Fall 2017 attractions

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Jewish Community Center of the Greater St. Paul Area

ATTRACTIONS Fall Program Guide 2017 Volume XXXX, No. 3

Construction began in June to create our reimagined St. Paul JCC. Our Annual Meeting celebrated this moment with a Ceremonial Groundbreaking where we gathered together to recognize the overwhelming community support that has allowed us to reach this milestone. Featured here are our Capital Campaign Co-Chairs and recipients of this year’s Sharon Gibson Leadership Award: (L to R): Marilyn Smith, Steve Rubin, Brian Kamin, David Kristal. 1

million pledged for our capital campaign to support our facility renovation project. And, certainly, no one has led the charge more than the Capp family. We will all miss Esther, who passed away this JEWISH summer. She was a trueCOMMUNITY inspiration. CENTER of THE GREATER ST. PAUL AREA But, our work is not done. I want to Martin & Esther Capp Building personally invite you to join me in 1375 St. Paul Avenue considering a commitment from your St. Paul, MN 55116-2828 family to help us realize our dreams. Every gift, at every size, makes a difference. What is most important is that you are a part of this historic moment.

If you have spent any time at the JCC this summer, you know this is an especially exciting moment as we embark on the beginning of our facility renovation project. Even amidst the noise and demolition – the outpouring of support and anticipation for our future is overwhelming. I want to thank all of you for staying with us as members and sharing your genuine enthusiasm for what is yet to come in 2018. Each day we see progress towards the building of our reimagined St. Paul JCC – truly a crossroad between our past, present and future! I am proud to be a part of this moment in our history on both a personal and professional level. I grew up at the JCC, learned to swim in our pool and later began my career here as a teenager. Today, my own children spend their days in our Early Childhood Center and at Camp Butwin. This is more than a job for me. It is a deeply personal decision to give back to the organization that gave my family so many opportunities. I am so fulfilled by the campaign pledge my family made to support the facility renovation project. Our pledge is a stretch for us and is the most significant philanthropic commitment we have ever made. But,

Michael Waldman | CEO

knowing the J will be a sustaining resource for our community and families like ours for years to come is more rewarding than we ever imagined. The progress we envision for the JCC’s future is dependent on the help of our entire community. Thanks to the support of our members, community leaders, foundations and friends, we are well on our way to success with nearly $11

There’s something about this place.

In the coming weeks you will be receiving information about how you can make a pledge to support Our Future. Here. – The Capital Campaign for the St. Paul JCC. In the meantime, please feel fee to contact me directly if you would like to discuss how you can leave a legacy by making an impactful gift to the J. Thank you again for being a part of our future here.


the buzz / congratulations Our 87th Annual Meeting, which took place on June 21, included a Ceremonial Groundbreaking, election of our new board members and the opportunity to honor a few outstanding individuals. Thank you to everyone who attended!


Congratulations to…

P RES E NT E D AT T H E ST. PAU L JCC ON JU NE 7 , 2 0 1 7

sam altshuler


The community came together for our ceremonial groundbreaking on June 21.

Sam Altshuler MARvelous Scholarship Recipient


c o n ta c t s

Ceremonial Groundbreaking and 90th Orchestra Celebration photos by Lou Michaels.

Michael Waldman Chief Executive Officer E X EC U T I V E D I R EC TO R mwaldman@stpauljcc.org 651 + 255 4731

JOLENE MCNAUGHTON Florence Lapinsky Memorial Award Recipient

happy new year

e x ec u t i v e n ot e s

Fall is a busy time of year in the Jewish calendar. Happy New Year! Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year! ROSH HASHANAH The Jewish New Year September 21-22 Rosh HaShanah (literally means “Head of the Year”) which marks the beginning of a 10-day period of prayer, self-examination and repentance. Celebratory customs include sounding the shofar, eating round challah, and tasting apples and honey to represent a sweet New Year. YOM KIPPUR The Day of Atonement September 30 Yom Kippur means “Day of Atonement” and refers to the annual Jewish observance of fasting, prayer and repentance. This is the moment in Jewish time when we dedicate our mind, body, and soul to reconciliation with God, our fellow human beings, and ourselves.

SUKKOT Feast of the Tabernacles October 5-11 Sukkot, a Hebrew word meaning “booths” or “huts,” is a joyous festival providing time to think about the important things in life and for giving thanks for the fall harvest. SHMINI ATZERET & SIMCHAT TORAH End of Sukkot and Celebration of the Torah October 12-13 Simchat Torah, the most exuberant celebration of the year, marks the completion of the annual cycle of reading the Torah (scroll containing the five books of Moses).

Visit our website for special holiday hours.

Wishing you a sweet new year! In the symbolic hope for a sweet year to come, a slice of honey cake is often traditionally enjoyed. Recipes are passed down from generation to generation. This favorite was submitted by Evie Kamin, our Donations Secretary, who just celebrated 45 years working for the JCC! “Whenever I bake honey cake, the wonderful smell and delicious cake brings back memories of family and sets a tone for the new year to come.”

To see Evie’s recipe visit stpauljcc.org



Celebrating our reimagined

On June 21, the community came together to celebrate the start of our renovation project with a Ceremonial Groundbreaking. The program included remarks from Councilmember Chris Tolbert, LSE Principal Architect Mohammed Lawal, and reflections on Martinz”l and Estherz”l Capp by former St. Paul JCC Executive Director, Burt Garr. On behalf of the Capp family, Lisa Capp and Susan Tervola spoke of their

our future . here .

family’s commitment to the JCC’s past, present and future. Capital Campaign Co-Chairs Brian Kamin, David Kristal, Steve Rubin and Marilyn Smith were presented the Sharon Gibson Leadership Award for their outstanding leadership and commitment to the OUR FUTURE. HERE. CAPITAL CAMPAIGN. Thank you to everyone who attended to make this historical moment a memorable one!

Top (in circles): Bruce Fink, Chris Tolbert, Mohammed Lawal; Above from left to right: Susan Tervola, Marilyn Smith, Lisa Capp, Steve Rubin, Brian Kamin, David Kristal, Bruce Fink, Burt Garr


St. Paul JCC!

Featured Above from left to right: Burt & Lucille Garr. Raleigh, Hart & Cooper Johnson. Michelle & Steve Shaller with Brian and Sandy Kamin. Mike Saxon & Steve Rubin. Ben Savin & Stephanie Chauss. Phyllis Karasov & Alan Olstein.


The Allen Shores

e a r ly c h i l d h o o d C e n t e r

yo u t h d e pa r t m e n t

From six weeks to Pre-K, our ECC provides a loving, engaging, educational, fun, affectionate and safe place for our kids to learn and grow. Kids are our passion, and we feel humbled every day to be a part of their lives. For more information, contact Tracey Agranoff (Enrichment); Lisa Rosenfield or Ben Savin (ECC).

We know that our youth and teens need something different in their programming. We provide a full range of programs that are social and community service minded, with opportunities for leadership development. For more information, contact Ned Cohen. Hunger Haven - Orientation

Sunday, November 5 • 11 am - noon Hunger Haven, our teen-run concession stand, provides an opportunity for teens to learn beginning job skills. Gain experience and earn a little money, all while having fun with friends! If you would like to be a part of this great program, join us on November 5 for orientation and training.

Planning to Pay for College

Sunday, September 17 • 10:30 am - 12:30 pm Did you know college can cost your family nearly as much as your home? Here is your chance to learn how to be a smart college shopper, how to avoid costly FAFSA mistakes and learn the many myths about college financial aid. You will be taught how to plan ahead and avoid unmanageable debt for you and your student. This class is led by Alan Weinblatt, who has been counseling students about a fruitful college search since 1990.

Calling all Pre-schoolers Ages 3 – 5 years old!

Sunday, October 8 • 2 - 5 pm All 2017 CITs are invited to reunite for an afternoon of fun at the Fall CIT Reunion! We’ll meet at the JCC and head out for an afternoon of fun, friendship, and fall colors with all your fellow CITs from the summer.

Whether your child is enrolled in our ECC program or not, we offer enrichment classes that are super fun and hands-on! These 30 min. classes usually last for 8 weeks and have included Yoga, Zumba, Foreign Languages, Science, Soccer, Basketball, Book Club and many more.

Red Cross Babysitter Training Course

Sunday, October 15 • 9 am - 4:30 pm $165 • $105 Member Value Price Babysitter training by the American Red Cross is the best educational program in child development and safety training there is. This class will build confidence in holding, feeding, and caring for infants and toddlers, along with working with children safely and dealing with emergencies. Upon completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate.

NEXT SESSION BEGINS IN OCTOBER Check our website later in the summer for additional information and class selections.

After School Care

Florence Lapinksy Memorial Award

c o n ta c t s

Congratulations to Jolene McNaughton, recipient of the Florence Lapinksy Memorial Award. This award provides special recognition to staff for outstanding service and is a testament to Jolene’s 16 years as a loving, patient and kind ECC teacher. Our ECC would not be the same without her!


We are proud to announce that the 2017 recipient of the MARvelous Scholarship was Sam Altshuler. Sam graduated from Sibley High School with a 4.24 GPA and is now headed to Rensselear Polytechnic Institute (RPI), where he will study Molecular Biology. Sam’s childhood was filled with JCC experiences – a participant in our Children’s Theater Program, a counselor at Camp Butwin, and as a member of our competitive swim team where he was a wonderful role model for his younger team members.

CIT Reunion

early childhood enrichment classes

Tracey Agranoff Jewish Life & Learning Coordinator tagranoff@stpauljcc.org 651 + 255 4735

MARVelous Award

Best summer ever!

Every summer, our 88 acres on the shores of Lake O’Brien becomes the destination for community, friendship, collaboration, exploration, team building and fun. Thanks for another great summer at Camp Butwin! Camp ButWin Reunion!

Monday - Friday, beginning September 5 • 2 - 6 pm Club J is the place to be for school age after school care! We offer a balanced combination of structured activities and free-choice time to provide a stimulating environment for your child to grow and flourish. There’s homework help, gym time, outdoor play, and arts & crafts. Club J provides a daily snack, and transportation is available by JCC van from many school locations. To sign up, fill out a registration form (available online) and turn it in to Club J or the front desk.

“2017 brought us the greatest pool of candidates we have seen since launching this scholarship fund more than 10 years ago, and Sam stood out as being both an exceptional student and young adult. We are thrilled to award Sam with this opportunity and recognition.” —Dan Farsht

See page 11 The MARvelous Scholarship Fund was established by Dan & Amy Farsht and Steve & Stephanie Farsht to honor their grandmother Marion Farsht and great aunts Anita Marx and Rose Shapiro. The fund awards a $5,000 scholarship annually to pursue higher education.

Lisa Rosenfield Early Childhood Director lisar@stpauljcc.org 651 + 255 4758

Ben Savin Early Childhood Assistant Director bens@stpauljcc.org 651 + 255 4759

Ned Cohen Youth & Recreation Coordinator nedc@stpauljcc.org 651 + 255 4767


September 5 & 6 • 7:30 am – 6 pm Saint Paul Public Schools Kindergarteners, need something to do the week of September 5th? Join us for Kinder Kick-Off, a special kindergartenonly, first taste of JCC school age programming featuring an age appropriate field trip in the morning, and a sample of Club J afterschool care in the afternoon. Registration available online.

august jamboree

August 28 – September 1 $63/Day • $42/Day Member Value Price Jamboree is a full-day childcare option for children in grades K–6. This special session takes place at the end of the summer,during the gap weeks between camp and the school year. Each morning, kids choose a sport or craft activity that interests them. After lunch, the group goes on an afternoon field trip to waterparks, museums and more, ending the day with gym time. Reserve your spot today – days fill up!

School’s Out – We’re In! When school’s out, the JCC is in! Join us for fun arts and crafts activities, gym games, field trips and more. School’s Out – We’re In! follows the St. Paul Public School’s schedules of closings, and is open on select days for Districts 197, 196, and Minneapolis. Register online for one or all.

Lynx Dream Team 9-year old Morgan Johnson, a participant in our Youth Basketball League, was selected to be one of five members of the 2017 Lynx Dream Team. Each new member was paired with a Lynx starter as a mentor who included Seimone Augustus, Rebekkah Brunson, Sylvia Fowles, Maya Moore and Lindsay Whalen. In addition to signing an honorary contract, Morgan had oneon-one time with her mentor, participated in practice, ran through skills drills and ate lunch in the Lynx player’s lounge. The “Dream Team” was also be honored on court prior to a game this season, highlighting their time with the team. Morgan has been participating in the Youth Basketball Leagues since she was five years old. Johnson loves the Minnesota Lynx because the women on the team used to be girls like her and they show that she can be like them if she sets her mind to it.


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Congratulations to Morgan!

Ned Cohen Youth & Recreation Coordinator nedc@stpauljcc.org 651 + 255 4767

Youth Basketball Leagues

kinder kick-off

January 14 – March 18 $160 • $105 Member Value Price Unlock your inner super star with our awesome basketball league. We welcome players of all experience levels! Improve Basketball and team work skills while having fun, making friends, and building confidence! For more information, contact Ned Cohen, below. Little Dribblers • Grades K - 1 Sunday 12:45 - 1:30 pm (No weekly Practice) Pee Wees • Grades 2 - 3 Practice Tuesdays 6:30 - 7:30 Games Sundays 1:45 - 2:45 pm Rookies Boys • Grades 4 - 6 Practices Thursday 7:35 - 8:35 pm Games Sundays 3 - 4 pm Rookies Girls • Grades 4 - 6 Practice Thursday 6:30 - 7:30 pm Games Sundays 4:15 - 5:15 pm

All Children’s Theater The St. Paul JCC’s All Children’s Theater has been delighting children and audiences for 30 years. Participants experience the excitement of producing a play, while working and learning together for a fun and enriching group experience. We are proud to welcome cast members with all levels of acting experience. Rehearsals take place Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons. A detailed schedule will be available upon casting. For more information, contact Alyssa Golob.

James and the Giant Peach Grade 2-7 Roald Dahl’s fantastical tale of a boy, his insect friends and their amazing journey across the ocean on a giant piece of fruit. Auditions Tuesday, September 5 • 4 - 6 pm Thursday, September 7 • 6 - 8 pm $90 Member Value Price PERFORMANCES Thursday, November 9 • 7 - 9 pm Saturday, November 11 • 7 - 9 pm Sunday, November 12 • 2 - 4 pm Tickets: $9 ADULTS • $6 CHILDREN & SENIORS

Grease Grades 8-12 The ideal school version of this classic featuring the fun-loving spirit and immortal songs that make GREASE a favorite among rock and roll fans of all ages. Auditions Tuesday, November 7 • 3 - 5 pm Thursday, November 9 • 4 - 6 pm $90 Member Value Price PERFORMANCES Thursday, January 18 • 7 - 9 pm Saturday, January 20 • 7 – 9 pm Sunday, January 21 • 2- 4 pm Tickets: $9 ADULTS • $6 CHILDREN & SENIORS Tickets purchased in advance (online or at the St. Paul JCC Front Desk) will be available for pick up at Will Call the day of the performance. Additional tickets may be purchased at the door, pending availability.

Alyssa Golob Program Director alyssag@stpauljcc.org 651 + 255 4736

The Calvin & Beverly Calmenson

i n c l u s i o n d e pa r t m e n t Inclusion is woven into the fabric of our JCC. We work to build community where everyone acknowledges and respects people’s difference while celebrating our inherent gifts. Whether it is through integrated programming or disability-geared opportunities, we welcome everyone to participate in our St. Paul JCC community. For more info, contact Ahna Mitley.

Tuesday Food Tour - Smoothie Sampling

Tuesday, September 19 • 6 - 8 pm $15 • $10 Member Value Price Do you love trying different foods? Join us for our Tuesday Food Tour of smoothie shops! We will stop at three different places and decide on our favorite. Transportation to and from the JCC is provided. Please register one week before at stpauljcc.org.

Indoor Rock Climbing Class

Tuesday, October 10 and/or October 17 • 6 - 8:30 pm $75 • $50 Member Value Price for one class Learn the basics of the dynamic sport of rock climbing in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. This is a private climbing class with a 1:3 climber staff ratio to allow for individualized instruction. Get an overview of basic rock climbing gear, how to put on a harness, fix ropes and climb on an indoor climbing wall. Cost covers transportation to and from JCC, gear use and instructors fee. Waiver must be completed to attend. Please register one week before at stpauljcc.org.

Landscape Acrylic Painting Series

Sundays, November 5 - November 19 • 1 - 2:30 pm $80 • $55 Member Value Price Join us as we explore landscape painting with acrylic paint. Together, we will create beautiful and colorful paintings of nature scenes during different seasons. We will get to practice color mixing and explore texture and shape all while having fun! Please register by October 22 at stpauljcc.org.

Feed the Wolves & Tour Fur-Ever Wild

Sunday, December 3 • 12:30 - 3:30 pm $10 • $7 Member Value Price Come join us at Fur-Ever Wild, an outdoor agri-educational farm that teaches about the great outdoors. Feed the wolves (and other native fur animals), learn about the wild animals native to Minnesota, the habitats they live in, and enjoy a private guided tour the outdoor center! Please dress for the weather- we will be outside for most of the tour and feeding. Fee covers transportation to and from JCC and feeding donation. Must complete waiver to feed animals and attend tour. Please register one week before at stpauljcc.org.

Ahna Mitley Inclusion & Accessibility Coordinator ahnam@stpauljcc.org 651 + 255 4772


a d u lt p r o g r a m s

jewish learning

Classes and community-wide events add to your knowledge, deepen your curiosity and connect you to a community of learners. Whether it’s a special event, or an ongoing program, let the St. Paul JCC be your home-away-from-home. For more information, contact Barbie Levine.


out on the town

Men’s Club 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Monday of the month • 9 - 10:30 am $5 for kosher breakfast Join us for Men’s Club! Each meeting consists of songs, breakfast and a skilled speaker from the Twin Cities community. We host speakers that present on a wide variety of topics that appeal to anyone who has a desire to learn about and discuss what’s going on at a community, national and global level. Please check website for upcoming speakers.

Explore and experience the best the Twin Cities has to offer. If it’s happening in town, we’ll be there. Transportation from the St. Paul JCC is provided. For more information, contact Barbie Levine.

Jewish life, JCC-style. Please join us to enhance your knowledge, interest and enjoyment of Jewish culture and life through exciting and enriching family events, children’s programming, lectures, concerts, and community partnerships. For more information, contact Tracey Agranoff. B’Ahava

B’Ahava – With Love To My Grandparents

(To my Grandparent with Love)

Write your sTories/memories of your grandparent(s)! Sunday, September 10 • 1 - 3 pm • FREE event Sholom East-Shaller Family Campus In honor of National Grandparents Day, this culminating reception will provide an opportunity to enjoy the collaborative community submissions of memories, stories and loving reminisce of our Grandparents on display. This lively and interactive celebration will also include live music, refreshments and more. National Grandparents Day was established in 1961, during the White House Conference on Aging to focus on the role of grandparents in society.

Complete this form and drop off at the Sholom front desk OR send your information in an email to Jodi at jsaltzman@jfssp.org by August 25 to have the opportunity to be featured in an exhibit of stories on

Sunday, September 10 3:00–4:30 pm Shaller Family Sholom East Campus 740 Kay Avenue • St. Paul, MN 55102

Men’s Club Roundtable at Sholom East 4th Monday of the month • 740 Kay Avenue, St. Paul Engage in thought-provoking discussions and debate on current world events. Everyone learns, everyone teaches. Men’s Roundtable takes place at Sholom Home East in the Nosh Nook. Women’s Roundtable 4th Monday of the month • 9:15 - 10:30 am $8 • $5 Member Value Price Here’s your chance to meet the most interesting women in town in a forum that’s up close and personal. Please visit stpauljcc.org for upcoming speakers. JCC Book Group 4th Thursday of the month • 10 - 11 am Our book group, facilitated by Beth Friend, read a wide variety of texts: novels, memoirs, nonfiction, short stories and everything in between. Please visit stpauljcc.org for upcoming titles. Creative Writing Workshop Mondays • 10:30 am - Noon A weekly year-round class offering a supportive environment to share work and grow as a writer. Led by Christine Sikorski. Ages 21+ welcome. Supported by the Frances and Ted Shuirman Endowment Fund of the St. Paul JCC Endowment Funds.

Soup, Salad, Sweets and Scrabble Wednesday, December 6 • 11:45 am - 3 pm $22.50 • $15 Member Value Price Join us for lunch of hearty soup, salad, fresh bread and a dessert buffet. Stay to play games with your friends (old and new). Bring your scrabble board or gather your bridge and mahjong friends. Register by Friday, December 1. Writing the Narrative Life September 20 - December 13 • 10 am - Noon (No class 11/22. Copy fee of $10) $420 • $378 Loft and Member Value Price Call 612-379-8999 to register, or visit loft.org Have you led such an eventful life that people say you should write a book? Or do you feel your life has been too ordinary to write about? Whether you have lots of stories or none at all, this introductory course will fuel the embers inside you! In a supportive and constructive environment, we will use exercises to sharpen your senses to the details of daily life, consider how memory functions, and study the writings of others. A field trip will provide additional inspiration. Presented through the Loft Literary Center and taught by Nancy Raeburn, an award winning published author. AARP Smart Driver Course Tuesday, September 19 • 8:45 am - 1 pm OR Tuesday, November 21 • 8:45 am - 1 pm $20 • $15 Member Value Price Tune up your skills and knowledge of the rules of the road. Participants will be eligible to save money on car insurance. Cash or check only, to be paid to instructor at the time of the class. Community Partners: AARP

Your Name _______________________________________________________________________________________ Your Grandparent(s)’ Name(s) _______________________________________________________________________ Story ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Tour of the State Capitol — An Up-Close Look at the Restoration Project Wednesday, Sept 6 • 9:15 am - 12:30 pm $10 • $7 Member Value Price Join us for a docent tour of the Minnesota State Capitol. Learn about capitol history, art, architecture and state government. We will eat at the Capitol Restaurant after our tour. Register by Wednesday, August 30. Guthrie Theater — Watch On the Rhine Wednesday, October 18 • Noon - 4 pm $45 • $30 Member Value Price Set in 1940, Fanny Farrelly is expecting the arrival of her daughter Sara, Sara’s German husband Kurt and their children who have fled Europe due to Kurt’s role in the anti-Nazi resistance movement. When a Romanian house guest discovers Kurt’s identity, he threatens to expose him. This is a story of moral obligation, sacrifice and what it means to be an American. Register by Friday, September 15. Walker Art Center — Adios Utopia: Dreams and Deceptions in Cuban Art Since 1950 Wednesday, November 15 • 10 am - 2 pm $12 • $8 Member Value Price Anchored by key moments of the 20th21st century Cuban history, Adios Utopia is the most comprehensive and significant presentation of contemporary Cuban art shown in the U.S. since 1944 when the Museum of Modern Art in New York presented modern Cuban painters. We will then have lunch at Esker Grove Restaurant. Register by Wednesday, November 8.

Community Partners: Jewish Family Service St. Paul and Sholom East

Shofar & Sukkah; Fasting & Festivities

Tuesday, September 12 • 7 - 8:30 pm $15 • $10 Member Value Price Why does the Jewish month of Tishrei have so many holidays? What are they all for; Why this time of year: What are the messages to learn from these holy-days? Join Sara Lynn Newberger to explore the answers to these and other questions about this unique time in the Jewish calendar. Prior registration required by September 5 at stpauljcc.org. Community Partners: Hineni

Rosh Hashanah Rendezvous & Camp Butwin Reunion Extravaganza! Sunday, September 17 • 1 - 4 pm Get on the bus for a family adventure to Afton Apple Orchard. Enjoy an old fashioned hayride, sample this year’s harvest and pick apples for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. The bus will leave from the JCC (advance registration required) or meet us at the orchard. You may purchase apples & raspberries at the orchard; crafts, Rosh Hashanah stories and Camp Butwin activities and ruach (spirit) will be provided. Please dress for the weather. Advance registration by 9/15.

JLI Jewish Learning Institute — Great Debates In Jewish History

Tuesdays, October 31 - December 5 • 7:30 - 9 pm $85 • $65 Member Value Price A study of six of the biggest debates that rocked the Jewish world: • Sectarians and their opposition to rabbinic Judaism • Can Judaism survive without land? • How to balance faith and reason • The Chassidic movements and its opponents • Is Judaism better served as a private enterpirse or proud public display? Community Partners: The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute; register at myjli.com

Miracles — An Afternoon of Jewish Art and Learning

Sunday, December 3 • 1 - 5 pm at Sabes JCC $50 • $36 Member Value Price or Hineni Supporters Do you believe in miracles and what does it mean for something to be miraculous? This creatively immersive Text and Arts experience is the follow-up to our Mystery of the Hebrew Letters and a perfect preamble to the upcoming Hanukah season. To register visit: ttsp.org

Welcome Tal Dror Join us to say Shalom and Welcome to Tal Dror, our new Community Shaliach which means “messenger” or “emissary” in Hebrew). Tal graduated from the Kadoorie School (in the lower Galilee) with a major in art and design. In Israel, she has had experience as a guide at summer camps for youth programs and as a Guide of Education, which included leading road trips, lessons, creating lessons, ceremony leader, and working with major officers. We are very excited to have Tal join our St. Paul JCC community. Most recently, Tal has completed her second summer as a camp specialist at the Cleveland JCC’s Camp Wise.

Hanukk ah at the J 8 Days / 8 Ways to Celebrate! Celebrating Hanukah at the J is always fun. Keep a lookout for details on what we’re cooking up this year.


c o n ta c t s

Community Partners: Hineni, Sabes JCC

Barbie Levine Director of Adult Services blevine@stpauljcc.org 651 + 255 4734

Tracey Agranoff Jewish Life & Learning Coordinator tagranoff@stpauljcc.org 651 + 255 4735


The Marvin J. Pertzik

j e w i s h c u lt u r a l a r t s d e pa r t m e n t The arts can open new ways of seeing the world, spark our imaginations and allow us to connect with ideas and concepts through a uniquely creative, Jewish lens. We are dedicated to engaging the community in the exploration of Jewish identity and culture through film, performance, theater, visual arts and music. For more information contact Alyssa Golob.


One of the oldest community ensembles in the country dedicated to classical repertoire, the St. Paul JCC Symphony performs four free concerts each season. Musician Registration Wednesday, September 6 • 7 - 9:30 pm $85 • $45 Member Value Price Are you a community member interested in bringing your musical talents to the St Paul JCC Symphony? Join us! Weekly rehearsals pm, with four concerts throughout the season. For more information, contact Alyssa Golob. St Paul JCC Symphony Winter Orchestra Concert Wednesday, December 13 • 7:30 - 9:30 pm For more information, contact Alyssa Golob.

S u nd ay , Nov e mbe r 1 9 , 2 0 1 7 R a d isson B lu @ Mall of Ameri ca The second annual Twin Cities wide celebration that brings our Minneapolis & St. Paul communities together to celebrate as one! Recognizing Nancy & Steve Schactman and Michelle & Steve Shaller for their outstanding contributions to our community Event Co-Chairs: Linda Fiterman and Polly Saxon

Studio J Love Your Neighbor Wednesday, September 27 • 7 - 8:30 pm • $10 Community Educator Sara Lynn Newberger will take us on an exploration of “The Golden Rule” using texts of other cultures with a focus on Jewish text and commentary. Continue your learning by creating your own creative art-piece keepsake with Tracey Agranoff, Jewish Life & Learning Coordinator. No artistic experience necessary! Register by Monday, September 25 at stpauljcc.org. For more information, contact Tracey Agranoff.

Imagine drinking a nice cold brew while engaging in intimate conversations with some of the best local authors in the Twin Cities. Author list announced in October. Bad Weather Brewery November 16 • 7 pm $30 • $20 Member Value Price $15 for the 30-45 year old crowd!

Look for our Fall Arts Mailer coming soon! A true partnership with the Sabes JCC, we work together to promote and enrich Jewish life and values for the entire Twin Cities community.

Fa ll 20 17


Symphony Orchestra

JE WIS Tw o J CCs.

One S eason



Look for details this Fall!



c o n ta c t s

The Butterfly Project is a grass roots arts and education initiative that memorializes the 1.5 million children killed in the Holocaust through global displays of ceramic butterflies – one butterfly painted for each child. Join us to paint your butterfly that will displayed throughout the building.

Alyssa Golob Program Director alyssag@stpauljcc.org 651 + 255 4736

Stand-up comedy, theatrical events, visual art and workshops that celebrate the world of Jewish humor!

JANUARY 20 – 28, 2018

Tracey Agranoff Jewish Life & Learning Coordinator tagranoff@stpauljcc.org 651 + 255 4735


S t . p a u l j c c | s ymp h o n y o r c h e s t r a

The 2016-17 season celebrated the St. Paul JCC Symphony’s 90th year!

This past season was a celebration of our beloved symphony, one of the oldest community ensembles in the country dedicated to classical repertoire. The season, under the leadership of Conductor Amir Kats, included a Family Concert where our future young musicians had the opportunity to meet members of the orchestra and try various instruments and culminated with a summer concert that was a special “summing up,” not just of this season, but of some history as well. The June 14 concert included world premiere of A Walk on Yom Kippur by Max Zelle, a ninth grader at St. Paul Academy, who is a student of composition and piano performance.

Year after year, our St. Paul JCC amazes and delights us— bringing our community beautiful music.

1940 concert at John Marshall High School.



f i t n e ss

Push yourself to the next level! Our highly specialized instructors teach a wide variety of small group classes designed to expand your limits, increase your strength and improve your overall health. Registration required. For more information, contact Amy Hodge.

specialty fitness classes PILATES WITH PROPS

Mondays, 9 - 10 am Add variety to your Pilates routine with this prop class. Utilizing stability balls, foam rollers and resistance bands, this is truly a complete body workout that will leave you feeling energized and strong. Ages 16+.


Sundays, 11 am - Noon T’ai Chi Chuan is a set of naturally flowing movements for fitness, relaxation, meditation, and selfdefense that originated in China nearly 1,000 years ago. T’ai Chi Chuan consists of about 100 movements, performed slowly and in continuous sequence with a spirit of calmness, balance and awareness. Ages 16+.


Mondays, 7:30 - 8:15 am Increase strength, build muscle and burn calories in this intense Kettlebell class. Combine cardiovascular and strength exercises for the ultimate, totalbody workout. This class combines technique drills with a workout. Plan to remove your shoes to maximize stability as you work. Ages 13+.

to register visit stpauljcc.org

Refer A Friend and get $50 off your dues! For every friend you refer who becomes a member, get $50 OFF one month’s dues. After 3 referrals, you’re eligible for a $50 VISA gift card. After 5 referrals, you automatically receive a $50 VISA gift card. For more info please contact Christina Mendelson at 651+ 255 4749 or christinam@stpauljcc.org


Thursdays, 8:30 - 9:30 am For experienced participants. T’ai Chi Chih is a set of 19 movements and one pose. It is a soft, flowing, moving meditation practiced by tens of thousands of people around the world. It’s easy to learn and brings benefits to many, including peace of mind, improved health, and, simply, joy. Ages 16+.


Massages are now available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Schedule your appointment at the Front Desk. You deserve it!

additional classes For more information, contact Alyssa Golob.


Mondays & Wednesdays, 8 – 9 pm $150 • $100 Member Value Price Add variety to your Pilates routine with this prop class. Utilizing stability balls, foam rollers and resistance bands, this is truly a complete body workout that will leave you feeling energized and strong. Ages 16+.


Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7 – 8 am $90 • $60 Member Value Price This Korean-style martial art is an excellent conditioning and selfdefense sport. The class is co-ed and appropriate for all skill levels. No class on 9/21 or 10/5. Register by Wednesday, September 19. For more information, contact Alyssa Golob.


Tuesdays, 9:30 – 10:30 am Thursdays, 6 –7 pm Each scientifically-designed weekly Feldenkrais lesson enhances your selfawareness and movement abilities, adding more pleasure, confidence, and biomechanical efficiency to all you do. Dress in layers and bring a towel. Ages 16+.

Our Summer Bootcamp was so successful, we’re bringing it back for Fall!

Meet General Manager, Carolin Magstadt and Membership Specialist, Chrissy Mendelson

Visit our website for details

Carolin and Chrissy joined our team in January by way of Exos, an industry leader in “helping people reach higher and achieve more” by creating welcoming environments the facilitate healthy lifestyles. They bring years of professional experience in providing members with a positive experience and the tools they need to accomplish their goals. “We are so thrilled to be a part of the St. Paul JCC,” said Carolin. “The J is more than a gym - it’s a community. And, strengthening communities is at the heart of what we do. It’s an honor to play a role in the exciting future here.”

New to Personal Training? A personal trainer can help you get results, stay motivated, build confidence and design a program specifically for you!

3 personal training sessions for $150


c o n ta c t s

Offer valid for new clients only. Contact Amy Hodge for more info.

Amy Hodge Personal Training/Group Exercise Coordinator amyh@stpauljcc.org 651 + 255 4764

Carolin Magstadt General Manager Health & Fitness carolinm@stpauljcc.org 651 + 255 4763

Alyssa Golob Program Director agolob@stpauljcc.org 651 + 255 4736

Ned Cohen Youth & Recreation Coordinator nedc@stpauljcc.org 651 + 255 4767


d o n at i o n s Thank you to our community for tirelessly working together for the St. Paul JCC’s largest fundraising effort ever attempted. More than 250 families, foundations and friends have already joined forces to help secure our future with more than $10.5 million pledged.

Our work is not yet done as we aim for $12.5 million. Every gift of every size matters. thank you to our generous capital campaign donors* Anonymous (36) Sandra Abramson Tracey & Kenneth Agranoff Katherine B. Andersen Fund Jeffrey Applebaum Family Stuart Applebaum Jennifer & Paul Bagdade Jean Becker-Thierer Rabbi Zalman & Nechama Bendet Lisa & Alan Bernick Family Amanda Betz F. R. Bigelow Foundation Tammy & Carl Birnberg & Family Herman Birnbergz”l Susan S. & Gary J. Bloom Carole & Tim Bloom Daniel Rischall & Karen Blumberg Tom Cytron-Hysom & Robert Boyce Gail G. & Steve A. Brand Barbara Brihn Jill Burchill Sarah Burkitt Calvin & Beverly Calmenson Family Foundation Martin & Esther Capp Family Foundation Salomé Castro Flor Castro de Moreno Stephanie & Michael Chauss Jerry Helfand & Joan Cleary Soni and Michael Cohen Mary & John Comford Estate of Cynthia Cowan Dori Denelle Jennifer & Joel Denenholz & Family Jim Dockman & Family Stacy & Michael Dockman Robin & Pamela Ehrlich Bob & Laura Eng Carol & Mark Epstein Jay Ettinger Jennie & Stephen Ettinger Betty & Herbert Fantle Dan & Amy Farsht Steve & Stephanie Farsht Becky Feinwachs Rabbi Jeremy & Jessica Fine Bruce Fink & Family Wendy Finnegan Natalie Finnegan Nicholas Finnegan The Firefly Scientists’ Foundation Ben Forman Bill Fox Howard Orenstein & Barbara Frey Pamela & Mark Friedland Gail & Gerald Frisch Nancy H. Fushan Sandra & Neal Gale Jim & Leenie Gantman Ken & Molly Garelick Burt & Lucille Garr Michael, Cindy, Alyssa, Sarah, & Jacob Garr Sieglinde Gassman Rosie & Loren Geller Jill E. Gilfillan *as of June 19, 2017.


of blessed memory

David Kristal & Cristiana Giordano Steven Miles & Jolene Gitis Rena & Barry Glaser Theresa & David Glaser Peter & Harriet Glick Barb & Steve Godes & Family Sarah Godfrey Robert D. Goldberger Family Fund Herbert Goldenberg Laurie & Bruce Goldfarb Phil & Renae Goldman Alyssa & Barry Golob Malka Goodman Fred & Karen Gordon Rabbi Morris Allen & Dr. Phyllis Gorin David & Dani Gotlieb Sara & Dan Greenberg Marilyn & Dean Greenberg Becky Varon & Drew Greenberg Steve Greenberg Seth Ozer & Jessica Grodin & Family Pat & Tom Grossman Hardenbergh Foundation Dave & Sarah Hessler Cynthia Hill Amy Hodge Constance Holder Patricia & Robert Huberty Lisa Cohen & Amy Jacobson Benjamin Johnson Lynnz”l & Gloria Johnson Family Raleigh & Hart Johnson Scott & Sally Johnson/ Lewis H. Johnson Family Foundation Brian & Sandy Kamin Evie & Mel Kamin George Kaplan Memorial Foundation Jennifer & Robert Kaplan & Family Libby & Benjie Kaplan & Family Lindsay & Jamie Kaplan & Family Patrice z”l & Harold Kaplan Deborah Karasov Nancy Karasov Kathy & Harold Katz Anne Marie Kaul Ellen & Young-Nam Kim Marcy Noodell & Corey Kirshenbaum Laurie & Joel Kramer Anna E. Schorer & Gary R. Kravitz Chuck Kundschier Howard & Elaine Kuretsky Family Muriel & Lewis Lachter Nancy & Stephen Lane Olga Larson Amy Leavitt Janet & Charlie Leavitt Suzanne & Stanley Leonard Madeline Leventhal Allen & Nancy Levine Jimmy & Stephanie Levine Sheldon Berkowitz & Carolyn Levy William Lipschultz

Shari Lowenthal Harvey Mackay Maggie Madden Rhoda & Donald Mains Sarah & Angelo Marasigan Mardag Foundation Lidia & Victor Marutova Florie & Robert Marvy Joseph & Diane Mast Robert & Julie Mast Regan McCormack Robert S. Metcalf Bonnie Resnick & Alan Milavetz Family Jay W. & Michelle D. Monpetit Rebecca & Eddie ShashaMoradian & Family Sarah Fedorowicz Nelson & Andrew Nelson Barbie Levine & Sara Lynn Newberger Barbara Nilles Stuart Nolan Judy OBrien Phyllis Karasov & Alan Olstein Lidia Osipchuk Tim & Wendy Oskey Janet Otteson Otto Bremer Trust Jon & Robin Parritz Amy & Howard Paster Jacki Paster Linda & Robert Perry Marvin Pertzik Anna Marie Piccolo Noelyn & Truman Porter Barbara Grossman & Jeff Prauer Jody A. Cohen Press & Steven M. Press Nicole & Steve Putzel Holly Radis-McCluskey Andrew Rapoport Edward Rapoport Ida Rapoport Lynne & Andrew Redleaf Rhoda & Paul Redleaf Kay Reich Nancy & Chuck Reich Judith & John Reiling Heidi Resnick Marley Richman Anne & Mike Rickert Wendy & Jeff Ringer Patricia Rivard Cynthia Rosenblatt Ross Hart Rosenblatt Lisa & Adam Rosenfield Max Rosenfield Paul & Connie Ross Stephanie Ross Wendy & Steve Rubin Brenda Saavedra-Weis & Ramiro Saavedra Gayle and Bill Saeks The Saint Paul Foundation Jodi & Daniel Saltzman Danielle Salus Stuart Sanders Ben Savin

We apologize if your name has been inadvertently omitted from this list.

Michael & Polly Saxon Family Fund – Inver Grove Ford Lincoln Karen & Paul Schanfield Lynn Schuleman Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation Penny Schumacher Rosalyn & Yoav Segal Lisa Brenner & Michael Selon Cabrini & Scott Shaller Michelle & Steven Shaller Rossy Shaller Emily & Daniel Shapiro Candace & Michael Shields Diana & Sherwin Sieden Dianne & Leightonz”l Siegel Joanne & Michael Silverman Frank Lerman & Carol Simon Drs. Thomas & Teri Skadron Miriam & Eli Skora Ellen & David Sloane Maria Smirnov Marilyn Smith Diane & Rick Smookler Claudia Spencer Howard Stacker Linda & Jim Stein Sue & Peter Stein Oren & Sharron Steinfeldt Foundation Rachel & Adam Stern Peter & Paula Stewart Cyr Cantor Rachel & Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker Marcia & Joel Stone Nancy Sullivan Marilyn & Morgan Tamsky Katherine & Jeffrey Tane Alex & Mollie Tankenoff Family Foundation Hindy & Scott Tankenoff & Family Susan & Loren Taple Susan & Bill Tervola Mamie Vang & Lang Thao Cynthia Launer & Will Thomas Ken & Bob Tilsen Families Joel & Gail Tilsner Ryvelle & William Tilsner Cathy Tobias Sharon & Bill Torodor Tom & Linda Troskey Marni & Alex Tselos Andrew & Rachel VanWey Judi Belzer & Jerry Waldman Erin & Michael Waldman Kevin & Lisa Walker David & Mary Ann Barrows Wark Robert R. Weinstine Michelle & Jeremy Welford Dr. Peter & Madee Wilton Barbara Winthrop Jean Witson Cathy & John Wolf Judy & Peter Wolf Joan & Neil Yarmo Nataliya Yatsura Honey & Larry Zelle Patrick Zimmerman

Abrahamson Family Endowment Fund Nancy Karasov With best wishes for Al Abrahamson’s speedy recovery Harry and Betty Agranoff Endowment Fund for Youth Basketball Herb and Marcia Bernick Susan Calmenson Dori Denelle Marilyn and Dan Dornfeld Burt and Lucille Garr Michael and Cindy Garr, Alyssa, Sarah and Jacob Marvin and Mildred Jacobson Brian and Sandy Kamin Leon and Chelle Katz Charlie and Janet Leavitt Barbie Levine and Sara Lynn Newberger Harriet Levy Ellen Mack Don and Rhoda Mains Bob, Florie, Scott, Dan and Brad Marvy Joanne Michels Anna Marie Piccolo Sherm and Jan Ringer Patty Rivard Lisa and Adam Rosenfield, Max and Molly Janie and Don Rutman John and Vickie Silverman Marilyn Smith Adam and Rachel Spilker Richard and Liz Strimling Michael and Erin Waldman In loving memory of Betty Agranoff Area of Greatest Need Jill Rovitzky Black Rita Dillon Jimmy and Stephanie Levine Michelle and Steven Shaller Tom and Laurie Smith In memory of Betty Agranoff Mark Kieffer In honor of Wendy and Steve Baldinger for the “Its About Time” Celebration Lynn and Buddy Abramson In memory of Lenore Gallop Charlie and Janet Leavitt In memory of Sara Greenberg’s grandmother Kate Roberts In honor of Earl Gutnik, from your many friends at MNHS Harriet Levy In memory of Richard Harris Cantor Rachel and Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker Designated for the Inclusion Program at the JCC with appreciation Elaine and Joel Bernick Stacy and Steve Finkelstein Jan and Bill Kuretsky Marnie and Jordan Marmet Amy and Jason Sklar Jodi and Alan Stoken Terry and Cynthia Zien In loving memory of Robin Kuretsky Greco Nancy Devitt, Lois and Sherman Devitt In memory of Martin Ring

Element Fleet Management IT Department In memory of Leighton Siegel Naomi and Neil Arnold Women’s Health and Wellness Fund Neil and Naomi Arnold In honor of Art Stone’s 90th birthday In memory of Milt Blumenfeld Susan S. and Gary J. Bloom Fund Burt and Lucille Garr In honor of Lora Bloom’s special birthday Anita Geller Joni Hymanson Marietta Pitzele Ronna Sherman Dianne Siegel In honor of Susan Bloom’s special birthday Sherm and Jan Ringer In memory of Bradley E. St. Mane, Sr Clara and Meyer Bream Building Beautification Fund Eileen Bream In honor of Dolores Gross’ 85th birthday In memory of Robin Kuretsky Lisa, Corey, Abby and Eli Kotlarz In honor of Dolores Gross’ special birthday In memory of Jennifer and Richard Ezrilov’s father In memory of Beth Gabor’s grandmother In memory of Wendy Kivens’ father In memory of Barbara Rubin-Greenberg’s mother In memory of Leighton Siegel Debbie and Mark Wolk, Ari and Justin In honor of Dolores Gross’ special birthday Jack Butwin Camp Scholarship Fund Dick and Bev Behr In honor of Rochelle and Ian Laing’s 40th wedding anniversary Peter and Judy Wolf In memory of Mari Ann Applebaum Burt and Lucille Garr In memory of Harvey Ehrlich Larry and Marilyn Barenbaum Anne Dachis Ronald and Phyllis Ettinger Sharon and David Gelperin Abbey and Bruce Glassman Harriet Gleeman Lyn and Michael Gleeman Susan and Bill Goldenberg Mitzi and Terri Kane Harvey and Sue Kaplan Orrin and Janie Kirschbaum Hess and Renee Kline Sandy and Art Lavintman Abbie Miller and Harold Roitenberg Bruce and Louise Moss Stuart and Margie Pihlstrom Howard Raport Shirley and Freeman Rosenblum Carol and Sheldon Segal Tom and Ronna Sherman Barbara and Lloyd Sigel Maxine and Leon Simon Richard and Liz Spicer Jim Tankenoff Joel and Gail Tilsner In memory of Robin Kuetsky Greco Jacki Paster

Calmenson Family Fund for Senior Adults Dori Denelle Tom, Randy, Henry and Elisa Edelstein Evelyn Esrig Debbie and Irwin Gordon Janet Leavitt Rita Shear Jessie Winer In memory of Geraldine (Gitsie ) Winer Beverly Thorman Calmenson Fund for Jewish Gay and Lesbian Programming Susan Calmenson and Vince Leo In loving memory of Geri Blumenfeld Child Care Scholarship Fund Steve and Barb Godes In memory of Robin Kuretsky In memory of Michael Royce In memory of Gitsie Winer Charles and Janet Leavitt In honor of Noah Dockman’s graduation Sharon and Mike Posnansky In honor of Brooklyn’s and Noah’s high school graduations Cory Vesay (Cairo) In honor of Callum and Zoe Foldes’ grandparents, Paul Foldes and Marsha Weiner Claire and Roy Cohen Youth Scholarship Fund Jody Cohen Press and Steve Press In memory of Betty Agranoff In memory of Martin Ring In memory of Marilyn Warren Daniel and Mary Weir Jody A. Cohen Press and Steven M. Press “We’re Too Young To Be Old Endowment Fund” Jody Cohen Press and Steve Press In honor of Dave Porter’s special birthday Cultural Arts Fund Barbie Levine and Sara Lynn Newberger In honor of Carolyn Levy’s retirement Dori Denelle Staff Initiative Fund Dori Denelle In memory of Cathy Armstrong’s Dad, Joe Tuccitto Dr. Bill Derechin Memorial Fund Haddie Derechin and Family In memory of Betty Agranoff Haddie Derechin, Laurie and Jose and Neil and Bea With best wishes for a speedy recovery to Dr. Irv Katz Betty and Seymour Falk Arts And Athletics Endowment Fund Mary and John Comford In memory of loved ones of Steven Falk

This list acknowledges, with gratitude, contributions of $10 or more that were received from March 1 – June 30, 2017. If we have inadvertently omitted or misspelled your name, please notify Evie Kamin at 651 + 255 4741 or Stacy Dockman at 651 + 255 4730 and we will include a correction in the next issue of Attractions.


Thank you for your generous support of the St. Paul JCC’s funds and programs.


d o n at i o n s

Margie and Mitchell Fink Family Endowment Fund Mitch and Margie Fink In memory of Betty Agranoff In memory of Alvin Badiner In memory of Milt Blumenfeld In memory of Barbara Gitlin In memory of Ian Grunberg’s father In memory of Beverly Kieffer In memory of Arnold Lapinsky In memory of Marcus Teichner In memory of Marilyn Warren The Agranoff Family Patricia Haswell and Dick Todd In memory of Martin Ring Friends of the Arts Anonymous In memory of Robin Kuretsky Greco Gary and Susan Bloom Susan Cobin Steve and Barb Godes Debbie Goldberger Ellen and Young-Nam Kim Andrew Martin and Thomas Crann In memory of Edith Ratner Rosanne Nathanson Alan Olstein and Phyllis Karasov In memory of Judith Fishman Sigel Sherman and Jan Ringer Liz and Dick Spicer In honor of Vicki and Paul Katz’ 50th Anniversary Michael and Joanna Volk In memory of Betty Agranoff Burt and Lucille Garr Fund Burt and Lucille Garr In honor of Ross and Lisa Plovnik’s anniversary and Lisa’s birthday In honor of Ross Plovnick’s Birthday In honor of Wendy and Marty Shragg’s daughter’s engagement Wishing Eleanor Lesser a very happy birthday With best wishes for a very happy birthday to Michael Garr Jeff, Wendy, Zach and Eliana Ringer Dan and Jodi Saltzman Wishing Michael Garr a very happy birthday Barry and Rena Glaser Steve and Barb Godes In honor of Eliana Ringer’s college graduation Jack and Lillian Geller Family Endowment Fund for Children and Youth With Special Needs Loren and Rosie Geller In loving memory of Jev Baskin In loving memory of Margie Summers Barry and Rena Glaser Dianne and Leightonz”l Siegel In memory of Rosie’s brothers Bruce and Michael Royce Bob and Florie Marvy In honor of Zach Geller’s high school graduation


d o n at i o n s

Michael Benjamin Glaser Family Fund for Inclusion and Accessibility Programming Burt and Lucille Garr Sharon and Michael Posnansky In honor of Sarah Glaser’s graduation All your Minnesota Relatives Wishing Darlene and Marshall Kaplan a very happy anniversary Barry and Rena Glaser In honor of Tom Anderson In honor of Sarah Glaser’s High School graduation In honor of Sue and Stan Leonard’s grandchildren’s marriage In honor of Eliana Ringer’s college graduation In honor of Fern and David Sanders’ birthdays In memory of Cathy Armstrong’s father, Joe Tuccitto In memory of Milt Blumenfeld In memory of Michael Reich In memory of Joye Sigelman’s mother In memory of Stuart Steinman Remembering Michael Glaser on his 18th birthday Thank you to the JCC Staff Wishing Sandi Baron a speedy recovery With best wishes for a Happy Father’s Day to David Glaser With best wishes for a Happy Father’s Day to Joel Glaser With best wishes for Sue Leonard’s speedy recovery With best wishes for Maxine Slobof’s special birthday Harriet and Peter Glick Camp Scholarship Fund Peter and Harriet Glick In honor of Sterna Kasowitz Grace and Max Granzberg Senior Transportation Fund Anna Marie Piccolo In memory of Geraldine Winer Sara and Dan Greenberg Fund Sara and Dan Greenberg In memory of Barbara Winer’s mother Jean Harris Endowment Fund Roger and Jean Harris In honor of your birthday Melissa Weisman and Richard Epstein In loving memory of Margery P. Weisman Inclusion and Accessibility Fund Burt and Lucille Garr In honor of Linda Gersick’s special birthday In honor of Barb and Steve Godes’ grandchildren Noah and Brooklyn’s high school graduations In honor of the birth of Charlie and Dina Goodman’s daughter In honor of the birth of Lisa and Paul Dorn’s new granddaughter In honor of Sue and Stan Leonard’s grandchildren, Danny and Ari’s marriage In memory of Barry Gersick’s mother In memory of Robin Kuretsky Greco With best wishes to Sue Leonard for a very happy Mother’s Day

Sherm and Jan Ringer In memory of Milt Blumenfeld In memory of Harvey Defren’s sister In memory of Margie Fink’s father In memory of Greg Gepner In memory of Barbara Gitlin In memory of Dick Harris In memory of Robin Kuretsky Greco In memory of Stuart Steinman In memory of Gitsie Winer With best wishes for a speedy recovery to Bernie Karon With best wishes for a speedy and full reovery to Janice Lazarus With best wishes for a speedy recovery to Toby Rosenblum Carol and Marvin Johnson Family Endowment Fund Marilyn Leafman Fischbein In memory of Robin Carrie Kuretsky-Greco Evelyn and Mel Kamin Endowment Fund Burt and Lucille Garr With best wishes for your new great granddaughter Ava Brian and Sandy Kamin In memory of Beverly Kieffer In memory of Marilyn Warren Nancy and Elliott Karasov Family Fund Nancy Karasov In memory of Marvin Pertzik’s beloved niece Wishing Susan Pred a speedy and complete recovery Wishing Toby Rosenblum a speedy and full recovery Wishing Barbara Winthrop a speedy and complete recovery Alan Olstein and Phyllis Karasov In memory of Marilyn Blacker Sussman Heidi Resnick In memory of Esther Winthrop Cy Kaster Youth Health and Fitness Fund Barbara Kaster In honor of Jerry and Yetta Simon’s special birthdays and 35th wedding anniversary Mark and Sandie Kaster Brandon and Taylor and Julie, Barry and Ethan Robin and Brian Landy In honor of Barbara Kaster’s special birthday Miriam and Leroy Kieffer Endowment Fund Burt and Lucille Garr Barry and Rena Glaser Joanie Levey In honor of Miriam and Lee Kieffer’s grandchildren’s marriage Stan and Sue Leonard With best wishes for a very happy birthday to Lee Kieffer Florence Lapinsky Memorial Fund Charlie and Janet Leavitt In memory of Cathy Armstrong’s father

Launer Family Endowment Fund Burt and Lucille Garr In honor of Corinne Wolfson’s special birthday Leavitt Family Jewish Education Fund Charlie and Janet Leavitt In honor of Kylie Kirshenbaum’s college graduation In memory of Marty Ring Hattie and Henry Marofsky Administrative Fund Stuart and Joann Marofsky In honor of Tom Carpenter’s special birthday In honor of Leslie and Lex Nerenberg’s new granddaughter, Stella Rae In honor of Maxine Slobof’s special birthday In honor of Paul Wallace “Joining The Tribe!” In memory of Don Adams Sr. In memory of Betty Agranoff In memory of Sophie Black In memory of James Harrison In memory of Arthur Schwartzschild In memory of Stuart Steinman With best wishes for a speedy recovery and a very happy birthday to Larry Marofsky Sherman and Evelyn Marrinson Music Memorial Fund Sharon and Bill Torodor In memory of Betty Agranoff In honor of Bette Goldfarb’s special birthday JCC Men’s Club Sally Orren and Harold Arenson In loving memory of Mary Felsenberg’s daughter Mike and Lois Moheban Endowment Fund Neena Cohen With best wishes for Lois Moheban’s speedy recovery Passover For All Drive Anonymous Terry Alewine Elvira Anzueto-Ramirez Arlene Appelbaum Cathy and Steve Armstrong Carolyn Levy and Sheldon Berkowitz Merrill Biel and Leslie Hahn Felix and Marianna Blyakher Ann Botkin Lisa Brenner and Mike Selon Gayle Breutzman Stephanie and Michael Chauss Susan Cobin Jody Cohen Press and Steve Press Warren and Susanne Cohen Dori Denelle Michael and Stacy Dockman Marianne Dye George and Carla Feldhamer Mitch and Margie Fink Bert and Paula Finkelstein Michael and Hannah Foldes Willis Forman Thomas and Deborah Frishberg Rich Furman Burt and Lucille Garr Barry and Rena Glaser

Peter and Harriet Glick Steve and Barbara Godes Debbie Goldberger Richard and Jane Goodspeed Dan and Sara Greenberg Jerry Helfand and Joan Cleary Margaret Hilger Pearl Jackson Leola and John Kowalski Janet Leavitt Max Leventhal Sophie Leventhal Barbie Levine and Sara Lynn Newberger Allen and Nancy Levine Jimmy and Stephanie Levine Yelva Lynfield Morgan MacBain Judi and Todd Marshall Leslie and John Mercer Bill and Imelda Muggli Paul and Bobbie Murphy Rosanne Nathanson Barbara Nilles Riva and Ellis Nolley Janice Penney Anna Marie Piccolo David Rischall and Flora Soumekh Jerold and Miriam Rothstein Harold Rutstein Marilyn Salmon Daniel and Jodi Saltzman James and Bernadette Scheib Jerry and Sue Schwartz Rosalyn and Yoav Segal Kathleen Severin Elliot Siegel Richard and Diane Smookler Aaron and Claudia Spencer and Family Steinhagen Peterson Family Paula Stewart-Cyr Rebecca and Ren Stinson Brielle and Phillip Stoyke Jerry Waldman and Judi Belzer Michael and Erin Waldman Hillard and Helene Ward John and Vera Wenzel David and Mimi Wick Gerry and Barb Wildes Philip Cohen and Mary Youle Mariam Zamansky Warren and Esther Patterson Endowment Fund Anonymous Mary and Julius Pertzik Jewish Cultural Arts Fund Herb and Marcia Bernick Dori Denelle Harold and Barb Drucker Burt and Lucille Garr Michael and Cindy Garr Barry and Rena Glaser Paula and David Hedlund Kendra Hess Gary and Mary Marlow The Melemed Family Alan Olstein and Phyllis Karasov Nelson and Lisa Peralta Sherm and Jan Ringer

Penny Schumacher In memory of Rene Fishman Dori Denelle Burt and Lucille Garr Barry and Rena Glaser Sherm and Jan Ringer In memory of Judy Segal Robert Hanson In appreciation of 90 years of music by the St. Paul JCC Symphony Orchestra Ruth and Maurice Rischall Fund Audrey Kiges In honor of Ruth Rischall’s 95th Birthday Bernice and Bill Rosen Endowment Fund Arlene and Bob Livon and Cindy and Phil In memory of Ray Kleinbaum Cindy Tews In memory of Catherine Melius Heath Rosenbloom Youth Athletic Memorial Fund Bill and Nancy Rosenbloom In memory of Megan Leah Faricy Stang Russian Language Library Fund Janet Leavitt In memory of Yulia Shteyn’s mother, Dina Milyavskaya Lev Tobolov and Roza Tobolova Eve Schnitzer Ettinger, Max Schnitzer, Ann Schnitzer Hymanson, and Idellie Schnitzer Osman Camp Fund Peni and Steve Gensler and Family In honor of the 14th Yahrzeit of Idellie Schnitzer Osman Max and Felicia Schulz Family Fund Heather, Kevin, Leo and Wesley Besikof In honor of Marshall’s 75th birthday Marshall and Shirley Besikof In appreciation to Betty Sue Lipschultz In honor of Meira Besikof’s 40th birthday In honor of Barbara and Ray Kalmans’ granddaughter Talia’s Bat Mitzvah In honor of Helen and Paul Maarec’s granddaughter’s Bat Mitzvah In honor of Sophie Schnur’s Bat Mitzvah In honor of Rena and Jimmy Vaturi’s new granddaughter In memory of Sue Berkus’ mother With best wishes for a happy birthday to Melanie Barry With best wishes for a speedy recovery to June Lapidus With best wishes for Barbara Sigel’s speedy recovery Andrea, Walter, Sabrina and Hudson Kalmans In loving memory of Sue Berkus’ parents With best wishes for a happy birthday to Meira Besikof Rick and Diane Smookler With best wishes for Shirley Besikof’s continued good health Ellie and Mark Wolpert In honor of Shirley and Marshall Besikof’s special anniversary


d o n at i o n s

Steve Schumacher Fund Dan and Sara Greenberg In honor of Allie Schumacher and Garrett Brooks engagement Penny Schumacher In memory of Betty Agranoff In memory of Sara, Dan, Sam, Jack and Addie Greenberg’s dear grandmother and great-grandmother Penny, Allie, Talia and Samara Schumacher Wishing Judy Schumacher a very happy birthday and Mother’s Day! Wishing you a very happy birthday, Grandpa Gerry! Senior Adult Fund Don and Paula Bernstein In memory of Dr. William Dworsky Harriet Lane With best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery to Barbara Winthrop Rose and Clarence Siegel and Dianne and Leighton Siegel Family Fund David Albright and Pamela Hargis Arlene Appelbaum Terry and Jack Appleman Ann and Tom Bagnoli Laura and Tom Beien Lanny and Charlotte Berke Gary and Susan Bloom Kim Blum Elayne and Larry Chait Dori Denelle Haddie Derechin and Family Ron and Phyllis Ettinger The Felemovicius Family Litton E.S. Field, Jr Marlene and Arnan Finkelstein Beverly Fitzgerald Nancy Fushan Burt and Lucille Garr Michael and Cindy Garr and Family Gary and Sue-Ann Garvis Barry and Rena Glaser Scott and Lorin Godes, Adam, Talia and Ella Bruce and Carol Hammersley Nancy Harold Judy Helland Brian and Sandy Kamin Nancy Karasov Stan and Delores Karon Orrin and Janie Kirschbaum Brian and Judith Krasnow Roberta and Fred Kravitz Kristi Webb and Element Fleet Management Senior Leaders Paul Langeness Charlie and Janet Leavitt Joanie Levey Allen and Nancy Levine Barbie Levine and Sara Lynn Newberger Leonard and Joyce Levitan Stephen and Katharina Liston Maggie Madden Don and Rhoda Mains Paula and Bob Maisel


The Marshall Family Leslie Novak Amy and Kevin Olson Hy and Sheila Paisner Anna Marie Piccolo Mike and Sharon Posnansky Suzanne Prass Sherm and Jan Ringer Shirley and Freeman Rosenblum Paul and Connie Ross Shelly and David Rottenberg Keith and Wendy Rutman Kim Rutman Weiner Linda and Leonard Schloff Jody and Howard Sigel Rick and Diane Smookler Donald and Sue Spicer and Family Liz and Dick Spicer Harriet and Steve Swartz Judi and Buddy Tennebaum Jerry Waldman and Judi Belzer Michael and Erin Waldman, Jason and Tom Merle and Gerry Weinberg Craig and Shelly Wenner In memory of Leighton Siegel Dianne Siegel In memory of Amos Rosenbloom Sonnie Silverman Children’s Library Fund Gayle and Bill Saeks In memory of Arlene Defren Tom and Sue Sue Stillman In honor of Larry and Honey Zelle’s children, Jessica and Peter’s marriage Marilyn and Richard Smith Fund Marilyn Smith Milton G. and Evelyn S. Smith Day Care and Camp Scholarship Fund Edith Naomi Smith Judy Smith and Howard Tomar In loving memory of Milton G. Smith Norman S. and Ethel D. Smith Day Care and Camp Scholarship Fund Norman and Ethel Smith In memory of Milt Blumenfeld Smookler Chalfen Family Endowment Fund Brian and Sandy Kamin In honor of Diane and Rick Smookler Rick and Diane Smookler In loving memory of Robin Kuretsky Greco Tamsky/Pomerantz Endowment Fund Morgan and Marilyn Tamsky In honor of Eviana Claire Waxman In memory of Jack Patten Katherine and Jeffrey Tane Family Fund Charlie and Janet Leavitt In memory of Katherine Tane’s father

Tobias Singer Todd Endowment Fund Penny Schumacher In memory of Harry Tobias Transportation Program Burt and Lucille Garr In honor of Elliott Levey’s graduation In honor of Joanie Levey’s grandchildren’s graduations In memory of Cathy Armstrong’s father In memory of Jamie Orner’s father Frank and Cookie Gordon In honor of Don and Paul Bernstein’s grandchildren’ s graduations In honor of Judy Goldberg’s granddaughters In honor of Lynn and Howard Goldman’s granddaughter Ivy’s graduation In honor of Joanie Levey’s grandchildren’s graduations In honor of Ron and Kay Mogelson’s grandson Seth’s graduation Joanie Levey In honor of Burt and Lucille Garr’s granddaughter Eliana’s graduation Barbie Levine In honor of Connie Ross In memory of Cathy Armstrong’s father In memory of David Lee Barbie Levine and Sara Lynn Newberger In honor of Lynn Usem’s special birthday In memory of Steve Aguirre Ellen Mack In memory of Frank Sher Sally Orren and Harold Arenson In memory of Milt Blumenfeld In memory of Barbara Gitlin In memory of Bob Kaufman‘s sister, Ruth In memory of Lois Kaufman’s daughter, Jody With best wishes for Al Abrahamson’s good recovery Michael and Anne Rickert In memory of Steve Aguirre In memory of Leighton Siegel Mariam Zamansky In memory of Betty Agranoff Lorraine Hertz Michael and Erin Waldman Endowment Fund Michael Waldman In memory of Steve Aguirre Harriet and Frank Witson Fund Jean Witson In memory of Doris Berde Women’s Health and Wellness Fund Don and Paula Bernstein In honor of Yetta and Jerry Simon’s special birthdays and 35th anniversary In memory of Barbara Gitlin Burt and Lucille Garr In honor of Paula Bernstein’s special birthday

In Remembrance… Esther Capp I 1926 - 2017 Sometimes we have the good fortune to be touched by someone who, through their acts of loving kindness – both large and small, change the world we live in. Esther Capp was just that person. Esther and Martin Capp were true visionaries for our local St. Paul Jewish community – and especially the St. Paul JCC. In 1964, they made the lead gift that facilitated our current building and 2013 the Martin & Esther Capp Family Foundation pledged $1 million to kick-start the JCC Renovation Project. Esther always beamed when she talked about creating a place where all Jewish children could come together for preschool. Esther was a loving wife, mother and grandmother. She is survived by her four children – Rand, Lisa, Sami and Amy; eleven grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.

“I love when I see the parking lot of the St. Paul JCC full. Our gift to the JCC helped unite us as a Jewish community.” ­ – Esther Capp “Esther was a true inspiration and visionary for our JCC and the community. Her spirit and friendship will be missed, but never forgotten.” – Michael Waldman, CEO

JCC co rp o r at e pa rt n e r s a n d e v e n t s pons ors Supporting the St. Paul JCC is more than good work. It’s good business. AmeriPride Atlas Staffing, Inc AUGEO Bremer Bank Neil & Bruce Fink of Bremer Insurance Bro-Tex Brushed Monkey Chicago Lake Liquor Collins Electrical Construction Company Edge Marketing & Promotional Products First Trust Company Fredrikson & Byron, PA Horwitz Grethen House Inver Grove Ford Lincoln Johnson Brothers Liquor Company

Kamin Wealth Management / UBS Financial Services Kraus-Anderson Larkin Hoffman Liberty Carton LSE Architects, Inc Lurie, LLP Mairs and Power Investment Services Mark Lerman of HUB International Newport Cold Storage Paster Properties Pinstripes Press Law Office, PLLC Schaefer Hardwood Floors Schechter Dokken Kanter Schuler Shoes Sexton Printing

Skadron Animal Hospital So Low Grocery Outlet SpeedPro Imaging St. Paul Stinson Leonard Street, LLP Sundays Off Pool Service The Urgency Room The Wellington Senior Living Tilsner Carton Co Tito’s Handmade Vodka Tony Thole of Merrill Lynch Travel One, Inc Ultimate Fleet Repair Victory Parking West River Dental Western National Insurance Woodstone Renovation, LLC



is published and distributed three times per year by the St. Paul JCC.


Jewish Community Center of the Greater St. Paul Area

Nonprofit Org. U.S Postage PAID Twin Cities, MN Permit No. 228

Martin and Esther Capp Building 1375 St. Paul Ave., St. Paul, MN 55116 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED

Bruce Fink

chief executive officer Michael Waldman

General Information 651 + 698 0751

Membership Office 651 + 255 4749

stpauljcc.org /stpauljccmn

The St. Paul JCC is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Greater St. Paul and is associated with the JCC Association of North America.

s av e t h e d at e

Sunday, November 19, 2017



St. Paul JCC Hours: Monday – Thursday 5:30 am – 10 pm • Friday 5:30 am – 6 pm Saturday noon – 6 pm • Sunday 7 am – 6 pm 24


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