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Hurricane Ida Relief Fund

Southern Louisiana was devastated by the effects of Hurricane Ida. Our St. Martin’s community was not excluded from this. Families, teachers, administrators, and staff members had to pick up the pieces of what they lost on August 29, 2021.

St. Martin’s teaches our students to abide by three pillars: faith, scholarship, and service. The pillar of service could not be more vital than it is today. Over the last few months, we have watched our community help their neighbors in a time of need.

Following Hurricane Ida, faculty, staff, and students came together to strengthen our area in various ways. One way was through the Ida Relief Fund. Parents and other supporters raised money for members of the StM community who were devastated by Hurricane Ida.

We sincerely thank all who gave to the Ida Relief Fund.

Get Ready For This Year’s DAY OF GIVING FEB. 17-18, 2022


DONATE Donate or pledge today at


to support St. Martin’s and all of our students.

WEAR On February 18, wear your red, white, and blue attire to support our Day of Giving.

SHARE Post a picture of yourself in your red, white, and blue attire to show support for our Saints. Use the hashtags

#65KinOneDay #StMDayofGiving #AlwaysaSaint

Every gift matters. Whether it’s $10, $100 or $1000, it makes a collective impact. We have a strong, passionate community of parents, alumni and friends. How much could we accomplish if we all came together as a force for good?

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