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Our capital campaign is in full swing in April! Our goal is to raise $4 million by Easter Sunday, April 24. This will enable us to pay off our mortgage and allow Dr. Millard to leave St. Luke’s debt-free when he retires on June 30. Help us achieve this goal by making a pledge before April 24. You may make a pledge online—visit campaign. Pledge cards are also available in the pews and the main office. All gifts make a difference, no matter their size. Thank you.

APRIL 2011



Expanded MIDWEEK LENTEN SERVICES: Every Wednesday during Lent, now-April 20. The same service will be offered at Noon and again at 6PM (no evening service on April 20) in Robertson Chapel. Adult Education offers a lunch / discussion at 12:30PM following the Noon service, or if you attend the evening service, stay for discussion afterward in C110.

Enriched HOLY WEEK PRAYER VIGIL Thursday, April 21, 8PM–Good Friday, April 22, 8PM in Fellowship Hall. See page 10 for details. HOLY THURSDAY April 21, 7PM, Sanctuary with communion GOOD FRIDAY April 22, Noon & 7PM, Sanctuary

EASTER, Sunday, April 24

Celebration Services 8:00, 9:30 and 11:15AM, Sanctuary shuttle service provided from Springmill Elementary School SUNRISE SERVICE— 6:30AM, Robertson Chapel (led by St. Luke’s youth) FAMILY FUEL—10:45AM, Great Hall LATER@ST. LUKE’S—6PM


Purdue Glee Club Concert The men of the Purdue Varsity Glee Club have proudly served as ambassadors of the university with honor and dignity for more than 115 years. Their performance at St. Luke's on Sunday, April 10 at 3PM is sponsored by the Stephen Ministry, and all proceeds will go to support St. Luke's Care Ministries. Tickets are $15/person, $10/student (any student aged 25 or under). Tickets online at, or may be purchased weekdays during working hours in the Administrative offices as well as on Sundays between services in the West Passage.

The Jesuses I Have Known In Matthew 16 (and in Mark 8 and Luke 9), we find an important conversation between Jesus and his disciples. Jesus begins by asking them who people say that he is. The responses are varied: Some say he's a prophet, some say a teacher, some even say he's Elijah or John the Baptist come back to life. Jesus then asks them: “Who do you say that I am?” Most of them fall silent—only Peter steps forward and proclaims that Jesus is the Messiah, even though not even he fully grasps what that will mean. The question Jesus asked his apostles is an important one for us to consider as well: “Who do you say Jesus is?” If we want to answer Jesus’ question well, we need to sort through our own experiences of Jesus while at the same time acknowledging others’ experience. We need to wrestle with different perspectives on Jesus’ identity while we work to define our own perspective. We need to read not only the passages which confirm our belief in Jesus, but also those stories that challenge and stretch our conceptions.


—8:15, 9:15 & 10:15AM at Beef and Boards —10:15AM at The Mansion at Oak Hill

During Lent, we’ll be exploring different perspectives on Jesus. Our hope is that when that question is raised for us, we'll be able to step forward and say not just what others have reported, but how we have experienced him in our lives as well.

St. Luke’s is an open

community of Christians gathering to seek, celebrate, live and share the love of God for all creation. We envision being transformed by God and

transforming the world

into a

compassionate, just, inclusive, Christ-like community. This issue lists upcoming events April 2011 through mid-May. The deadlines for submitting announcements for the 2011 COMMUNION MONTHLY: April 4 for May issue (publishes 5/1) May 9 for June issue (publishes 5/22)


a publication of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church 100 W. 86th St., Indianapolis, IN 46260 317.846.3404 • A PDF version of this publication is available online. Send your announcements to Lori Crantford at or leave them in her mailbox in the main office. Notices of births, deaths and weddings should be given to Sylvia Forbes ( or 846-3404 x343) and can be left with her weekly to be published in the Worship Guide.

All classes, events and groups are open to all; church membership or affiliation is not required for participation. WELCOME TO ST. LUKE’S!

RETIREMENT EVENTS Roast! A Celebration & Benefit Event Tuesday, June 14 and Wednesday, June 15, 6:30PM, The Mansion at Oak Hill A benefit event for charities selected by Kent and Minnietta Millard TICKETS: $50/person; $750 reserved table of 10. Tickets go on sale Sunday, May 1.

Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Walk Saturday, May 25 Kent and Minnietta will be participating in this event and ask for your support as well. For information, visit

Dr. Millard Preaching Sunday, June 26, 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM Dr. Millard will preach his final worship services as St. Luke's senior pastor. Senator Richard Lugar will join us.

Celebration of Ministry Sunday, June 26, 3PM The community and special guests will be invited to honor Dr. Millard's 45 years of ministry. If you would like to write a note or letter of appreciation to the Millards, you may place them in a collection box in the main office beginning May 1.

ADULT EDUCATION To pre-register for a class, go to, or contact DeAnna Moran at 846-3404 x367 or at Oasis = Oasis Bookstore and Gift Shop located inside St. Luke’s.


Women’s Bible Study Wednesdays, April 20–May 25, 12:30PM in E105. Grace: An Invitation to a Way of Life. Many Christians have an easier time being saved by grace than they do living in grace every day. But grace is at the center of the life God calls us to--and reflects the heart of the One who calls. These studies in Grace will help us make the connection between grace as a remote biblical concept and grace as a lifestyle--a reality we experience day in, day out. Through an unfolding study of Psalm 23, we’ll learn how God—our Good Shepherd—is for us, how God longs to walk with us through temptation, sorrow, and even deep regret. We’ll discover God’s desire to make God's joy our joy. Throughout, we’ll learn how enduring, powerful, and life-affirming God’s work in our life can be—and rediscover why it’s called amazing grace. Book available in Oasis Bookstore. Led by Terri Coe, Director of Adult Ministries.

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Sundays, April 3, 10 & 17, 4:30–6PM in E107/109. This Lent, experience scripture through the arts and learn about utilizing the arts to enhance spiritual development and faith. Each session will include both a presentation as well as time for engagement through discussion and activity, often led by a guest specializing in the theme of the week. These themes are visual art (3/13), music (3/20), dance (3/27), drama (4/3), and sacred space (4/10). The final session will take place April 17 and allow time for creative contemplation and interaction. Classes will take place in different areas of the church so as to familiarize participants with the many creative opportunities/spaces at St. Luke’s. Facilitated by Caitlin Drouin, St. Luke’s member, and Chuck Goehring, former Director of Music Ministries.

Who Did Jesus Say He Was? Sundays, April 3 & 10, 11AM-Noon in the Parlor. The scriptures tell us that the disciples of Jesus, the crowds who gathered around him, and the religious leaders who watched him had their thoughts as to who Jesus was. “Some say you are John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets” are just a few of their ideas. But what did Jesus say about himself? This Bible study will explore the Gospels to see what Jesus said, and we’ll discuss the meaning of the statements for those listening in the first century as well as those of us reading them today. Led by Terri Coe, Director of Adult Ministries, and Rev. Dan Motto, retired UM minister.

The Post-Resurrection Experiences of Jesus and the Coming of the Holy Spirit Sundays, May 1–June 12 (except 5/8 & 5/29), 11AM– Noon in the Parlor. Study life after Easter for the disciples, up to and including the day of Pentecost. Discuss the various reactions people had to the death and resurrection of Jesus. Walk to Emmaus with two followers of Jesus. Read John’s account of Peter’s reconciliation with Jesus. Explore the meaning of the Great Commission for the church today. Celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit. Facilitated by Terri Coe, Director of Adult Ministries.

The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith Tuesdays, May 3-31, 7-8:30PM in E105. Author and theologian Dr. Marcus Borg explores beliefs and characteristics of an “earlier” Christianity and an “emerging” Christianity by asking the question, “What is central to an authentic Christianity?” Learn to live passionately as Christians in today’s world by practicing the vital elements of Christian faith. Celebrate what it is about Christianity that gives it the power to transform the lives of people! Led by Terri Coe, Director of Adult Ministries, and Ed Simpson, St. Luke’s member. Book available in Oasis Bookstore.


Café Conversations: Lost Christianities— The Mystery of the Holy Spirit. April 6-May 25, 9:30–11AM in E105. Want to know about the Holy Spirit, one of the members of the Trinity? Bible teacher R.C. Sproul deepens the understanding of the Holy Spirit as he explores the many different roles the Spirit has in our lives. Sproul deals with some of the most perplexing and frequently discussed issues with sensitivity. While the mystery surrounding the Holy Spirit is not dispelled, we are challenged to get to know the Holy Spirit better and to look for signs of its work in our life. Led by Dr. Marion Miller, St. Luke’s Associate Pastor.


New Beginnings Our self-led class always finds a variety of books, video series and topics that have called us to discuss our thoughts with our friends at church. In April, we will continue our study of the book Outflow by Steve Sjogren & Dave Ping. This book tries to get us to live more outward focused in this self-focused world. After Easter and throughout May, we will watch and discuss videos from Rob Bell's NOOMA series. A quick ten-minute clip each week will inspire discussion that will be with you all week. We meet Sundays in E213 at 9:30AM. For more information, contact Nathan or Paula Montgomery at (317)340-7115 or


Experiencing Scripture Through the Arts

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FAITH LEARNING INITIATIVE: EXPLORING FAITHS AND SACRED TRADITIONS The Faith Learning Initiative provides opportunities for religious learning and spiritual growth, helping people know their own traditions better, understand more about the faiths of their neighbors, and live more thoughtfully and compassionately in a complex world. ••• You may register through the Office of Lifelong Theological Education at Christian Theological Seminary. Online registration: Phone: (317) 931-4224. For more information, contact Callie Smith at the Office of Lifelong Theological Education.

Sacramental Living:

Life Journeys through Sacramental Spirituality

LEADER: Dr. Tércio Junker, Assistant Professor of Wor-

ship/Director of Sweeny Chapel at CTS. Saturday, April 16, 9AM–3PM (8:30AM registration), CTS Room 166. COST: $45; $55 for lunch included. Registration deadline: 4/8.

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We all have a symbol, an object, even a story, that tells us about important moments in our lives. It has a special, mystic, even divine significance. Something that brings remembrance and longing for a significant experience—that brings us closer to others, to creation, and to God—is a means of grace. We can describe that symbol as having sacramental meaning. Bring your own symbol and tell its story at this workshop drawing on the experiences of Brazilian liberation theologians. For anyone interested in worship or in spiritual formation, this workshop will examine sacramental spirituality as an extraordinary experience of spiritual transformation.

Prayer in the Bible LEADER: Dr. Wilma Bailey, Professor of Hebrew and Aramaic Scripture at CTS. Saturday, April 30, 9–11AM, CTS Room 122. COST: $25. Registration deadline: April 22

In the Gospel of Luke, the disciples ask Jesus to teach them to pray. There was a long tradition of prayer before Jesus came along. Jesus, however, complies and teaches them a prayer. According to Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus had very strong feelings about how one ought not to pray. He offers a model prayer to the disciples; but when he prays, he does not follow the model. This short workshop for lay people will examine prose prayers in the Bible, highlighting the way prayers changed over time, and in the end asking the question, “How then should we pray?”


23% of American preschoolers have gone online, and by kindergarten 32% have used the Internet. SOURCE:

WINNER’S CIRCLE: Sunday mornings are filled with high energy fun starting at 9:30AM in Robertson Chapel for elementary aged children (1st-5th). Our Sunday morning curriculum is virtue based. We believe a virtue is something God is doing in us to help change the world around us. APRIL’S VIRTUE: Humility—putting others first by giving up what you think you deserve. MEMORY VERSE: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.” PHILIPPIANS 2:3. MINI-TRACK: This month Early Childhood (Mini-Track) will focus on the basic truth: “Jesus wants to be my friend forever.” The memory verse is “I am with you always” MATTHEW 8:20. Please keep an eye out for the “Small Talk” resource that is sent home with your child. This has the memory verse on it and other questions to be asking your little one throughout the week.

4th and 5th grade Fellowship The next 4th and 5th grade event will be at The Lodge, May 6, 7:30PM-7:30AM. Cost is $20. If you have not already registered your child, please do so at under children’s ministry. If you have, then you only need to email thetrack@stlukesumc .com and let us know your child will attend. Also, we are in need of some parent volunteers, so if you can stay, let us know.

Family Fuel Join us for Family Fuel where kids bring their parents to church. We meet at 10:45AM in the Great Hall (the north side of the building). Family Fuel will meet through the summer one Sunday a month. These Sundays are June 12, July 10 and August 14--mark your calendars! ••• Family Fuel offers families the opportunity to have a shared worship experience together. In Family Fuel we talk about virtues. We believe a virtue is something that God is doing in us to help change the world around us. This month's virtue is Humility—putting others first by giving up what you think you deserve. As a family, we encourage you to learn our verse of the month: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.” PHILIPPIANS 2:3. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: If you love to act, we have

recurring roles that we will need to fill for our cast. We also are in need of people to help run sound and set up on Saturday nights. Please contact

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Summer Splash! Summer Splash is coming June 13-17 from 9AM-12:15PM. Our theme is Shake It Up Café where kids carry out God's recipe. In this kid-friendly café full of chef's hats and aprons, pots and pans, checkered tablecloths and chalkboard menus, kids explore the Bible as a cookbook filled with recipes for living out God's word. Each day kids will learn a "secret ingredient" that will help them understand key steps they can take to live as followers of God. Children who will turn four by September 1 through rising 6th graders may attend. Cost is $10/child (with a $30 limit/family). You may register online or at the Track (East Passage) April 17, 24 and May 1. If you are interested in volunteering (childcare provided for younger than four) or you have questions, please email

CHILDREN’S MUSIC The St. Luke’s Children's Choirs are again celebrating the return of spring by taking orders for spring flowers, bedding plants and a limited selection of vegetables and herbs through Tuesday, April 19. Plants include the most popular varieties offered in flats, pots, hanging baskets, and the best selection of an edible garden. Choir families will be taking orders in the East and West Passages on Sundays, April 3 and 10. Or you may access an order form at Orders must be prepaid and turned in to a choir member or the church office by Tuesday, April 19.

Flower pick up is scheduled for Sunday, May 1 between 8:30AM-12:30PM at door 16...just in time for Mother's Day and prime planting season here in central Indiana. In case of inclement weather, pick up will take place at the east entrance to the Great Hall. Proceeds from the flower sale will benefit our Children's Choirs and summer music camps. If you have any questions, please contact Pat Johnson at 582-0861 or NEW THIS YEAR: We will also be taking orders at Later@St.

Luke's on Sunday April 10 between 5:30-7:30 PM. Pick up will be on Sunday May 1 between 5:30-7:30 PM.



Children’s Choir Flower Sale Returns

For information regarding openings for the current school year or for the 2011-12 school year please call 844-3399 or contact Bobbi at main-jacksonb or Alison at strawmyera@ We welcome new families!


Parents’ Day Out

Classes (9AM-1PM) for three- to five-year olds are offered in a safe and nurturing Christian environment. All teachers are experienced, qualified, well-trained and strive to maintain strong relationships with the children and their families. Preschool offers a developmentally appropriate curriculum where children may grow socially, creatively, emotionally, cognitively and physically. Children must be 3 years old by 9/1/2011 to enroll for the 2011-12 school year.

Classes (9AM-1PM) are offered for children ages 10 months to 3 years. PDO was established to provide parents of young children time for themselves on a regular basis. Children participate in structured play in a safe and nurturing Christian environment one, two, or three days per week. Opportunities are provided for children to learn beginning social skills while having fun. Children must be 10 months by 9/1/2011 to enroll for the 2011-12 school year.

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COMMUNITY MINISTRIES NEW! Refugee Assistance Ministry

Fletcher Place Community Center

The Community Ministries Commission at St. Luke’s is starting a new ministry, the Refugee Assistance Ministry. Indianapolis is now home to a large community of refugees, the vast majority of whom are from Burma. These refugees have come from refugee camps outside their own country, having fled to escape atrocities in their home communities. The refugees are given a small amount of help by our government, but their survival and acclimation here in the United States is up to them, along with help from volunteer groups.

Breakfast dates are April 12, 14 & 15 and May 10, 12, 20 & 31. Need donations of food, paper goods or cash to pay for these items. Contact Joe Kenny at 705-0489 or jgkenny@ for more information or to volunteer. Dinner dates are April 18 & 27 and May 16 & 25. Need volunteers to donate food items, cook and especially to transport and serve. See the bulletin board in the hall between Robertson Chapel and Oasis Bookstore to sign up, or call Kay Horton at 253-9833 for more information. Volunteers are also needed in the thrift store, food pantry and GED preparation. Contact Karen Mann at Fletcher Place, 636-3466 ext. 4 or or Larry Paxton at 873-2415 or to volunteer.

St. Luke’s wants to help the refugees become vibrant and productive citizens of Indianapolis. Your help is needed. Volunteers are needed on Monday and Tuesday evenings to work with either kids or adults in improving their English skills. One of our main areas of focus is to provide mentors to encourage refugee teens/young adults in completing their high school diploma or equivalent at North Central High School. We also provide volunteers to work with grade school children in the after-school program at Nora Elementary. The time commitments are flexible. To volunteer or to learn more, contact Cathy Kennedy, 317-576-0341 or

Culinary Collage Fundraiser for Fletcher Place You are cordially invited to “Culinary Collage” to benefit Fletcher Place Community Center on Sunday, April 10 from 1-3PM at Wheeler Arts Center, 1035 Sanders Street. Enjoy the afternoon sampling the unique tastes of Fountain Square/Downtown eateries. Activities include silent auction, kid’s fruit totem pole activity and Silly Safaris Live Animal Show. Tickets are $20/adult, and $5/child and can be purchased in the West Passage on April 3.

Fox Hill Elementary School Community Garden

Construction Ministry St. Luke’s Construction Ministry focuses on building wheelchair ramps for special needs situations in the Indianapolis area. We partner with Second Presbyterian Church and work as a team each Saturday to design, build and assemble ramps. Referrals come from the Indiana Council on Aging as well as other social service agencies. Priorities are given to handicapped clients who have no means of getting in and out of their homes. We completed 73 construction projects to help families during our most recent 2010 building season. Come help us help others in our own backyard. For more information, please contact Dave Boyer tbucket2@ or 251-1094 or Tara Lineweaver at tgline@ or 329-9189.

Please join St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in our partnership with Congregation Beth-El Zedeck in creating our 2nd Annual Fox Hill Community Garden. Fox Hill Elementary School families who are in need of fresh produce benefit directly from this project. We are currently seeking volunteers to assist in the following areas: purchasing and planting of vegetables; watering, weeding and harvesting the vegetables; sorting vegetables for distribution to families and creation of recipes cards to go with produce from the garden. If you are interested in volunteering (no prior experience necessary!) to assist in this joint community effort throughout our “growing season,” please contact Kathy Mayberry at 506-3401 or Planting is scheduled for May 1, weather permitting.

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Habitat for Humanity 2 x 4 Sale

Meals on Wheels

Look for your chance to help us build a Habitat home during our 2x4 sale before and after services on Sunday, May 15. For $52 you can buy a board and grab our markers to write a message of love to the Jones family. Evonne Jones and her three kids new four-bedroom home at 739 State St near Fletcher Place will be built by St. Luke's and other central Indiana UMC congregations this fall. Be a part of it. Help with the 2x4 sale, or later in the build, by contacting Kristin Rogers at or 844-0304.

Volunteer drivers are especially needed to deliver meals to individuals in northern Marion County. Pick-up sites include Marquette Manor and St. Vincent’s Hospital at 86th Street. Deliveries in Hamilton County are needed as well. Training is provided. For more information about driving on a weekly, monthly or substitute basis, please contact Lynne Plawecki, 317-965-3801 or

FELLOWSHIP Elderberries

New Beginnings

The next Elderberries dinner and program will take place Thursday, April 7 at 5:30PM in Fellowship Hall. We ask that you bring a dish to share. A minimum $3/person donation is suggested. First-time visitors are free and it is not necessary to bring a dish. Please make reservations with Adra Wheeler at 253-4914 or 846-3404. Our speaker will be Liz Hatton from For the Birds of Indiana. She is a licensed wild bird rehabilitator and runs a non-profit wild bird rescue from her home. She will bring a few birds, perhaps an owl, and a slide presentation for illustration.

New Beginnings is a self-led couples’ class that meets Sunday mornings at church . . . but we want to meet you at our April social outside of church! Join us any Sunday at 9:30AM in E213 (more info in the Adult Ed section, page 3). On Saturday night, April 16, we will meet up at Larry Ladig's studio for an evening of dinner and casual conversation. If you are looking for a comfortable way to find a place to connect with other couples at St. Luke's, this is it—a church pitchin, but not at church (bring your drinks and a dish to share). The door will be open at 6PM, dinner at 7PM. Please let Larry know if you can make it by April 10, larry@larryladig. com or 375-9999.

Easter Egg Hunt Join Family Fellowship Ministries on Saturday, April 23 for the annual St. Luke's Easter Egg Hunt. Festivities will begin at 10AM in the Great Hall and will include crafts, games, a mission project, and an opportunity to visit with the Easter Bunny. Tickets can be purchased for $4/child on Sundays, April 10 and 17 before and after the 9:30AM service in The Track (East Passage), or for $5/child at the door the day of the event. Age range is 1-10 years (hunt is divided into three groups: 1-2 year olds, 3-5 year olds, and 6-10 year olds), and they need to bring their own basket—and a grown-up!—with them. The hunt will take place outside. In the event of inclement weather, the hunt will be moved indoors. Questions? Email

GREEN MINISTRIES New Electronic Recycling Law Beginning January 1, 2011, Indiana households, public schools, and small businesses are no longer able to mix unwanted computer monitors, computers, televisions, printers, computer peripherals (such as keyboards and mice), DVD players, videocassette recorders or fax machines with municipal waste that is intended for disposal at a landfill or intended for disposal by burning or incineration. This disposal prohibition can be found in Indiana Code 13-20.5. Bring electronics to St. Luke’s Recycling Center in the Central Passage, or to any e-waste collection program. To find a location e-waste collection program, see and then search by county. St. Luke’s will host a community E-Waste event on Saturday, May 28 in the parking lot. Details in May Communion Monthly.

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Green Gratitude Award

Green Ministry Leadership Team

The Green Ministry wishes to thank all the Methodist clergy who were at St. Luke’s for the Bishop’s Conference on Feb 28 and March 1. They chose ceramic mugs instead of single-use cups for their coffee and helped the Green Ministry Team recycle box lunches, bottles and cans.

Our ministry leadership team meets Wednesday, April 13, 5:30-7PM in E213 and welcomes new people to the discussion. Contact Sharon Chambers at sharon.chambers39@ or 317-578-7502, or just show up.

HEALTH MINISTRY Blood Pressure Screening

Pancreatic Cancer Run/Walk

Take advantage of a free blood pressure screening on Sunday, April 10, 9-11AM in C110. Please refrain from smoking or having caffeine thirty minutes beforehand. Offered the second Sunday of every month by St. Luke’s Health Ministries.

Mark your calendars! The Indianapolis Affiliate of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network is hosting the PurpleStride Indianapolis fundraising event (one mile family-friendly walk and 5K run) to raise research dollars and awareness. The event takes place on Saturday, June 25 at Celebration Plaza in White River State Park at 9AM. PurpleStride Indianapolis is planned entirely by volunteers who live and work in the local community and have been affected by this disease. To honor Minnietta Millard, the St. Luke's Chancel Choir will sing in the opening ceremonies, and the St. Luke's community is invited to join our walk or run teams! (Cost $25 per person). Sign-up information, including T-shirts, coming soon!! Questions: call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson, 846-3404 x315.

Blood Drive A blood drive will be held Sunday morning, April 10, in N101/102.

Drop-Off Unused Prescription Drugs The Sharing and Caring Ministry has partnered with Drug Free Marion County for our first joint project. On Saturday, April 30, 9AM-4PM, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) will be accepting unused prescription drugs for proper disposal. Event will take place in St. Luke’s parking lot. For information, contact Chuck or Kathy Miller at 871-4484.

INCLUSIVENESS MINISTRY Race Relations Study Circle Forming A race relations study circle consists of a diverse group of 12-14 people who gather for two hours once a week for five weeks to dialogue about race relations, guided by trained facilitators. Participants move from personal experience to considering multiple viewpoints to strategies for action. Honest conversation, greater understanding of the issue, and an opportunity for citizens to work together to improve their community are hallmarks of the experience. Materials are provided by Everyday Democracy, a national resource for similar programs throughout the country (

The next session starts Monday, April 11 and runs through Monday, May 9 from 6-8PM. Dinner is provided at the first session, and childcare is available. In order for the sessions to be most effective, we ask participants to commit to attending all five weeks. You must pre-register because we strive to make the groups equally diverse in age, gender and ethnicity. Contact Jayne Thorne for more information at or 846-3404 x358.

LATER@ST. LUKE’S Palm Sunday

Easter Worship Service!

You do not want to miss this extraordinary production on Palm Sunday at Later@St. Luke’s. Experience the wonderful music, movement and message about the crucifixion of Christ. Join us on April 17 at 6PM in Robertson Chapel.

Enjoy an evening of music related to the resurrection of our Jesus the Christ, with Dr. Marion Miller. You will hear songs such as “Joyful, Joyful,” “Mary, Did You Know,” and “Now Behold the Lamb.” April 24 at 6PM in Robinson Chapel.

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A Girl’s Gift, Inc.

Mission Possible Kids


A Girl's Gift, Inc. has welcomed 36 participants into its program this year! These girls have already taken part in workshops ranging from how to improve their self-esteem to how to bully proof themselves. They have also spent hours learning the steps to financial security, and have taken part in science experiments led by St. Luke's members in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) fields. Our upcoming workshops for April include sessions on: Dining/social etiquette, an exploration of the arts (music, theatre, dance, painting), our business plan competition, and the Girls Introduction To Society on Mother's Day. This year, the Girls are also taking part in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in honor of A Girl's Gift mentor, Deanna Dewberry (WISH-TV anchor) on Saturday, April 16. To join Team Deanna, contact dperry@ For more information on A Girl's Gift Inc., visit

Between the hours of 5-7PM on Sundays, kids in grades 1-5 are on a mission from God. The Mission Possible Kids program empowers kids to change the world through helping others. ••• Over 60 have registered and attend the MP Kids program, and we are now located in Fellowship Hall. This hands-on program gets kids excited about missions locally and around the world. Come join us for our next “top secret mission” and earn mission stars for your MP Kids T-shirts. All missions are held on Sunday evenings at the church, along with monthly field trips. A $20 agent registration fee (paid by parent) is required, which includes a T-shirt and lifetime membership to MP Kids. Contact Cathy Robinson at God has a mission for you, be there!


NEW! Sharing and Caring Ministry

The next Membership Class is Thursday, April 14, 6:30-9PM in the Parlor. Registration is encouraged and childcare is available upon request. Please contact Sylvia at 846-3404 x343 or forbess@ Go from “attender” to “member,” no matter how long you’ve been coming to St. Luke’s.

Sharing and Caring Ministry is something new which is being formed to reach out to our 12 Step Recovery members and friends. Currently regular meetings are being held on Tuesday evenings at 7PM in the Spiritual Life Center, with the exception of the third Tuesdays, when the meetings are held in W125. If you would like to come and provide input into forming this new ministry, please feel free to join us. For more information, contact Chuck or Kathy Miller at 871-4484.

St. Luke's 101 The Membership Commission, along with Adult Ministries, is offering a five-week class called St. Luke's 101. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about the programs and missions of St. Luke's. The series begins April 27 with a progressive dinner tour—we’ll eat our way around the building! Wednesdays, April 27-May 25, 6:30-8:30PM. The cost is $25, and scholarships are available. To register, contact Deanna at morand@stlukesumcocm or call 846-3404. Childcare is available on request.

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“How To” Workshops

Singles Ballroom Dance Lessons

This summer we will be offering two programs on Wednesday evenings. We'll be having joint meet-ups every Wednesday with Carmel UMC at the Carmel Gazebo Concerts, which are free. The second option you'll have is a "How To" Workshop. We want to give you a chance to learn a new "How To" for your life. Maybe it's something you don't know how to do, but wish you did: that's why we need to know what you want to learn "How To" do! So take this chance and submit your "How To's" to Chris at today!

Join our dance instructor, International Dance Champion Michael Fatyanov, as you learn all the moves you’ll need to dance the night away! See below for class listings, dates, times, and costs. Registration for this class is online for credit card ( on the Singles page), or contact DeAnna Moran to register and pay with check or cash. For more information, contact DeAnna Moran at INTERMEDIATE CLASS: Meets every Monday in April,

6:30-7:30PM in Fellowship Hall. (East Passage, 4/11) $40/person. BEGINNER CLASS: Meets every Monday in April,

7:30-8:30PM in Fellowship Hall. (East Passage, 4/11) $40/person.

SOCIAL JUSTICE Social Justice Commission The mission of the Social Justice Commission is to raise awareness and understanding of current social issues and to ground them in community programs to transform the world. Members of St. Luke’s are invited to participate in the open meetings scheduled monthly. Please call Jayne Thorne at 846-3404 x358, or look on the website for meeting dates and times.

SPIRITUAL LIFE CENTER To pre-register for a class, go to, or contact DeAnna Moran at 317-846-3404 x367 or Oasis = Oasis Bookstore and Gift Shop located inside St. Luke’s. Ongoing classes listed in the Extra Section. The Spiritual Life Center programs are open to all interested people without regard to their faith or religion.


Holy Week Prayer Vigil / Stations of the Cross

Spiritual Discipline Schedule:

Thursday, April 21, 8PM–Good Friday, April 22, 8PM in Fellowship Hall. This year our Holy Thursday–Good Friday Prayer Vigil has been enriched to include an opportunity to walk the Stations of the Cross. The Stations will surround the labyrinth in Fellowship Hall and will be available for 24 hours. A booklet will be available describing each station with a meditation on 14 events along Jesus' path on Holy Thursday until he is buried. In addition, the 24-hour Prayer Vigil will be enriched with opportunities to experience different spiritual disciplines.


You may sign up for an hour or half hour of individual prayer time by contacting DeAnna Moran at, 317-846-3404 x367. Everyone is welcome to come to the Prayer Chapel or Fellowship Hall anytime during this 24-hour Vigil.

Spiritual Drumming with Dane McCullough (FH) FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 8-9AM

Chanting with Karen Patrick (FH) FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 10-11AM

Labyrinth Walk with Stations of the Cross (FH) FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 11AM-NOON

Labyrinth Walk with Carol Dennis, flute FRIDAY, APRIL 22, FOLLOWING NOON SERVICE

Meditation with Merri Leffel (SLC) FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 6-7PM

Labyrinth Walk with Stations of the Cross

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New Perspectives

If you have always wanted to learn to meditate but aren’t sure how to begin, here is the class for you. Learn a simple, holistic way to quiet your heart, calm your mind and listen deeply. You will receive great benefits by giving 10-20 minutes a day to this discipline. Bring a blanket. Mondays, April 4-18, 1-2:30PM in the Spiritual Life Center. Registration required, limited to 12; no fee. Taught by Barbara Burke, Ed.D.

This on-going weekly class will explore Celtic Christianity using “Listening for the Heartbeat of God,” the work of J. Philip Newell, Celtic scholar and theologian. Sundays, 11AM in E105 (no class 4/24). Newcomers are always welcome.

Indoor Friday Labyrinth Walk Make space in your busy schedule for a time of meditation and prayer on our indoor canvas labyrinth. Fridays, 5-7PM, Fellowship Hall or N103/104. Candles, meditative music, a host/hostess available to answer questions. Walking Prayer is the perfect way to end your week and begin the weekend.


Religion, Meaning, Ethics & Ideas

Where can you find discussion about religion in America, the wisdom of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, the effect of torture on democracies, or how TV shows are modern-day parables? These topics and many more are discussed every Sunday morning in the Spiritual Life Center, 9:30-10:30AM. The time together is based on the American Public Media show “Being” (formerly “Speaking of Faith”). Meet new people, learn about current trends and ideas and energize yourself for the week to come. Led by Betty Brandt.


Happy Yoga Workshops If you are looking for physical and emotional healing, greater flexibility, strength, peace and happiness, this series of Happy Yoga workshops is for you. Each themed class will help you explore a way to get happier or get rid of something that’s making you unhappy. Participants will be able to keep track of their spiritual journey through a free electronic Happy Yoga journal or an $18 paper-based journal, both with 52 exercises. Everyone, including non-participants, is welcome to download the free e-book “Happy Sutra: 52 Surprising Ways to Get Happier” and the paywhat-you-want electronic journal at Happy Yoga is a lighthearted, demystified class for all levels, and Robin Howard’s special blend of yoga styles, uplifting and relaxing playlists, and wisdom from sages old and new will become your favorite time of the week. No experience required. Everybody welcome! Class sets of three, $30. Register to ensure your spot but drop-ins are welcome. Next series begins Thursdays, April 14, 21 & 28 or May 5, 12 & 19, 6:45-8PM in N103/104. Please bring a yoga mat or a small blanket.

Women’s Conquering Stress Mini Series Back by popular demand, an opportunity to prevent or alleviate stress. Participants will learn how to balance demands and resources and the “thought” management strategies to prevent unjustified guilt, dysfunctional anxiety, frustration and chronic anger/irritation. Learn how to maintain a grateful attitude and positive situation focusing in the most difficult circumstances. Sessions build on each other so attendance at each session is HIGHLY recommended. Taught by Brenda Lyons PhD, and Jane Backer PhD, Tuesdays, April 12-26, 6:30-9PM in E105. Registration required by April 4; fee $100. Maximum 12.


Developing Skills for Meditation


Healing of America Documentary

After reading T. R. Reid’s book The Healing of America, the Sunrise Book Study wants to expand the conversation by inviting the congregation to view and discuss the Frontline documentary based on the book. Join us to learn more about our healthcare system and the systems of other industrialized countries. Co-sponsored by the Health Ministry. Monday, April 11, 7-9PM in Fellowship Hall. No fee or registration. Donations appreciated.

Reiki I

Learn the ancient healing art of Reiki (pronounced ray-key), a healing technique that can support the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Experience balance and harmony in your body, mind and spirit. Embrace inner peace and release tension. Taught by Sandy Clark, Sunday, April 10, 1-6PM in N103/104. Registration required by calling Sandy, 317-253-8587. Fee: $150.

Reiki II

Open to all those who have completed Reiki I. Taught by Sandy Clark, Sunday, April 17, 1-6PM in N103/104. Registration required by calling Sandy, 317-253-8587. Fee: $150.

Magnified Healing

Magnified Healing™ utilizes meditation, breath, sound and movement to actively and consciously engage the seeker in his/her own healing process. This class is for those on their own personal healing journey as well as for those experienced practitioners wishing to take their work to another level. Taught by Sandy Clark, Tuesday, April 12, 6-9:30PM in C110. Register with Sandy at 317-253-8587. Fee: $75 plus $30 for materials.

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Studio 3 Art Ministry for Artists and Dabblers Come meet others who are interested in sharing spiritual and artistic interests while building an art community at St. Luke’s. Bring your favorite medium and spend the day working, sharing and laughing. Thursdays, 9AM-4PM in C122. For questions or information, email Linda Etherton at

Call to Artists –“The Jesus I Have Known” EXHIBIT IN APRIL The Gallery in April will feature visual expressions of the St. Luke’s Lenten theme, “The Jesus (or Jesuses) You Have Known.” This exhibit will help visitors explore the question of who Jesus is and how we experience him in our lives. Artists of all ages and abilities, all mediums and styles are invited to email LorieLee Andrews ( for drop-off instructions and information about how many pieces you wish to submit and the size of your work. Your work must be ready to hang with a horizontal wire on the back. Pieces will be hung on Friday, April 1 after 2PM.

Studio 3 Art Ministry April Workshop Award-winning watercolor artist Barbara Stark offers a daylong workshop, “Negative Painting and Water in Watercolors” on Thursday, April 21 at 10AM in C122. After a lunch break, you will have the afternoon to practice the techniques Barbara shares. The workshop is open to all. Bring your own favorite weight watercolor paper and paints and pitch-in for lunch. No registration or fee. Limited supplies will be available through Studio 3. If you would like further information or have questions, contact Linda Etherton,

“For the Next 7 Generations” Documentary In 2004, 13 Indigenous Grandmothers from all four corners of the Earth, moved by their visions and concern for our planet, came together at a historic gathering where they decided to form an alliance: the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers. A documentary film, “For the Next 7 Generations,” chronicles the Grandmothers as they travel to New Mexico and South Dakota, India to see the Dalai Lama and Gabon, Mexico and Italy, galvanizing thousands of people who respond to their message of both urgent need and drastic hope. The Grandmothers help people connect to what they call the sacredness of the web of life. “And once people make that shift in their own consciousness, it affects their behavior enormously,” says Hart, whose film has been generating a buzz since its premiere. Audiences are often moved to tears; a wonderful message for Earth Day AND Mother’s Day. Friday, April 29 in Fellowship Hall: 6:30-7PM. Native American Market; 7-8:30PM—showing of film; 8:30-9PM. No reservations required to attend. Childcare will be available, but reservations must be made by Thursday, April 21 by contacting Betty Brandt (, 846-3404x339). Donation for childcare and movie appreciated. Sponsored by the Spiritual Life Center, the Green Ministry, the Inclusiveness Team, and the Social Advocacy, Justice & Ethnic Ministries of the Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church. For more info:, and also go to

Carrie Newcomer Returns to St. Luke’s in May One of St. Luke’s favorite people, Carrie Newcomer, returns in concert on Saturday, May 21, at 7:30PM in Robertson Chapel. Carrie is a singer/songwriter who has a gift for melody and a storyteller’s heart. The “Before and After” concert will benefit the Dad's Group— men who have experienced the tragic death of a child ( Tickets are available now at ($18), or for $25 at the door.

UNITED METHODIST MEN Men’s Breakfast All men are invited to the United Methodist Men's monthly breakfast on Saturday, April 2 at 8AM in Fellowship Hall. We offer a hearty breakfast, fellowship, sharing and an interesting program. The April program will be our own Rev. Dave Williamson speaking on the topic of the "Upside-down Kingdom" from the Temptations of Christ.

Then on May 7 at 8AM, Dr. Martin Kaefer will be the guest presenter at breakfast. He will talk about his medical mission trips to Guatemala. Martin not only gives so graciously of his talents and time, but he has involved his children in the trips as well. Please call Jim Thorne at 255-8562 to RSVP for both events. This will assist in planning and allow for the correct amount of food.

Theology Unplugged The Only Way? One of the most difficult questions that Christians must wrestle with is the problem posed by other religions. Jesus claimed to be "the way, the truth, and the light." Christians believe that he is the very Son of God, a claim that by its very nature is exclusive to other religions--i.e., it implies that other faiths don't have the full truth of God. So how do we approach those of other faiths with respect, and yet stay true to our own convictions? What do we believe about how God views those who worship Him by different names and believe very different things about Him? Join us at the Rusty Bucket at 8:30PM on Wednesday, April 20 for the conversation. RSVP to Matt Roop at or 538-5931.

UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Race for the Cure Mark your calendars—Saturday, April 16 is the annual Race for the Cure in downtown Indianapolis. Registration is open online at To join our team, select St. Luke’s United Methodist Women under “find a team.” Please join us for this worthy and inspirational cause!

UMW Rummage Sale—April 27-30 Spring is on its way and so is the Rummage Sale! Drop off ALL donations (large and small) at the Great Hall Wednesday April 27 and Thursday April 28 from 8AM-6PM, or Friday April 29 from 8AM-Noon. Come shop the Members’ Sale Friday the 29th from 6-8PM, or the Public Sale Saturday the 30th from 8-3PM. Rummage sale proceeds benefit local and national missions, St. Luke’s Children’s Ministries, and our UMW. Unsold items are distributed to charities. ••• Want first pick? Volunteers are needed Wed-Fri from 8AM-6PM for sorting and set up. Cashiers and workers are needed on sale days, from 5:45-8:15PM on Friday, and 7:45AM3:15PM on Saturday. Or, be a part of the clean-up crew Saturday from 3-5PM. Youth volunteers are welcome after school or on Saturday—you can count the time as community service hours. Volunteer for two hours or stay the whole day! Contact Regan Summers at

UMW Reading Group This month's reading selection is Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption, by Laura Hillenbrand. Unbroken is the inspiring true story of a man who lived through a series of catastrophes almost too incredible to be believed. From a juvenile-delinquent-turnedOlympic runner-turned-Army hero (who served in WWII, was captured by the Japanese, and spent time as a POW), we will examine the life of Louie Zamperini through this wellresearched, page-turning account. We will meet on Monday, April 25, from 7-8:30PM in the Parlor. Newcomers welcome. For information, contact Jennifer Todd at

••• Buy a UMW Cookbook for Mother’s Day••• Available Sunday, May 1 in the West Passage.


Eve Circle

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On Tuesday, April 5 from 9:30-11:30AM, we will have a Spring Break play date with our children. Meet in the Great Hall and we will move out onto the playground. Join us again on April 19 from 9:30-11:30AM to clean up the outdoor labyrinth and children’s library. Wear comfy shoes and clothes. ••• Eve Circle is a UMW group of mothers with young children that meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month (with a few exceptions) from 9:30-11:30AM in the Parlor. Free childcare is available by contacting For information regarding Eve Circle, contact Jessica Mason at

New Life Circle

Join us Tuesday, April 19, at 7PM in the Spiritual Life Center for “When We Survey the Cross” with Terri Coe, Director of Adult Ministries. Discuss the importance of the cross within Christianity, the various shapes of crosses and their meaning, and finally, what it means to live in the “shadow” of the cross. For information call Nancy at 255-1226 or Cathy at 334-7821. New Life Circle is a gathering of single, divorced and widowed women of all ages.

Mary Magdalene Circle

We will meet in the Spiritual Life Center on April 13 at 7PM. Betty Brandt will speak about St. Luke's Green Ministry. Guests and new members are welcome. Questions, contact Nancy Keller at 842-5909 or Elizabeth Keller at 594-9544.

Sarah Circle

We will meet Monday, April 18 at 1PM. Our guest speaker will be Dottie Warner with Frazee Gardens, discussing spring gardening. Sarah Circle is a group of “mature” ladies with diverse backgrounds. The group meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 1PM in the Parlor. Sarah Circle is also in charge of the church funeral dinners. For information contact Karen Porter at 849-4524 or or Pat Amrhien at 841-3873 or

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White Cross Guild White Cross Guild provides volunteers to participate in activities supporting Methodist Hospital. Meets at Methodist Medical Plaza, 151 Pennsylvania Parkway (103rd/Meridian) in the first floor community room. They meet the 2nd Monday of each month from 9AM-2PM (next meeting: April 11) to prepare gauze squares used in surgery (bring your lunch). They also meet the 4th Tuesday of each month (next meeting: April 26) from 13PM to stuff and sew heart pillows for patients who have had heart or lung surgery. Contact Marguerite Moehn (873-1956) or Barb Querry (879-0543).

WORLD MISSIONS Upcoming Work Projects The following is partial listing of work projects you can participate in this year. For a complete listing, visit the World Missions page at, or pick up a brochure in the West Passage in the World Missions area. Questions? Contact Jan Nichols at 846-3404 x364 or

June 26–July 2

July 10–15

August 2011

“Tree of Life” – Rosebud, SD Native American Family Work Project LEADER: Kathie Clemenz, 845-5655, COST: $300 (+transportation)

Memphis, TN Construction maintenance/Humanitarian CO-LEADERS: Al Dalton, 849-7736, and Adele Hoskin, 299-3302, COST: $150

Fondwa, Haiti UMM sponsored - Construction LEADER: David Williamson, 846-3404 x385 Cost: $750 + ticket price (approx. $650)



This retreat takes place April 8 and 9. We’ll be meeting up with other young adults from the Indianapolis area and around the state at Fishers UMC for a time of spiritual growth led by Bishop Michael Coyner, worship led by J.J. Heller (, and a time of fellowship. The retreat starts at 6:30PM on Friday and ends Saturday at 6PM. Cost is $30/person. For more information or to register, please email Chris at

Are you on Facebook? Good, so are we! Find us at “St. Luke’s UMC—Young Adult Community.”

College Age Ministries’ Visits APRIL 4: Indiana University APRIL 18: Purdue University.

If you are college age and would like to connect, or keep up with what is happening, check out our Facebook group, “St. Luke’s UMC - College Students.”

YOUTH MINISTRIES Register for any event at

UPCOMING EVENTS APRIL 24: Easter Sunrise Service, 6:30AM, Robertson Chapel APRIL 30-MAY 1: Jr. High Spring Retreat to Bradford Woods.

Cost is $95. Register with $40 non-refundable deposit due by April 10 at For questions, contact Ryan McGee, 846.3404 x346 MAY 22: Year-End Party, 6PM

SUMMER 2011 MISSION TRIPS JUNE 19-24: Jr. High to Newport, TN. Cost is $440.

Parent meeting: 6/8/11. Limited space available For questions or to register, contact Ryan McGee at 846-3404 x346. JUNE 26-JULY 1: Sr. High to Lincoln County, WV.

Cost is $450. Parent meeting: 6/8/11. For questions or to register, contact Stephanie Eft at 846-3404 x369. JULY 9-16: Fondwa, Haiti. Cost is $1500.

The following is a listing of essential info and on-going classes/events.


HOURS: St. Luke’s office is open 8:30AM-5PM Monday-Friday. Our Prayer Chapel (located inside Robertson Chapel next to the Spiritual Life Center) is available for silent prayer and meditation when the church is open. A pastor is always on call in case of emergencies; call 846-3404 to leave a message after hours.

E-MAIL: Need to email someone on our staff? Easy. Our email is our last name followed immediately by first initial, followed by

IN GENERAL: When you need something, our outstanding front desk staff can direct your call to the appropriate person. But here are some tips for some of the most frequently requested information: I NEED


Adult Class Registration

DeAnna Moran

Childcare Needs for Meetings/Events (charges may apply)

Kristi Chamberlain

Member Care/Death/ Mary Katherine Schnitz Stephen Ministry Request/Hospitalization Membership/Births/Address/ Phone Change

Sylvia Forbes

Reserve a Room/Request A/V

Beth Lammers or Carol Helmus

Weddings/Special Event Coordination

Carol Helmus


Bobbi Main-Jackson

Pledge Balance/Information

Finance Office

Oasis Bookstore

Sharon Holyoak

Sunday Worship Services 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM, Sanctuary with Dr. Kent Millard • Communion is served the first Sunday of the month at all three services and is available to all persons. • St. Luke’s Orchestra plays the third Sunday of the month. • Baptisms take place the fourth Sunday of every month.

Family Fuel, Every Sunday morning at 10:45AM in the Great Hall. A fun, interactive worship service for elementary-aged children and their families to experience together. Led by Rev. Jamalyn Peigh Williamson. Taizé, Third Sundays of the month, 5-5:45PM by the baptismal font in the Sanctuary with musical community and Rev. Marsha Hutchinson. A service of peace and candlelight with silence, scriptures, prayer, and beautiful music. Later@St. Luke’s, Sundays, 6PM in Robertson Chapel with Dr. Marion Miller. Come hear contemporary Christian, gospel and jazz music featuring the Later Band and Vocals, along with a challenging, thought-provoking message. Holy Communion served every Sunday. The Garden is an off-site satellite ministry of St. Luke’s providing non-traditional worship in a comfortable, casual setting. Dr. Linda McCoy, Pastor. The Garden at Beef & Boards: 8:15, 9:15 & 10:15AM every Sunday; music provided by The Good Earth Band. The Garden at Oak Hill: 10:15AM every Sunday; music provided by The Oak Hill Band. Rev. Stan Abell, Campus Pastor. The Garden Unplugged: 9AM every Sunday at Oak Hill with Rev. Stan Abell.

S U P P O R T I N G T H E M I N I S T R I E S O F S T. L U K E ’ S U M C

Inspirational Gifts, Jewelry & Books Conveniently located inside St. Luke’s UMC Sharon Holyoak, Manager Gift Registry Available




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A Listening Heart: Bible Study for Women with Young Children

Mothers of Young Children Book Club

2nd and 4th Mondays, 7-9PM in, E212. Childcare is available upon request. Listening Heart will focus on the book of Acts. This study will be led by Jamalyn Peigh Williamson. New members always welcome. For info, contact Ann Smith, 5691359 or, or Kari Miller, 873-8606 or

2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 9:30–11:30AM, E105. Participants in this group read approximately one piece of current fiction or non-fiction per month. Childcare is available upon request for $5 per family. For book list, to request childcare, or for info contact Regan Summers at

Flo Hardy Bible Study

Thursdays, 7-8:30PM, Spiritual Life Center. This study discusses innovative and challenging spiritual books. Contact JoAnne Waeltz, 872-0895,, for current title.

1st & 3rd Mondays, 9AM in the Spiritual Life Center. Join others in coffee, prayer, reading and discussion of selected Biblical texts...just like we did in the "good ole days!" (with occasional “non good ole days” videos). Led by Rev. Marsha Hutchinson.

New Earth Community

Ongoing “Being” Discussion

This group focuses on non-fiction books with spiritual themes every Tuesday afternoon, 1-2:30PM in the Spiritual Life Center. Contact JoAnne Waeltz, 872-0895,

Every Sunday morning at 7AM on FM90/1, Krista Tippett interviews spiritual leaders. A community of “Being (formerly Speaking of Faith)” fans meets at 9:30AM in the Spiritual Life Center to discuss that morning’s program. The show is available on the prior Thursday at

Sunrise Book Study

Ongoing Meditation Group

Wednesdays, 7-8:30AM, Parlor. Start your day with friends, prayer, a good book, stimulating discussion and personal enrichment. Current book is When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present. Contact Betty Brandt at (317) 846-3404 or

Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome to join in 1/2 hour discussion followed by 1/2 hour of Christian meditation. You will find support for your practice, new ideas and a community of others who welcome silence. Led by Merri Leffel, Mondays, 6:30-7:30PM in the Spiritual Life Center. No fee or registration.

George Vickery Men’s Discussion Group

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Wednesdays, 8AM at Shapiro’s. Discuss current events or the latest book of interest you have read. For more information, call Bob Waeltz at 872-0895.

Kent Millard’s Book Study

Tuesdays, 1-3PM in W120. Prayerful volunteers who like to knit or crochet and love the fellowship of working together make prayer shawls for those needing to be wrapped in God’s healing love. Tasks for non-knitters too. Contact Donna Cripe (317-280-7806).

Wednesdays, 10-11:30AM in the Parlor. Join this group for a time of prayer and fellowship as well as the sharing of insights.

Crochet Guild

Tuesday Afternoon Women's Spiritual Book Study

Wednesday Morning Bible Study Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30AM, The Forum at The Crossing. An off-site senior adult Bible Study. Led by Terri Coe, Mary Katherine Schnitz, Chris Thornsberry and several other St. Luke’s lay members.

If you are interested in learning to crochet or enriching your crocheting experience, please come meet with other enthusiasts. Expect special charity projects and fellowship. Every 1st Saturday, 10AM-Noon in E107/109. No registration. For more information contact Edie Huffman, at, or 228-0496.

Thursday Afternoon Book Study Thursdays, 1-2:30PM, Parlor. Join this afternoon group to read and discuss a diverse selection of reading materials. The group also enjoys lunches, watching movies, taking field trips and celebrating birthdays together. Class facilitator is Phyllis Bybee. For more information, contact Sylvia Forbes at 8463404 or


Empty-Nesters Sundays (except holidays), 9:30-10:30AM in the Parlor. Read, watch, and discuss contemporary and traditional books and videos. We also gather once a month for social activities. For more information, contact Ann Townsend at 842-0464.

New Beginnings

Ongoing Qigong Classes

Sundays, Sept.-May (except holidays), 9:30-10:30AM in E213. A self-led couples class that meets weekly and discusses a variety of topics. We have regular social gatherings as well! For more information, contact Nathan or Paula Montgomery at n8withan8@gmail. com, or 340-7115.

Qigong (Chee-Gung) is an amazing set of gentle exercises similar to Tai Chi which help to enhance and maintain one’s overall health. It is a self-healing practice used to recover from illness, relieve stress, lower blood pressure, increase blood circulation and reduce chronic pain. Thursdays, 10:30-11:30AM in Luke’s Lodge, upstairs. No registration; $10/session. Taught by Amy Barr.

New Perspectives on Sunday Morning Sundays, 11AM-Noon in E105. This class explores the work of religious scholars who are giving voice to reimagining the essence of Christianity. Bring your questions about the church, religion and faith to this non-judgmental conversation in search of alternative answers and paths to experiences of the Holy. Scott Severns and Bruce Roberts, Leaders.

Aikido Training This discipline uses martial training as a means of character development rather than fighting prowess. Open to men and women. Come observe a class, or email through the Web site at Adult classes Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 7-9PM, Saturdays, 8-10AM. All classes in N103/104.


Guided Meditations Kent Millard, Scott Semester, Barbara Burke and Carol Ernst have recorded guided meditations to help you develop your meditation skills. Just go to and google “Guided Meditations,” then click on “Prayer and Meditation.” You will be able to hear and participate as often as you want to, or download onto your iPod or CD. If you would like to purchase a CD, they are available in Oasis for $10.

“Drum On” Circle Live with Vibrancy, Rhythm and Passion. All are invited to experience an hour of drumming every 4th Wednesday, April 27. Led by Dane McCullough, Modular Building, 6:30-7:30PM. Drums are provided or bring your own. No experience necessary.

CARE MINISTRIES Stephen Ministry Stephen Ministry is a lay ministry designed to support someone in time of crisis or difficulty. Stephen Ministers are trained to be good listeners. They are nonjudgmental friends. If you would like to speak to a Stephen Minister or would like more information about the program, please contact Mary Katherine Schnitz at 846-3404 x 365 or, or see the St. Luke’s website under Member Care.

Chronic Pain Support Group


Monday, April 18, 6-7:30PM in N101/102. This is a support group for patients with all types of neuropathic and fibromyalgia pain and for their families and friends. No registration is required. Questions? Contact Dr. Meg Frazer at 844-2903 or

Ongoing Integral Hatha Daytime Yoga

Diabetes Support Group

Mondays, March 7-April 25, 7:30 & 9:30AM; and Thursdays, March 10-April 28, 8:30AM in N101/102. $96 or Walk-ins/$15 for either session. Registration suggested, taught by Marsha Pappas. Classes continue on May 9 & 12.

Meets the first Tuesday of the month from 7-8PM, E213. Next meetings: April 5 and May 3. This is a laidback, easygoing group open to learning and sharing through exercise, diet and prayer. Contact Debbie Allen Wagner at 796-2189.

“Pay What You Can” Happy Yoga

Family Support Group

Open to all, regardless of your finances or yoga experience. Find your strength and happiness through poses, breath and meditation. Taught by Robin Howard. Mondays and Thursdays, 5:30-6:30PM in N103/104. No registration or fee; donations appreciated. Bring a mat AND blanket.

Wednesdays at 6:30PM, April 13 and May 11 in the Conference Room. The group offers emotional and spiritual support for families who have a member abusing drugs or alcohol.

Adult ADD Support Group Tuesdays, April 12 & 26, 7-8:30PM in E213. St. Luke’s offers support for adults with ADD. For information call Mary Katherine at 846-3404 x365.

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Jesse’s Street


Meets the 3rd Monday of every month, 6:30-8PM in the Parlor. Next meeting: April 18. For parents who have a child with a physical, mental or emotional disability. Register for childcare by contacting Sylvia Forbes. Leaders: Kevin & Hillary McCarley, 850-1637.

(H.U.G.S.)—Healing Under Grief Support. When we lose a loved one, our highly competitive society often values the “quick fix” to keep up the frenzied pace and urges us to “get over it and move on.” However, in order to journey through the grief process with grace and healthy functioning, human beings need to take time to learn about grief and the factors that complicate our natural responses. It is important to find meaning in loss and to find connection with others who are walking the same journey.

Care Committee If you know of someone, confined to their home or health care center, call Mary Katherine at 846-3404 x365. The Care Committee makes monthly visits.

CHILDREN’S MUSIC Vocal and handbell groups are available for children of various ages. At least one Children’s Music group sings the second Sunday of each month in the Sanctuary at the 9:30 and 11AM services. All groups sing at various services and programs throughout the year, including the St. Luke’s Christmas Concert, the 3PM Christmas Eve Service, Palm Sunday and outreach programs. For information, contact Debra Nethercott, Children’s Music Director, at or 846-3404 x329, or visit All rehearsals are held in E208. GENESIS (ages 4 - kindergarten) Rehearsal: Sundays 8:50 - 9:20AM ELEMENTARY (grades 1 - 5) Rehearsal: Sundays 10:25 - 11:15AM

Dad’s Grief Group for Loss of a Child Meets Tuesday mornings for breakfast at 7AM at the Hilton Indianapolis North Hotel, 8181 N. Shadeland Ave. SECOND LOCATION/DAY: Thursdays, 7AM at Bob Evans (135 and Main St., Greenwood). For more information call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson, 846-3404 x315.

HOPE For pregnancy loss or loss of a baby. Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7PM, Spiritual Life Center. Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson, 846-3404 x315 or Jim & Marci Harenberg, 705-0771. ••• We are now taking orders for family name plaques to be placed in the HOPE Memorial Garden.

NEW GROUP! Mom's Group following the Loss of a Young Adult Child Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson for more information at 8463404 x315.

HUGS Group (for fellowship and support following the loss of a husband, wife or significant other) Meets Sundays, 24PM in the Parlor. The group goes out for light supper following the meeting (optional). Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson for details at 846-3404 x315.

ELEMENTARY BELL CHOIR (grades 3 - 5) Rehearsal: Sundays 11:15AM - Noon


CRESCENDO! (grades 6 - 9) Rehearsal: Tuesdays 7-8PM

An opportunity for lay people who would like to become a mentor to someone who is recently bereaved. For information call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson, 846-3404 x 315.

CHORISTERS (grades 3 - 9 by audition) Rehearsal: Tuesdays 6:30-7:15PM VOICE FOR LIFE (grades 3 - 9) Class: Tuesdays 6-6:30PM

FELLOWSHIP Elderberries Euchre The Elderberries Euchre party will be Saturday, April 16 at 7PM in the Parlor. Please bring a snack to share. Contact Adra Wheeler at 253-4914 or 846-3404 with questions.

MUSIC MINISTRIES CHANCEL CHOIR, rehearses Thursdays 7:30-9PM in E200. New members welcomed periodically throughout the season. Contact Member Chair Carol Tully ( or Director Mark Squire at JOYFUL SOUND, rehearses Thursdays 6:30-7:30PM in E208, singing 8:15AM service twice a month. Contact Director Charles Manning at

TAIZE MUSICAL COMMUNITY. Small vocal and instrumental ensemble serving at monthly Taize service (5-5:45PM), rehearses one hour before each service. Contact Music Director Mark Squire at squirem@

Singles Café Join us every Wednesday for fantastic guest speakers and great presentations. Our doors open at 7PM and the program begins at 7:30.

Movie and Dinner Night ST. LUKE'S ORCHESTRA. Under the direction of Bob Zehr, the Orchestra plays the third Sunday of every month at all three morning Sanctuary services, September through June. Rehearsals are Thursdays, 7:15-9PM. Contact Margaret Spilker at msspilker@ for more information.

Join Gary Pratt every third Friday at the movies. We’ll meet at a local theater at 6:30PM, take in a movie, then head to a restaurant for dinner and discussion. For more information, email Chris at thornsberryc@ This month we’ll be meeting at Castleton AMC.

WESLEYAN RINGERS. Advanced ringers rehearse weekly on Wednesday, 6:30–8PM. Contact Director Mike Keller at, for information.

Singles Euchre Social

JOYFUL RHYTHMS. An intergenerational handbell ensemble with flair! Rehearses Mondays, 6:45-8PM. For more information, contact Director Marsha Coyner at

Join us the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month for our Singles Euchre Social. We meet in the Parlor at 6:30PM for light snacks, euchre, and lots of fun! Prizes are given away to the top hands. $3 admission for this evening. For more information, please contact Chris Thornsberry at

Volleyball Volleyball meets every Wednesday at 6:30PM, and Friday at 6:30PM in the Great Hall. The cost to play is $2. For info, email Tim Adams at

SINGLES Singles Sunday Morning Gathering Join us each Sunday morning at 11AM in E107/109 for our Singles small group, The Gathering. Singles 40 and up meet together to learn more about the scripture, study spiritual books, share stories, and journey through life together. This class is led by Sandy Harlan, Associate Director of Clergy Services for the Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Sunday Lunch Bunch Every Sunday, 12:30PM. Feel free to join us at these locations on the below dates for some fun, food, and fantastic times! APRIL 3: Yen Ching (Michigan Road) APRIL 10: Abeulos (Trader’s Point) APRIL 17: Chili’s (82nd St.) APRIL 24: Binkley’s (College Ave.)

Sunday Night Singles Join Singles before, during and after the Later@St. Luke’s worship services (Sundays, 6PM in Robertson Chapel). Contact Chris Thornsberry, Associate Director of Adult Education at thornsberryc@, or Dr. Marion Miller at

AFTER Later@St. Luke’s Fun Filled Activities (2nd and 4th Sundays). APRIL 10: Steak N Shake (86th and Westfield) APRIL 24: Granite City (96th and Meridian)

Toastmasters Tuesdays, 7-8:30PM in N101/102. For more than 84 years Toastmasters International has offered effective ways to improve communication and leadership skills. Guests attend for free. For info, call Cathy Baker at 334-7821, or visit

New Life Circle This group of single, divorced and widowed women of all ages meets one evening a month for a time of fellowship and informative, fun programs! See information about New Life Circle in the United Methodist Women section.

SPORTS St. Luke's Men's Basketball Open Gym For adult basketball enthusiasts (16+) who are looking to play friendly pick-up games on Thursday nights from 7:30-9:30PM in the Great Hall. Weekly emails are sent out to confirm players for the week. Please contact Chris Lemming at 595-8545 or email chris.lemming for more information.

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april 2011

Volleyball This coed sport plays on Monday evenings in the Great Hall September-April. Players of all ages and abilities are welcome. Play is competitive but friendly—no spiking or over-hand serves. For more information contact Brent Scott at 875-9382 or Cost is $20/player.

Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM at the Lodge. WIRED is our time for students in 6th-8th grade to connect to each other and to God. We want all students to feel welcome and encourage them to bring their friends! The mornings will introduce the day's topic focus around large group time, big music, big teaching and big fun. APRIL 3: TBD APRIL 10: "THE CROSS." The cross isn’t just where


Jesus died. It is where we come to die with Him. APRIL 17: See April 10. APRIL 24: No WIRED, EASTER

reFresh Meets every Sunday at 11AM at Starbucks (9545 N. Meridian). Journey together in a time of studying our faith, spirituality, the Bible and how these things apply to our everyday lives. Whether single, dating or married, join us!

reNew Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7PM in Luke’s Lodge. Eat some snacks, talk about life, faith, spirituality, other topics and how they affect our everyday lives as young adults. Whether you’re single, dating or married, we’d love to have you.

YOUTH MINISTRIES We invite students 6th-12th grade to join us on Sunday mornings and Sunday nights. We offer a wide range of environments to connect with students. For information or event registration, stop by Luke's Lodge (the youth building in the NE corner of church parking lot), visit, or contact: Kevin Davis, Director of Youth Ministry; 846-3404 x326 Stephanie Eft, Associate Director of Youth Ministry; 846-3404 x369 Ryan McGee, Associate Director of Youth Ministry; 846-3404 x346

Sundays, 6-7:30PM at the Lodge. AMPED is a time for 6th-8th grade students to focus in small groups. In the morning, students get introduced to the topic and connected at WIRED. Then in the evening, they get "amped," picking up where Sunday morning left off. It is a time designed to dive into more depth with the topic so that students can "amp" up and let their lives do the talking. Students experience games, small groups, teaching, and intimate and reflective worship. APRIL 3: Combined Super Youth Group Party! APRIL 24: No AMPED, EASTER

WEEKLY SR.HIGH OFFERINGS (9-12th grade) ••• No Wake Ups or LIVE! on Easter Sunday, April 24.

Wake Up with Starbucks at the Lodge Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM. This group will meet at the Lodge Cafe for those who want fellowship and discussion on the church campus. Each meeting includes Starbucks coffee, donuts and great discussion. Topics are to be determined, but may include current events, Bible passages and characters, sports, music and movies, etc. All senior high students and their friends are welcome.

Wake Up at the Big House Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM in N103/104 (main building). This Sunday morning offering will provide servant and leadership development for those who are planning on attending our summer mission trips.

LIVE! at the Lodge WEEKLY JR.HIGH OFFERINGS (6-8th grade)

Confirmation Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM at the Lodge APRIL 3: No Confirmation - Spring Break APRIL 10: No Confirmaiton - Spring Break APRIL 17: Our Story APRIL 24: No Confirmation - EASTER

Sundays, 6-7:30PM. We will meet for games, fellowship, faith discussion and worship. Not sure about your faith and want to check out what it's all about a little more or hang out with friends? This is for you! On fire for God and wanting to dig deeper in your faith? This is for you! Experiencing doubts and wanting to discuss them more with friends you can trust? This is for you! Let's LIVE life together and in tune! APRIL 3: Combined Super Youth Group Party!

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