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Careers __________________________________Page

“In 2013, students participated in a number of careers excursions including career expos at the Avalon Airshow, the Australian Grand Prix, the Whitehouse Institute Open Day and the Geelong Cats Teamwork and Leadership workshop.” - Karen Shum


Careers Week aims to get students thinking about their future career pathways. During Careers Week, students were prompted to begin preparing for their future pathway at school and to think about decisions that they will need to make that will shape their future. This year, students were able to attend two presentations from 13 career industry areas. These included aviation, CFA, Police, Ambulance, ICT, Architecture, WIlliam Adams Pty Ltd, Shell Australia, Master Builders Association of Victoria, the film producer and director of Reverse Runner and the Victorian Fitness Academy. On the final day of careers week, Father Bihn provided an enlightening and entertaining presentation reflecting on his career as a Catholic Priest. He spoke to students about realising your ‘calling’, and was able to answer the many questions posed from students in the audience.


During work experience week, over 250 students from Year 10 descended upon workplaces in Geelong and the greater region, and further afield in Melbourne. Work places included the Magistrates Court, schools, universities, Melbourne Storm Rugby League Football Club, the Pulse Radio Station and 3AW, veterinary practices, stores, manufacturing, engineering, building and construction industries, the Port Adelaide Football Club, graphic designers and the media, law and architectural firms, and many more…. Many parents and old Collegians offered work experience places for the boys, without the support of local and regional businesses, families and the ‘old boys’ network, the work experience program would not be viable. A big thank you to everyone who supported the students with work experience placements,your support provides the boys with a very important career development opportunity that will help them to make informed decisions about their futures. Work experience also affords students with the occasion to learn more about themselves as well as how others see them. Once again, the students represented the College well; it was fantastic to read so much constructive and positive feedback. Well done boys!


This year St Josephs College introduced the Careers Education Association of Victoria (CEAV) Careers Program. This program, which is based on the Victorian Careers Curriculum Framework, takes place at all year levels. Upon arrival at the College, students begin an organised, systematic and progressive careers development program which will follow them right through to Year 12. From 2014, students will work through the CEAV Careers Program using a workbook. This resource is a great way for parents/guardians to be involved in their sons’ career development. Each student will also complete an annual Career Action Plan. Copies of Action Plans, as well as further information on the program, can be found on the Careers Blog under the Careers tab.


Samuel Kidd, Rhys Hegyesi, Lochie Graawmans and Jordan Partington were selected to participate in the Alcoa Future Leaders of Industry Program. This program provided students with the opportunity to: • find out more about a broad range of jobs in modern manufacturing • be introduced to employers from manufacturing • meet young people working and succeeding in manufacturing • explore education and training options leading to work in the manufacturing sector • opportunity to visit manufacturing sites.


Harry Bingham from NSR Soccer Australia was invited to the College to speak to students about opportunities in the US College Scholarship program. Year 10 students, Matthew Zilavec, was granted an interview and trial of which he was successful. Matthew has been offered a 12 month, possibly 4 year, soccer scholarship in the US and will be moving to American after completing Year 12. Well done Matthew!


Andrey Matushevsky is hoping to be selected to attend the Australian Defence Force Academy in 2014. He has been busy completing a rigorous and lengthy selection process, Andrey plans to pursue his dreams of becoming a pilot through service in the Australian Army Aviation Corps. Good luck Andrey.

Karen Shum - Careers Coordinator

The Alcoa future leaders of industry program

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