Issue11 sjcnews2014

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St Joseph’s College Geelong

News & Events Thursday 17 July 2014 - Issue No 11

135 Aphrasia Street Newtown Victoria 3220 Ph: 03 5226 8100 Ph Westcourt: 03 5247 7000 Email: Web:

Principal’s Report Dear Parents, Students and Friends of the College, Welcome to Term 3. It is good to be back at work after a few weeks of leave. I am lucky to have such fine senior staff to cover when I am away. Seven of our staff have spent time in Africa over the break. Director of Identity, Ms Jo Hart, took part in an immersion program in Kenya and Tanzania and the following staff, Ric and Michelle Brodrick, Erin Norman, Mark Stracey, Chris Lynch and Jack Jurica have been working in the area of teacher education in Uganda. All have returned safely and significantly enriched as a consequence of their experiences. Hopefully over the coming weekend each family will find time to support our hardworking Parents and Friends group by attending the Artisan Market in the school gymnasium. The market is open Saturday and Sunday and entertainment is guaranteed for the cost of a gold coin.


Calendar of Events July

19 20 25 30 The staff commenced the term with two days of in-service. 31 The first of these was a combined gathering with staff from the other Catholic Secondary Colleges of the district 31 to hear renowned scripture scholar Dr Amy-Jill Levine. Day two was devoted to literacy and Restorative Practices. Term 3 is always a busy one and for us this year especially so with the production “All Shook Up” from 14-16 August at the Playhouse Theatre - Geelong Performing Arts Centre. Tickets for this event can be purchased from the College. The first week of term will include two formal days of review from external educational assessors around the future strategic directions and the School Improvement Framework. I am grateful to the parents who have agreed to be part of the review interview process. It is good to be back and I look forward to working again with your sons during the term. Paul Tobias - Principal Compassion Innovation Integrity

Artisan Market Artisan Market Dance Battle Year 10 Subject Selection Interviews Year 10 Subject Selection Interviews Winter Sleepout

August 1 5 6 14 15 16 19 22 27 28 29 29

St Vinnies Blanket Appeal Casual Dress Day Year 8 Parent Information Evening Year 7 Mothers & Sons Night All Shook Up - College Production All Shook Up - College Production All Shook Up - College Production P&F Meeting Return Mega Raffle Books Mega Raffle Drawn Parent / Student / Teacher Interviews Parent / Student / Teacher Interviews Student Free Day

Year 9 students showcasing their work at the Westcourt Expo!

News from the Deputies A warm welcome to Term 3. We hope that all our families braved the cold and enjoyed the Term 2 holidays. With the start of Term 3 comes the opportunity for a fresh start with Semester 2 subjects. All students should look at the recent examination period as an opportunity to decide where improvement could and should be made in order to improve their outcomes. Working consistently throughout the whole semester is a key to ensuring the boys are well prepared when their next examination opportunity occurs at the end of the year. SUBJECT SELECTION For the boys in Years 9, 10 & 11 the next few weeks are extremely important for their selection of subjects for 2015. Students will be given the opportunity to attend subject talks to provide information relating to specific VCE subject areas and to ask any questions they might have. In week 3 on both Wednesday 30 and Thursday 31 July afternoon/evening, subject selection interviews will be held for all Year 10 boys with their parent/s or carer/s. Our aim with this subject selection process is to try to ensure that students make informed choices for their VCE. While there are many factors to consider when choosing VCE subjects, the most important thing to remember is that students will perform better if they have an interest in the subject and enjoy studying it. It must be noted that Semester 1 results are used by staff when accepting students into subjects for the following Compassion Innovation Integrity

year and students are not guaranteed acceptance to a subject simply because they want to take it on. Staff acceptance is based on a judgement that a student is adequately prepared and therefore capable of successfully undertaking the subject at that level. Specifically, students must have demonstrated the required aptitude and work ethic for the subject otherwise their VCE years will result in more anxiety than is already the case. We would encourage all students to make the most of the first two and a half weeks of this term to ask as many questions as possible so that they are ready to submit their subject selections by the due date. We would also encourage parents and carers to contact the school to ask any questions they might have relating to subject choices. WESTCOURT EXPO We would like to congratulate the Westcourt students and staff on the very impressive Westcourt Expo held on the last Thursday of Term 2. The Expo was planned to display and demonstrate what the Year 9 boys had achieved in their first semester. There was a real buzz around the Campus as parents and staff visiting from other schools went from subject areas where the students were running workshops, to displays where they were explaining what they did in the subject and why. There was a very strong sense of student engagement in and enthusiasm for their learning and great pride in their acheivements. Congratulations to the Year 9 students and Westcourt staff for a wonderful experience for all those who attended. Claire Brown & Paul Clohesy - Deputy Principals

Curriculum News VCE PRESENTATIONS Lunchtime presentations are being held this week and next week for Year 10 students to learn more about their VCE subject choices for next year. Year 9 students interested in studying a VCE subject will also attend selected talks at the main campus. All students will be making subject selections this term and are encouraged to seek assistance with their choices through discussions with their teachers, Karen Shum (Careers), Jarrod Gore (VET) and Year Level Coordinators. TRIAL OF BOOKINGS FOR PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS IN TERM 3 This term we will trial a different system for Parent Teacher Interviews by asking parents/carers to make appointments with teachers via the Parent Access Module. These interviews are scheduled for Thursday 28 August and Friday 29 August. We trialled this system with our Year 12 interviews this term and are keen to try this new system with our Year 7-11 interviews. We will be asking parents for their feedback following these interviews before making a decision for future years. More information will be sent to parents when bookings are open. Michelle Brodrick - Director of Curriculum

Refugee Holiday Program Careers in Term 3 Welcome back to school and a busy and exciting Term 3. In the first few weeks of Term 3,Year 10 students will be considering their subject and pathway choices for next year. Last term, during Careers Week, students and parents were provided with the ‘Where To Now’ book. This book is an excellent resource to assist students with pathway choices and planning. Another very helpful resource is a publication called Victer. This book is published in early Term 3 and is used by students to confirm pre-requisite subject choices for university. It will be made available to students via the Careers Blog and will also be available to view in the College Library. Students should also aim to attend the relevant subject information sessions which will be held during the next three weeks. If your son is still unsure of what to do, after accessing these resources and information opportunities, please contact the Careers Coordinator at the Careers Office to make an appointment. Term 3 is a very important time for Year 12 students. In August, students apply to the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC), to place preferences for TAFE and University choices in 2015. The Careers Coordinator will be providing a Careers Program to all Year 12 students starting week 3. This program will cover applying for higher education courses through VTAC and interstate admissions centres, Plan B pathway options, career development and planning post school, and using social media positively to enhance career opportunities. Careers counselling is available to students who are confused or unsure of what to do post school. If your son needs help with his plans for 2015, he is welcome to make an appointment with the Careers Coordinator. Karen Shum - Careers Coordinator

Edmund Rice Awards Edmund Rice Awards are awarded by any staff member to students who demonstrate qualities of Blessed Edmund Rice such as going beyond the expected whether it is through their kindness to others, giving of their own time to assist others, being courageous in their actions or demonstrating true leadership. Recipients of these awards receive a certificate and a $5 canteen voucher. Congratulations to the following students for being awarded Edmund Rice Awards last term. Nick Brandimarti 12A Max Hardwick 8J Zac Zula 9E Jye Bannister 8B Fraser Toohey 9E Mitch Saba 8A Kuol Reech 7C Nathan Gulli 12F Adam Karpinski 10B Jack Kammermann 9G Jack Waterhouse 10E Matthew Graham 10H Ciaran Ross 12E James Doherty 10C Michael Fama 11H Riley Harman 12D Connor Mckinnon 11I Ryan Bentley 12B Max Fitzgerald 7D Ashley Hicks 12E Liam Jelley 9J Darcy Caddy 12G Jack O’Neill 10J Sam Rotiroti 12G Compassion Innovation Integrity

“Smile at each other. Smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other - it doesn’t matter who it is - and that will help to grow up in greater love for each other.” - Mother Teresa A rainy day was brightened by the smiles of about 90 children, at the Refugee holiday program, held at SHC on Thursday 10 July. A team of SJC boys, alongside students from SHC, Clonard and St Ignatius, spent the day smiling and creating smiles. Great fun was had playing ball games, juggling, creating masks, folding origami, weaving loom bands, scaling the rock climbing wall, and dancing. The range of activities, a shared lunch, and the universal language of the smile, fostered friendships between our students and the children of local Refugee families. In demonstrating enthusiasm, initiative and playfulness, our boys are to be commended for acting in the true spirit of Edmund Rice and showing compassion and love for others. Carmen Ahearn

Cut the Wrap Day Results I would like to thank all students, parents and staff who participated in our recent “Cut the Wrap” Day on 25 June. Congratulations to 7D on their hat trick! They achieved 100% participation for three consecutive “Cut the Wrap” days. Well done 7D and Mr Sam Querella! I would also like to congratulate the following classes for 96% participation; 7B (Ms Kate Gibbs), 7C (Mrs Claire Wrigley) and 8C ( Mrs Angela Gionis). The following classes achieved over 80%; 7E- 88% (Mr Simon Piasente), 9D -88% (Mr Damian Harrington). I look forward to seeing more families make the switch to “wrap free” lunches this semester. Kelly Jenkins - Sustainability Coordinator

First XVIII Senior Football GRAND FINAL SJC v WHITEFRIARS Whitefriars 12 . 11 . 83 defeated SJC 8 . 4 . 52 Goals: Casey Meehan 2, Jackson McLachlan 2, Christian West 1, Damian McMahon 1, Che Durran 1, Max Augerinos 1 Best: Nick Swain, Max Augerinos, Casey Meehan, Harrison Kol, Jack Driver, Harrison Veale

A Day with Jesus On the first day of term our staff attended a full-day seminar from Dr Amy-Jill Levine. She spoke for more than four hours about Jesus. Wow! I felt inspired all over again to return to the gospels and reconnect with this man of compassion, charisma and love. This week I would like to share with you a reflection I wrote a few years ago that is based on a story at the end of chapter 1 in the Gospel of Mark, which begins with Jesus visiting Peter’s sick motherin-law. The reflection is written through the eyes of St Peter, speaking near the end of his life. What a day that was. I wasn’t at the synagogue with James and John and the others, because I was looking after Mum. She’s my wife’s mother actually, but I called her Mum.We were supposed to have tea ready because our new friend Jesus was coming but the house was in chaos. When Jesus arrived he didn’t care at all about the meal. He wanted to go straight up to Mum. Although they became great friends later, they hardly knew each other at that stage.Yet Jesus took her so gently by the hand - and she just got up. She was only too happy to make our tea. I was quiet during that meal, mulling over mum’s instant recovery, when there was a tap at the door and an old man from the town was there. He had always had a crook back and had been bent over for as long as I could remember. He asked if he could see Jesus. Jesus was still wiping some crumbs from his mouth as he came up behind me. He and the man looked at each other for a moment and then Jesus smiled.Without a word He warmly placed his hand on the old boy’s back, and slowly, slowly he straightened. Eventually they were embracing, and then in the twinkling of an eye, more people appeared – and they kept on coming. Jesus sat on the step outside and greeted them one by one. Although they waited for a long time, no-one complained. There was an air of excitement in the crowd. I just watched – spellbound by this man. Each person left happy, and healed. Jesus seemed to have a special word for those who were troubled in the mind in one way or another.They left calmer, relaxed, loved. If you ask me, it was His look that cured them.The eyes.

Sometimes delicately filling with tears, other times smiling. Always compassionate. Always fully engaged with the person in front of him. I was still dreaming about those eyes the next morning, when a growing din could be heard outside the door. And there they were again. A new crowd. I went to wake Jesus who I thought would be sleeping in because he looked physically and emotionally drained at the end of the previous night, but he was nowhere to be seen. When James and John and I went looking for him we found him alone, gazing out over the lake.Talking quietly to his Father. He turned toward us, and he was fresh and relaxed and his eyes were on fire. “We have to go” he said. “I must preach in the other places, because that’s what I came for”. I couldn’t understand it – I thought what about all the people in town who are still sick? But we went and very soon it made sense. I realised that his preaching was also healing. There were still physical healings – they kind of added to his authority. But it was the emotional healing and liberation that really affected me. When Jesus spoke, you could almost see the backs straightening, the colour coming back to people’s faces, the shining in eyes that had been dull for too long. His words healed far more than his hands ever did. He gave people hope, he told them they were loved and they believed him and knew it to be true. He gave them a reason to get out of bed in the mornings. He gave us the passion for living truthfully and justly. I am an old man now – but those twenty-four hours come back to me often. How the Lord showed us a pattern for ministry – the personal care for my mum and the people on the step, the prayer to sustain and inspire him and his preaching of God’s word. As we carry on His mission we realise that pattern of personal care, prayer and preaching is vital.When one of them is missing, everything goes awry. Ironically since Jesus left us, our preaching is kind of more powerful than his. Because we can tell people that he is God’s Son and with us until the end of time. It was ages before he told us about being God’s Son. He wanted us to come to know him in his humanity first.That’s why he used to shut the demons up. Jesus wanted us to piece the story together in our own good time. He knew it was not easy for us to understand how someone so strong and powerful like him could willingly suffer and die for love. And now it seems that I too must suffer and die for love. At times I become despondent. And then I see someone encounter the Lord again through us, his Church - through our personal care, preaching and prayer. I see people walk a bit taller or see the spark return to their eyes. I see people living lives of love and I know that he is still with us – to the end of time. John Harmon - Chaplaincy and Liturgy Coordinator

From the Archives As we are in the midst of football season I thought it would be a good time to share a selection of football photographs from the College archive collection. There are many gaps in the collection and we very appreciative of donations of photographs (original scanned photographs or copies) and memorabilia. The Heritage Centre is located on Shannon Avenue (behind Zampatti Oval, in the former Newtown Library) and is open most Mondays and Tuesdays between 8.30am and 4.30pm. I can be contacted by email or phone 03 5226 8100. Susan Belluzzo - College Archivist & Legacy Coordinator

Gerard Barrett - SJC 1941

1937 Football Cup Winners S Sangioio (Best & fairest runner up) B Nairn (Best & Fairest) J Rodgers (Best & fairest runner up)

S.J.C.F.C REPRESENTATIVES AT G.F.C. 1991 L-R Tim Darcy, Mark Neeld, Barry Stoneham, Russell Merriman, Damian Bourke, Michael Mansfield


Compassion Innovation Integrity

Jim Fitzgerald 1942

1936 - Senior Football Team - Undefeated

Peter Pianto tackles Doug Palmer - 1954

Leo White (Kid Young)

Photo/Video Permission Forms

St Vinnies Winter Blanket Appeal Keep someone warm this winter! St Joseph’s College is helping St Vinnies collect good quality used and new clothes/blankets to keep those in need warm this winter.

Warm blankets remain one of the most sought after items for people in need. The demand for blankets always spikes during the cold winter months.

Due to recent changes in privacy legislation we now require a signed permission form for every student in order to use their photo for College-related material. This includes the College newsletter, website, SJC Facebook page,Virtus (College end of year magazine) etc. These permission forms were distributed via homeroom teachers and were due back last term. However, there are still many forms yet to be returned. We ask that you please assist us in this by ensuring your son returns his signed permission form asap. Zara Walter - Office Manager

In Sympathy

With your support,Vinnies can provide much needed assistance to the people in our community that need it the most. Together, we can make a difference. On Thursday 31 July, 50 Year 7 & 8 boys will ‘sleep out’ at school, using only a sleeping bag, pillow and cardboard box for a bed. The boys will raise awareness and much needed funds for St Vinnies. Then on Friday 1 August all students are able to wear casual clothes and for this privilege we ask for a donation of a blanket or some warm clothing towards to our appeal. Last year our appeal helped out over 400 families in the Geelong area. Claire Wrigley - Community Service Coordinator



Students are asked to donate a good quality blanket or winter clothing for the privilege to wear casual clothes.

Keep someone warm this winter!

CONGRATULATIONS To Lauren Hall (staff member) and husband Rowan Hall Old Collegian (1998) on the birth of their beautiful baby boy Flynn George Hall. To Oliver Loughnan (Year 7) on his selection to compete in the All Schools National Cross Country Championships being held in Albany, Western Australia on 21 August 2014. We wish Oliver well in his endeavours and commend him on his great work ethic to qualify as a member of this team.

Time & Space for ‘Mothers and Sons’ St Joseph’s College is delighted to offer you an opportunity to experience a lifetime memory with your son at the annual ‘Mother & Son’ Night. This innovative single evening program is part of some special transition events that we offer our Year 7 students and it is happening here in our school community on the evening of Wednesday 6 August.

Mothers will emerge from the night reassured and impressed by the way our students are able to speak up and share insights about their life. And be assured that the night is fun too… full of activities and conversations that will make us smile as well. Come along and enjoy a unique gift – dedicated time with each other in the midst of the special community atmosphere that we have here at your son’s new school, St Joseph’s College.

Times of transition can be a major event in our boys’ lives. As their ride on the adolescent roller coaster continues, their teenage years fly by. They are growing up and the opportunity to reflect on the challenges and the joys being faced by you and them is one not to be missed.

Visit the link Or email

This is a great night for the boys as they witness their mothers discussing what it means to them to be a mum (or mentor) and see how you handle the ‘letting go’ process as they start to forge some independence.

We know that families come in all shapes and sizes. If a boy’s mother is not around, a grandmother, stepmother, aunty or other female mentor is welcome.

We are bringing Bill Jennings to our school to facilitate this unique experience for you. Bill is the creator and founder of ‘Time & Space’ ( a service he has developed to give people just that – ‘time and space’ for parents and their children to share important moments together in a school community setting. This program has a whole range of memorable moments that include carefully guided interactions with other mothers and their sons.

To register please: This helps with our activity planning for the session. This session is exclusive to Year 7. If you have any other enquiries, please call reception on (03) 5226 8100.

Year 7 Mother & Son Night Wednesday 6 August 2014 O S Adams Centre (Gym) 6.45pm for a 7.00pm Start (Finish by 9.00pm)

a program for Mothers & Sons


UPSTART IS BACK! Information on website or contact DAVID FORMOSA: Ph: 5226 8120


Artisan Market

Saturday 19 July & Sunday 20 July 2014 AT ST JOSEPH’S COLLEGE GEELONG Br O S Adams Gym - Parking on Queens Road. Enter via Gate 6.

Indoor market - all weather! Open 10am - 4pm. Gold coin entry

Cafe and BBQ will be operating, purchase artworks or handmade products, family friendly market!

ON THIS WEEKEND! “THE TALK” - LIVE WITH NELLY THOMAS ABOUT: Based on Nelly Thomas’s ground-breaking sexual health and ethics DVD “The Talk” Nelly goes into school communities and talks to parents about how to have The Talk with their kids. The presentation is fun, informative and light-hearted and goes for 30-40mins, followed by a Q&A with Nelly, a local panel and the parents. A great way to get the parents involved in their kids’ health. WHEN: July 30 / TIME: 7 – 9pm / WHERE: Geelong, Venue TBC COST: Free / REGISTRATION: Required for admission to this event PANEL: TBC / AUDIENCE: Parents of High School students TO REGISTER YOUR INTEREST IN THIS EVENT PLEASE CONTACT: Julie Arnall, headspace Geelong, or 5222 6690

EVENT ENQUIRIES: Cath Mayes, WHWBSW, or 5227 4011

Eating Disorders Seminar A collaboration between gpac:ed & headspace Geelong

Attention: Teachers and Parents Outline: This session will provide information about the signs and symptoms of eating disorders, how to start a conversation with someone who might have an eating disorder and the evidence-based treatments available. It will also offer information about the supportive role teachers and parents can play in prevention and during treatment.

Bookings GPAC Box office: 5225 1200 or

Date: Wednesday 23rd July

Time: 5.30pm-7pm

Further information:

Location: Drama Theatre, GPAC

Kelly Clifford - Youth and Education

Cost: Teachers: $10 / Parents: $5.00

Program Coordinator GPAC Phone - 03 5225 1207

Facilitator: Hollie Laver

Email -

Hollie will be joined by Chloe Reid, a young woman who has recovered from Anorexia Nervosa and her mum Leanne McPhee. Chloe who developed Anorexia while in high school and her mum, will provide an insight and advice from their lived experience. Hollie is a registered psychologist and the Clinical Coordinator of the Barwon Health Eating Disorder Service. Hollie has worked in mental health services for the past eight years and specifically with young people for the past five years. She is passionate about early intervention and prevention of eating disorders.


Parent /Carer education series 2014. BATForce, Barwon Youth and Victoria Police have partnered with the Surf Coast Shire to present a series of three parent /carer evenings that promise to promote lots of discussion, a few laughs and some learning along the way. Torquay is a growing community and as our Young Population enter the exciting world of adolescences it is critical that as a community we are well prepared to support them on their journey. This means being ready to have the right conversations at the right time, knowing how to deal with the bumps along the way, how to promote healthy strong relationships and ensuing that Your children have the skills to take educated risks, know when to say NO and how to look after their mates.

WHERE: GRANT PAVILLION (the JIG) Torquay SESSION TIMES 7Ͳ8.45pm WHEN: Wednesday 6th August Ͳ Celebrating Gen WiFi Leigh Bartlett The greatest gift we can give our Children is resilience. As the world becomes more fast paced we need to ensure that when (and they will) our Kids make mistakes they have the tools to bounce back. Tips for creating communication,

discussing risk and consequence, talking about sex consent and ethics, the importance of healthy relationships and most importantly looking after your mates. Leigh has many years experience in the adolescent field and in more recent years

has been a loud voice ensuring that parents and carers are considered in policy as the number one stakeholders in Young People’s lives. Quest speaker: Surf Coast Shire

Wednesday 20th AugustͲ Cyber Safety Cath Hastie Technology is brilliant and offers up many opportunities for our Children. You will spend 120 hours teaching them to

drive a car, come and find out what you can support your Children as they begin to navigate the cyber world. Cathy has

been working in the area of cyber safety with Vitoria Police for many years and presents a solutions based approach to managed technology in your home which is full of ideas and strategies which are easy to implement.

Guest speaker:headspace Wednesday 27th August – Alcohol and other Drugs Josie Taylor Alcohol and Other Drugs are part of the world our Children live in, they WILL be faced with decisions at some time soon. This session will give you the information to begin discussions with your children – the myths and facts you need

to get started, as well as tips for when they begin to go to parties. Josie presents from a harm minimisation

perspective and with many years of experience offers up a wealth of knowledge and opportunity for learning. Guest

speakerͲ Glastonbury

RSVP for session 1, 2 or 3 to for more information call BATForce on 52214339.

Canteen Price List - Term 3

Effective 14 July 2014




Chicken Special Salad Ham & Salad Roast Beef & Salad Salad No Meat Meat, Cheese & Tomato Meat Tomato Buttered Roll Egg & Lettuce Unbuttered Roll Chicken Chicken, Cheese & Mayo Tuna & Salad Meat & Cheese Cheese Cheese & Tomato

Beef, Tuna, Ham, Chicken


$4.70 $4.20 $4.20 $3.20 $3.20 $2.20 $2.00 $1.50 $3.20 $1.00 $3.20 $3.70 $4.70 $2.70 $2.00 $2.20

PITA Salad Meat & Salad Chicken & Salad

$4.20 $5.00 $5.00

EXTRA FILLINGS Avocado, Cucumber, Egg, Capsicum, Baby Spinach


.50 ea

$5.00 $4.20

YOGHURT & FRUIT TOPPING Yoghurt & Fruit Topping


DRINKS Just Juice Milk 600ml Classic & Big M 300ml Big M Berri Juice 350ml Bottled Water 600 ml 1.5 litre Green tea - mango, lemon, peach or raspberry Up & Go

$1.50 $3.00 $2.00 $2.50 $1.50 $2.50 $3.00 $2.00

ICE CREAMS Ice creams at current recommended retail prices.

MUFFINS Fruit Muffins Coffee/Apple Scroll

Meal Deal Tuesday TERM 3 22 July 29 July 5 August 12 August 19 August 26 August 2 September 9 September


SALAD PLATTERS Salad Platter with Meat Salad Platter No Meat

$2.50 $2.50

Cheese & Bacon Roll (recess only) Pies (lunch only) Pasties (lunch only) Shepherd’s Pie (lunch only) Beef, Bacon & Cheese Pie (lunch only) Sausage Rolls (lunch only) Pizza ¼s (lunch only) Hot Chicken Rolls with gravy Hot Beef Rolls with gravy Steamed Dim Sims x3 (recess only) Ham, Cheese & Tomato Chilli Chicken Chicken, Lettuce, Cheese & Mayo

$3.50 $3.50 $4.50

SUSHI – (ORDER) FRIDAY ONLY Newtown Campus Only Chicken Teriyaki California Tuna and Avocado Vegetarian

Newtown Campus Only

ALL MEAL DEALS SERVED INCLUDE A BOTTLE OF WATER AND A PIECE OF FRUIT or A TUB OF YOGHURT - please specify water/fruit or yoghurt when ordering


$2.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.20 $4.20 $2.50 $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 $2.00


Chicken stir fry on rice Wrap with sweet chilli chicken, tomato, onion & lettuce Pasta with bolognaise sauce Chicken scnitzel burger with mayo & lettuce Foccacia with tandoori chicken, tzatziki, tomato, capsicum, onion & spinach Beef stir fry on rice Beef burger with bacon, onion, tomato, cheese & lettuce Nachos with salsa, avocado & sour cream





$2.80 $2.80 $2.80 $2.80

$ 50 Newtown Campus Only


Monday - Hot Dogs Tuesday - Meal Deal Thursday- Burritos Friday - Sushi

Burrito Menu

$3.00 $6.50 $5.50 $2.80


$ 50

CHICKEN: 7 August, 28 August MINCE: 31 July, 21 August, 4 September BEEF: 24 July, 14 August, 11 September


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