11 minute read

Principal’s Report ______________________________Pages

The College enrolment for 2014 was 1581 students. Our initial intent with enrolments was to increase by one extra stream for 2014, but pressure of Year 7 enrolments has led to the decision to enrol 11 classes or approximately 300 Year 7 students, on an annual, ongoing basis. The number of Catholic boys in our feeder Catholic primary schools should continue to justify that level of enrolment.

Our VCE results for the year were as follows: 7.7% of students achieved an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank in excess of 90 and the Dux of the College was Alex Lukacz with an ATAR score of 99.

This year was the fi rst operational year of our Joseph Innovation

Trade Training Centre and I am pleased to report that students and staff have enjoyed the new facility and its equipment. Student numbers enrolled for next year, especially in the area of building and construction, will ensure the new facility will continue to be well utilized. Another fi rst this year, was our commencement at the Westcourt campus. It was a rush to get everything in place for the start of the year. The formal opening was held on the feast of St Joseph and included a strong Irish fl avour. The Most Reverend Bishop Long blessed the facility and those in attendance were treated to Celtic song, dance and hospitality. It is my hope that as a consequence of their time at Westcourt, our Year 9 students will come to a deeper understanding of the richness and the legacy of our Irish founder and his generous response to God’s call. We know that Edmund restored the human dignity of poor boys in Waterford by educating, clothing and feeding them and that Irish nationalism, evident in culture, dance, sport and language, assisted him in achieving that outcome. More important than any of those things however, was his commitment to evangelising, so that those under his care experienced what St John describes as, having life and having it to the full. The purpose of Catholic education has not changed over time. It has been a delight for me to Westcourt Opening travel to Westcourt frequently throughout the year. It is evident the students and staff enjoy the refurbished facilities. The benefi ts of the program were endorsed on days such as Anzac Day and during the Westcourt Expo, held on Thursday 26 June. It was with great sadness that I informed our community that former student

All Shook Up

and 2013 Graduate, Brennan Houghton’s courageous battle with cancer ended earlier this year. Brennan was diagnosed in Year 7 and led a short but inspirational life. The Educational Support staff nurtured and loved Brennan for the six years he was part of our school and his passing was diffi cult for all who were privileged to know him. May he rest in peace. Our student leaders enjoyed an outstanding and very busy year. Their leadership on carnival days and Edmund Rice Day was much appreciated by the entire student body. The benefi ts of committed student leaders impacts on the quality of student culture throughout the College and this was very evident in the planning and implementation of the Triumph Music Festival. The day was hosted once again by St Joseph’s and we were blessed with perfect weather and exemplary student behaviour from all four Catholic secondary colleges. For several years now, the College has been working to educate our students in the area of sustainability. A number of initiatives to save energy have been implemented, rubbish bins have been labelled to encourage recycling and some drinking troughs have been replaced with planter box gardens. The health of the performing and creative arts was once again evident in the College production “All Shook Up,” held at the playhouse theatre at the Geelong Performing Arts Centre. Inspired by and featuring the songs of Elvis Presley, the show was described by local critic Colin Mockett as follows: From the unmistakable fi rst chord of “jailhouse rock” to the all on stage big fi nale “burning love”, the sixty-four strong cast, provided a night of refreshing rocking happy out and out fun….and though this was a school production, cast from drama and music students from (the all- boys) St Joseph’s College with some excellent imports from the (all-girl) Sacred Heart and Clonard Colleges, this show’s presentation, production values ,style-and its overall gloss-would stand easily alongside Geelong’s senior companies. Similar polish and talent was also evident at the Associated Catholic Colleges “Accent On Music” concert at Hamer Hall in Melbourne, on 17 September. St Joseph’s was well represented with David Gallaher conducting our senior band and John Shawcross conducting the ACC combined stage band, which included special guest James Morrison. This year the College foundation, “Upstart Entrepreneurial Challenge” was extended to include other independent and government schools. Aimed at building an entrepreneurial culture and fostering strong relationships

Investiture of Leaders with Guest Investiture of Leaders with Guest speaker Brett Harman speaker Brett Harman

between students, educators and industry, our foundation is to be congratulated for an outstanding local initiative. I am pleased that the ongoing work of staff member Mrs Leah Irving our Victorian Certifi cate of Applied Learning Coordinator was formally recognized with Minister of Education, Mr Martin Dixon presenting her with the VCAL achievement award for integrated programs, at a ceremony held at Federation Square. The award was due to Leah’s work in organizing the 2013 “Girl’s Night In” which was judged the best integrated program in Victoria. The St Joseph’s commitment to living out the gospel was evident in the range of community service events, commitments and fundraisers. Staff, students and parents have been active across our region as well as on a global level. Six of our teaching staff were involved in an immersion experience to Uganda during the July school holidays. The purpose of the trip was to provide in-service opportunities for Ugandan teachers in the Mannya parish, in co-operation with the St Bernard’s Parish in Belmont and the Cotton On Foundation. There are so many varied social justice initiatives taking place which provide all members of our community with an opportunity to be involved. The level of involvement is extraordinary and appropriate for a Catholic school in the tradition of Edmund Rice. I am grateful for the support provided by our many St Joseph’s College associated groups. Our Board led by Brett Harman, Chairperson, and his Executive, Peter Woodruff and Mark Nicholls has had another busy year. At the start of the year we welcomed fi ve new Board Members and for the fi rst time their EREA Board induction was conducted here at our College. Our Board Chairperson’s Virtus report, displays individual photos of our Board. With a school of our size there are an extraordinary number of issues, planning, policies and procedures to discuss. This year has been extremely busy and we have managed to have different groups throughout the College make presentations to our Board outlining their programs. Our Annual Board Seminar, held in August was another important event on our Board calendar. I thank all our Board for their commitment, integrity and expertise shared throughout 2014. I want to commend Board Member Peter Madden who is retiring this year after 11 years on our Board. Peter has also been President of our Old Collegians Association for 38 years spanning from 1985 to 2013 and has been a wonderful support to me throughout. St Joseph’s has been an integral part of Peter’s life and we are extremely grateful for all he has done for us and shared with us over all these years. To his wife Maree we extend our sincere thanks for all you have done to support Peter in his signifi cant roles here at the College. We wish Peter, Maree and their family much peace, happiness and fulfi lment for the years ahead. No doubt Peter will always feel welcome at St Joseph’s. I thank our Associations and Committees - Finance and Planning Committee, Foundation Committee, Old Collegians Association, Parents & Friends Association, Josephines Group, Men’s Association, Care Group and all parents and families who have been involved in any way at St Joseph’s College in 2014. We are privileged to have this great level of parental support throughout our College. To this end I acknowledge our outgoing Development Manager, David Formosa, who after six years, left in October to take up a similar role at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Bentleigh. David has been outstanding in working with all these different parent groups, organising functions and overseeing each activity and supporting all along the way. We say farewell and a huge thank you to David for his hard work and commitment to everything St Joseph’s. We thank Deb his wife and their boys for supporting him in his endeavours here. To David and his team, we say a huge thank you for your high standards, promotional expertise and your professionalism throughout 2014. We welcomed our new Development Manager, Kristen Gleeson, to our team in October and we look forward to working with him to continue and enhance all the great work that is being done at St Joseph’s College. I need to thank our College Management Team, Paul Clohesy and Claire Brown - Deputy Principals, Michelle Brodrick - Director of Curriculum, Jo Hart – Director of Identity and Terry Fowler – Business Manager for their level of commitment to all that is St Joseph’s, our students, staff, families and wider community. I value greatly your work ethic and support in all that we do. To staff who are leaving or who have left I extend a heartfelt thank you. To Claire Brown - Deputy Principal, who is retiring after 15 years at St Joseph’s College I extend my deep appreciation. Claire has managed to help shape our College culture through her nurturing, restorative and inclusive manner. She has been integral to the growth

Tri-UMPH Festival Playing with James Morrison at ACC Music - Hamer Hall

SJC Staff on Uganda Immersion

and development of the culture of our College and has constantly understood and nurtured our students, especially those in Years 7-9. Claire has overseen restorative practices throughout our College and has been a driver in so many ways, formulating policies, arranging guest speakers and conducting sessions with staff, students and families. Her input and overseeing of the Westcourt Campus initiative, especially in those early months were integral to this development. Claire’s critical eye across many areas of St Joseph’s has been invaluable and a great support to me. We say farewell but know Claire will continue to be a part of our College community in some form and we thank her sincerely for all she has done in the true spirit of Edmund Rice!

To Helen Brislane, Library Technician, who leaves us after 35 years of dedicated service, we extend our heartfelt thanks. Helen’s quiet and thorough work ethic and diligence in all things supporting

St Joseph’s staff, students and myself has been outstanding. We thank Helen for all she has been to our College and we know she and husband Terry, who has been a long-time supporter of our College too, will continue to feel welcome and a part of our community into the future.

To Trish Merrett, part time teacher, we say a huge thank you for her 13 years of service, helping our students especially in the English subject area. Again Trish is a quiet achiever who will be missed. Her care for both students and fellow staff members is to be commended as she gives of herself in so many ways. To our Offi ce Manager, Zara Walter, we say farewell as she commences maternity leave before the birth of her fi rst child in December. Our very best wishes go with Zara and Blake on this special journey in their lives. Carolyn Dodds, Educational Support staff member is fi nishing and taking on a new position. We thank Carolyn for her hard work and dedication over 8 years with our students in her care and wish her every success and happiness into the future. To Liz O’Connell, teacher at our Westcourt campus, we also say thank you for all you have done to help our students and extend every good wish for your future. To all our staff, teaching and non-teaching, I say a very big thank you for your hard work throughout 2014. Your care and support of students, families, our work environment and each other, are to be commended. We are extremely fortunate at St Joseph’s to have the high calibre of personnel who, work cohesively to make our College the best learning, welcoming and nurturing environment, it can be. God Bless.

Paul Tobias- Principal

Victorian Youth Leaders to Victorian Youth Leaders to China Program China Program

Fun at Edmund Rice Day Fun at Edmund Rice Day Westcourt Expo Westcourt Expo

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