Issue10 sjcnews2014

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St Joseph’s College Geelong

News & Events Thursday 19 June 2014 - Issue No 10

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the entire state. On behalf of the entire St Joseph’s College community, I would like to congratulate Leah on this fantastic achievement and thank her for all the work she does with the College’s VCAL program.

Mrs Irving with Martin Dixon MP Minister for Education. Mrs Irving was presented with the VCAL Achievement Award at Federation Square

Principal’s Report Dear Parents, Students and Friends of the College, STAFF TRIP TO MANNYA During the Term 2 holidays we have six teachers embarking on a trip to Mannya in Uganda. The purpose of the trip is for St Joseph’s College teachers to work in partnership with the teachers at St Bernard’s College in Mannya. As this is the first trip of this type to take place, our staff along with three teachers from Northern Bay College will observe classes, allow St Bernard’s staff to have release time for planning and provide some feedback and guidance to the St Bernard’s staff. This program will allow the visiting teachers to provide significant data to the ‘Cotton On’ Foundation which will enable their extensive support of Mannya to continue to be targeted towards the areas that will have the greatest positive impact on the region. The six staff taking part in the trip from St Joseph’s are Ric Brodrick, Michelle Brodrick, Mark Stracey, Erin Norman, Chris Lynch and Jack Jurica. Each of these teachers will be paired with a teacher from St Bernard’s who teaches in a similar area as they do to allow expert discussion and feedback to be provided. We wish the staff undertaking this worthwhile program the best of luck and safe travels. We also look forward to hearing all about the trip on their return. We would also like to thank the Cotton On Foundation for supporting St Joseph’s with this trip. STAFF AWARD I am very pleased to announce that Mrs Leah Irving was presented with the VCAL Achievement Award for Integrated Programs at a ceremony held at Federation Square on Tuesday 17 June. The award was won due to Leah’s tireless work in organising the 2013 Girl’s Night In which was judged the best integrated program throughout

Compassion Innovation Integrity

SCHOOL REVIEW Throughout Term 2 and at the beginning of Term 3 the Catholic Education Office is reviewing St Joseph’s as part of the School Improvement Framework. The review audits school policies and procedures and undertakes interviews of staff and students. These interviews will be conducted at the beginning of Term 3 and will include a sample of randomly selected students. If any parent or carer has any concerns about this process please contact me at the College. St Joseph’s would like to welcome Miss Emily Nevins who is replacing Lauren Hall whilst she is on maternity leave. Emily is a graduate teacher who completed her studies at RMIT specialising in Media Studies and Humanities. We wish Emily all the best as she begins her teaching career at St Joseph’s. Paul Clohesy - Acting Principal


Calendar of Events June 23 Report writing - student free day 24 Senior years parent information 24 26 26 27 27

evening Careers week Concert for Maureen Zampatti Westcourt Expo Final day Term 2 - 2.30pm finish Student free day - Year 9 Westcourt Campus

July 15 16 19 20 31

P&F Meeting - 7pm staffroom Students Return - start Term 3 Artisan Market Artisan Market Winter Sleepout

College Building Fund Donation St Joseph’s College has financed a number of new buildings and facilities through the ongoing financial support of parents donating to the College Building Fund. The contribution we ask from each family is $450 per annum. All donations are tax deductible and a tax receipt will be issued. As the end of the 2013/2014 financial year is approaching, you may wish to finalise the annual donation in time to include your receipt with your 2013/2014 tax return. Payment may be made to St Joseph’s College Geelong via cash, cheque or credit card. Credit card payments may be made by phoning Holly McIntosh on 5226 8111. Thank you for your ongoing support. Zara Walter - Office Manager

News from the Deputies REFLECTING ON SEMESTER 1 It’s hard to believe but this is the final Newsletter for Term 2. The weeks seem to have flown! Mid-year exams for students in Years 8 to 11 will be completed by the end of the week. We hope that the boys will feel pleased with their efforts and that very few will be required to re-sit exams next Friday. The term break is a good time for students to reflect on their efforts and achievements over the semester and to set new goals for the remainder of the year. As our Principal often reminds us, boys are often inclined to overestimate their ability and underestimate the amount of work required to achieve their goals! STUDENTS AS “BILLBOARDS” The term break also provides an opportunity to check the state of your son’s winter uniform and dry clean, mend or replace items as necessary. Many of the boys wear their uniform well and we thank our parents/ carers for supporting this. A number of students, however, particularly some of the seniors, have out grown and/or worn out major items and so look poorly dressed. Staff are constantly urged to address uniform issues with the boys to ensure a high standard of dress. Recently Greg Campitelli, a consultant on customer service, asked staff to imagine that each of our students in uniform is a ‘billboard’ for SJC out in the community. That means roughly 8000 ‘billboards’ a week. Extrapolate that figure to 40 weeks a year and 6 years over the life of each student at St Joseph’s that’s a lot of advertising for the College. We’d like to think that it’s good advertising! On that note, we wish the boys a safe and enjoyable term break with family and friends and, as always, we look forward to working with you and your sons in Semester 2. Claire Brown & Paul Clohesy - Deputy Principals

Compassion Innovation Integrity

Community Services Work School Based Traineeship We currently have eight students undertaking a Certificate III in Community Services Work as a school based traineeship. Students attend one afternoon of training and a day of placement per week with a community service provider in the Geelong region. Students are currently placed with Army Cadets, Australian Air Force Cadets, St John Ambulance, SES and the CFA. As part of the traineeship students will also receive certificates in Level 2 First Aid, Lifesaving Victorian Pool Lifeguard certification, Responsible Service of Alcohol & Responsible Service of Food, Working with Children’s Check and a National Police Check. Anthony Wilkens and Jake Nicholson are both currently undertaking placement with the Ocean Grove CFA. The boys are really enjoying their placement and are gaining some great experience which will help them in future careers. This program is hands on and is a great option for students who are looking to get into community services or looking to start a career with the police force, armed forces, metropolitan fire brigade or as a nurse or paramedic just to name a few. The program can be undertaken in Year 10 -12 and will give credit to both VCE and VCAL programs. The program will be running in 2015 and expressions of interest will be taken in Term 3. If you have any further questions or would like more information please contact Jarrod Gore in the Careers Office on 5226 8118 or Jarrod Gore - VET Coordinator

The surprising news about Prayer Life We should be forgiven for assuming that “a prayer life” is something our parents or grandparents had. I remember Mum getting us to say the rosary when we were driving along a really muddy dirt road, all 7 of us in the combi van late on a Friday night on the way to a basketball tournament weekend for one of my brothers, praying that we wouldn’t get stuck or slide off the road. Certainly, we don’t see evidence of such practises in our media-filled days. However, the survey we participated in last year for the Enhancing Catholic School Identity project found some interesting results. 86% of adults (parents and staff) in the school community pray actively or at least irregularly outside of school. Only 14% don’t pray at all. Of the students, 70.2% also have an active or irregular prayer life outside of school. Given the low statistics of regular mass-goers, this is a pretty affirming statistic. So what is prayer? “Prayer is relationship with God.This bond with God is the ability to pay attention to life in all its wonder, savour the experiences and see God at the centre of it all.” “Prayer is simply conversation with God. It’s asking Him to meet your need or someone else’s. It’s praising Him and thanking Him. It’s about committing things to Him and consecrating things to Him.We need to pray about everything and anything.” http://www. As a Catholic community, our days in every Homeroom and every meeting begin with prayer – a time to prepare ourselves for the day or task ahead, a time to ask for God’s blessings on our endeavours, a time to remember to God those who might need a little extra help. As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition the touchstone of Gospel Spirituality is central to our concrete experience. Regular prayer is one such expression of this touchstone and we look to the Gospels for guidance. The Our Father is often recited somewhat unthinkingly, but it is the model of prayer given to us by Jesus and therefore is the epitome of what prayer ought to be, a movement outward as well as inward. Fr Andy Hamilton recently wrote: “In the Gospels, Jesus gives the Our Father prayer to his disciples as an example of how to pray….The Our Father shows a simple way to pray. It is not tied up with me, but begins with a “we”.We are to begin by praising God, then pray for the world to become the beautiful, just and peaceful place that God wants. After that we pray for our daily needs; we pray to be forgiving and so to be forgiven, and to be delivered from all our terrors. So when we pray the Our Father we should turn outwards as well as inwards…The daily bread we pray for is both food for the homeless and the starving, and my own needs in study and social life.” Fr Andrew Compassion Innovation Integrity

Hamilton SJ, Australian Catholics, Winter 2014. Prayer is a way of recognizing that God loves us unconditionally, in whatever condition we are. And prayer is our acceptance of our need for God’s loving kindness. Praying can be as simple as saying “Here I am, Lord” or “Lord I need help”. I encourage you all to continue the practise, to be open to the prayer moments in life that appear before us every day, if only we take the time to notice. Jo Hart - Director of Identity

Westcourt Students Meet Asylum Seekers Recently our St Joseph’s College community was saddened by the death of 29 year old Tamil asylum seeker from northern Sri Lanka, Leo Seemanpillai in Geelong. This issue of mandatory detention and the tragic effects of it were felt right on our front door step. Last Wednesday in our RE session at Westcourt, we remembered Leo by lighting a candle and offering our prayers and support to his family and friends. We also had the privilege to listening to three guest speakers who shared with us their knowledge and experiences of what it was like to seek asylum in Australia from Afghanistan. Our first speaker was Michelle Sodomaco who works in Geelong as a volunteer with asylum seekers. Michelle encouraged the boys to be a ‘truth seeker’ and to live out calls for justice for the most vulnerable in our society. Michelle shared with the boys the Catholic Church’s stance on the cruelty of imprisoning people including children in detention centres. We learnt more about what it means to be a Catholic. The Australian Catholic Bishops in May this year have intervened with Government in an attempt to make policy more respectful of human dignity and basic human rights, which today are being seriously violated. Our final two speakers were Samad and Quorban from Afghanistan who now live in Geelong. They spoke to the boys of their journey to Australia by boat and why they came to Australia. We gained a wonderful insight into their Hazara culture and of the religious persecution they suffered in Afghanistan.The Hazara long faced violence in Afghanistan suffering genocide, slavery and forced displacement under a series of Afghan governments including the Taliban and Karzais regime. The session was structured like a ‘Q and A’ and our Year 9 boys took hold of the opportunity to ask Samad and Quorban a range of questions. Despite much suffering, we learnt much about the human spirit. The qualities of endurance and resilience displayed by Samad and Quorban was very moving. The sense of welcome was also felt from Samad and Quorban from our Year 9 boys and staff. Samad stood at the end of the session to thank us for inviting him and to say that his day here at Westcourt has made him feel very happy. Samad and Quorban stayed for lunch, chatted and kicked the footy. It was a day where we all learnt many things but most importantly, we were reminded of the gospel message: I was a stranger and you welcomed me. (Matthew 25:35).We hope our boys will continue to be the voice for the voiceless and show compassion towards asylum seekers. Annalee McKew


Parent Access Module

Curriculum News PARENT ACCESS MODULE - SEMESTER REPORTS Semester reports will be available through PAM at the end of the semester. These reports are a summary of results including percentage results from assessment tasks, an indication of achievement against the AusVELS standard and work habits and behaviour. Comments that have appeared on PAM will also be transferred onto the summary report. Current information on all assessment is available through Learning Areas on the Parent Access Module. If PAM login details need to be resent, please email a request to YEAR 10 INTO SENIOR YEARS 2015 All parents/carers of Year 10 students are invited to the Senior Year Parent Information evening on Tuesday 24 June. Information will be provided on studying for the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) as well as Vocational Education and Training (VET) subjects on offer. Parent Information Evenings for other year levels will be held in Term 3 prior to subject selections.Year 10 students will also have scheduled interviews to discuss their VCE or VCAL program. Parent and students are invited to attend these interviews that will be held on 30 and 31 July. TRIAL OF BOOKINGS FOR PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS IN TERM 3 Next term we will trial a different system for Parent Teacher Interviews by asking parents/carers to make appointments with teachers via the Parent Access Module. These interviews are scheduled for Thursday 28 August and Friday 29 August. We trialled this system with our Year 12 interviews this term and are keen to try this new system with our Year 7-11 interviews. We will be asking parents for their feedback following these interviews before making a decision for future years. More information will be sent to parents when bookings are open. Michelle Brodrick - Director of Curriculum

Year 12 English trial exam A reminder to parents and Year 12 students that on Monday 23 June from 9am-12.15pm, there is an English trial exam that all Unit 3/4 students are expected to attend. Students should be at the gym by 8.45am for this exam. They should bring a dictionary. Students are able to leave school at the completion of the exam. This trial exam will be assessed by an external VCAA assessor. Students will be provided with a score for each section of the exam and some feedback on their work. Results will be available by the second week of Term 3. If you have any queries, please contact Margot Davies Margot Davies

Musical Notes JUNIOR BAND EXCURSION On Thursday the Junior Band took part in a Workshop and Concert at Kardinia College. The St Joseph’s College Junior Band joined with students from Covenant College and hosts Kardinia College to form a band of over 100 musicians. Great progress was made during the afternoon under our guest conductor, Dr Kevin Cameron from Geelong Grammar School. After a welcome sausage sizzle the Concert was held with each College Band presenting an item or two on its own and then combining forces for the massed Bands item. Our Junior Band lead by Mrs Amy Young delivered a spirited premiere performance of Spooks. For those who missed, you will catch it at the end of term music concert on 26 June. Thanks to all the music staff and parents for supporting this venture and a special thank you to our generous hosts at Kardinia College. The boys were a credit to the College in their attitude, behaviour and dress. It was heartening to hear many positive comments on these wellmannered young men from St Joseph’s. Great work, gentlemen! David Gallaher PARLIAMENT AND CIVICS EDUCATION REBATE PROGRAM As was published in our last newsletter, a group of over 50 students from St Joseph’s have recently undertaken an education tour of the national capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $30 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion. St Joseph’s is very grateful for this rebate, which enabled us to reduce our tour costs. John Shawcross

Careers News CAREERS WEEK 2014 - Year 10 Careers Week will take place during the last week of this term. Careers Week has two main aims. Firstly, it helps to inform Year 10 students about the pathways through senior school. It includes presentations from the Careers Coordinator,VCAL Coordinator,VCE Coordinator and VET Coordinator. Students are provided with guidance regarding choosing subjects and how these choices affect their pathways through school and onto higher education and training. They are also told about apprenticeship opportunities and the possibilities of taking a vocational subject. On Wednesday, students will be visiting the Deakin University Waurn Ponds campus where they will take a tour of the facilities as well as hear presentations from Deakin and the Gordon about life at University and TAFE, and the many higher education programs on offer. On Thursday,Year 10 students will hear from visiting career presenters. Students choose which talks they would like to attend. Information about choosing the career talks is listed below.Year 10 students will also be attending workshops aimed at educating the boys about how to dress appropriately and present themselves for various types of interviews and job opportunities. Careers Week aims to inform students about career opportunities and career development. Each student will undertake the Careers Voyage Program and Wirl. Careers Voyage and Wirl are on-line programs which provide students with ideas about careers they may be interested in based on their interests and job factor preferences. Importantly, Careers Week begins the process of subject selection, which will take place in Term 3. At the beginning of Term 3, students will be able to attend subject selection presentations. Information regarding these presentations will be made available to parents and students before the end of Term 2. YEAR 12 CLASSROOM PRESENTATIONS TERM 3 During Term 3, I will be delivering a careers program to all Year 12 students over eight weeks. Students will hear presentations about topics such as: how to apply for higher education courses through VTAC (Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre); Plan B options and alternative pathways; how graduates get jobs; Linked In; Gap Year opportunities and more. These presentations are also an opportunity for students to ask questions and get advice. All students will receive a VTAC publication called ‘ABC of Applying’. This booklet provides information about everything students need to do to apply for courses in 2015. Karen Shum - Careers Coordinator

Compassion Innovation Integrity

Sustainability Matters JANE GOODALL SEMINAR A wonderful experience for all students and staff alike who were fortunate to be part of Jane Goodall’s 80th Birthday celebrations, as she inspired us with anecdotes from her life experiences during her seminar on June 2. For students John Perks and Benjamin Cazaly (together with Mr Vin Brown), the excitement continued, as they were selected to join Jane for the VIP post symposium luncheon. JANE GOODALL REFLECTION The sustainability leaders and year 11 biology students were given the opportunity to attend a symposium at Deakin Costa Hall to see the famous Jane Goodall. Most people would know her from her appearance on the Simpsons but the students able to attend the symposium were given the great chance to hear her speak about her past endeavours and current escapades as an activist. She inspired the audience to think about the environment and what we could do in our own way to help. She motivated the audience to search for the small things that we could easily apply to our lives to preserve our precious Earth. Jobe Neal 11F

“CUT THE WRAP” DAY With our next CUT THE WRAP day on Wednesday 25 June, I encourage Year 8 and 9 students to follow the Year 7 lead and aim for 100% participation. Kelly Jenkins - Sustainability Coordinator

A personal journey of reconciliation Last Thursday night I was lucky to attend a live episode of The Marngrook Footy Show, accompanying five of our senior Indigenous students. The footy talk was certainly enlightening and informative, but it was the warm and jovial atmosphere that left a lasting memory. The highlight was when the stars of the show joined the audience in the foyer after the show. They were so unassuming and genuinely interested in us, and our boys from Arnhem Land were particularly excited when Aaron Davey spoke to them in their native language. The whole experience led me to thinking about my journey with Indigenous culture and history. I remembered back to visiting Aboriginal Catholic Ministry about 20 years ago. We began by making a list of things we knew about Aboriginal people. I feel a bit sad when I remember that all I wrote was the names of a few famous people such as Cathy Freeman and the Krakouer brothers, and “Cyril” – who was a local footballer that I knew when I was a kid. He was memorable for playing in bare feet. That day at Aboriginal Catholic Ministry was an eyeopener and my first tentative step into understanding and learning about a people that have lived in this land for so many thousands of years. I am grateful to say that as time has passed, and particularly because of the commitment of St Joseph’s College to Reconciliation, my list of what I know about Aboriginal people is much longer. It includes places visited, knowledge of sad stories such as massacres, the Stolen Generation and black deaths in custody; a much broader awareness of “famous” Indigenous Australians, and most importantly the names of many Aboriginal people that I personally know and call friends. Some have dark skin and many do not. This year I was proud to accept a role as one of several staff and student Fire Carriers at St Joseph’s. An initiative started by none other than Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, it is an acronym for Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education. As Fire Carriers we are called to continue the gentle but persistent work of helping Indigenous

and non-Indigenous Australians to come closer together. We are encouraged to learn as much as we can about Aboriginal culture and history (including the less palatable elements) and share this respectfully and honestly with others. The goal of Reconciliation is to “build strong and trusting relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians, as a foundation for success and to enhance our national wellbeing”. It doesn’t happen overnight of course, but when I think of my own personal journey, the great things happening at our school and with organisations like Aboriginal Catholic Ministry and our local Marrma’ Rom Two Worlds Foundation, I am convinced of the ultimate success of Reconciliation. I am certain that our boys will leave school with a much longer “list” than I had at their age, and I hope and pray they will continue to be active agents of Reconciliation well beyond their school years. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss any ideas you might have about how we can continue to further Reconcililation at St Joseph’s. Here are some links that might be of interest: (Aboriginal Catholic Ministry) John Harmon - Chaplaincy and Liturgy Coordinator

VCAL at GAWS As part of Year 11 RE Ethics, a group of VCAL students have decided to make a difference and volunteer their time and expertise at Geelong Animal Welfare Society. The boys will be making over the ‘Meet and Greet’ area where potential adopters can get to know their new family member. It is great to see these young men making a positive and worthwhile contribution to their local community. Lauren Hall - Year 11 RE

Year 10 ACC Football - Grand Final The 2014 ACC competition started for the Year 10 Football team with the boys heading up to Ballarat to face St Patrick’s College in a practise match. The match provided the boys with a good indication of what they will be up against. The first day back at school in Term 2 was Round 1, with a road trip up to Mazenod on a wet and slippery day. Within weeks, the squad was on track to be a big contender after defeating Mazenod by 68 points, St Bede’s by 28 points, St Bernard’s by 118 points and De La Salle by 33 points in the first 4 rounds. The team faced Parade in round 5 who have been known over the years for their tough sides. Parade came out strong early, leading at all breaks by over 30 points. Unfortunately, a 4 goal final term haul wasn’t enough for the Joey’s team to get over the line. This loss was nearly season ending, leaving us with one last chance against last year’s premiers, the undefeated Whitefriars. It was a sudden death battle, if we lost there was no Grand Final, if we won, not only would we play in the final, but it would be played at Elderslie Reserve, our home turf. Mr Holt’s pregame rev-up had the boys bouncing which sent us out on the field full of confidence. The boys came off at the half time break with a lead of 20 points. With that, we set up the last half and won by 30 points. This set us up with the home ground advantage and a large crowd for the Grand Final. The week before the final, the Homerooms were buzzing, with a lot of excitement around the school. The day had finally come and the boys were in good spirits, Mr Holt’s pre game speech was equally inspirational as the previous week with one on one footy being the overall focus. The match began and when Parade kicked the first goal, some might have thought that today wasn’t going to be the day for Joeys, but the players fought hard early and kicked the next 3 goals. At the first break Joeys led by 2 goals. The second term was fierce with both teams going very hard, but Joeys had the early run and kicked goal after goal. At half time the boys had a solid lead of 28 points. The team had the premiership in their sight. But that wasn’t it. The 3rd quarter started with Parade throwing everything at us, they had the first 2 goals and looked to be on the comeback. But Paddy Dowling had a very tight set shot which he put straight threw the big sticks. This put Joeys back on the board and we fought even harder. Three quarter time was electrifying with the crowd showing their support around the huddles. The main subject at 3 Compassion Innovation Integrity

quarter time was to not let them have another sniff, and the boys didn’t, going harder and making sure that Parade didn’t get easy possessions. The last quarter saw injuries to Paddy Dowling, and Sam Simpson. But that didn’t end the run, the boys kept kicking the goals to win by 34 points. Honourable mentions must go to Johnathon Arcoraci who kicked 3 goals in the last quarter and Jack Henry fought all day and always got the ball going our way. Jack Rice played on the wing all day and stopped his opponent’s run, and you can’t forget Will Cann who stopped every player he played on. But just like the entire season, it was a team effort with every player playing their role to let the team win. Jack Blood - Year 10 Football Captain GRAND FINAL - SJC v PARADE SJC 12.10.82 defeated Parade 7.6.48 Goals: Jonathan Arcoraci 3, Patrick Dowling 3, Jack Henry 3, Ned Harris 1, Jack Blood 1, Aadyn Sleep-Dalton 1 Best: Jack Henry, Patrick Dowling, Jonathan Arcoraci, Ned Harris, Darcy Kiss, Xavier Blackley

Photo/Video Permission Forms Due to recent changes in privacy legislation we now require a signed permission form for every student in order to use their photo for College-related material. This includes the College newsletter, website, SJC Facebook page,Virtus (College end of year magazine) etc. These permission forms were distributed via homeroom teachers and were due back last week. However, there are still many forms yet to be returned. WHAT WILL IT MEAN IF THE FORM IS NOT RETURNED? Your son’s photo will NOT appear: • anywhere in the Virtus (College Yearbook), including class and individual photos, sporting groups, event photos, i.e. Edmund Rice Day, camps, assemblies etc. • in the newsletter • on Facebook/twitter • on the St Joseph’s College website • in any end of year DVDs or slide shows • in the College production program. As has always been the case, all images will be used appropriately and students have the right to inform the photographer if they don’t want their photo taken at any given time. We have so much to be proud of at St Joseph’s College and wish to continue using photographs of our students as mentioned above. We ask that you please assist us in this by ensuring your son returns his signed permission form asap. Zara Walter - Office Manager

Senior Soccer

Community Service - East Timor Footy Boots Drive Over the past weeks many boys have been generously donating their old footy boots for children in East Timor. We have had a great response with over 100 pairs of football boots being donated. Eight Year 7 boys completed their community service by staying after school on Friday 23 May to help sort and clean up the boots for East Timor. Thanks so much to the whole St Joseph’s community for your donations and special thanks goes to Mrs Maura Sweet, William Growans, Casey Fox, Jack Buttigieg, Aidan Wong, Jake Stephens, Tom Anderson, Patrick Sweet and Bradley Jepson for generously giving their time to help out. Claire Wrigley

With the coach’s warning of “It is not always the best team that wins, but the team that plays the best” ringing in SJC player ears, we embarked on a dangerous Semi-Final against Salesian College. This was the first time SJC had fallen behind in 2014, and it was remarked amongst the coaches of the day: Coach Trupkovic, Special Finals Consultant Coach Colak, and Special Guest Coach Milverton, that it would take a special effort from a special team to equalise. After a long battle hard fought, the final Salesian shot did NOT find the back of the net and it all came down to Alessandro Stefano. If he scores, we win. Into the GF in 2 weeks’ time. A chance to go back-to-back. To have a perfect season. To be the best SJC team of all time. Alessandro Stefano. The player who hit the winning penalty in last year’s GF win. He picked the ball up, looked his teammates in the eye, and with a comforting nod and a reassuring word, he went forth and did what was needed: he hit an excellent shot that cannoned into the back of the net. The Grand Final will be played in 2 weeks’ time. (That gives Coach Trupkovic an extra week to get over his high stress levels) Jason O’Connell ROUND 6 - SJC v SALESIAN SJC 1 v Salesian 1 (Half-time 0-0) Penalties: St Joseph’s 6 – Salesian 5

First XVIII Senior Football

Items needed for All Shook Up Year 10 ACC Football

The Production team of All Shook Up are looking for the following; • Coat hangers • Old Bike - a ladies step through, able to take some “punishment” • Old Guitar, not to be returned! • Old motorbike, 1960s style, not too heavy If you can help with providing any of these items it would be greatly appreciated! Please contact Producer Mr David Gallaher: Email Thank you very much!

Exciting Science News

Second Hand School Specialists At Second Hand School Specialists you can buy and sell a wide variety of your second hand school items. We sell on consignment which is a safe and secure way to sell your unwanted or outgrown school items. Just drop off to us and we’ll sell it on your behalf. Terms and conditions are on our website or contact us on 0400-350-652 email We accept cash, eftpos, visa and mastercard. We also offer a refund or exchange within 7 days of purchase. Trading hours: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 3.30pm - 5.00pm Saturday (1st and 3rd of each month) 9am - 11pm Free parking outside of store. 21b Fairlie Street, Hamlyn Heights. Ph: 0400 350 652 Email: Great Quality SJC Second Hand Items For Sale. Expect to save from 30% – 80% off new uniform costs!

In Sympathy

CONGRATULATIONS To Anna Simonsen and husband Brad, on the birth of beautiful baby Ivy Jagger, little sister to Willow and Daisy. To Ashlee Andreasen (staff member) on the announcement of her engagement to Kane Tanner, Old Collegian (2004).

Creative Writing

DARK MIST I gazed out of the classroom window, grey clouds blocked out the sun, and completely covered the sky. “Pay Attention!” the teacher yelled, staring at me coldly, eyes drilling straight into mine. “Yes miss.” I sighed, but I soon lost focus. I looked out the window again, and saw a large black crow perched on the roof of the building next to me. A strange white foam was bubbling out of its mouth, and its beady brown eyes watched me as closely as the teacher’s. I looked out the window and saw a large, black and white border collie on the roof talking to the crow. It took me a moment to process what I’d seen, but I rubbed my eyes and it was gone. As I walked out of class I saw the dog again. It saw me looking at it and ran. I dropped my books and gave chase. I followed it down the stairs, past the Gym and out of the school. I ran down the road, dodging oncoming traffic, sprinted all the way down the hill and followed it into a bush. When I emerged from the bushes I was in a forest, bright coloured flowers littered the floor, colourful birds flew in and out of trees and a small creek trickled through the middle of it. I saw the dog and the crow on the other side of the creek. I walked over to them cautiously. “Excuse me?” lost for words I asked, “Are you real?” “Hmm?” The dog replied in a deep voice, trying to keep his tongue from spilling out of his mouth. “He wants to know if we’re real!” the crow said in a raspy voice. “Why shouldn’t we be?” the dog asked. “I don’t know! Where am I?” “He doesn’t know!” cried the crow to the dog. “About what?” “About The Darkness!”

Compassion Innovation Integrity

“What’s the Darkness?” I asked. “Oh no! He doesn’t know!” The dog whined. “I thought he did!” “SHUT UP!” I yelled. “Just tell me what it is.” “Well,” the crow began, “I don’t really know.” “You don’t know?” I cried. “All I know is that there are no survivors, and I’ve heard tales of a black cloud that blankets the land, and swallows everything in its path.” The dog shuddered, shaking its black and white fur. “And you’re sure that I’m not dreaming?” “Are you?” The crow asked. “No.” “Well there’s the problem!” “What?” “You don’t believe!” The dog gasped and its visible skin turned pale. “It’s ok.” The Crow reassured himself, “It has to be him.” “What has to be me?” “You’re the only one who can destroy it!” “How!” “By believing!” The animals said in unison. As they spoke a family of rabbits hopped out through the trees, followed by a black mist. “Speak of the devil.” Said the crow, the mist caught up and the rabbits shrivelled up, like plastic in a flame. “RUN!” the Dog shouted and sprinted off through the trees. “Grab on!” the crow shouted as it flew past me and, seriously questioning my mental state, I grabbed onto its foot. I jerked forward, the crow pulled me forward. “I’m flying!” I let out a laugh, we caught up to the dog and we were all running from the mist. “YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE!” panted the dog as we weaved through the trees, “PLEASE, BELIEVE!” and it crashed into an oncoming tree and was swept up by The Darkness. Suddenly the crow stopped. The mist was coming at us from all directions, and soon was in a tight circle around us. “Goodbye Crow!” I whispered. I stood there waiting for death, but nothing happened. I opened my eyes and the crow was gone, along with the mist. A black figure then emerged from the bushes, it began shooting balls of black mist at me. “No!” I yelled, and he doubled back. “I believe.” I said quietly, and a ray of light burst from his chest. “I BELIEVE!” and he exploded in a flash of bright light, and all of sudden I was back outside those bushes. I tried to get back, but I knew I would never see my friends again. By Josh Spork- Year 8

Book your FREE workshops online: limited places - please book early to avoid disappointment

A Musical Tribute in Honour of

Maureen Zampatti Thursday 26 June 7pm in the SJC Peter Cannon Performing Arts Centre Entry by gold coin donation

donations will be used to fund SJC Instrumental Music Bursaries

Featuring :

all St Joseph’s College ensembles, the cast of “All Shook Up”

and special guests.

Supper to follow concert


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