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Seeing the Unseen 2012 will be a year to consider what it means to see the unseen. What is the unseen future God has for us? What are the possibilities? What are the tangible ways God would have us share God’s love that make an impact in people’s lives? What does it mean to see with the eyes of Jesus? We will launch this year-long theme on the first Sunday of Lent with our inaugural “Seeing the Unseen” sermon series. During the Sundays leading up to Easter, we will look at stories involving the character of Peter as an example of one who began to see with the eyes of Jesus. Don’t miss a Sunday, and bring a friend! FEBRUARY 26: MARCH 4: MARCH 11: MARCH 18: MARCH 25: APRIL 1: APRIL 8:

What Does God See in Me? What Am I Afraid to See? What Am I Invited to See? Am I Willing to See What Can Be? with Rev. David Williamson What Must I Not Miss? PALM SUNDAY “The Fisherman” Dramatic Monologue EASTER (note service times—8, 9:30 & 11:15AM)

MARCH 2012




The St. Luke’s UMW Semi-Annual Food Drive will take place in March. Four local food pantries benefit from our drive:

Wednesdays, February 29-April 4, Noon & 6PM, Robertson Chapel. Further your Lenten experience by sharing a mid-week time of worship and devotional focus. Music, scripture, reflection and prayer provide the perfect environment for “Seeing the Unseen” and experiencing an intimate community of praise.

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Brightwood Community Center First Baptist Church Food Pantry Fletcher Place Community Center Vida Nueva Hispanic Ministries Food Pantry

Shopping lists of most sought-after items are available online at www.stlukesumc. com and at the Information Desk. Monetary donations can be made to St. Luke’s with “food pantry” on the memo line. Food donations will be collected in the two wooden bins in the West Passage throughout the month. If you have any questions or would like to help deliver food to the pantries, please contact Beth Edwards-Goff at 625-2395 or

Spiritual Tweets Would you like to receive an inspirational devotion every day during Lent via Twitter? We are making our Lenten Devotional available one devotion at a time, sent right to your Twitter account or smart phone. It’s easy to sign up: if you have a Twitter account, simply choose to follow StLEasterTweets, or to receive them via text message – without having to start a Twitter account – simply text “follow StLEasterTweets” to 40404 to receive a devotion every day. The entire devotional is also available online at, and hard copies are available at the church.


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St. Luke’s is an open

community of Christians gathering to seek, celebrate, live and share the love of God for all creation. We envision being transformed by God and

transforming the world

into a

compassionate, just, inclusive, Christ-like community. This issue lists upcoming events March through mid-April 2012. The deadlines for submitting announcements for the 2012 COMMUNION MONTHLY: March 5 for April issue (publishes 3/25) April 9 for May issue (publishes 4/29)


a publication of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church 100 W. 86th St., Indianapolis, IN 46260 317.846.3404 • A PDF version of this publication is available online. Send your announcements to Lori Crantford at or leave them in her mailbox in the main office. Notices of births, deaths and weddings should be given to Sylvia Forbes ( or 846-3404 x343) and can be left with her weekly to be published in the Worship Guide.

All classes, events and groups are open to all; church membership or affiliation is not required for participation. WELCOME TO ST. LUKE’S!

ADULT EDUCATION To pre-register for a class, go to, or contact DeAnna Moran at 846-3404 x367 or at Oasis = Oasis Bookstore and Gift Shop located inside St. Luke’s.

Life Together

ALL-CHURCH 2011 Annual Report Read about highlights in the life of the church from 2011, as well as financial information, giving and membership statistics in the 2011 Annual Report, presented by Rev. Fuquay at the February 8 Annual Meeting. Available at (search "annual report 2011").

Mondays, now–March 26, 7-8:30PM in E213. Pre-registration recommended. Discover the elements that fit together to create Christian community, which are also the elements of an individual’s growth in Christ. Considered by many to be a spiritual classic, this book, written by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, is an excellent introduction to practices that will shape one’s faith. Gain insight on such topics as prayer, devotions, meditation, intercession, confession and working with others in ministry and service opportunities. Led by David Williamson, Executive Pastor of St. Luke’s, the book may be purchased through Oasis.

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Conversation Café

Tuesdays, now–March 27, 1-2:15PM in E105. Pre-registration recommended. We often look to the Bible as the book of answers. How often, though, do we consider the challenging questions God asks? Author Trevor Hudson notes that Jesus was asked 183 questions in the Gospels but only directly answered three. In Questions God Asks Us, we're encouraged to focus on the quest rather than a resolution. "I thought the Bible existed to give me solutions to my everyday concerns and dilemmas," writes Hudson. "Then I realized I might be approaching God and the Bible from the wrong direction.” Questions God Asks Us offers a fresh approach for personal devotions and a unique discussion tool for Bible study. It's sure to bless anyone longing for a meaningful, growing relationship with God. St. Luke’s member Judi Hosfeld is class facilitator. The book may be purchased at Oasis.

Wednesdays, now-March 29, 9:30-11AM in E105. All are welcome to join us for our next book study, Final Words from the Cross, by Adam Hamilton, author and senior pastor of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas. In life and in death, Jesus’ words were powerful and meaningful. Despite the serious effort and increased pain required for Jesus to speak as he hung on the cross, Jesus spoke seven “final words”—statements that have much to teach us about Jesus, his Father, and ourselves. ••• Then, beginning Wednesday, April 18 through Wednesday, May 30, we will study The Gifts of the Jews by Thomas Cahill. This book reveals the critical change that made western civilization possible. Within the ancient religions and philosophies, life was seen as part of an endless cycle; time was like a wheel, spinning ceaselessly. Yet somehow, the ancient Jews began to see time differently. For them, time had a beginning and an end; it was a narrative, whose triumphant conclusion would come in the future. From this insight came a new conception of men and women as individuals with unique destinies—and our hopeful belief in progress and the sense that tomorrow can be better than today. Both books available in Oasis. Facilitated by Dr. Marion Miller, St. Luke’s Associate Pastor.

St. Luke’s 102: What Do You Mean? Sundays, now-March 25, 11AM-Noon, Parlor. You say it every Sunday you are in church. But what do you mean by the words you say when you recite the Creed in unison with others? Join Dr. Adolf Hansen in a class that will assist you in your search for a deeper and fuller meaning. Reserve a seat in the class by registering at ministries&programs/adult, or with DeAnna Moran at or call 846-3404 x367.

A Faith of Your Own: Naming What You Really Believe Mondays, now–March 26, 78:30PM in E107-109. Pre-registration recommended. Contact DeAnna Moran at morand@ or 317-8463404 x367. What we believe evolves in response to insights into the Bible, to questions or doubts we face, to changes in life circumstances, or to things that happen in the larger world. This class is designed to help participants define and articulate their personal beliefs in a consistent way. The class will be led by Dr. Ron Allen, Professor of Preaching/New Testament, Christian Theological Seminary. Dr. Allen will outline the most common ways a certain topic is understood in the Bible. He will identify the ways the church has interpreted the topic as well as introduce contemporary perspectives on each topic. His book, A Faith of Your Own, can be purchased in Oasis.


Questions God Asks Us

Kids and Lent: What Do You Say?

Sundays now-April 1, 9:30-10:30AM in E213. Have you been asked a question by your son or daughter with regard to the death of Jesus? Did you panic as you tried to answer them? Did you wonder how to interpret the events of Holy Week in ways that would be appropriate for the age and understanding of your child? Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles are welcome to join the conversation designed to help us, first, understand the significance of Jesus’ suffering and dying, and second, learn helpful ways we can answer our children’s questions. Leading the weekly discussions will be various members of St. Luke’s staff as well as congregational members who are counselors and educators. Hosted by the New Beginnings Sunday morning class. For information, contact Nathan Montgomery at n8withan8@

Three Simple Questions:

A Conversation Carried on Throughout History

Thursdays, March 8, 15 & 22, 7-8:30PM in E212. Childcare available upon request. Pre-registration recommended. Contact DeAnna Moran at or 846-3404 x367. Book available in Oasis. Author Rueben P. Job explores three questions at the center of our faith— questions that all major religions try to answer and around which there seems to be much confusion: Who is God? Who am I? Who are we together? Discover the greatness and goodness of God, the value of every beloved child of God, and the impact we can have in the world when we live as Jesus lived. Facilitated by Rev. Marsha Hutchinson, St. Luke’s Associate Pastor.

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2012 TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES—SPONSORED BY ST. LUKE’S ADULT EDUCATION For more information about either of these trips and to make sure your name is on the list, contact Bob Zehr at


Holy Land

Join former St. Luke’s senior pastor (1967-1993) and WWII veteran Dr. E. Carver McGriff this September on a trip of a lifetime to visit the coast of Normandy, France. Relive the D-Day experience through the eyes and stories of one who was there as a young soldier. Visit the beaches and memorial museums at Utah and Omaha Beaches. See the incredible story of the temporary docks built at Arromanche. Visit the American and German cemeteries, with a special trip to Mont Ste. Michele. The nine day/eight night trip will include five nights in Bayeux, France and three nights in Paris.

Our most recent former senior pastor, Dr. Kent Millard, will lead a trip to the Holy Land in October 2012. Visit the historical and holy sites of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, the Wall at Jericho, the Dead Sea and the fortress at Masada. Have communion in the Garden of Gethsemane, and visit the sites that many believe were the Upper Room and the Tomb of Jesus. The eight-day trip will include airfare, hotels and all transportation throughout Israel. Dr. Millard will share his perspective as a teacher throughout the trip.

CARE MINISTRIES Purdue Varsity Glee Club They’re baaack! The high energy young men of the Purdue Varsity Glee Club will return to St. Luke’s on Sunday, April 15 for a performance at 3PM in the Sanctuary. Under the direction of William E. Griffel, these young men provide an afternoon of beautiful music, as well as a lot of laughs. They often go out into the audience seeking a lady to serenade. Our own Ken Knowles, former Purdue Glee Club member, will host the event. The concert is sponsored by the St. Luke’s Stephen Ministry for the purpose of funding a benevolence program for church members. So often we forget that there are those in our own congregation who have been downsized, lost their homes and have other financial needs. Tickets $15/adults, $10/students) will be available starting March 1 in the church office or at To make a contribution to the benevolence fund, contact Mary Katherine Schnitz at or 846-3404 x365.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES The Track’s vision is to help children discover God’s love, celebrate families, live out the teachings of Jesus every day and share God’s love with others.

March at The Track This month our theme is Rooted: standing strong in God’s truth. It’s really just another way to say that we want kids to show conviction. Showing conviction is a natural response as we get to know who God is and what God’s done. So this month, we’ll also be talking about a different faith skill each week to help kids grow strong and able to stand up for the things that matter to God. Each week, we will be studying the life of Daniel. Daniel didn’t show conviction just one time; he was able to stand for what’s right over and over because his conviction was rooted and fueled by God. Our relationship with God helps us live out this month’s memory verse: “Never tire of doing what is right.” (2 THESSALONIANS 3:13, NIV)

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January at the Mini-Track

The Track: Now on Facebook and Twitter

The kids will be learning, "Jesus wants to be my friend forever." Their memory verse is "Love each other as I have loved you." (JOHN 15:12, NIV) If Pre-K kids are able to recite the memory verse to the Small Group Leader, they get a special sticker for their Pit Pass.

You can now "like" The Track on Facebook at St. Luke's UMC —The Track to get up-to-date information about everything happening in Children's Ministries. You can also follow The Track on Twitter@StLukesTrack, or text to 40404 and type “follow @stlukestrack” to receive tweets as text messages.

Save the Date! The 2012 Summer Splash will take place July 23-27 from 9AM-12:15PM. Please note this is a change from the normal June dates. We are excited to be able to welcome our non-traditional calendar students.

CHILDREN’S PRESCHOOL & PDO For information regarding openings for the current school year or to register for the 2012-13 school year, please call 844-3399 or contact Alison at

Parents’ Day Out

Classes (9 AM-1PM) for three- to five-year-olds are offered in a safe and nurturing Christian environment. All teachers are experienced, qualified, well-trained and strive to maintain strong relationships with the children and their families. Preschool offers a developmentally appropriate curriculum where children may grow socially, creatively, emotionally, cognitively and physically. Children must be three years old by September 1, 2012 to enroll for the 2012-13 school year.

Classes (9AM-1PM) are offered for children ages 10 months to three years. PDO was established to provide parents of young children time for themselves on a regular basis. Children participate in structured play in a safe and nurturing Christian environment one, two or three days per week. Opportunities are provided for children to learn beginning social skills while having fun. Children must be 10 months old by September 1, 2012 to enroll for the 2012-13 school year.



Construction Ministries/SAWS

Couples, Inc

SAWs stands for Servants At Work, and last year we built 89 ramps for handicapped individuals who were trapped in their homes due to lack of egress. We need volunteers in four areas: telephone interviewing of potential clients, website data entry, basic accounting services and, of course, building and installing ramps (we can supply the tools). Our volunteers vary from those who just come for one or two Saturday builds a year to those who volunteer most weeks during our building season, either at the Thursday pre-fab session or the actual onsite build on Saturdays. Please contact Paul Snyder, Construction Ministry, psnyder1@ or 695-0585.

According to most relationship books, the key to a solid marriage is communication, communication, communication. But what if there's much more to a solid, "emotionally intelligent" marriage than sharing every feeling and thought? What does it take to develop real intimacy, trust and affection? Throughout the spring, we'll be organizing small groups around John Gottman's classic work The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. Come learn about the "Four Horsemen" that spell doom for a marriage; more importantly, come learn about the seven principles that rob the horsemen of their power and fill a relationship with real and lasting joy. Most importantly, come connect with other couples as we all discover how to keep our love fresh and real. Small groups will be running throughout the spring—to find out when a group near you is meeting, contact or visit our web site at family/couples.



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Parenting Beyond Your Capacity March 4, 11 & 18, 9:30-10:30AM, Great Hall. As a follow up to our parenting conference IMPACT 2012: Parenting with Purpose, we are holding a three week mini-course, Parenting Beyond Your Capacity. We will delve into the book of the same name written by Impact keynote speaker Carey Nieuwhof. While we'll use his remarks at the conference as a springboard for this course, it is NOT necessary to have attended the conference to take part in this follow-up course. Nieuwhof's book, which will be available for purchase the morning of the first session, is also currently available in the Oasis Bookstore. In his book, Nieuwhof emphasizes the importance of connecting your family to a wider community so that your influence as a parent might be best realized in partnership with the church, allowing the two combined influences to be more powerful than either would be on their own. This course is for ALL PARENTS who desire to focus priorities on what matters most, improve communication with your kids, and maximize your family's quality moments.

Couples Night Out! One of the best ways to protect your marriage is to enjoy it! So come enjoy an evening of food, entertainment, and fellowship together with other couples from St. Luke's. On March 9, 7-9PM, we'll host our first ever "Couples Night Out" at The Monon Center in Carmel. Rob & Susan Fuquay will be our featured speakers, as they share about their own journey in marriage and the lessons they've learned along the way. The cost is $40/couple; tickets will be available on Sunday mornings and throughout the week in the church office.

FELLOWSHIP Elderberries The Elderberries luncheon program for March will be Thursday, March 1 in Fellowship Hall at 12:30PM. Our entertainment will be "The Joy Makers." They will sing and play fun musical selections. ••• The Elderberries next dinner program will be Thursday, April 5 at 5:30PM in the Parlor (note change of location). Our speaker will be Michelle Mayer, Director of Outreach Services, from the Office of the Indiana Attorney General. She will deliver: "Don't Be a Victim" and "Scams and Identity Theft," consumer protection presentations from the Attorney General’s Office. Learn about scams and techniques used by frauds via phone and mail and the importance of protecting your personal information. There will be handouts providing instruction. As always, for both luncheons, we ask that you bring a dish to share. A minimum of $3/person donation is suggested. First-time visitors do not need to pay or bring a dish. Please make reservations with Adra Wheeler at 253-4914 or 846-3404.

THE GARDEN Ireland and/or Scotland Trip in 2012 Dr. Linda McCoy, Pastor of St. Luke’s satellite ministry The Garden, will be leading another trip this coming summer to explore Celtic Spirituality. It can be arranged so that travelers can choose to go to Ireland, or Scotland, or both if desired. The dates for the Ireland portion are July 5–14, and a Scotland trip is from July 14-21. There are a few remaining spots for both portions. Please contact Linda at or 317-846-3404 x344 for more information.

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GREEN MINISTRIES E-Waste Recycling Event

When Lynette Thom and her family moved to Indianapolis from Portland, OR, they found St. Luke’s and our Green Ministry. They have brought with them a way of life that “reduces, reuses and recycles.” This presentation will give you and your family practical tips and tricks to start living Green with little effort. Monday, March 19, 7-8:30PM in Fellowship Hall. No registration or fee.

St. Luke's will host a community electronic waste recycling event on Saturday, April 14, 9AM-1PM in the front parking lot. Please bring anything with a cord to be safely recycled by RecycleForce Inc. Indiana households, public schools, and small businesses are no longer able to mix unwanted computer monitors, computers, televisions, printers, computer peripherals (such as keyboards and mice), DVD players, video cassette recorders or fax machines with municipal waste that is intended for disposal at a landfill or intended for disposal by burning or incineration. This disposal prohibition can be found in Indiana Code 13-20.5. Everything with a cord must be recycled! For a complete list of what can be recycled at this event, go to Tell your friends and neighbors! Donations appreciated for tvs.

Awakening the Dreamer— What Kind of Future Are We Creating? The Awakening the Dreamer/Changing the Dream Symposium is a profound inquiry into a bold vision: to bring forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling and socially just human presence on Earth. Gain fresh insight about our world, meet like-minded people, find hope and inspiration and understanding of how you can help create a new future. Facilitated by Amy Barnes, Chair of the Care for Creation Committee of the Indiana Conference of the Methodist Church. Saturday, March 10, 9AM-1PM in Fellowship Hall. Registration required at; fee $15.

Green Gratitude


A Family Reduces, Reuses & Recycles: You Can Too!

The Green Ministry wishes to thank Bobbi Main-Jackson, who retired on February 3 as Director of Weekday Early Childhood Programs. Bobbi has championed green practices in the Preschool area for many years and faithfully takes out the recycling every Monday. She also has served on the Green Ministry Leadership Team for two years. We are happy to report she is not retiring from the Green Ministry!

GRIEF MINISTRIES New Groups Forming Are you working through the loss of a family member? There will be a meeting on Sunday, March 4, 12:30-1:30PM in the Parlor that will present an overview of grief and loss. Following the meeting, smaller groups for future grief support will be determined. All are welcome. Contact Rev. Marsha Hutchinson for a reservation, 846-3404 x315 or For a listing of ongoing grief support groups, see page xx.

HEALTH MINISTRY Walking Through the Medicare Maze Medicare A, Medicare B, Medicare D, Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement. What are they and how are they different from one another? How do I choose? When do I choose? If you’ve ever asked yourself any of these questions, you aren’t alone. It’s complicated! If you’d like to learn more about these plans and feel a little more comfortable as you try to decide what to do, please come to hear an unbiased overview. No specific insurance plans or carriers will be highlighted, and no one will try to sell you anything. This is an informational gathering. Your presenter is Jim Chesterfield, who became an employee benefits professional after 25 years of buying, implementing and managing benefit programs for companies in Central Indiana. Meets Wednesday, April 11, 7-8:30PM in E107/109; no registration or fee. Joint project of the Spiritual Life Center’s Healing Ministry and the Health Ministry.

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INCLUSIVENESS MINISTRY Race Relations Dialogue-to-Change Circle Last fall more than 150 people participated in a Race Relations Dialogue-to-Change Circle at 10 locations throughout our community. As a follow up, an action forum was held in December which created task forces in the areas of education, criminal justice and leadership to move our community forward in each of these areas. St. Luke’s will be co-hosting a circle this spring with Congregation Beth-El Zedeck, and you are invited to participate. The circle meets for 4 Thursdays, March 8, 15, 22 & 29, from 6-9PM at Beth-El Zedeck, 600 W. 70th Street (just off Springmill Rd.) Dinner will be provided at each of the four sessions. Please contact Jayne Thorne at 846-3404 or to register or for more information.

LATER@ST. LUKE’S Later@St. Luke’s is a dynamic and innovative multicultural worship service that is open to everyone. Imagine a place where God is seen and heard through expressions of movement, media and music—come worship at Later@St. Luke’s on Sunday evenings at 6PM in Robertson Chapel. Hear contemporary Christian, gospel and jazz music featuring the Later Band and Vocals, along with a challenging and thoughtprovoking message. Holy Communion is served every Sunday, along with light refreshments before and after the worship service.


“Final Words” by Adam Hamilton

In life and in death, Jesus’ words were powerful and meaningful. Despite the serious effort and increased pain required for Jesus to speak as he hung on the cross, Jesus spoke seven “final words”—statements that have much to teach us about Jesus, his Father, and us. Come worship with us at Later@St. Luke’s during the month of March for this special Lenten series. MARCH 4: “Behold Your Son…Behold Your Mother” MARCH 11: “My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me” MARCH 18: “I Thirst” MARCH 25: “It Is Finished”

Hispanic Ministry Team The Hispanic Ministry Team is gaining momentum! Last month the team conducted its first in-house Spanish class. In March, these newly trained students will assist in conducting an ESL (English as a Second Language) class with interested Spanish students. Dates, time and location will be posted on our website in mid-March. We need you! If you speak Spanish and would like to serve as an Interpreter in one of our targeted ministry areas, we need you. If you are a Cultural Diversity Facilitator, we need you. If you have experience working with Immigration issues, we need you. Please contact Dr. Marion Miller for more information at

MEMBERSHIP Become a Member St. Luke's encourages you to make a commitment to become part of our church family. Whether you've only started attending recently, or if you've been coming for years but never made your relationship with St. Luke's "official," we invite you to attend one of our Membership Coffees (tea, water and juice fans also welcome!). They are held the second Sunday of each month at 11AM in N101. Register online or by contacting Sylvia Forbes. Next date is March 4.

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MUSIC MINISTRIES Dueling Organists Sunday, March 11, 3PM. Dueling Organists is a lively, entertaining performance featuring two organs and piano in the St. Luke’s Sanctuary. Retired Director of Music Charles Goehring is joined by Atlanta organist Clair Maxwell, and special guests Charles Manning and Michael Conley. The free-will offering will support the St. Luke’s Organ Fund established to underwrite creative programming and the care for St. Luke’s superb musical instruments.

Sunday, March 18, 3PM. An inspiring choral concert presented by the St. Luke's Chancel Choir, Children's Choirs and Orchestra, featuring John Rutter's "Mass of the Children." Proceeds from the ticket sales, concert sponsorship and offering from this Linda Pratt Memorial Concert will help support Outreach, Inc. Tickets ($10/adults, $5/students) are available for purchase at, on Sunday mornings, or in the church office (now-March 16). Tickets will also available at the door the day of the performance.




Abiding Mercy: Lenten Music of Consolation


Cornhole Tournament

Connect4Lunch is a new community group starting at St. Luke’s for any single who would like to have lunch the first Monday of each month at 11:30AM (except holidays) at a local restaurant and enjoy conversation and laughs. Whether you’re retired, have the day off, or just want to take your lunch break with friends, come and dine with our Associate Director of Adult Ministries, Chris Thornsberry, and other St. Luke’s staff. Please RSVP, email Chris at This month’s lunch: Monday, March 5 at Chili’s (82nd St./Clear Creek Crossing).

Join us on Saturday, March 23 at Noon in Fellowship Hall for our first annual Cornhole Tournament. We are currently taking registrations for teams of two. Team registration is $10 total ($5/person). This day will consist of cornhole, snacks and soft drinks. This is a single-elimination tournament. There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes. Register your team online at, or you can email Chris Thornsberry at You DO NOT have to be single to enter this tournament. Registration deadline is Friday, March 16.

Palm Sunday Pitch-In

Join us Sunday, April 1 in the Fellowship Hall at 12:30PM for our Palm Sunday Pitch-In. We’ll provide the meat and drinks, you bring a pitch-in item. See below what to bring based upon the first letter of your last name, or bring $5 or more to contribute to the cost of the meal. Whether you attend St. Luke’s, another church, or no church at all, you are welcome to attend. A-F: Salad; G-L: Bread; M-R: Vegetable; S-Z: Dessert

SOWERS Sowers’ Meetings

The Sowers of St. Luke’s invite any interested gardeners or naturalists to attend their winter meetings. While you are waiting for the weather to change, come and learn something new! Wednesday, March 14 in E107/109 at 7PM: Linda Proffitt will discuss the Global Peace Initiative, and Peaceful Grounds Café and Farm Market: A Center for Agriculture and Sustainable Living. This is a movement to “assure social justice for the hungry,” and to improve our society through peace gardens made available to people to stop hunger in America. Then on Thursday, April 12 at 7PM in the Parlor: Amanda Smith, the Superintendent of Education from Hamilton County Parks, will present information on the Folklore of Native Indiana plants.

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SPIRITUAL LIFE CENTER To pre-register for a class, go to, or contact DeAnna Moran at 317-846-3404 x367 or Oasis = Oasis Bookstore and Gift Shop located inside St. Luke’s. Ongoing classes listed in the Extra Section. The Spiritual Life Center programs are open to all interested people without regard to their faith or religion.


healing session in preparation for the training is required. Call 846-3404 x442 to schedule a healing session appointment. Contact Betty Brandt at or 8463404 x339, to express interest or ask questions. Saturday, April 14, 8:30AM-4PM in the Spiritual Life Center. Training team led by Sandy Clark. Registration required with a $50 deposit by April 9. Total fee: $150 (includes training manual, DVD and lunch).

Celebrating Celtic Spirituality with J. Philip Newell – SAVE THE DATE! J. Philip Newell will be speaking in Indianapolis at St. Luke’s on Friday, May 18, 7-8:30PM, leading a workshop at Christian Theological Seminary on Saturday, May 19, and preaching at St. Luke’s on Sunday morning, May 20. Mark your calendars and look for registration information at (search “Newell”).

Walking Through the Medicare Maze ALL CHURCH

See information under Health Ministries on page 7.

Holy Week Breakfast Devotional Series Walk through Holy Week this year in a new way by starting your day with a community devotional time. Join Carver McGriff (Monday), Kent Millard (Tuesday), Linda McCoy (Wednesday), Bishop Mike Coyner (Thursday) and Rob Fuquay (Friday) for a light breakfast, scripture and a 15minute devotional. Monday, April 2-Friday, April 6, 7:308:15AM in the Parlor. Reservations are suggested, go to or call 846-3404 x367. There is a suggested donation of $5/day.

Enriched Holy Week Prayer Vigil Again in 2012, our Holy Thursday–Good Friday Prayer Vigil has been extended to include an opportunity to walk the Stations of the Cross. Each station represents an event along Jesus' path on Holy Thursday to Easter (devotional guide provided). In addition, the 24-hour Prayer Vigil will be enriched with scheduled times for chanting, meditation, labyrinth walking and drumming. Thursday, April 5, 8PM– Good Friday, April 6, 8PM in Fellowship Hall. Sign up for individual prayer time,, 317846-3404 x367. Find a detailed schedule of events in the April Communion Monthly. HEALING MINISTRY

Pilgrimage Healing Process Training If you feel called to bring the healing power of God’s love to others, you may be interested in being trained in the Pilgrimage Healing Process, a hands-onhealing modality. The training includes background of the Process, learning the steps, being both receiver and giver and a discussion of your roles as healer. Experiencing a


Sound Off! Frog in your throat? Cat got your tongue? Creativity blocked? When you free your natural voice, you free yourself. Healthy lifestyle coach and singer/songwriter Pamela Jay leads this playful and adventurous workshop series featuring simple songs, powerful group chants and energizing improv dance movements. Learn to tune into your intuitive mind/body awareness by getting out of your head and into your heart to unlock the powerful "energy healer” within you. Chart your progress each week as you shed unwanted pounds, reduce stress, build confidence and open to your full creative potential! Tuesdays, now-May 15, 5:30-6:30PM; find room location inside main entrance each week. Registration required; fee $120/$10 per week.

Heaven! Retreat and group leader Merri Leffel, MS has been interested in and study-focused upon the formation of her understanding of Heaven for several years. Is Heaven a place? A state of consciousness, in this life as well as the next? Her most recent study was an in-depth C. S. Lewis seminar at Oxbridge UK with conservative Christian Randy Alcorn. She brings to you her Christian interest in this mystery and the studies by Christian theologians and people of other faiths. Bring your own sources to share or just listen. You may leave more confused, but hopefully also more curious. Monday, March 19, 1-2:30PM or 5-6:30PM in the Spiritual Life Center. Registration requested; fee $10.

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Chris Moon’s Quilting is March’s Gallery Exhibition Chris Moon takes traditional quilting blocks and puts a spin on them with twists of color combinations or new layouts. She likes to see everyday patterns and colors with fresh eyes—seeing interconnectedness everywhere she turns. Chris has been a St. Luke’s member for almost 20 years. Her fabulous quilts will be on exhibit in the east gallery above the Narthex the entire month of March.

Studio 3 Special Event Thursday, March 1 (postponed from 2/16)—Herb and Dorothy and Modern Art Appreciation. Studio 3 will replay the PBS program on the Vogels and their outstanding contemporary art collection at 10:30AM in C122. You are encouraged to bring an example of contemporary or modern art and share a little about the artist and what you like about the art. For questions or additional information about Studio 3, contact Linda Etherton at


“Drawing from the Right Side of the Brain” Bring book (if you have it), a sketch book and pencil to try some of the exercises. Drawing is a basic element to artwork, so we will use the day to practice seeing and drawing in different ways. Thursday, March 29, 10AM-3PM in C122. Bring a sandwich and Studio 3 will provide chips and salad. If you would like additional information, contact Linda Etherton at



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Natalie Mitchell will lead us in discovering how to use an Xacto blade or art knife to uncover beauty on the scratchboard. We will revisit ideas studied in March’s Drawing workshop. Studio 3 will provide scratchboards for registered participants. Bring your knife, a picture you would like to use as inspiration, and a brightly colored, hard-cooked Easter egg. Thursday, April 12, 10AM-3PM in C122. Studio 3 will provide a light luncheon. Contact Linda Etherton at with questions or to reserve your spot.

UNITED METHODIST MEN Raising a Modern-Day Knight

Strong Father, Strong Daughters

St. Luke's United Methodist men will be hosting its fourth season of Raising a Modern Day Knight. This is a six-week book study and video series based on the material in Robert Lewis' book Raising a Modern-Day Knight. Every man wants to succeed with his son. Deep down, we all dream of releasing into the world a son whose life is highly competent, whose character is rock solid, and whose aspirations are noble. In short, we long for a son who will make us and others proud! This series will help you, as a dad, with your son. This program is for dads only. However, past groups have always put together an event with their sons, such as a camping or fishing trip. The program will run on Mondays, March 12-April 23, 7:30-9PM in the Spiritual Life Center. If you are interested, contact Chris Garrity at or Doug Staley at or 317-714-0503.

For the first time this spring, the United Methodist Men will be sponsoring a study for dads with daughters. There is nothing that compares to the love we feel for our "little princesses," but what happens as they move out of the "princess" phase? Using a resource from Dr. Margaret Meeker, we'll explore together what our daughters really need from us, and how we can develop healthy, trusting relationships with them that will give them the strength and confidence they'll need as they navigate the challenges of today's culture. The study will run March 15April 26, 7-9PM in E213 (no meeting 4/3). Contact Chris Bultinck at or Matt Roop at if interested.

Men's Softball

In spite of only one response thus far, we will have a team! But, we need players! Our first game is Sunday, April 15 at 6PM (same time every week), and we will practice in March. All you need is a glove and some love (for the game). Let me know what position(s) you can play! Contact Nate Montgomery at or 317-340-7115.

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Mary Magdalene Circle

This month we will explore the theme “Seeing the Unseen” through reading and discussing two books: Tell Them Who I Am: The Lives of Homeless Women by Elliot Liebow, and Under the Overpass by Mike Yankowski. If you would like to join our conversation, you may read one of these selections or both. We will meet on Monday, March 26 from 7-8:30PM in the Parlor. Newcomers are always welcome. Childcare is provided if requested one week in advance. For more information please contact Jennifer Todd at jtoddosu

Mary Magdalene Circle will meet in the Spiritual Life Center on Wednesday, March 14 from 6:308PM. A light snack is served with every meeting. Marilyn Griffith will be sharing experiences from her Sierra Leone mission trip. St. Luke’s UMW had the privilege of helping to fund many projects at Kissy Hospital in Sierra Leon, including the Kissy Hospital security guards, the Well Baby Clinic, the Pharmacy and many others. ••• Mary Magdalene Circle membership is open to all women of St. Luke’s. If you have any questions, contact co-chairs Jolynne Wilhoit at 4032462, or Lori Chambers 696-5965 or

UMW Spring Tea Enjoy an afternoon of fellowship and elegance at the home of Mrs. Sharon Terry in the Village of West Clay on Saturday, April 21, 2–4PM. View Sharon’s collection of vintage fashions while enjoying savories and sweets with a spot of tea. RSVP by April 10 to Jessica Mason or 317-566-0896. Free childcare is available by emailing by April 10. Wearing your favorite vintage clothing or hat is encouraged.

Save the Date! UMW Semi-Annual Rummage Sale, April 25-28. Volunteer for two-hour shifts now at UMW CIRCLE MEETINGS

Eve Circle Eve Circle invites all mothers with young children to unite with other mothers through support, faith, missions, fun and socializing. On Tuesday, March 13 we are delighted to welcome Susan Fuquay into our Circle. She will lead us in a special Bible study focused on mothers. On Tuesday, March 20, we will be going off-site touring the Indiana United Methodist Children’s Home in Lebanon. Please arrive on time, at 9:30AM, and pack a lunch for your little one(s). We will return to the church by 12:30PM. ••• Eve Circle is a UMW group of mothers with young children that meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month (with a few exceptions) from 9:30-11:30 AM in the Parlor. Free childcare is available by contacting For more information regarding Eve Circle, contact co-chairs Beth Edwards-Goff and Allison Flickinger at

New Life Circle Attention single women... welcome the first day of spring with New Life Circle on Tuesday, March 20 at 7PM in the Spiritual Life Center for "Building Better Lives One Child at a Time." Our guest speaker is Susan Bennett, Director of Public Relations for the Indiana United Methodist Children's Home. Come learn about one of the special missions we support and the many ways this organization is "building better lives" for the children of Indiana. Get a head start on your spring cleaning and bring your unwanted books, craft kits, games, etc. (geared to teens) to donate to IUMCH. For additional information, contact Nancy at 2551226 or Cathy at 334-7821. New Life Circle is a gathering of single, divorced, and widowed women of all ages.

White Cross Guild White Cross Guild provides volunteers to participate in activities supporting Methodist Hospital. Meets at Methodist Medical Plaza, 151 Pennsylvania Parkway (103rd/Meridian) in the first floor community room. They meet the 2nd Monday of each month from 9AM-2PM (next meeting: March 12) to prepare gauze squares used in surgery (bring your lunch). Contact Marguerite Moehn (873-1956) or Barb Querry (879-0543).

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"Tree of Life" - Rosebud, SD Native American Family Work Project Kids Club and Construction, June 24 - 30 LEADER: Kathie Clemenz, 317-845-5655, COST: $300 (+transportation) On this mission trip, you will be working with the Lakota Tribe and living on the reservation where the Lakota Indians will teach us about their native cooking, traditional regalia (clothing) for pow-wows and Lakota ceremonial events, games, spirituality, including a sweat lodge education and experience. Kids Club includes fun educational activities which teach life skills and team building. There will be a construction project that might be to improve a community building, or help a family in need. Recommended age of children is seven years old and up. Limited to 30 team members.




Missio Dei Outreach Projects

X-treme Laser Tag + Bravo!

Jesus knew that in order to connect with people and share the message of God’s love that he had to be willing to serve them. Missio Dei projects give you the opportunity to share Jesus’ message by serving others in greater Indianapolis.

On Saturday, March 17, we will meet at X-Site Amusement and Recreation Center (6155 E 86th Street—between Castleton Mall and Costco) at 5PM to play two rounds of laser tag ($13) followed by dinner at Bravo! Cucina Italiana (8651 Castle Creek Pkwy East Drive). For more information, and to RSVP, contact Kim McClain at or RSVP on Facebook.

This March we have an opportunity to serve alongside Second Helpings by delivering food from Trader Joe’s to the House Church of God on Keystone Ave. The church will distribute the food to people in their neighborhood who are in need. We need 3-4 individuals willing to pick up food from Trader Joe’s and deliver it to House Church of God on Saturday, March 17 at 9AM. If you are interested please email Chris Thornsberry at

YOUTH MINISTRIES Register for any event at

OUR MISSION: To welcome all youth and families into loving, Christ-centered

relationships where they can get in tune with God's amazing love and be empowered to transform the world!

Hire a Teen On Sunday, March 25 you have the opportunity to hire one of our St. Luke’s youth. Teens will have displays set up in the Great Hall from 9AM-12:30PM offering a wide variety of services like lawn services, child care, cleaning, organizing, music lessons, sports lessons, tutoring, landscaping, dog sitting. In addition to services offered, look for bake sale items made by students and their families. Your payment will be a free-will donation that goes directly into the teen’s scholarship fund. This is a perfect way for you to find great help, and a way to help a student with their mission trips and youth activities!

MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR UPCOMING EVENTS MARCH 24: Sr. High SkyZone Event (indoor trampoline park with basketball, dodgeball, and foam pits), 1-5PM. COST: $20. APRIL 23: Sr. High Service Project serve dinner to people in need (Monday evening)

APRIL 28-29: Jr. High & Confirmation Spring Retreat to Brad-

ford Woods. Cost is $95. For questions, contact Ryan McGee at or 846-3404 x346.

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The following is a listing of essential info and on-going classes/events.


HOURS: St. Luke’s office is open 8:30AM-5PM Monday-Friday. Our Prayer Chapel (located inside Robertson Chapel next to the Spiritual Life Center) is available for silent prayer and meditation when the church is open. A pastor is always on call in case of emergencies; call 846-3404 to leave a message after hours.

E-MAIL: Need to email someone on our staff? Easy. Our email is our last name followed immediately by first initial, followed by

Sunday Worship Services with Rev. Rob Fuquay 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM, Sanctuary • Communion is served the first Sunday of the month at all three services and is available to all persons. • St. Luke’s Orchestra plays the third Sunday of the month. • Baptisms take place the third, fourth and fifth Sundays of every month. Parents must attend an orientation class in order to sign their child up for baptism. See for details.


Family Fuel, First Sunday of every month at 10:45AM in

When you need something, our outstanding front desk staff can direct your call to the appropriate person. But here are some tips for some of the most frequently requested information:

Robertson Chapel A fun, interactive worship service for elementary-aged children and their families to experience together. Led by Revs. David & Jamalyn Peigh Williamson.



Adult Class Registration

DeAnna Moran

Childcare Needs for Meetings/Events (charges may apply)

Kristi Chamberlain

Taizé, Third Sundays of the month, 5-5:45PM by the baptismal font in the Sanctuary with musical community and Rev. Marsha Hutchinson. A service of peace and candlelight with silence, scriptures, prayer, and beautiful music.

Member Care/Death/ Mary Katherine Schnitz Stephen Ministry Request/Hospitalization

Later@St. Luke’s, Sundays, 6PM in Robertson Chapel with Dr. Marion Miller. Come hear contemporary Christian, gospel and jazz music featuring the Later Band and Vocals, along with a challenging, thought-provoking message. Holy Communion served every Sunday.

Membership/Births/Address/ Phone Change

Sylvia Forbes

Reserve a Room/Request A/V

Beth Lammers or Carol Helmus

The Garden is an off-site satellite ministry of

Weddings/Special Event Coordination

Carol Helmus

St. Luke’s providing non-traditional worship in a comfortable, casual setting. Dr. Linda McCoy, Pastor.


Kristi Chamberlain

Pledge Balance/Information

Finance Office

Oasis Bookstore

Sharon Holyoak

The Garden at Beef & Boards: 8:15, 9:15 & 10:15AM every Sunday; music provided by The Good Earth Band. The Garden at Oak Hill: 10:15AM every Sunday; music provided by The Oak Hill Band. Rev. Stan Abell, Campus Pastor.

S U P P O R T I N G T H E M I N I S T R I E S O F S T. L U K E ’ S U M C

Inspirational Gifts, Jewelry & Books Conveniently located inside St. Luke’s UMC Sharon Holyoak, Manager Gift Registry Available




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A Listening Heart: Bible Study for Women with Young Children

New Earth Community

2nd and 4th Mondays, 7-9PM in, E212. Childcare is available upon request. New members always welcome. For information, contact Alison Staley at

Thursdays, 7-8:30PM, Spiritual Life Center. This study discusses innovative and challenging spiritual books. Contact JoAnne Waeltz, 872-0895,, for current title.

Flo Hardy Bible Study

Ongoing Meditation Group

1st & 3rd Mondays, 9AM in the Spiritual Life Center. Join others in coffee, prayer, reading and discussion of selected Biblical texts...just like we did in the "good ole days!" (with occasional “non good ole days” videos). Led by Rev. Marsha Hutchinson.

Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome to join in 1/2 hour discussion followed by 1/2 hour of Christian meditation. You will find support for your practice, new ideas and a community of others who welcome silence. Led by Merri Leffel, Mondays, 6:30-7:30PM in the Spiritual Life Center. No fee or registration.

Tuesday Afternoon Women's Spiritual Book Study This group focuses on non-fiction books with spiritual themes every Tuesday afternoon, 1-2:30PM in the Spiritual Life Center. Contact JoAnne Waeltz, 872-0895,

Sunrise Book Study Wednesdays, 7-8:30AM, Parlor. Start your day with friends, prayer, a good book, stimulating discussion and personal enrichment. Contact Betty Brandt at (317) 846-3404 or

George Vickery Men’s Discussion Group Wednesdays, 8AM in E107/109. Discuss current events or the latest book of interest you have read. For more information, call Bob Waeltz at 872-0895.

Pastors’ Book Study Wednesdays, 10-11:30AM in the Parlor. Book discussions are led by a rotating group of pastors and leaders within the church. Recently we have enjoyed Love Wins, The Journey and When Christians Get It Wrong. Each book selected is with the goal of interactive and insightful discussion about how faith is lived out and experienced in our lives on a regular basis. We always welcome you to our fellowship to enjoy this relaxed format, stimulating conversation and thoughtprovoking topics.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30AM, The Forum at The Crossing. An off-site senior adult Bible Study. Led by Terri Coe, Mary Katherine Schnitz, Chris Thornsberry and several other St. Luke’s lay members.

Thursday Afternoon Book Study Thursdays, 1-2:30PM, Parlor. Join this afternoon group to read and discuss a diverse selection of reading materials. MARCH BOOK: Morality for Beautiful Girls, by Alexander McCall Smith. The group also enjoys lunches, watching movies, taking field trips and celebrating birthdays together. Class facilitator is Phyllis Bybee. For more information, please contact Sylvia Forbes at 846-3404 or

Prayer Shawl Ministry Tuesdays, 1-3PM in W120. Prayerful volunteers who like to knit or crochet and love the fellowship of working together make prayer shawls for those needing to be wrapped in God’s healing love. New knitters welcome. Contact Helen Vriesman at 317-849-9417 or

Studio 3 Art Ministry for Artists & Dabblers Anyone interested in building an art community at St. Luke’s is welcome to come spend the day (or a portion of the day) with other artists. Bring your favorite medium and plan to go out for lunch. Occasional field trips and pitch-ins too. Every Thursday, 9AM-4PM in C122. For information, contact Karen Porter at

Crochet Guild If you are interested in learning to crochet or enriching your crocheting experience, please come meet with other enthusiasts. Expect special charity projects and fellowship. Every 1st Saturday, 10AM-Noon in E107/109. No registration. For more information contact Edie Huffman, at, or 228-0496.


Conversations Around the Scripture Sundays, 9:30–10:30AM in E105. All are welcome to join the discussion as we learn lessons of faith that can be applied to everyday living. Conversations are engaging and filled with practical experiences. This year we will study the Gospel of Luke and its companion writing, Acts. Who are we in Christ? How do we take what we learn and act upon it? Class members lead discussions based upon material (workbook and DVD presentations) created by Dr. James “Mickey” Efird, Professor Emeritus, Duke Divinity School. For more information, contact Mollie and Brian Earnhart at 317-8732406. Workbooks may be purchased in Oasis Bookstore.

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Empty-Nesters Sundays (except holidays), 9:30-10:30AM in the Parlor. Read, watch, and discuss contemporary and traditional books and videos, as well as some Bible study. We gather regularly for social activities. For more information, contact Ann Townsend at 842-0464.

New Beginnings Sundays, Sept.-May (except holidays), 9:30-10:30AM in E213. A Sunday morning couples class where we discuss our lives and our families, and in January we will discuss Revelation with Dr. Adolf Hansen. Join us January 8, 15, 22, and 29 at 930AM in E213. Contact Nathan or Paula Montgomery for more information call 317-340-7115, or email

Ongoing “Being” Discussion


“Pay What You Can” Happy Yoga Open to all, regardless of your finances or yoga experience. Find your strength and happiness through poses, breath and meditation. Taught by Robin Howard. Mondays and Thursdays, 5:30-6:30PM in N103/104. No registration or fee; donations appreciated. Bring a mat AND blanket.

Ongoing Integral Hatha Daytime Yoga Mondays, March 5-April 23 ($96), 7:30 & 9:30AM; and Thursdays, March 8-April 26 ($96), 8:30AM in N101/102. Walk-ins/$15 for either session. Registration suggested, taught by Marsha Pappas. Classes continue on May 7 & 10.

Religion, Meaning, Ethics & Ideas

Kundalini Yoga

Every Sunday morning at 7AM on FM90/1, Krista Tippett interviews spiritual leaders. A community of “Being” (formerly “Speaking of Faith”) fans meets at 9:30AM in the Spiritual Life Center to discuss that morning’s program. The show is available on the prior Thursday at Led by Betty Brandt.

Kundalini Yoga combines mantra, motion and posture to create an individual experience of the Infinite. Bring a blanket or mat. Beginners welcome. Taught by Karla Becker, Wednesdays, March 14-April 18, 5:30-6:30PM in N103/104. 6 sessions/$60 or walk-ins/$15. Register and pay at or call DeAnna 846-3404x367. Next class begins March 14.

New Perspectives on Sunday Morning Sundays, 11AM-Noon in E105. This class explores the work of religious scholars who are giving voice to reimagining the essence of Christianity. Bring your questions about the church, religion and faith to this non-judgmental conversation in search of alternative answers and paths to experiences of the Holy. Scott Severns and Bruce Roberts, Leaders.

Meditation in Motion


Aikido Training

Open Labyrinth Walk Walking a labyrinth is as simple as putting one foot in front of the other. There are no rules or special words, no dogma that you have to know or agree with. Come wanting a tool to help you slow down, focus, pray/meditate and listen for the still, small voice of the Divine. The path is unicursal- there is only one entrance/exit. There are no tricks or dead ends. Just stay on the path and you will reach the center. Reverse your steps on your journey out. The walk takes about 20-30 minutes and is a wonderful way to find peace at the end of a busy week. Every Friday, 5-7PM in Fellowship Hall or N103/104. No registration or fee.

“Drum On” Circle Live with Vibrancy, Rhythm and Passion. All are invited to experience an hour of drumming every 4th Wednesday. Next meeting Wednesday, March 28. Led by Dane McCullough, Modular Building, 6:307:30PM. Drums are provided or bring your own. No experience necessary. Donations appreciated.

Some people find sitting meditation difficult. Here is an opportunity to meditate and be in motion too. Enhance your overall health, relieve stress, recover from illness, lower blood pressure, increase blood circulation and reduce chronic pain. Taught by Amy Barr. Thursdays, 10:30-11:30AM in Luke’s Lodge, upstairs. No registration; cost is $10/session.

This discipline uses martial training as a means of character development rather than fighting prowess. Open to men and women. Come observe a class, or email through the Web site at Adult classes Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 7-9PM, Saturdays, 8-10AM. All classes in N103/104.

Find SLC On Facebook For updated information about our programming, go to “St. Luke’s UMC – Spiritual Life Center.”

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Chronic Pain Support Group

The Track Registration

Monday, March 19, 6-7:30PM in N101/102. This is a support group for patients with all types of neuropathic and fibromyalgia pain and for their families and friends. No registration is required. Questions? Contact Dr. Meg Frazer at 844-2903 or

Have you registered your children for Sunday morning small groups? You can register them online at www.stlukesumc. com/children/sundaymorning. If you have questions, email us at

Diabetes Support Group Meets the first Tuesday of the month from 7-8PM in E212. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, March 6. This is a laidback, easygoing group open to learning and sharing through exercise, diet and prayer. Contact Debbie Allen Wagner at 796-2189 for information on regular meeting times.

Family Support Group Wednesdays at 6:30PM, March 14 and April 11 in the Conference Room. The group offers emotional and spiritual support for families who have a member abusing drugs or alcohol.

Adult ADD Support Group Third Thursday, March 15, 7-8:30PM in W125. St. Luke’s offers support for adults with ADD. For more information call Mary Katherine at 846-3404 x365.

Jesse’s Street Meets March 19 and the 3rd Monday of every month, 6:30-8PM in the Conference Room. For parents who have a child with a physical, mental or emotional disability. Register for childcare by contacting Sylvia Forbes. Leaders: Kevin & Hillary McCarley, 850-1637.

Caring and Sharing Caring and Sharing meets every Tuesday 7-8PM in C122. This is a casual get together for people of any 12-step program who wish to grow spiritually. Contact Chuck and Kathy Miller at 871-4501.

Stephen Ministry Stephen Ministry is a lay ministry designed to support someone in time of crisis or difficulty. Stephen Ministers are trained to be good listeners. They are non-judgmental friends. If you would like to speak to a Stephen Minister or would like more information about the program, contact Mary Katherine Schnitz at 846-3404 or schnitzm@stlukesumc. com, or see the St. Luke's website under "Member Care."

Care Committee If you know of someone, confined to their home or health care center, call Mary Katherine at 846-3404 x365. The Care Committee makes monthly visits.

Family Fuel—March 4 If you are seeking an opportunity to be able to worship with your children, come to Family Fuel on the first Sunday morning of each month at 10:45AM in Robertson Chapel. This worship service is geared for kids, with a shared faith experience with their parents. If you would like to get involved with the behind the scenes of Family Fuel, we are looking for stage managers, hospitality team members and set–up/tear-down helpers. Please email to join the team.

Elementary Kids Check-In Procedure We have a new check-in process for your elementary children this year. When you bring your child(ren) to Robertson Chapel for Winner’s Circle, you will need to check them in and share who will pick them up from their Small Group classroom. Please look for your child's class sign for quick check-in. After worship, you will need to show some kind of ID to pick up your child. If you have a pager for younger children you can give us the pager number and use that instead. We are not trying to make life difficult but ensure that all children are safe and have a great experience on Sunday morning. Any questions can be directed to Rev. Jamalyn Peigh Williamson at Thank you!

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CHILDREN’S MUSIC Vocal and handbell groups are available for children of various ages. At least one Children’s Music group sings the second Sunday of each month in the Sanctuary at the 9:30 and 11AM services. All groups sing at various services and programs throughout the year, including the St. Luke’s Christmas Concert, the 3PM Christmas Eve Service, Palm Sunday and outreach programs. For information, contact Debra Nethercott, Children’s Music Director, at or 846-3404 x329, or visit

COMMUNICATIONS Become a Fan Are you on Facebook? If so, are you a fan of St. Luke’s? Become a fan today—simply log onto our website ( and click the link on our home page to get to our Facebook page. Then click the “Like” button—just one more way to stay connected to everything St. Luke’s. We love to hear from you there too, but ask that you limit your postings to church-related events and topics, please.

REHEARSAL SCHEDULE – 2011/2012 All rehearsals are in E208 and/or E207, 2nd floor.

Genesis Rehearses Sundays, 8:50-9:20AM begins 9/18 Ages 4 & 5 (4 by 9/1/11) Movement and music activities including ringing bells, playing rhythm instruments and singing sacred songs.

Elementary Music Program Rehearses Sundays, 10:25–11:15AM Rehearsals will not interfere with Family Fuel Grades K-5 Activities of this group include singing, movement and an instrumental program: Orff instruments and choir chimes. MUSICAL ASSISTANT: Gay Talbert

Crescendo! Rehearses Tuesdays, 7:15-8PM Grades 6-8. Interested high school students should see Miss Deb for information. An outstanding group of youth singers who participate regularly in worship services in the St. Luke’s Sanctuary.

The Choristers Rehearses Tuesdays, 6:30-7:15PM Grades 3-8 (treble voices). A select group of singers, by audition only. Interested high school students should see Miss Deb for information.

Voice for Life Meets Tuesdays, 6-6:30PM This is a program of instruction for music theory, ear training, music history, church history and overall musical training. Participants can earn RSCM ribbons and medals. The program is open to any singer who participates in the Tuesday evening program—Crescendo! and The Choristers ADDITIONAL MUSIC OPPORTUNITIES Please contact Miss Deb directly to request an opportunity to play if a position becomes available.

Handbell Choirs Grades 3+ Meets Sundays, 11:15AM-Noon

COMMUNITY MINISTRIES Fletcher Place Community Center Breakfast dates are March 8, 13, 16 & 27 and April 10, 12, 20 & 24. Need donations of food, paper goods or cash to pay for these items. Contact Joe Kenny at 7050489 or for information or to volunteer. Dinner dates are March 19 & 28 and April 16 & 25. Need volunteers to donate food items, cook and especially to transport and serve. See bulletin board in the hall between Robertson Chapel and Oasis Bookstore to sign up, or call Kay Horton at 253-9833 for more information. Requests for food at Fletcher Place have increased significantly. The food pantry needs donations of dried beans, rice and salsa. Bulk quantities are acceptable and appreciated. These can be placed in the drop boxes in the West Passage. If you would prefer to make a cash donation, please put Fletcher Place Food Pantry on the memo line. Volunteers are also needed in the thrift store, food pantry and GED preparation. Contact Larry Paxton at 873-2415 or, or Karen Mann at Fletcher Place, 636-3466 x4 or to volunteer.

Fox Hill Elementary School Partnership We continue to have many volunteer opportunities at Fox Hill Elementary School. Please contact Tom Lange at for information if interested. Help by tutoring students during class time or during the “After School Achievers” program. Other opportunities are “Peer Club”—a specific focus on reading with students on Tuesdays from 8-8:45AM or Lunch Bunch.

Outreach, Inc. Our mission statement is short and simple: "Equipping and empowering homeless teens and young adults to exit street life.” For information, contact Jackie Reed at 332-6550 or, or check out our website at

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Refugee Assistance Ministry The Refugee Assistance Ministry helps the refugees who live in the Nora area become adjusted to life in America. The refugees, who were forced from their homes and lived in refugee camps for years, have been granted new lives in the United States. For the first few months, they are helped by refugee resettlement agencies. But after that, it is up to church groups and other volunteers to help the refugees become settled, learn English and grow accustomed to our culture. Their needs are many and varied, and the need for volunteers is great. Please check the website, or contact Cathy Kennedy 317-418-5869,, for more information or to volunteer.

FAMILY MINISTRIES Family Fellowship Night The third Sunday of every month is hereby decreed Family Fellowship Night at St. Luke’s! Join other families of our church at 5PM for a pizza dinner, followed by “Mission Possible Kids” for elementary-aged children, and parenting study groups for adults (childcare will be provided for children aged kindergarten and under). Come connect with other families and take time with other parents to reflect on the challenges and joys of parenthood.

FELLOWSHIP Elderberries Euchre The Elderberries Euchre party will be Saturday, March 17 at 7PM in the Parlor. Please bring a snack to share. Contact Adra Wheeler at 253-4914 or 846-3404 with questions.

ReachOut ReachOut is a diverse and inclusive group within the St. Luke’s United Methodist Church community offering spiritual support and encouragement to GLBT persons. We strive to lead a life of service to others, achieve Christian maturity, and educate ourselves in matters of faith. Social and recreational activities are provided to promote an atmosphere where friendships can develop and a sense of acceptance and wholeness may be experienced. All are welcome. If you have questions about ReachOut, contact Matt Fleck at

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GREEN MINISTRY Green Ministry Leadership Team Our ministry leadership team meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Next meeting is February 8, 5:30-7PM in E213 and welcomes new people to the discussion. Contact Sharon Chambers at or 317-5787502, or just show up.

More Than Four Tons A visual report of our paper collections in 2011 can be found in five locations around the building. You will quickly see that we came close to the magic four-ton mark several times, but only crossed the line once. With your help, the Green Ministry can earn a considerable amount of money in 2012. Please bring your newspapers, catalogs, junk mail and office paper to the green and yellow Abitibi bins located at the east driveway (by Lion’s Gate). No corrugated board or cereal boxes. FYI–the blue recycling bins located in the NE corner of the back parking lot are for internal use only. Please do not bring your cardboard and can recycling from home.

GRIEF MINISTRIES “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it: if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.” I CORINTHIANS 12:26 Grief is a journey that needs attention; it cannot go away without some hard work. Some people find being with a group of people who "get it" to be life-changing and life-saving in a positive way. Spending time with others in a group can even bring laughter and new friendships. You are invited to come once, or many times, to any group and see if the support of others can bring you comfort.

H.U.G.S (Healing Under Group Support) This on-going group led by Rev. Marsha Hutchinson is for anyone who has lost a spouse or significant life partner. The group meets every Sunday in the Parlor at 2PM for fellowship, sharing and learning about the grief journey.

H.U.G.S. Dinner Out Sunday afternoons can feel lonely for those who have lost a spouse. Come anytime for Sunday dinner out (4PM) with others in the group. Locations announced weekly at the Sunday HUGS group (McAllister's, Jason's, Paradise, etc.).

Grief Ministry Mentors If you have had a loss in your life and are not ready for group support, having a Grief Ministry mentor, a supportive friend, could help. A mentor might be just a phone friend or someone to enjoy a lunch. For information about becoming a mentor or being matched with a mentor, email Rev. Marsha Hutchinson at, Susan Whittleton at, or Becky Moody at

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HOPE For any couple or single parent who has lost a baby to miscarriage, fetal demise, stillbirth, or early infant death due to genetic issues, S.I.D.S, or any other. Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7PM in the Spiritual Life Center. For more information call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson, 846-3404 x315.

H.O.P.E. Memorial Garden A memorial garden located on the west side of St. Luke's for any perinatal or infant loss. Plaques may be ordered by families to be engraved in memorial and mounted on brick garden wall. For further information contact Rev. Marsha Hutchinson (846-3404 x315) or Marci & Jim Harenberg (705-0771).

LATER@ST. LUKE’S Mission Possible Kids Meets the 3rd Sunday of each month in conjunction with Family Fun Night. Later@St. Luke’s is buzzing on third Sunday evenings with “special agents” in lime green T-shirts, while parents engage in a Family Fellowship discussion. The evening begins with a “light family meal” served at 5PM. Parents meet separately as kids in grades 1st thru 5th go on a mission from God. Mission Possible Kids is a hands-on program that gets children excited about missions at an early age—such as making gifts for kids in need, and much more. Join us Sunday, March 18 from 5-7PM in Fellowship Hall. For information, please contact

Dad's Group For any father who has lost a young adult child to illness, accident, suicide, or other. The Dad's group meets every Tuesday at 7AM for light breakfast at the Hilton Indianapolis North Hotel, 8181 N. Shadeland, and Thursdays at 7AM at Denny's at I-65 / Greenwood Exit.

HEALTH MINISTRIES Blood Pressure Screening Stop by C110 on Sunday, March 11, 9-11AM for a free blood pressure screening. Please refrain from smoking or caffeine thirty minutes prior to your screening. Sponsored the second Sunday of every month by St. Luke’s Health Ministries.

Health Ministry Recruits If you’re an RN looking for an easy way to give back to the community, join our rotation for once-a-month BP screenings. Volunteer 3-4 times a year and meet some wonderful people! Consider taking part in health ministry emails for input in creating a community of healing individuals empowered to take care of themselves. We are health professionals, caregivers and care receivers concerned about health and committed to seeing the healing ministry of the church carried out. We meet in person three times a year for great food and fellowship. Questions? Contact Natalie Manges at

MUSIC MINISTRIES CHANCEL CHOIR, rehearses Thursdays 7:30-9PM in E200. New members welcomed periodically throughout the season. Contact Member Chair Carol Tully ( or Director Mark Squire at JOYFUL SOUND, rehearses Thursdays 6:30-7:30PM in E208, singing 8:15AM service twice a month. Contact Director Charles Manning at manningc@ TAIZE MUSICAL COMMUNITY. Small vocal and instrumental ensemble serving at monthly Taize service (5-5:45PM), rehearses one hour before each service. Contact Music Director Mark Squire at squirem@ ST. LUKE'S ORCHESTRA. Under the direction of Bob Zehr, the Orchestra plays the third Sunday of every month at all three morning Sanctuary services, September through June. Rehearsals are Thursdays, 7:159PM. Contact Margaret Spilker at for more information. WESLEYAN RINGERS. Advanced ringers rehearse weekly on Wednesday, 6:30–8PM. Contact Director Mike Keller at, for information. JOYFUL RHYTHMS. An intergenerational handbell ensemble with flair! Rehearses Mondays, 6-7:15PM. For more information, contact Director Marsha Coyner at

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SINGLES Singles Sunday Morning Gathering Join us each Sunday morning at 11AM in E107/109 for our Singles small group, The Gathering. Singles 40 and up meet together to learn more about the scripture, study spiritual books, share stories, and journey through life together. This class is led by Sandy Harlan, Associate Director of Clergy Services for the Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Sunday Lunch Bunch Every Sunday, 12:30PM. Feel free to join us at these locations on the below dates for some fun, food, and fantastic times! MARCH 4: Mark Pi’s (N. Meridian) MARCH 11: Paradise Café (96th and Meridian) MARCH 18: The Rusty Bucket (W. 86th St.) MARCH 25: Binkley’s (College Ave.) APRIL 1: Palm Sunday Pitch-In, Fellowship Hall

Sunday Night Singles Dance Join us Sunday evenings at 6PM for our singles dances at The Atrium, located at 3143 E. Thompson Rd. Cost: $10/person (incl. snacks). Also, each month join us for our theme dance. For information or to purchase your advance ticket advance, go to

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Singles Mid-Week Bible Study Ever need a spiritual pick-me-up halfway through the week? Or maybe you'd just like to know more about the Bible and how it applies to your everyday life. Join us every Wednesday night in C110 from 6-7PM for our Singles Mid-Week Bible Study. We'll be walking through the Bible together via interactive study, conversation, worship and fellowship. Make sure to bring your Bible, or if you don't have a Bible we'll provide one for you. All are welcome to join! Class led by Chris Thornsberry, Associate Director of Adult Ministries. Childcare available. For info, email Chris at

Singles Wednesday Activities All activites are in the Parlor at 7:30PM (childcare provided) and have a $3 admission fee, excluding Dinner Night Out. Dinner Night Out is for adults 18+, individuals responsible for cost of own dinner. MARCH 7: Taking Responsibility for Your Life:

Let the Blames Begin MARCH 14: Movie Night Pitch-in MARCH 21: Dinner Night Out at Ruby Tuesday (Michigan Rd.) MARCH 28: Open Forum with Greg Hazel

Volleyball Volleyball meets every Wednesday at 6:30PM, and Friday at 6:30PM in the Great Hall. The cost to play is $2. For info, email Tim Adams at

Singles Ballroom Dance Lessons

Hiking Group

Join our dance instructor, Olga Cansino, as you learn all the moves you’ll need to dance the night away. Registration for this class can be made by emailing DeAnna Moran at, attending the first night of class, or sign up online on the Singles Ministry page. No pro-rated classes. Pay online in advance or with check/cash the night of class. No childcare provided.

Every Saturday morning at Eagle Creek (weather permitting), singles meet to hike at 10AM in the parking lot at 56th and Reed Road across from the Colts Training Center. No experience necessary, just a love of the outdoors. Hosted by David Kincaid. For more information, please email David at

Every Monday in March, all levels $30/person INTERMEDIATE: 6:30PM, Fellowship Hall—Samba BEGINNER: 7:30PM, Fellowship Hall—Rumba

New Life Circle This group of single, divorced and widowed women of all ages meets one evening a month for a time of fellowship and informative, fun programs! See information about New Life Circle in the United Methodist Women section.

Toastmasters Tuesdays, 7-8:30PM in N101/102. For more than 84 years Toastmasters International has offered effective ways to improve communication and leadership skills. Guests attend for free. For more information, please call Cathy Baker at 3347821, or visit

SPORTS St. Luke's Men's Basketball Open Gym For adult basketball enthusiasts (16+) who are looking to play friendly pick-up games on Thursday nights from 7:30-9:30PM in the Great Hall. Weekly emails are sent out to confirm players for the week. Please contact Chris Lemming at 595-8545 or email chris.lemming for more information.

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This coed sport plays on Monday evenings in the Great Hall September-April. Players of all ages and abilities are welcome. Play is competitive but friendly—no spiking or over-hand serves. For more information contact Brent Scott at 875-9382 or Cost is $23/player.

We invite students 6th-12th grade to join us on Sunday mornings and Sunday nights. We offer a wide range of environments to connect with students.

UNITED METHODIST MEN Men’s Breakfast United Methodist Men invite all men to attend the regular monthly breakfast, held the first Saturday of each month at 8AM in Fellowship Hall. Enjoy a hearty breakfast and interesting program. This month’s date: March 3. RSVP to Chris Bailey at 317-306-8491.

Theology Unplugged A place for men to gather and share about life and faith in a relaxed atmosphere. Next meeting is Wednesday, March 21 at 8:30PM at the Rusty Bucket (86th / Old Town Ln.). Contact Matt Roop at or 317-692-1865.

YOUNG ADULT COMMUNITY Interested in a Small Group? Are you interested in joining a young adult small group that meets bi-weekly in homes? If so, please contact Chris Thornsberry at to set up a time to talk about your interest and how you can get involved. Find us on Facebook at “St. Luke’s UMC-Young Adult Community” for updates, information and connecting with other young adults. Or, to sign up for our monthly email, contact Chris Thornsberry at thornsberryc@

College-Age Ministry & Facebook Group If you are college age and would like to connect with others in this group, or keep up to date, check out our Facebook group, “St. Lukes UMC - College Students.”

Lunch Crew Join other young adults as we gather for lunch on Sunday, March 25 at 12:30PM at Bazbeaux Pizza in Broad Ripple. Whether you’re just getting out of church or out of bed, we’ll have some great food and good conversations. For more information, email Chris at

For information or event registration, stop by Luke's Lodge (the youth building in the NE corner of church parking lot), visit ministries/youth, or contact: Kevin Davis, Director of Youth Ministry; 846-3404 x326 Stephanie Eft, Associate Director of Youth Ministry; 846-3404 x369 Ryan McGee, Associate Director of Youth Ministry; 846-3404 x346

WEEKLY JR.HIGH OFFERINGS (6-8th grade) Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM at the Lodge. WIRED is our time for students in 6th-8th grade to connect to each other and to God. We want all students to feel welcome and encourage them to bring their friends! The mornings will introduce the day's topic focus around large group time, big music, teaching and fun. MARCH 4: Collide—TOTALLED MARCH 11: Pause—BREATHE MARCH 18: Pause—SEARCH MARCH 25: Pause—DISCOVER

Sundays, 6-7:30PM at the Lodge. AMPED is the Sunday evening time for students 6th-8th grade and the focus is around small groups. In the morning, students get introduced to the topic and connected at WIRED. Then in the evening, students dig into the topic even more within their small groups. Students experience a time of games in our activities, music, a short teaching, and small groups based on gender and grade.

Confirmation Ministry Weekly Confirmation Teachings: MARCH 4: Worship MARCH 11: Reflection MARCH 18: Psalm 23 MARCH 25: My Story Confirmation Online—Our Confirmation ministry is covers the entire school year. Because we know students are crazy busy at times, we have made it possible for students to make up their lessons online. Go to and check out Confirmation.

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WEEKLY SR.HIGH OFFERINGS (9-12th grade) NOTE: Sr. high will not have evening youth group on Feb-

ruary 5 due to the Super Bowl, and February 19 due to the Sr. High Winter Retreat. We will have morning Wake Ups on both of those dates.

Wake Up with Starbucks at the Lodge 9:30-10:30AM in the Lodge Cafe (upstairs). This Sunday morning group always has fresh-brewed coffee, donuts and great discussion about hot topics and how our faith applies to them. All high school students, regardless of where they are on their faith journeys, are welcome to come to this honest and open discussion group.

Wake Up at the Big House 9:30-10:30AM in N103/104 in the main church building. This second Sr. High option will begin the fall meeting in the Lodge Café, then will split off to dig deeper into faith discus-sions about character, leadership and discipleship. Students who are hungry for further discussion are encouraged to give this group a shot and share their thoughts, ideas and questions. In March we will begin a series on topics relevant to teenage life. MARCH MARCH MARCH MARCH

4: Does the Bible still matter? 11: What is the Trinity and is it important? 18: The story of Paul: from Villain to Hero 25: Is Epistle a swear word?

Live! at the Lodge Sunday nights, 6-7:30PM. This is our Sunday evening youth group meeting for Sr. High students. LIVE! at the Lodge program is a big-group style meeting with plenty of opportunities to meet other students, engage in activities based on your interests, and break down lessons and topics for everyday life application. Our hope is that students will experience a broad variety of meaningful and applicable topics and Bible truths from freshman year to graduation day. We hope to grow in faith and relationships with one another while maintaining an open, welcoming and inviting atmosphere where all students can engage questions about faith and life with one another. Discussion and Lesson Topics: MARCH 4: Powerful Prayers MARCH 11: Involvement within the Church Body MARCH 18: Giving MARCH 25: Studying Scripture

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YOUTH MISSION TRIPS June 23-29, 2012: SENIOR HIGH Mission Trip to New Orleans

This experience is open to all incoming 9-12th grade students and the graduating high school class of 2012. Cost is $550. We will be stopping at the National Civil Rights Museum and the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. Students will learn about the American Civil Rights movement and how far our nation still has to go in racial and cultural reconciliation. Sign up on the St. Luke’s UMC website. July 15-21, 2012: JR. HIGH Mission Trip to Eastern Tennessee

Open to incoming 7-9th grade students. Cost is $500/student. We will travel to the YouthWorks site in Newport, TN. The region is known for camping in the Smoky Mountains, hiking the Appalachian Trail, and the traditional Bluegrass music. Unfortunately, the town's remote location provides little job opportunity for residents, many of whom struggle with unemployment and poverty. Our students will be serving alongside the local residents as we minister through Kids Club and home improvement projects.

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