St. Luke’s
Orchestra Concert
The St. Luke’s Orchestra, under the direction of Robert Zehr, will present a spring concert. This Sunday, May 16, 3PM in the Sanctuary afternoon of sacred and secular music will include many of the favorite anthems that the orchestra has performed on Sunday mornings over the past years. Tickets will be $10/adults. A few special surprises and guests artists will be featured. Children under the age of 16 FREE. Tickets may be purchased from the main office, All proceeds will benefit the music ministries of St. Luke’s. or online at
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COMMUNION Dalai Lama On Friday, May 14 at 9:30AM, Indianapolis has the distinct honor to host His Holiness the Dalai Lama in a public talk at Conseco Fieldhouse. The program, expected to draw an audience from around the globe, will be hosted by the Interfaith Hunger Initiative, (IHI), the Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center (TMBCC) of Bloomington, and the Indianapolis-based Indiana Buddhist Center (IBC), forging a new partnership among organizations whose mission of community outreach and service is universal. The title of the talk, “Facing Challenges with Compassion and Wisdom,” reflects the core mission of these groups as well as speaking directly to issues central to today’s world. “The Indianapolis Interfaith Hunger Initiative is honored to be one of the sponsoring organizations of the Public Talk to be given by His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Conseco Friday, May 14,” Dr. Kent Millard said. “His Holiness will speak about wisdom and compassion. We express compassion when we feed the hungry around us and in other nations, and we express wisdom when we work together across religious lines to more effectively care for families and children in need.” Tickets for the Indianapolis event are available at the Conseco box office or at area Ticketmaster locations. General admission tickets are $25; student tickets are $15. Additional information may be obtained at and
Turn the World Upside Down TIME—Together in Ministry Everyday
NOW - May 30 During the TIME Series “Turn the World Upside Down” we’ll have the opportunity to learn more stories of these change-agents, from the famous to the unknown, and consider ways that we, too, can personally step out in faith to make a real difference. We all have opportunities to change our world. We’ve been in Spring Training; now’s the TIME to launch out and love our community with every possibility of grace, peace, and justice. Look through the May 2010 Communion for the globe logo to find opportunities in many program areas that may inspire you to “Turn the World Upside Down.”
Habitat for Humanity We’re back! St. Luke’s has partnered with other local United Methodist churches to help build a two-story, four-bedroom home at 3119 N. Capitol in the fall of 2010 for a deserving family. In addition to providing construction volunteers, St. Luke’s has committed to contributing a minimum of $5,000 toward the build. On May 23, volunteers will be selling 2x4 wooden boards for $52 each which can be signed and will become a part of the home construction with the proceeds going toward sponsorship. The sale will take place in the West Passage all morning before and after services. If you would like to volunteer to help with the sale or the project in general, please contact Kristin or Sara Rogers at 844-0304 or
St. Luke’s is an open
community of Christians gathering to seek, celebrate, live and share the love of God for all creation. We envision being transformed by God and
transforming the world
into a
compassionate, just, inclusive, Christ-like community. This issue lists upcoming events May 2010 through mid-June. The deadlines for submitting announcements for the 2010 COMMUNION MONTHLY: May 3 for June issue (publishes 5/23) June 7 for July issue (publishes 6/27)
a publication of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church 100 W. 86th St., Indianapolis, IN 46260 317.846.3404 • A PDF version of this publication is available online. Send your announcements to Lori Crantford at or leave them in her mailbox in the main office. Notices of births, deaths and weddings should be given to Sylvia Forbes ( or 846-3404 x343) and can be left with her weekly to be published in the Worship Guide.
All classes, events and groups are open to all; church membership or affiliation are not required for participation. WELCOME TO ST. LUKE’S!
Senator George McGovern at St. Luke’s
To pre-register for a class, go to, or contact DeAnna Moran at 317-846-3404 x367 or at Oasis = Oasis Bookstore and Gift Shop located inside St. Luke’s.
St. Luke’s welcomes Senator George McGovern to St. Luke’s on Sunday, June 6. He will be speaking at all three morning worship services. Senator McGovern was appointed in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy as the worldwide director of the Food for Peace program, and he remained a longtime leader in ensuring nutrition and food security as a means to fight poverty and political instability. McGovern was appointed United Nations ambassador on World Hunger in 2001. In 2008, he and Senator Bob Dole were named the 2008 World Food Prize Laureates for their work to promote school-feeding programs globally. He will speak on the topic of world hunger while at St. Luke’s. Also, copies of his book Ending Hunger Now, co-authored with Senator Bob Dole and Donald Messer, will be available for purchase and signing, as will McGovern’s latest book, Abraham Lincoln.
Voices of Change Sundays, May 2 & 16, 11AM-Noon in the Parlor As our faith community focuses on this spring’s T.I.M.E. theme–Turn the World Upside Down–we will examine the work of change-agents and out-of-the-box thinkers within the United States and the world, of another era as well as today. MAY 2: Nelson Mandela; MAY 16: Charles Darwin. Coordinated by Terri Coe.
Faith in the City Mondays, May 3–24, 7–8:30PM in E105 Registration recommended. Childcare available upon request. Through this series of conversations and community visits, we’ll expand our awareness of the many issues challenging our backyard neighbors. We’ll explore theological foundations of faith in action for social justice that will shape our thoughts and actions so we can respond in helpful ways. Join similarly committed men and women and experience the positive impact we can have as we work together for the good of all. Led by Terri Coe and Jayne Thorne.
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CARE MINISTRIES Stephen Ministry Stephen Ministry is a lay ministry designed to support someone in time of crisis or difficulty. Stephen Ministers are trained to be good listeners. They are non-judgmental friends. If you would like to speak to a Stephen Minister or would like more information about the program, please contact Mary Katherine Schnitz at 846-3404 x365 or, or see the St. Luke's website under "Member Care."
CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Communion in Children's Church
Sunny Summer Sundays
Elementary Children will be remembering the Last Supper and Jesus' love for us by having Holy Communion in Children's Church at 9:30 and 11AM on May 2. We hope this will be a meaningful experience during the Lenten Season.
Our Summer Sunday School programming begins June 6. Children who have finished preschool-Pre-K will be having Sunday school in the East Wing at 9:30 and 11AM. Elementary children (completed K-Grade 4) will be worshipping with their parents in the Sanctuary until the Children's Moment. After the Children's Moment and Doxology, children will join the staff and volunteers for activities in the Great Hall at 9:30 and 11AM. Our exciting new programs will begin September 5.
4/5 Fellowship If you are in 4th or 5th grade, come join the fun! Our final event for the 2009/10 school year will be Friday, May 7 for Wacky Olympics. Come hang out and have a great time. Contact Dawn McCord at 466-0827 or sdmccord@ to register.
Fifth Grade Breakfast Fifth graders will enjoy a pitch-in breakfast and Bingo in the Parlor at 9:30AM on Sunday, May 23 as we celebrate your transition to the Lodge. Come and enjoy the party! Parents and volunteers are needed to help. Please contact Mary Hach at if you are interested in helping.
Fifth Grade and Drama Recognition Children that participated in Drama and all 5th graders will be presented with certificates during Children's Church on May 16 at 9:30 and 11AM. Please come and honor our distinguished worship leaders and fifth graders.
Race Day Activities Sunday, May 30, we will begin our Sunny Summer Sundays with Race Day activities. Preschool-Pre-K children will be enjoying movies and activities in E110, and elementary children (completed K-5th grade) will be enjoying activities in the Great Hall at 9:30 and 11AM.
Sunday School in May May 16 is the last Sunday for Elementary Children's Church. Sunday, May 23, children attending Sunday School at 9:30AM will be dropped off in their classrooms. Children attending 11AM Sunday School will be dropped off and picked up in C123. May 23 is our last Sunday of regular Sunday School.
Summer Splash-June 21-25 Summer Splash for children aged 4 by 9/1/10 through current 5th grade will be June 21-25 from 9AM-Noon. Volunteers and children can still be registered online at The cost is $5. CDs of the music are available for $3. We have lots of exciting events planned as we will be learning how to be God's Heroes. We need around 100 volunteers and teachers to run Summer Splash. Please register to help and register your children to be part of this awesome experience!
Sunny Summer Sunday School Teachers Needed Sunny Summer Sundays is our summer Sunday School programming. We are in need of teachers for Preschool and Pre-K classes, and Elementary (K-5th grade) activities in the Great Hall. Please brighten a child's day with your love this summer. This is a wonderful opportunity for volunteers to help who are unable to commit during the school year. Contact Dawn Bick or Mary Hach if you are able to teach or assist this summer. ••• Summer Splash Teachers will meet June 3 at 6:30PM in the Parlor. Please come to receive your curriculum and valuable information. RSVP to Janet Miller at 846-3404 x327, or
Fall Sunday School Teachers Needed If you are interested in teaching this fall in preschool-Grade 5, please contact Dawn Bick or Mary Hach.
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CHILDREN’S PRESCHOOL & PDO Children’s Weekday Preschool & Parents’ Day Out
Open registration for 2010-11 school year. For information call 844-3399 or contact Bobbi at or Alison at
Classes (9AM-1PM) for three- to five-year olds are offered in a safe and nurturing Christian environment. All teachers are experienced, qualified, well-trained, and strive to maintain strong relationships with the children and their families. Preschool offers a developmentally appropriate curriculum where children may grow socially, creatively, emotionally, cognitively, and physically. Children must be 3 years old by 9/1/10 to enroll for the 2010-11 school year.
Parents’ Day Out Classes (9AM-1PM) are offered for children ages 10 months to 3 years. PDO was established to provide parents of young children time for themselves on a regular basis. Children participate in structured play in a safe and nurturing Christian environment one, two, or three days per week. Opportunities are provided for children to learn beginning social skills while having fun. Children must be 10 months by 9/1/10 to enroll for the 2010-11 school year.
COMMUNITY MINISTRIES Fox Hill Elementary School Partnership
Personal Best: We invite all our volunteers to
It is hard to believe that the school year is coming to a close, and we have one year of our Fox Hill/St. Luke's partnership under our belts. When we started last spring, we used the theme from Greg Mortenson's book Three Cups of Tea. We have definitely shared many cups of tea filled with dedication and commitment to our students, and we are now truly a family. We cannot possibly express in words our gratitude to St. Luke's and all the volunteers for embracing our Fox Hill school community. Every volunteer who has spent time here during the school year has a special story about how they helped and influenced a child. We see nothing but positive growth for our partnership.
join us on Friday, May 7, 8:30AM as we honor our special students who qualify for a Personal Best Award from MSDWT superintendent, Dr. James Mervilde.
Fox Hill Field Day: Tuesday, May 11, or Wednesday, May 12 (rain date). We can always use more adult help to monitor the games and provide supervision. Contact Tamara Lorinczi (259-5371) if you are able to help.
Spring is always a busy time in schools. Here are a few additional opportunities for volunteering:
Fox Hill Memorial Scholarship: Every year, the Fox Hill
Spring Carnival: Friday, May 14, 6PM. Join us for lots of family fun. We can use additional help with games, booths etc. Please contact Rachel Stutsman at 253-2598 if you can help.
PTO awards a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating senior at North Central who attended Fox Hill as a younger student. If you would be interested in helping us with a contribution, please contact Becky Miller at 259-5371 x13102.
Community Garden: St. Luke's is establishing a community garden on our Fox Hill property. If this outdoor experience is of interest, contact Kathy Mayberry at 506-3401.
Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon: Please join us as we celebrate all our accomplishments. Date and time TBA.
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Fletcher Place Community Center Breakfast dates are May 11, 13, & 16 and June 8, 10 & 18. Need donations of food, paper goods or cash to pay for these items. Contact Joe Kenny at 705-0489 or for more information or to volunteer. May dinner dates are the 17 & 26 and June 21 & 23. Need volunteers to donate food items, cook and especially to transport and serve. See bulletin board in the hall between Robertson Chapel and Oasis Bookstore to sign up, or call Kay Horton at 253-9833 for more information. Volunteers are also needed in the thrift store, food pantry and for literacy classes and GED preparation. Contact Karen Mann at Fletcher Place at 636-3466 x4 or for more information.
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Construction Ministry Turn the World Upside Down starting in your own backyard. St. Luke’s Construction Ministry focuses on building wheelchair ramps for special needs situations in the Indianapolis area. We partner with Second Presbyterian Church and work as a team each Saturday to design, build and assemble ramps. Referrals come from the Indiana Council on Aging as well as other social service agencies. Priorities are given to handicapped clients who have no means of getting in and out of their homes. For more information, please contact Dave Boyer at or 251-1094, or Tara Lineweaver at or 329-9189.
FELLOWSHIP Men's Softball
We will soon start our third year of Men's Softball and we need you to join our team! All you need is a glove and a few open Sunday afternoons! Let me know if you are interested! Contact Nate Montgomery at 340.7115 or email
Next gathering will be Thursday May 6 at 5:30PM in Fellowship Hall. The program will be presented by Rick Doucette from the Indianapolis Humane Society. He will discuss their programs and responsibilities. We hope to collect some needed supplies for them. ••• Our next dinner gathering will be Thursday, June 3 at 5:30PM in Fellowship Hall. Celtic Cloggers will entertain. They are a 20-member Celtic dance group who perform soft- and hard-shoe clog dances. You are always welcome to bring friends or relatives. Both events require a $3 donation and a casserole, vegetable, salad or dessert to share with the group. First-time guests do not need to bring a donation or a dish. Please contact Adra Wheeler for reservations at 253-4914 or 846-3404.
Passionate People Peddling The St Lukes Bicycling Group (Passionate People Peddling) will have their first ride Saturday morning May 15 starting at 8:30AM and ending around 12–12:30PM. The rides will continue each Saturday through August 29. The rides will focus on breakfast, fellowship, physical exercise, and fun. Because we will be riding on streets you must be at least 18. ••• You will need the following: a bicycle in safe working condition, a little money for breakfast and a helmet (no helmet, no ride for you). Watch upcoming publications for more details, or you may email to be on the PPP email list.
The next Elderberries Euchre parties will be Saturday, May 22, and June 19, 7PM in the Parlor. Please bring a snack.
GLOBAL HEALTH MINISTRIES Spotlight 2010 on May 10 Come to Clowes Memorial Hall on Monday, May 10 to enjoy artists such as Dance Kaleidoscope, ISO, IRT, Phoenix Theatre, Indianapolis Children’s Choir and more perform to benefit HIV/AIDS prevention in Indiana. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at Ticketmaster, or in the West Passage. Sponsored by Global Health Commission.
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THE GARDEN 2010 Summer Speaker Series Through a generous grant from the Lilly Endowment, The Garden presents a 2010 Summer Speaker Series. This grant enables The Garden to host a summer of special guest speakers, while The Garden Lay Leadership focus efforts on visioning for the next era of The Garden. It also gives Lead Pastor Linda McCoy the opportunity to step back from full-time duties for three months to reflect on her ministry, renew her spirits and begin to visualize her own path ahead. The Garden is excited to host the following guest speakers. Please join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15, 9:15 & 10:15 (Beef and Boards) or 10:15 (The Mansion at Oak Hill).
MAY 9 MAY 16 MAY 23 MAY 30 JUNE 6 JUNE 13 JUNE 20 JUNE 27
Rob French Phil Gulley Bishop Michael Coyner Rev. Stan Abell Rev. Jamalyn Williamson Steve Schaffner Dr. Kent Millard Jay Geshay
JULY 4 Dianne Crusan JULY 18 Rev. Stan Abell JULY 25 Julia Johnson AUGUST 1 Rob French AUGUST 8 Rev. Jerry Herships
Green Ministry Award
New Grief Support Group
The Green Ministry wishes to thank the Indiana Conference of the Methodist Church for their support of environmental issues. They have established a Conference Care for Creation task force (St. Luke’s Amy Barnes is a member). They made a special effort to “think green” when all the Indiana Methodist clergy were in retreat at St. Luke’s on April 26 & 27.
For anyone experiencing the loss of a spouse, to learn about the grief journey, meet others who have experienced loss and find hope in God’s love. Meets 2-3:30PM on May 2, 16 and 23 (no meeting on Mother’s Day). Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson, 846-3404 x315 to register for this group.
Green Ministry Leadership Team Our ministry leadership team meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month, 5:30-7PM in E213 and welcomes new people to the discussion. Contact Betty Brandt (, 846-3404) or just show up.
Transitions For those finding themselves in a place of “change” in the journey of life following the loss of a spouse/significant other, divorce, beginning retirement or relocation to this community. Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson (846-3404 x315) to learn more, or to be a part of the newly formed planning team.
INCLUSIVENESS MINISTRY Inclusiveness Ministry Community Brunch On Saturday, May 15, 10-11:30AM, you are invited to fellowship with the Inclusiveness Team and learn about its initiatives. This racially and culturally diverse group’s mission is to support St. Luke’s congregation in living intentionally in true community with people of various cultures, faiths and ethnic backgrounds, and to celebrate similarities and honor differences. Please RSVP to Maria Blake at or 293-3156.
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LATER@ST. LUKE’S Hospitality and Special Events
Mission Possible Kids
Light Suppers will be served the third Sunday in May. Please join us at 4:45PM prior to attending Later@St. Luke’s worship service in Fellowship Hall for delicious food and fun. To assist us in planning, you must register at least one week in advance. Donations are welcome–$3 minimum per person. Please give generously so that these meals can continue in the fall. Registrations are being taken at Later @St. Luke’s Information Table, with Singles on Wednesday nights, and at Mission Possible Kids on Sunday evenings.
Sunday evenings between 6-8PM on Sundays kids in grades 1-5 are on a mission from God. As the school year comes to a close, our kids are still turning the world upside down.
A Girl’s Gift, Inc. As this partnership comes to a close this year between Later@St. Luke’s and Mission Possible Kids, a Mother and Daughter Banquet is being planned for Mother’s Day (Sunday, May 9) at the Ritz Charles. This banquet will be the grand finale, and the girls will participate in a graduation ceremony. For information, please contact Dr. Marion Miller at or visit
Top Secret During May they will be making Quilting Squares with Messages for our military hospitals, along with Sweet Sleep Pillows. Come join us for our next “top secret” and earn mission stars for your MPKids T-shirt. Quarterly Field Trip All missions are held on Sunday evenings here at the church, along with a quarterly field trip. We will be bowling on our next field trip, Sunday, May 2 at Woodland Bowl. Pitch-In Please join us for our first annual MPKids Promotional and Appreciation “Pitch-In” on Sunday, May 23 from 68PM in Fellowship Hall. We are asking parents to bring a dish to share; meats and drinks will be provided. Come help us close out our first year with a bang! If you should have any questions, please contact Agent Coordinator Cathy Robinson, Mission Possible Kids will resume its headquarters in the fall. Remember, a $20 agent registration fee (paid by parent) gives you a lifetime membership as a “special agent” with MPKids. God has plenty of work for us to do. Have a great summer!
MEMBERSHIP Hospitality Corner Please stop by the Hospitality Corner located in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, May 9 from 10:30AM12:15PM. We are happy to answer your questions about different programs or offer brochures on our many ministry areas.
Become a Member The next Membership Class is Wednesday, May 26, 6:30-9PM. Registration is encouraged and childcare is available upon request. Please contact Sylvia at 846-3404 x343 or Go from “attender” to “member,” no matter you long you’ve been coming to St. Luke’s.
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New Life Circle
Join Singles before, during and after the Later@St. Luke’s worship services (Sundays, 6PM in Robertson Chapel) at these events.
Attention Single Women. . . what are the inner secrets to you feeling and looking your beautiful self? Join New Life Circle on Tuesday, May 18 at 7PM in the Spiritual Life Center for "Happy Rebirthday: You Are Becoming As Beautiful As You Are" with Rev. Mary Rudy, D. Min.
BEFORE Later@St. Luke’s “LIFE Group Table Discussions” (1st and 3rd Sundays, 4:45PM). Sit around the table with family, friends and a light snack to share in a Life Group experience over common but energetic discussions.
AFTER Later@St. Luke’s Fun Filled Activities (2nd and 4th Sundays). Following worship service, we will meet up at places like Steak ‘n Shake, bowling, baseball game, etc. If you are interested in joining the LIFE Group discussions before worship or outside fun events and activities after worship, please contact Chris Thornsberry, Associate Director of Adult Education at or Dr. Marion Miller at
Come hear about the secrets and learn how to implement them in your life as we start a new beginning with our relationship with ourselves. Your relationship with yourself is your most important relationship because out of that center, all your relationships flow and thrive. At the center of your relationship with you is your Sacred Self, given to you by Christ. Those who hold back from loving themselves, deny Christ His rightful place. Happy Rebirthday to each woman who chooses to claim the self worth and confidence she deserves! Don’t miss this evening of celebration, complete with cake and ice cream! Come join the fun and bring your "rebirthday" wish! For additional information, call Nancy at 2551226 or Cathy at 334-7821. New Life Circle is open to single, divorced, and widowed women of all ages.
SOCIAL JUSTICE Pedal for Peace 2010 Save the date for the second annual Pedal for Peace bike relay – October 2, 2010. This fun cycling event at the Velodrome brings teams together to help promote peace and connection throughout the world. This year, proceeds will support organizations that are building schools in Afghanistan. Pedal for Peace 2010 has a new and improved website! You will be able to register on-line, view pictures, and donate. Start forming your teams now!
SOWERS Plant Sale The Sower's spring perennial plant and herb sale will be May 9 in the West Passage. You'll find quart and gallon sizes of perennials that are old standbys in Midwest gardens. Each time there are new plants that we have not had before, all from our gardens or our friendly neighbor's gardens. There will be a limited number of herbs fresh from a commercial grower, and tree and shrub starts. Sale hours are 8:15AM-Noon.
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SPIRITUAL LIFE CENTER To pre-register for a class, go to, or contact DeAnna Moran at 317-846-3404 x367 or Oasis = Oasis Bookstore and Gift Shop located inside St. Luke’s.
Oneness Blessing
Indoor Friday Labyrinth Walk Make space in your busy schedule for a time of meditation and prayer on our indoor canvas labyrinth. Every Friday, 57PM in Fellowship Hall. Candles, meditative music, as well as a host/hostess available to answer questions. Here is the perfect way to end your work week and begin your weekend—walking prayer.
Daylily Labyrinth Maintenance Spring is here! Our outdoor labyrinth needs some attention. To adopt a section for weeding, clipping and mulching this spring and summer, please contact Betty Brandt at, 317-846-3404x339.
Midwest Labyrinth Gathering
The Oneness Blessing is not a faith or a religion, but rather a practice that may help people reach a deeper level of connectedness with their own faith. It is a practice that is spreading all over the world; Irene Maher will be bringing it to St. Luke’s on the 1st Tuesdays of the month, May 4 and June 1, 7:15-8PM in the Spiritual Life Center. $10 donation.
“Drum On” Circle Live with Vibrancy, Rhythm and Passion. All are invited to experience an hour of drumming every 4th Wednesday (May 26). Led by Dane McCullough, Modular Building, 6:307:30PM. Drums are provided or bring your own. No experience necessary. HEALING MINISTRY
Appointments for Healing Sessions
Be part of a labyrinth weekend at Waycross Conference Center in Morgantown, IN, June 11-13. Enjoy a weekend of workshops, music, art and lots of labyrinths to walk in a beautiful Brown County setting. Details at or contact Betty Brandt (846-3404x339,
Spiritual Intuitive Awareness Group If you are exploring your imaginative skills and wish to deepen your ability to use intuition for discernment and to live in a God-centered state, find a safe place for discovery in this forum for learning and sharing. Led by Maria Celeste, first Tuesdays, May 4 and June 1, and fourth Tuesday, April 27, 6:15-8:30PM, Spiritual Life Center. No registration; $10/session.
Celtic Contemplation Carol Dennis provides flute music and Marsha Hutch-inson offers communion during this time for prayer, scripture, optional labyrinth walking and silence. First Wednesdays (no May service, and June 2), 6-6:30PM, N103/104 (enter door #8).
The St. Luke’s Healing Ministry has expanded appointment times to include 11AM on the first Sunday of each month and Wednesday afternoons. Anyone seeking emotional, spiritual and/or physical healing is welcome. No charge (donations appreciated). Call 846-3404 x442 and leave your name and number for an appointment on Sunday, May 2 and June 6, or Tuesday afternoon/evening, Wednesday afternoon, or Friday morning/afternoon. Your call will be promptly returned.
Animal Communication Readings Mary Marshall returns to St. Luke’s to “talk” with the animals. As a medical intuitive she can “scan” your pet’s body and intuitively find trouble spots. She can help you understand your pet’s persistent behavioral problems and recommend solutions. Her book is Medicine Horse Woman: Lessons on Spirituality and Healing from an Animal Communicator. Wednesday, April 28, 6:30-8:30PM in W125 (enter door #4). Appointments required (contact DeAnna Moran at 846-3404 x367). Fee: $30/15 minute reading. Come with your pet or pets.
Phil Gulley Returns To St. Luke’s—Save The Date! Phil Gulley has written a new book, If the Church Were Christian. He comes to us on Friday, June 25, 7:30PM in the Sanctuary to talk about his provocative ideas. Evening includes Q & A and book signing. If you have read his other “grace” books, you know you don’t want to miss this evening. Tickets ($10) at and at the door.
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Walking Through the Medicare Maze—2010 Update
Women, Food and God
Medicare A, Medicare B, Medicare D, Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement. What are they and how are they different from one another? How do I choose? When do I choose? If you’ve ever asked yourself any of these questions, you aren’t alone. It’s complicated! If you’d like to learn more about these plans and feel a little more comfortable as you try to decide what to do, please come to hear an unbiased overview. No specific insurance plans or carriers will be highlighted and no one will try to sell you anything. This is an informational gathering. Your presenter is Jim Chesterfield, who became an employee benefits professional after 25 years of buying, implementing and managing benefit programs for companies in Central Indiana. Meets Tuesday, May 11, 7-8:30PM in E107/109. No registration or fee. Joint project of the Spiritual Life Center’s Healing Ministry and the Health Ministry.
Explore your relationship with food, God, and compulsions, as we discuss and put into practice ideas from Geneen Roth’s new book, Women, Food and God. Geneen Roth is an expert on breaking our compulsion with food and diets. Oprah says, “This book could have been called Women, Shopping and God or Women, Meth and God or Women, Gambling and God, since food is just one of the things we use to deny our own worthiness–for love, for godliness, for peace.” Thursdays, May 13 & 20 and June 10 & 17, 2010, 7-8:30PM in the Parlor. Registration required; fee $25. Book is available at Oasis Bookstore. Taught by Amy Barnes, LMHC and Life Coach.
Conversation About Religion, Meaning, Ethics & Ideas Where can you find discussion about religion in America, the wisdom of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, the effect of torture on democracies, or how TV shows are modern-day parables? These topics and many more are discussed every Sunday morning in the Spiritual Life Center, 9:30-10:30AM. The time together is based on the American Public Media show “Speaking of Faith” ( Meet new people, learn about current trends and ideas and energize yourself for the week to come. Led by Betty Brandt.
8 Keys to Living Authentically & Passionately Kathy McHugh, author of Passing On Hope, will lead this seven-week class that explores our cultural addiction to perfection and the impact it has on our self-worth. Discover what holds you back from being who you truly are and from giving the gifts you came here to share with the world. Learn to declare what you want your life to say, identify what you need to believe about yourself in order to live the life you came here to live, and create daily rituals that will help more of you to emerge. Wednesdays, June 9-July 21, 6:30-8PM in Luke’s Lodge (NE corner of back parking lot). Registration required; fee $100 (max. 12).
Studio 3 Art Ministry for Artists and Dabblers Come meet others who are interested in sharing spiritual and artistic interests while building an art community at St. Luke’s. Bring your favorite medium and spend the morning working, sharing and laughing. Thursday, 9AM-4PM in C122. For questions or information, e-mail Linda Etherton at j.etherton1@
What Is a Prayer Shawl Ministry? Prayer shawls are given to those needing to be wrapped in God’s healing love. They are knitted or crocheted in rectangular or triangular shapes with donated yarn by prayerful volunteers who like to knit or crochet and love the fellowship of working together. If you are not a knitter, you could be a part of this ministry by donating yarn or money to purchase yarn. You could also join in the fellowship and help with non-knitting tasks like fringing and tagging. Led by Donna Cripe (280-7806) meets every Tuesday, 1-3PM in W120.
“Fish Out Of Water” The Spiritual Life Center and ReachOut join together to bring this 2009 documentary that explores the impassioned relationship between homosexuality and the Bible to the Indianapolis community. The producer/director Ky Dickens will be able to be with us for the showing and discussion on Friday, June 4, 7-9PM in Fellowship Hall. Part of the Citywide Film Series sponsored by Lockerbie-Central UMC, North UMC and St. Luke’s. $5 donation appreciated.
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body ~ mind ~ spirit Ongoing Integral Hatha Daytime Yoga
“Pay What You Can” Happy Yoga
Mondays, May 10-June 28 (omit 5/31), 7:30 & 9:30AM; and Thursdays, May 13-July 1, 8:30AM in N101/102. Walkins/$15 for either session. Registration suggested, taught by Marsha Pappas. Classes continue on July 12 & 15.
Open to all, regardless of your finances or yoga experience. Find your strength and happiness through poses, breath and meditation. Taught by Robin Howard. Mondays and Thursdays, 5:30-6:30PM in N103/104. No registration or fee; donations appreciated. Bring a mat AND blanket.
Ongoing Qigong Classes Qigong (Chee-Gung) is an amazing set of gentle exercises similar to Tai Chi which help to enhance and maintain one’s overall health. It is a self-healing practice used to recover from illness, relieve stress, lower blood pressure, increase blood circulation and reduce chronic pain. Thursdays, 10:30-11:30AM in Luke’s Lodge, upstairs. No registration; $10/session. Taught by Amy Barr.
Aikido Training This discipline uses martial training as a means of character development rather than fighting prowess. Open to men and women. Come observe a class, or email through website, Adult classes Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 7-9PM, Saturdays, 810AM. Classes for children ages 6-15, Saturdays, 9:4510:30AM. All classes in N103/104.
UNITED METHODIST MEN Monthly Men’s Breakfast All men are invited to the United Methodist Men’s monthly breakfast on Saturday, May 1 at 8AM in Fellowship Hall. We offer a hearty breakfast, fellowship, sharing and an interesting program. Our speaker will be Rev. David Williamson. Dave will share with us his personal experiences in Haiti surrounding the recent earthquakes and aftermath. The discussion will try to answer: How did Haiti evolve? What went wrong? How can Haiti be healed? Our event will be enlightening, instructional and full of fellowship. All men are invited to join us. Please call Peter Johnson at 8487149 to RSVP. This will assist in planning for the correct amount of food.
Brad Stevens, Head Coach of Butler Men's Basketball team, is our featured speaker on Saturday, June 5 at 8AM. For our June breakfast, Coach Stevens will share his experiences and thoughts surrounding leadership, coaching and building a winning team. The St. Luke's United Methodist Men invite anyone and everyone to attend. Due to the expected turnout, tickets will be on sale beginning May 1 to aid in planning and expenses. Seating will be limited due to the capacity of the Great Hall. Adults $10, and children $5. All net proceeds will be donated to charity.
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UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Women in the Bible The disciples weren't the only ones turning the world upside down during biblical times! Women in the bible still have relevance and wisdom for today. Join us two Sundays, May 9 and 16, as we explore the stories of Jochebed, Moses' mother, with Rev. Jamalyn Williamson and the story of Jesus' close companions, Mary and Martha, with Rev. Marsha Hutchinson. We will meet in N101/102 from 11AM-12:30PM to enjoy some fellowship and bible study. To register, please contact Heather Hilbert at or 776-3058.
Sarah Circle Welcome all ladies of faith, fun and wisdom. We invite you to join Sarah Circle on Monday, May 17 at Noon in Fellowship Hall. This will be our last meeting until Monday, September 20. This meeting is our “Pitch In Luncheon.” Everyone brings a favorite dish or dessert to share. Please come and bring a friend. Enjoy a time of fellowship, devotion, and a time to sit and chat with new and old friends. The ladies of Sarah Circle provide meals and refreshments for funerals held at St. Luke’s. We hope to see you in April. Contact Sandra Pirkle 733-4183 for further information.
UMW Reading Group
White Cross Guild
Tibet—Through the Eyes of a Woman
White Cross Guild provides volunteers to participate in activities supporting Methodist Hospital. Meets at Methodist Medical Plaza, 151 Pennsylvania Parkway (103rd/Meridian) in the first floor community room. They meet the 2nd Monday of each month from 9AM-2PM (next meeting: May 10) to prepare gauze squares used in surgery (bring your lunch). They also meet the 4th Tuesday of each month (next meeting: May 25) from 1-3PM to stuff and sew heart pillows for patients who have had heart or lung surgery. Contact Marguerite Moehn (873-1956) or Barb Querry (879-0543).
This month, in anticipation of The Dalai Lama's Public Talk at Conseco Fieldhouse (on May 14), we will be learning about the Tibetan culture through the eyes of a woman by reading Sorrow Mountain: The Journey of a Tibetan Warrior Nun by Ani Pachen. This is a powerful account of a young Tibetan woman who helped lead the Tibetan resistance against the Chinese until her capture and 21-year imprisonment. We will meet in the Parlor on Monday, May 24 from 7-8:30PM. Newcomers are always welcome. For information, contact Jennifer Todd at
Eve Circle Eve Circle invites all mothers with young children to unite with other mothers through support, faith, missions, fun and socializing. On Tuesday, May 4 our own Lisa Jankowski will be showing/teaching us her cooking skills through a cooking demo. We will also swap recipes. Bring copies of your favorite family friendly recipe to share with the group. Join us again on Tuesday, May 18 for our annual end-of-theyear pitch-in brunch and book exchange. Bring in a book or two that you’ve read and exchange them for another. ••• Eve Circle is a UMW group of mothers with young children that meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 9:30-11:30 AM in the Parlor. Free childcare is available by contacting For more information regarding Eve Circle, contact Betsy Amirhamzeh at
Mary Magdalene Circle "Leaving a Legacy" is the topic for the program for the May meeting for Mary Magdalene Circle. Lorraine Vollnogle will be hosting the meeting in her home on May 12 at 7PM. All women are welcome to join us for fellowship, food and devotions. For further information you may call Lorraine at 823-2290 or Elizabeth Keller, co-chair, at 594-9544.
WORLD MISSIONS Upcoming 2010 Work Projects The following is partial listing of work projects you can participate in this year. For a complete listing, visit the World Missions page at, or pick up a brochure in the West Passage in the World Missions area. Questions? Contact Jan Nichols at 846-3404 x364 or
Coastal Carolina June 12-19, 2010 Youth Mission Project—community Humanitarian efforts CONTACT: Kathleen Headington, 317-846-3404 x346, COST: $600
Native American Family Work Project June 27-July 2, 2010 Tree of Life, Rosebud, South Dakota/Building and VBS LEADER: Kathie Clemenz 317-845-5655, COST: $300 plus transportation
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Newport, Tennessee
Zimbabwe, Africa
July 10-16, 2010 Junior High Youth Project; Humanitarian/Construction/ Kid's Club CONTACT: Matt Peyton, 317-846-3404 x369, COST: $540
August Safe water project
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APPROXIMATE COST: $2200 LEADER: Rich Potterf, 846-3404 x316,
Health kit packing August, in Modular Building
Midwest Mission Distribution Center September 12-17 Chatham, Illinois COSTS: $180 (+ transportation) LEADER: Marge Butler, 257-6130
“Fun Raiser” for World Mission Projects September 18. Stay tuned for details.
One of last year’s Zimbabwe water wells
YOUTH MINISTRIES Welcoming all youth and families into loving, Christcentered relationships where they can get in tune with God's amazing love and be empowered to transform the world! For information or event registration stop by Luke’s Lodge (the youth building on the NE corner of the church parking lot), visit, or contact: Kevin Davis, Director of Youth Ministry: Kathleen Headington, Senior High, 9th -12th:
Senior Night Let's celebrate the incredible blessings of our St. Luke's Seniors! On Sunday, May 16 from 6-8PM at Luke's Lodge we will be lifting up the seniors who have been a part of our youth ministry community. Share your favorite senior memories and blessings as we prepare our seniors for their adventures ahead. If you are a senior interested in attending this event, RSVP to Kathleen Headington at 846-3404 x346 or
Year End Celebration! It's hard to believe another year has almost passed at Luke's Lodge! Join us for a cookout at Luke's Lodge on Sunday, May 23 from 6-8PM to say "goodbye" to another great year and "helloooo, summer!" Bring your friends for an evening of food, fellowship and worship!
MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR JUNE JUNE 3: SH Cookout at the Headingtons JUNE 7: JH Trip to Kings Island JUNE 12-19: SH Coastal Carolina Workcamp
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The following is a listing of essential info and on-going classes/events.
HOURS: St. Luke’s office is open 8:30AM-5PM Monday-Friday. Our Prayer Chapel (located inside Robertson Chapel next to the Spiritual Life Center) is available for silent prayer and meditation when the church is open. A pastor is always on call in case of emergencies; call 846-3404 to leave a message after hours.
E-MAIL: Need to email someone on our staff? Easy. Our email is our last name followed immediately by first initial, followed by
IN GENERAL: When you need something, our outstanding front desk staff can direct your call to the appropriate person. But here are some tips for some of the most frequently requested information: I NEED
Adult Class Registration
DeAnna Moran
Childcare Needs for Meetings/Events (charges may apply)
Kristi Chamberlain
Member Care/Death/ Mary Katherine Schnitz Stephen Ministry Request/Hospitalization Membership/Births/Address/ Phone Change
Sylvia Forbes
Reserve a Room/Request A/V
Beth Lammers or Carol Helmus
Weddings/Special Event Coordination
Carol Helmus
Bobbi Main-Jackson
Pledge Balance/Information
Jan Emmons
Oasis Bookstore
Sharon Holyoak
Sunday Worship Services 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM, Sanctuary with Dr. Kent Millard • Communion is served the first Sunday of the month at all three services and is available to all persons. • St. Luke’s Orchestra plays the third Sunday of the month. • Baptisms take place the fourth Sunday of every month.
Taizé, Third Sundays of the month, 5-5:45PM by the baptismal font in the Sanctuary with Mark Squire, selected members of St. Luke’s Chancel Choir, and Rev. Marsha Hutchinson. A service of peace and candlelight with silence, scriptures, prayer, and beautiful music.
Celtic Contemplation, No service in May, 6-6:30PM in N103/104 with Rev. Marsha Hutchinson, Betty Brandt, Connie Dillman, Carol Dennis (flautist). A service for Communion, silence, prayer and readings to calm and comfort busy lives. Later@St. Luke’s, a casual, dynamic and innovative experience open to everyone. 6PM every Sunday in Robertson Chapel with Dr. Marion Miller, Pastor. Communion is served weekly. Classes and care for children also provided. The Garden is an off-site satellite ministry of St. Luke’s providing non-traditional worship in a comfortable, casual setting. Dr. Linda McCoy, Pastor. The Garden at Beef & Boards: 8:15, 9:15 & 10:15AM every Sunday; music provided by The Good Earth Band. The Garden at Oak Hill: 10:15AM every Sunday; music provided by The Oak Hill Band. Rev. Stan Abell, Campus Pastor.
S U P P O R T I N G T H E M I N I S T R I E S O F S T. L U K E ’ S U M C
Inspirational Gifts, Jewelry & Books Conveniently located inside St. Luke’s UMC Sharon Holyoak, Manager Gift Registry Available
10AM - 4PM 9AM - 1PM
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A Listening Heart: Bible Study for Women with Young Children
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
2nd and 4th Mondays, 7-9PM in, E212. Childcare is available upon request. We encourage making time for scripture reading, digging deeper into our faith and reflecting on what we have learned. This study is both challenging, but “beginner” friendly. New members always welcome. For info, contact Ann Smith, 569-1359 or, or Kari Miller, 873-8606 or
Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30AM, The Forum at The Crossing. An off-site senior adult Bible Study. Led by Terri Coe, Mary Katherine Schnitz and Chris Thornsberry.
Empty Nesters Every Sunday (except holidays), 9:30-10:30AM, E107/109. Read, watch, and discuss a contemporary and traditional books and videos. We also gather once a month for social activities. For more information, contact Ann Townsend at 842-0464.
New Beginnings Sundays, Sept.-May (except holidays), 9:30-10:30AM in E213. A self-led couples class that meets weekly and discusses a variety of topics. We have regular social gatherings as well! For more information, contact Nathan or Paula Montgomery at, or 340-7115.
Flo Hardy Bible Study 1st & 3rd Mondays, 9AM in the Spiritual Life Center. Join others in coffee, prayer, reading and discussion of selected Biblical texts...just like we did in the "good ole days!" (with occasional “non good ole days” videos). Led by Rev. Marsha Hutchinson.
Thursday Afternoon Book Study Thursdays, 1-2:30PM, Parlor. Join this afternoon group to read and discuss a diverse selection of reading materials. The group also enjoys lunches, watching movies, taking field trips and celebrating birthdays together. Our next book is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Class facilitator is Phyllis Bybee. For more information, contact Sylvia Forbes at 8463404 or
Mothers of Young Children Book Club 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 9:30–11:30AM, E105. Participants in this group read approximately one piece of current fiction or non-fiction per month. Childcare is available upon request for $5 per family. For book list, to request childcare, or for info contact Dawn Pasquale at
New Earth Community Thursdays, 7-8:30PM, Spiritual Life Center. This study discusses innovative and challenging spiritual books. Contact JoAnne Waeltz, 872-0895,, for current title.
Ongoing “Speaking of Faith” Discussion
This group focuses on non-fiction books with spiritual themes every Tuesday afternoon, 1-2:30PM in the Spiritual Life Center. Contact JoAnne Waeltz, 872-0895,
Every Sunday morning at 7AM on FM90/1, Krista Tippett interviews fascinating spiritual leaders. A community of “Speaking of Faith” fans meets at 9:30AM in the Spiritual Life Center to discuss that morning’s program. The show is available on the prior Thursday at
Sunrise Book Study
Ongoing Meditation Group
Wednesdays, 7-8:30AM, Parlor. Start your day with friends, prayer, a good book, stimulating discussion and personal enrichment. Contact Betty Brandt at (317) 846-3404 or
Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome to join in 1/2 hour discussion followed by 1/2 hour of Christian meditation. You will find support for your practice, new ideas and a community of others who welcome silence. Led by Merri Leffel, Mondays, 6:30-7:30PM in the Spiritual Life Center. No fee or registration.
Tuesday Afternoon Women's Spiritual Book Study
George Vickery Men’s Discussion Group Wednesdays, 8AM at Shapiro’s. Discuss current events or the latest book of interest you have read. For more information, call Bob Waeltz at 872-0895.
Kent Millard’s Book Study Wednesdays, 10-11:30AM in the Spiritual Life Center. Join this group for a time of prayer and fellowship as well as the sharing of insights from the reading of books on various topics.
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CARE MINISTRIES Chronic Pain Support Group Monday, May 17, 6-7:30PM in N101/102. This is a support group for patients with all types of neuropathic and fibromyalgia pain and for their families and friends. No registration is required. Questions? Contact Dr. Meg Frazer at 844-2903 or
Early Childhood Music September-May. Preschool, pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students can attend this bi-monthly worship experience with their classes during the 9:30 and 11AM services. Children learn, sing, pray and celebrate special holidays.
Children’s Commission
May 4 and June 1. Meets the first Tuesday of the month from 7-8PM, E213. This is a laidback, easy-going group open to learning and sharing through exercise, diet and prayer. Contact Debbie Allen at 796-2189.
Become a member of Commission on Children’s Ministry (“COCM”). We brainstorm and staff events such as Palm Sunday Reenactment, Mother’s Day Flowers and more. Contact Janet Miller at 846-3404 x327 or to express an interest. We meet on the fourth Tuesdays at 6:30PM.
Family Support Group
Elementary Children's Church
Wednesdays, May 12 and June 9, 6:30PM, Main Office Conference Room. The group offers emotional and spiritual support for families who have a member abusing drugs or alcohol.
At 9:30AM and 11AM all children grades 1-5 attend Children's Church for large-group worship time. Children attending 9:30AM Sunday School will meet their teachers in Robertson Chapel for a short worship service and then will be escorted back to their classrooms for their lesson. Children attending 11AM Sunday School will meet and pick up in C123, then be escorted to their rotation activity.
Diabetes Support Group
Adult ADD Support Group Tuesdays, May 11 & 25, 7-8:30PM in E213. St. Luke’s offers support for adults with ADD. For information call Mary Katherine at 846-3404 x365.
Jesse’s Street Monday, May 17, 6:30-8PM in the Parlor. Meets the 3rd Monday of every month. For parents who have a child with a physical, mental or emotional disability. Register for childcare by contacting Sylvia Forbes. Leaders: Kevin & Hillary McCarley, 850-1637.
Care Committee If you know of someone in a health care center, or confined to their home, please call Mary Katherine at 846-3404 x365. The Care Committee makes these monthly visits.
CHILDREN’S MUSIC All rehearsals are in E208. To register go to, click “Music” then “Children’s Choirs.” For information, contact Debra Nethercott, Director of Children’s Music at 846-3404 x329 or
Genesis Rehearses Sunday 8:50–9:20AM. Ages 4, 5, & kindergarten (age 4 by 9/1/09). Movement and music activities including ringing bells, playing rhythm instruments and singing sacred songs.
CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Sunday School Children are always welcome to join Sunday School throughout the year. Pick up and return registration forms outside the Education Office. Greeters are available near door 16 and in Robertson Chapel (at 9:30AM) to place your child in a class on Sunday morning.
Elementary Music Program—Grades 1-5 Rehearses Sunday 10:25–11:15AM. Any child who attends the 11AM Sunday School/Worship Service will be dismissed at 11AM. All other participants will be dismissed at 11:15AM. Activities of this group include singing, movement and an instrumental program: Orff instruments and choir chimes.
Crescendo!—Grades 6-8 Rehearses Tuesday 7:15–8PM. An outstanding group of youth singers who participate regularly in worship services in the Sanctuary.
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The Choristers—Grades 3-8
Rehearses Tuesday 6:30–7:15PM. A select group of treble voices; by audition only.
For pregnancy loss or loss of a baby. Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7PM, Spiritual Life Center. Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson, 846-3404 x315 or Jim & Marci Harenberg, 705-0771. ••• We are now taking orders for family name plaques to be placed in the HOPE Memorial Garden.
Voice for Life Meets Tuesday, 6–6:30PM. A program for music theory, ear training and overall musician training. Participants can earn RSCM ribbons and medals. Open to any singer participating in Crescendo! or The Choristers.
Mom's Group following the Loss of a Young Adult Child Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson for more information at 8463404 x315.
ADDITIONAL MUSIC OPPORTUNITIES These groups are directed by volunteers and are in addition to the instrumental opportunities offered at 10:25AM on Sunday morning. Participants must also be members of one of the above listed groups.
Handbell Choir— Grades 3+ Rehearses Sunday 11:15AM-Noon Ms. Donita Murphy-Sims, Director Orff Ensemble— Grades 3+ Rehearses Sunday 11:15AM-Noon Mrs. Gay Talbert, Director
HUGS Group (for fellowship and support following the loss of a husband, wife or significant other) Meets Sundays, 24PM in the Parlor. All are welcome, for recent loss or those of the past. The group goes out for light supper following the meeting (optional). Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson for details at 846-3404 x315.
HUGS Fellowship Dinner Meets fourth Sunday of every month, 4:30-6PM. To reconnect with those from a former grief group and meet new friends of friends! Come have dinner and enjoy the laughter. Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson, 846-3404 x315.
Footprints An opportunity for lay people who would like to become a caring resource to someone who is recently bereaved. For information call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson, 846-3404 x 315.
FELLOWSHIP Basketball St. Luke's Men's Basketball Open Gym. For adult basketball enthusiasts (16+) who are looking to play competitive pick-up games on Thursday nights from 7:30-9:30PM in the Great Hall. Weekly emails are sent out to confirm players for the week. No weekly commitments required, but looking for regular attendees. Please contact Steve Coyner at 590-0235 or email for more information.
GRIEF MINISTRIES (H.U.G.S.)—Healing Under Grief Support. Find yourself needing fellowship and support on your journey following the loss of a loved one?
Dad’s Grief Group for Loss of a Child Meets Tuesday mornings for breakfast at 7AM at the Hilton Indianapolis North Hotel, 8181 N. Shadeland Ave. For info call Dr. Adolf Hansen, 846-3404 x450. SECOND LOCATION/DAY: Thursdays, 7AM at Bob Evans (I-65/Southport Rd. exit).
SINGLES Singles Sunday School Class Every Sunday, 11AM–Noon, E107/109. Join us every Sunday for a wonderful walk through the Bible and many other biblical resources. Singles of all ages and stages of life come together for a wonderful time of spiritual growth. MAY 2: John—The Apostle of Love MAY 9: Philip—The Bean Counter MAY 16: Nathanael—The Guileless One MAY 23: Matthew—The Tax Collector & Thomas—The Twin MAY 30: James—The Less; Simon—The Zealot;
and Judas (Not Iscariot)–The Apostle w/ Three Names JUNE 6: Judas—The Traitor
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Sunday Lunch Bunch Every Sunday, 12:30PM, join us! Every Sunday we pick a different local restaurant to eat at after church service and Sunday school. Feel free to join us at these locations on the below dates for some fun, food, and fantastic times! MAY 2: Don Pablo’s, Keystone MAY 9: Famous Dave’s, Michigan Road MAY 16: McAlister’s, Meridian MAY 23: Steak N Shake, Nora MAY 30: Max and Erma’s, Carmel
UNITED METHODIST MEN Monthly Men’s Fellowship Come out for a relaxing evening of food, drinks, and fellowship with the men of St. Luke's. No script or agenda. Meet new friends, or catch up with old ones. Every third Wednesday of the month (May 19) at 8:30PM, Smee’s Place, located on the NW corner of 86th and Ditch. Contact Matt Roop at, or 538-5931 if you intend to make it.
Singles Wednesday Nights Every Wednesday evening, singles gather for a time of fun and fellowship. We’ll be meeting in the Fellowship Hall and the Parlor starting at 7:15PM for a time of Coffee and Conversation. Our programs generally start at 8PM. Then from 9-9:30PM we have a time of enjoying some great snacks and chatting again. Afterwards, we eat at a local restaurant. A $3 donation to help offset the cost of this evening is appreciated! Feel free to call our Singles Info Line at 317-846-4826 for all program information or contact Linda at
Fuel – 20s/30s: Faith Discussion Class Wednesdays, 6:30-8PM, Spiritual Life Center. Come see how your faith connects with your life. Grow in community, discuss together what it means to be Christian today, Bible study, books, and movies. Contact Chris Thornsberry at 846-3404 x332 or
30's/40's and Young at Heart (50’s) Welcome all singles—never married, separated, divorced or widowed. This group gets out, has fun, and meets new people. For information: or contact Chris Thornsberry at 846-3404 x332 or
Volleyball Volleyball meets every Wednesday at 7PM, and Friday at 6:30PM in the Great Hall. The cost to play is $2. For info, email Tim Adams at
Toastmasters Tuesdays, 7-8:30PM in N101/102. For more than 84 years Toastmasters International has offered effective ways to improve communication and leadership skills. Guests attend for free. For info, call Cathy Baker at 334-7821, or visit
YOUTH MINISTRIES For more information, contact Kevin Davis at or stop by Luke’s Lodge (the youth building on the NE corner of the church parking lot) or visit
Unplugged Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM, Luke’s Lodge. Our exciting Junior High Sunday morning ministry gives youth the opportunity to worship together and then break out into smaller groups to discuss faith topics and grow as a community. Our groups will break out by grade and gender to help be more tailored to each youth. Come check out opportunities to connect!
Remix Sundays, 6-8PM, Luke’s Lodge. Join other Junior High youth on Sunday evenings to share in food and fellowship through sports, games, spiritual growth activities, and vibrant, energetic worship.
Confirmation Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM, Luke's Ludge MAY 2: Lesson # 13
What does Confirmation really mean? Panel & Discussion MAY 9: Confirmation Service - 9:30AM *PARENT MEETING - Sixth grade parents are invited to a
meeting on Sunday, May 2 from 10:45-11:30AM at Luke's Lodge. This is the first organizational meeting for fall Confirmation. This meeting will cover changes in the upcoming confirmation program, provide information on curriculum, schedules, and expectations. Your youth can hang out in the game room with some of our volunteers and Sr. High students during the meeting. We hope to see you at this meeting!
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Wake Up at Starbucks Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM, Starbucks at Willow Lake. (2800 W 86th St.) Experience Sunday mornings in a fresh, new way. Grab a cup of hot chocolate, a comfy chair, and join friends and leaders for discussions about the relevance of our faith in today’s society. Meet leaders at Starbucks, or if you want a ride, be at Luke’s Lodge by 9:15AM and we’ll have you back to the church at 10:30AM.
Wake Up at the Lodge Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM A new on-site option is now available for our Senior High youth at Luke’s Lodge every Sunday morning. Join friends and leaders in the Sr. High Café as we go throught the Bible and talk about how our faith is relevant in our every day lives.
LIVE! At the Lodge Sundays, 6-8PM, Luke’s Lodge Senior High youth meet at 6PM on Sunday evenings for dinner, sports, games, and fellowship. Join us for worship led by our live youth band, Lightswitch, followed by awesome weekly small group discussions with friends and leaders. May 2-11: Get in the Game Thanks to all the practices, drills, and videos, by the time competition comes around, they have been provided all the tools they need to succeed during their next game, match or competition - but it doesn't do them any good if they don't step out on the court! It's the same for us as Christians. We've been given the tools we need to share God's love with the world, but what's it going to take to step out in faith and actually do it?
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