Issue14 sjcnews2014

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St Joseph’s College Geelong

News & Events Thursday 28 August 2014 - Issue No 14 “All Shook Up”! the College Production was a huge success. Photos are on College website and facebook page!

135 Aphrasia Street Newtown Victoria 3220 Ph: 03 5226 8100 Ph Westcourt: 03 5247 7000 Email: Web:

- and talented -ensemble. And though this was a school production - cast from drama and music students from (the all-boy) St Joseph’s College, with some excellent imports from (the all-girl) Sacred Heart and Clonard Colleges - this show’s presentation, production values, style - and its overall gloss -would stand easily alongside Geelong’s senior companies. Indeed, this All Shook Up has garnered six Virtual Oscar nominations, with this reviewer making no concessions for its all-student cast.

Principal’s Report Dear Parents, Students and Friends of the College, Hopefully many of you took the opportunity to see the College production All Shook Up. I have printed below Colin Mockett’s review of the show: Pure joy as Elvis meets the Bard This unusual melding of Shakespeare with Presley made for an evening of theatrical delight. From the unmistakable first chord of Jailhouse Rock to the allon-stage big finale Burning Love, the 64-strong cast provided a night of refreshing, rocking, happy out-and-out fun. Shakespeare provided the show’s storyline, loosely-based on his gender-switch romantic comedy Twelfth Night, but transposed to a 1955 American small town. In practice, much of the Bard’s twisting plot was wrangled further in order to justify the insertion of 26 hit songs from the Presley catalogue, but that was hardly noticed in such a happy union. And the Elvis influence didn’t end with his music - the charismatic lead character Chad, played with hip-swinging selfaware distain by the excellent Ryan Bentley, had the ultra-cool look of an early Presley. So naturally he caused consternation in the small conservative society as well as flurries of female fluttering and fainting, not least from the cross-dressed female mechanic played by tiny, talented and true-voiced Madi Dandy. And there were more delightful talents and voices on display, notably from (in their Shakespearian pairings) dorky David Van Etten and statuesque Emily Bourke; shy Sebastian Rawson and lively Jessica Nelson; raunchy Chloe Edwards and smitten Jack Callahan; pushy mayor Olivia Nicholls and her pet sheriff, Ryan Tracey. All sang, danced and delivered the show’s memorable musical numbers with panache and style, backed by a vibrant, colourful Compassion Innovation Integrity

As well as Ryan and Madi’s ‘best-lead’ performances, All Shook Up earned a ‘best production’ nomination, and more for it’s high-quality team of director Janine McLean, joint musical directors Michael Wilding and John Shawcross and vocal director Tania Spence. Michael and John and their 15-strong all-student band can take much credit for the show’s joyful musical drive,Tania for some delightful and unexpected harmonies - and Janine for bringing together such an enjoyable theatrical confection. If there are tickets available, I urge you to go, see, and experience the sheer fun of this All Shook Up. I promise that you’ll bop along and leave the Playhouse smiling. — Colin Mockett Congratulations to the cast and all of the crew on a job well done. I read recently that Pope Francis revealed his top ten secrets to happiness and have set them out below:


Calendar of Events August 28 Parent / Student / Teacher Interviews 29 Parent / Student / Teacher Interviews 29 Student Free Day

September 5 7 18 19 19

TriUMPH Festival Father’s Day Fashion Dinner Final Day Term 3 VCE Lectures 19-22 September

CONTINUED>>> Pope reveals top ten secrets to happiness 1. Live and let live 2. Be giving of yourself to others 3. Proceed calmly through life 4. Maintain a healthy sense of leisure 5. Make Sunday a holiday 6. Find innovative ways to create dignified jobs for young people 7. Respect and take care of nature 8. Stop being negative 9. Respect others’ beliefs 10.Work for peace Student leaders have been working for the past 12 months in order to ensure that the Triumph festival day is a success. The day is designed to raise awareness of issues of poverty throughout our world. The focus this year will be on Timor Leste. All students are expected to participate. If students are unable to attend school on that day their absence will need to be supported with a letter from their parents and in the case of senior students a medical certificate. I am confident that our senior students will lead by example and support this event. I would like to thank parents for their support of the Fashion Dinner which is likely to be a sellout. Thank you also to College Board members for their attendance at our annual Board Seminar last Friday. The following working sessions were conducted over the course of Thursday evening and Friday: Session 1 - Proposed Staff / Student Services Building Session 2 - 2015 – 2019 Strategic & Financial Plan Overview Session 3 - 2015 – 2019 Financial & Development Plan Session 4 - 2015 to 2019 Strategic Plan Initiatives & Targets • Teaching & Learning – Update 2014 • Student Wellbeing / Aboriginal, Torres Strait Island Perspectives • Year 9 Program Update / Pastoral Care at Westcourt Session 5 - Provision of Counselling Session 6 - Development Office Programs Update

News from the Deputies It’s hard to believe that we’re already over the half way mark of Term 3 and students have now been in their Semester 2 subjects for six weeks. Before we know it,Year 12 students will be finishing up their formal classes and exams will be on the horizon. It is important that students at all year levels are already incorporating study into their homework regimes and that they ask for advice from their teachers if they find this process difficult. TRIUMPH As you would probably be aware, the Triumph Festival is taking place on Friday 5 September here at St Joseph’s. This event will involve all students from the four Catholic schools in the Geelong region coming to St Joseph’s for a music festival. It is the expectation that all students attend and we would expect a Doctor’s Certificate to explain any absence as a result of illness. Prices for the event are $20 for an individual or $50 for a family of 3 or more. In the event that students have not paid and have not informed their Year Level Coordinator about any financial hardship as the cause for this, then they will be spending the day in the library undertaking supervised private study. They will need to bring enough work to accommodate this. All money raised from ticket prices will be donated to charities in East Timor. Normal school rules will apply during the Triumph Festival and any student not following these will be sent home with parents. With over 5000 students at St Joseph’s on the day, behaviour will be closely monitored to ensure all staff and students are able to have a safe and enjoyable day. Claire Brown & Paul Clohesy - Deputy Principals

Session 7 - Board Members Seminar Feedback and Next Steps

I am grateful for the Board’s ongoing support.


Paul Tobias - Principal


RECEIVE NOTIFICATIONS STRAIGHT TO YOUR PHONE WITH THE COLLEGE APP! Keep our important news and events as well as common information right at your fingertips. Available for both Apple and Android. Compassion Innovation Integrity


Celebrating Indigenous Culture & History On Friday I attended an Education and Cultural Day with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) students in Melbourne. It was held at the Richmond Football Club in the Maurice Rioli room. A huge painting of that great Indigenous player hangs proudly at the entrance. The day was attended by around 100 students from Catholic schools in the Melbourne and Geelong region and it is exciting to report that St Joseph’s was the best represented school. We heard that two percent of Australians are Aboriginal, so it is pleasing to see that the percentage of Indigenous students at our school is creeping toward that mark. The students were addressed by a variety of guest speakers who passionately encouraged them to be proud of their history and culture. It was a simple message, but we heard from the students themselves that it is not necessarily an easy message to put into practice. Many shared how hurt they feel when people question their Aboriginality because they don’t look black enough. While expressions like full-blood and half-caste are no longer official terminology, they are still part of the collective thinking of so many Australians. The young people were asking why no-one would think to query someone who said they had ancestors from Ireland, Poland, Germany, New Zealand or just about anywhere else in the world, but when they say they have heritage that harks back thousands of years in this very country, many people are disbelieving, simply because they might have blonde hair or blue eyes. I am pleased to say that in a small way we addressed this very issue at school last week in the Year 7 Renewals. In one of the sessions, the boys were treated to a time of sharing with a panel of senior students comprising both Indigenous students and boys who have attended the cultural immersion trips to Daly River and the Tiwi Islands. It was empowering for our Indigenous students to be able to speak proudly of their Aboriginality while being listened to respectfully and inquisitively by their younger peers. This was yet another small step in the journey of Reconciliation in our school and indeed our country. John Harmon - Chaplaincy and Liturgy Coordinator

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Say a little invitation Yesterday Vicki Mills lead the Religious Education teachers to further develop their understanding of the use of prayer in the classroom. Surprising or not, in last year’s Enhancing Catholic School Identity surveys, 70% of St Joseph’s College students and 86% of staff and parents prayed either regularly or irregularly outside of school. This says something powerful about our community particularly in times of need. Prayer, while being a tradition of the Catholic faith and therefore one we participate in regularly here at the College, is also valuable in terms of mindfulness and the reflection that can occur. Prayer can be formal, informal, spoken, sung, danced, painted, written, sculptured, recited, or silent. Prayer can be as simple as a desperate “Help me!” or as mantra-like as the Rosary. For some, prayer is simply being conscious in some way of God’s presence. As a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition, Gospel Spirituality is at the forefront of what we do. In the bible, we are called to participate in our relationship with God through payer: “In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for Me in earnest, you will find Me when you seek Me” (Jeremiah 29:12,13, NLT). And so we begin the day and all of our meetings and events with prayer. Through the Religious Education classroom, our students are lead in various prayer experiences and are given the opportunity to prepare and conduct their own prayers. If you would like to receive some reading material on prayer and ways of praying in your own life, you can email me at Presence is the most important characteristic of prayer; allowing ourselves the moment, the stillness, to be present to the transcendent in our lives. Jo Hart - Director of Identity

SJC 2013 student Nathan with Fr Nestus (left) and Fr Emma (right) in Mannya

What’s Happening at Westcourt It is already mid-way through the term and it has been an exceptionally busy time at Westcourt. The Westcourt Leadership Team has been meeting every Friday with the Year 9 Leaders from Clonard College. This group of students organised a fantastic ‘Student Social’ which occurred last week in the Clonard Gym. The music was prepared and performed by our local resident DJ / Year 9 student Michael Gulle. The night was a huge success and the leadership team should be proud of their efforts. The Westcourt Amazing Race began last week with two homerooms venturing off to Melbourne for the day. The students explored the CBD of Melbourne in groups of four while completing their handbook and visiting significant landmarks. All students involved had a fantastic day and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The last two weeks all students atWestcourt have commenced SAPPSS (Sexual Assault Prevention Program for Secondary Schools). SAPPSS is aimed at educating the youth about appropriate behaviours and respectful relationships. The program is co-facilitated with the community organisation Barwon CASA (Centre Against Sexual Assault). This program runs for six weeks and concludes with a joint session with the Year 9 students at Clonard College. There are a number of exciting programs and initiatives that the students will be involved in over the coming months and I look forward to sharing more of these events. Michael Timms - Head of Campus (Westcourt)

Mega Raffle Winners! Here are the winners of the MEGA RAFFLE draw. Thank you to everyone who bought or sold tickets and well done to the winners! Winners will be contacted by the College.

Welcome Fr Emmanuel Kiwanuka from Mannya The St Joseph’s community is really pleased to be hosting Fr Emmanuel from St Luke’s Parish, Mannya. Fr Emma arrived last week and will be with us until 16 September. As the Priest in charge of schools, Fr Emma presides over all aspects of schooling for over 5000 students in a 40 km radius of Mannya, a small, remote community in southern Uganda. It is a huge job that encompasses a pastoral role, spiritual development, financial planning, infrastructure, as well as teaching and learning. Fr Emma was invited by St Joseph’s to gain a perspective on how we do things here, particularly in regards to student management, restorative practices, technology and contemporary approaches in the classroom. He will also be spending time with Clairvaux Catholic School who have a long-time relationship through Fr Peter Foley (SJC 1952), retired Parish Priest of St Bernard’s Belmont. We have known Fr Emma since 2011 when SJC began an annual program for Year 12 students to go to Uganda for three weeks and this year’s trip will see the 50th member of our SJC community going to Mannya. Last Friday night was the inaugural SJC Friends of Mannya dinner which over seventy people attended including many Old Boys and staff and the buzz around the room as they reconnected with Fr Emma was wonderful. Fr Emma (and the Parish Priest Fr Nestus) have always been very generous and gracious hosts and we hope everyone can make him very welcome over the coming weeks. Richard Brodrick- Student Management Coordinator

Geelong west cricket club Junior Registration Night for U11, U13, U15 & U17s. New players welcome.Thursday 4 September 4.30- 6pm Training session and Sausage Sizzle. Memberships $60 Contact Michele Craven on 0438 761 379 for queries

Good Luck! BOOKSELLER PRIZE DRAW WINNERS: SJC - Diane Johns St Ignatius - Peter Martin

Year 7 student Oliver Loughnan is currently competing in the National junior cross country championships in Perth. We wish him all the best and look forward to hearing about his experience on his return.

Italian Exchange Program At the start of Term 3, two Italian students from Milan began their cultural exchange programme at St Joseph’s College. The two students, Filippo Bardelli and Simone Colombo in Italy attend L’istituto Marcelline Tommaseo, a high school that specialises in science, languages and classical history. Both students took part in the exchange programme for an extended period of time in order to become fully immersed in the English language and in Australia’s culture. While Simone Colombo still has a couple of weeks left in Australia, Filippo Bardelli returned to Italy on 9 August after spending 4 weeks at St Joseph’s College. Below is a piece he wrote; a homework piece which will be due to his English teacher when the new school year commences in Italy in September. My name is Filippo, I’m an Italian student from Milan, I’m 17 years old and I took part in a cultural exchange experience at St Joseph’s College in Geelong. I left Italy on 10 July with the aim of experiencing Australian school life and the hope of improving my English knowledge and skills too. I was hosted by a family who lives in Torquay, with whom I spent time and shared lots of good moments.They helped me discover Australia, its wonderful landscapes -from Melbourne’s skyline to the breathtaking panorama of the Twelve Apostles, a very ancient rock formation. I also learnt the rules of Australian Football, previously unknown to me, by going to the MCG stadium to see an engaging match between the famous Sydney Swans and Hawthorn, from which Hawthorn was the victor. I started school on the 16th of July and I was very amazed by the big size of St Joseph’s College, it took me more than 3 days to learn how to find my way around the school, but I was helped by my mates and teachers. Before starting at St Joseph’s College I was asked to choose the subjects I would like to study during my stay. I enjoyed the fact that each of my subjects are taught in different classrooms, in Italy all of my classes are taught in the same classroom. It was also a new experience to have lunch at school because in Italy I always have lunch after the end of the school day at home, as school finishes at 1pm in Italy. My most memorable experience was the day we went on an excursion to visit Narana, an Aboriginal centre in the morning and in the afternoon we went to Torquay beach to have a surf lesson. Surfing is a very difficult and exciting activity, a completely new experience for me. I enjoyed riding the huge ocean waves standing on a surfboard wearing a wetsuit to keep warm (we went surfing in July).The cultural exchange I took part in has been a very significant event in my life, because it allowed me to experience the culture and traditions of a country so far away from my own. I would like to thank the Italian teachers of St Joseph’s College for their help and support during my time at school and to the Norman Family, my host family who made me feel part of their family. I look forward to seeing them again, perhaps in Italy next time, so I can share my culture and traditions with them. It has been a pleasure hosting both students, both were polite and respectful of students and teachers alike. We

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look forward to developing closer ties with their school and sending some of our students to L’istituto Marcelline Tommaseo when Year 10 and 11 students of SJC and SHC studying Italian will have the opportunity to take part in the Study Tour of Italy at the end of 2015. Caterina Giacomazzo - LOTE Coordinator

Ordering Group & Sport Photos The group and sporting team photos were taken this week. If you would like to purchase a photo, you will be able to do so online. Within two weeks families will receive communication from MSP photography.You will be given a price list and a code which will enable access to view your son’s group or team photo(s). You can then make a decision to purchase on-line through MSP.Your son will not be given a photo order envelope through school anymore and no photo money will be handled by St Joseph’s. From now all enquiries regarding photos can be made through MSP on 5222 6747. Below is a list of the name of each photo taken: 2014 GROUP PHOTO LIST AD ALTA BANDS / MUSIC • Junior Band Academy • Intermediate Band • Senior Concert Band • Stage Band • Vocal Ensemble • Saxaphone Ensemble • Percussion Ensemble • Talent Quest Winners • Winning Rock Band Ed Stock BLOOD BANK OUTREACH VAN CHESS STUDENT LEADERS - SNR & JNR DEBATING/PUBLIC SPEAKING • ACC Debating and Public Speaking Competitions • DAV Junior Public Speaking Competition • DAV Debating teams (all together) – two teams at Westcourt • UNYA Evatt Competition • UNYA Youth Conference FIRE CARRIERS REFUGEE TUTORS SAMARITAN HOUSE SUSTAINABILITY


Richard Brodrick - Student Management Coordinator

Games on Student Laptops GAMES – BANNED FROM THE SCHOOL LAPTOPS Games can be fun, educational and challenging but they can also be a distraction in class and during homework. Gaming can also lead to problems with the configuration of the laptop and damage to keys and mouse pad if used roughly. No games or platforms for game playing are allowed to be installed or saved onto the school laptops. This includes game engines like Steam or config files such as those from MineCraft. The penalty for having such items on the laptop is a Thursday detention. Instead of re-imaging laptops that have games, we are now asking students to delete the games. • Reinstalling games or hiding games will incur further detentions ONLINE GAMES Any game but especially online games can become addictive and time consuming. Some games require teams to remain online in order to beat other teams. If your son becomes a team member, he may be pressured to keep playing when he should be doing other things (eating with the family, homework, sleeping). It is important to discuss this with your son and agree to rules regarding the playing of games – especially online games. Chris Valmadre - Director of ICT

Rory Wilson Future Fund Rory is a 64 year old husband, father and grandfather who was involved in a serious cycling accident on the Bellarine Peninsula. As a result he suffered a severe spinal injury and is permanently paralysed from the upper chest down. Rory is a well known Geelong identity – a retired teacher, farmer, environmentalist, volunteer, educator, counsellor, mentor and friend to countless numbers of people. An elite athlete all his life, he is also well known in cycling, running and swimming circles. On Friday 8 August Simon Cahir and the Ad Alta class sold yellow donuts and cans of drink at lunch time to raise

funds for the Rory Wilson Future Fund. A total of $878.00 has been donated to the fund. A special thanks to Claire Wrigley and Mark Rayson for setting up the slow mountain bike course. Thank you to Barton Van Laar and Alan O’Donoghue from Bike Safe Victoria for the donation of bike helmets, stickers and pamphlets. Kylie Pretty

Tournament of Minds Congratulations to the following boys from Year 7 and 8 for competing in the Tournament of Minds Regional Final on Sunday 24 August at Deakin University. Team 1 MINDEX Mitchell Saba, Angus Moore, Jack Sadler-Cahoon, Ned Calnon, Liam Fitzpatrick, Tom Anderson and Matt Davie. Team 2 ROCKET Blair Adamko, Jackson Bourke, Aidan Wong, Alex Jaskiewicz and Zak Lynch. The boys competed in the Applied Technology Challenge “Wearable Wretchedness”. Their task was to design a device based on a current device where they could amend the functionality or make a new invention. During the presentation the team: • explained what the chosen wearable device is capable of • presented a short television infomercial • demonstrated the influential change your wearable device will have on its users and the community • demonstrated the positive or negative consequence that your device will have on its users. The teams presented their challenge enthusiastically and are to be commended for their dedication to Tournament of Minds. Most of their work was planned during lunchtime sessions over the past 6 weeks. Kylie Pretty

In Sympathy Our hearts go out to you all as we pray “That God will welcome these faithfully departed into His loving arms. And that precious memories will be of comfort to those left behind, knowing that their love will live on in their hearts forever.”

the Bay in a Day Schools Challenge, a 100km ride from Melbourne to Frankston and back on Sunday 19 October. SJC is again entering a team in the event and is looking for students and interested parents to enter. This can be done at cost is $85 which gets you a jersey, lunch and a great day out with 17000 other riders! A school bus will take students to and from the event. Information forms are available from Mark Rayson. Mark Rayson

Year 8 Sports SJC Cycling The last two weeks have been busy for the SJC cycling teams, with the western zone finals of both road and mountain bike disciplines being contested. On Sunday 17 August, the mountain bike squad raced around a challenging loop at the You Yangs, which tested the boys climbing and descending skills. It’s great to see entries for this event continue to rise each year, with students traveling from all over the state to create some fierce competition. Each of our boys rode very well on the day, negotiating the course with skill and determination. Well done to Seamus Spanner of Year 8 who finished 4th in the U/15 race, qualifying for the state final in Bendigo in October. Other great rides came from Oliver Poole and Cooper Jessen of Year 7 who finished the U/15 event in 7th and 19th respectively. Flynn Draper and Mitchell Grima of Year 9 also rode very well in the U/17 event to take 16th and 17th respectively.Well done boys! On Wednesday 20 August, 21 students travelled to Ballarat’s Victoria Park for the road cycling championships. We again had some excellent results on the day, with several boys finishing on the podium and taking home qualifying spots for the state final in Bendigo in October. Below is a list of the boys who competed and their finishing position – U/15 – Oliver Poole (2nd - state round qual), William Rowe (5th), Cooper Jessen (6th), Jordan parker (11th), Will Farrow (12th) Michael Hovey (13th), Michael Vurfurth (14th) U/17 – Joseph McMahon (3rd - state round qual), James Dillon (4th - state round qual), Isaac McMahon (5th),Thomas Foley (7th), Connor Harvey (9th), Xavier Blackley (11th) U/17 (Racing) – Dominic Van Slageran (5th), Finbar Kinna (7th), Zac Rushbrook (8th) U/19 – Evan Spoljaric (6th), Jake Williamson (7th), Eamon Anderson (11th), Sam Hoare (12th), Michael McAuliffe (15th) Well done to all boys and good luck to those traveling to Bendigo to compete in the state round. The final event on the cycling calendar for 2014 is the Around

On Friday 22 August, the boys went out to Grovedale College and represented our College in a fantastic manner in football, soccer and basketball. I gave them two instructions before the football game and at each break: share the ball, and have fun! They did both of these things really well and should be commended for their efforts. All players had one quarter in each part of the ground: forward, midfield, back, interchange. St Joseph’s College Year 8 13.10.88 defeated Grovedale College Year 8 2.2.14 Goal Kickers: Wooley 2, Antonac 2, Clifton 1, Fenton 1, Murray 1, Taylor 1, Welch 1, Wilson 1, Handley 1, Sadler 1, Thu Sa La 1 Best: Dumont, Antonac, Clifton, Thu Sa La, De Agrela, Ham, Handley, Wooley Chris Lynch On the same day, two Year 8 Basketball teams played against Grovedale College. We played two games, involving 15 Year 8 boys. This was a great opportunity for some boys to represent the college for the first time in a sports team. Both teams played really well and managed to record victories. The A team game was particularly close with the margin remaining within 5 points for the entire game, SJC finally prevailing by 3 points. All the boys had a great afternoon and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. A special thanks to Chad Suphamongkol and Nathan Gillespie from Year10 who helped out with the refereeing. Simon Jovic On Friday 22 August, two Year 8 soccer teams played Grovedale College. Both teams played exceptionally well and were excellent ambassadors for our College. The boys were instructed to work hard, look to pass the ball and play with humility. The first team recorded a 12-0 win and the second team a 2-0 win. The boys thoroughly enjoyed the experience of representing St Joseph’s College and are looking forward to future challenges. Adam Colak

Sustainability Matters NEW LEADERS It is so encouraging that students are continually emailing to sign up to become a Sustainability Leaders.

City to Surf 2014 Once again the St Joseph’s Cross Country team attended the City to Surf in Sydney on 10 August. The conditions were amazing with light winds and sunny weather adding to the already amazing atmosphere that the iconic race produces and with 67,532 runners completing the run this year it was a fantastic experience for all involved. This year the boys’ performance as a team was fantastic with St Joseph’s College finishing 5th in the Athletics and Sporting Clubs category which had 62 teams enter this year. All of the boys ran the 14kms in an impressive manner with some amazing times (see results below), the majority were able to stay at a 5mins/km pace which is a great achievement considering the huge crowds and the infamous heart break hill. Eamon Anderson and Ashley Gillespie were both able to break the 60min barrier which is a fantastic effort for this gruelling course. Jack HockleySamon and Matthew Keast both had top ten finishes in their categories and with over a thousand runners to compete against in each category this is no small achievement. Jack only just missed breaking the 50min barrier by a mere 14 seconds and Matthew finished 2nd in his age group completing the race in 58.40, an amazing time for a student in Year 7. When the race was done we headed for a recovery swim in the beautiful waters of Bondi beach. We then enjoyed the amazing sunny weather with a roof top lunch at Bondi Junction and some sightseeing at Circular Quay, including a ferry ride past the famed Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House. I think of all the things the boys enjoyed, the knowledge that it was overcast and raining in Geelong while they were walking around in t-shirts with perfect cloudless skies and 21 degree temperatures in Sydney was the top of the list! It was an extremely enjoyable trip and many thanks must go to Mr Rayson for giving up a weekend to help supervise the boys and most of all the students for their outstanding efforts in training, their exceptional results and most of all their exemplary behaviour. All of these amazing results are a great sign for our upcoming ACC cross country on 10 September and I look forward to seeing all of the boys on the team finish the season with strong efforts in training and hopefully great results at our final and most important race in September. Well done. Luke O’Grady - Cross Country Coordinator

CUT THE WRAP 20 AUGUST It is wonderful to see the numbers of participants for our CUT THE WRAP days continuing to increase. Congratulations to 7B (Ms Kate Gibbs) and 7J(Mr Nick Jones) on 100% participation for our CUT THE WRAP day on 20 August. In a bid to encourage students to adopt the “Cut the Wrap” approach to lunches on a permanent basis, this week we trialled an unannounced Cut the Wrap day. Students were encouraged to bring a wrap free lunch to school every day and were awarded with a Credit stamp for their efforts.

Cool Australia’s Enviroweek is a week of action when Australian students take up a challenge for a sustainable future! St Joseph’s students (and parents) joined in the Cool Australia’s Challenges for Enviroweek by undertaking several challenges within the six categories; Waste Warriors, Foodies, Traders, Sparky, Wild Child and Green thumb.

LABELLING BINS FOR TRIUMPH 24 AUGUST The Men’s Association (led by Property Manager Mr Pierre Belluzzo) kicked off the week of challenges on Sunday 24 August, by labelling in excess of 60 bins in preparation for the Triumph Festival. NEW PAPER RECYCLING BOXES 25 AUGUST Preparations got underway at our fortnightly Sustainability Meeting on Monday, to commence an upgrade of 40 paper recycling boxes around the College. These boxes were generously donated by our very own Geelong owned Brush Company, Breakwater.

TREE PLANTING WITH THE “FRIENDS OF WAURN PONDS CREEK” 26 AUGUST Ms Joanne Board’s Year11 Environmental Science students, together with over 20 Sustainability Leaders, joined members of the “Friends of Waurn Ponds Creek” Community group with a target set for us of 500 plants. We exceeded their expectation by planting 600 native species along the Waurn Ponds Creek in 90 minutes. AQUAPONICS TANK FOR 7D Brendan Boltan from Edible Landscapes, (aquaponics specialist) visited the College on Wednesday to assist sustainability leader, Zachary Stevenson (7D) with the installation of fish and plants into their new “Aquaponics“ tank. The sustainability team has been enterprising and sold school waste in order to purchase fish and plants for their “Aquaponics” tank. 7I TESTING FERTILISERS Under the guidance of homeroom teacher Mrs Mary Malone, 7I have been industrious in trialling the Bokashi system for composting and have established a worm farm. They have now collected their first batch of “bokashi fertiliser”, which will be used in a controlled experiment, to compare the growth of plants using; Bokashi compost waste, worm casting waste and water with no fertiliser. AD ALTA Together with mentor Mr Simon Cahir, the Ad Alta boys have been enterprising ‘upcycling’ milk and timber crates, to create Barista furniture for their “pop up” coffee shop, a theme which is currently trending all over Geelong and Melbourne.

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SUSTAINABILITY AWARD Jack Callahan (Year12) had the opportunity to receive his Geelong Youth Impetus – Sustainability Award from Geelong Mayor, Darryn Lyons after his attendance on the School China Trip precluded him from attending the awards evening. Jack was acknowledged as the recipient of the Impetus Sustainability Award for his creation of the “I Like Waste Free Lunches” rap and promotional video. Kelly Jenkins - Sustainability Coordinator

You can find everything from ties, sportswear, hats, blazers, shirts, sweaters, pants & shorts, even study books at our shop. We sell on consignment which is a safe and secure way to sell your unwanted or outgrown school stuff. Just drop it off to us and we’ll sell it on your behalf. Please check out our consignment terms and conditions on our website or email us on We accept cash, eftpos, visa and mastercard. We also offer a refund or exchange within 7 days of purchase. Trading hours: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 3.30pm - 5.00pm Saturday (1st and 3rd of each month) 9am - 11pm Free parking outside of store. 21b Fairlie Street, Hamlyn Heights. Ph: 0400 350 652

St Joseph’s College Geelong

VCE Revision Lectures 2014 FRIDAY 19 - MONDAY 22 SEPTEMBER

Open to all VCE students in Geelong & District* Give your VCE studies a boost. Lectures cover exam technique, sample exam questions and course overviews. Detailed lecture notes will be provided. Cost: $10 per English Lecture, $20 per Lecture for other subjects. Lectures are held at St Joseph’s College Geelong, 135 Aphrasia Street, Newtown. Book your sessions online: Visit and click on the EVENTS section to book your lectures. Bookings must be Ànalised by: Wednesday 17 September 2014 For further information contact St Joseph’s College, Phone: (03) 5226 8100 *With the exception of lectures on Friday 19 September - open to SJC Students only.

Revision Lectures Available & Schedule FRIDAY 19 SEPTEMBER - SJC Students Only 11AM - 12NOON 9.30AM -10.30AM English Mabo

English This Boy’s Life

1-2.15PM English Language Analysis

SATURDAY 20 SEPTEMBER 1-4.00PM 9AM -12.00PM Legal Studies

Maths Methods CAS

SUNDAY 21 SEPTEMBER 9AM -12.00PM 9AM -12.00PM Further Maths Modules-Business Maths, Networks and Matrices

Specialist Maths

MONDAY 22 SEPTEMBER 12:15 -1.15PM 9AM -12.00PM History Revolutions Russian - French Revolutions Physical Education

1-4.00PM Biology


English Chemistry “Encountering ConÁict” Accounting Every Man in this Village is a Liar Physics The Quiet American

Associated Catholic Colleges is proud to present our second combined schools concert

ACCent on Music Associated Catholic Colleges


on music

Music Spectacular 2008

Featuring our special guest and compere, renowned Australian musician, Mr. James Morrison, who will perform with selected ACC ensembles.


Proudly supported by our event partner




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