Autumn Views: Head of School Newsletter, Fall 2021

Page 4


Dr. Aut um n A. Gr aves Building Community

children.? Like a family, at St. Anne?s we have tough love and growing

The idea of community is one I?ve been reflecting on a lot since coming

pains, but ?we must work as a family to work through the challenges.?

to St. Anne?s-Belfield. Last school year, I interviewed 218 teachers and

For students, community is often tied to a sense of connection,

staff members to hear each person?s story as it relates to the School.

belonging, and respect for each other?s humanity. One student who is

During these meetings, I asked everyone to give me one word to describe

now in ninth grade described it well: ?My teachers communicate with me

our School and why. Almost 33%said ?family,? ?community,? or similar.

about my progress and individual assignments, and they get to know me

When you ask our students and families why they love St. Anne?s (see

as a person, not just a student. I have friends who share common

page 8), a good portion will also tell you: It?s the community.

interests, and I feel like my classmates respect my work and ideas.?

How people define family or community can be quite personal. Sandra

I spoke about my own definition of community, and how it's time to

Sohne-Johnston, our director of college counseling, explained to me that

shoot for the moon and reach the next stage of our School's evolution,

the word ?family? has a greater meaning in her native country of Ghana.

during my installation as head of school on Oct. 15. You may listen to my

She said, ?Family goes beyond nuclear ? beyond your parents, siblings or

remarks in our Raise We Our Voices podcast, or view the full ceremony.

grandparents. Family means all of us are fully invested in raising the

A summary of my vision is on the adjacent page.


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