St Joseph's College Geelong Prospectus

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St Joseph’s College Geelong

Compassion innovation integrity

Welcome to St Joseph’s College Welcome to St Joseph’s College, a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition. On behalf of the College Board, Staff, Students and Families I extend a warm welcome to you and your family. St Joseph’s has a proud tradition of educating young men in the Geelong region for almost 150 years, with education on our Newtown site dating back to the establishment of St Augustine’s Orphanage in 1857. We are the only Year 7 - 12 boys’ school in Geelong and pride ourselves on being expert in boys’ education. The College is one of over 50 schools nationally governed by Edmund Rice Education Australia and we are committed to the EREA Charter which incorporates the four touchstones of Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Justice and Solidarity and Inclusive Community. We strive to be faithful to these touchstones in all aspects of our operation. We aim to develop the whole person and have a broad curriculum much of which is based on the principles of Project Based Learning. We aim to engage students in a way which promotes and encourages excellence, builds self esteem and prepares young men for the world beyond school. The College has a strong commitment to Pastoral Care and our wellbeing policies and procedures are based on the principles of restorative practice. We promote student voice and encourage the participation of students in a range of activities that advocate and encourage leadership. In addition to the Edmund Rice campus in Newtown our Westcourt Campus in Geelong West provides our Year 9 students with a program specifically tailored to their needs. I look forward to the opportunity to welcome you to the St Joseph’s community.

- Tony Paatsch, College Principal

St Joseph’s College strives to provide a diverse and innovative “curriculum for boys, to ensure they achieve their personal best in today’s global society. ”


Young Men our staff are expert in boys’ education and our curriculum and pastoral care programs are designed to meet the very specific needs of young men, whilst seeking to challenge common stereotypes and prejudices. We believe that in a single-sex learning environment, boys are less susceptible to social pressures and may confidently develop their own identity, explore their masculinity and take on leadership roles. Providing meaningful direction for boys’ energy requires specialist understanding and tolerance. We are fortunate to have first class sporting facilities on site. Other curriculum opportunities such as camps and outdoor education programs are also tailored towards boys. St Joseph’s College caters for all young men irrespective of their academic ability. We have a proud tradition of students achieving excellent VCE results. Our VCAL, VET in Schools and School Based Apprenticeship programs provide similar results for those interested in pursuing apprenticeships and traineeships. Teaching and learning at St Joseph’s is focussed on the pursuit of excellence. Striving for academic achievement has a strong emphasis, and is promoted via a rich array of programs and support activities. Literacy and numeracy are prominent at all year levels. All courses and their delivery challenge students to reach their highest possible achievement. During Years 11 and 12, students from Clonard College and Sacred Heart College attend some classes at St Joseph’s and vice versa, providing students with a very wide subject selection during senior years.

Learning can mean far more than academic achievement. Our “Staff are experienced at helping guide boys through the many challenges and choices that arise as they grow as men ”

St Joseph’s is a Community of

Faith As a Catholic College we aim to build a community of faith which expresses itself in commitment to the person and lived values of Jesus Christ. Our aim is for our students to develop a sound knowledge of the Catholic tradition, an appreciation of Gospel values and the skills and willingness to contribute to family and community life. Our programs are designed to encourage student growth towards a mature faith that will provide them with strength and direction as they move into the adult world. In the junior years, there is a greater emphasis on the knowledge of our Catholic tradition and practices. As students develop, they are encouraged to learn about and critically analyse other religions. This then leads to a focus on contemporary issues facing our Church and society, bringing to them our Christian perspective. In senior school, students study religion through compulsory and optional VCE units. A school based Religious Education program is offered for those not wishing to take on the VCE units in Year 12. We regard student involvement in College liturgies, retreat days, prayer and community service as special opportunities to explore, express and celebrate their faith. Edmund Rice of Waterford, Ireland founded the congregation of Christian Brothers in 1802 for the Christian education of poor boys. His example was an inspiration to others and for more than two centuries many have been attracted by his vision and generosity. St Joseph’s College Geelong was founded in 1935 by the Christian Brothers, providing a comprehensive education for boys within the Geelong Region. The College’s motto ‘Ad Alta Virtute’ translates as ‘Strive for the Highest’ reminding us that we are born for higher things - testimony to which is found in the life of St Joseph, our patron Saint.

All persons are unique and worthy of respect. We recognise “the individual gifts of all students and our College welcomes all those who seek Catholic Education ”

Every Student is Given the Opportunity for

Success We provide the opportunity for all students to participate in a broad, innovative and well balanced curriculum, based on the Key Learning Areas: Religious Education, The Arts - Design, Creative and Performing, English, Health and Physical Education, Languages - Italian and Chinese, Mathematics, Science, Business Studies, Humanities, Food Technology, Information, Materials and Systems. Year 7 students are assisted in the transition to secondary school by maintaining stable class groups throughout the year for all subjects. Our Pastoral Care program includes group activities such as beach day, a camp and senior students visiting Year 7 Homerooms and leading lunchtime activities. This allows Year 7 students to develop confidence in their new school. In Year 8, students have an increasing responsibility for their subject choices and undertake innovative Project Based Learning (PBL) tasks. Students consider their interests, their abilities and their career and senior schooling goals when making choices. Year 9 students study at our separate Westcourt Campus. The notion of living and learning in the community is central to our philosophy at St Joseph’s College. The Year 9 program aims to develop students who are independent, self-aware learners who set goals, reflect and evaluate their own progress. Year 10 students have the opportunity to build an individual pathway into their senior years. Along with a strong and varied Year 10 program, students can apply to undertake a specialist Vocational Education and Training (VET) subject and/or a Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) subject. In Years 11 and 12, a diverse range of VCE units are offered at either St Joseph’s College, Sacred Heart College or Clonard College. Curriculum and career opportunities are broadened with a variety of VET units on offer. Students also have the option to enrol in the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) or to complete School Based Apprenticeships.

All curriculum is delivered in an environment where the welfare of each student is paramount. Every student is given the opportunity to experience success and achieve potential

Facilities with

Purpose Boys at St Joseph’s College have the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of excellent facilities. Heritage architecture merges with contemporary buildings to create diverse learning and activity spaces. In addition to our many classrooms we also have the following facilities: Br Rahill College Library, the Peter Cannon Performing Arts Centre (including lecture theatre, dance and drama studios), Paul Tobias Student Services Centre (including Careers Centre and Student Support Centre), ICT Centre, Tom Howe Arts Centre, Peter Chanel Centre for Music (including band, tutoring and rehearsal rooms). We also have four ovals, tennis, beach volleyball and basketball courts, the Br O S Adams Gymnasium and Adam Bryant Wellness Centre. Students have access to these facilities both as part of the curriculum and as part of the broad range of co-curricular activities. Students experience Year 9 at our Westcourt Campus. At Westcourt our students come together as a smaller community and year level.The curriculum is designed to maximise engagement with opportunities to learn in traditional and open spaces. Academic rigour remains at a high standard as we strive to assist our students to become lifelong learners and global citizens. The College also provides a variety of study options through the Joseph Innovation Trade Training Centre including Electrotechnology, Allied Health, Building and Construction and Plumbing.

The College has worked diligently to provide its students “with the best program and facilities possible. �

Leadership Skills

For Life We have a vibrant student leadership environment designed to promote self confidence and develop skills in decision making. There are many opportunities for boys to be involved in leadership activities. Leadership within the Christian tradition promotes the notion of service. There is an expectation that all student leaders will lead by example, will seek to serve others and will be leaders in the areas of Community service. Students are encouraged at all year levels to provide support to those less fortunate on a local, national and international level. A variety of immersion opportunities are offered including the Kokoda Track, Daly River community,Yeppoon and Uganda Immersions. These opportunities provide students with the opportunity to immerse in another culture, and will enable the boys to develop relationships which will broaden their understanding of history and culture within Australia and overseas. The Edmund Rice Foundation has established a global network of assisting those at the margins. St Joseph’s has a strong connection with the Edmund Rice ministries in East Africa. All students are encouraged to live their faith by supporting a broad range of community service activities. In doing so they develop an appreciation of their own lives and see the importance of compassion. We seek to equip boys with the knowledge, integrity and sense of self that will help them develop into fine men who contribute to the world in their own unique way. We uphold the model of life long learning and hope that each boy leaves St Joseph’s with confidence and motivation to keep reaching for new horizons.

Leadership skills will be explicitly taught with numerous “opportunities to develop these skills in practical ways, primarily in service to others. ”

What Does It Mean To Be A

Joey’sBoy? When students begin their journey at St Joseph’s College they quickly discover that there is more to being a student at St Joseph’s than just showing up for classes each day. We believe all our students, past and present, should have a sense of pride in being a part of our community. St Joseph’s students are continuing a long history of young boys developing into young men. Some students continue their journey long after having graduated, with values and friendships that originated at St Joseph’s lasting a lifetime. St Joseph’s College focusses on the development of the whole person spiritual, moral, emotional, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic. All people are unique and worthy of respect. We recognise the individual gifts of all students and our College welcomes all those who seek Catholic education regardless of social and economic status or ability. We emphasise participation and involvement of all members of the College community; students, parents, teachers and administrators. Moved by the story of Edmund Rice, and inspired by the gospel values of love and justice, we encourage one another to “strive for the highest” (Ad Alta Virtute). We are committed to education that encourages students to develop and use talents, to respect and show compassion towards others, to embrace innovation, to help develop abilities and teach Christian ethics as the basis of acting with integrity.

We encourage our students to take pride in our College and “promote respect for one another in the tradition of Blessed Edmund Rice ”

St Joseph’s College is proud to be a part of:

St Joseph’s College Geelong 135 Aphrasia Street Newtown,Victoria 3220 Phone: 03 5226 8100 Fax: 03 5221 6983 Email:

Liberating Education

Justice & Solidarity

Gospel Spirituality

Inclusive Community

These four Touchstones are fundamental in our Commitment to being a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition. and are a living reality in our Community.

We acknowledge that we are educating on the traditional land of Wathaurong people and honour and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.

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