5 minute read

VCAL _________________________________Pages

“Our Girls Night In raised over $14,000. We worked together to host an event in honour of the women in our lives that raised money and awareness for women affected by cancer.” - Tim Lancaster

VCAL has been a fantastic program for me to undertake in my two final years of school. I knew from an early age that I wanted to undertake a trade when completing school so VCAL was the perfect option for me. It has allowed me to work in a hands on manner, while continuing to develop my literacy and numeracy skills. My classmates and I have all undertaken either Structured Work Placements or School Based Apprenticeships, VET courses and traineeships. In addition we have completed training at school including Construction Induction cards, Cert II in Hospitality: Food & Beverage and cooking classes at Jamie Oliver’s Ministry of Food. I have loved coming to school every day and participating in all the community service and work related activities, having real life experiences and making a difference around the school and in the community.

Zac Herman - Year 12 VCAL Leader


This year’s Auction Night raised a total of $14,373.93 for the Victorian Cancer Council. Over the past three years we have raised just over $30,000 for the fight against women’s cancers. The Cancer Council have acknowledged our donation by making a video about us, featuring us in their national newsletter and bestowing upon us not one, but two Research Awards. They have been named in memory of Suzie and Veronica Major, and Jaquie O’Toole. These women inspired us to start fundraising back in 2011 and we are proud of what we have achieved in their names. We thank our parents and College community for supporting us in making a difference. Special thanks to my Mum Chris for coordinating all the donations and

Zac’s Dad Buster Herman for doing all the catering.


Year 11 and 12 VCAL were fortunate enough to go to Melbourne this year to undertake a training session at Bounce Inc. trampoline park. Along with having lots of fun, the boys were working on their communication, cognitive, and team work skills while meeting Learning Outcomes linked to health & wellbeing.

Kieran McNally - Year 12 LIFE SKILLS

This year the Year 12 VCAL class has undertaken study in ‘Life Skills’. We helped design the program and we chose to focus on the following: interview skills, career choices, and all boys developed a detailed job portfolio and participated in mock job interviews. The car maintenance work shop and round of golf were highlights.

Jake Cobb - Year 12 VCAL Leader NUMERACY

Year 12 students studied passata sauce making and all of the mathematics behind the process. Duties included, ordering supplies, making a roster for the day, washing and cutting supplies, cooking, bottling, sterilising, labelling, marketing and selling. Upon completion of the project we produced a report including all the calculations related to unit prices and comparisons as well as the concept and reality of the bottom line. Over 200 bottles were sold with proceeds raised being donated to charity. In order to offer customers at the Girls Night In a taste test we also learnt how to make ricotta dumplings from

Training at Bounce Training at Bounce trampoline park trampoline park

Sam Dempster, Tyler O’Brien, Declan Sam Dempster, Tyler O’Brien, Declan McKinnon and Dean McNay enjoying a well earned break during the Peter Mac well earned break during the Peter Mac bike ride bike ride Mrs Irving’s Year 11 PDS class earning Mrs Irving’s Year 11 PDS class earning our Scope Bronze Medallions our Scope Bronze Medallions

the ‘two Greedy Italians’ cook book. The sauce was served over the dumplings with a garnish of freshly shaved parmesan. Passata: that’s it!

John Argyros & Austin Brayshaw


In numeracy we drew up plans using a scale 1:50 and then constructed a model of our dream entertainment venue or workshop justifying the form and function of our model. It was good to design it and then actually construct it. We took a lot of time and care. It was important to me to get it just right.

Tyson Brasier - Year 11

Year 11 VCAL Personal Development Skills participated in a number of workshops and courses undertaken by the school for the first time. In Term 1 we participated in stress management work shops where we learnt to meditate and use different strategies to deal with stress.

In Term 2 we undertook our SCOPE Bronze Medallion which recognises our ability to work alongside people with a disability. We participated in workshops at school, and then went to SCOPE Industries and worked alongside people with disabilities. We also participated in the Red Cross Save a Mate course where we learnt about the dangers of alcohol and drug use. We completed a number of motivational personal training sessions with renowned personal trainer ‘Stoofa’.

In Term 3 we enjoyed working independently on our own personal projects ranging from ocean kayaking, fundraising for Casey Tutungi, local primary school and kinder programs, a farewell lunch for the Year 12s, bullying workshops for Year 8s, and the production of goods for sale at markets. A highlight was the charity bike ride we did to help Mr Shalders raise money for Peter Mac.

Flint & Bam Stall

The Year 11 VCAL PDS classes have had an extremely productive year and are very proud of our many successes and achievements.

Tyler O’Brien & Sam Dempster - Year 11

Personal training sessions Personal training sessions

Raising $527 for the Casey Tutungi Fund. nd.

“Our potato cakes sold out quicker than a One Direction concert.” - Jacob Connelly on raising money for the Casey Tutungi Fund.

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