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THIS YEAR’S DATES ARE: JANUARY 16 with Dr. Kent Millard

Bob Zehr, music & Habitat Singers, special music JANUARY 23 with Rev. Marsha Hutchinson

Sundays in the South Once again, St. Luke’s members and friends can attend their home church away from home, in the sunny climate of southwest Florida. Come worship at North Naples United Methodist Church in Naples, Florida on four Sundays at 11AM with other St. Luke’s folks. Many thanks to the staff and congregation of North Naples UMC for extending this hospitality to us year after year.

Mark Squire, music & Ken Knowles, special music JANUARY 30

with Rev. Jamalyn Peigh Williamson Bob Zehr, music & Pat Bacon, special music FEBRUARY 6 with Dr. Linda McCoy



COMMUNION OPEN HOUSE Sunday, January 9, 9AM-1PM Visit booths sponsored by Music Ministries, Children and Youth, Care Ministries, Missions, and many, many more. Learn about our Spiritual Life Center, Family Fuel, support groups and classes. Visit all of the ministry areas, receive stickers on your participation form, and be entered into drawings for great prizes! Prize baskets include UMW cookbooks, music ministry CDs, Java Joe coffee cards, Purdue Glee Club tickets, gas cards, as well as gift cards to restaurants and movies. Whether you are a visitor or founding member, you will learn something new and have fun! Plan to stay at church a little longer on January 9 and tour the building, including a nice warm shuttle ride out to Luke's Lodge. Questions? Contact Mary Katherine at 846-3404 or

Crowds surrounding the Reflecting Pool, during the 1963 March on Washington

Human Relations Sunday In conjunction with the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, The United Methodist Church celebrates Human Relations Sunday. This year it will be held on Sunday, January 16, with Dr. Marion Miller preaching at the 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM services. A special offering will be collected and divided among three Global Ministries. This special day is a call to the Church “to recognize the right of all God's children in realizing their potential as human beings in relationship with each other."

St. Luke’s is an open

community of Christians gathering to seek, celebrate, live and share the love of God for all creation. We envision being transformed by God and

transforming the world

into a

compassionate, just, inclusive, Christ-like community. This issue lists upcoming events January 2011 through mid-February. The deadlines for submitting announcements for the 2011 COMMUNION MONTHLY: January 10 for February issue (publishes 1/30) February 7 for March issue (publishes 2/27)


a publication of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church 100 W. 86th St., Indianapolis, IN 46260 317.846.3404 • A PDF version of this publication is available online. Send your announcements to Lori Crantford at or leave them in her mailbox in the main office. Notices of births, deaths and weddings should be given to Sylvia Forbes ( or 846-3404 x343) and can be left with her weekly to be published in the Worship Guide.

All classes, events and groups are open to all; church membership or affiliation are not required for participation. WELCOME TO ST. LUKE’S!


Church Closings St. Luke’s will be closed on Saturday, January 1 and Monday, January 3. (Except for Preschool) in observance of New Year’s, and Monday, January 17 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.

ADULT EDUCATION To pre-register for a class, go to, or contact DeAnna Moran at 317-846-3404 x367 or at Oasis = Oasis Bookstore and Gift Shop located inside St. Luke’s.



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Adult Education Information Table Sunday, January 9, 9AM-12:30PM, West Hallway by Parlor Visit with key leaders of the Adult Education committee to see what personal growth/spiritual formation experiences and class offerings are available this winter as well as for the 2011 Lenten season. Free handouts include suggestions for enhancing personal devotions. Pre-register for the various opportunities of interest to you.


A Listening Heart: Bible Study for Women with Young Children 2nd and 4th Mondays, 7-9PM in E212. Childcare is available upon request. In early 2011, Listening Heart will focus on the book of Acts. This study will be led by Rev. Jamalyn Peigh Williamson. New members are always welcome. For info, contact Ann Smith, 569-1359 or carmelsmiths@, or, Kari Miller, 873-8606 or kkmiller01@

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Disciple Lite – New Testament Thursdays, January 13–March 3, 7-8:30PM in E105. Pre-registration recommended. Childcare available upon request. Who is Jesus and what is his significance for our lives? Using Matthew’s Gospel as a starting point, this study explores how the New Testament writers and the early Christian community wrestled with the coming of Jesus—his life, actions, mission, death and resurrection—as well as the implications of his arrival for their lives and their communities of faith. Discuss the implications of his arrival for our lives and our community of faith today. Led by Rev. David Williamson. Workbook available in the Oasis Bookstore.

Women’s Bible Study Wednesdays, January 12-March 2, 1-2:30PM in E105. Prayers of the New Testament— study various prayers in the New Testament that contain beautiful language and deep thoughts, evoking God’s character and attributes with rich metaphors and powerful images. Grow in your own prayer life by studying the prayers of Mary, Simeon, Anna, Jesus, Peter, Paul and John. Facilitated by Terri Coe, Director of Adult Ministries.


Café Conversations: Lost Christianities—The Battle for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew Wednesdays, beginning January 5, 9:30– 11AM in E105. What if Marcion’s canon (which consisted only of Luke’s Gospel and Paul’s letters, entirely omitting the Old Testament) had become Christianity’s canon? What if the Ebionites (who believed Jesus was completely human and not divine) had ruled the day as the Orthodox Christian party? What if various early Christian writings, such as the Gospel of Thomas or the Secret Gospel of Mark, had been allowed into the canonical New Testament? Bart Ehrman, a professor of religion at UNC Chapel Hill, offers answers to these and other questions in this book, which rehearses the now-familiar story of the tremendous diversity of early Christianity. He eloquently characterizes some of the movements and scriptures that were lost as he outlines the many strands of Christianity that competed for attention in the second and third centuries. Led by Dr. Marion Miller. Book available in Oasis Bookstore.

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Reading the Bible Again for the First Time Mondays, February 7, 14 & 21, 7-8:30PM in E105. Pre-registration recommended. Childcare available upon request. Reading the Bible Again for the First Time provides a much-needed solution to the problem of how to have a fully authentic yet contemporary understanding of the scriptures. Acclaimed author Marcus Borg reveals how it is possible to reconcile the Bible with both a scientific and critical way of thinking and our deepest spiritual needs, leading to a contemporary yet grounded experience of the sacred texts. Borg traces his personal spiritual journey, describing for readers how he moved from an unquestioning childhood belief in the biblical stories to a more powerful and dynamic relationship with the Bible as a sacred text brimming with meaning and guidance. Join with others who seek to learn how the Biblical message can be relevant in this 21st century. Led by Fletcher Graham, St. Luke’s Member. Book available in Oasis Bookstore.


New Beginnings If you are looking for a regular Sunday morning class to get more connected, New Beginnings may well be the place for you. Starting January 9, we will begin a study on The Reason for God. While we will use Timothy Keller's book of the same name, we will use a few different resources to discuss God and many of the questions everyone has about faith. “Science has disproved Christianity.” “A good God could not allow suffering.” These, and other similar statements, will be the focus of our study. We meet Sundays at 9:30AM in E213. Contact Nathan or Paula Montgomery for more information at, or 340-7115. We hope to see you there!

Empty Nesters Read, watch and discuss contemporary and traditional books and videos every Sunday (except holidays) 9:30-10:30AM in the Parlor. We also gather once a month for social activities. For more information, contact Ann Townsend at 842-0464.

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A Faith of Our Own:


Naming What You Really Believe (Introduction)

Conversations Around the Scripture Sundays, January 16-April 10, 9:30-10:30AM in E105. Explore the biblical message and discuss how to apply it to daily life as participants move from a focus on the Word to reflection on personal, family, church and community concerns. This winter’s theme will be “Assuring Hope” with topics such as “Comfort for God’s People,” “A Future for God’s People,” and, “Jesus, the Promised Servant-Leader.” While connected by theme, each week’s lesson stands alone. Led by Terri Coe, Director of Adult Ministries, and St. Luke’s Members.

When the Saints Sing the Blues Sundays, January 16–30, 11AM-Noon in the Parlor. It is not uncommon for individuals to experience a “let-down” after the holidays. Some struggle with the shortened daylight hours of a long, cold, snowy winter. Others are coping with issues related to family, work or personal health. Many are depressed and looking for resources to help. When Saints Sing the Blues examines depression from a biblical perspective by identifying eleven prominent individuals in the Bible who felt sad, hopeless and overwhelmed. Explore the lives of Jonah, Job, Naomi, Hannah and more, learning the circumstances that caused their depression, the symptoms experienced by each of them, and how each one dealt with the circumstances. Discuss what we can learn from their experiences and God’s response. We will also contemplate how the choice of modern medical care for depression intersects with our spiritual journey. Whether you’re the one coping with depression or you’re concerned about someone else, be assured that there is no valley so deep that God cannot bring gain from it. Growth and recovery from depression is possible! Led by Terri Coe, Director of Adult Ministries, and Wendy Loker (LMFT), St. Luke’s Member. Book available in Oasis Bookstore.

Sundays, February 13, 20 & 27, 9:30-10:30AM in E212. Preregistration recommended. What we believe evolves in response to insights into the Bible, to questions or doubts we face, to changes in life circumstances, or to things that happen in the larger world. This class is designed to help participants define and articulate their personal beliefs in a consistent way. Guest teacher Dr. Ron Allen, Professor of Preaching/New Testament, Christian Theological Seminary, will outline the most common ways a certain topic is understood in the Bible. He will identify the ways the church has interpreted the topic as well as introduce contemporary perspectives on each topic. His book, A Faith of Our Own, can be purchased in Oasis Bookstore.

Same Kind of Different as Me Sundays, February 6 – 27, 11AM-Noon in the Parlor. A successful art dealer, a homeless drifter, a woman reaching out—three persons who became connected, each experiencing a change within themselves because of their relationship. Their story is shared in this autobiographical account. They share their story of struggle with honest emotion and real-life situations, setting an example for those who want to be challenged to make a difference in their own lives and those around them. Their story also reveals the true level of commitment required to be an effective leader in service to others. It will challenge and encourage us. Come, join the conversation! Led by Terri Coe, Director of Adult Ministries, and Marsha Reynolds, St. Luke’s Member. Book available in Oasis Bookstore.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES The Track Registration Please make sure you turn in your bright yellow registration form for your children up to 5th grade. Forms can be found at the information table at The Track (formally known as the East Wing). Also, you can register your children online at WINNER’S CIRCLE: Sunday mornings are filled with high energy fun starting at 9:30AM in Robertson Chapel for elementary aged children (1st-5th). Our Sunday morning curriculum is virtue based. We believe a virtue is something God is doing in us to help change the world around us. January’s virtue is Determination—deciding it’s worth it to finish what you’ve started. Our Memory Verse is: “Let us keep on running the race marked out for us.” (Hebrews 12:1)

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MINI-TRACK: This month Early Childhood (Mini-Track) will focus on the basic truth: “God Made Me.” The memory verse for the Toddlers is “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:13-14). The memory verse for the rest of the Mini Track is “Let the children come to me." (Luke 18:16) Please keep an eye out for the “Small Talk” resource that is sent home with your child. This has the memory verse on it and other questions to be asking your little one throughout the week.

4th and 5th grade Fellowship If you are in 4th or 5th grade, come join the fun! We meet once a month during the school year to create more opportunities to hang out and get to know your classmates. Our next event will be at Luke’s Lodge on Friday, January 14, 6:30-8:30PM. Meal cost is $4. If you have not already registered your child, please do so at under children’s ministry. If you have, then you only need to email and let us know your child will attend. Also, we are in need of some parent volunteers, so if you can stay, please let us know. NEXT MONTH: February 4 at the Rivieria Swim Club.

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Family Fuel If you are seeking an opportunity to worship with your children, come to Family Fuel on Sunday mornings at 10:45AM in the Great Hall. This worship service is geared for kids with an emphasis on parents learning with them. Join Cammy, Mrs. F, Sam, Vinny, Grandpa Henry, Mitchell and the rest of the clubhouse gang. There is great music, lots of laughter and yes, donuts! If you would like to get involved with the behind the scenes of Family Fuel, we are looking for singers, stage managers and set up and tear down crew members. Please email if you want to join the team. What if I am an 11:00 attendee?? If your family normally attends 11AM worship, we ask that you bring your child to the Great Hall at 10:45. You are welcome to stay with them until worship begins at 11:00, or stay until 11:30 when your child will go to Small group after Family Fuel ends and you can go to worship to hear the sermon. If you are not able to come at 10:45, you can still bring your child to the Great Hall at 11:00 and there will be someone who can take him or her in and get them settled. The service is very laid back and we want to be flexible to your family’s needs.

CHILDREN’S PRESCHOOL & PDO Registration for 2011-2012 School Year: RETURNING FAMILIES:

January 3-21, 2011. Forms can be picked up at the Preschool/PDO office. CHURCH FAMILIES:

February 6, 2011 9AM-Noon, East Passage. COMMUNITY FAMILIES: February 7, 2011 9:30AM, East Passage.

For information regarding openings for the current school year or for the 2011-12 school year please call 844-3399 or contact Bobbi at or Alison at We welcome new families!

Preschool Classes (9AM-1PM) for three- to five-year-olds are offered in a safe and nurturing Christian environment. All teachers are experienced, qualified, well-trained and strive to maintain strong relationships with the children and their families. Preschool offers a developmentally appropriate curriculum where children may grow socially, creatively, emotionally, cognitively, and physically. Children must be 3 years old by September 1, 2011 to enroll for the 2011-12 school year.

Parents’ Day Out Classes (9AM-1PM) are offered for children ages 10 months to three years of age. PDO was established to provide parents of young children time for themselves on a regular basis. Children participate in structured play in a safe and nurturing Christian environment one, two or three days per week. Opportunities are provided for children to learn beginning social skills while having fun. Children must be 10 months by September 1, 2011 to enroll for the 2011-12 school year.

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COMMUNITY MINISTRIES Fletcher Place Community Center Breakfast dates are January 11, 13, 21 and February 8, 10, 18. Need donations of food, paper goods or cash to pay for these items. Contact Joe Kenny at 705-0489 or for more information or to volunteer. Dinner dates are January 17 & 26 and February 21 & 23. Need volunteers to donate food items, cook and especially to transport and serve. See bulletin board in the hall between Robertson Chapel and Oasis Bookstore to sign up, or call Kay Horton at 253-9833 for more information. Volunteers are also needed in the thrift store, food pantry and GED preparation. Contact Karen Mann at Fletcher Place, 636-3466 x4 or, or Larry Paxton at 873-2415 or to volunteer.

Meals on Wheels Volunteer drivers are especially needed to deliver meals to individuals in northern Marion County. Pick-up sites include Marquette Manor and St. Vincent’s Hospital at 86th Street. Deliveries in Hamilton County are needed as well. Training is provided. For more information about driving on a weekly, monthly or substitute basis, please contact Lynne Plawecki, 317-965-3801 or

Fox Hill Elementary School Partnership The Fox Hill Elementary School community thanks you again for all of your dedication to our school. We send our wishes for a blessed new year to you and your families. Mike McAninch, a St. Luke’s volunteer, shared his feelings about his experience at Fox Hill: “It was my privilege to give a presentation to the United Methodist Men’s monthly breakfast at St Luke’s on the value of mentoring... specifically at Fox Hill. I shared with them my experiences with Mrs. Cecil's third grade students and my feelings of joy and excitement! I challenged the men to consider giving back to their community not only for the children's benefit but also for the benefit of our society... I also shared with them that one of our core needs is to 'leave a legacy'—passing on our best to those who follow us. What better way to fulfill this need than to share a part of our life with a Fox Hill student?” As you begin to think about new adventures and horizons in 2011, please consider adding Fox Hill volunteering to your resolution list. Some ways you can help: 1. ISTEP PROCTORING—From February 28-March 9 and again April 25-May 4, all 3rd, 4th and 5th graders at Fox Hill will be taking the Indiana annual ISTEP assessment. State guidelines require that every testing area be monitored by a licensed teacher and an adult proctor. Fox Hill will need several volunteers to help us fill these positions. If you would be able to proctor ISTEP, contact Karen Payne, assistant principal, at 259-5371 x 13305 or

2. HELP FROM HOME—The Fox Hill/St. Luke’s Partnership needs a coordinator to send out emails and type up information once a month. Must have email. The job is easy and the time commitment is 1-2 hours per month. If you can help, contact Julie Sommers Neuman at or 253-5119. 3. MORNING TUTORS—Tuesday mornings all second graders who need a little extra reading help are paired with a middle school or adult volunteer for 45 minutes of one-on-one reading at Peer Club. If you can read with a student each Tuesday from 8-8:45AM, contact Kim Morrow at 4. AFTERNOON MENTORS—Each weekday afternoon at Fox Hill, more than 80 children stay from 2:30-6PM for AfterSchool Achievers. This program works with students identified as needing some extra help. If you would like to work one-on-one with a student on a regular basis, contact Tom Lange at 5. GOT LUNCH?—If you are interested in being a mentor, role model or just making a new friend—it’s as easy as lunch! Come to the Fox Hill Cafeteria any day between 10:30AM-1:30PM. Our Lunch Bunch coordinator will get you started. If you would like to be a part, contact Tom Lange at 6. TITLE 1—Volunteers needed any time between 8:10AM and 2:15PM to work one-on-one with children who are working below grade level. Greatest need is on Mondays, but volunteers are needed Monday through Thursday. Contact Barb King at or 259-5371.

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FELLOWSHIP Elderberries The Elderberries Euchre Party will be Saturday, January 15 at 7PM in the Parlor. Please bring a snack to share. There will be an Elderberries luncheon with entertainment Thursday, February 3 at 12:30PM in Fellowship Hall. We ask that you bring a dish to share for a wonderful meal. A $3 donation per person is suggested. First time visitors are free and do not need to bring a dish. Please make reservations with Adra Wheeler at 253-4914 or 846-3404. Program begins after meal. In honor of Abraham Lincoln's birthday in February, we will have Danny Russel portraying President Lincoln. We will learn that his formative years in the Hoosier State defined his character, perseverance and faith, fashioned his business and political sense, and resulted in his phenomenal achievements as President. A dramatic recitation will feature excerpts from his most famous speeches, and the complete Gettysburg Address.

GREEN MINISTRIES From Despair To Hope: The Work That Reconnects (us to ourselves, each other and our planet) Join Amy Barnes for this powerful, life-changing experiential workshop focusing on environmental and social justice issues based on Joanna Macy's model, The Work that Reconnects. Amy recently spent a week with Joanna Macy and is excited to share this powerful work. The Work that Reconnects moves us from a place of deep despair, grief or even numbness to a place of connection, compassion and empowerment about what is happening on our planet. This radical shift allows us to feel a deeper sense of clarity and compassion regarding our roles in the healing of our communities and our planet, helping us see with new eyes the possibilities for action in transforming our world from an industrial growth society into a life-sustaining civilization. Saturday, February 5, 9AM-4PM, Spiritual Life Center. Registration required; fee $30 (lunch included).

Post- Holiday Recycling Event You can recycle real Christmas trees, gift boxes, corrugated boxes, styrofoam packaging and old electronics on Saturday, January 8, 10AM-2PM at Broad Ripple Park. The Green Ministry encourages you to do your part to keep your Christmas leftovers out of the landfills and incinerators!

Do You Know Where Your Food Comes From? Do You Care? Indianapolis Green Congregations (St. Luke’s is a member) invites you to this community-wide workshop with a morning plenary panel followed by a choice of three break-out sessions. Homemade soup and bread will be served for lunch (suggested $10 donation). Saturday, January 22, 8:30AM-1PM, Englewood Christian Church, 57 N. Rural St. Registration suggested, no fee. Contact Betty Brandt ( for details.

Green Gratitude Award Your old Oprah magazines are very precious. Women in Kenya use the paper to make colorful jewelry to support themselves and their families. Thanks to Suzanne Murray, representing the Imani Workshop, you can drop off your Oprah magazines at our Recycling Center in the Central Passage and be assured they will be picked up by Suzanne and sent on their way.

Green Ministry Leadership Team Our ministry leadership team meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month, 5:30-7PM in E213 and welcomes new people to the discussion. Contact Betty Brandt (, 846-3404) or just show up.

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HEALTH MINISTRY Blood Pressure Screening

Blood Drive

Take advantage of a free blood pressure screening on Sunday, January 9, 9-11AM in E105. Please refrain from smoking or having caffeine thirty minutes beforehand. Offered the second Sunday of every month by St. Luke’s Health Ministries.

Lend an arm to save a life. St. Luke’s will have a blood drive on Sunday, January 9 from 8:30AM-12:30PM in N101/102. Receive a Colts t-shirt when you come in to donate!

INCLUSIVENESS MINISTRY Race Relations Study Circle Forming A race relations study circle consists of a diverse group of 12-14 people who gather once a week for six weeks with trained facilitators to dialogue about race relations. Participants explore their feelings on race and racism, learn facts and concepts, have honest conversations, and then prepare an action plan which encourages each person to do something to change attitudes and behaviors. Materials are provided by Everyday Democracy, a national resource for similar programs throughout the country ( Although the session dates have not been set for early 2011, we are gathering names of interested persons. Please contact Jayne Thorne for more information at 846-3404 or

LATER@ST. LUKE’S MP Kids As Mission Possible Kids starts its second year, we would like to welcome back all “special agents” from their winter break. Many of you worked hard on several mission projects last semester. So at our first meeting, we will host a promotional ceremony. It will be held on Sunday, January 9 from 5-7PM at the Later@St. Luke’s service. Please come and congratulate the “special agents” who are on a mission for God. For more information, please contact Cathy Robinson at During January, MP Kids are conducting two collections with other groups. In collaboration with Outreach, Inc. they are preparing Manna Bags for distribution to the homeless. If you would like to help, please donate one or more of the following and place them in the Collection Bins in the West and East passages through the end of January: • • • •

Pairs of socks or gloves Small plastic bottles of shampoo, soap, lotion or sanitizer Individually wrapped beef jerky Individual serving size cans of fruit/applesauce, with flip top or peel-off lid • Plastic spoons • Individually wrapped hard candy

ALSO: MP Kids and the Green Ministry go to the Ronald McDonald House in January. These two ministries are collecting tabs from cans. Each Special Agent is asked to bring a pound of tabs to support a fund raiser. You can help by placing your tabs in a Collection Bin in the East or West passages. Thank you.

A Girl’s Gift Later@St. Luke’s and Mission Possible Kids are in partnership another year with A Girl’s Gift, Inc. This 10week Saturday series will immerse Indianapolis-area girls in grades 5-8 with the seminar, which will deal closely with the issue of bullying. The theme is “Bullyproof Girl with a Business Mind.” Saturday, February 19 and ends Saturday May 7. The program will run from 1-5PM with most of the workshops held at St. Luke’s. A Girl’s Gift is currently accepting applications. For details, please contact DeShong Perry Smitherman by visiting

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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Worship Service Can you imagine a place where God is seen and heard through expressions of movement, media, and music? Then you don’t want to miss Later@St. Luke’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. worship service on Sunday, January 16, 6PM in Robertson Chapel. This year’s speaker will be Rev. LeKisha Reed, Associate Director of Mission and Advocacy for the Indiana Conference. This service will also feature the Later Band and Vocals, along with other special guest artists. Refreshments will be provided immediately following the worship service in Fellowship Hall.

MEMBERSHIP Become a Member The next Membership Class is Thursday, January 27, 6:30-9PM in the Parlor. Registration is encouraged and childcare is available upon request. Please contact Sylvia at 846-3404 x343 or forbess@ Go from “attender” to “member,” no matter how long you’ve been coming to St. Luke’s.



Singles Sunday Morning Gathering

Singles Ballroom Dance Lessons

Join us each Sunday morning at 11AM in E107/109 for our Singles small group, The Gathering. Singles 40 and up meet together to learn more about the scripture, study spiritual books, share stories, and journey through life together. This class is led by Sandy Harlan, Associate Director of Clergy Services for the Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Time to put on your dancing shoes for more dance lessons. Join our instructor, International Dance Champion Michael Fatyanov, as we learn all the moves that you’ll need to know to dance the night away! See below for class listings, dates, times and costs. Registration for this class is ONLINE ONLY on the Singles class page on the church website. For more information, please contact DeAnna Moran at morand@ INTERMEDIATE CLASS: Meets January 10, 24 and 31, 6:30-

7:30PM, Fellowship Hall. $30/person. BEGINNER CLASS: Meets January 10, 24 and 31, 7:30-

8:30PM, Fellowship Hall. $30/person.

SOCIAL JUSTICE Israel, Palestine Fact Finding Mission This journey (February 23-March 4, 2011) is designed for those who want to immerse themselves more deeply in the cultures of the Holy Land, with a special interest in examining the challenges and opportunities for peacemaking. Through in-depth meetings, conversations and on-site encounters, the program is an opportunity to gain firsthand experience and insight into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the role of the church. We will explore the issues for ourselves without the mediation of governments, journalists or editors. Program is being organized by Maryjane Sweet Behforouz and Rev. David Hindman through Society for Biblical Studies (SBS). Please contact Maryjane (, 317-443-2632) or SBS (, 781-641-4453) with questions.

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Social Justice Commission The mission of the Social Justice Commission is to raise awareness and understanding of current social issues and to ground them in community programs to transform the world. Members of St. Luke’s are invited to participate in our next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 11 at 7PM in Kent Millard’s office. Please call Jayne Thorne at 846-3404 x358 to be sure we have enough seating for open discussion.

SPIRITUAL LIFE CENTER To pre-register for a class, go to, or contact DeAnna Moran at 317-846-3404 x367 or Oasis = Oasis Bookstore and Gift Shop located inside St. Luke’s. Ongoing classes listed in the Extra Section.



Calling All Artists and Writers – Lent 2011

Indoor Friday Labyrinth Walk

The Spiritual Life Center will create an in-house devotional and an art exhibit for Lent 2011 around the theme “The Jesuses I Have Known.” Give yourself and the congregation the gift of your personal experience of Jesus in your life. You may have personal mystical experiences of Jesus coming to you. You may have other ways of “knowing” Jesus— the teacher, the comforter, the healer, the radical, the lover of peace, the compassionate one, the liberator, the miracle worker, the Redeemer. The list goes on and on. If you choose to write a devotional, please submit it electronically in a Word document or in the body of an email to Your devotional should be 300 words or less, have a title, a scripture and a short prayer. If you choose to create a visual piece, please contact LorieLee Andrews ( with the size and medium of your piece.

Make space in your busy schedule for a time of meditation and prayer on our indoor canvas labyrinth. Fridays, 5-7PM, Fellowship Hall or N103/104. Candles, meditative music, a host/ hostess available to answer questions. Walking Prayer is the perfect way to end your work week and begin your weekend.

Conversation with Scott Russell Sanders Wednesday Sunrise Book Study has invited Scott Russell Sanders to share his wisdom and encouragement on the subject of conservation from his recent book A Conservationist Manifesto. Sanders, a retired IU English professor, encourages us to think about savoring and preserving our natural world instead of just devouring it. What changes in values and behavior will be required? All are welcome! Wednesday, February 2, 3PM in the Parlor for tea, treats and conversation. No registration or fee. You are also invited to join the discussion of this book on Wednesday mornings, 7-8:30AM in the Parlor.

Teaching on the Four Noble Truths with Geshe Lharampa Lobsang Dhondhop Thursday, January 13, 7:30-9PM, Spiritual Life Center. No registration; suggested donation $10 adults, $5 students & seniors, children under 6 free.

Teaching on Basic Meditation Practice with Geshe Lharampa Lobsang Dhondhop Friday, January 14, 7:30-9PM, Spiritual Life Center. No registration; suggested donation $10 adults, $5 students & seniors, children under 6 free.


Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Pageant Experience ancient Tibetan cultural rituals of dance such as the black hat, yak, snow lion dance, panda, and good luck dance, and sacred chants, prayers and debate as authentic Tibetan traditions come to life. Saturday, January 15, 7:30-9PM. Suggested donation: $15 adults, $10 students & seniors, children under 6 free. For further event information, contact For information on Gomang Tibetan Monks, visit 2010_tour.html. A joint project of International Tibet Independence and the Spiritual Life Center.

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Studio 3 Art Ministry for Artists and Dabblers

Justice for the Poor See information on this class in the Extra Section, page 15. CONVERSATION ABOUT

Religion, Meaning, Ethics & Ideas Where can you find discussion about religion in America, the wisdom of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, the effect of torture on democracies, or how TV shows are modern-day parables? These topics and many more are discussed every Sunday morning in the Spiritual Life Center, 9:30-10:30AM. The time together is based on the American Public Media show “Being” (formerly “Speaking of Faith”). Meet new people, learn about current trends and ideas and energize yourself for the week to come. Led by Betty Brandt.

Imagine Believe Create— Claiming the Spiritual Gifts of Joy and Abundance Treat yourself to a day of visioning, play, laughter and fun. Ask yourself, what would it be like to have more joy and abundance in your life? Get out of your head, create a vision board, play, move and talk about what you really, really want and what gets in the way. Expect some movement and breath work. Join facilitator Amy Barnes, MBA MA LMCH, for this fun, interactive workshop. Saturday, January 15, 9AM- 3PM in the Spiritual Life Center. Registration suggested; fee $30 (light lunch included). Dress comfortably.

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Come meet others who are interested in sharing spiritual and artistic interests while building an art community at St. Luke’s. Bring your favorite medium and spend the day working, sharing and laughing. Thursdays, 9AM-4PM in C122. For questions or information, email Linda Etherton at STUDIO 3 ART MINISTRY WORKSHOP—You Too Can Use Yupo Studio 3 artist Karen Campbell invites you to join her to experiment using Yupo paper with watercolor or acrylic paints. This class is for beginning to experienced painters who would like to try special techniques on washable(!) paper. Bring paints, brushes and a spritzer if you have it, plus three or four photos of your favorite garden spot or vacation site. Yupo paper will be available at the workshop. Potluck lunch, so please bring something to share. For additional information about Studio 3 or to register for the workshop, e-mail Linda Etherton ( Thursday, January 21, 10AM-3PM in C122.

Crochet Guild If you are interested in learning to crochet or enriching your crocheting experience, please come meet with other enthusiasts. Expect special charity projects and fellowship. Saturday, January 8, and every 1st Saturday after that, 10AMNoon in E107/109. No registration. For info contact Edie Huffman, (, 228-0496).

UNITED METHODIST MEN Theology Unplugged!

Men’s Breakfast

A place where men join together to relax, share fellowship, and discuss topics of faith that are relevant to their lives. We meet on the third Wednesday of the month. January 19, at 8:30 at the Rusty Bucket (1130 W 86th St., just before Old Town Lane). Topic for January: "Why Men Hate Going to Church." You look around at the national scene, and men just aren't going to church. Over 75% of Methodist congregations report a "gender gap" of over 12% between men and women. Almost one in three women bring her children to church without the support of her husband. Is the problem with men—are we just anti-religion? Or is the problem with the church, and are there ways to change the culture in our church? If you're interested in joining the conversation, please RSVP to Matt Roop at mroop@capcityfence .com or 538-5931.

Happy New Year! All men are invited to the United Methodist Men’s monthly breakfast on Saturday, January 8 at 8AM in Fellowship Hall. We offer a hearty breakfast, fellowship, sharing and an interesting program. Our speaker will be Rev. Stan Abell. Rev. Abell will share his experiences as the pastor responsible for The Garden at Oak Hill, plus his efforts on a new “virtual church.” Please call Jim Thorne at 255-8562 to RSVP. This will assist in planning to allow for the correct amount of food. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!

United Methodist Men New Year Kick Off Please join us for the New Year kickoff event for St. Luke's United Methodist Men (SLUMM). We will take an opportunity to review all the great programs we had in 2010 and will take a look forward to 2011. If you’ve ever had a question about what SLUMM has to offer, this is the event for you, January 20 at 6:30PM in Fellowship Hall.

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Marriage Enrichment Weekend March 4-6, 2011 St. Luke’s United Methodist Men are sponsoring ME #4 at the Artist Colony in Nashville, Indiana. Marriage Enrichment uses worship, small-group experiences and private communication exercises to help married couples improve their communication skills, focusing on the positive values in their relationships and privately exploring the changes they desire in their relationship. Leaders who are extensively trained according to the certification requirements of Marriage Enrichment Inc., a non-denominational, not-for-profit, nationwide Christian organization, will facilitate the weekend. Every couple—regardless of the number of years married or faith background—can benefit richly. It’s for couples who want better communication skills whether newlywed, remarried, retired, grandparents, without children, raising children and teenagers or in blended families. The price is $300 per couple and includes program materials, meals and hotel accommodations. The program begins at 7PM on Friday, March 4 and ends at 1PM on Sunday March 6. Please contact Tom Hadley 809-9991 or for registration information.

UNITED METHODIST WOMEN UMW Reading Group Happy New Year! We will be meeting on Monday, January 24 from 7-8:30PM in the Parlor to discuss The Same Kind of Different as Me: A Modern-Day Slave, an International Art Dealer, and the Unlikely Woman Who Bound Them Together by Denver Moore. This is an emotional tale about the human experience. A story about pain and laughter, doubt and tears, dug out between the bondages of this earth and the free possibility of heaven. We will have much to discuss and ponder. Newcomers are always welcome. For information about our group, you may contact Jennifer Todd at

UMW "Outside the Circle" "Outside the Circle" UMW events have been created to encourage women who are not able to participate in a monthly circle meeting to join other women for fellowship and spiritual growth. However, UMW circle membership is always open for women of all ages and stages, whenever the time is right! The next "Outside the Circle" event will be Sunday, January 30 at 11AM in Luke’s Lodge, followed by a soup and salad lunch. Rev. Marsha Hutchinson will lead the discussion using a 14-minute NOOMA film to generate lively discussion about living today's life the way Jesus did...OR, about living in today's world with the awareness that God is doing something, right here, right now, and anybody can be a part of it! Some of the topics to be tackled will challenge, comfort and encourage you to wrestle with the implications as we explore our world from the Jesus perspective. RSVP to Marsha at 8463404 x315 or by January 26. Event is free of charge, and all women are welcome.


Eve Circle Eve Circle invites all mothers with young children to unite with other mothers through support, faith, missions, fun and socializing. On Tuesday, January 4, 9:30-11:30AM, we will be doing a White Elephant gift exchange and learning about the United Methodist Children’s Home in Lebanon. Join us again on Tuesday, January 18 to be educated on Postpartum Health.••• Eve Circle is a UMW group of mothers with young children that meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month (with a few exceptions) from 9:30-11:30 AM in the Parlor. Free childcare is available by contacting For more information regarding Eve Circle, contact Jessica Mason at

New Life Circle Attention Single Women: Ring in the New Year with New Life Circle on Tuesday, January 18. We will gather at 7PM in the Spiritual Life Center for “When Did I Stop Being Barbie & Become Mrs. Potato Head?” Come, kick off your shoes and laugh your socks off! Mrs. Potato Head's hormones are out of control and her memory is held together by sticky notes, but she has a sense of humor that just won't quit. Like her, explore how you, too, can accept and enjoy yourself just as you are—because God does. Chaplain Jeri Barrett Thomas will introduce and facilitate discussion of this fun and thought-provoking series written by Mary Pierce. For information, contact Nancy at 255-1226 or Cathy at 334-7821. New Life Circle is a gathering of single, divorced, and widowed women of all ages.

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Mary Magdalene Circle

White Cross Guild

Would you like to learn more about a method for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing? Come to our Mary Magdalene Circle meeting on January 12 to hear Sandy Clark present a program on Reiki. We will meet at St. Luke's at 7PM in the Spiritual Life Center. New members and guests are always welcome. If you have any questions you may contact co-chair Elizabeth Keller at 594-9544 or

White Cross Guild provides volunteers to participate in activities supporting Methodist Hospital. Meets at Methodist Medical Plaza, 151 Pennsylvania Parkway (103rd/Meridian) in the first floor community room. They meet the 2nd Monday of each month from 9AM-2PM (next meeting: January 10) to prepare gauze squares used in surgery (bring your lunch). They also meet the 4th Tuesday of each month (next meeting: January 25) from 1-3PM to stuff and sew heart pillows for patients who have had heart or lung surgery. Contact Marguerite Moehn (873-1956) or Barb Querry (879-0543).

WORLD MISSIONS Upcoming Work Projects

Manna from Heaven, Myra, Kentucky

The following is partial listing of work projects you can participate in this year. For a complete listing, visit the World Missions page at, or pick up a brochure in the West Passage in the World Missions area. Questions? Contact Jan Nichols at 846-3404 x364 or

April 2011 Leader: Jan Nichols, 317-846-3404 x364

Ft. Myers, Florida February 6-11, 2011. Join members and friends of The Garden on a Habitat for Humanity work project. Contact trip leaders John & Jeanne Wertz, 733-4187, jeannecoll@ Cost: $225 (+transportation).

Changing Footprints Delivery and Community Day April 2011 Jan Nichols, 317-846-3404 x364

Rushville, Indiana Construction/Humanitarian Spring 2011 Dates and time to be announced

!! NEW


Our Young Adult Leadership Team will be using the month of January to connect with any young adults who want to know more about our NEW Young Adult Ministry. Below are dates of events that you’re invited to come out to for some food, fellowship and conversation. Whether you’re single, dating, or married... we’d love to meet you and have you join us. Also, check out our pages on the church website, or our Facebook page under St. Luke’s Young Adult Ministry. Every Sunday in January we’ll have a table in the West Passage if you’d like to stop by between services to pick up information, sign up for events, and meet some of our leaders. Sign up also available online. For information, email Chris Thornsberry at SUNDAY, JANUARY 9: St. Luke’s Open House. Come by our

booth and chat with us for a bit! Pick up some information about upcoming young adult small groups and events. Meet our leadership team and other young adults.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 18: Free Starbucks coffee and dessert,

7-9PM in Luke’s Lodge. Join us for food and conversation about what we’re doing in Young Adult Ministry. If you have ideas about what you’d like to see happening at St. Luke’s for Young Adults, feel free to bring them as we’ll spend some time chatting about what you have in mind. SUNDAY, JANUARY 23: Free lunch! Join us in Luke’s Lodge

after the 11AM service for a soup/sandwich lunch and conversation about what we’re doing in Young Adult Ministry. Again, if you have ideas about what you’d like to see happening at St. Luke’s for Young Adults, we’ll spend some time discussing those ideas. FRIDAY, JANUARY 28: Monical’s Pizza and Cosmic Bowling.

Join us at 8:30PM at Monical’s Pizza at Glendale Shopping Mall. After we spend some time having dinner and chatting it up, we’ll head over to Woodland Bowl on 96th St. for two games of Cosmic Bowling. Bowling costs are $4.50 per game and $3 for shoes. Join us for both events or just one.

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FEBRUARY 6: Is the Bible a Myth? Has Science


FEBRUARY 13: Is there only one way to God?

reFresh: Join other young adults every Sunday at 11AM in

FEBRUARY 20: Why are there so many rules? FEBRUARY 27: Why does God allow suffering?

Disproved Christianity?

Luke’s Lodge as we journey in a time of studying our faith, spirituality, the Bible and how these things apply to our everyday lives. Whether you’re single, dating or married, we’d love to have you join us. We’ll be studying Timothy Keller’s series “The Reason for God” in the month of February. There is no pre-reading required. If you’d like to know more about this series, check out the webpage

What about other religions?

Why is there so much evil in the world?

reNew: Every other Tuesday at 7PM in Luke’s Lodge. We’ll have some light snacks, talk about life, faith, spirituality, other topics and how they affect our everyday lives as young adults. FEBRUARY 1: Relationships. Why are relationships,

whether it’s friendship or romantic, so hard sometimes? FEBRUARY 15: Faith and Spirituality. How does your faith

shape you as a young adult?

YOUTH MINISTRIES OUR MISSION: To welcome all youth and families into loving, Christ-centered relationships where they can get in tune with God's amazing love and be empowered to transform the world!

For information or event registration, stop by Luke's Lodge (the youth building in the NE corner of church parking lot), visit, or contact: Kevin Davis, Director of Youth Ministry; 846-3404 x326 Stephanie Eft, Associate Director of Youth Ministry; 846-3404 x369 Ryan McGee, Associate Director of Youth Ministry; 846-3404 x346

Register online for any of our events at!

Sr. High Winter Retreat February 18-20. This fun-packed retreat will include skiing and snow tubing in Kalamazoo, MI at Timber Ridge Ski slopes, staying in a Cabin Lodge with lots of games (and hot showers), and plenty of other activities and games for memory making. We will leave the Lodge Friday, February 18 around 5PM, travel to Pretty Lake Vacation Camp in Mattawan (20 minutes from the slopes), stay Friday, have a Saturday JAM-PACKED with winter activities (skiing, snowboarding, snow tubing, snow football), and a Sunday with worship around a fire and some group-building time before we head back to Indy. We will return on Sunday evening, February 20. Students must register by Sunday, January 30 with a deposit of $50 in order to attend. Total cost will be $113 for snow tubing, $131 for skiing, $141 for snowboarding.

Jr. High Game Tournament February 25, 6-8PM at the Lodge. Details coming!

Winter Kick Off We’ll begin our 2011 programming with a combined Jr. and Sr. High event on Sunday, January 9, 6-7:30PM. A meal will be provided.

Service Opportunity A service opportunity for Jr. High and Sr. High will take place on January 17. These service projects will be in conjunction with the national Martin Luther King Day of Service. Projects will be local (Indianapolis) partnering with community organizations in need of volunteers time and talents. For information and to stay informed on projects we get paired up with (as well as the specific time for each age group's project), please contact Stephanie with your interest.

SUMMER 2011 MISSION TRIPS JUNE 19-24: Jr. High to Newport, TN. Cost is $440. Parent meeting: 6/8/11. For questions or to register, contact Ryan McGee at 846-3404 x346. JUNE 26-JULY 1: Sr. High to Lincoln County, WV. Cost is

$450. Parent meeting: 6/8/11. For questions or to register, contact Stephanie Eft at 846-3404 x369. JULY 9-16: Fondwa, Haiti. Cost is $1500.

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The following is a listing of essential info and on-going classes/events.


HOURS: St. Luke’s office is open 8:30AM-5PM Monday-Friday. Our Prayer Chapel (located inside Robertson Chapel next to the Spiritual Life Center) is available for silent prayer and meditation when the church is open. A pastor is always on call in case of emergencies; call 846-3404 to leave a message after hours.

E-MAIL: Need to email someone on our staff? Easy. Our email is our last name followed immediately by first initial, followed by

IN GENERAL: When you need something, our outstanding front desk staff can direct your call to the appropriate person. But here are some tips for some of the most frequently requested information: I NEED


Adult Class Registration

DeAnna Moran

Childcare Needs for Meetings/Events (charges may apply)

Kristi Chamberlain

Member Care/Death/ Mary Katherine Schnitz Stephen Ministry Request/Hospitalization Membership/Births/Address/ Phone Change

Sylvia Forbes

Reserve a Room/Request A/V

Beth Lammers or Carol Helmus

Weddings/Special Event Coordination Carol Helmus Baptisms

Bobbi Main-Jackson

Pledge Balance/Information

Finance Office

Oasis Bookstore

Sharon Holyoak

Sunday Worship Services 8:15, 9:30 & 11AM, Sanctuary with Dr. Kent Millard • Communion is served the first Sunday of the month at all three services and is available to all persons. • St. Luke’s Orchestra plays the third Sunday of the month. • Baptisms take place the fourth Sunday of every month.

Family Fuel, Every Sunday morning at 10:45AM in the Great Hall. A fun, interactive worship service for elementary-aged children and their families to experience together. Led by Rev. Jamalyn Peigh Williamson. Taizé, Third Sundays of the month, 5-5:45PM by the baptismal font in the Sanctuary with selected members of St. Luke’s Chancel Choir and Rev. Marsha Hutchinson. A service of peace and candlelight with silence, scriptures, prayer, and beautiful music. Later@St. Luke’s, a multi-cultural, dynamic and innovative experience open to everyone. 6PM every Sunday in Robertson Chapel with Dr. Marion Miller, Pastor. Communion is served weekly. Classes and care for children also provided. The Garden is an off-site satellite ministry of St. Luke’s providing non-traditional worship in a comfortable, casual setting. Dr. Linda McCoy, Pastor. The Garden at Beef & Boards: 8:15, 9:15 & 10:15AM every Sunday; music provided by The Good Earth Band. The Garden at Oak Hill: 10:15AM every Sunday; music provided by The Oak Hill Band. Rev. Stan Abell, Campus Pastor. The Garden Unplugged: 9AM every Sunday at Oak Hill with Rev. Stan Abell. Begins August 22.

S U P P O R T I N G T H E M I N I S T R I E S O F S T. L U K E ’ S U M C

Inspirational Gifts, Jewelry & Books Conveniently located inside St. Luke’s UMC Sharon Holyoak, Manager Gift Registry Available




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A Listening Heart: Bible Study for Women with Young Children

Thursday Afternoon Book Study

2nd and 4th Mondays, 7-9PM in, E212. Childcare is available upon request. We encourage making time for scripture reading, digging deeper into our faith and reflecting on what we have learned. This study is both challenging, but “beginner” friendly. New members always welcome. For info, contact Ann Smith, 569-1359 or, or Kari Miller, 873-8606 or

Thursdays, 1-2:30PM, Parlor. Join this afternoon group to read and discuss a diverse selection of reading materials. The group also enjoys lunches, watching movies, taking field trips and celebrating birthdays together. January’s book is Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol. Class facilitator is Phyllis Bybee. For more information, contact Sylvia Forbes at 846-3404 or

Empty Nesters

Mothers of Young Children Book Club

Every Sunday (except holidays), 9:30-10:30AM, Parlor. Read, watch, and discuss contemporary and traditional books and videos. We also gather once a month for social activities. For more information, contact Ann Townsend at 842-0464.

2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 9:30–11:30AM, E105. Participants in this group read approximately one piece of current fiction or non-fiction per month. Childcare is available upon request for $5 per family. For book list, to request childcare, or for info contact Regan Summers at

New Beginnings Sundays, Sept.-May (except holidays), 9:30-10:30AM in E213. A self-led couples class that meets weekly and discusses a variety of topics. We have regular social gatherings as well! For more information, contact Nathan or Paula Montgomery at, or 340-7115.

New Earth Community

Flo Hardy Bible Study 1st & 3rd Mondays, 9AM in the Spiritual Life Center. Join others in coffee, prayer, reading and discussion of selected Biblical texts...just like we did in the "good ole days!" (with occasional “non good ole days” videos). Led by Rev. Marsha Hutchinson.

Every Sunday morning at 7AM on FM90/1, Krista Tippett interviews spiritual leaders. A community of “Being (formerly Speaking of Faith)” fans meets at 9:30AM in the Spiritual Life Center to discuss that morning’s program. The show is available on the prior Thursday at

Tuesday Afternoon Women's Spiritual Book Study

Ongoing Meditation Group

This group focuses on non-fiction books with spiritual themes every Tuesday afternoon, 1-2:30PM in the Spiritual Life Center. Contact JoAnne Waeltz, 872-0895,

Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome to join in 1/2 hour discussion followed by 1/2 hour of Christian meditation. You will find support for your practice, new ideas and a community of others who welcome silence. Led by Merri Leffel, Mondays, 6:30-7:30PM in the Spiritual Life Center. No fee or registration.

Sunrise Book Study Wednesdays, 7-8:30AM, Parlor. Start your day with friends, prayer, a good book, stimulating discussion and personal enrichment. Contact Betty Brandt at (317) 846-3404 or

George Vickery Men’s Discussion Group Wednesdays, 8AM at Shapiro’s. Discuss current events or the latest book of interest you have read. For more information, call Bob Waeltz at 872-0895.

Kent Millard’s Book Study Wednesdays, 10-11:30AM in the Parlor. Join this group for a time of prayer and fellowship as well as the sharing of insights. After the holidays, we will read The Misunderstood Jew by Amy-Jill Levine.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30AM, The Forum at The Crossing. An off-site senior adult Bible Study. Led by Terri Coe, Mary Katherine Schnitz, Chris Thornsberry and several other St. Luke’s lay members.

Thursdays, 7-8:30PM, Spiritual Life Center. This study discusses innovative and challenging spiritual books. Contact JoAnne Waeltz, 872-0895,, for current title.

Ongoing “Being” Discussion

Prayer Shawl Ministry Tuesdays, 1-3PM in W120. Prayerful volunteers who like to knit or crochet and love the fellowship of working together make prayer shawls for those needing to be wrapped in God’s healing love. Tasks for non-knitters too. Contact Donna Cripe (317-280-7806).


Empty-Nesters Sundays (except holidays), 9:30-10:30AM in the Parlor. Read, watch, and discuss contemporary and traditional books and videos. We also gather once a month for social activities. For more information, contact Ann Townsend at 842-0464.

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New Perspectives on Sunday Morning

“Pay What You Can” Happy Yoga

Sundays, 11AM-Noon in E105. This class explores the work of religious scholars who are giving voice to reimagining the essence of Christianity. Bring your questions about the church, religion and faith to this non-judgmental conversation in search of alternative answers and paths to experiences of the Holy. Scott Severns and Bruce Roberts, Leaders. Current study is the series "Justice for the Poor" featuring Jim Wallis.

Open to all, regardless of your finances or yoga experience. Find your strength and happiness through poses, breath and meditation. Taught by Robin Howard. Mondays and Thursdays, 5:30-6:30PM in N103/104. No registration or fee; donations appreciated. Bring a mat AND blanket.

New Beginnings Sundays, 9:30AM in E213. A self-led couples’ class that meets Sunday mornings. Contact Nathan or Paula Montgomery for information: or 340-7115.


Guided Meditations Kent Millard, Scott Semester, Barbara Burke and Carol Ernst have recorded guided meditations to help you develop your meditation skills. Just go to and google “Guided Meditations,” then click on “Prayer and Meditation.” You will be able to hear and participate as often as you want to, or download onto your iPod or CD. If you would like to purchase a CD, they are available in Oasis for $10.

Ongoing Qigong Classes Qigong (Chee-Gung) is an amazing set of gentle exercises similar to Tai Chi which help to enhance and maintain one’s overall health. It is a self-healing practice used to recover from illness, relieve stress, lower blood pressure, increase blood circulation and reduce chronic pain. Thursdays, 10:30-11:30AM in Luke’s Lodge, upstairs. No registration; $10/session. Taught by Amy Barr.

Aikido Training This discipline uses martial training as a means of character development rather than fighting prowess. Open to men and women. Come observe a class, or email through the Web site at Adult classes Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 7-9PM, Saturdays, 8-10AM. Classes for children ages 6-15, Saturdays, 9:45-10:30AM. All classes in N103/104.

“Drum On” Circle Live with Vibrancy, Rhythm and Passion. All are invited to experience an hour of drumming every 4th Wednesday, January 23. Led by Dane McCullough, Modular Building, 6:30-7:30PM. Drums are provided or bring your own. No experience necessary.

Oneness Blessing The Oneness Blessing is not a faith or a religion, but rather a practice that may help people reach a deeper level of connectedness with their own faith. It is a practice that is spreading all over the world; Irene Maher will be bringing it to St. Luke’s on the 1st Tuesdays of the month, January 4 and February 1, 7:15-8PM in the Spiritual Life Center. $10 donation.


Ongoing Integral Hatha Daytime Yoga Mondays, January 10-February 21, 7:30 & 9:30AM; and Thursdays, January 6-February 24, 8:30AM in N101/102. $72 or Walk-ins/$15 for either session. Registration suggested, taught by Marsha Pappas. Classes continue on March 7 & 10.

CARE MINISTRIES Stephen Ministry Stephen Ministry is a lay ministry designed to support someone in time of crisis or difficulty. Stephen Ministers are trained to be good listeners. They are nonjudgmental friends. If you would like to speak to a Stephen Minister or would like more information about the program, please contact Mary Katherine Schnitz at 846-3404 x 365 or, or see the St. Luke’s website under Member Care.

Chronic Pain Support Group No January meeting. Next meeting: Monday, February 21, 6-7:30PM in N101/102. This is a support group for patients with all types of neuropathic and fibromyalgia pain and for their families and friends. No registration is required. Questions? Contact Dr. Meg Frazer at 8442903 or

Diabetes Support Group Meets the first Tuesday of the month from 7-8PM, E213. Next meetings: January 4 and February 1. This is a laidback, easy-going group open to learning and sharing through exercise, diet and prayer. Contact Debbie Allen at 796-2189.

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Family Support Group


Wednesdays, January 12 and February 9 in the Conference Room, both meetings at 6:30PM. The group offers emotional and spiritual support for families who have a member abusing drugs or alcohol.

(H.U.G.S.)—Healing Under Grief Support. Find yourself needing fellowship and support on your journey following the loss of a loved one?

Adult ADD Support Group Tuesdays, January 11 & 25, 7-8:30PM in E213. St. Luke’s offers support for adults with ADD. For information call Mary Katherine at 846-3404 x365.

Meets Tuesday mornings for breakfast at 7AM at the Hilton Indianapolis North Hotel, 8181 N. Shadeland Ave. For info call Dr. Adolf Hansen, 846-3404 x450. SECOND LOCATION/DAY: Thursdays, 7AM at Bob Evans (135 and Main St., Greenwood).

Jesse’s Street


Meets the 3rd Monday of every month, 6:30-8PM in the Parlor. No meeting in January. For parents who have a child with a physical, mental or emotional disability. Register for childcare by contacting Sylvia Forbes. Leaders: Kevin & Hillary McCarley, 850-1637.

For pregnancy loss or loss of a baby. Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7PM, Spiritual Life Center. Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson, 846-3404 x315 or Jim & Marci Harenberg, 705-0771. ••• We are now taking orders for family name plaques to be placed in the HOPE Memorial Garden.

Care Committee

Mom's Group

If you know of someone, confined to their home or health care center, call Mary Katherine at 846-3404 x365. The Care Committee makes monthly visits.

following the Loss of a Young Adult Child

CHILDREN’S MUSIC Vocal and handbell groups are available for children of various ages. At least one Children’s Music group sings the second Sunday of each month in the Sanctuary at the 9:30 and 11AM services. All groups sing at various services and programs throughout the year, including the St. Luke’s Christmas Concert, the 3PM Christmas Eve Service, Palm Sunday and outreach programs. For information, contact Debra Nethercott, Children’s Music Director, at or 846-3404 x329, or visit All rehearsals are held in E208. GENESIS (ages 4 - kindergarten) Rehearsal: Sundays 8:50 - 9:20AM ELEMENTARY (grades 1 - 5) Rehearsal: Sundays 10:25 - 11:15AM ELEMENTARY BELL CHOIR (grades 3 - 5) Rehearsal: Sundays 11:15AM - Noon CRESCENDO! (grades 6 - 9) Rehearsal: Tuesdays 7-8PM CHORISTERS (grades 3 - 9 by audition) Rehearsal: Tuesdays 6:30-7:15PM VOICE FOR LIFE (grades 3 - 9) Class: Tuesdays 6-6:30PM

Dad’s Grief Group for Loss of a Child

Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson for more information at 8463404 x315.

HUGS Group (for fellowship and support following the loss of a husband, wife or significant other) Meets Sundays, 24PM in the Parlor. The group goes out for light supper following the meeting (optional). Call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson for details at 846-3404 x315. Footprints An opportunity for lay people who would like to become a mentor to someone who is recently bereaved. For information call Rev. Marsha Hutchinson, 846-3404 x 315.

SINGLES Sunday Lunch Bunch Every Sunday, 12:30PM. Feel free to join us at these locations on the below dates for some fun, food, and fantastic times! JANUARY 2: Monical’s Pizza (Carmel) JANUARY 9: McAlister’s Deli (Meridian) JANUARY 16: Ruby Tuesday’s (Michigan Rd.) JANUARY 23: Moe and Johnny’s (College Ave.) JANUARY 30: Don Pablo’s (82nd St.)

Sunday Night Singles Join Singles before, during and after the Later@St. Luke’s worship services (Sundays, 6PM in Robertson Chapel). Contact Chris Thornsberry, Associate Director of Adult Education at thornsberryc@, or Dr. Marion Miller at

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AFTER Later@St. Luke’s


Fun Filled Activities (2nd and 4th Sundays). JANUARY 9: The Rusty Bucket (86th St.) JANUARY 23: Uno’s Chicago Grill (82nd St.)

This coed sport plays on Monday evenings in the Great Hall September-April. Players of all ages and abilities are welcome. Play is competitive but friendly—no spiking or over-hand serves. For more information contact Brent Scott at 875-9382 or Cost is $20/player.

Singles Café Join us every Wednesday in the month of January for fantastic guest speakers and great presentations. Our doors open at 7PM and the program begins at 7:30. Make sure to check our Singles page at for a listing of speakers and events. This month we’ll be meeting in the Parlor each week, except January 19. On the 19th we’ll be meeting at Granite City for our monthly fellowship at 7PM. For more information, email Chris Thornsberry at

YOUTH MINISTRIES We invite students 6th-12th grade to join us on Sunday mornings and Sunday nights. We offer a wide range of environments to connect with students.

Singles Euchre Social Join us the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month for our Singles Euchre Social. We meet in the Parlor at 6:30PM for light snacks, euchre, and lots of fun! Prizes are given away to the top hands. $3 admission for this evening. For more information, please contact Chris Thornsberry at

Volleyball Volleyball meets every Wednesday at 6:30PM, and Friday at 6:30PM in the Great Hall. The cost to play is $2. For info, email Tim Adams at

Toastmasters Tuesdays, 7-8:30PM in N101/102. For more than 84 years Toastmasters International has offered effective ways to improve communication and leadership skills. Guests attend for free. For info, call Cathy Baker at 334-7821, or visit

New Life Circle This group of single, divorced and widowed women of all ages meets one evening a month for a time of fellowship and informative, fun programs! See information about New Life Circle in the United Methodist Women section.

SPORTS St. Luke's Men's Basketball Open Gym For adult basketball enthusiasts (16+) who are looking to play friendly pick-up games on Thursday nights from 7:30-9:30PM in the Great Hall. Weekly emails are sent out to confirm players for the week. Please contact Chris Lemming at 595-8545 or email chris.lemming for more information.


Confirmation Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM at the Lodge JANUARY 9: The Story (Part II) JANUARY 16: - The Story of Jesus JANUARY 23: Paul's Teachings JANUARY 30: What does all of this mean?

Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM at the Lodge WIRED is our Sunday morning time for students in 6th-8th grade. WIRED is designed to connect students to each other and to God. We want all students to feel welcome and encourage them to bring their friends! The mornings will introduce the day's topic focus around large group time, big music, big teaching and big fun. JANUARY 9: TBA JANUARY 16: "Rhythm: the song" We'll discuss how

God created the world to function with a certain rhythm and how we can get out of sync with the song. In fact, sometimes our lives are like a bad “American Idol” audition (yeah, not pretty). JANUARY 23: "Rhthym: wonder" JANUARY 30: "Rhythm: discovery"

Sundays, 6-7:30PM at the Lodge AMPED is the Sunday evening time for students 6th8th grade and the focus is around small groups. In the morning, students get introduced to the topic and connected at WIRED. Then in the evening, they get "amped," picking up where Sunday morning left off. It is a time designed to dive into more depth with the topic so that students can "amp" up and let their lives do the talking. Students experience games, small groups, teaching, and intimate and reflective worship.

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Wake Up at Starbucks Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM This Sunday morning group meets for coffee, discussion, and fellowship at Starbucks. There's nothing like a little caffeine and conversation to liven your character! All senior high students are welcome. Meet us at Starbucks, or come to the Lodge around 9:15 to catch a ride. Starbucks at Willow Lake (2800 W. 86th Street, across from Brebeuf High School).

Wake Up at the Lodge Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM at the Lodge This group will meet on Sunday mornings at the Lodge for those who want fellowship and discussion on the church campus. Topics are to be determined, but may include current events, Bible passages and characters, sports, music and movies, etc. Again, all senior high students are welcome!

Wake Up at the Big House Sundays, 9:30-10:30AM in N103/104 (main building) This Sunday morning offering will provide servant and leadership development for those who are planning on attending our summer mission trips.

LIVE! at the Lodge Sundays, 6-7:30PM Each Sunday evening we will meet for games, fellowship, faith discussion and worship. Not sure about your faith and want to check out what it's all about a little more or hang out with friends? This is for you! On fire for God and wanting to dig deeper in your faith? This is for you! Experiencing doubts and wanting to discuss them more with friends you can trust? This is for you! Join us Sunday evenings this fall, and let's LIVE life together and in tune!



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