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At the '56 Spring Boys' Athletic Banquet, addresses were heard by Tony Sardisco and Don Miller, football stars from Tulane University. Also, short talks were made by Coach Porter and Eddie Price, the famous Tul.anian who Played Professional football.
After the '56 football captains were announced, awards were given to outstanding football and basketball players.
Re cognition was given to members of both varsity and junior varsity football and basketball teams. Cheerleaders were commended for their constant high spirits and loyal support of the teams.
Field trips are encouraged at St. Martin's, Many points of interest in the greater New Orleans area are visited each year by students. Also, longer trips to such places as the Evangeline country, the state capitol and even the national capitol have been made by class groups. A11 trips are planned with the idea in mind of broadening the education of the students. An example of this is the trip taken by the fifth grade to the International Trade Mart.