke’s Spiritual Life Center’s Healing Ministry and Health Ministry. No specific insurance plans or carriers will be highlighted and no one will try to sell you anything. No registration or cost to participants.
Healing Partners Appointments Available
Stress, illness, grief or difficult life situations can cause imbalance in the body, mind and spirit. This Healing Process combines healing touch, relaxation and prayer to form a synergistic effect that can help bring you back to balance and wholeness through God’s restorative healing power. These sessions reenergize and relax persons to enable their own natural resources to deal with illness or injury. Process honors all faith traditions. Call 317-846-3404 x442 for a daytime or evening appointment. No fee, donations appreciated.
Peace in our Community
May 30, 8AM-8PM Rev. Kim King and the Spiritual Life Center Commission are hosting Prayer Vigils in 2014. They will each have a different theme and will take place on the 5th Fridays of the year (May 30, August 29 and October 31). Our Prayer Chapel will be open to the community and staffed to welcome you, 8am-8pm, with special prayers/readings available. Stay for a few minutes or a major part of your day.
Worship and The Arts
Handbell Choir Openings
Joyful Rhythms welcomes ringers of a variety of experience levels, even those who have yet to ring. Rehearses Mondays, 6-7:15PM. If you’re interested and available to rehearse on Monday nights, contact Director Marsha Coyner at mjcoyner@juno.com.
St. Luke’s Orchestra
Under the direction of Bob Zehr, the Orchestra plays the third Sunday of every month at Traditional Sanctuary services, September through June. Rehearsals are Thursdays, 7:15-9PM. Contact Margaret Spilker at msspilker@aol.com for more information.
Chancel Choir Patron’s Fund
Our Chancel Choir’s ministry is supplemented by a Patron’s Fund by which they can take on projects and possibilities far outside the realm of their annual budget such as underwriting for performances (including the annual Christmas Concerts), concert tours, as well as new music, vestments and attire. Patrons receive a performance of new music as well as a permanent plaque bearing the patron’s name and a dedication. Patron levels are established at $750 and $1,000. For information, contact Mark Squire at squirem@ stlukesumc.com, or Alice Shooter, Patron Fund chair, at aliceshooter108@msn.com.
Taizé Musical Community
Small vocal and instrumental ensemble serving at monthly Taizé service (third Sunday, 5-5:45PM), rehearses one hour before each service. Contact
Music Director Mark Squire at squirem@ stlukesumc.com.
Looking for Your Place to Serve?
There are a variety of involvement schedules and musical levels where you can become involved with St. Luke’s Music Ministries. There are even non-musical needs to help support the hundreds of music makers. If you’d like to share your gifts in ministry, contact Nancy in the Music Ministry Office at faithn@stlukesumc.com and she can put you in touch with rewarding possibilities!
February May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Worship and The Arts
Creative Opportunities @10:45
The contemporary service is always looking for talented artists who want to share their gifts in this new way. Have you been waiting for just the right opportunity to use yours? All creative types are welcome – from musicians and vocalists to dramatic artists and dancers. To join our worship team, contact Fran Wyatt at wyattf@ stlukesumc.com.
The Smiling Face of St. Luke’s
Help first-time visitors and new members feel the loving, welcoming energy of St. Luke’s @10:45 service by becoming a sanctuary host. We provide the training, you provide the smile. Contact Carol Helmus at helmusc@ stlukesumc.com.
Kids Musical Theater Day Camp
Children going into grades 2-6 will attend camp from 8:30AM-3PM Monday - Thursday (June 2326) and 8:30AM-12:30PM Friday (June 27) with the performance beginning at 12:30. “Make a Difference.” As this musical unfolds, a group of students reluctantly participate in a community food drive. In performing this musical, your children may become more fully aware of how young people can help create the kind of world they want for themselves. Campers will learn singing, choreography, and speaking parts. Campers should bring their own lunches. Snack donations would be appreciated. Fee $125, includes a camp t-shirt. Instructors: Debra Nethercott, St. Luke’s UMC Children’s Music Director; Debra Peek, 26 year teacher; Gay Talbert, 25 year music teacher; and Laura Peek, Predoctoral Intern in School Psychology. Please register at www. stlukesumc.com by May 16.
Worship and The Arts
May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Step Right Up! And Bring Your Shoes...
Sunday, May 4, 9:15AM and 2PM, Great Hall Plan to attend this year’s circus-themed musical performed by the St. Luke’s Children’s choirs. The show includes a variety of circus entertainers including The Mighty Muscle Men, The Heavenly High Riders, The Terrific Tumblers, The Balancing Beauties, The Cute Clowns along with jugglers, plate spinners, magic tricks and uplifting music! “Soles for Jesus” collection boxes will be located in the East and West Passages. Imagine your gently used pumps, boots, sandals or tennis shoes on the feet of someone as far away as Africa. It could happen if you participate in the St. Luke’s Children’s Music Program shoe collection. New and gently used shoes of all varieties will be received through June. Financial donations to help with shipping are also appreciated. Contact the “ringmaster” Debra Nethercott, 317-846-3404 x 329, or at nethercottd@stlukesumc.com for additional information about the show and the shoes. To learn more about Soles for Jesus, visit their website at www.solesforjesus.org.
Children’s Music Ministries Rehearsal schedule – 2014
(All rehearsals are in E208 and/or E207, 2nd floor)
Sundays, 8:45-9:10AM Ages 3 ½ -5. Music activities include movement, playing rhythm instruments and singing sacred songs. The youngest group of musicians sings two to three times per season in the Sanctuary, participates on Christmas Eve, and leads music for the Mini-Track preschool worship service.
Elementary Music Program
Sundays, 10:10-11:00AM Grades K-5 (Young musicians are divided into two groups: K-2 and 3-5). Music activities include singing, movement, and an instrumental program including Orff instruments, Boomwhackers and choir chimes. This group of musicians sings regularly in the Sanctuary throughout the season and participates at the 3PM Christmas Eve Service. Older singers, Grades 3-5, sing in the Annual Christmas Candlelight Concert with the St. Luke’s Chancel Choir and Orchestra.
Middle School Choir
Tuesdays, 7:15-8PM Grades 6-8. An outstanding group of youth singers who participate regularly in worship services and concerts in the St. Luke’s Sanctuary.
The Choristers
Tuesdays, 6:15-7:15PM Grades 3-8 (treble voices). This group of musicians makes a strong commitment to attending rehearsals and to singing more advanced music in the Sanctuary worship services and sings at the Annual Christmas Candlelight Concert with the St. Luke’s Chancel Choir and Orchestra. Attendance at Voice for Life is strongly encouraged in order to make progress and contribute to the group.
Voice for Life
Tuesdays, 5:45-6:15PM A nationally recognized program of instruction for music theory, ear training, music history, church history, hymnology, and overall musical training. Participants can earn RSCM ribbons and medals. The program is open to any singer who participates in the Tuesday evening program – Middle School Singers and The Choristers.
Handbell Choirs
Sundays, 11:15AM-Noon Grades 3-8. Members will learn the basic fundamentals of English handbell ringing along with note and rhythm reading. Please contact Miss Deb for information.
To register for any of the children’s music programs, go to the St. Luke’s website and click “music” then “children’s choirs” at www.stlukesumc. com. For more information, contact Debra Nethercott, Director of Children’s Music at 317846-3404 x329 OR nethercottd@ stlukesumc.com. Assistant Volunteer Director: Gay Talbert Volunteer Handbell Director: Cindy Schwein
Children’s Ministries
The Track Registration
Sunday Morning Options:
May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Have you registered your children for Sunday morning small groups? You can register them online at www.stlukesumc. com/children/ sundaymorning. Questions? Email us at thetrack@ stlukesumc.com.
Nursing Mothers Room Available
For the convenience of new mothers in our congregation, we have a nursing room, located off the East Passage, in room E126. It can be accessed directly from the East Passage or through the childcare nursery room it adjoins. The room is equipped with rocking chairs and a television live-streaming the worship service in the Sanctuary. It is open to all who need it on Sunday mornings. Please ask an usher if you need assistance locating it.
Mini Track at 9:15
“My God will meet all my needs,” (Phillipians 4:19, NIrV). What a powerful thought. God will meet all our needs. Notice the verse says needs and not wants. That’s hard for adults to remember, even more for preschoolers. So this month, we will talk about our basic needs and stories where God provided. We start the month with a favorite story. Jesus tells us not to worry because if God provides for the birds and the flowers, won’t God do even more for us? The preschoolers will then hear about Elijah, both how God provided ravens to feed him in the wilderness, and the widow with what she needed to make bread for him and her family. These are great stories to show how God provides for our basic needs. Finally, we’ll tell the story of Abraham, and how he trusted God to provide for him even when God asked him to move and promised what he couldn’t believe. God will meet all my needs.
The Track at 9:15
Our virtue this month is ENDURANCE: sticking with what you started even when it gets tough. When work gets tough, when exhaustion sets in on the soccer field, or when that science project just won’t come together, endurance is what gives us that extra something to keep us going until we finish what we began. The believers in the early church faced all sorts of trials and suffering that
could have easily made them question their faith and abandon the mission Jesus had for them. Yet, they remained strong. They endured through all of it because they had faith that everything they faced was worth it—knowing that more people would know the message of Jesus. Our memory verse for the month is Galatians 6:9, NIrV: “Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we don’t give up.” When we have endurance, we can know that it will be worth it. We’ll experience the joy of finishing what we started.
Two Exciting Summer Opportunities
SpringHill Day Camp
9AM-4PM, July 7-11 If your child will complete K-4th grade this year, then they are in for a big adventure at church this summer! St. Luke’s is partnering with SpringHill Day Camps (www.springhillcamps.com) for five full days of fun. This isn’t your typical day camp, folks! From the climbing wall to the Flying Squirrel to water games and creative crafts to stretch your child’s imagination—they’ll have more fun than they can imagine, while making new friends and learning a few things about God and themselves. Cost is $159/camper and registration can be found online at www.springhillcamps.com/IN/daycamp. Contact Heather Hilbert at hilberth@stlukesumc.com for more information.
Raising a Confident, Compassionate Girl
6:30-8PM, Wednesday, May 7 How can I help my daughter build positive, healthy friendships? How can I help her recognize hurtful, unhealthy ones? What skills might help her deal with relational aggression or bullying? What can she do to become assertive and strong, caring and compassionate? Learn about ways to empower your daughter so she can feel more confident in her relationships and in herself while facing the challenge of growing up! In addition to specific, practical skills, you will take away a list of helpful resources for parents and girls. Led by Carlabeth Mathias, MS, LCSW, LMHC, children’s therapist and former elementary school counselor. Childcare available. Contact Heather Hilbert at hilberth@stlukesumc.com for more information.
Children’s Ministries Summer Splash
9AM-Noon, July 21-25 A summer of weird, wacky fun is coming for children ages 3 through rising 5th graders! This year, we’re learning how unique God’s love truly is. Watch for registration in church or online. Youth and adults can volunteer in a variety of ways, so contact Heather Hilbert at hilberth@stlukesumc.com if you’d like to help make the week extra special for kids. $25/child, $60 max per family.
Getting Involved
Take Five and Top Three = Two Connections
This season of parenting is exciting and rewarding, but it’s also busy and draining at times. In Children’s Ministries, we want to partner with you on your journey. We’ve created a weekly blog called “Take Five” to offer encouragement for parents. As spiritual leaders in your home, we know your time is limited, so each week’s blog entry takes less than five minutes to read. Each Tuesday’s email will be a concise reflection of how you can help your child connect the Sunday morning teachings to what happens in their life each week and beyond. If you would like to receive the Take Five reflections or receive the weekly parent newsletter, Top 3, which lets you know the Top 3 things you need to know for the upcoming week, simply email Heather Hilbert at hilberth@stlukesumc.com.
Find Your Place at The Track
We’ve designed our opportunities to meet not only the time and availability of our volunteers, but their spiritual gifts and talents as well. Is teaching or shepherding not your calling? Think beyond Sunday morning! If you’re interested in joining our team to support our growth we will find a project that is right for you! Contact thetrack@ stlukesumc.com.
Commission on Children’s Ministries This leadership team works closely with staff to dream and implement new opportunities for fellowship, hospitality, missions, and parent/ volunteer support. We’re always looking for more leaders to come beside us and take Children’s Ministries to the next level. The commission meets monthly to cast vision, fellowship with one
another and plan for upcoming events. For more information on this diverse, supportive leadership team, contact Heather Hilbert at hilberth@ stlukesumc.com.
children’s MUSIC
Children’s Music Ministries
We have many musical opportunities for children ages 3-1/2 through Junior High. See “Worship and the Arts” section for details or for more information contact Debra Nethercott (“Miss Deb”) at nethercottd@stlukesumc.com.
Preschool & PDO St. Luke’s is unique among Indianapolis area programs. We provide an opportunity for children of all ability levels to relate socially to each other, learn from each other, and play together. In addition to skill development, our philosophy is that the tolerance and acceptance of people with differences begins at an early age. This is a special opportunity to develop the foundation for Christian attitudes towards individual differences throughout the child’s life. If you have further questions or would like to schedule a tour, please call the Preschool Office at 844-3399. We look forward to another fabulous year as we continue to grow!
Classes (9AM-1PM) for three- to five-year-olds are offered in a safe and nurturing Christian environment. All teachers are experienced, qualified, well-trained and strive to maintain strong relationships with the children and their families. Preschool offers a developmentally appropriate curriculum where children may grow socially, creatively, emotionally, cognitively and physically. Children must be 3 years old by 9/1/2014 to enroll for the 2014-2015 school year.
Parents’ Day Out
Classes (9AM-1PM) are offered for children ages 10 months to three years. PDO was established to provide parents of young children time for themselves on a regular basis. Children participate in structured play in a safe and nurturing Christian environment. Opportunities are provided for children to learn beginning social skills while having fun. Children must be 10 months by 9/1/2014 to enroll for the 2014-2015 school year.
May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Facebook & Twitter
“Like” The Track on Facebook at St. Luke’s UMC—The Track to get up-todate information about everything happening in Children’s Ministries.
Follow on Twitter: @StLukesTrack, or text “follow @stlukestrack” to 40404 to receive tweets as text messages.
Hospitality Volunteers
We need extra hands to help families with children navigate our church building – to greet new families with a warm smile, to help them register their children for the first time, and to guide them to their new classrooms. To be one of these important people, please contact Heather Hilbert at hilberth@ stlukesumc.com.
May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Youth Ministries
Our Mission: To welcome all youth and families into loving, Christ-centered relationships where they can get in tune with God’s amazing love and be empowered to transform the world!
We invite students 6th-12th grade to join us on Sunday mornings and Sunday nights. We offer a wide range of environments to connect with students. For information or event registration, stop by Luke’s Lodge (the youth building in the NE corner of church parking lot), visit www.stlukesumc.com/ ministries/youth, or contact: Kevin Davis, Director of Youth Ministry, davisk@stlukesumc.com; 846-3404 x326 Heather Campbell, Associate Director of Youth Ministry, campbellh@stlukesumc.com Colleen Baumgartner, Administrative Assistant, baumgartnerc@stlukesumc.com
Register for any event at www. stlukesumc.com/ youth.
Sunday Morning Options:
Jr. High (Rising 6th – 8th Grade)
Sundays, 9:15-10:30AM @ Luke’s Lodge Teens can check out a fun, welcoming atmosphere on Sunday mornings at the Lodge! As of May 4, 5th graders join Junior High and 8th grade graduates to High School. Come early for game systems, ping pong, foosball, air hockey and pool. At 9:15AM, we head to the chapel for a game, live worship, a message and small groups. See you on Sundays!
9:15-10:30AM @ Luke’s Lodge May 4: End-of-Year Brunch May 11: Mother’s Day NO CONFIRMATION May 17: Confirmation Rehearsal 5:30-6:30PM in the Sanctuary (main building) May 18: Confirmation Service 9:15 & 10:45AM Service in the Sanctuary (main building)
High School Youth Group
9:15-10:30AM @ Luke’s Lodge High school youth group meets on Sunday mornings in Luke’s Lodge for student-led worship, a brief message, small group breakouts, experiential learning, and time for hanging out with friends. Whether you’re already plugged in or new to high school youth activities, this is the place to connect! All high school youth and friends are welcome!
Sunday Night Options:
Jr. High Youth Group
Ends May 18 - Returns August 10 6-7:30PM @ Luke’s Lodge and the Gym Jr. High youth group meets at Luke’s Lodge on Sunday nights at 6PM. Some students will choose gym activities, while other students will choose to
stay at the Lodge for board games and connection time. Following this time we will bring students together for an ice breaker, and then move to the Lodge for Faith Questions. Sunday nights will work like “overtime” from Sunday morning. Questions about faith, about the Bible, life, and lessons that we are learning in the morning will be addressed in the evening. Invite friends, and look out for some fun activities!
High School Small Groups
We encourage all high school students to connect in weekly small groups. This is a great way for students to get to know each other, have a place of respite during busy weeks, and grow deeper in their faith alongside peers. Sunday - After 10:45AM Service meet in Narthex Sundays after the 10:45AM service, a small group meets in the Narthex and then heads to a local restaurant to discuss the message. Sunday - 6-7:30PM @ Luke’s Lodge Sunday nights we host a girls’ small group and a guys’ small group. Each group meets at Luke’s Lodge from 6-7:30PM.
Wednesday Guys’ Small Group
We also have a guys small group on Wednesdays from 6-7PM at Buffalo Wild Wings at 2510 East 146th Street Carmel, IN 46033. This group offers a welcoming atmosphere for guys to enjoy wings, conversations about sports, life and God! Please contact Kevin Davis if you would like to connect or find out more! We are in need adult mentors who would be willing to meet with these groups. We hope your student will consider coming to check out a small group soon!
Youth Ministries
May 18, 9:15AM and 10:45AM Services
End of Year Party
May 18, 6-8PM @ Luke’s Lodge Join us for a night of fun as we celebrate a great year and look forward to an awesome summer! It is also a time to thank our graduating high school seniors and wish them well. We will have pizza, games, prizes and much more. Bring your friends!
King’s Island
June 3 - All Day! Grade 5 through graduating high school seniors are invited to join us for a full day of fun at King’s Island. We will meet at Luke’s Lodge early in the morning of June 3, and return late that night after fireworks at the park. Invite your friends, and join us for an awesome day. Great way to start the summer!
Summer 2014 Mission Trips
Mission trips are a wonderful way to serve others whether it be across the world, the country or in our own neighborhood. It is also a great way for students to grow in leadership
May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Youth Ministry Commission
May Events:
Sunday, May 11 - Mother’s Day No AM or PM Programming!!!
as they help others. This year we will have four opportunities for high school students to experience missions. Three of our trips will be through Youth Works. Check out their website for more information! https://www. youthworks.com. All students grades 6-12 are welcome to be a part of the local mission trip.
High School Mission Trips
Open to incoming freshman in HS through incoming college freshman Fall of 2014. Newport, TN • June 7-14 Contact Heather at campbellh@stlukesumc.com Northern Cheyenne, MT • July 11-20 Contact Kevin at davisk@stlukesumc.com Wind River, WY • July 11-20 Contact Kevin at davisk@stlukesumc.com
Grades 6-12:
Local Mission Trip: July 31 - Aug. 2 Contact Kevin at davisk@stlukesumc.com
Upcoming Events: June 3 June 15 June 8-13
King’s Island Youth Car Wash High School Mission Trip to Newport, TN
Young Adult Ministries There are many ways to get involved with our young adult group – spiritually, socially and serviceoriented. Our fellowship nights are designed to get you out of your house and engaged with other young adults. We take in concerts, dinners, movies, bowling, putt-putt, local one-time gigs and much more. Get connected with others through small group experiences and social activities, as well as use your gifts and talents to make a difference in the lives of others.
Friday Night Gatherings
Join other young adults who are in their 20s and early 30s on Friday nights at 7PM. We alternate weeks of study with social events. Contact Tammy for weekly specifics at tamsler34@gmail.com.
College-Age Ministry and Facebook Group
If you are college age and would like to connect with others in this group, or keep up to date, check out our Facebook group: “St. Lukes UMC - College Students.”
This adult leadership team meets monthly and provides support to our youth ministry. This team provides the leadership to help students connect, supports teens through care and scholarships, recruits, trains and thanks volunteers, and provides oversight in how our youth ministry functions! Our meetings are open and those interested are more than welcome to attend.
May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Fellowship Encore This is a newly forming group for people who are thinking about retirement or have recently retired. We are planning on having several social (pitch-in) events in homes to facilitate individuals getting to know each other better. Plans are underway to determine where we can focus our energy. We are also interested in social events in and around Indianapolis. For more information, contact Jackie King, jk21@comcast.net or 317-658-4375. You can also contact Jilliane Pruiett at pruiettj@stlukesumc. com or 317-846-3404.
Elderberries For more information on all Elderberries events or to make reservations, contact Adra Wheeler at 317-253-4914 or 317-846-3404.
May Dinner
Thursday, May 1, 5:30PM • Fellowship Hall We are pleased to welcome for the evening’s entertainment is Tom Wright, of the Wright Brothers Band, who got his start singing gospel in church with his brothers. His music ranges from ’40s standards to classic rock, from The Beatles to Jimmy Buffett. Their newest CD, “Live from French Lick” is the result of a live radio show they created in the vein of Garrison Keillor’s “Prairie Home Companion.” It is called the “Hoosier Jubilee Radio Show,” which they performed in their home town. Wright’s band is a local favorite, selling out every seat in a 2010 concert at the Palladium, performing the national anthem at Pacers games and performing all over the state. Please bring a dish to share (first-timers are our guests; no dish expected) and a $3 contribution to help with program costs. Please call Adra Wheeler at 317253-4914 or 317-846-3404 to make reservations.
Monthly Euchre Game Elderberries monthly euchre game will be on Saturday, May 17 at 6:45PM in the parlor. Please bring a light snack to share. Call Adra at 317-8463404 with any questions.
ReachOut New Members Always Welcome
ReachOut is a diverse and inclusive group within the St. Luke’s community offering spiritual support and encouragement to GLBT persons. We strive to lead a life of service to others, achieve Christian maturity, and educate ourselves in matters of faith. Social and recreational activities are provided to promote an atmosphere where friendships can develop and a sense of acceptance and wholeness may be experienced. All are welcome. For more information, contact Mary Katherine Schnitz at schnitzm@stlukesumc.com.
Men’s Basketball Open Gym
For adult basketball enthusiasts (16+) who are looking to play friendly pick-up games on Thursday nights from 7:30-9:30PM in the Great Hall. Weekly emails are sent to confirm players for the week. Contact Chris Lemming at 317-595-8545 or email chris.lemming@anthem.com.
May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
United Methodist Men (UMM) Men’s Breakfast: Love Lab
All men are invited 8AM Saturday, May 3, in Fellowship Hall for a “Love Lab” with Psychologist Patrick Murphy. That’s right, guys, he works in a love lab. He has learned that women and men love differently and is convinced men should learn their partner’s love language. Learn more effective ways to communicate and to express your love. If you have experienced broken love, this may help you to understand how to enhance your communication skills. Bring a friend! Please email Mike Elkin melkin36@att.net to RSVP for these love lessons over a hearty breakfast.
Love Does: An Evening with Bob Goff
7-8:30PM, Monday, May 12 St. Luke’s Sanctuary, Tickets $10 Hear Bob Goff, New York Times best-selling author of Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World in an inspirational message about dreaming big, and engaging in life in practical ways. Founder of Restore International, a nonprofit human rights organization operating in Uganda and India, Bob is a sought-after speaker for leadership events designed to inspire current and future influencers to get to the “do” part of life.
The United Methodist Men is a brotherhood of men, sharpening one another, growing in faith, learning to serve. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17)
United Methodist Women (UMW) All-Church Pitch-in Picnic and Children’s Home Open House
Sunday, June 1, 4PM-6PM United Methodist Children’s Home, 515 W. Camp St., Lebanon, IN Plan now for an afternoon of food and fellowship at an old-fashioned pitch-in picnic on the grounds of the United Methodist Children’s Home. Enjoy a tour of the beautiful new homes, along with visits to the school and chapel. In addition, the activity center will be open for ping pong, pool, air hockey, skeet ball, and other activities. On the menu are hot dogs, brats, watermelon, chips, lemonade, and ice cream, plus legendary United Methodist pitchin side dishes from your kitchen for all to share. Lawn chairs or a blanket for your family to sit on are recommended. Entertainment will be provided. RSVP to Beth and Regan at umw@stlukesumc.com.
UMW Reading Group
Monday, June 23, 7-8:30PM, Parlor (No May meeting due to Memorial Day.) We will be discussing The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson. In this epic examination of migration, Wilkerson traces three families and their decisions to move north away from the segregated south over the period from 1915 - 1970. We’ll have much to discuss about the value of place and the decisions that play into geographic relocation. Newcomers are always welcome. Childcare is available with two weeks advance notice. For more information, contact Jennifer Todd at jtoddosu@aol.com.
For specific times, dates and locations of upcoming UMW events, check the calendar at http:// www.stlukesumc. com/news/calendars/ or email the contact person listed.
UMW Cookbook
UMW Circle Meetings:
May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
The UMW cookbook will be available for purchase at all UMW events by contacting Allison Flickinger at Allisonflickinger@ yahoo.com. It contains over 500 recipes donated by St. Luke members and their families and friends. Cost: $10, proceeds benefit UMW missions.
Eve Circle
Tuesday, May 6, 9:30-11:30AM, Fellowship Hall Yoga and a guided meditation with Marsha Pappas. Tuesday, May 20, 9:30-11:30AM, Parlor Join us for a pitch-in social. We invite all mothers to join us for fellowship, service projects and spiritual growth. Eve Circle meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Free childcare is available by contacting evechildcare@yahoo.com. For information regarding Eve Circle, contact co-chairs Amy Nichols and Diane Wade at evecircle@yahoo.com.
Mary Magdalene Circle
Wednesday, May 14, 6:30-8PM, Parlor A light snack is served with every meeting. Marilyn Griffith will be sharing the Sierra Leone’s Health and Educational Partners missionary team experience this past January and February. Mary Magdalene Circle membership is open to all women of St. Luke’s. If you have any questions, please contact co-chairs Jolynne Wilhoit at 317403-2462, or wilhoitj@businessfurnitureindy.com, or Lori Chambers 317-696-5965 or lochambers@ sbcglobal.net.
your dreams come true, one day at a time. Bring a picture of yourself that makes you smile. You won’t want to miss this evening of celebration, complete with balloons, cake and ice cream! Come join the fun and bring your rebirth-day wish! For more information, call Nancy at 317-341-5032 or email at nhopper@iupui.edu or Cathy at 317-334-7821. New Life Circle welcomes single, divorced, and widowed women of all ages.
Sarah Circle Annual Pitch-In
May 19, 11:30AM, Parlor We invite all our members and their guests to our annual pitch-in luncheon. George Spradling will present his collection of pens. We enjoyed Mark Squire’s preview of “Sanctuary” at our March meeting. It was great and we thank Mark for speaking to our group. If you plan to bring guests to our May meeting please contact Esther Childress at 317-257-3382 or estrchild@aol.com.
Hannah Circle Returns in September Hannah Circle welcomes mothers of elementary, middle, high school, and college students that are working full-time, part-time, or staying at home. Hannah Circle will meet one Wednesday a month, September-March. Our group does not meet in the late spring and summer so that we can focus on our families, and we will resume meeting in September 2014. Free childcare is provided. Mothers of young children in need of an evening circle are welcome to join us, too. For more information or to receive updates from Hannah Circle, please email Dawn Bick at hannahcircle@ gmail.com.
White Cross Guild
Marilyn Griffith, seated at right, will share her experiences in Sierra Leone at the next Mary Magdalene Circle.
New Life Circle Rebirth-day Party
Tuesday, May 20, 7PM, Spiritual Life Center Attention Single Women. . . Join us for our annual Rebirth-day Party for “Imagine This: Something New and Wonderful for You!” with Rev. Dr. Mary Rudy, inspirational speaker and author. Give birth to something new in your life by the simple technique of prayer art. Come share an evening with other creative women to see how to make
White Cross Guild provides volunteers to participate in activities supporting Methodist Hospital. They meet the 2nd Monday of each month from 9AM-2PM at Methodist Medical Plaza, 151 Pennsylvania Parkway (103rd/Meridian) in the first floor community room. We’ll prepare gauze squares used in surgery (bring your lunch). Contact Marguerite Moehn at 317-873-1956 or Barb Querry at 317-879-0543.
UMW At Home Helpers
We need you! We have many women who would like to help with paperwork, baking, sewing, knitting, making phone calls or helping out in various ways in whatever needs to be done to help out with UMW efforts. Please contact Sandra Pirkle at 317-733-4183 or skpirkle@indy.rr.com.
Outreach Ministries LOCAL service opportunities
Servants at Work: SAWS
The beginning of the 2014 SAWs season began with a great build and good weather! We were able to build a 50-foot ramp and a platform to a covered porch. This allowed the recipient of the ramp to navigate to the street level where shuttle service is available. What a blessing! Many more builds are planned. Join us for both interesting projects and great fellowship. For volunteer opportunities visit our website, contact Paul Snyder at 317-695-0585, or find us on Facebook at SAWsRamps.
Refugee Assistance Ministry
Refugees have come to our city at the invitation of the U.S. government and Indianapolis. They are eligible to work and live here permanently. The Refugee Assistance Ministry (RAM) needs donations of
ation RAM Don Requests: items • kitchen sses • mattre re u it rn • fu ts a • co
kitchen items, furniture, mattresses and coats. Please contact Pastor Jamalyn Peigh Williamson at williamsonj@stlukesumc.com.
Fox Hill Elementary— Tutoring & Mentoring
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Luke 18:16) The Fox Hill Elementary/St. Luke’s Partnership is continuing its mission of introducing young English language learners to the joy of reading and we need your help. There are opportunities for in-class tutoring practically any time during any school day, tutoring in the After School Achievers program (2:30-6PM, M-Th), and a new emphasis on providing mentors (especially men) to have lunch with kids who don’t often experience conversation with adults during meal time. It takes as little as one lunch hour a week to make a difference to a child learning to appreciate the wonderful world of reading. Please contact Tom Lange at tom.c.lange@gmail.com or 317-251-2274 if you are interested.
Dear St. Luke’s Outreach leaders, St. Luke’s has a strong tradition of being an outwardly-focused church. Throughout our 60-year history, many of our community and world mission efforts have impacted people and changed lives. St. Luke’s Outreach Ministries continues to be an integral part of the St. Luke’s vision and we look forward to strengthening our relationship with current organizations associated with St. Luke’s, as well as creating new partnerships. In doing so, we will fulfill our ultimate mission to find and give hope to others.
If you have a service organization that you think would be a good fit for St. Luke’s and would like us to offer support through volunteering or financially, please fill out a partnership application at www.stlukesumc.com/outreach. All applications will be reviewed and discerned by the Outreach Commission. Please direct any questions to Julie Hunt (jhunt824@yahoo.com) or David Gard (davidgard104@aol.com). Julie and David serve as the Co-Directors of Outreach Partnerships. We look forward to learning more about the exciting work currently being done by our active members all across our local and global community.
May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
May 20142014 February Communion Connections@St.Luke’s
Outreach Ministries Fletcher Place Community Center
Fletcher Place is located on the southeast side of downtown Indy. Each month St. Luke’s volunteers help serve breakfast and dinner to the community. Breakfast dates are May 8, 13, 16 & 17 and June 10, 12, 20 & 24. Volunteers and donations of food, paper goods or cash are needed. Contact Lucretia Scammahorn at 317.299.9472 or Don Cochran at 317-441-5658 for more information. Dinner volunteers are needed to cook, transport and serve meals May 19 & 28, and June 16 & 25. Sign up on the bulletin board in the Communications area (by the photo copiers in the main office), or call Kay Horton at 317-253-9833 for more information. Did you know that Fletcher Place also has a thrift store that accepts donations? Anything you might take to Goodwill can also be donated to Fletcher Place. Donations may be dropped off in St. Luke’s main office. The following items are needed at this time: Infant, children and teen clothing, men’s and women’s suits, undergarments for all ages, men’s clothing, bedding, towels and men’s and women’s winter coats. Volunteers are also needed in the thrift store and to help teach GED preparation classes. If you are interested, contact Don Cochran at 317-441-5658.
Fletche Food ParnPt lace ry Needs Request
s for food a t Fletcher P have incre lace ased signifi cantly and current su pplies are very low. They need donations of: • oats • pasta • canne d vegetable s and fr (low in sod ium and su uits gar) Bulk quanti ties are ac ceptable a appreciate nd d. Food do nations ca be placed n in the drop boxes in th West Passa e ge. “F letcher P lease write P lace” on or box es the bags of items being donated .
2nd Annual Love Apple Project The Sowers of St. Luke’s, a fellowship and service group of gardeners, welcome your participation in the 2nd Annual Love Apple Project. Besides a plant sale on May 11 for home gardens, the group will make plants available May 18, produce from which is designated for distribution through Fletcher Place. These designated plants can grow right alongside others in your garden. Then when harvest comes, bring their produce to the church. (baskets located near the garden doors). Last year we received more than 300 pounds of tomatoes that we shared with Fletcher Place. In addition, we picked almost 400 pounds of peaches and apples from trees that homeowners were willing to share for this important ministry. Please let us know if you have produce we can pick and deliver to Fletcher Place. For more information about this summer project, contact Brandt Carter at 317-253-3222.
Outreach Ministries Thank You for 45,432 Meals... In One Day! Our Lenten mission project, Race Against Hunger, was an enormous success thanks to all the servants who showed up on Sunday, March 30, to package meals for Kids Against Hunger in the Great Hall. Our goal was 40,000 meals – twice the amount we packaged in 2013. We surpassed our goal and shipped over 45,000 highly nutritious, life-saving meals to local and worldwide missions.
Outreach, Inc.
Reliable and efficient transportation is a major barrier for the youth of Outreach, Inc. It is not uncommon for youth to spend three or more hours a day on foot in order to attend school, make provider appointments, or get to and from work. Many walk 45 minutes or more to get to the Outreach Drop-In Center. Providing bus passes for youth is one way to help keep medical, mental health, housing and other appointments. Also, youth engaged in full-time work or school consistently voice the need for a driver’s license. For more information on Outreach, Inc. volunteering, contact Jackie Reed at 317-332-6550 or jsrmolar@sbcglobal.net. Here are a few specific ways to help youth with transportation needs: • Purchase IndyGo one-day ($4) bus passes.
Please mail passes (or checks with “bus pass” in the memo line) to P.O. Box 11416, Indianapolis, IN 46201, or deliver to Outreach: 2822 E. New York St., Indpls., 46201. Volunteer to help youth earn driving time. Volunteers are required to use their own car. Volunteer to help during Admin Drop on Wednesdays, 10:45AM-2PM. Volunteers help youth complete necessary paperwork and drive them to appointments at the Social Security Office, Dept. of Health, BMV, etc.
Kids in Mission
May 4, 6-7:30PM, E107/109 Kids in Mission is a group of kids making an impact in their world through hands-on service. It is open to all elementary-aged kids (K-5). For more information, contact Mary Hach at hachm@ stlukesumc.com. Highlights from previous projects include serving dinner at a downtown shelter; assembling “survival kits” for homeless Indy teens through Outreach, Inc.; packaging meals for Guatemala through Kids Against Hunger; and designing t-shirts that were delivered to orphanage kids in Fondwa, Haiti.
May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
Member Care
Care Committee
Stephen Ministry
May 2014 Connections@St.Luke’s
If you know of someone confined to their home or health care center, call Mary Katherine at 317-846-3404 x365. The Care Committee makes monthly visits.
Stephen Ministry is a program that trains lay people to be supportive, confidential friends to people going through a difficult time in their lives. Is there something in your life about which you need to talk? Would it be helpful to have someone to pray with? For more information about connecting with a Stephen Minister contact Mary Katherine Schnitz at schnitzm@stlukesumc. com or 317.846-3404 x365.
Grief Ministries Blood Pressure Screening Postponed
No monthly blood pressure screening will be scheduled for Sunday, May 11, due to Mother’s Day. Check back in June.
Knitters Needed
Tuesdays, 1PM, Luke’s Lodge The Prayer Shawl Ministry would love to have some more knitters. You are welcome to join them or knit from home. For more information, contact Helen Vreisman at 317-439-6347.
H.U.G.S (Healing Under Group Support)
This on-going group is for anyone who has lost a spouse or significant life partner. The group meets 2PM Sundays in the Parlor, with dinner out at 4PM. Contact: Volunteer leader, Marsha Hutchinson, marsha2944@gmail.com.
Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7PM in the Spiritual Life Center. For any couple or single parent who has lost a baby to miscarriage, fetal demise, stillbirth, or early infant death due to genetic issues, S.I.D.S, or any other. For more information contact leader Marsha Hutchinson at marsha2944@gmail.com.
HOPE Memorial Garden
A memorial garden located on the west side of St. Luke’s for any perinatal or infant loss. Memorial plaques may be ordered by families to be engraved in memorial and mounted on brick garden wall. For information contact Marci and Jim Harenberg at 317-705-0771.
Men’s Group for Loss of a Spouse
Every Thursday from 1-2PM in Luke’s Lodge (building located behind St. Luke’s) This men’s group will meet for fellowship and support and to allow a safe and confidential place to “say it all” with other men who mutually understand this complex journey. “REAL MEN” do cry and also “REAL MEN” laugh and even drink coffee together! Whether you have lost a spouse recently or years ago, or know of someone in the community who needs support, all are invited to join. For more information, call Bob Shive at 317253-8184.
Dad’s Group
For any father who has lost a young adult child. The Dad’s group meets every Tuesday at 7AM for light breakfast at the Hilton Indianapolis North Hotel, 8181 N. Shadeland, and Thursdays at 7AM at Denny’s at I-65 / Greenwood Exit.
One-on-One Grief Counseling
Sometimes the pain of a significant loss needs the benefit of time before the idea of group support feels right. If you, or someone you know in your family, workplace or neighborhood would benefit from a one-on-one counseling session, contact St. Luke’s at 317-846-3404, x 315. Establishing a “new normal” and returning to wholeness and health is the goal of working through loss. We hope no one considers doing it alone.
Grief Ministry Mentors
If you have experienced a loss and are not ready for group support or individual counseling, but would like a supportive friend to talk about your grief journey, Grief Ministry Mentors might be for you. Sometimes just a phone call makes all the difference. There is no commitment or time table. Also, if you are someone who has gifts of compassion and empathy for those going through loss, consider becoming a Grief Ministry Mentor. For more information, call 317-846-3404, x 315.
support groups
Chronic Pain Support Group
Monday, May 19, 6:30PM New location: C122. Please park at door 16. A support group for patients with all types of neuropathic and fibromyalgia pain and for their families and friends. No registration is required. Questions? Contact Dr. Meg Frazer at 317-8442903 or margaret.L.frazer@pfizer.com.
Family Support Group
Wednesday, May 14, 6:30PM, Conference Room This group offers emotional and spiritual support for families who have a member abusing drugs or alcohol.
Adult ADD Support Group
Thursday, May 15, 7-8:30PM, W125 St. Luke’s offers support for adults with ADD. For more information call Mary Katherine at 317-846-3404 x365.
This circus-themed stage production features the many talents of the St. Luke’s Children’s Music Program. FREE Admission! Donations of new or gently used shoes will be collected for Soles for Jesus. Financial donations to help with shipping are also appreciated.
Bob Goff Appearance Sponsored by Outreach, Inc. & St. Luke’s UMC St. Luke’s is an open community of Christians gathering to seek, celebrate, live and share the love of God for all creation. We envision being transformed by God and transforming the world into a compassionate, just, inclusive, Christ-like community.
Monday, May 12, 7-8:30PM St. Luke’s Sanctuary, Tickets $10
Hear Bob Goff, New York Times best-selling author of Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World in an inspirational message about dreaming big and engaging in life in practical ways. Founder of Restore International, a nonprofit human rights organization operating in Uganda and India, Bob is a sought-after speaker for leadership events designed to inspire current and future influencers to get to the “do” part of life. Book signing and cookie reception will follow the presentation.
“We don’t always know where (God’s) headed or what to expect along the way. But I think direction is the point, the part and whole of it. He wants followers, not just onlookers or people taking notes…” – from Love Does