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Josephines _____________________________________Page

The Josephine’s have had another successful year of friend raising and fund raising for our St Joseph’s College Educational Support Program. Our evening dinner was held at Truffleduck in Fyansford in March with 71 guests in attendance. We were addressed by Donna Field, guardian of Vincent McDonald (past student). Donna shared her story about taking up employment in remote communities in the Northern Territory with her husband Tony. Tony’s work took him to Alice Springs, whilst Donna, a nurse, was asked to help out at a community 60 kilometres west of Alice Springs. The pictures of this small township were amazing and Donna braved many elements to help these people. She became close to one grandmother of a young boy named Vincent. She was very unwell and in need of ongoing support. This grandmother’s health deteriorated rapidly and before Donna and Tony were to return to Victoria she asked would they consider taking and caring for Vincent, which they eventually did. Vincent attended Our Lady’s Star of the Sea, Ocean Grove, having many learning difficulties and other issues to overcome. The patience and care given were outstanding. He then came to St Joseph’s in Year 7 and gradually gained much confidence and grew into a fine young man, through these great opportunities. Donna and Tony had helped Vincent in so many ways. Vincent visited his home towards the end of Year 8 and finally stayed with his community. Our staff still try to keep in touch with Vincent. This was a very positive and moving presentation arranged by Mark Turner, Educational Support Coordinator which is another example of his support team working across many areas and cultures within our College. Truffleduck would have to be one of the most popular venues for our community. The service, food, atmosphere and warm welcome by Deb Nash and her staff was again outstanding. Stories and updates were shared and everyone present enjoyed this get together. Our second outing was to Barwon Edge, not far from St Joseph’s. We had 70 guests attend for lunch. We enjoyed a 2 course meal in a beautiful setting. Paul welcomed our guests and introduced Mr Kristen Gleeson, our new Development Manager, whom Paul had taught at Emmanuel College Warrnambool. Mark Turner thanked our Josephine’s for supporting the Educational Support Program by attending these functions or by making donations. This year we have raised $1,638.63 which has helped restock all their educational games and we are looking to purchase equipment for students with vision impairment. Mark then introduced our guest speaker, staff member, Susan Collins, Koorie Educational worker. Susan is based at St Joseph’s College, but also continues her role working with Aboriginal students at other Geelong Catholic schools. Susan shared her family story which was extremely moving. Susan’s deep understanding of culture and country is invaluable and we are very fortunate to have her as a member of staff helping ATSI students. Once again we gathered news from around the room. A beautiful day was enjoyed by all as the staff from Barwon Edge made us feel welcome and the food was delicious!

The Josephine’s provide a great opportunity for past and current mothers and staff members, other family members and friends of the College to come together in a friendly atmosphere, enjoy a meal and stay connected to our great College. So thank you for taking the time to attend our gatherings and for your ongoing support. Thanks to Natasha Solczaniuk - Events Coordinator, David Formosa, Development Manager for their invaluable assistance in organising our events and for monitoring our ever growing data base. We say farewell and a huge thank you to David for his six years helping our Josephine’s Group. We now look forward to Kristen Gleeson, taking up the challenge to be an important part of our team. Our special thanks are also extended to Kristen’s talented assistant, Lauren Salcombe, for creatively preparing all our correspondence and constantly supporting us in all we do.

We take this time to reflect on all those who have been unwell or have died throughout 2014 and we ask God’s blessings on each and every one of you, those you love and who are in your care. Thank you all for being a part of our Josephine’s in 2014 and we wish you and your families all the very best.

Kate Parke & Maureen Bryant – Coordinators

“Mark Turner thanked our Josephine’s for supporting the Educational Support Program. This year we have raised $1,638.63 which has helped restock all their educational games and we are looking to purchase equipment for students with vision impairment.” - Kate Parke

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