Building Works In light of the recent growth and anticipated future growth in student enrolment, the College has commenced construction of a Project Based Learning Centre at the Edmund Rice Campus. The building will be located on the Aphrasia Street frontage and will be constructed over three levels. This project will involve a fit out on two levels only at this stage with the ground floor level to be fitted out at a later date. The new building will house nine general purpose classrooms. These classrooms will be able to be opened to create double size classrooms with an area for breakout enabling students to work in teams on projects. The centre will also house two science classrooms, two music classrooms, an extension to the existing band room, storage for musical instruments, two staff offices, meeting rooms and an opened area for collaboration. Construction commenced in September 2017 and is due for completion in July 2018. The College has also engaged architects to prepare preliminary sketch designs for a new gymnasium building to be constructed at the Year 9 Westcourt Campus. Construction of this new building is planned to commence following completion of the Project Based Learning Centre and will be ready in time for the start of the 2020 school year. It is proposed that the building will house a single indoor basketball court, amenities and circuit gym room. The College is also investigating a proposal to extend the existing Peter Cannon Performing Arts Centre (PAC). As it presently stands the PAC can seat some 250 people. The current capacity is considered insufficient for many uses that the College requires of a performing arts centre, especially given the total number of students at each year
level is approximately 300 and this number will increase to 336 students for the Year 7 intake in 2018. The proposed extension will increase capacity to some 360 people allowing for a full year level of students with teaching staff to be accommodated. During the year the College completed the purchase of Joseph’s Lane land from the City of Greater Geelong. This land dissected existing College owned property and the purchase was viewed as important from a long term strategic viewpoint. The College continues its program of upgrading existing classrooms with new furniture and painting. During the year a further 13 classrooms were upgraded to provide an improved learning environment. In the advent of increasing electricity costs the College reexamined the economics of installing additional solar panels. It was determined that the payback was relatively short and thus proceeded to have an 88 kW solar power system installed at the Edmund Rice Campus. The College now has a total installed capacity of 100kW solar power system which supports the Colleges sustainability initiatives and will provide ongoing financial benefits for a many years. The shortage of off-street parking around the College has resulted in the commencement of construction of a new carpark in Queens Road (opposite Russell Zampattii Oval). The carpark will provide parking for 42 vehicles and will relieve congested parking around the streets in close proximity to the Edmund Rice Campus. - Terry Fowler, Business Manager