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College Captain’s Report __________________________Page

The year of 2015 was a fulfilling one for many within the College Community, and is one that I will remember fondly. A new chapter had begun for the incoming year 7s. The new batch of students, filled with nervous anticipation, ventured out to D-Block to embark on their educational journey, appearing to have completed a smooth transition into our SJC community. 2015 also marked the final year for the Year 12s. Many great moments were shared throughout the journey, culminating in our final year together. From the numerous camps, sporting days or the Year 12 Winter Formal that raised over $5000 for Headspace, our time spent here at Joeys has been one riddled with enjoyment.

The last 6 years that I’ve spent with my mates are memories that I will cherish years after I finish my formal secondary education. St

Joseph’s College holds great significance to me, and has allowed me to mature and grow into manhood. This college community represents more than the education it bestows upon its students, championing an experience that is underlined by hard work, compassion and mateship. To the boys of the graduating 2015 class: you will always be synonymous with St Joesph’s College. No matter what score you achieve or what you do in your lifetime, appreciate the school you have come from and the people who supported you along the way. You are, and forever will be, ‘Joey’s boys’. On the leadership front, our 44 member team has worked tirelessly across the year and has shown great enthusiasm to improve the schooling experience for their peers. There have been countless meetings and discussions regarding leadership agendas. The path of a leader is never without adversity, but I can confidently say that the 2015 team has made an outstanding effort to follow through on their actions and maintain an optimistic demeanour. Many thanks have to go to the work of leadership co-ordinators, Ms Baker and Mr Lynch. Without their eagerness and passion to create better leaders, our output would have been significantly less. With these two at helm, I’m sure that the leadership team for next year and beyond will boast compelling results, and provide an enriching experience for those privileged enough to make the team. Special thanks must also go to the tremendous efforts of the School Deputy Captains, Jackson Gravett and Tom Doedee. Their constant support and work ethic has allowed me, and others in their care, to fulfil their leadership capabilities. Both are fantastic role-models for students, and have a bright future ahead of them no matter which path they take.

I would also like to extend my thanks to our Year 12 coordinator Mr Andrew Scaddan for his constant support of our year level. His charismatic persona has allowed us all to better cope with the pressures of VCE. We are grateful to have him at the wheel, but more importantly, as a mate.

It’s been an honour to serve as the College Captain in 2015. Thank you to all within the College Community who made the year run smoothly, and allowed me to appreciate the greatness of St Joseph’s College. To those who will be here for years to come, I would like to remind you that we are privileged to attend this school, so make sure you grasp every chance to make it a satisfying and rewarding journey.

David McNeel - 2015 College Captain

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