Issue15 sjcnews 2014

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St Joseph’s College Geelong

News & Events Thursday 11 September 2014 - Issue No 15 The Triumph Festival was rocking SJC on Friday!

135 Aphrasia Street Newtown Victoria 3220 Ph: 03 5226 8100 Ph Westcourt: 03 5247 7000 Email: Web:

Bazalicki, with Jeremy Pryslak, Rob and James Aitken (SJC) Congratulations are also extended to the three Year 7 students Tom Bucki Smith, Jackson Bourke and Harry Hudson-Collins who produced a cyber safety video which was awarded second prize of $250 from the Victorian Department of Consumer Affairs. Over the past couple of weeks we have been sponsoring a visit from Fr Emma, from the Mannya Parish in Uganda. Fr Emma is responsible for 17 schools in the parish of Mannya and he has been interested in learning as much as possible about educational administration in Australia.

Principal’s Report Dear Parents, Students and Friends of the College, We were extremely lucky with the weather last Friday for the Triumph festival. The behaviour of students from the four Catholic Secondary Colleges was outstanding and a significant amount of money was raised for our nearest and poorest neighbour Timor Leste. Hopefully we will have a grand total by the next newsletter. Last Tuesday evening the Upstart Entrepreneurial Challenge held its final pitching challenge. Upstart is a program that was initiated by the St Joseph’s College Foundation two years ago which aims to foster innovative thinking, entrepreneurial risk taking and resilience to failure. Aimed at building an entrepreneurial culture and fostering strong relationships between students, educators, industry and the community in the Geelong region. Students are encouraged to come up with their own innovative ideas and develop them within the program. This year the College Foundation opened the challenge to include students from some other secondary Colleges in the Geelong region. St Joseph’s College, Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College, Sacred Heart College, Geelong College, Western Heights College and Northern Bay College. Congratulations to the following students who were finalists in the pitching challenge: Winning team - Brayden Thompson (SJC) (with Sidney Glenister from GBC) with their idea of Swim earphones Second Place - Lorrena Durran and Rosie English (SHC) The People’s Choice - Xavier Dowd and Nicolas van Meel, with their idea of the Train Ramp (SJC) Pitching finalists - Rhys Hegyesi, Liam Higgins, John Perks - Olive Pips (SJC) Big Ideas Winners - Angus Kelly, Rory Kelly. Matthew

Compassion Innovation Integrity

We are grateful to many members of our school community who have assisted him throughout his stay, especially Michelle and Ric Brodrick who have hosted his visit and organised his itinerary. There is no doubt that Fr Emma has learnt much from his stay and we wish him well on his return to Uganda. Paul Tobias - Principal Young Entrepreneurs at the Upstart Pitching Challenge

Calendar of Events September 18 Fashion Dinner 19 Final Day Term 3 - 2:30pm finish 19 VCE Lectures 19-22 September

October 6 13 14 17 20 20 21 23

Students Return. Start Term 4 Farewell assembly P&F Meeting SJOCA Melbourne Reunion Final day Year 12 (not including exams) Year 12 Grad Mass New parent information night Investiture of Leaders

News from the Deputies TRIUMPH FESTIVAL We would like to congratulate all students for the manner in which they conducted themselves during our Triumph Festival last week. As hosts of over 5000 students, the St Joseph’s students should be proud of the way they joined in the festivities with such a positive attitude and the way they showed respect to all visiting staff and students. The outstanding efforts of all the Triumph Committee also need to be acknowledged. Students from the four Catholic schools in the Geelong region spent a year organising the event and worked extremely hard to make the day the huge success that it was. The students were supported and led by a number of staff however we would like to particularly mention two staff members for all of their hard work and leadership of the students; Mrs Rebecca Westwood and Mr Simon Cahir.Without the efforts of these two staff members the event would not have been possible. CHINESE CONVERSATION LOUNGE AT DEAKIN WATERFRONT On Wednesday 3 September 22 Joey’s students studying LOTE Chinese attended their first ‘Conversation Lounge’ at Deakin Waterfront. The students from Years 9 -12 met in small mixed level groups with a Deakin student, most studying for their PHD, who have volunteered to work with our students to help develop their oral language skills. The sessions, run by the Deakin students, and supported by staff from the International Division, are intended to be fun and sociable as well as educational. Both the boys and the Deakin students really enjoyed the hour long session and look forward to meeting again this week. The sessions run from 4.00 to 5.00pm each Wednesday during the term. The ‘Conversation Lounge’ was initiated by Carmel Maloney, mother of Finbar Kinna in Year 9, who after spendingsix weeks in China last term as part of the Victorian Young Leaders to China program, wanted more opportunity to practice his oral language skills. Our students are most fortunate to have this opportunity. If any other students are interested in joining the group, they are most welcome and just need to see Mr Ho for more details.

Compassion Innovation Integrity

HOLIDAYS As this will be the last newsletter for Term 3, we would like to wish all of our students and their families a happy and safe holiday period. For many of our Year 12 students the holidays will men VCE subject lectures and trial exams and we wish them every success with these important events that will help prepare them for the looming VCAA Examinations. Our Year 12 VCAL students and the Year 12 students who have elected not to sit VCAA exams will finish their formal secondary education at the end of this term. We would like to wish these boys every success with their future pathways whether they be in the workforce or in further study and thank them and their families for the tremendous contribution they have made to their school. Claire Brown & Paul Clohesy - Deputy Principals

Carrying the Fire In Term 3 each year we call for applications from Year 9 & 10 students to nominate to be our FIRE carriers for the following year. The FIRE carrier program is one of the ways we support Reconciliation within the College as FIRE stands for Friends Ignite Reconciliation Education. The FIRE Carrier role is passed on each year as part of the Investiture ceremony in October. The FIRE Carriers are seen most publically as those who read the acknowledgement of Country at our assemblies but they are also involved behinds the scenes in a number of ways. Each year they review and develop our Reconciliation Covenant which articulates how St Joseph’s College will support Reconciliation.As part of the Covenant, the students and staff plan and deliver activities on important Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander days including Reconciliation Week, Sorry Day and Close the Gap day. In March each year, they travel to Melbourne to represent the College at the FIRE Carrier day for schools from the Melbourne Archdiocese and run by Aboriginal Catholic Ministry. While this program is open to all schools, most of those involved at this stage are Edmund Rice schools. Through the work of the Fire Carriers we continue to develop as an Inclusive Community and we support our ATSI students to experience a Liberating Education as articulated in the EREA Charter. Jo Hart - Director of Identity

Are You Ok? This is a powerful question, and the people behind R U OK? Day think that if we ask it more often and more meaningfully, then our collective mental health will be the better for it. The R U OK? initiative started a few years ago, and its motto is that “a conversation could change a life”. The philosophy is that we are well-placed to notice when something is not right in the lives of our friends and family, and by asking them if they are OK gives them a chance to talk about any issues they might be struggling with. I’m not sure if it’s an “Aussie” thing, or simply human nature, but it seems that many of us would rather battle on bravely with the problems and negative thoughts that are swirling around in our minds, rather than tell someone that we are struggling and need a bit of support at this time. However, when someone else starts the conversation with us, and we recognise that this person really wants to know how we are travelling and is prepared to listen to us, then we are more likely to answer something like “Well actually I’m not so great at the moment”. We may even start feeling better that instant, simply because someone cares, and then as we unload our problem or problems we slowly begin to see some hope in a situation where before we felt trapped and alone. The brilliance of R U OK? Day is in its simplicity. Everyone has the capacity to notice, to ask the question, to listen and to follow up. Sometimes a problem will be more deepseated, and in these cases we can gently suggest that our friends seek professional help. We can even help them take that step, but they are more likely to take the step after having had the initial R U OK conversation with us. There are some great tips on about noticing, asking, listening and following up. When Jesus was hanging on the cross, the crowd taunted him. “He saved others, he cannot save himself ” (Mark 15:31). In a sense, the crowd had struck a truth of life. No matter how hard we try, we cannot do it all on our own. Even Jesus, who did so much for others, could only be saved by entrusting himself into the hands of the Father. It takes courage to begin an R U OK? conversation and it also takes courage to answer “No, I’m not OK”. St Paul says in his letter to the Galatians (6:2) that life is about bearing one another’s burdens, and the R U OK movement is an excellent way of helping us do just that. John Harmon - Chaplaincy and Liturgy Coordinator

Compassion Innovation Integrity

Triumph Festival 2014 WE CAME, WE SAW, WE CONQURED!! What a day! The bands, performers, food and the weather was PERFECT! 5000 students packing Zampatti oval at St Joseph’s College was picture perfect, 5000 students, over 50 performers, 200 special guests and over 600 staff UNITED AS ONE to help MAKE POVERTY HISTORY. This triumph festival - RUN BY STUDENTS, FOR STUDENTS. The committee was made up of 30 very passionate, dedicated and hard working students from the four Catholic schools, who have worked exceptionally hard over the past 12 months to organise this festival. These students showed professionalism way beyond their years and all their hard work paid off on the day. As a teacher, this is my proudest moment and a day and group of students I will NEVER forget. I want to recognise the following St Joseph’s students who were a part of the main organising committee, these students need to be congratulated on their outstanding efforts Jack O’Neill Mitch Loughnan Charlie Purdy Riley Harman Sammy Rotiroti Macka Heard We would also like to make a big shout out to all our very generous sponsors and supporters. More photos and information on the total amounts of money raised will be published in the next newsletter!! Rebecca Westwood

Curriculum News PARENT TEACHER STUDENT INTERVIEWS Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews were held at the end of August. Many Parents/Carers were able to attend with their sons and talk about their son’s progress. It was wonderful to see the large numbers that attended. If any parents were unable to attend and would like to meet with particular teachers, please contact their teacher by email. MID-SEMESTER REPORTS Results of assessment tasks and Mid-Semester reports (Year 7-11) will be available on the Parent Access Module at the end of term. Year 12 students do not receive a MidSemester report, however, all SAC results to date will be available via PAM. Please email if you need assistance. Parents/Carers will need to click on “Learning Areas/ Display Learning Area Task Summary”.

From this page you can click on each subject to access individual results. The Mid-Semester Report can be accessed and downloaded from PAM. The reports will be available at the end of term.

SUBJECT SELECTIONS FOR 2015 Students in year 7-11 have completed their subject selections for next year. If there are any subject clashes or concerns over selections, students will be informed and will meet to discuss their choices. STUDY TIPS AND ADVICE Earlier in the year, information was included in the newsletter about Youth Central. Youth Central is the Victorian Government’s website for young people aged 12-25. It offers advice on study and exam preparation as well as practical advice such as battling Year 12, tips for stress free study and on-line study resources. For study tips visit:

At this time of year, it is worth revisiting this site as students prepare for term four and for some, their final exams. VCE REVISION LECTURES VCE Revision Lectures for Unit 3 and 4 subjects will be held from Friday 19 September-Monday 22 September at St Joseph’s. This is an ideal opportunity for students to finalise their exam preparation and a good way of avoiding having to travel to Melbourne for similar more expensive programs. English lectures will be held on Friday and are compulsory for all Year 12 English students at no cost. All other lectures are at a cost of $20 and can be booked on the school website ( Bookings should be made by Wednesday 17 September. Michelle Brodrick - Director of Curriculum

Then Carry On (Victoria) may be able to help you with education costs if you meet our eligibility criteria. If you have served in Australian Defence Forces or Allied Forces and you wish to apply for a Secondary Education Grant for 2015, please telephone: Carry On (Victoria) on (03) 9629 2648 to establish eligibility and request an application form. Carry On (Victoria) assists Secondary School students in Years 7-12 with grants for expenses such as fees, books, uniforms, excursions etc. For those students going on to a Tertiary Education a grant may also be available. Children whose Parent/s or Legal Guardian/s have a need for financial assistance and comply with our eligibility criteria can apply. All grants are income tested and the closing date for applications is 30 October 2014.

RECEIVE NOTIFICATIONS STRAIGHT TO YOUR PHONE WITH THE COLLEGE APP! Keep our important news and events as well as common information right at your fingertips. Available for both Apple and Android.

Careers News - VTAC Careers BLOG Year 12 students should have begun their VTAC applications by now, if they intend to pursue further study at TAFE, University or other Independent Tertiary Providers in 2015. Please note that the cut-off date for timely applications is 30 September at 5pm. Students must apply to VTAC, add at least one preference and pay the $28 fee before this date. Students who miss this deadline will be charged $93. P&F Report Students must submit at least one preference to activate the Another term is nearly over and it has been a busy one for VTAC process. Students can choose up to 12 preferences; the Parents & Friends. After the successful Artisan Market however, they do not have to pick 12. Students should always at the start of the term, the P&F were pleased to be part of list their preferences in the order of where they most want Triumph last week. This event is a great day for all involved to go. (VTAC does not make an offer to students based and raises money for East Timor, a very worthy cause. We on the highest ATAR in their list.) Students will receive held a stall selling lollies, chips, dim sims, hot dogs and drinks. their marks on 15 December 2014 (online). They will A very big thank you to the co-ordinators,Terri and Kerstin, have up until 22 December 2014 (12 noon) to change and to their many helpers who gave their time generously preferences if required. On 15 and 16 December, the throughout the day. Next week the annual Fashion Dinner Careers Coordinator will be available at school for change will be held at Deakin Waterfront. The hard working sub- of preference advice. After this time, she will be contactable committee has been working tirelessly for many months to via email . It is vital that students review ensure this event is as successful as ever, with 300 people their preferences now to check Extra Requirements. Some courses require that students submit additional information. ready to enjoy a night of fashion and fine food. The closing dates for some courses requiring additional As David Formosa leaves the college next week, after six information is as early as September! Extra requirements years as Development Manager, to take up a new position in are listed at the bottom of each VTAC preference entry. Melbourne, the P&F would like to acknowledge his invaluable contribution to our group and to the development of the As part of the VTAC application process, students can school in so many ways. We want to thank him for his apply for extra consideration through SEAS, which stands leadership, never ending support, guidance and friendship. for Special Entry Access Scheme. There are a number His approachability, hard working attitude and ability to of categories under which SEAS is granted, including work with so many people with varying and wide ranging Financial Hardship, Rural Regional location, and Difficult ideas, has allowed us to grow as a group, strengthen our Circumstances. More information on SEAS, specifically, can be obtained from the Careers Office as well as on the VTAC school community focus and raise valuable funds for the website, at school & projects overseas. We will miss him but wish him well in his new role and know that he will continue to have In addition to SEAS, many universities will offer alternative pathways into their degrees. For example, the Australian success in the future. Catholic University will offer places to students, through Jackie & Terri - P&F Co-presidents their ‘Early Achiever Program’, which considers the student’s contribution to Community Service. A student who is a successful ‘Early Achiever’ can gain access to courses of Studio Arts Excursion study with a lower ATAR than that prescribed by VTAC. For After an excursion to ‘Etch’ art gallery in Moorabool St more information, please visit the Careers Blog and look Geelong, the current Year 12 Studio Arts boys were each under Senior Students, in the Senior Student’s Briefcase. invited to submit an artwork to their latest exhibition. Students can also find information regarding alternative pathways and Plan B Options on the Careers Blog, listed The exhibition was entitled ‘Hope’ and artworks had to under the Senior Students menu tab. reflect this theme in some capacity, with prizes awarded to the most successful artworks. The aim of the exhibition All students have been given a grey booklet called the ABC of Applying. It lists all deadlines for VTAC applications, was to raise money for an orphanage named Maoko Ane scholarships, and SEAS. It also provides guidance for students Asitse in Zimbabwe. Two of our students; Jack Paterson regarding how to apply to VTAC. and James Aitken chose to submit artworks and we are very proud to announce that Jack won first prize ($150) DON’T FORGET THE CAREERS BLOG! and James won second prize ($50). Both boys also sold The SJC Careers Blog is updated weekly and is the best place their artworks on opening night. A great achievementto find out the latest information about Careers, Higher congratulations and well done to both Jack and James. Education and Training, jobs, and industry information. To read a summarised careers news weekly bulletin, click on Rebecca Spark the Careers News tab. Karen Shum - Careers Coordinator

The new Aquaponics Tank

recycled for a new purpose; such as ring pulls being recycled into prosthetics.We are calling for all Year 7 students to start collecting their bread clips for a competition Term 4. More details to follow in the next newsletter issue. Kelly Jenkins - Sustainability Coordinator

Sustainability Matters ENVIROWEEK (24-30 August) Year 7 students embraced the challenges of Enviroweek with great gusto and as a result, several new endeavours came to fruition; including the establishment of an Aquaponics tank, a trial experiment on the growth of plants with our Bokashi and worm farm waste and promotion of Cut The Wrap throughout the week. Class 7D have proven to be a force to be reckoned with when it comes to sustainable practice and once again, secured themselves the hot chip lunch for their efforts. CUT THE WRAP ENVIROWEEK RESULTS PARTICIPANTS TOTAL HOMEROOM 7A Mr Adam Morrissey 9 9 7B Ms Kate Gibbs 18 21 10 49 7C Ms Kylie Pretty 11 13 14 38 7D Mr Sam Querella 24 23 27 74 7E Mr Simon Piasente 12 15 8 12 47 7H Ms Claire Wrigley 23 23

Ordering Group & Sport Photos

The group and sporting team photos were taken this week. If you would like to purchase a photo, you will be able to do so online. Within two weeks families will receive communication from MSP photography. You will be given a price list and a code which will enable access to view your son’s group or team photo(s). You can then make a decision to purchase on-line through MSP. Your son will not be given a photo order envelope through school anymore and no photo money will be handled by St Joseph’s. From now all enquiries regarding photos can be made through MSP on 5222 6747. Below is a list of the name of each photo taken: AQUAPONICS TANK FOR 7D Aquaponics specialist Brendan Boltan (Edible Landscapes), 2014 GROUP PHOTO LIST TEXPERTS assisted sustainability leaders Zachary Stevenson and AD ALTA BANDS / MUSIC TOURNAMENT OF Gabriel Hickey with the installation of a new “Aquaponics“ • Junior Band Academy MINDS tank, which will be located in D14. • Intermediate Band YEAR 12 YEAR LEVEL FERTILISER TRIAL 7I • Senior Concert Band TRIUMPH COMMITTEE Students of 7I had a busy week adding new • Stage Band CHINA TRIP VYLP herbs and vegetables to our sustainable • Vocal Ensemble BASKETBALL • Saxaphone Ensemble • Junior garden bed/drinking station and setting up • Percussion Ensemble • Intermediate a controlled experiment to compare the • Talent Quest Winners • Seniors growth of plants using; Bokashi compost • Winning Rock Band Ed Stock • Year 8 waste, worm casting waste and water BLOOD BANK BADMINTON with no fertiliser. OUTREACH VAN • SJC Division 1 COMMUNITY EVENTS CHESS • Rally Day Teams In the promotion of more STUDENT LEADERS - SNR & JNR SJC CYCLING TEAM sustainable living, Geelong will DEBATING/PUBLIC SPEAKING FOOTBALL • ACC Debating and Public • First XV111 once again be host to the annual; Smarter Living Expo@GPAC Saturday 13 September, 10am-2pm Sustainable House Day Sunday 14 September, 10am-4pm

For more details on these events, please visit the following website; YEAR 7 BREAD CLIP COMPETITION COMING NEXT TERM- PLEASE SAVE YOUR BREAD CLIPS! St Joseph’s College is an ongoing supporter of the South Barwon Community Centre’s recycling endeavours. Items collected by the centre include; corks, ring pulls, stamps, prescription glasses, audio tapes and cassettes. These items either directly help various organisations globally, or are

Compassion Innovation Integrity

Speaking Competitions • DAV Junior Public Speaking Competition • DAV Debating teams (all together) – two teams at Westcourt • UNYA Evatt Competition • UNYA Youth Conference FIRE CARRIERS REFUGEE TUTORS SAMARITAN HOUSE SUSTAINABILITY


Richard Brodrick - Student Management Coordinator

Don’t Get Scammed! Think before clicking on that interesting link or photo or video in an email or on Facebook – it could direct you to a scammer’s website. It could even directly install a piece of software that compromises your computer and sends itself to all contacts in your address book. The Age Green Guide (September 4, 2014) discussed “clickjacking” and the fact that dangers lurk in emails, social websites and even ordinary websites where people are looking to scam you for money or for your identity (read money!) - Online scammers just a click away Two good Australian Government sites to check for information: Cybersmart - issues/e-security.aspx Scamwatch - phtml/itemId/693900 Some good rules to consider are provided by: SCAMwatch and StaySmartOnline index.phtml/tag/howtoprotectyourself protect_yourself2/avoiding_scams_and_hoaxes Chris Valmadre - Director of ICT

Renewals On Wednesday 20 August the first of the two Year 7 groups participated in their renewals. The idea of the day was to really reflect on our life and how we were living it. I really think everyone embraced the day and enjoyed all the activities throughout the school. The main values that we focused on were our school values – innovation, integrity and compassion. I have to say my favourite was innovation, not just because it had the most games but also because the activities involved problem solving. I also liked the other two though where in compassion we listened and learnt from Susan Collins who told us her story. During the integrity session we learnt about what integrity actually meant and made a short video. At the end of the day we finished with a liturgy, which all throughout the day, at different times, the groups had been preparing. This made it very tricky but everyone did a good job. I think overall the day was a success and I will look forward to it next year. Charlie Roache - 7C

In Sympathy Mr David Rowlands (82 years), grandfather of Luke Rowlands (Year 8) and Robbie Rowlands (Grade 6) Holy Spirit Primary School. Mrs Marlene Ryan (80 years), grandmother of Harvey Ryan (Year 9), Old Collegians Beau Barrett (2006) and Rennan McMahon (2011). Mr Graham Hall (69 years), grandfather of Jaden Dabrera (Year 12) and Kayla- Rose Dabrera (Year 9) Sacred Heart College. Mrs Margaret Batty (89 years), mother / mother in-law of Albert (Slim) and Bev (Josphine member), grandmother of Old Collegians Adrian (1988), Ashley (1991) , Albert (1996) , Michelle, Sacred Heart College and Nicole, Sacred Heart College, great grandmother of Jack Hockley-Samon (Year 11), Harry Hockley-Samon (Year 8), Jamara Hockley –Samon Clonard College, Tom Hockley- Samon (Grade 6) and Flynn Hockley –Samon (Grade 3) Holy Spirit Primary School. Mr Nick Skorodumow (89 years), father of Helen Raby (Skorodumow) , grandfather of Old Collegians Ralph Raby (1999), Rachael Jepson-Raby Sacred Heart College, Tracy Raby Sacred Heart College and Carolyn Raby Sacred Heart College , great grandfather of Jacob Jepson-Raby (Year 7) and Mila Jepson Raby (Grade 3) Drysdale Primary School, Sascha Wheelwright (Grade 4) Ashby Primary School and Pepper Wright 9 ½ months. Mr Furio Rovere,(61 years), past parent and husband of Allyson, father of Old Collegians Brett Rovere (1992), Belinda, Megan and Amanda, brother of past parents Sue and Alan Bell, uncle of Jarrod Bell (1995) and David Bell (1996). To all Furio’s family and friends we extend our heartfelt sympathy and prayerful support on their sudden loss. Mrs Rosanna Sebastiani (81 years), nonna of Jai Sebastiani (Year 9), Mia Sebastiani (Year 7) Sacred Heart College and Levi Sebastiani (Grade 5) St Parick’s Primary School. Mr Patrick Hannah (79 years), uncle of Bayley Repcak (Year 7) Mrs Margaret Henkel (79 years), grandmother of Matthew Henkel (Year 10) and Ben Henkel (Year 8). Our hearts go out to you all as we pray “That God will welcome these faithfully departed into His loving arms. And that precious memories will be of comfort to those left behind, knowing that their love will live on in their hearts forever.”

Congratulations To Lauren Barton (staff member) and husband Tim Barton on the arrival of their beautiful baby boy Rafferty Clayton Barton. A little brother for Mira.

St Joseph’s College Geelong

VCE Revision Lectures 2014 FRIDAY 19 - MONDAY 22 SEPTEMBER

Open to all VCE students in Geelong & District* Give your VCE studies a boost. Lectures cover exam technique, sample exam questions and course overviews. Detailed lecture notes will be provided. Cost: $10 per English Lecture, $20 per Lecture for other subjects. Lectures are held at St Joseph’s College Geelong, 135 Aphrasia Street, Newtown. Book your sessions online: Visit and click on the EVENTS section to book your lectures. Bookings must be Ànalised by: Wednesday 17 September 2014 For further information contact St Joseph’s College, Phone: (03) 5226 8100 *With the exception of lectures on Friday 19 September - open to SJC Students only.

Revision Lectures Available & Schedule FRIDAY 19 SEPTEMBER - SJC Students Only 9.30AM -10.30AM 11AM - 12NOON English Mabo

English This Boy’s Life

1-2.15PM English Language Analysis

SATURDAY 20 SEPTEMBER 9AM -12.00PM 1-4.00PM Legal Studies

Maths Methods CAS

SUNDAY 21 SEPTEMBER 9AM -12.00PM 9AM -12.00PM Further Maths Modules-Business Maths, Networks and Matrices

Specialist Maths

MONDAY 22 SEPTEMBER 9AM -12.00PM 12:15 -1.15PM History Revolutions Russian - French Revolutions Physical Education

1-4.00PM Biology


Chemistry English “Encountering ConÁict” Accounting Every Man in this Village is a Liar Physics The Quiet American

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ACCent on Music Associated Catholic Colleges


on music

Music Spectacular 2008

Proudly supported by our event partner

Featuring our special guest and compere, renowned Australian musician, Mr. James Morrison, who will perform with selected ACC ensembles.


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