12 minute read
Seniors. Will You Ever Forget
• half-crazed frogs running rampant through the biology lab.
• Mr. Marque's Playboy and the cops at Freshman Dance Clean-up.
• the Sophomores blowing our chances for a trip.
• how "sweet" Mr. French was and the cultural benefits he provided.
• Mrs. West's mix and match game.
• the Freshman Dance getting called off in the middle and everyone "supposedly" going home.
• being inexperienced, immature, unpopular, and unattached.
• first dates with Mommy and Daddy driving.
• Mrs. Anglade and her rum cake.
• the smoky bathrooms.
• the "great" refereeing at our first Powder Puff (we should have won).
• Situation Ethics
• how big and important we felt the first few days of lunch leave.
• how much trouble the cheerleaders had with some of their signs.
• Walden Pond and living deliberately.
• Morrison's for Lunch Bunch just about getting picked up by a motorcycle gang.
• how all the girls swooned over Barry K. and the little attention he paid to them.
• how the cheerleaders complained of cheerleading camp.
• "ric-a-rac, pic-a-pac
• that we had very few senior privileges.
• the see-through gym uniforms.
• that the senior girls had to raid the boys' cabins at Lacombe first to get some excitement going
• how anxious everyone was to leave Lacombe.
• Mr. Edmondson and Transcendentalism.
• the planning and hoping for the Mexico trip.
• that the volleyball "A" team was just abou t undefeated.
• Betty as Spirit Queen.
• the football players improving their (poker) game.
• the great beginning and ending of the football season.
• "Naa, naa, naa, naa; naa, naa, naa, naa; hey, hey, hey; Go-od Bye!"
Honorable Mention, Geology 2; Honor Roll; Athletic Honor Award 1,2; Student Council Representative 1,2, 3; Student Council Secretary 3 ; Student Council Committee Chairman 3; Cheerleader 3, 4; Volleyball 1, 2 , 3 ,4; Girls' Basketball 1, 2 ,3; Athletic Council 2; P.E. Aide 1, 3; Three Team Award 2; Four Team Award 1; Tennis Team 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; Homecoming Court 3,4; Shield Staff: Senior Editor 4; Typing 4; Dramatics 2; Social Issues 4; National Conference of Chdstians and Jews 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 2, 3; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairman 4; Christmas Program 3; Office Aide 4; Halo Reporter 2,3,4; Powder Puff Football 3,4; Indoor Ball Team 1, 2; Head Cheerleader 4.
N, E. D, T. Score 92 Percentile 2; Perfect Attendance 2; Swimming 3; Athletic Council 4; P,E, Aide 2, 3, 4; One Team Award 1, 2, 3; Badminton Team 2; Intramurals 2; Shield Assistant 4; Shield Staff: Ad Staff, Assistant 4; Altar Guild 4; Art 1, 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Christmas Program 3, 4; Office Aide 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Snack Bar Assistant 3.
Athletic Honor Award 1, 2; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball Captain 2; Girls' Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Athletic Council 1, 3; P,E, Aide 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis Team 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Winner 3; Shield Staff: Girls' Sports Editor 3, 4; Chorus 3, 4; Altar Guild 1, 2; Library Aide 2, 3; Typing 1, 2; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Christmas Program 3; Halo Staff: Assistant Sports Editor 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Snack Bar Assistant 3; Indoor Ball Team 1, 2.
Athletic Honor Award 1; Jr. Varsity Football!; Varsity Football 2,3,4; Football Co-Captain 4; Track 1, 2,3,4; Christmas Program 3; A. V. A. 1; Language Lab Aide 1,
N,E,D, T, Score 96 Percentile 2; Jr. Varsity Football l; Varsity Football 2,3,4; Library Aide l; Biology Club 2; Physical Science Club 2; Christmas Program 3; Powder Puff Football Coach 3, 4; Biology Aide 3; Language Lab Aide 1,
Pelican Boys' State Alternate 3; Biology Club 2; Physical Science Club 2; Christmas Program 3; Snack Bar Assistant 3; Spanish Club 2, 3,4.
Honor Roll 1, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Shield Staff: Typist 4; Chorus 4; Sewing 1, 2, 3; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Christmas Program 3,4; Halo typist 4; Halo Reporter 3, 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Future Nurses' Club, Active l; Future Nurses' Club, Inactive 2.
Varsity Football 3,4; Shield Assistant 3; Shield Staff: Photographer 3; Ad Manager 4; Art 2, 3,4; Physical Science Club l; Powder Puff Football Coach 4; Snack Bar Assistant 3; Photography 2; Language
N.E.D. T. Score 98 Percentile 1,2; Honor Roll 1,3; Pelican Girls' State Alternate 4; P.E. Aide 3,4; Intramurals 3; Shield Staff: Activities Photography Co-Ordinator 4; Chorus 3; Typing 4; Powder Puff Football 3; Future Nurses' Club, Active 1.
N. E. D. T, Score 99 Percentile 1, 2; Scholastic Honor
Award: Latin Award 3; Honor Roll 2,3 1National Honor Society 3,4; Student Council Representative 3,4; Student Council President 4; Track 2; Swimming 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3; Typing 4; Halo Reporter 2, 3; Prep Quiz Bowl 4,
Library Aide 2,3,4; Typing 2,4; Sewing 3; Christmas Program 3, 4,
N. E. D. T. Score 99 Percentile 3; Highest Class Average
3; Scholastic Honor Award: U.S. History, Algebra II, French III, English III, Sr. High Art Award 3; Geometry
2; National Honor Society 3, 4; lntramurals 3, 4; Art 2, 3 , 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 2 , 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairman 4; Christmas Program 2, 3 , 4; Office Aide 3; Halo Reporter 2, 3; Hal o Staff: Editor-in-Chief 4 ; Chapel Singers 2; Prep Qui z Bowl 4
N.E.D. T. Score 96 Percentile 1,2; Honor Roll l; Clas s Officer: Treasurer 1,2,3,4; Jr. Varsity Football 1; Varsity Football 2,3,4; Track 2, 3 ,4; State Track 3 ; Chorus 1, 2; Biology C l ub 1.
N. E. D. T. Score 98 Percentile 2; 99 Percentile 3; Student Council Representative 2 , 3; Student Council Committee Chairman 3; Swimming 4; Shield Staff: Activities Editor 3 ; Dramatics 2,4; Library Aide 1; Typing l; Homecoming Dance Committee 2; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairman 4; Christmas Program 2, 3; Creative Writing 2, 3, 4; Lyre Staff: Writing Staff 2; Assi stant Editor 3; Editor-in-Chief 4; Halo Reporter 4; Snack Bar Assistant 3; Language Lab Aide 1.
N. E. D. T. Score 93 Percentile 2; Honor Roll 1; Athletic Honor Award 2, 3,4; Student Council Representative 4; Volleyball 2, 3, 4; Vo lleyball Captain 4; Girls' Basketball 2, 3, 4; Swimming 4; Athletic Council 4; P. E. Aide 2, 3,4; One Team Award 1; Three Team Award 2, 3 ,4; Badminton Team 2, 3, 4; Tennis Team 1, 2, 3 , 4; Intramurals Winner 2, 3; Shield Assistant 4; Shield Staff: Assistant Girls' Sports Editor 4; Art 2, 3, 4; Typing 1; Homecoming Dance Committee 2,3,4; Christmas Program 3, 4; Lyre Staff: Typist 3, 4; Halo Staff: Assis tant Sports Editor 3; Sports Editor 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Snack Bar Assistant 1, 2; Snack Bar Assistant Manager 3; Snack Bar Manager 4; Favorite 3 ; Future Nurses' Club, Active 1, 2; Indoor Ball Team 2; Language Lab Aide 1; Lower School Pla ygrouhd Aide 3; Homecoming Game Cheerleader 4.
N. E. D. T. Score 97 Percentile 1; 99 Percentile 2; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; Athletic Honor Award 2; Class Officer: President 1,2; Vars ity Foo tb all 3 , 4; Jr. Varsity Bas ketball; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; All District Basketball 3; Track 2, 3,4; Library Aide 1, 2; Art l; Office Aide 2; Halo Staff: Sports Editor 3 , Powder Puff Foo tb all Coach 4; Snack Bar Assis t ant 2; Prep Quiz Bowl Alt ernate 4.
N E. D. T. Score 94 Percentile l; Scholastic Honor Award, English 2; Honor Roll 1, 3; National Honor Society 3,4; Class Officer: Secretary 1; Perfect Attendance l, 2; Shield Staff: Scholarship Editor 3; Classes Editor 4; Chorus 3 , 4; Sewing l, 2; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Christmas Program 1,2; Lyre Staff: Copy Editor 3,4; Halo Staff: Reporter 4; Powder Puff Football 3 ; Future Nurses' Club, Inactive 3; Prep Quiz Bowl 4.
Shield Assistant 4; Shield Staff: Copy Transcriber 4; Library Aide 2, 3 ,4; Typing 1; Christmas Program 3,4;
Honor Roll 3; National Honor Society 4; Swimming 3, 4; Typing 2; Sewing 3; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairman 4; Christmas Program 3; Office Aide 2,3; Lyre Staff: Typist 4; Halo Staff: Typist 4; Powder Puff Football 3.
Maybe Not"
Scholastic Honor Award : Rensselaer Mathematics and Science Award 3; Honorable Mention, Chemistry 3: Honor Roll 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Pelican Girls' State Representative 3 ; One Team Award 3; Badminton Team 3, 4; Shield Staff: Editor -in-Chi ef 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Christmas Program 3, 4; Office Aide 3 ,4; Halo Typist 3 ,4; Halo Reporter 4; Powder Puff Football 3 ,4; Prep Quiz Bowl Alternate 4.
Honor Ro ll 3; Pelican Girls' State Alternate 3; Intramural Winner: Modern Dance 2; Chorus 1, 2; Library Aide 3 , 4; Art 1, 3; Typing 4; Homecoming Decorations Committee Chairman 4; Lyre Staff: Writer 3, 4; Halo Staff: Assistant Fashion Editor 3; Fashion Editor 4; Creative Stitchery 4; National Honor Society 4; Christmas Program Committee Co-chairman 3 ; Committee Chairman 4; Shield Staff: Senior Photo gra ph y Editor
N. E. D. T. Score 96 Percentile 2; 98 Percentile 3; Scholastic Honor Award: Biology 1 ; Government and Civics 2; Honor Roll 1, 2; Na t iona l Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Shield Staff: Copy Transcriber 4; Chorus 2, 3 , 4; Concert Choir 2,3,4; Altar Guild 4; Chapel Pro g ram 4; Library Aide 2; Sewing l; Modern Dance Club 2,4; Homecoming Dance Committee 2 , 3 ,4 ; Christmas Program 1,3,4; Office Aide 3; Halo Staff: Typist 2,3,4; Lyre Staff: Typist 4; Powder Puff Football 3,4; Chorus Committee Chairman 4.
Jr. Varsity Foo tball l; Varsity Football 3 , 4; Jr. Va rsi t y Basketball 1, 2; Varsity Baske tball 3,4; Track 4; Typing 2; Spanish Club 3
N.E.D.T. Score 97 Percentile l; 96 Perce ntile 2; Honor Roll 3; Student Council Representative 4; Student Council Committee Chairman 4; Class Officer: Secretary l; Homecoming Game Cheerleader 3; Volleyball 1, 2, 3; One Team Award 2, 3, 4; Shield Staff: Assistant Copy Editor 3; Activities Editor 4; Typing 3; Sewing 1, 2; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairman 4; Lyre Staff: Writing Staff 2, 3; Typist 2, 3; Typing Chairman 4; Powder Puff Football 3,4; Scholastic Honor Award: Honorable Mention, Latin 3; Homecoming Court 4; Christmas Program 3,4; National Honor Society 4.
Perfect Attendance 1, 2, 3; Jr. Varsity Football l; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2 , 3, 4; Concert Choir 2 , 3, 4; Library Aide l; Art l; Christmas Program 3, 4; Powder Puff Football Coach 3, 4; Language Lab Aide 1.
Honor Roll I; Perfect Attendance 1, 2; Jr, Varsity Football 1,2 , 3; Varsity Football 2,3,4; Jr. Varsity Basketball 1; Chorus 1, 2; Concert Choir l, 2; Lower School Library Aide l; Art 1, 2; Typing 1.
N.E D. T Score 96 Percentile 1; 97 Percentile 2; Shield Staff: Art Editor 4; Art 1, 2, 3, 4; Typing 1; Powde r Puff Football 3,4; Art Aide 3; Lyre Staff: Art Editor 4.
Marjorie Ellen
Volleyball 2,4; Girls' Basketball 1, 2, 3,4; Swimmiog l; P.E. Aide 2, 3 , 4 ; Ooe Team Award 1; Two Team Award 3; Three Team Award 2,4; Badmiotoo Team 1,2,3,4; Iotramurals 1,2,3,4; Chorus 1,2; Art 3,4; Homecomiog Daoce Committee 4; Christmas Program 1, 3; Creative Writiog 3; Lyre St aff: Writer 3 ; Soack Bar Assistant 3; Future Nurses ' Club , Active 1, 2; Kiodergarten Aide 4 .
N. E. D. T. Score 99 Percentile 2, 3; Highest Class Average 1; Honor Roll 1, 2 ,3,4; National Honor Society 2 , 3,4; National Honor Society Vice -Presid ent 3; Student Council Representative 1, 2, 4; Class Officer: President 3 , 4; V icePresident 1, 2; Volleyball Squad Leader 2, 3; P. E. Aide 1, 2; One Team Award 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Intramural Winner 2; D. A. R. American History Award 3; Chorus 1,2; Dramatics 3,4; Concert Choir 1,2; National Conference of Christians and Jews 3; Modern Dance Club 1, 2, 3; Homecoming Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Program 1, 2 , 3 ,4 ; Office Aide 2; Creative Writing 4; Lyre Staff: Writer 4; Halo Staff: Feature Editor 4; Powder Puff Football 3; Chapel Singers 2; Prep Quiz Bowl 4; National Honor Society President 4.
N E. D. T. Score 96 Percentile 1 , 98 Percentile 2; Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 3,4; Badminton Team 2; Imr,1murals 3; Shield Staff: Typis t 3; Faculty Editor 4; Dramatics 4; Sewing 1, 2, 3; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Christmas Program 3,4 ; Halo Typist 3 ,4; Powder Puff Football 3 , 4; Future Nurses' Club, Inactive 1.
N E. D. T. Score 94 Percentile l; Student Council Representat :ve 4; Student Council Committee Chairman 4; Class Officer: Sergeant -at-Arms 3; Jr. Varsity Football I; Varsity Football 2,3,4; Golf Team 2,3; Biology Club 1; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Powder Puff Football Coach 3, 4; Lower School Playground Aide 3.
N.E.D. T. Score 94 Percentile 1,2; Honor Roll 1, 2 ,3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Intramural Winner 2; Chorus 1; Chorus Officer: Accompanist l; Dramatics 2; Concert Choir 1; Art 3,4; Christmas Program 1,2,3,4.
N.E.D.T. Score 92 Percentile l; Dramatics 4; Library Aide 2 ; Ph ysical Science Club 2, 3; Ph ysical Science Club Officer : President 3; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Christmas Program 3, 4; Spanish Club 3; Language Lab Aide 2
N. E. D. T. Score 98 Percentile 2, 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3 ; Class Officer: Secretary 4; Cheerleader 3 , 4; Alt e rnate Cheerleader 2; Homecoming Game Cheerleader 3 ; J. V. Cheerleader l; Volleyball 1,2 , 4; P.E. Aide 4; One Team Award 1, 2 , 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2; Chapel Pro gram 3; Librar y Aide 1, 2, 3; Art 3, 4; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 2 , 3, 4; Homecoming Dance Committee Chairman 4; Christmas Program 1, 2, 3 , 4; Office Aide 4; Creative Writing 3, 4; Lyre Staff: Writer 3, 4; Publicit y and Circulation 3 ; Ass istant Editor 4; Halo Reporter 1; Powder Puff Football 4; Prep Quiz Bowl Alternate 4; Homecoming Que e n 4.
N. E. D. T. Score 96 Percentile 2; 98 Percentile 3; Chorus l; Dramatics 4; Typing l; Biology Club 2; Physical Science Club 1, 2, 3; Spanish Club 2, 3; Biology Aide 3.
Athleti c Honor Award 1, 2; Class Officer: President 1; Vice-President 3 ,4; Jr. Varsity Football 1; Varsity Football 2,3,4; Jr. Varsity Basketball 1,2; Varsity Basketball 3 ,4; Track 1,2,3,4; State Track 3; Biology Club l; Powder Puff Football Coach 3,4;
N.E D. T. Score 98 Percentile 2; 99 Percentile 3 ; Pelican Girls' State Representative 3; Student Council Representative 1; P.E. Aide 2; Intramurals 2; Shield Staff: Assistant Senior Editor 4; Dramatics 2, 3 ,4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4; Christmas Program 3, 4; Office Aide 2,4; Halo Typist 3; Halo Reporter 4; Powder Puff Football 3,4; Future Nurses' Club, Active 1, 2; Creative Stitchery 4.
Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Football Co- Captain 4; Shield Assistant 3, 4; Shield Staff: Processing Co-Ordinator 3; Assistant Editor 4; Christmas Program 2, 3; Powder Puff Football Coach 3, 4; Spanish Club 2.
N. E. D. T. Score 97 Percentile 1; 96 Percentile 2; Scholastic Honor Award 1; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; Athletic Honor Award 1, 2,3; National Honor Society 3; Student Council Representative 3, 4; Student Council Treasurer 4; Class Officer: Secretary 1, 2, 3; Alternate Cheerleader 4; One Team A ward 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Intramural Winner 2; Shield Staff: Senior Photo Editor 3; Favorites Editor 4; Art 2, 3, 4; Sewing 1; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Modern Dance Club 1, 2, 3; Homecoming Dance Committee 3; Christmas Program 3; Office Aide 3; Lyre Staff: Typing Chairman 3; Art Staff 4; Typing Staff 4; Halo Reporter 3; Halo Staff: Copy Editor 4; Powder Puff Football 3, 4; Snack Bar Assistant 2; Prep Quiz Bowl Alternate 4. StM
Perfect Attendance 2,3; Volleyball I; Swimming l; P.E. Aide 4; One Team Award 1; Shield Staff: Ad's Assistant 4; Altar Guild 4; Typing 1, 3,4; Sewing 2; National Conference of Christians and Jews 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 3 , 4; Christmas Program 2 , 3 , 4; Office Aide 3 ,4; Powder Puff Football 3,4; Homecoming Court 4.
N.E.D. T. Score 92 Pe rce ntile 1; 96 Pe rce ntil e 2; Jr. Varsity Football 1; Va rsity Foo tball 2 , 3 , 4; La ng ua ge Lab Ai d e 1, 2, 3 .
Alt ernate Chee rleader 4; P. E. Aide 3; Badminton Team l; Intramurals 2; Shield Staff: Copy Editor 4; Dramatics 2 , 3 ,4; Aco lyte 1 ; Typing l; Modem Dance Club 3 ,4; Homecoming Dan ce Committee 4; Christmas Program 1, 3 ; Futu re Nurses' Club, Active 2.
Perfect Attendance 1, 2; Typing 2; Physical Science Club 2,3; Homecoming Dance Committee 1; Christmas Program 3,4; Spanish Club 2,3,4.
What's a mol e?
Girl Watchers
Where did you say he was last night?
Kitty, the juniors aren't that big ! Watch those hands Neal!
Are you sure that Sargeant 's Flea Collar will work? St, M. power!
They took the shirt right off my back.
Girls, don't believe a word she says.
Gee Babs, just think how much fun our Senior year will be!
If you think I'm gonna quit eating just 'cause my shoulder's hurtyou 're crazy!
Unlock the bathroom door! Quick!
Mr. Latham, it's not that I don't dig math, BUT
Whoever made that crack can come over here and be the dad.
So that's where you've been hiding it!
Now what does John mean by that?
HUh ! that's nothing compared to what I did on New Year's.