Belfield Banter - Volume 11 Issue 1 - April 2019

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Belfield Banter APRIL 2019


Coming Up... Marxist Theory in Beauty and the Beast ELLIE POWELL

The Fall Play

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Designer Babies?

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As one of the play’s many drunken villagers, I have a personality onto the commodity. Beauty and the noticed that Beauty and the Beast lends itself topical to Beast demonstrates this concept exceptionally well. In our current political and academic climates through its the musical, all objects in the castle are truly humans subtle exhibition of economic under a spell; hence, each object theory. Ironically enough, as has a distinct personality. Howthe Humanities 10 students ever, not only does Beauty and learn about the minimalist the Beast exhibit this festishism principles of Tibetan Budof the commodity, it also condhism, the headmaster of St. tributes to it. As a popular story Anne’s-Belfield School directs in musical, book, or film mania musical which mirrors Karl festation, Beauty and the Beast Marx’s theory regarding the has immense influence over its fetishism of commodities. In target audience: young children. essence, Marx hypothesizes When these young children that corporations, and in turn see regular household objects consumers, project personalportrayed as human beings, they ities onto objects such as sports cars or even griddles internalize this, and subconsciously project personalin order to create a larger customer base. For examities onto other advertised products. The fetsishism of ple, a high school student who feels the need to seem commodities favors corporations, which is inherently wealthy may purchase AirPods because the relative problematic for the general public, as they cannot marketing campaign launched by Apple characterizes fund themselves infinitely to meet the demands of the AirPods as a product for the affluent, thus projecting ever-growing personified commodities.


Exploring the Ethics behind #MeToo GRACE AYYILDEZ

Why Don’t Asians Protest?

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Senior Advice

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In 2006, activist Tarana Burke coined the phrase “Me Too” on MySpace, attempting to create awareness, support, and empathy for victims of sexual abuse. In 2017, Alyssa Milano picked up the hashtag, which turned from a social media phenomenon about the prevalence of sexual assault into an industry-wide reckoning in the entertainment business and other fields. This spurred the removal of many high profile men from positions of power and a guilty conscience on the part of the viewers and listeners who previously supported their work. Can one separate the art from the artist? Separating the art from the artist is unethical because the artist’s life and misdeeds will directly influence


their work. The old adage is true: life reflects art. Take, for example, the Woody Allen movies which center around romancing a young female protagonist. This narrative takes on an entirely different meaning when considered in the context of their accusations. Consumption of their art both permits the abusive behavior and denies victims any kind of justice. Dylan Farrow, Allen’s daughter who he sexually abused, noted her feelings on his continued success despite her high profile allegations: “it felt like a personal rebuke, like the awards and accolades were a way to tell me to shut up and go away.” Either boycotting the artist or putting their abuse into conversation with their work at least acknowledges the survivor’s feelings and experiences. One cannot ethically compartmentalize life and art, as it leads to weak interpretations of the art and pain on

An Insight into the STAB Juggling Squad JUSTIN WILLIAMS

Poetry Corner

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The STAB Juggling Team held its third successful practice this past week. With the coaching expertise of three ball juggler Thomas Castleman and former world record holder Justin Williams, the group has improved immensely in such a short period of time. One of our up and coming jugglers, Jack Riley, has gone from the skill level of


trash to a consistent three ball cascade in just the past three practices and we know we will see him progress further. Our goal of the STAB Juggling club is to spread the art of juggling onto the future generations so they too can experience its infinite joy.

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Insights into the Fall Play Ellie Powell

Our Town, this year’s school play, marks not only the St. Anne’s Belfield School directorial debuts of beloved photography teacher Janet Moore-Coll and current junior Sarah Schmidt, but also the introduction of a wholly different way of participating, directing, and performing in theatre. Working successfully with Thornton Wilder’s Pulitzer Prize-winning script is no easy feat, and while many have attempted to do it justice through immensely expensive set pieces and vastly intricate costumes, Moore-Coll takes a different approach entirely, stripping all subsidiary qualities from the play in order to focus entirely on the depth and scope of the text itself. The actors take a similar avenue in finding their own voices within the characters they play. Stewart Morris, playing leading man George Gibbs, says “We’re trying to go very minimalistic and very real. It’s not just that I’m George Gibbs, it’s also that I’m Stewart, and I’m saying his lines how I would say them. While there is still an element of acting, we’re trying to stay as true to ourselves as we can.” This production faces the nuances of the metatheatrical play head-on, yet with an unparalleled amount of life rooted in human connection brought into critically acclaimed characters by the genius of the actors as well as the directors. Co-Director, Sarah Schmidt, finds the play especially topical because of teenagers’ screen-usage and dis-interest in current global events. “[Our Town] is very relevant now, because it’s all about looking up and really noticing what’s around you. We need that because we have technology that limits our face to face interactions with people and our society needs its attention to be brought to problems that we don’t see because we are on our phones,” she says in regards to the relevance of the play. In this way, Our Town is especially relevant to the St. Anne’s Belfield community with respect to the new cell phone policy. Though controversial, it is undebatable that the new policy forces students to communicate with peers directly during school hours rather than through the literal and figurative

lens of apps like Snapchat. The resonation with students does not end there, however: “High school students will get the most out of this play. It’s a story about growing up and enjoying your life as it comes to you; not living too fast. I think that resonates most with teenagers,” comments Morris, JJoa sophmore. Students worry all through high school about matters that, while important, will not have a positive effect on their general happiness. Issues like whether a student has the best extracurriculars or grades in order to get into the best college can cause extreme stress without making them happier in the slightest during their high school years. Our Town gives students a drastic warning towards the possible detrimental effects of not living an authentically fulfilling life and tells audiences to slow down, look up, and appreciate their surroundings.

Marxist Theory in Beauty and the Beast Insights into the School Musical Ellie Powell

sonalities onto objects such as sports cars or even griddles in order to create a larger customer base. For example, a high school student who feels the need to seem wealthy may purchase AirPods because the relative marketing campaign launched by Apple characterizes AirPods as a product for the affluent, thus projecting a personality onto the commodity. Beauty and the Beast demonstrates this concept exceptionally well. In the musical, all objects in the castle are truly humans under a spell; hence, each object has a distinct personality. However, not only does Beauty and the Beast exhibit this festishism of the commodity, it also contributes to it. As a popular story in musical, book, or film manifestation, Beauty and the Beast has immense influence over its target audience: young children. When these young children see regular household objects portrayed as human beings, they internalize this, and subconsciously project personalities onto other advertised products. The fetsishism of commodities favors corporations, which is inherently problematic for the general public, as they cannot fund themselves infinitely to As one of the play’s many drunken villagers, I have noticed that meet the demands of the ever-growing personified commodities. Beauty and the Beast lends itself topical to our current political and While I disparage at the projection of character onto purchasable academic climates through its subtle exhibition of economic theory. items, Beauty and the Beast has been a fantastic musical to work on Ironically enough, as the Humanities 10 students learn about the and I wholeheartedly endorse the way by which the school musical minimalist principles of Tibetan Buddhism, the headmaster of St. stresses the importance of education in young women. The myriad Anne’s-Belfield School directs a musical which mirrors Karl Marx’s of relevant topics that Beauty and the Beast addresses span widely theory regarding the fetishism of commodities. In essence, Marx across political, economic, and philosophical divides, and this is yet hypothesizes that corporations, and in turn consumers, project per- another reason it is a beloved classic for all.



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Why do Asians tend not to Protest? Bella Li

the whole population, it does reflect the ideal that Asian Americans normally strive for a stable middle-class life. With their eyes fixed on financial goals, many Asians put aside wrestling with racism, for example, in the inaccurate stereotypes imposed on them and racist comments on social media. Also, traditional Asian values rooted in their mind steer their attitudes away from social involvement. With moral standards based on modesty and comity, Asians tend to restrain themselves from proactively claiming or competing for something with others. Nearly every child in China grows up looking up to the story of “Kong Rong yielding the bigger pears to his elder brothers” as a model of behavior. Therefore, when it comes to racial equality, the East Asian mindset, emphasizing modesty and comity rather than American individ Waving flags, holding posters high, shouting out radiualism, would naturally yield the “bigger cal slogans, marching in long lines, protests for equal rights in pear” of social rights to other groups in America and accept America are frequent and often not civil. As shown by the his- the leftovers. This attitude is well illustrated by Jessica Li, an tory of civil rights movements in America from boycotting in Asian American college junior who expresses her support to Mobile to recent LGBTQ+ parades, the minorities in America Harvard’s affirmative actions in her article: “the greater scope are no doubt first class civil rights fighters. However, one group of affirmative action is not for you and your individual desires seems to remain invisible on these occasions -- Asian Ameri— it is to promote and uplift communities of color, to give cans, particularly those whose ancestors come from East Asia. everyone an equal shot at receiving an education”. In her view, From the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 to the recent allegaAsian Americans are not originally disadvantageous as African tions of discrimination against Asian Americans at Harvard, Americans, who should have bigger chances of receiving colAsians are still roaming around the edges of American society, lege education. making no significant progress, while other formerly discrimi- One neglected factor may be that most Asians are ethnated groups have already fought for their rights. nically highly homologous. Across time, individuals in Asian Are these conditions due to the lack of prominence of countries have seldom experienced social inequality based on Asian American populations in the United States? Seems Unrace, not to mention knowing the concept of racism. So, in likely. By 2015, 17.3 million Asian Americans made up 5.4 comparison with African Americans, Native Americans, and percent of the nation’s population. In 50 years, researchers immigrants from Southeastern Europe, who had undergone believe that the population of Asian Americans in the US will long periods of racial or ethnic discrimination, the Ameriskyrocket to 38 percent of the population, becoming the largest can-Asians are relatively insensible to racism. In consequence, immigrant group. Their increasing presence in America’s pop- when African Americans furiously stand up against discrimiulation would therefore strengthen Asians’ role in U.S. society. nation, marching on the street and filing lawsuits, Asian AmerBesides their rising numbers, the educational backgrounds of icans are still groping around in the dark of racism in this new Asian immigrants, high rate of participation in university edplace. ucation and prominence amongst American holders of higher It is necessary for Asian Americans to re-value the imdegrees, enhance their chances of entering the elite class in the portance of fighting for their rights, no matter if it is through U.S. Nevertheless, despite that potential political influence, marching, lawsuits, or even just acting against discrimination habitually, Asian Americans choose not to involve themselves in daily life. Although racial bias may not seem to directly play in politics or civil rights movement. a role in the daily life of Asian Americans, many of whom al So, if Asian Americans already have such potential polit- ready sustain a decent lifestyle, making their voices heard may ical influence, what hinders them from stepping up and makhelp open more opportunities for the group. ing their voices heard? Although some hindrances exist, there is a great poten Instead of trying to affect policy change through involve- tial that Asian Americans will become more involved in poliment in protests, I believe that Asian Americans tend to focus tics and social movements. Asian Americans born in America their attention on striving for better economic conditions. are better adapted to the American mindset and social conStarting from primary school, a stereotypical Asian student dition. With this new generation, I believe that we might see strives to attend an Ivy League university, paving the way for more Asian faces in protesting crowds and voting stations. a high salaried job. Although the stereotype does not embrace



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Exploring the Ethics behind #MeToo Grace Ayyildiz

In 2006, activist Tarana Burke coined the phrase “Me Too” on MySpace, attempting to create awareness, support, and empathy for victims of sexual abuse. In 2017, Alyssa Milano picked up the hashtag, which turned from a social media phenomenon about the prevalence of sexual assault into an industry-wide reckoning in the entertainment business and other fields. This spurred the removal of many high profile men from positions of power and a guilty conscience on the part of the viewers and listeners who previously supported their work. Can one separate the art from the artist? Separating the art from the artist is unethical because the artist’s life and misdeeds will directly influence their work. The old adage is true: life reflects art. Take, for example, the Woody Allen movies which center around romancing a young female protagonist. This narrative takes on an entirely different meaning when considered in the context of their accusations. Consumption of their art both permits the abusive behavior and denies victims any kind of justice. Dylan Farrow, Allen’s daughter who he sexually abused, noted her feelings on his contin-

ued success despite her high profile allegations: “it felt like a personal rebuke, like the awards and accolades were a way to tell me to shut up and go away.” Either boycotting the artist or putting their abuse into conversation with their work at least acknowledges the survivor’s feelings and experiences. One cannot ethically compartmentalize life and art, as it leads to weak interpretations of the art and pain on behalf of survivors. Attempting to avoid the art made by these abusers sends a signal that they are no longer welcome in society because of their actions. The art world and movie making industry have too long perpetuated twisted power structures in which misogyny and sexual abuse are inherent and endemic. In order to dismantle those structures, it is essential that consumption of the art of particularly egregious offenders stop. The few cents Woody Allen gets from someone streaming Midnight in Paris is less significant than the fact that it means that someone is still watching Woody Allen movies. And if there is still a market, Allen can still make movies sand never suffer any real consequences for the fact that he is a wealthy, famous child molester. This example

applies to many other high profile artists. Removing their work from public consciousness sends the message that their abuses and sexism are no longer allowed in society, either. Of course, never observing or acknowledging the art again is easier said than done, and some conscious concessions must be made. Most can do without Matt Lauer on the Today Show, but what about Good Will Hunting, a fabulous movie produced by Harvey Weinstein? Picasso’s Guernica? The Beatles? Both Lennon and Picasso were abusive to the women in their life-- Lennon even sang about it (Lee). Unfortunately, many powerful men blur the line between abuse and genius. The form of art matters, too. Weinstein exerted much less influence on Good Will Hunting than John Lennon did on “Imagine”. Their production teams often contained up to hundreds of good, innocent people who should be acknowledged for their work. And those long dead artists will never face consequences from a societal backlash. The best course of action is to always put the art in conversation with the terrible deeds the artist may committed. If it is so essential and unavoidable

to acknowledge their genius, then it also must be essential to acknowledge the brutality of their actions. Understanding the dark side of those geniuses is important to consuming their work. Despite public support from the leaders of #MeToo about the possibility of redemption, there has still been much hand wringing over the extent of the movement. A recent poll showed that 43% of people think that #MeToo has gone too far (Smith). But this movement is no haphazard reign of terror, where everyone angry is just hysterical and everyone accused is innocent. We live in a country where Ryan Seacrest hosts the Oscars red carpet and people listen to Chris Brown’s music; Brett Kavanaugh sits on the Supreme Court; Louis CK is making jokes about dead kids; Morgan Freeman will still appear in movies next year. These men are the living evidence that #MeToo has not gone far enough. The media and the court of public opinion certainly have a responsibility to investigate claims and protect the innocent. But people still must realize that this awakening is ultimately about saving lives, not ruining them.



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Should We Separate the Art and the Artist? Piper Holden Why as a society do we choose to separate the art from from his adoptive daughter Dylan Farrow when she was seven the artist? When should we and why is it important? From Mo- years old. While some would bat an eye at the case of Woody zart to Hemingway to Anderson, it is evident that across both time and professional fields, art is greatly connected to the life of the artist. Based on this notion of an artist’s deep connection to their art, can you still appreciate or support the art if an artist engages in horrific actions? The #MeToo Movement coupled with the Times Up movement in late 2017 has made this question more important than ever with dozens of artists brought to light with accusations of sexual assault and misconduct. So, I ask again, should you view a film seperate from the actions of actors, writers, directors or producers? I believe the art and the artist should not be viewed separately. While I strongly believe these two entities should be viewed as one, the ethical issue quickly becomes more confusing when examining various real life cases. Take the case Woody Allen (left), Dylan Farrow (right) of Harvey Weinstein, the poster child for the #MeToo Move-

Harvey Weinstein ment who sexually assaulted over seventy women, his severe actions and lack of remorse make a redemption for Weinstein very bleak. Although debating whether to support Weinstein seems like a simple scenario due to the amountable evil actions completed by the Hollywood Producer, the debate becomes more complicated. He produced great works such as The King’s Speech, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Good Will Hunting and a favorite of mine, the beloved show Project Runway. Are we expected to completely stop watching all television and film produced by Harvey Weinstein? Originally, I answered a quick “yes” to this question, but after much deliberation and thought, my answer is no. While I do agree art is an extension of the artist, Harvey Weinstein is not an artist, but rather a producer, used for his money and resources. While originally I wanted to discard all Weinstein movies due to his horrific actions, I reflected and realized that by dismissing all projects with his involvement, the other more impactful individuals who actually shaped the art would be discarded due to the immense cruelty of one person. To be completely honest, would I actively go out of my way to watch a Weinstein movie? No, but I don’t think cinematic greats such as Good Will Hunting, a movie that touched many so deeply, or a creative fashion designing competition show such as Project Runway should be completely abandoned. This is why I cannot support Woody Allen. As a prominent writer and director, Allen is deeply involved in all of his films. In 1992, Woody Allen faced a sexual assault allegation

Allen possibly due to his esteemed film career or because of some claims that Mia Farrow forced her daughter to testify, I no longer support Woody Allen and I believe if more individuals looked into his history, they would do the same. Midnight in Paris was one of my all time favorite movies. Obsessed with the fashion, literature, and culture of the 1920s, I fell in love with the chance to transport into another decade. After learning about Allen’s sexual assault claims and relationships, I do not view Midnight in Paris, Cafe Society, and Annie Hall the same. I tried watching these films and physically could not. I viewed the relationships between the characters and the words in a completely different way. Instead of enjoying the art, I imagined the detailed scene Dylan Farrow depicts in her honest and apawling open letter. The art lost any of the spark it once gave me and that is when I wholeheartedly knew that the artist and the art cannot be looked at separately. They are one. I thought I had become numb to the idea of sexual assault. Especially in January of 2018, with claims of sexual assault so frequent; I would see the news headline and continue on my day, desensitized due to people’s malevolent actions. While I used to listen and view art without thought of the artist’s life, I cannot do this anymore. Everytime I think of Dylan Farrow’s open letter, I cannot help but cry. From her raw letter, I realized how all of us have played a part in not only her pain, but the pain of every victim of assault. “Actors praised him at awards shows. Networks put him on TV...Each time I saw my abuser’s face – on a poster, on a t-shirt, on television – I could only hide my panic until I found a place to be alone and fall apart” (Farrow). The continued support of Woody Allen from not only Hollywood but America reveals how our society continues to allow sexual assault and other misconducts to be accepted. Although going to a watch an Woody Allen movie or listening to an R.Kelly song may seem like a small action, the more people continue to support artists who sexually assault other individuals, the more power these individuals gain. Although we can not control the legal actions of celebrity sexual assaulters, as consumers and global citizens, we have a duty to ensure no one else has to say #MeToo and that no one else has to “imagine a world that celebrates their tormentor” (Farrow).



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Designer Bags over Designer Babies An Expert from Honors Humanities 12 Ethics Project Ashley Dahl

Gene editing technology is developing at an ever-increasing rate. Most notably, CRISPR Cas 9, a tool discovered in May 2005 by Alexander Bolotin of the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) (“CRISPR Timeline”), can be programmed to find, cut out, and rewrite parts of DNA code. As the technology is still in its newest stages, its potential is largely unknown. However, it is foreseeable that in the near future, scientists will be able to use this technology to genetically-modify embryos. If devices such as CRISPR could be combined with PGD, which allows doctors to screen the embryo to identify genetic diseases and to determine the sex of the embryo, these “designer babies” could have height, hair and eye color, athleticism, intelligence, susceptibility to disease, and other qualities altered in the genome. This capability would allow parents to make significant choices which control the lives of their future children and could potentially have a drastic impact on our culture, economic and social inequality, as well as permanently alter the how we perceive the human genome in the future. While “designer babies” may seem like a harmless creation if thinking about certain changes in one situation, the world-wide legalization of genomic modification would likely create larger divides throughout the world. For example, a couple that has two sons has always wanted to have a little girl to complete their family and so pursued genetic modification in order to ensure their third child was a girl. While in this case wanting to conceive a girl seems like a harmless enough endeavor, the potential effects of nation or world-wide legalization could create a massive dilemma. Many countries have a history of viewing women as inferior and even have pursued female infanticide. If technology could allow families to only have boys, for example, the world’s male population could begin to vastly outnumber the female population, which could cause significant problems such as lack of reproduction. As with the foresable divide of gender, the high cost of genetic alteration could further widen the economic disparity. If genetic alteration became an option for high-income fami-

lies, they could make their kids physically superior to “natural” children. By creating physical and genetic differences, the economic disparity would have more direct physical manifestations and would make social mobility near-impossible. Another issue with the rise of genetic modification is the lack of free will and choice bestowed in the child.Parents want what is best for their kids. So, with the option of genetic modification, parents are likely to make changes in order to give their child the best possible chances at a fruitful life. This presents a multitude of problems. If a child disliked something about themselves that their parents had intentionally chosen, it could cause resentment between the child and parents. In addition, many parents already have a dream path laid out for their child. If this desire was paired with the ability to “design” their child, they could effectively manufacture a child who would be perfect for the desired path of the parents. This is not necessarily fair to the child as they might decide their passion goes against the efforts of their parents. For example, if a couple wanted their child to be a basketball star and genetically altered them to be very tall and athletic, they might be upset if their child decides to pursue computer science since they invested into an alternative outcome for the child. By conditioning children genetically to live a certain lifestyle, we enter a world without freedom of choice and autonomy. Ultimately, the reality of genetic modifications and CRISPR is that the potential benefits and shortcomings are very unpredictable. Without experimenting, we cannot find out the negative effects, but at the same time, it would be unethical to experiment on embryos with the intent to create modified human beings. The potential effects on society are also unknown and very risky, especially since we do not know the power of the technology. While the use of genetic modifications and CRISPR have the potential to improve health and quality of life, we have to be cautious and ensure that we don’t allow the technology to completely alter both society and individuals.



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statement regarding homosexuality from CNSA directly denies a large part of identity for many LGBTQ+ individuals, leaving them no choice but to live knowing their government is against a part of their identity. These laws not only cause individual suffering, but also exert negative influences on the society as a whole. The homophobic implications of the regulation would inevitably exacerbate discord in families. Under the deep influence of traditional mores, the old generation’s conservative attitude towards homosexu China banning homosexuality in online videos is probably a mistake ality clashes with the young Bella Li generation’s openness. Chi On June 30, 2017, the official China Netcasting Services nese sexologist Li Yinhe revealed that Chinese parents believe, Association (CNSA) promulgated a set of general rules on on- “family always comes first and then happiness”. This means line audiovisual content, stating that online content “should ad- that there is often a clash between generations as to whether to here to the correct political direction, and strive to disseminate prioritize individual fulfillment with a same sex companion or contemporary Chinese values”. The regulation banned content fulfilling the duties imposed on family members by tradition. that “displays homosexuality”, juxtaposing homosexuality with Because the government policy is likely to enhance the parents’ “incest, sexual perversions, sexual assault, and other sexual vi- opposition, the law will likely reduce the chances of mutual olence” as “abnormal sexual behavior” and categorizing homo- understanding and the ability to openly communicate between sexuality as an “obscene and luxurious lifestyle”. Following this parent and child. The regulation also provides anti-homosexual trolls law, fierce discussions erupted throughout the internet with many of the participants resolutely opposing the new rules and (those who ridicule others online) a reason to criticize gay people. With the governmental support, many internet trolls disappointedly pointing out that China is retrogressing on the will feel themselves able to “rightfully” disparage the homosexissue of gay rights. Before these rules on online audiovisual programs, Chi- ual population and fiercely verbally assault them. On website Baidu Tieba, there have already been radical comments such na had continuously made progress in improving the status of as, “Haha, all homosexual people in China do not deserve to LGBTQ people in the last two decades. In 1997, homosexual exist” in response to the regulation. The internet atmosphere conduct was no longer a crime in the Chinese criminal code. In 2001, the Chinese Psychiatric Association formally removed for many individuals who are gay will become an even more toxic and threatening place in China due to this law. homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses. On December The ban on videos containing homosexual content will 19th 2014, a Chinese gay man Xiao Zhen won a lawsuit in not effectively change the attitude of those who publicly supwhich he sued a psychiatric counseling clinic for conducting port homosexuality. After the regulation was publicized, nuhypnosis and electric shock therapy in order to “cure” homosexuality, marking the first Chinese trial that did not define ho- merous LGBTQ+ internet users stood up and affirmed their mosexuality as a disease. However, the new guideline on online gay identity under the hashtag #I’m gay on Weibo, a Chinese social media platform. Within 12 hours, the hashtag reached videos overthrows a great part of the progress experienced by 2.4 billion views. Although all posts relating to this topic were the Chinese homosexual community in the past ten years. eliminated by Weibo after 12 hours, the fight for acceptance of Although the Chinese government’s objective to regulate the morality and quality of the online audiovisual industry this community has not ceased. Instead of reaching the initial purpose of promoting a better national image of China, the is justified, the approach to this goal should be reconsidered. While it is reasonable to prohibit the videos depicting inappro- regulation has aroused disappointment in a large segment of priate scenes like “sexual perversions, sexual assault, and other the Chinese society. Homosexuality is determined by birth and so changing sexual violence”, homosexual content should not be outlawed it through government regulation cannot work. Furthermore, and described as “abnormal”. As Chinese society is becoming homosexual content online has had no evidence of negative more liberal-minded, similar to other countries in the world, backpedaling on the issue of homosexuality is a mistimed deci- impact. It is disappointing that the large LGBTQ population in China still needs to bear discrimination from the government. sion that will bring nothing but harm to the society. Just as an article on Brookings remarks, the attitude to homo According to an online survey in 2014, only 9% of lessexuality is a test to the Chinese legal system: “Will the Chinese bian or bisexual women and 30% of gay or bisexual men conlegal system serve only the interests of the powerful or can it tinued to shield their sexuality from society. This is a huge also protect the rights of diverse groups in the most populous increase from the situation in 2000 when barely anyone was country in the world?” open about homosexuality. With these statistics in mind, the

Abnormal sexual behavior?



Afternoon Walk Daffodils, putrid batter the brain, as The smugness of suburbia Left too long tamed Clogs the arteries with its uniformity

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“Dear Black Girl” ANONYMOUS

I wish I could chop down these Cookie cutter houses and The cookie cutter smiles of those Stuck in their routines, Who are too scared to question the spaces in between Where they are and what they dreamed Because darkness lurks behind the doors Of those happy ones, shoved into molds, And I look over my shoulder Because I fear what remains untold. The houses Halloween masks Who never say what they’ve seen: The only safety this life provides is from What we could have been


Pain Deeper than the rich melanin in your skin that caresses your broken down body. Pain more sharp than the blades thrown at you by piercing looks and disapproved glaces. Pain More woeful than your eyes driven into weeping hours on end, and even with all these wound put on display by society Infected with hate Inflicted by the media And caused by the system you continue to live on. Black girl no on knew you were moving through this world so strong But you don’t want them to know so you board up and build up these walls so no one can see you bleed and on the inside your ego’s fallen Broken Shattered, begging on it’s knees screaming out cries and pleas But they’re thrown into a sea of ceased voices and nothing you say seems to get through and the only thing that speaks up is the voice in the back of your own head saying Black girl, who hurt you? You live within the millions of swiped right profiles Hate comments And in the Tbh’s that say, sorry I’m not your type or I don’t like dark skinned girls. You feel the hit of the backhanded compliment, “You’re pretty, for a dark skin”. Did you know, google is filled with more of your failures than successes? A documentary of your flaws. To grow up, in the very world that hates you, Everybody tries to incriminate you, but at the same time wants to impersonate you Makes you think, how ironic it is, How iconic your body is fascinated by the same people who told you the lie you’re not good enough. So, how mad are you now black girl? Black girl who stole your crown? And if you can’t find the one who stole it make one for yourself And know that even without queen you are, Have been And always will be, Perfect



ARTS “I Was Told”

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A baby fresh out the womb The first thing that comes to mind other than aww it’s cute is What race does it belongs to I was told that I was to be under the label black and struggles would be something i’d have to learn to bear I was told it was something I should never...share A bird is free to leave to cage but still it remains in many chains Then u remember.... You are black And Your hair is nappy When I hear of my people getting beat I can’t help to feel like someone’s slapped me Your eyes are brown nothing special nothing more So it’s because I’m less. I’m getting followed around the store These are the links to the never ending chain of pain a forever lasting rain This bird’s feathers causes attention but some eyes It lessens I want out this cage I want to be free I want change But if I want change I must break the chains but if I break these chains the scars will still remain And these scars are me The part of me that you don’t wanna see When I take off my mask and I look in the mirror who I want to be only becomes clearer The one I want to be is me Not the me you want me to be Harriet, Rosa, Martin, and Malcolm is this what you wanted... this outcome The world Looked up to you but you spiraled upwards out of reach And these burdens these problems that hang over my head isn’t just for me It’s for us, our people, my people We We’re standing out on and in the middle of a tightrope And the saddest thing is, I can still feel the We need to say something we need to speak But if we start a protest otherwise known as a riot In people’s eyes a plane just crashed and were are the Pilot As the plane goes down the voices go up the ones capable of hearing won’t hear the unheard And it’s silence that they want….and if we stay silent.. The mini wars and battles we all call life will continue to be violent Even though we live in a chaotic world, we must NEVER forget the story’s moral Yes i’m black but i’m not: Yes i’m black but i’m not just that label Yes...but I refuse to be one of the anonymous pages torn out of my history book or another innocent life that a policeman took Or see other people’s ignorance as just another one of my chores Yes we’re black and our bloodlines run deep and our blood’s red just like yours we are only celebrated one small month out of a year But don’t shed a tear… Because we’re strong we’re independent kings and queens And even though we live a hard life it teaches us many lessons So look at yours and count your blessings



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How the Rockets Copied the Warriors Blueprint for Success John Mason

With this in mind, he signed players like Eric Gordon and Ryan Anderson, reliable shooters capable of exploding from behind the In the 2016-17 NBA season, the Houston Rockets, under head arc on any given night. D’antoni also looked for big men who were coach Mike D’antoni, won an impressive 55 games in the regular skilled at catching lobs and finishing at the rim, signing Nené and season. Also, James Harden, the Rockets star, was an MVP candiintegrating Clint Capela into the offense, who was already on the date. Harden’s game transformed that season, dazzling fans with team. D’antoni had a different idea on how he wanted his offense jaw-dropping highlights and setting up teammates with perfectly to be run. With the new additions to the team and his master plan executed passes and brilliantly timed lobs to the rim. D’antoni took almost in place, D’antoni had one final wish: to ensure his team home Coach of the Year and Eric Gordon, an important role player gives Harden the ball and to screen the defense. This strategy tore for the team, won Sixth Man of the Year. through the NBA. Being one of, if not the best isolation player in the But the team’s success didn’t translate properly into the post- league, Harden dominated due to the screens, either driving hard to season. In Game 6 of the Western Conference Semifinals, matched the rim for a well earned two points or crossing up defenders and up against the number two seeded San Antonio Spurs, Harden had stepping back for a three. one of the worst games of his career. Facing elimination, Harden This strategy worked well in D’antoni’s first year in Houston, but posted an uncharacteristic 10 points, 7 assists and 3 rebound on after a year of heading the offense, Harden was exhausted at the end 2/11 shooting, with a disgusting plus-minus of -28. How could a of the year, and the league watched as he fell apart in Game 6 against team that had done so well in the regular season fallen so short in the Spurs. In the offseason of 2017, the organization traded in order the postseason? Harden received a lot of criticism due to his poor to obtain Chris Paul, a similar player to Harden and also signed performance and the Houston Rockets became irrelevant as the other players, for example, Luc Mbah a Moute and PJ Tucker who Playoffs continued. could help out on defense. The team worked like a machine, and the That summer, the team made a massive change to the lineup. In ex- Rockets became the most efficient offense in NBA history. Focusing change for Lou Williams, Patrick Beverley, Sam Dekker, and many almost solely on isolation, Harden became virtually unguardable other players, the Clippers made a deal with the Rockets to send and he and Paul thrived off of each other. As a result of their unique, All-Star and point guard extraordinaire Chris Paul to Houston. specialized offense, the amount of passing they made to each othAt first, analysts and fans were skeptical as to whether the team er plummeted to last in the league and their isolation frequency would be able to function at a high level together. The Rockets skyrocketed to first. Some speculate if this is what the future of the traded a lot of solid players for Paul and both he and Harden were league looks like; where teams are centralized around ball dominant ball-dominant guards. After the 2017-18 Season had started and superstars instead of set plays and an unselfish sharing of the ball. progressed, the Rockets quieted those disbeliefs. Boasting multiple This season the Rockets have shown the world what they’re capable 15 game winning streaks, the team topped what they had accomof and have illustrated the true basketball brilliance of Mike D’antoplished the previous year by winning 65 games and securing the one ni. With Harden and Paul’s unparalleled work on the offensive end, seed over the reigning champ Golden State Warriors. Harden had there’s no questioning what the viewers are witnessing is historic. an even more historic season, positioning him as the prime candiAs the season approaches the question remains, can the Rockets date for MVP. Other additions like Luc Mbah a Moute and PJ Tuck- prove themselves by winning a championship for the first time in 23 er positively affected the team. And of course, Chris Paul fit perfect- years? ly into the team, on average scoring 18.6 points, 5.4 rebounds, and 7.9 assists. The Rockets currently hold a 2-1 lead over the Jazz in the Western Conference Semifinals and have their eyes set on reaching the Western Conference Finals. So, how did the Rockets attain such a high level of success? How do Harden and Paul, two ball heavy guards, fit together in the same Author’s Afterthought: A lot of this article was based on a video backcourt? And most importantly, how does D’antoni run the Rock- by BBALLBREAKDOWN on youtube. I think the actual video has ets offense so that the team has the best chance to win games? The been taken down or removed, but regardless I highly recommend answer, surprisingly, is quite simple. you check out their channel: they’re really good at what they do! Ever since Steph Curry emerged along with the Warriors dominance, the league has had an increased number of threes. Mike D’antoni knew this, and when he was hired as head coach of Houston, he hoped to construct a consistent three-point heavy team.




New Squad Alert

Justin Williams The STAB Juggling Team held its third successful practice this past week. With the coaching expertise of three ball juggler Thomas Castleman and former world record holder Justin Williams, the group has improved immensely in such a short period of time. One of our up and coming jugglers, Jack Riley, has gone from the skill level of trash to a consistent three ball cascade in just the past three practices and we know we will see him progress further. Our goal of the STAB Juggling club is to spread the art of juggling onto the future generations

so they too can experience its infinite joy. The juggling club will hope to evolve into a varsity sport at STAB in the coming years. By becoming a varsity sport, the juggling squad would receive school funded varsity jackets and travel to tournaments. The team has great promise and even greater talent. At the rate the club has grown, it is quickly becoming the most valuable activity at STAB.


Insights On An Ancient Game By: Kelly Ying Cuju, directly translating to “kicking a ball”, is a competitive game invented by the Ancient Chinese, similar to association football today. The earliest record of Cuju dates back to the Warring States Period (475 BC to 221 BC), tracing back to an old tale. The story is told as follows, there once was a man who died of illness due to the fact that he missed a doctor’s appointment and went to play Cuju instead. The use of hands is not allowed in Cuju and players score by kicking the ball through an opening into the net above the ground. Although not known to many people, Cuju is recognized by FIFA as the earliest form of association football.



Senior Advice

With only a few months length of high school for the Class of 2019, the seniors have reflected on their years of high school and our offering their advice to the underclassman in the hopes that it can help improve the rest of their highschool careers. Hopefully you’ll take some of this to heart or at least enjoy reading some unsolicited advice. Love, Your Editors Try everything! Step out of your comfort zone and be yourself. I wasn’t myself freshmen year. I was just like a clone of my friend’s duct-taped together. -Leo H Join clubs! And keep on going to meetings, if even if the club doesn’t meet that frequently. -Anonymous I would tell my freshman self to not be so scared of the seniors and make friends with them! They’re cool! -Cat P Get to know the people in your classes. Talking over the material with others helps to keep you engaged with your schoolwork, and it’s also one of the easiest icebreakers when it comes to meeting new people you actually want to develop friendships with. You can be focused and have fun at the same time! -Anonymous Plan ahead. -Liza K Don’t be scared of approaching upperclassman. We have all been the underdogs in high school before so we know that it can be scary, but if you ever need help just ask. -Anonymous Be kind to everyone, have integrity, and be yourself. Invest time and effort in everything you do and you will be successful. Don’t focus on grades. -Madi G You aren’t necessarily thinking about college yet but your grades determine what classes you get into. Also, have fun and be nice to teachers. -Anonymous Don’t try and fit in with everyone else. Be completely authentic to yourself. Never change anything about yourself for the satisfaction of others because you should be doing what YOU want to do. Do NOT feel the need to fit in because being different is okay! -Santia M Stay on top of your work and don’t worry about the one bad quiz. -Anonymous Don’t worry about what other people think of you. Just enjoy yourself and focus on school and other things that are important to you. -Anonymous Do extracurriculars and stick with them. If you don’t do extracurriculars (clubs, volunteering, etc.), you will REALLY regret when college apps come along and you learn you were supposed to be doing them since freshman year. -Anonymous Always give school your best, just because it is freshman year doesn’t mean it won’t count at the end. -Jada B You might not always be happy with what’s going on here, but all of these people have your back. Be grateful for these people because you don’t have much time with them. Also, pay attention in American Studies, it may not always be the most fun and entertaining time, but you will come out with such a greater appreciation for learning and our history; it was the best class I’ve ever taken. -Tatum J Focus on what you’re doing right. A bad test, quiz, or even class grade isn’t going to determine how successful or happy you are. Try your best at everything even if you’re not good at it. If you are good at something and it makes you happy, invest your energy in that. -Anonymous Be nice to people! -Anonymous Don’t be so quick to undervalue the people you go to high school with. Be friends with the upperclassmen just as much as the underclassmen. -Anonymous

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Staying Unstressed While Applying to College

Anna Dove

My fellow Seniors. Where has the time gone? Was it not just yesterday that we were three and a half foot tall five year olds grasping the concept of 2+2? I know that many of us, including myself, sometimes I wish that we could go back to that carefree time in our lives. Though it does seem quite appealing, as our school song says, “memories of those special days will ever with us stay”. All we can do is hold these memories close to our hearts and use them as a safe haven for when our minds choose to wander off now and then. We all have so many exciting achievements and milestones ahead of us that we have worked extremely hard for. One of the biggest milestones, just around the corner, is getting accepted to college. While we are still waiting to hear about our next steps beyond STAB, the younger grades are beginning to prepare for the application process themselves. Here are a few tips to help keep stress levels to a minimum. One of the easiest but most crucial ways to remain on top of your applications is simply to stay organized. With the multitude of information, deadlines, and requirements that every college application requires, it is infeasible to remember every component off the top of our heads. Try making a spreadsheet or simply writing down the things you have to keep track of. For example, make a list of when the applications are due, if you’ve sent ACT/SAT scores, when you plan to have a college visit, etc. In addition to staying organized, you will feel both relieved and accomplished every time you check something off the list. Another key component of staying unstressed is not waiting to apply at the last minute. It is so easy to fall into the pits of procrastination and senioritis, but you must fight the urge and do what you know you have to do. Try to knock things out early so that you are not sweating in your room at 11:54pm frantically trying to complete everything and meet your 12am application deadline. Another reason to complete your applications with time to spare is so that you have time to catch your mistakes. There is no worse feeling than putting hours and hours into your application to then realize at the last minute that you failed to do something as simple as forgetting to complete an additional supplement and thus, causing you to miss the deadline. Don’t let this happen to you! Most importantly, use your resources. Here at St. Anne’s, we are so privileged to have wonderful college counselors, teachers, and advisors to help us. For some people, it may be uncomfortable sharing application essays to be proofread, asking teachers for recommendations, or generally talking about the future, especially when concerning college. Try to seek help from those you feel most comfortable around. Second opinions and overall support are essential to the application process. Typically, no senior has been through this process before, and so, why not seek advice from those around you who have years and years of experience under their belts? In addition to using your own resources, strive to be a resource for others. Support each other: read an essay, talk about your college list, or even turn the focus away from college completely. If you see a friend or classmate struggling, reach out and ask them how their day is going. Try to let their mind wander off the daunting uncertainty college for a bit. You will find it helpful to let your own mind wander too because we all need to take a break and to stop thinking about the future every now and again. In order to collectively succeed, as a class you have to be there for each other. Nobody can go through this process completely on their own. Everyone needs a little help, or for some of us, a LOT of help. Good Luck to everyone who will soon enter the college application process!



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Aries: Start gearing up for spring, Aries! With your high-energy spirit, spring is the perfect time to shine. Taurus: We know how much you love tradition, Taurus, but this month may be the time to make some changes. Uranus enters Taurus on the sixth, possible hinting to some changes ahead.

Gemini: Mars enters Gemini this month and this may cause some internal unrest. Remember to stay true to yourself and keep your head up!

Cancer: With no planets entering or leaving your sign this month, this is the perfect time to make some productive changes for the remainder of the year. Perhaps some prioritizing will make all the difference when it comes to success this year.

Leo: Although Leo has a tendency to want complete control over everything, maybe try stepping back a bit and looking at the big picture more often in the weeks to come.

Virgo: With not much planetary motion in Virgo this month, this may be a good time to focus on your creative side. Maybe try a new type of art, or just doodle a little bit!

Libra: The full moon in Libra this month may cause you to feel overwhelmed. Remember to focus on the important things. This month may be a good opportunity to grow from your struggles and get stronger.

Scorpio: We know how much you love to live in the moment, Scorpio, but remember to focus on the big picture while going through this month.

Sagittarius: With Venus being in Sagittarius since January, you may be feeling overwhelmed by social events. Remember to prioritize, and possibly set some new habits this spring.

Capricorn: With Venus entering Capricorn last month, now may be a great time to put yourself out there more. You might just find yourself with a new friend by the end of this school year.

Aquarius: Venus enters Aquarius on the first, and this could make you feel closer to your loved ones. But make sure to prioritize a good balance between school and social events.

Pisces: The new moon in Pisces this month may open a new door in the academic realm. Try taking advantage of this and start

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