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St. Luke’s Singles Present
Strawberries & Jazz Wednesday, June 16, 6:30PM, Modular Building Parking Lot Strawberry Shortcake • Live Music • Fellowship and Fun Featuring live performances by Indy Jazz artist sizzling Gregg Bacon $7 admission, Bring a blanket or chair to relax during the cool night and great music! ••• Event will be held in the Great Hall if it rains or due to extreme heat
JUNE 2010
COMMUNION Summer T.I.M.E.: Time for Recreation & Re-Creation JUNE 1
National Go Barefoot Day
Sr. Hi. Cookout at Headington’s
UMM Breakfast with guest speaker Brad Stevens, 8AM, Great Hall
Jr. Hi. - King’s Island Trip Family History Day
Genealogy Class sponsored by Adult Ed
Nature Photography Day
Strawberries and Jazz 6:30PM, St. Luke’s Parking Lot
Summer Splash
Celebration of the Senses
Phil Gulley, 7PM “If the Church Were Christian”
Summertime. The longest days of the year! How will we spend them? Playing ball? Gardening? Vacationing? Helping others? Spending time with family and friends? Our “Together in Ministry Everyday” (T.I.M.E.) theme reminds us of the importance of play, rest, laughter, spontaneity and relaxation. We’re invited to soak up more than the rays of the sun—we’re invited to stop, look and enjoy life! We’re encouraged to be intentional with how we experience renewal of mind, body & spirit. During JUNE, JULY and AUGUST, we’ll publish a list of special days such as “National Go Barefoot Day” and “Chocolate Day” as well as St. Luke’s sponsored events like “Summer Splash” and “Strawberries and Jazz.” As you are able, join the fun! May this summer be for all of us, a time of wonder, joy, and renewal.
Phil Gulley Returns To St. Luke’s—Save The Date! Phil Gulley has written a new book, If the Church Were Christian. He comes to us on Friday, June 25, 7:30PM in the Sanctuary to talk about his provocative ideas. Evening includes Q & A and book signing. If you have read his other “grace” books, you know you don’t want to miss this evening. Tickets ($10) at www.stlukesumc.com, in the main office M-F, 8:30AM-5PM, and at the door.
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St. Luke’s is an open
community of Christians gathering to seek, celebrate, live and share the love of God for all creation. We envision being transformed by God and
transforming the world
into a
compassionate, just, inclusive, Christ-like community. This issue lists upcoming events June 2010 through mid-July. The deadlines for submitting announcements for the 2010 COMMUNION MONTHLY: June 7 for July issue (publishes 6/27) July 12 for August issue (publishes 8/1)
a publication of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church 100 W. 86th St., Indianapolis, IN 46260 317.846.3404 • www.stlukesumc.com A PDF version of this publication is available online. Send your announcements to Lori Crantford at crantfordl@stlukesumc.com or leave them in her mailbox in the main office. Notices of births, deaths and weddings should be given to Sylvia Forbes (forbess@stlukesumc.com or 846-3404 x343) and can be left with her weekly to be published in the Worship Guide.
All classes, events and groups are open to all; church membership or affiliation are not required for participation. WELCOME TO ST. LUKE’S!
Senator George McGovern at St. Luke’s
To pre-register for a class, go to www.stlukesumc.com/getinvolved/classes, or contact DeAnna Moran at 317-846-3404 x367 or at morand@stlukesumc.com. Oasis = Oasis Bookstore and Gift Shop located inside St. Luke’s.
St. Luke’s welcomes Senator George McGovern to St. Luke’s on Sunday, June 6. He will be speaking at all three morning worship services. Senator McGovern was appointed in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy as the worldwide director of the Food for Peace program, and he remained a longtime leader in ensuring nutrition and food security as a means to fight poverty and political instability. McGovern was appointed United Nations ambassador on World Hunger in 2001. In 2008, he and Senator Bob Dole were named the 2008 World Food Prize Laureates for their work to promote school-feeding programs globally. He will speak on the topic of world hunger while at St. Luke’s. Also, copies of his book Ending Hunger Now, co-authored with Senator Bob Dole and Donald Messer, will be available for purchase and signing, as will McGovern’s latest book, Abraham Lincoln.
Passing on Family Legacies One Story at a Time Sunday, June 13, 11AM-Noon, Spiritual Life Center Summer is a time to sit outside under the stars and tell family stories that have been passed down through the generations. Join Wendy Loker, a local family therapist, as she teaches us to draw a Family Genogram. By charting our family tree, we will remember our roots and the family legends that help define who we are today. Slowing down our busy-ness to share our unique histories together may encourage our children to honor these stories and celebrate our diversity within the St. Luke's family.
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Discussion Options: • Thursdays: June 3, 10, 17, and 24, 1-2:30PM in the Parlor Facilitator: Phyllis Bybee, St. Luke’s Member • Sundays: June 6, 13, 20, and 27, 11AM-Noon in the Parlor Facilitator: Terri Coe, Director of Adult Ministries • Tuesdays: June 8, 15, and 22. 7-8:30 PM in E105 Facilitator: Dr. D. Bruce Roberts, Professor Emeritus of Congregational Education and Leadership, Christian Theological Seminary • Wednesdays: June 9, 16, 23, and 30, 10:30-11:30AM at Lulu’s Café (86th Street and Ditch) Facilitator: Julia Johnson, Executive Director of Ministries
CARE MINISTRIES Stephen Ministry
Quaker minister Philip Gulley, author of If Grace Is True and If God Is Love, returns with If the Church Were Christian, a challenging and thought-provoking examination of the author’s vision for today’s church if Christians truly followed the core values of Jesus Christ. While many denominations claim to be growing, the largest group in American religious life is the disillusioned—people who have been involved in the church yet see few similarities between the church's life and the person of Jesus. If the church were Christian, Gulley argues, affirming our potential would be more important than condemning our brokenness. If the church were Christian, inviting questions would be valued more than supplying answers. If the church were Christian, meeting needs would be more important than maintaining institutions. These statements return us to the heart of what Jesus cared about during his ministry. Gulley provides a profound picture of what the church would look like if it refocused on the real priorities of Jesus. His book is available in the Oasis Bookstore.
If the Church Were Christian: Rediscovering the Values of Jesus
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Stephen Ministry is a lay ministry designed to support someone in time of crisis or difficulty. Stephen Ministers are trained to be good listeners. They are non-judgmental friends. If you would like to speak to a Stephen Minister or would like more information about the program, please contact Mary Katherine Schnitz at 846-3404 x365 or schnitzm@stlukesumc.com, or see the St. Luke's website under "Member Care."
Summer Splash-June 21-25
Our Summer Sunday School programming begins June 6. Children who have finished preschoolPre-K will be having Sunday school in the East Wing at 9:30 and 11AM. Elementary children (completed K-Grade 4) will be worshipping with their parents in the Sanctuary until the Children's Moment. After the Children's Moment and Doxology, children will join the staff and volunteers for Live It Out activities in the Great Hall at 9:30 and 11AM. Our exciting new programs will begin September 5.
Summer Splash takes place June 21-25 from 9AM-Noon for children age 4 by 9/1/10 through current 5th grade. We have lots of exciting events planned as we will be learning how to be God's Heroes. You can still sign up by downloading the forms off the St. Luke's website or just registering online at stlukesumc.com. The cost is only $5/child! CDs are available for $3.
Sunny Summer Sundays Volunteers Needed
We still need volunteers to help with Summer Splash June 21-25. Full-time, part-time and youth volunteers are welcome to help. Please fill out a volunteer registration form online at stlukesumc.com and sign up to help. Childcare for volunteers is available.
From June 6-August 29, our wonderful Sunday School teachers get a well-deserved vacation. We need Sunny Summer Sunday heroes to help teach and assist Preschool and PreK classrooms this summer. We also need helpers for our Elementary Summer Activities. Please contact Mary Hach or Dawn Bick if you'd like to volunteer.
Summer Splash Volunteers
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Summer Splash Cookout—Help Needed Summer Splash will end with a wonderful cookout and water activities for the participating families. We need volunteers to help with the cookout. We also need baby pools, Slip 'n Slides, tailgating tents, grills, lawn games, and other fun things! We will return any items that are marked with names on them. If you are able to help or able to donate cookout items, please contact Jamalyn Peigh Williamson.
Fall Sunday School Teachers Needed If you are interested in teaching this fall in preschool-Grade 5, please contact Dawn Bick or Mary Hach.
CHILDREN’S PRESCHOOL & PDO Children’s Weekday Preschool & Parents’ Day Out Open registration for 2010-11 school year. For information call 844-3399 or contact Bobbi at main-jacksonb@stlukesumc.com or Alison at strawmyera@stlukesumc.com.
Parents’ Day Out
Classes (9AM-1PM) are offered for children ages 10 months to 3 years. PDO was established to provide parents of young children time for themselves on a regular basis. Children participate in structured play in a safe and nurturing Christian environment one, two, or three days per week. Opportunities are provided for children to learn beginning social skills while having fun. Children must be 10 months by 9/1/10 to enroll for the 2010-11 school year.
Classes (9AM-1PM) for three- to five-year olds are offered in a safe and nurturing Christian environment. All teachers are experienced, qualified, well-trained, and strive to maintain strong relationships with the children and their families. Preschool offers a developmentally appropriate curriculum where children may grow socially, creatively, emotionally, cognitively, and physically. Children must be 3 years old by 9/1/10 to enroll for the 2010-11 school year.
COMMUNITY MINISTRIES Fletcher Place Community Center
Habitat for Humanity
Breakfast dates are June 8, 10 & 18 and July 8, 13, & 16. Need donations of food, paper goods or cash to pay for these items. Contact Joe Kenny at 705-0489 or jgkenny@att.net for more information or to volunteer. Dinner dates are June 21 & 23 and July 19. Need volunteers to donate food items, cook and especially to transport and serve. See bulletin board in the hall between Robertson Chapel and Oasis Bookstore to sign up, or call Kay Horton at 253-9833 for more information. Volunteers are also needed in the thrift store, food pantry and for literacy classes and GED preparation. Contact Karen Mann at Fletcher Place at 636-3466 ext. 4 or Karen@fletcherplacecc.org for more information.
St. Luke’s has partnered with other local United Methodist churches to help build a two-story, four-bedroom home at 3119 N. Capitol in the fall of 2010 for a deserving family. If you would like to volunteer for fundraising or building, please contact Kristin or Sara Rogers at 844-0304 or kristinrogers@mac.com.
Construction Ministry St. Luke’s Construction Ministry focuses on building wheelchair ramps for special needs situations in the Indianapolis area. We partner with Second Presbyterian Church and work as a team each Saturday to design, build and assemble ramps. Priorities are given to handicapped clients who have no means of getting in and out of their homes. For more information, please contact Dave Boyer at tbucket2@ sbcglobal.net or 251-1094, or Tara Lineweaver at tgline@sbcglobal.net or 329-9189.
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Outreach, Inc. What a year for Outreach, Inc.! From May 2009 to January 2010, we have been in contact with 189 new homeless youth living on the streets of Indianapolis. We are in need of items for our food pantry and street food programs. Starting June 6, please place the following items in the blue bins located in the East and West Passages: healthy cereal, breakfast bars, juice boxes, pull top canned food such as fruit, soup, ravioli, tuna, cheese/ peanut butter crackers.
Outreach has been instrumental in guiding twenty-eight students to graduate from high school and four to receive their GED. These youth are at-risk or homeless and have achieved this accomplishment in the face of tremendous obstacles. They would be so appreciative of graduation cards or notes of encouragement. Donations of $5 gift cards from Wendy’s, Subway, McDonalds, and WAL-Mart are needed and will be included in gift bags Outreach, Inc. is providing for our youth. The cards and gifts may be the only gifts they receive. Our Graduation Party is on June 12 at Garfield Park. All items are needed by June 2. For information and our list of names of graduates, please contact Jackie Reed at 332-6550 or jsrmolar@sbcglobal.net.
FELLOWSHIP Elderberries Annual Picnic
The St Lukes Bicycling Group (Passionate People Peddling) ride every Saturday morning starting at 8:30AM and ending around 12–12:30PM. The rides will continue each Saturday through August 29. The rides will focus on breakfast, fellowship, physical exercise, and fun. Because we will be riding on streets you must be at least 18. On Wednesday June 9, we will ride to Muncie with Kent Millard to the Indiana Methodist Annual Conference in Muncie. This is a 45-47 mile trip that is basically flat. We will be returning via St. Luke’s bus. RSVP to Bob McDonald 317-875-9669 or rcmmcd@comcast.net. ••• You will need the following: a bicycle in safe working condition, a little money for breakfast and a helmet (no helmet, no ride for you). Watch upcoming publications for more details, or you may email rcmmcd@comcast.net to be on the PPP email list.
We will gather for socializing on July 1, 4:30PM; dinner will be served at 5:15PM. The picnic will take place at Oak Hill Mansion (in the outdoor party tent), 5801 E. 116th St., Carmel. Cost is $10/person. This is always a lovely catered picnic dinner followed by entertainment. Back this year by popular demand will be the Witch Hazel Valley People Band with Bill Bailey, playing a variety of nostalgic country/ western swing. Be sure to contact Adra Wheeler at 2534914 or 846-3404 for reservations.
Passionate People Peddling
The Elderberries’ July Euchre party will be Saturday, July 17 at 7PM in the Parlor. Please bring a snack to share.
GLOBAL HEALTH MINISTRIES Fox Hill Community Garden Are you passionate about kids having access to fresh fruits and vegetables? Have you been looking for another way to help the Fox Hill community? Are you interested in building interfaith friendships through service? If so, this is the volunteer opportunity for you! St. Luke’s and Congregation Beth-El Zedeck are partnering through the Interfaith Hunger Initiative to create a garden at Fox Hill Elementary. The crop will be distributed to needy Fox Hill families during the school year and through a food pantry when school is not in session. Volunteers are needed to tend the garden during the summer and to harvest and distribute the food as needed. Volunteer as much or as little time as you can on your own schedule. No prior experience is required. If interested, please contact Kathy Mayberry at kdsmayberry@yahoo.com or (317) 816-0167.
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THE GARDEN 2010 Summer Speaker Series Through a generous grant from the Lilly Endowment, The Garden presents a 2010 Summer Speaker Series. This grant enables The Garden to host a summer of special guest speakers, while The Garden Lay Leadership focus efforts on visioning for the next era of The Garden. It also gives Lead Pastor Linda McCoy the opportunity to step back from full-time duties for three months to reflect on her ministry, renew her spirits and begin to visualize her own path ahead.
The Garden is excited to host the following guest speakers. Please join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15, 9:15 & 10:15 (Beef and Boards) or 10:15 (The Mansion at Oak Hill).
Rev. Jamalyn Williamson Steve Schaffner Dr. Kent Millard Jay Geshay Rev. Stan Abell Nancy Lafferty Dianne Crusan Julia Johnson Rob French Rev. Jerry Herships Rev. Stan Abell Linda’s back!!
GREEN MINISTRIES Green Ministry Award Thank you to Maintenance Director Rich Potterf for his efforts to make our building more energy efficient. Let’s help him by turning off lights, keeping exterior and interior doors closed, reporting heating or air conditioning problems and using a minimum amount of water.
Michaela Farm Work Day The Green Ministry will again be traveling to Oldenburg, IN to the Sisters of St. Francis organic farm for a mini work day. We’ll do anything Sister Carolyn asks us to do (dig garlic, pull weeds, paint, split wood, mulch the labyrinth, etc.). Saturday, July 10, carpooling from door #7 at 7:30AM, return by 5:30PM. Registration required, no fee. Bring “green” sack lunch (reuseable containers), gloves, closed-toe shoes, hat. Call Betty Brandt (846-3404) or Sue Amyx (317-752-4134) with questions.
“Locally Grown” All Church Pitch-In Mark your calendars for Saturday, July 24, 6PM and start finding your best zucchini, tomato and blueberry recipes. Details to follow on website and in July Communion Monthly.
Recycle Oprah Magazines Bring your old Oprah magazines to the Recycling Center in Central Passage. They will be sent to Imani workshops at AMPATH Kenya, where they will be turned into beautiful jewelry. Go to http://www.wthr.com/Global/story.asp?S= 11394675 and see the story WTHR did last year.
Green Ministry Leadership Team Our ministry leadership team meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month, 5:30-7PM in E213 and welcomes new people to the discussion. Contact Betty Brandt (brandb@stlukesumc.com, 846-3404) or just show up.
GRIEF MINISTRIES New Grief Support Group: Questors
A newly formed group of men and women who share the experience of losing a spouse to death or divorce. This group will meet monthly for day trips and other activities and “adventures.” For more information call Harlene Swanson (843-0849) or Ruth Gray (605-6560).
For those finding themselves in a place of “change” in the journey of life following the loss of a spouse/significant other, divorce, beginning retirement or relocation to this community. Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson (846-3404 x315) to learn more, or to be a part of the newly formed planning team.
Parent Loss For adults who are coping with the loss of one or both parents. Meeting dates: Sundays, May 23, 30 and June 6, 4-5PM, in the Parlor. Registration required. Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson at 846-3404 x315.
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LATER@ST. LUKE’S June Sermon Series Come and explore life together with the joys of Christian Fellowship among a community of Christians. This series will offer insights on such topics as prayer, morning devotions, meditation, intercession and working together with others in ministry. This series is derived from the book Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. His book shows how to live and grow spiritually together in Christ from the beginning of each day until the day’s end. JUNE JUNE JUNE JUNE
6 13 20 27
Life Life Life Life
Together: Together: Together: Together:
Community The Day With Others Father’s Day Ministry
MEMBERSHIP Become a Member The next Membership Class is Wednesday, June 23, 6:309PM. Registration is encouraged and childcare is available upon request. Please contact Sylvia at 846-3404 x343 or forbess@stlukesumc.com. Go from “attender” to “member,” no matter how long you’ve been coming to St. Luke’s.
SINGLES MINISTRIES Singles Summer Under The Sun!!! It’s time to shake off the slumber of winter and the pollen of spring and gear up for an awesome summer full of fantastic fun activities. Join us this summer for “Summer Under the Sun.” We’ll be going to concerts, movies, sporting events, and having awesome activities here on campus. Check out our schedule below, or visit us online at www.stlukesumc.com/ministries/singles or www.meetup.com/st-lukes-singles. We hope to see you!
Starting on Sunday, July 11, please sign up for the Saturday, August 7 Servant Day which begins with a breakfast followed by volunteering for organizations in our community for the morning. Last year we had more than 300 participants working at seven sites showing our community how much St. Luke’s cares. We hope you can join us this year.
Dave and Busters Night, Castleton (7-9PM). Bring money for food and games. JUNE 9 Speed Mingle and Networking, St. Luke’s UMC (7-9:30PM). $5 admission. JUNE 16 Strawberries and Jazz featuring Sizzlin’ Gregg Bacon (6:30–8:30PM). $7 admission. JUNE 23 Carmel Gazebo Concert featuring Cool City Swing (7:30–9:30PM). FREE! JUNE 30 Hollywood Party (7-9:30PM). $5 admission. JULY 7 Eagle Creek Jazz Concert (6-8PM). $5 park admission. JUNE 2
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Sunday Night Singles
New Life Circle
Join Singles before, during and after the Later@St. Luke’s worship services (Sundays, 6PM in Robertson Chapel) at these events. If you are interested in joining the LIFE Group discussions before worship or outside fun events and activities after worship, please contact Chris Thornsberry, Associate Director of Adult Education at thornsberryc@ stlukesumc.com or Dr. Marion Miller at millerm@stlukesumc.com.
Attention Single Women! We’ve got the jazz covered, but we need you to join friends at New Life Circle on Tuesday, June 15 at 5:30PM or as soon as you can get to St. Luke’s after work. We’ll be in the Great Hall Kitchen having pizza and preparing for Strawberries & Jazz! If you can’t join us for Strawberries & Jazz prep, come to the Spiritual Life Center at 7:15PM for “Your Life Is Art.” Bring something you created (anything from poetry to macramé) or your favorite work of art for show & tell. Come join us for a visual “feast”! For additional information, call Nancy at 255-1226 or Cathy at 334-7821. New Life Circle is open to single, divorced, and widowed women of all ages.
AFTER Later@St. Luke’s Fun Filled Activities (2nd and 4th Sundays). Following worship service, we will meet up at places like Steak ‘n Shake, bowling, baseball game, etc.
SOCIAL JUSTICE Pedal for Peace 2010 Save the date for the second annual Pedal for Peace bike relay – October 2, 2010. This fun cycling event at the Velodrome brings teams together to help promote peace and connection throughout the world. This year proceeds will support organizations that are building schools in Afghanistan. Start forming your teams now! For more information, go to www.pedalforpeace.org.
SPIRITUAL LIFE CENTER To pre-register for a class, go to www.stlukesumc.com/getinvolved/classes, or contact DeAnna Moran at 317-846-3404 x367 or morand@stlukesumc.com. Oasis = Oasis Bookstore and Gift Shop located inside St. Luke’s.
Midwest Labyrinth Gathering Be part of a labyrinth weekend at Waycross Conference Center in Morgantown, IN, June 11-13. Enjoy a weekend of workshops, music, art and lots of labyrinths to walk in a beautiful Brown County setting. Details at www.labyrinths. org/waycross or contact Betty Brandt (846-3404x339, brandtb@stlukesumc.com).
Outdoor Labyrinth Replaces Friday Evening Open Labyrinth Walk for Summer You are invited to walk our outdoor Daylily Labyrinth this summer during daylight hours. Go to the rear of Luke’s Lodge (NE corner of back parking lot), go down the stairs, across the bridge and walk north into the neighborhood behind the church property. You will find an 86-foot-in-diameter Chartres-style daylily and mulch labyrinth, a table, bench and a journal for you to leave a message. Our indoor labyrinth walk will return in the fall.
Spiritual Intuitive Awareness Group If you are exploring your imaginative skills and wish to deepen your ability to use intuition for discernment and to live in a God-centered state, find a safe place for discovery in this forum for learning and sharing. Led by Maria Celeste, first Tuesdays, June 1 and July 6, and fourth Tuesday, June 22, 6:15-8:30PM, Spiritual Life Center. No registration; $10/session.
Oneness Blessing The Oneness Blessing is not a faith or a religion, but rather a practice that may help people reach a deeper level of connectedness with their own faith. It is a practice that is spreading all over the world; Irene Maher will be bringing it to St. Luke’s on the 1st Tuesdays of the month, June 1 and July 6, 7:15-8PM in the Spiritual Life Center. $10 donation.
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Live with Vibrancy, Rhythm and Passion. All are invited to experience an hour of drumming every 4th Wednesday (June 23). Led by Dane McCullough, Modular Building, 6:307:30PM. Drums are provided or bring your own. No experience necessary. HEALING MINISTRY
Appointments for Healing Sessions The St. Luke’s Healing Ministry has expanded appointment times to include 11AM on the first Sunday of each month and Wednesday afternoons. Anyone seeking emotional, spiritual and/or physical healing is welcome. No charge (donations appreciated). Call 846-3404 x442 and leave your name and number for an appointment on Sunday, June 6, or Tuesday afternoon/evening, Wednesday afternoon, or Friday morning/ afternoon. Your call will be promptly returned.
Pilgrimage Healing Process Training If you feel called to bring the healing power of God’s love to others, you may be interested in being trained in the Pilgrimage Healing Process, a hands-on healing modality. The training includes background of the Process, learning the steps, being both receiver and giver, and a discussion of your roles as healer. Experiencing a healing session in preparation for the training is required. Call 846-3404x442 to schedule a healing session appointment. Contact Betty Brandt, brandtb@stlukesumc.com, 846-3404x339, to express interest or ask questions. Saturday, June 26, 8:30AM4PM in Luke’s Lodge (NE corner of back parking lot). Training team led by Sandy Clark. Registration required with a $50 deposit by June 18. Total fee of $150 includes training manual, DVD and lunch.
Call to All Artists Show us what St. Luke’s United Methodist Church means to you. You may depict a specific area, event or room of the church, or an abstract expression of an emotion or experience that St. Luke’s has inspired within you. The exhibit will be featured in our gallery in August, 2010 in a show called: PERSPECTIVES OF ST. LUKE’S. We are inviting artists of all skill levels to create in any variety of visual art that appeals to you. This includes, but is not limited to: painting in oils, acrylic, watercolor, drawing in graphite or charcoal, collage, photography, fabric arts, pastels, printmaking, mixed media or 3D art forms. It could even include a visual presentation of poetry or prose or calligraphy. WHEN: Entries may be turned in on Friday, July 30. Artwork
may be picked up on the afternoon of Sunday, August 29.
Conversation About Religion, Meaning, Ethics & Ideas Where can you find discussion about religion in America, the wisdom of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, the effect of torture on democracies, or how TV shows are modern-day parables? These topics and many more are discussed every Sunday morning in the Spiritual Life Center, 9:30-10:30AM. The time together is based on the American Public Media show “Speaking of Faith” (www.speakingoffaith.org). Meet new people, learn about current trends and ideas and energize yourself for the week to come. Led by Betty Brandt.
“Drum On” Circle
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8 Keys to Living Authentically & Passionately
Kathy McHugh, author of Passing On Hope, will lead this seven-week class that explores our cultural addiction to perfection and the impact it has on our self-worth. Discover what holds you back from being who you truly are and from giving the gifts you came here to share with the world. Learn to declare what you want your life to say, identify what you need to believe about yourself in order to live the life you came here to live, and create daily rituals that will help more of you to emerge. Wednesdays, June 9-July 21, 6:30-8PM in Luke’s Lodge (NE corner of back parking lot). Registration required; fee $100 (max. 12).
WHO: This show is open to artists of all ages and skill levels, from novice to professionals! If you have created a piece of artwork that speaks to your heart, we want to share it! OTHER DETAILS: Any piece that is to hang in the gallery must be framed and fitted with a horizontal wire screwed securely into the frame. Please discuss the presentation of 3D pieces larger than would fit on a tabletop with us in advance so that we can help provide for a successful presentation. Label your artwork so that we’ll be able to identify it. You’ll be asked to give us a phone number or e-mail address at time of drop off so that we can contact you. INTENT TO ENTER: Please help us to plan by sending your name and phone number and information about the size of your artwork to: a.lorielee@yahoo.com, subject line: “Art Show.” This is not required, but would be most helpful!
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Studio 3 Art Ministry for Artists and Dabblers
“Fish Out Of Water”
Come meet others who are interested in sharing spiritual and artistic interests while building an art community at St. Luke’s. Bring your favorite medium and spend the morning working, sharing and laughing. Thursday, 9AM-4PM in C122. For questions or information, e-mail Linda Etherton at j.etherton1@ juno.com.
The Spiritual Life Center and ReachOut join together to bring this 2009 documentary that explores the impassioned relationship between homosexuality and the Bible to the Indianapolis community. The producer/director Ky Dickens will be able to be with us for the showing and discussion on Friday, June 4, 7-9PM in Fellowship Hall. Part of the Citywide Film Series sponsored by LockerbieCentral UMC, North UMC and St. Luke’s. $5 donation appreciated.
What Is a Prayer Shawl Ministry? Prayer shawls are given to those needing to be wrapped in God’s healing love. They are knitted or crocheted in rectangular or triangular shapes with donated yarn by prayerful volunteers who like to knit or crochet and love the fellowship of working together. If you are not a knitter, you could be a part of this ministry by donating yarn or money to purchase yarn. You could also join in the fellowship and help with non-knitting tasks like fringing and tagging. Led by Donna Cripe (280-7806) meets every Tuesday, 1-3PM in W120.
body ~ mind ~ spirit Ongoing Integral Hatha Daytime Yoga
“Pay What You Can” Happy Yoga
Mondays, May 10-June 28 (omit 5/31), 7:30 & 9:30AM; and Thursdays, May 13-July 1, 8:30AM in N101/102. Walkins/$15 for either session. Registration suggested, taught by Marsha Pappas. Classes continue on July 12 & 15.
Open to all, regardless of your finances or yoga experience. Find your strength and happiness through poses, breath and meditation. Taught by Robin Howard. Mondays and Thursdays, 5:30-6:30PM in N103/104. No registration or fee; donations appreciated. Bring a mat AND blanket.
Ongoing Qigong Classes Qigong (Chee-Gung) is an amazing set of gentle exercises similar to Tai Chi which help to enhance and maintain one’s overall health. It is a self-healing practice used to recover from illness, relieve stress, lower blood pressure, increase blood circulation and reduce chronic pain. Thursdays, 10:30-11:30AM in Luke’s Lodge, upstairs. No registration; $10/session. Taught by Amy Barr.
Aikido Training This discipline uses martial training as a means of character development rather than fighting prowess. Open to men and women. Come observe a class, or email through website, www.indianapolisaikikai.org. Adult classes Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 7-9PM, Saturdays, 810AM. Classes for children ages 6-15, Saturdays, 9:4510:30AM. All classes in N103/104.
UNITED METHODIST MEN Summer Book Study The Principle of the Path—Your Direction, Not Your Intention, Determines Your Destination During the month of June, the United Methodist Men will be organizing study groups around this book by Andy Stanley. There is often a tension between where we want to end up in life and the path we choose to get there. We fail to see that having good intentions is never good enough. Like Charlie Brown, we wrongly believe there's something to be said for trying hard. We need to understand why, in spite of our good intentions, we sometimes
end up at the wrong destination with our finances, our marriages, our careers, or a host of other dreams. How do we get from where we are to where we truly want to be? The Principle of the Path provides a road map to proper direction and discipline. All men are invited to participate—small groups of 8-10 guys will be meeting at different times and locations throughout the month. Please contact David Williamson, williamsond@stlukesumc.com or Brad Manbeck, brad.manbeck@gmail.com to sign up.
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Monthly Men’s Breakfast Brad Stevens, Head Coach of Butler Men's Basketball team, is our featured speaker on Saturday, June 5 at 8AM. For our June breakfast, Coach Stevens will share his experiences and thoughts surrounding leadership, coaching and building a winning team. The St. Luke's United Methodist Men invite anyone and everyone to attend. Seating will be limited due to the capacity of the Great Hall. Adults $10, and children $5. All net proceeds will be donated to charity.
UNITED METHODIST WOMEN UMW Reading Group "Imagine walking on a path where millions of feet from other lands and cultures have previously walked, feet that have trod hundreds of miles to reach a sacred site. Think of what it is like to have that same path and those same stones beneath your feet as you, too, walk for many weeks to reach the same destination. This is what it is like to be on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela. It is a journey filled with spiritual connectedness and communal resonance." —Joyce Rupp Join the UMW Reading Group on Monday, June 28 from 7-8:30PM in the Parlor as we discuss Walk in a Relaxed Manner, Life Lessons from the Camino by Joyce Rupp. One of the main points of a pilgrimage is not knowing what will happen on the journey. Another part of it is living in the Now. Joyce Rupp shares her wisdom and observations as she makes her way along this famous pilgrimage road. Her insights offer valuable lessons for everyday life and living. All are welcome to our discussion—even armchair pilgrims! For more information, contact Jennifer Todd at jtoddosu@aol.com.
Recipes Needed!
UMW is sponsoring a cookbook to be sold at this year's Holiday Bazaar as well as to the congregation, and we are asking for treasured and/or unique recipe submissions. All are welcome to participate. To avoid duplicates as well as to add variety, the first five recipes of each type (i.e. banana bread) will be accepted. Recipe Submission Forms will be available at tables in the East and West Passages on Sunday, May 23 and Sunday, June 6. The forms will also be available in the Communication Center by the Main Office, on the UMW bulletin board, and on the church’s website. All recipe submissions must be turned in by Sunday, July 18 to either the Communication Center or the envelope attached to the UMW bulletin board. Please join us in “Leaving a Legacy.” Contact Allison Flickinger at umwrecipes@yahoo.com if you have any questions.
White Cross Guild
White Cross Guild provides volunteers to participate in activities supporting Methodist Hospital. Meets at Methodist Medical Plaza, 151 Pennsylvania Parkway (103rd/Meridian) in the first floor community room. They meet the 2nd Monday of each month from 9AM-2PM (next meeting: June 14) to prepare gauze squares used in surgery (bring your lunch). They also meet the 4th Tuesday of each month (next meeting: June 22) from 1-3PM to stuff and sew heart pillows for patients who have had heart or lung surgery. Contact Marguerite Moehn (873-1956) or Barb Querry (879-0543).
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WORLD MISSIONS Upcoming 2010 Work Projects
Zimbabwe, Africa
The following is partial listing of work projects you can participate in this year. For a complete listing, visit the World Missions page at www.stlukesumc.com, or pick up a brochure in the West Passage in the World Missions area. Questions? Contact Jan Nichols at 846-3404 x364 or nicholsj@stlukesumc.com.
August Safe water project APPROXIMATE COST: $2200 LEADER: Rich Potterf, 846-3404 x316,
Health kit packing
Native American Family Work Project
August, in Modular Building
June 27-July 2, 2010 Tree of Life, Rosebud, South Dakota/Building and VBS LEADER: Kathie Clemenz 317-845-5655, kkclemenz@sbcglobal.net COST: $300 plus transportation
Newport, Tennessee July 10-16, 2010 Junior High Youth Project; Humanitarian/Construction/ Kid's Club CONTACT: Matt Peyton, 317-846-3404 x369, peytonm@stlukesumc.com. COST: $540
Midwest Mission Distribution Center September 12-17 Chatham, Illinois COSTS: $180 (+ transportation) LEADER: Marge Butler, 257-6130
Haiti Fall 2010 (tentative) Humanitarian, medical and construction For information, contact Jan Nichols
Heifer International Fall 2010 Humanitarian Project LEADER: Julia Johnson APPROXIMATE COST: $400 + transportation
YOUTH MINISTRIES Welcoming all youth and families into loving, Christcentered relationships where they can get in tune with God's amazing love and be empowered to transform the world! For information or event registration stop by Luke’s Lodge (the youth building on the NE corner of the church parking lot), visit blog.stlukesumcyouth.com, or contact: Kevin Davis, Director of Youth Ministry: davisk@stlukesumc.com Kathleen Headington, Senior High, 9th -12th: headingtonk@stlukesumc.com
Senior High Cookout Join St. Luke’s Sr. High Youth for a summer cookout on Thursday, June 3, from 6-8PM. Contact Kathleen with questions at headingtonk@stlukesumc.com. Register online at www.stlukesumc.com. Cost: $5.
Junior High Trip to King's Island Monday, June 7 we will meet at the Lodge at 8AM
for our annual Kings Island trip. The cost is $45 and includes transportation and your admission into the park. We will return by 11PM. Please go to www.stlukesumc.com and register online in the Jr. High Ministry area. If you have any question please contact us!
MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR JULY JULY 1: Senior High Indians Game JULY 23: Senior High Day on the Lake JULY 29: Junior High Pool Party
Register online for any of our summer events at www.stlukesumc.com!
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The following is a listing of essential info and on-going classes/events.
HOURS: St. Luke’s office is open 8:30AM-5PM Monday-Friday. Our Prayer Chapel (located inside Robertson Chapel next to the Spiritual Life Center) is available for silent prayer and meditation when the church is open. A pastor is always on call in case of emergencies; call 846-3404 to leave a message after hours.
E-MAIL: Need to email someone on our staff? Easy. Our email is our last name followed immediately by first initial, followed by @stlukesumc.com.
IN GENERAL: When you need something, our outstanding front desk staff can direct your call to the appropriate person. But here are some tips for some of the most frequently requested information: I NEED
Adult Class Registration
DeAnna Moran
Childcare Needs for Meetings/Events (charges may apply)
Kristi Chamberlain
Member Care/Death/ Mary Katherine Schnitz Stephen Ministry Request/Hospitalization Membership/Births/Address/ Phone Change
Sylvia Forbes
Reserve a Room/Request A/V
Beth Lammers or Carol Helmus
Weddings/Special Event Coordination
Carol Helmus
Bobbi Main-Jackson
Pledge Balance/Information
Jan Emmons
Oasis Bookstore
Sharon Holyoak
Sunday Worship Services 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM, Sanctuary with Dr. Kent Millard • Communion is served the first Sunday of the month at all three services and is available to all persons. • St. Luke’s Orchestra plays the third Sunday of the month. • Baptisms take place the fourth Sunday of every month.
Taizé, Third Sundays of the month, 5-5:45PM by the baptismal font in the Sanctuary with Mark Squire, selected members of St. Luke’s Chancel Choir, and Rev. Marsha Hutchinson. A service of peace and candlelight with silence, scriptures, prayer, and beautiful music.
Later@St. Luke’s, a casual, dynamic and innovative experience open to everyone. 6PM every Sunday in Robertson Chapel with Dr. Marion Miller, Pastor. Communion is served weekly. Classes and care for children also provided. The Garden is an off-site satellite ministry of St. Luke’s providing non-traditional worship in a comfortable, casual setting. Dr. Linda McCoy, Pastor. The Garden at Beef & Boards: 8:15, 9:15 & 10:15AM every Sunday; music provided by The Good Earth Band. The Garden at Oak Hill: 10:15AM every Sunday; music provided by The Oak Hill Band. Rev. Stan Abell, Campus Pastor.
S U P P O R T I N G T H E M I N I S T R I E S O F S T. L U K E ’ S U M C
Inspirational Gifts, Jewelry & Books Conveniently located inside St. Luke’s UMC Sharon Holyoak, Manager Gift Registry Available
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A Listening Heart: Bible Study for Women with Young Children
Thursday Afternoon Book Study
2nd and 4th Mondays, 7-9PM in, E212. Childcare is available upon request. We encourage making time for scripture reading, digging deeper into our faith and reflecting on what we have learned. This study is both challenging, but “beginner” friendly. New members always welcome. For info, contact Ann Smith, 569-1359 or carmelsmith@yahoo.com, or Kari Miller, 873-8606 or kkmiller01@sbcglobal.net.
Thursdays, 1-2:30PM, Parlor. Join this afternoon group to read and discuss a diverse selection of reading materials. The group also enjoys lunches, watching movies, taking field trips and celebrating birthdays together. Our next book is If the Church Were Christian, by Phil Gulley. Class facilitator is Phyllis Bybee. For more information, contact Sylvia Forbes at 8463404 or forbess@stlukesumc.com.
Empty Nesters
Mothers of Young Children Book Club
Every Sunday (except holidays), 9:30-10:30AM, E107/109. Read, watch, and discuss a contemporary and traditional books and videos. We also gather once a month for social activities. For more information, contact Ann Townsend at 842-0464.
2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 9:30–11:30AM, E105. Participants in this group read approximately one piece of current fiction or non-fiction per month. Childcare is available upon request for $5 per family. For book list, to request childcare, or for info contact Dawn Pasquale at dawn_pasquale@yahoo.com.
New Beginnings Sundays, Sept.-May (except holidays), 9:30-10:30AM in E213. A self-led couples class that meets weekly and discusses a variety of topics. We have regular social gatherings as well! For more information, contact Nathan or Paula Montgomery at n8withan8@yahoo.com, or 340-7115.
New Earth Community
Flo Hardy Bible Study (On hiatus until September.) 1st & 3rd Mondays, 9AM in the Spiritual Life Center. Join others in coffee, prayer, reading and discussion of selected Biblical texts...just like we did in the "good ole days!" (with occasional “non good ole days” videos). Led by Rev. Marsha Hutchinson.
Ongoing “Speaking of Faith” Discussion
Tuesday Afternoon Women's Spiritual Book Study This group focuses on non-fiction books with spiritual themes every Tuesday afternoon, 1-2:30PM in the Spiritual Life Center. Contact JoAnne Waeltz, 872-0895, jwaeltz@comcast.net. Meets all summer.
Sunrise Book Study Wednesdays, 7-8:30AM, Parlor. Start your day with friends, prayer, a good book, stimulating discussion and personal enrichment. Contact Betty Brandt at (317) 846-3404 or brandtb@stlukesumc.com. Meets all summer.
George Vickery Men’s Discussion Group Wednesdays, 8AM at Shapiro’s. Discuss current events or the latest book of interest you have read. For more information, call Bob Waeltz at 872-0895.
Kent Millard’s Book Study
(On hiatus until September.) Wednesdays, 10-11:30AM in the Spiritual Life Center. Join this group for a time of prayer and fellowship as well as the sharing of insights from the reading of books on various topics. (On hiatus until September 8.)
Wednesday Morning Bible Study Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30AM, The Forum at The Crossing. An off-site senior adult Bible Study. Led by Terri Coe, Mary Katherine Schnitz and Chris Thornsberry.
Thursdays, 7-8:30PM, Spiritual Life Center. This study discusses innovative and challenging spiritual books. Contact JoAnne Waeltz, 872-0895, jwaeltz@comcast.net, for current title. Meets all summer.
Every Sunday morning at 7AM on FM90/1, Krista Tippett interviews fascinating spiritual leaders. A community of “Speaking of Faith” fans meets at 9:30AM in the Spiritual Life Center to discuss that morning’s program. The show is available on the prior Thursday at www.speakingoffaith.org. Meets all summer.
Ongoing Meditation Group Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome to join in 1/2 hour discussion followed by 1/2 hour of Christian meditation. You will find support for your practice, new ideas and a community of others who welcome silence. Led by Merri Leffel, Mondays, 6:30-7:30PM in the Spiritual Life Center. No fee or registration. Meets all summer.
CARE MINISTRIES Chronic Pain Support Group Thursday, June 24, 6-7:30PM in N101/102. This is a support group for patients with all types of neuropathic and fibromyalgia pain and for their families and friends. No registration is required. Questions? Contact Dr. Meg Frazer at 844-2903 or margaret.L.frazer@pfizer.com.
Diabetes Support Group June 1 and July 6. Meets the first Tuesday of the month from 78PM, E213. This is a laidback, easy-going group open to learning and sharing through exercise, diet and prayer. Contact Debbie Allen at 796-2189.
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Family Support Group
Wednesdays, June 9 and July 14, 6:30PM, Main Office Conference Room. The group offers emotional and spiritual support for families who have a member abusing drugs or alcohol.
All rehearsals are in E208. To register go to www.stlukesumc.com, click “Music” then “Children’s Choirs.” For information, contact Debra Nethercott, Director of Children’s Music at 846-3404 x329 or nethercottd@stlukesumc.com.
Adult ADD Support Group
Jesse’s Street
Genesis (ages 4 - kindergarten) Continues rehearsal on Sunday mornings through June 6; they will sing an Outreach Program at 2PM on Sunday, June 6, at The Stratford in the Village of West Clay.
Monday, June 21, 6:30-8PM in the Parlor. Meets the 3rd Monday of every month. For parents who have a child with a physical, mental or emotional disability. Register for childcare by contacting Sylvia Forbes. Leaders: Kevin & Hillary McCarley, 850-1637.
The Elementary Music Program (grades 1 - 5) Continue rehearsal on Sunday mornings through June 6; Grades 3 - 5 will sing at the Annual Conference on June 13.
Tuesdays, June 8 & 22, 7-8:30PM in E213. St. Luke’s offers support for adults with ADD. For information call Mary Katherine at 846-3404 x365.
Care Committee If you know of someone, confined to their home or health care center, call Mary Katherine at 846-3404 x365. The Care Committee makes monthly visits.
Crescendo! (grades 6 - 9) Continue rehearsal on Sunday mornings through June 6; they will sing at the Annual Conference on June 13.
Sunday School
(H.U.G.S.)—Healing Under Grief Support. Find yourself needing fellowship and support on your journey following the loss of a loved one?
Children are always welcome to join Sunday School throughout the year. Pick up and return registration forms outside the Education Office. Greeters are available near door 16 and in Robertson Chapel (at 9:30AM) to place your child in a class on Sunday morning.
Early Childhood Music September-May. Preschool, pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students can attend this bi-monthly worship experience with their classes during the 9:30 and 11AM services. Children learn, sing, pray and celebrate special holidays.
Children’s Commission Become a member of Commission on Children’s Ministry (“COCM”). We brainstorm and staff events such as Palm Sunday Reenactment, Mother’s Day Flowers and more. Contact Janet Miller at 846-3404 x327 or millerj@stlukesumc.com to express an interest. We meet on the fourth Tuesdays at 6:30PM.
Elementary Children's Church At 9:30AM and 11AM all children grades 1-5 attend Children's Church for large-group worship time. Children attending 9:30AM Sunday School will meet their teachers in Robertson Chapel for a short worship service and then will be escorted back to their classrooms for their lesson. Children attending 11AM Sunday School will meet and pick up in C123, then be escorted to their rotation activity.
Dad’s Grief Group for Loss of a Child Meets Tuesday mornings for breakfast at 7AM at the Hilton Indianapolis North Hotel, 8181 N. Shadeland Ave. For info call Dr. Adolf Hansen, 846-3404 x450. SECOND LOCATION/DAY: Thursdays, 7AM at Bob Evans (I65/Southport Rd. exit).
HOPE For pregnancy loss or loss of a baby. Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7PM, Spiritual Life Center. Call Rev. Marsha Hutch-inson, 846-3404 x315 or Jim & Marci Harenberg, 705-0771. ••• We are now taking orders for family name plaques to be placed in the HOPE Memorial Garden.
Mom's Group following the Loss of a Young Adult Child Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson for more information at 846-3404 x315.
HUGS Group (for fellowship and support following the loss of a husband, wife or significant other) Meets Sundays, 2-4PM in the Parlor. All are welcome, for recent loss or those of the past. The group goes out for light supper following the meeting (optional). Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson for details at 846-3404 x315.
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HUGS Fellowship Dinner Meets fourth Sunday of every month, 4:30-6PM. To reconnect with those from a former grief group and meet new friends of friends! Come have dinner and enjoy the laughter. Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson, 846-3404 x315.
Footprints An opportunity for lay people who would like to become a caring resource to someone who is recently bereaved. For information call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson, 846-3404 x 315.
UNITED METHODIST MEN Monthly Men’s Fellowship Come out for a relaxing evening of food, drinks, and fellowship with the men of St. Luke's. No script or agenda. Meet new friends, or catch up with old ones. Every third Wednesday of the month (June 17 at 8:30PM, Smee’s Place, located on the NW corner of 86th and Ditch. Please RSVP to Matt Roop at mroop@capcity-fence.com, or 538-5931.
Contact Kevin Davis at davisk@stlukesumc.com or stop by Luke’s Lodge (the youth building on the NE corner of the church parking lot) or visit blog.stlukesumcyouth.com.
Singles Sunday School Class Every Sunday, 11AM–Noon, E107/109. Join us every Sunday for a wonderful walk through the Bible and many other biblical resources. Singles of all ages and stages of life come together for a wonderful time of spiritual growth. JUNE 6: Nathanael—Purely Prejudice JUNE 13: Matthew & Thomas—The Publican & the Pessimist JUNE 20: James, Simon, & Judas—The Not So Well Known Trio JUNE 27:-Judas—The Devil’s Disciple
Sunday Lunch Bunch Every Sunday, 12:30PM, join us! Every Sunday we pick a different local restaurant to eat at after church service and Sunday school. Feel free to join us at these locations on the below dates for some fun, food, and fantastic times! JUNE 6: Chili’s, Keystone JUNE 13: P.F. Chang’s, Keystone JUNE 20: Champps, Keystone JUNE 27: Ruby Tuesday’s, Michigan Road
Unplugged Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM, Luke’s Lodge Starting on June 6 we make a transition into our summer time of teaching for Junior High, different than our school year format. Those who are entering sixth grade in the fall through those entering ninth grade are all welcome on Sunday mornings this summer.
Remix Sundays, 6-8PM, Luke’s Lodge. (Does not meet during summer.) The Jr. High Sunday evening ministry will begin again following the youth kickoff on August 22.
Confirmation Contact Kevin at DavisK@stlukesumc.com for summer options.
Wake Up at Starbucks
Wednesdays, 6:30-8PM, Spiritual Life Center. Come see how your faith connects with your life. Grow in community, discuss together what it means to be Christian today, Bible study, books, and movies. Contact Chris Thornsberry at 846-3404 x332 or thornsberryc@stlukesumc.com.
Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM, Starbucks at Willow Lake. (2800 W 86th St.) Experience Sunday mornings in a fresh, new way. Grab a cup of hot chocolate, a comfy chair, and join friends and leaders for discussions about the relevance of our faith in today’s society. Meet leaders at Starbucks, or if you want a ride, be at Luke’s Lodge by 9:15AM and we’ll have you back to the church at 10:30AM.
Wake Up at the Lodge
Volleyball meets every Wednesday at 6:30PM, and Friday at 6:30PM in the Great Hall. The cost to play is $2. For info, email Tim Adams at timmytown@msn.com.
Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM A new on-site option is now available for our Senior High youth at Luke’s Lodge every Sunday morning. Join friends and leaders in the Sr. High Café as we go throught the Bible and talk about how our faith is relevant in our every day lives.
Fuel – 20s/30s: Faith Discussion Class
Toastmasters Tuesdays, 7-8:30PM in N101/102. For more than 84 years Toastmasters International has offered effective ways to improve communication and leadership skills. Guests attend for free. For info, call Cathy Baker at 334-7821, or visit www.stlukessinglestoastmasters.org.
LIVE! At the Lodge Sundays, 6-8PM, Luke’s Lodge (Does not meet during the summer.) The SH Sunday evening ministry will being again following the youth kickoff on August 22.