Emilio el capuchino amable
Por:ZoeBurrussyWillYow Español32023
Pedro,unmonitocapuchinodelaAmazoníaperuana,estátristeporque nopuedesubirárbolesynotieneamigos.Pero,undía,unmonitomuy especialquesellamaEmilioayudaaPedroyPedrohacemuchos amigos.
Pedro, a monkey who lives in the peruvian Amazon, was sad because he couldn’t climb trees and he didn’t have friends. But, one day, a really special capuchin named Emilio helps Pedro and Pedro makes many friends.
Acercar(se)- To get
Alegre - Happy
Bajo - Short
Enseñarle - to teach how to do something
Grande - Big
Guapo - Handsome/good-looking
Monito -Little Monkey
Sonreír - to smile
Triste- Sad
HabíaunavezunmonitoquesellamabaPedroy estabatriste.VivíaenLaAmazonia.
Once upon a time there was a capuchin named Pedro, who was sad. He lived in The Amazon.
Pedroestabatristeporquenoteníaamigos.Nadie queríasersuamigoporquenopodíasubirlos árboles.
Pedro was sad because he didn’t have friends. No one wanted to be his friend because he couldn’t climb trees.
EnLaAmazonialosárboleseranmuyaltosy Pedroerabajo,peromuyguapo.Pedroesun capuchino.Losmonitoscapuchinossonmuy comunesenLaAmazonia.
In The Amazon, the trees were very tall and Pedro was short, but really handsome. Pedro is a capuchin. Capuchins are very common in the Amazon.
Todosloscapuchinosjugabanenlosárboles conlosplátanostodoslosdías.
All the capuchins played in the trees with the bananas every day.
Undía,unmonitoquesellamabaEmilioencontróa Pedroyquisosersuamigo.PeroPedroestabamuy enojadoyledijo:“noteacerques”.Pedronoquería seramigodeEmilio.
One day a capuchin named Emilio found Pedro and wanted to be his friend. But Pedro was really angry and he told him: “don’t come close”. Pedro didn’t want to be Emilio’s friend.
Emiliotuvounaidea.Emiliolellevóun plátanocuandovisitóaPedrolasiguente vez.Lasiguientevezledijo:“comeeste plátano”.Pedrosepusomuyalegreporque legustabanlosplátanosmucho,ydijo: “Gracias”.Después,Pedroleexplicóa Emilioquenopodíasubirlosárboles.
Emilio had an idea. The next time he visited Pedro he told Pedro: “eat the banana”.
Pedro got really happy because he loved bananas and he said: “Thank you”. After, Pedro explained to Emilio that he couldn’t climb trees.
Emilio told him that he could help him and teach him how to climb trees.
EmiliodijoquepodíaayudarleyenseñarlecómoOtravezPedrosonriómucho,porqueahorateníaunamigoy prontoélibaaaprendercomosubirlosárboles. Again, Pedro smiled really big, because now he had a friend and soon he would learn how to climb trees.
DespuésdeunasemanaPedropudosubirlos árboles.
After a week Pedro was able to climb the trees.
All the capuchins wanted to be Pedro’s friend.
GraciasalaayudadeEmilio,ahorapodíasubirlosárbolesy recogerplátanosytodosloscapuchinoslorespetaban.
Thanks to the help of Emilio, now he could climb trees and gather bananas and all the capuchin’s respected him.
La moraleja de “Emilio, el capuchino amable” es estar abierto a conocer nuevas personas.
The moral of “Emilio el capuchino amable” is to be open to meeting new people.