Issue20 sjcnews2014

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St Joseph’s College Geelong

News & Events Thursday u s ay 4 December c b 2014 - Issue ssu No o 20

Years 7-10 A Awards wards Sh Showcase

Principal’s Report

135 Aphrasia Street Newtown Victoria 3220 Ph: 03 5226 8100 Ph Westcourt: 03 5247 7000 Email: Web:

all safe in all your travels and activities and I hope you enjoy spending this special time with family and friends. For those who won’t be back as parents or students in 2015 may the next journey be as rewarding as the last. Please remember that you will always be part of the extended St Joseph’s community. For all our students and parents returning next year and for all our new parents and students in 2015 we look forward to seeing you on 2 February eager and enthusiastic about the year ahead. Paul Clohesy - Acting Principal

Dear Parents, Students and Friends of the College, It’s hard to believe that I am writing the final newsletter report of the year.While so much has happened it does seem like only yesterday we were welcoming the students back for the start of the school year. 2014 saw so many highlights in so many different areas. On top of the regular academic and extra-curricular program was the inaugural year of both the Trade Trading Centre and Westcourt Campus. We also hosted Sacred Heart College, Clonard College and St Ignatius College for the Triumph Music Festival. Without a doubt, however, the most significant highlight of the year has been the positive impact so many of our parents and students have had on their school.


Last week we said our final, formal farewell to the graduating class of 2014 at our Graduation Dinner. The evening was one of mixed emotions with a number of families ending long associations as parents within the College community. While the boys are unlikely to win any dancing competitions in the near future, the dance floor was full all night and the feeling within the room was one of joy and celebration.

5 5 9 11 15 18 25

Two nights after farewelling the Year 12 students we were celebrating the academic, extra-curricular and musical talents of the boys in Years 7 to 10. The musical acts were again a highlight ranging in age and composition but equal in entertainment value. Eamon Dooley’s singing and piano playing was definitely one of the highlights and he is to be congratulated on his efforts. I would like to commend all boys who were part of the evening either through performing or due to the fact that they had worked diligently throughout the year to receive awards. I would also like to congratulate our hard working staff for all their efforts with the students throughout the year. As the school year draws to a close and Christmas fast approaches, I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of Paul Tobias and the entire St Joseph’s staff to wish all our families a happy Christmas and New Year. May God keep you

Graduation Dinner

Calendar of Events Final day of classes Years 7-10 Westcourt Transition Day Year 7 2015 Orientation Day Westcourt Campus Office closes College Office closed for the day College Office closes for Christmas break Christmas

January 2015 5 26 28 28 29

College Office opens after Christmas break Australia Day Westcourt Campus Office opens Booklist Collection Year 7 Laptop Collection

February 2015 2 10 11 17 18

All students return Senior Awards Ceremony SJC Swimming Carnival Year 10 & VCE parent info night Ash Wednesday

News from the Deputies Yet another year has flown by and it’s incredible to reflect on how much we’ve managed to fit in. I know we always say this but it only seems like yesterday that we were welcoming new Year 7 students on their first day and we’re now looking at welcoming another 308 embarking on their secondary education at St Joseph’s in 2015. We’re particularly excited to introduce them to St Joseph’s in a formal way next Tuesday 9 December when they arrive for their Orientation Day. At the other end of the school, it was with a touch of sadness but a lot of pride that we farewelled 230 Year 12 students for the final time at their Graduation Dinner last week. It was a wonderful celebration for the boys, their families and the staff. We warmly wish them every success as they begin this next stage of their lives. Yet another recent event was the Awards and Music Showcase at Costa Hall last Friday night. It was a great celebration of achievement, academic and other and a demonstration again of the strength of the music and drama program at SJC. Congratulations to the award recipients and the musicians and all staff involved in organising and supporting this special occasion in our annual calendar. 2014 has been the inaugural year of the Year 9 Program at Westcourt. We believe it’s been a great success and very much what we dreamed of. This was confirmed by a recent independent review, the report from which was very positive. Of course, always looking for improvement, there is some tweaking to be done to the program and the campus operations but overall the boys seem to have had a good year and the staff, having worked very hard doing everything for the first time and are now really looking forward to enjoying the fruits of that labour with next year’s group. On Friday, we’ll have a special Mass at which we’ll farewell the current Year 8s and immediately after, walk them down to Westcourt as a symbolic beginning to their year long journey in 2015. At the same time, we’ll formally welcome the Year 9s back as part of the senior school. Since many will be doing VCE or VET courses we see this as an appropriate move and we want the Year 10s to be wearing the black VCE jumper. In this last Newsletter, we congratulate all our students for their contributions to the College throughout 2014. Whether it has been in the area of performing arts, sport, debating and public speaking, community service or simply

Compassion Innovation Integrity

lesson, we thank them for d doing their best each and every lesson their efforts which have helped to make St Joseph’s the vibrant place it is. Of course none of the students would be able to make such positive contributions without the support of their parents and carers, so we take this opportunity to thank all of you for supporting your sons and their school in such a positive manner. We often reflect on how lucky we are to have such tremendous support from our parent body. IMPORTANT REMINDER ABOUT VCE UNIFORM • All students entering Years 10 and 11 need to purchase the black VCE jumper. SOME IMPORTANT DATES IN TERM ONE • Monday 2 February – All students return to school • Tuesday 10 February – Senior Awards ceremony • Wednesday 11 February – SJC Swimming Carnival for Years 7, 8 & 9 students • Tuesday 17 February – Year 10 & VCE Parent Information Evening (Years 10, 11 & 12) • Tuesday 3 March – New parent welcome evening • Friday 6 March – House Athletics Day • Thursday 19 March – Edmund Rice Day • Monday 23 March - SJC Open Day • Thursday 26 March & Friday 27 March – Parent/Student/ Teacher interviews • Friday 27 March – Final day of Term 1 classes for students Given that this is my last Newsletter item after 15 years in the role of Deputy Principal at St Joseph’s, I take this opportunity to thank all the parents and carers over those years for the privilege of working with you and your sons to provide the best possible experience and outcome for them. It’s been a privilege to be allowed to share in your journey, your triumphs and challenges. Working with the boys over that long period has been a joy, not always easy, but rewarding and often great fun. The analogy of the chrysalis and the butterfly has been my guiding principle throughout my career in education and certainly when working with young adolescent boys, especially those boys struggling. The chrysalis is not lovely to look at but with patience and in time, the beautiful butterfly emerges. We just need to persevere through that not so ‘beautiful’ time. There have been many boys who’ve struggled in those early years but have then emerged as great young men, a credit to you and I believe, our partnership. I thank you for your openness and trust. Finally, I would like to wish all of our families a safe and festive Christmas period. Look forward to 2015. Michelle Brodrick will be the new Deputy Principal 7 -9. Your boys are in good hands! I look forward to meeting you out and about in 2015 and beyond. Warmest regards Claire Brown - Deputy Principal

Curriculum News

V VCE ENGLISH TEXTS 2015 Year 11 and 12 students have had an opportunity to order and receive their English and English Literature texts before the holidays begin. We would appreciate the support of parents and guardians in encouraging students to read these texts during the holidays, ready for the start of the 2015 school year. BOOKLIST ORDERS FOR SJC STUDENTS STUDYING AT SACRED HEART COLLEGE Sacred Heart College is using Campion for book supplies for next year. For students studying a VCE subject at SHC in 2015, orders can be placed through the Campion website using the SHC school code BU7B. Copies of the SHC booklist are also available from SJC reception. NB. If the textbooks are the same for SHC as SJC, orders can just be made on the SJC booklist order. BOOKLIST ORDERS FOR SJC STUDENTS STUDYING AT CLONARD COLLEGE For students studying a VCE subject at Clonard College in 2015, orders can be placed through the SJC booklist as texts used on these subjects at both schools are the same. BOOKLIST ORDERS FOR SHC AND CLONARD STUDENTS STUDYING AT ST JOSEPH’S Books and stationery can be ordered at au. The passcode is YV28. Alternatively, students can pick up a booklist at SJC reception and submit it at the front office by Tuesday 9 December 2014. Any electronic textbooks can only be ordered online. I would like to wish all families a very happy and peaceful Christmas and New Year. We look forward to seeing all of our students back at SJC on Monday 2 February 2015. Michelle Brodrick - Director of Curriculum

AWARDS AND MUSIC SHOWCASE The Awards and Music Showcase celebrating the academic achievements of our students in Year 7-10 and the musical talents of many of our students was held last Friday at Costa Hall.Thank you to the wonderful staff who spent many hours preparing for this evening and working with the students to make this evening a success. A special thank you to Natasha Solczaniuk for her wonderful organisation of the event. REPORTS AND EXAMINATIONS The exam period will finish this week and teachers have been busy marking exams and reporting on this final assessment. Reports will be available on the Parent Access Module on Friday 12 December. Please email if you need assistance in accessing PAM. BOOKLISTS – GENERAL INFORMATION Textbooks and stationery can be ordered online or booklists can be dropped into SJC reception by Tuesday 9 December. To place an online order go to the Campion website . The passcode for St Joseph’s College is YV28. Please note that orders placed online must be paid for at that time. Booklist orders dropped into SJC reception can be paid for at the time of collection on Wednesday 28 January. Any late orders for books/texts can be made online using the home delivery option. Extra Important Information & Dates copies of booklists are available online through student links on the student homepage. GENERAL OFFICE – CHRISTMAS BREAK Booklist orders can be home delivered or collected from The office will close for the Christmas break from the College, Br. O S Adams Gymnasium (Queens Road Thursday 18 December 2014 and will reopen Monday 5 Newtown) on Wednesday 28 January 2015. January 2015. Please note that the College office will also be closed all day on Monday 15 December 2014. Surname A-G 8.00am – 11.00am The Westcourt office will close Thursday 11 December Surname H-N 11.00am – 2.00pm 2014 and reopen 28 January 2015. Please direct all Surname O-Z 2.00pm - 5.00pm enquiries to the main campus. All 5.00pm – 6.00pm COLLEGE FEE PAYMENTS Please check our website for up to date information on We would appreciate all parents attending to outstanding booklist information. college fees by 15 December. SECOND HAND BOOKS The Building Fund payment is also due. This fund plays a Second hand books are available through Second hand vital part in the provision of new buildings and student School Supplies .They facilities. All donations to the School Building Fund are tax are located at 9 Star Street Geelong. deductible and a receipt will be issued. Families can drop off any textbooks to Second hand School Mandy Toohey – Office Manager Supplies to be sold on consignment. A nominated account will be credited when the books are sold. Compassion Innovation Integrity

Endings and Beginnings All At Once

When Words Fail

While the calendar year is coming to a close, students are finishing school and teachers are writing reports and correcting exams, the liturgical year is just beginning. The season of waiting and preparing for the coming of Jesus began on Sunday with the commencement of Advent. Advent is just as important as Lent but receives less attention, possibly as it gets overshadowed by the busyness of the time of year – end of year gatherings, Christmas shopping and preparations. It is endings and beginnings all at once. Sandie Cornish describes Advent as a time of “looking to the past with gratitude; living the present with passion; and embracing the future with hope”. This hope was symbolized when the first candle of Advent was lit during our staff briefing on Monday morning. We see this hope when we are mindful of the small and large acts of loving kindness that go on around us. Our students are recognised for these acts through Edmund Rice Awards – although I’m sure many more of them go unnoticed. Such as when a Year 10 student holds the hand of a resident in an aged-care home, when a Year 9 student bends over a preppie to read a book to them, when a Year 7 student spreads vegemite on toast at one of the breakfast programs, when a Year 8 student brings armloads of food for the Toucan appeal, when a Year 11 student goes bowling with a client from SCOPE, when a Year 12 student makes a coffee for a person on the Outreach Van. It is in these acts of loving kindness that God’s Kingdom will come – and it is in these acts that Jesus is born every day. And this is where the hope of Advent is found. And so, amidst the bustle of December, prepare for the birth of Christ with gratitude, passion and hope. And we wish you a Spirit-filled Christmas and joyous New Year. Jo Hart - Director of Identity

The tragic death of Australian cricketer Phillip Hughes has received enormous media coverage these last few days. A recurring theme of most journalists and “tweeters” is that it is impossible to make sense of his death. Everyone knows the facts in graphic detail, but the “Why?” eludes us. At a time like this, rituals and symbolic actions have an important part to play. People who never met Hughes are genuinely in a state of grief and shock at his death, and doing something like putting out a bat or observing a minute’s silence seems to help. For my part I was at a junior cricket match on Saturday when a young batsman reached fifty runs. I was expecting him to retire on that score, as is normally the case until someone informed me that for this match only the retirement score was to be 63 runs, the same score that Phillip Hughes was on when his last innings ended. Suddenly I found myself willing this young boy to make another thirteen runs. When he eventually hit a single to reach the special number he humbly raised his bat and left the field to the thunderous applause of some very teary spectators, including yours truly. He removed his helmet to reveal a cheeky grin just like Hughes himself. This little left-hander had just completed an innings that he will remember for the rest of his life, and he had mysteriously helped me and others to feel a little bit better about a desperately sad situation. The Catholic Church has been in the business of rituals and symbols for thousands of years. Incense, candles, gestures, music, bells, crosses, holy water – the list goes on. Their purpose is to connect us with the mystery of our God who cannot be contained by mere words. In sad times in particular, when we are grasping for meaning in some tragic event, the symbols and rituals of the Church somehow fill the void of understanding. They take us beyond human logic and allow us to tap into the deeper wisdom of God. Even though we may never reach true understanding in this life, the symbols and rituals open a door to the possibility of acceptance and peace. Wishing all members of our community every blessing at Christmas, John Harmon - Chaplaincy and Liturgy Coordinator

Compassion Innovation Integrity

Careers News RESULTS OF LARGEST YOUTH SURVEY IN AUSTRALIA REVEALS A SUCCESSFUL CAREER IS THE TOP PRIORITY Extracts below taken from the ABC and Mission Australia websites. The largest annual youth survey in Australia has revealed that a successful career is the top priority for young people but many believe they will not meet that goal. Nearly 14,000 young people aged 15 to 19 responded to the youth survey by service organisation Mission Australia. For the first time, they were asked about their aspirations. Achieving career success was ranked as number one; 87 per cent of responders said it was extremely or very important. Mission Australia’s Youth Survey is the nation’s largest online annual ‘temperature check’ of teenagers aged between 15 and 19. Run every year since 2002, this highly influential survey gives young people the chance to have their say. Although our survey questions change slightly from year to year, they always aim to discover what concerns young people on a personal and national level, what they value and who they turn to for help. Schools and groups can also request tailored reports that tell them about the views and values of local youth issues, challenges and needs. Mission Australia strives to ensure the Youth Survey represents our nation’s diversity – cultural, geographic and socio-economic. Among those who take part are young people who are in detention and teenagers who are homeless or are at risk of being so. Each year our survey captures the views of young Australians and the results go on to inform the agendas of governments, policy makers and community organisations so having your say is important. young-people/understanding-young-people/annual-youth-survey CHANGE OF PREFERENCE HELP FOR YEAR 12 STUDENTS Year 12 students will receive their VCE results and ATAR scores on Monday 15 December. I will be available, at St Josephs College in the Careers Office, on Monday morning (until midday) and Tuesday (all day), to speak to students if help or advice is required. I will also be available via email at Students have until 22 December, 12 noon, to change their preferences, if required. It is important that if preference are changed the student ensures that he has met the prerequisite subject requirements as well as any other additional selection requirements. If your son does not achieve the ATAR he needs to gain entry to the course of his choice, there may be another Compassion Innovation Integrity

p pathway option. Universities and TAFE providers will once again provide information sessions and openings for students to access further information. Change of Preference information can be found on the Careers Blog, in the Senior Students Briefcase at this link: senior-students-briefcase/ Karen Shum – Careers Coordinator

Edmund Rice Awards Edmund Rice Awards are awarded by any staff member to students who demonstrate qualities of Blessed Edmund Rice such as going beyond the expected whether it is through their kindness to others, giving of their own time to assist others, being courageous in their actions or demonstrating true leadership. Recipients of these awards receive a certificate and a $5 canteen voucher. Congratulations to the following students for being awarded Edmund Rice Awards this term. Jordan Fama 7F Ty Williams Jacob Jepson Raby 7K Antonio Gumina Salvatore Cilmi 7H Bayley Repcak Thomas Chapple 7H Thomas Tigani Lochlyn McFarlane 8J Mitchell Saba Finley Parke 8J Max Fitzgerald Reef Davie 8E Jo Hart - Director of Identity

7D 7D 7G 7G 8A 7D

2015 VET Students need a USI Attention all 2015 VET Students - it is mandatory that you obtain a Unique Student Identifier (USI). As of 1 January 2015 any person undertaking nationally recognised training delivered by a registered training organisation must have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). If you are undertaking VET studies in 2015 you fall into the above category. Please visit our College website for an information sheet detailing how to apply for a USI . Please complete the USI application and send your number via email to . If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact Jarrod Gore (VET Coordinator) on 5226 8118. Jarrod Gore - VET Coordinator

o completing 8 hours over this year and next year. Many on of the boys have either begun or completed their 8 hours of community service this year. The boys are always keen to put their hand up for our community service programs such as refugee tutoring, holiday programs, breakfast programs or the outreach van. Also many boys organise their own community service and can be seen helping out at op shops, News from the P&F sporting clubs and other charities around Geelong. We’d like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all Many parents this year have also assisted with the college those who were part of the Parents and Friends this year. community service programs and the school is most grateful These parents tirelessly give their valuable time to be part for their involvement. Staff are involved in all community of the many events we have held throughout the year. We service programs run by the college and are most supportive have been pleased to welcome many new faces and are sad of the program often giving up their own time to help. to say goodbyes to a couple of others. Thank you to all the organisations throughout Geelong who The Fashion Show was held at the end of last term and was support our program. Finally, congratulations to the whole once again a great night out for over 300 women. The hard St Joseph’s community for your ongoing support of the working sub-committee deserve a huge thank you for their community service program within the school. This truly is great efforts in putting together a successful and popular a reflection of an Edmund Rice school. event. This event raised over $14,500 which will be used to Claire Wrigley - Community Service Coordinator provide much needed school supplies at St Joseph’s school in Kenseka in Uganda. Thank you to all who attended and raised funds for this very worthy cause. Last week saw us provide a thank you morning tea for the staff at both the main campus and Westcourt. This event gives us a chance to thank the staff on behalf of the parent community for the support staff members provide to the P&F and to the ongoing support and care of our boys. This term we have looked ahead to next year and have begun planning our events. We look forward to another fun filled year and we hope you can be a part of it. Thank you to everyone who has supported our events Year 11 VCAL throughout the year and we look forward to your continued support in 2015.Best wishes for a very merry Christmas On 18 October the VCAL students walked (a few ran!) from Drysdale to St Joeys along the Bellarine Rail Trail, and a happy and safe new year. to raise money and awareness for homelessness in the Jackie & Terri - P&F Co-presidents Geelong region.The preparation for the event really opened our eyes to homelessness in Geelong. We participated in an e-classroom with The Big Issue and investigated causes and responses to homelessness in our local area.We started the day of our walk at 9:30 in Drysdale and ran/walked along the Bellarine Rail Trail. The event took us most of the day to complete. Sheridan Stack and Chris Phelan both ran the whole way and made it back to school in 2 hours and 2 hours, 20 minutes respectively. An amazing achievement. Community Service in 2014 Everyone made it back in time for the BBQ. The final group As the year draws to a close I would like to acknowledge completed the course in 4 hours, 20 minutes. We all got the wonderful contribution of students, staff and parents to to sit back have some of Mr Trupkovic’s famous chevape community service this year.This year we have seen a massive rolls and chat about the day. It was a 22km course with amount of hours completed by the students at various most of it on an uphill slope with an annoying headwind, but events and organisations around Geelong. All Year 7 boys that didn’t stop anyone from having a crack. We managed to completed two hours of community service predominantly raise over $1,400 and we donated these funds to Minerva at breakfast programs at Geelong primary schools. Many Community Services in the form of movie and hair vouchers. Year 8 boys were involved in the winter sleepout and have Minerva offers specialist support for women and children also helped out on refugee holiday programs and breakfast in the Barwon area who have experienced family/domestic programs.Year 9 and 10 boys have visited primary schools in violence. Please follow this link to their website for further Geelong and various nursing homes. The boys represented information . A huge thank you to the college well at these organisations and the feedback the staff at Hot House Hairdressing for assisting us with from the schools and nursing homes is always glowing of providing hair and beauty vouchers to some needy Mums our boys. and to Village Cinemas for a great deal on movie gift cards The VCE students have completed many hours of for teens who are being supported by Minerva. Many thanks community service. All Year 12 boys completed 5 hours of to all the family members and staff who sponsored us on community service this year. Year 11 students are working our walk. - Sean Whelan - Year 11 Compassion Innovation Integrity

Congratulations Congratulat tions To past students Patrick McCartin, Zaine Cordy and Justin Nelson (2013) on their selection in the AFL Draft for next year. All boys have worked extremely hard to give themselves the best possible chance to be selected and their parents are to be commended on their support and encouragement over their years of training. Well done!

Shearers Arms Art Exhibition Each year 3 of our Year 12 Studio Arts and/or Visual Communication & Design students are invited to exhibit their final artworks at the Shearer’s Arms Gallery in their ‘VCE Art Exhibition’, run by the Geelong Art Society. This year, Riley Sherman won a prize for ‘Most Outstanding Artwork’ and received a gift voucher to spend at Cavalier Art Supplies. The artworks he submitted included a Gallery design, 3D model, two promotional posters and a paste up promotion for Unit 4 Visual Communication & Design. Congratulations to Riley on his wonderful achievement. Many hours of work were put into his finals. Congratulations also to his dedicated teacher, Mrs Helen Kean. Rebecca Spark - Arts Domain Leader

In Sympathy Monsignor James Murray (90 years), was effectively the senior church figure in Geelong for over 30 years in his role as Parish Priest of St Mary’s and the bishop’s representative in the Geelong Deanery. So many of our teachers and school families would have memories of Monsignor from celebrating Confirmations, funerals, weddings and baptisms. Even though officially retired for around 15 years, he has actively assisted parishes when their priest was away, celebrated funerals, chaired the ecumenical council of Geelong and supported the causes of East Timor and refugees. He will be fondly remembered by many for his warmth and pastoral care. Mrs Marie Gallagher (89 years), mother of Old Collegian, Mark Gallagher (1983 ) and grandmother of Ged Gallagher (Year 8). Mr William (Billy) Nairn (65 years), Old Collegian (1966), son of Laurie Nairn (dec) (1935), brother of Old Collegians Peter, Terry and Gerard Nairn. Mrs Trish Virgona wife of Phil Virgona Old Collegian (1967), mother of Damian Virgona, Susan Virgona and Kelly Virgona. To all the extended family, we extended our deepest sympathy on the passing of Trish.

Refugee Tutoring For the past year, a variety of students from Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 travelled to Northern Bay College to assist new Australians with their mathematics. Both Northern Bay students, and St Joseph’s students took away a lot from the experiences. The children are so eager to learn, and the devotion by all the volunteers was greatly appreciated by the students. Every single tutor loved the experience and can’t wait to begin again next year. Daniel Rabbat

Bond Street Kinder Farewell BOND STREET KINDERGARTEN PAST STUDENT OPEN FAMILY DAY - FAREWELL TO MAREE MERLO The Bond Street Committee extends an invitation to past and current families of Bond Street Kindergarten to an open gathering for our long serving Director and 4yo teacher Maree Merlo. This farewell event will be held on Saturday 6 December from 1 - 2.30pm at Bond St Kinder. We would love as many past and present families to come along and celebrate Maree’s career in early education, her community contributions and wish her well in her retirement. The 2015 College Captains at the ACC Captains Night held at St Bernard’s College on 27 November

Our hearts go out to you all as we pray “That God will welcome these faithfully departed into His loving arms. And that precious memories will be of comfort to those left behind, knowing that their love will live on in their hearts forever.”

M Movie vouchers will be awarded to all winners of the BEST FILM category. The winner of the BEST TECHNICAL FILM will receive a Kaiser Bass Action Camera, which has been proudly sponsored by Roydhouse Camerahouse, 102 Moorabool St Geelong. I would like to thank all Clonard and St Joseph’s College staff involved in organising this wonderful event.

Sustainability Matters COMBINED YEAR 9 CLONARD & SJC PEDAL POWER FILM FESTIVAL From Lights, Camera, Action to Bikes, Power, Action Over the past week, Year 9 students have been busy “powering up” on our Future Spark bikes at Westcourt in preparation for our first combined Clonard College and St Joseph’s College Pedal Powered Short Film Festival, which was conducted today. Combining innovation and conservation, the Pedal Power Film Festival provided a platform to showcase both the creative and technical abilities of our students in media studies and an alternative, more sustainable approach to energy use. From the numerous films submitted, three were selected by students voting for Best Film, and one for Best Technical Film by media staff. The winning entries were all showcased at today’s event. I would like to congratulate all entrants for their efforts and creativity in the production of their short films and I am thrilled to announce the winning entries for the 2014 Pedal Power Film Festival as follows: BEST FILM PLACE TITLE ENTRANTS First “Pop Culture” Molly Augerinos – Vox Pop on Sophie Baker popular culture Tarryn Love Mali Gallaher Vladana Meded Anita Burchill Ally Campigli Second “White Sabath” Charles Breen – Music Video Clip Third

“Who’s Kevin” – A new take on Grease

BEST TECHNICAL FILM “Ansekishoku” – Bruce Lee satire

Ellen Fogarty Amelia Sinkinson Lindsay Michelle Svetnik Montana Crompton Sarah Field Mali Gallaher Kingston Tantanouvong

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A special thank you to Mrs Liz O’Connell, who coordinated the use of the “pedal powered” bikes throughout the year and was the driving force and coordinator of the film festival from its inception. Her passion and persistence ensured the success of our first pedal powered event and paved the way for an exciting annual event. INTEGRATING SUSTAINABLE PRACTICE INTO THE CURRICULUM WITH BOKASHI COMPOSTING After the success of the first fertiliser trial (conducted by 7I) on the growth of strawberry plants during term three, Sustainability leaders from 7I and 7F commenced a larger scale controlled trial of Bokashi compost waste fertiliser on Aphrasia Oval on Thursday 28 November. Groundsman Travis Smith line marked two specific areas for the students to compare the condition of the oval grass, by watering one area with diluted bokashi waste and the other with tap water. The trial will continue on a fortnightly basis over the summer months. It is anticipated that the Bokashi waste will be utilised by the Year12 VCAL Numeracy students during their ongoing “Business Analysis of Seed Growth” project, which they will be undertaking in 2015. Preparations for the project got underway at “The Patch” last Wednesday during Orientation Week, as Mr Adam Colak and Mr Andrew Scaddan’s Numeracy students spent an hour in the rain adding manure and hay to the garden beds in preparation for a “bumper 2015 harvest”. Kelly Jenkins Sustainability Coordinator

BE A PART OF SJC IN 2015 There are many ways for you to be an active part of our community. All assistance helps no matter how small. Helping out at the College not only gives our students the best quality events we can organise, but it also is a great way to meet new people, have a chat with parents and friends and be a part of the SJC Family - a lot of our volunteers have a great time themselves! Register your interest to be a volunteer in 2015 got to: and click on EVENTS. We would love to see you here!


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