Libra the Scales by Deborah Houlding

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Librans who live up to their signs’ nobler qualities have learned to exercise true judgement and discretion. First, they analyse, then they integrate into a solution and resolve, holding firm to their principles unless new knowledge comes to light that calls for re evaluation. But this requires a form of extremism in itself, so Librans must turn themselves inside out until they understand that the only genuine state of non conflict is total inertia. Even the quest for peace and harmony requires one to take a stand and hold to it, regardless of the discomfort this causes to others and ultimately oneself.

Those born in this period, imbued with the qualities of analysis and judgement, are creatures of a celestial environment that shies away from extremes and excesses. Librans have a reputation for being the ‘moderates’ of the zodiac, with a talent for comparison, evaluation, and impartial philosophical reasoning. They have excellent intercommunication skills, based on a fine interplay between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and –generally – can be counted on to demonstrate fair, unprejudiced judgement that tempers personal bias through recognition of broader social concerns

Not surprisingly, then, Libra is far more complex than modern media profiles express. Finding harmony in a world of ebb and flow, agitation and strain is no easy task. Rather than living a carefree life of tranquil relationships and easy contentment, most Librans are painfully aware of difficult day to day conflicts and the discomfort that arises whenever their views are at odds with those of another. 1 Due to calendar changes the date of Michaelmas only roughly aligns with that of the equinox, which is precisely established at the moment of the Sun’s ingress into Libra. Michaelmas is one of the four Christian (and Pagan) ‘Quarter Days’ which were intended to earmark the dates of solstices and equinoxes and split the year into quarters for legal, religious and administrative purposes (acting as deadlines for such things as paying up taxes and vacating properties as well as holding festivities). The historical employment of Quarter Days is widespread but allocated dates vary in different regions. In Britain they are: Lady Day (~ equinox), 25 March; Midsummer Day (Ç solstice), 24 June; Michaelmas Day (Ö equinox) September 29, and Christmas Day, (à solstice) December 25.

Ó (published online 2004) 2 and mercy and supervisor of Judgement Day, whose feast day, Michaelmas, traditionally celebrates the autumn festival that follows the equinox 1

One way or another, Librans are fixed to the need to find a position of balance. Most recognise that equality and justice must begin with inward reflection and are happy to scrutinise their emotional behaviour or have it analysed by others. In the search for objectivity, they consider carefully that others may hold a different viewpoint than their own and make earnest attempts to see things from alternate perspectives. The difficulty, then, is: how does a seeker of harmony best handle a profusion of conflicting realities? Can they be synthesised into a rounded whole, or will they simply lead to inconstancy and indecision, with a wavering from one opinion to the next?

Ó (published online 2004)

This natural subjugation of pure ego expression is further compounded by Libra’s rulership by Venus, the planet that seeks to relate and gives yearnings to be wanted and approved of by others. Librans cannot avoid the fact that relationships and recognition of the desires of others are significant concerns around which many of their own problems revolve These issues colour their moods and propel their actions: it is often the case that Librans feel beset by relationship problems, or the problem of getting into, or out of, one.

Many horoscope columnists depict Libra as the most desirable zodiac sign, a curiously magnified view of the sign where the Sun is said to experience its fall. The Sun, as the symbol of creative self expression and individuality, is debilitated in Libra, partly because Librans are forever evaluating their own position within the emotional mire of trying to please others. In terms of finding one’s own path and asserting independent views openly, directly and clearly – unfettered by what other people think – this is a major hindrance. Librans are simply uncomfortable in that position and have to overcome instinctive barriers to maintain a resolve that focuses on pursuing personal concerns. If they hold fast to the sign’s deeper spiritual principles, they will not offer concessions to avoid confrontation but contentedly take up a position of polarisation and stand with strength against what they oppose. Sometimes, to restore equilibrium, force must be applied against the trend. In this sense


Few of us regularly live up to the noblest qualities of our sun sign, and many of the negative traits associated with this sign – indecision, gullibility, falseness, unexpressed resentment, overindulgence of pleasurable interests, oscillating between two extremes – are readily observed in your day to day Libran, with their irritating overuse of “it’s not fair” and “on the other hand”. Librans can be too eager to live in superficial harmony and so become exasperating in their avoidance of uncomfortable issues. Like the betrayed wife

The rulership of Venus enhances the Libran reputation for being a diplomatic and charming character type. They are renowned for presenting themselves to others neatly and attractively, with a refined sense of artistic taste and an instinct for adorning themselves with polish and finesse. In Libra, Venus occupies its diurnal rulership, where it becomes more naturally apparent and visibly expressed. Although Librans enjoy being popular and seek the expression of beauty and pleasure, they can be too easily swayed by agreeable surface appearances.

Librans become the faithful equalisers, the ‘children of the scales’ who, using the weapons of fairness, reason and force, are unafraid to meet the challenge of negating oppressive energies. Libra is a cardinal sign, underlain with a powerful will that inclines towards initiating ideas and activating changes. Yet of all the cardinal signs, Libra has the most underrated sense of motivation, their non intimidating personas often fooling us into thinking they will give up on their goals far easier than they will.

Sweet Librans – they do it with a kiss! So revered for being socially acceptable and easy to get along with, Librans can leave trails of deep frustration in their evasion of unpleasant difficulties and messy emotional dilemmas. In aiming to be considerate, they have a natural aversion to that painful but necessary stage called ‘closure’. Always willing to leave negotiations – and therefore their options – open, the awkward reality of the Libran is that in striving to be fair to others, they are often anything but.

The brave man with a sword! The Ballad of Reading Gaol, 1897.

As an air sign, Libra likes to keep things light, bright and positive. The element of air relates to the sanguine humour indicating a disposition that is moderate, well rounded, and by nature optimistic. Sanguine temperaments aim for the middle ground, disliking extreme reactions or innovative, off the

When they successfully navigate themselves to a position of victory in conflict, there is often an uneasy feeling of manipulation left behind. Most people, being stabbed in the back, would prefer not to have a smiley sticker placed on the wound – as Oscar Wilde, himself a Libran, observed: Each man kills the thing he loves By each let this be heard Some do it with a bitter look Some with a flattering word

The coward does it with a kiss

Ó (published online 2004) 4 who has good reason to suspect her husband is having an affair but would rather not think about it, or the philandering lover who assures you of total commitment before disappearing off the scene – so long as it looks good on the surface, Librans can convince themselves that all is as it should be. They have a natural talent with words and a predisposition for assuming that if everything sounds right it probably is. This makes it easy for Librans to glibly and thoughtlessly assure others of their sincerity, failing to recognise the insincerity of doing so.

Librans are also adept at using ‘compromise’ and ‘negotiation’ to give them everything they want. And rather than admit to pursuing their own agendas, they will gain support by persuading others to view the situation through their eyes. When called to question, Librans will attempt self analysis and introspection, but reason (not profound realisation and contemplation of subconscious motives) tends to the justification that their intentions are logical. Librans are often more concerned about defending themselves intelligently than honouring the deeper moral angle. If those words sound sweet, that’s good enough; it isn’t a lie if the sentence is cleverly constructed.

The net result is that Librans, unless very wise and ‘living consciously’, often leave people with the impression that they are shallow in their moral stance, weak in their adherence to principles and disingenuous in their tactics.

ï Saint Michael Weighing Souls, by Juan de la Abadía, c.1485. The Archangel holds the scale with his left hand and a spear in his right, by which he threatens the Devil that tries to cheat by tilting the scale to his favour.

Ó (published online 2004) 5 wall approaches. Consequently, Librans excel at appearing to offer all things to all men but are less suited to intense and demanding relationships. Earth types may view them as frivolous and uncommitted, water types may view them as unresponsive to their deeper emotional needs, and fiery types will be unimpressed by a cool and charming veneer if it falls away to reveal an absence of vivacious sparkle and charismatic energy. As a humane sign, Libra is marked by civility, good manners, a flattering turn of phrase and an absence of coarseness. In professional fields, Librans are the born diplomat, the perfect negotiator, and the faultless ‘meet and greet’ face that works well in all areas of public relations. They also find their niche in music, singing and artistic fields, where their penchant for moulding light, colour, and shape into a balanced and symmetrical form that offers popular appeal works well for commercial image. Their style is conventional rather than passionate, off beat or quirky, and they sit comfortably in business settings that demand an attractive and widely appreciated ‘front’. However, the ideal vocation for an evolved Libran is within the fields of law, government, statesmanship and civil justice. Libra, at its best, is the signature of the true strategist, where reason appropriately overrules emotion and serves the broader aim of rectifying inequality and unfairness. Only when the Libran rises to a position where they no longer see themselves as the centre of their own universe, but as an agent of equilibrium within the social environment, can they come close to appreciating the dynamism of the cosmic power they hold. Balance is easily found in stillness but serves a greater purpose when it holds us upright through the roughest of storms, with our vision locked to the distant horizon. Not by sticking to the middle ground but by remaining centred upon necessities and ideals can the Libran break free from wavering distractions and find a place of poise that reflects the heartfelt power of inner equilibrium. The exaltation of the planet Saturn in this sign is a reminder that the task is not to seek out harmony but to create it, most especially in those dark places of hard realities and harsh denials, by redressing wrongs and restoring truth – never for the sake of administering punishment, but always as an act of tact, compassion and mercy that eventually illuminates the pathway to grace.

Debilitated in Libra Mars by detriment. Sun by fall.

Illnesses: Libra is susceptible to illnesses concerning the kidneys, lower back, buttocks, bladder, urinary tract, the joints of the body or corruption of blood. This sign tends towards overindulgence in sugar or other pleasurable things and lacks an outlet for physical energy, so problems can occur through excess of food, drink, and sex. Librans can have addictive tendencies, suggesting problems with alcohol, whilst their natural liking for sweetness combined with a vulnerable kidney offers a warning for diabetes. Illnesses under the rulership of Libra include kidney stones, lumbago, venereal disease, and ulcers in the kidneys or bladder.


Dignified in Libra Venus as sign ruler. Saturn as exaltation and day time triplicity ruler. Mercury as night time triplicity ruler.

Places: As an air sign, Libra governs places that are exposed to light and air, or those that are high off the ground. Externally, this includes places where the air is clear and sharp, such as mountains and hillsides, orchards or cultivated high places. It also rules windmills and places that deal with processing wind power. Traditionally it is said to rule places where hunting and hawking are performed – in our modern world, we can extend this to air force bases, airports, and high communication towers. It is also given rulership over sandy and gravely ground, saw pits, places where wood is cut or stored, and to barns or out houses that lie away from other dwellings.

Ó (published online 2004)

Airy, warm & moist, sanguine, diurnal, masculine, moveable (cardinal), humane, western DIGNIFIED PLANETS

&Countriescities: Include China, Greece (especially around ancient Thebes), Upper Egypt, the ancient city of Antioch, Balkh and Kabul in Afghanistan,


Inside buildings, Libra indicates places near windows or off the floor towards the ceiling, ventilation ducts, the upper rooms in houses, garrets, chambers and bedrooms, and rooms that nest inside others, such as walk in wardrobes It also has a general rulership over places of worship, or places associated with civilised human behaviour.


Direction: West. All air signs relate to the west; as the cardinal air sign Libra signifies due west (as opposed to west by south or west by north).

Anatomy: Libra rules the kidneys, lower back, bladder and ovaries, and has a general rulership over the blood.

Luciano Pavarotti 12 Oct 1935; Modena, Italy; 1:40 am CET (RR:AA)

Margaret Thatcher 13 Oct 1925; Grantham, England; 9:00 am GMT (RR:A)

Will Smith 25 Sep 1968; Philadelphia, PA, USA; 9:47 pm EDT (RR:A)

Libra is a sign of a well proportioned body which inclines more towards being tall and slender rather than short and fleshy. The face is rounded and usually attractive with a clear complexion, though there is an inclination towards pimples and dimpled skin in older Librans. The eye colour tends towards being light or grey and hair inclines towards being light, smooth and capable of growing long.


Jerome Cardan 24 Sep 1501 (JC: 4 Oct, GC); Pavia, Italy; 6:29 pm LMT (RR:B)


Michael Douglas 25 Sep 1944; New Brunswick, NJ, USA; 10:30 am EWT (RR:C)

Humane: Humane signs are those represented by human figures, which are also referred to as ‘manly’ or ‘courteous’. They are renown for social graces and intellectual skills and include Gemini, Virgo, Libra and Aquarius, (Libra on the assumption that the scales are held by a human hand).

Animals As an air sign Libra has a general association with birds (Al Biruni includes rulership over leopards as well as jinns or genies).

John Lennon 9 Oct 1940; Liverpool, England; 6:30 pm BST (RR:A)

Kim Kardashian 21 Oct 1980; Los Angeles, CA; 10:46 am PDT (RR:AA)

Catherine Zeta-Jones 25 Sep 1969; Swansea, Wales; 2:40 pm BST (RR:A)

Mahatma Gandhi 2 Oct 1869; Porbandar, India; 7:08 am LMT (RR:C)

Ó (published online 2004)

Stones & metals: Stones and metals fall under the rulership of planets, not signs, but through its association with Venus, Libra has affinity with copper, sapphires, marcasite, lapis lazuli and chrysolite. It also has association with wood through the exaltation rulership of Saturn.

Kamala Harris 20 Oct 1964; Oakland, CA, USA; 9:28 pm PDT (RR:AA)

7 Mecca, the higher regions of Austria, Alsace and Arles in France, Estonia and Latvia, Lisbon in Portugal, Frankfort and Spires in Germany, Vienna, and Fribourg in Switzerland.

Colours The colours of Libra are those that are not excessive in shade or hue: greys, pastels, and subtle tones.


“If you are trying to balance the scales of justice and equality in all your work relationships, you’re going to come up short" – Judge Judy Sheindlin (Sun and five planets in Libra).

Oscar Wilde 16 Oct 1854; Dublin, Ireland; 3:00 am LMT (RR:C)

Serena Williams 26 Sep 1981; Saginaw, MI; 8:28 pm EDT (RR:AA) [ Ö \

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