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Sustainability __________________________________Page

This year our student led action teams grew to include; website editors, an online data tracking assistant, Carbon Management (Certificate III) students and Year 9 “Planet Green” students. Through their commitment to taking action on climate change, we witnessed a more sustainable approach to our daily undertakings at our College and issues relating to sustainability become increasingly embedded into the curriculum across various domains. Initiatives implemented this year included the development of a Sustainability website, production of the “SJC Recycling Initiatives” video, two new sustainable garden beds, “delamping” of light fittings in the staffroom, construction of an outdoor pizza oven from recycled timbers (Westcourt), development of a Sustainability policy, establishment of weekly “Cut the Wrap” days (Years 7 to 9) and online excel system for data collation, entering the Monster Climate Petition, utilisation of bokashi waste, participation in Clear Up Australia day, Switch Off Hour, “Adopt a Light Switch” campaign, REDcycling and Breadclip competitions. In addition, we continued to foster links with our community, assisting the “Friends of Waurn Ponds Creek” to plant 1900 native grasses and trees along the Waurn ponds creek over several occasions. Our continued involvement in the ResourceSmart program saw the completion of the CORE module and the completion of the Energy and Waste modules. We commenced the Water and Biodiversity modules and registered with the SWEP (School Water Efficiency Program), installing three data loggers across both campuses with the aim of improving water efficiency in the school. In addition, Carbon Management and Planet Green students assisted carbon manager Heidi Fog to conduct an energy audit at Westcourt, providing recommendations for further waste minimisation strategies. The last of our recycling initiatives were implemented and now encompasses; Fully commingled recycling, recycling ‘soft plastics’ (Years 7 & 8), composting via worm farming and the Bokashi system and recycling of: polystyrene, woodwork off cuts, sawdust and shredded paper. Our efforts in this area were acknowledged by Sustainability Victoria and Joseph’s College was announced as the ResourceSmart Waste Secondary school of the year at the ResourceSmart Education awards.


Eight of our Sustainability Leaders combined forces with nine schools from the region on 22 May, to participate in the Do More With Less Leadership Conference at Kardinia International College. Students were involved in various hands-on activities related to energy reduction and hence, reducing their carbon footprint.


On 5 June staff and students alike conducted a “Switch Off “ hour Between 12pm and 1pm, across both campuses. During this time, sustainability leaders conducted an energy audit across various classrooms. Comparing energy consumption to the previous period, we saw a 17.5% reduction at Edmund Rice Campus and 8% reduction at Westcourt. A tremendous first effort, highlighting just how easy it is reduce our carbon footprint.


Sustainabilitysjc.weebly.com We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new Sustainability SJC Website, which was established to provide greater accessibility to information regarding sustainability and practices being promoted by the school. I would like to thank our two Year 8 website editors: Thomas Anderson and Aidan Wong, for their tireless efforts. I would also like to thank the VCE ICT students for establishing the “Home page” template. In addition I would like to acknowledge and thank Nathan Clarke, Patrick Consedine, Lachlan Hill, Lucas Pante, Sam Quach, Sean Whelan and former student Charles Purdy for the use of their photography and artwork for the site.


On 28 July, 43 Year 11 Environmental Science students and Sustainability leaders from Year 7 to 11, joined forces with 105 Prep to Grade 2 Grovedale Primary students and founding members of the “Friends of Waurn Ponds Creek” community group, to plant native grasses along the embankment of the Waurn Ponds Creek, as part of the Planet Ark’s National Tree day. The exercise provided our students a wonderful opportunity to develop their leadership skills as they assisted and mentored the Primary students. Collectively the students planted over 1200 grasses in one hour - a fabulous outcome. This followed the activities of National tree planting day 26 July 26 in which volunteer families assisted in the planting of 500 plants and subsequently Mr Peter Malone’s Planet Green joined the “Friends” to plant another 200 during Enviroweek on September 3.

ResourceSmart Awards

Sustainable Garden Beds Garden Beds

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