Stable View
Aiken, SC
Series 2 0 2 4 J a n u a r y 1 7 t h - F e b r u a r y 2 1 s t - M a r c h 2 0 t hA p r i l 1 7 t h - M a y 1 5 t h - J u n e 1 9 t h - J u l y 1 7 t h - A u g u s t 2 1 s t - S e p t e m b e r 4 t h -
Series 2 0 2 4 J a n u a r y 1 7 t h - F e b r u a r y 2 1 s t - M a r c h 2 0 t hA p r i l 1 7 t h - M a y 1 5 t h - J u n e 1 9 t h - J u l y 1 7 t h - A u g u s t 2 1 s t - S e p t e m b e r 4 t h -
Show Organizer: Emma Young
Show Secretaries: Steven Coffey & Julia Nesmith
Course Designers: Brody Robertson
In-gates: Carragan Cook and Anne Dearborn
Day Stall: $75
Shavings: $9 pre-order/$11 day of show
Ship-in Fee: None
Administration Fee: None
Jumper Rounds: $25 per round
Hunter Rounds: $30 per height
Processing Fee: $6
Additional Rounds can be added for the same prices as above
Noncompete Horse: $20
Enter Online:
Waiver: auto _tag=H/J-Institute
*No refunds.
All horses must have valid proof of negative coggins test (within 12 months).
The use of de Goue, Hambon, draw reins, and German Martingale are only permitted in warm-up.
ASTM approved helmets and boots required.
Rider/horse combinations who attend all eleven shows will receive four prizes, ten will receive three prizes, nine will receive two prizes, and eight will receive one prize. The trainer with the the most students brought to the schooling series throughout 2024 will win a prize. Riders must put their trainer's name in the trainer blank on EventEntries.
Please direct all questions to (484) 356-3173 or
At this time Stable View will not offer snacks in the rider's lounge or Graze and Gaze events until entries reach 200.
The Mark Phillips Arena will hold the jumper classes with the Covered Arena acting as warmup. The Hunter Arena will hold the hunter classes with the Covered Arena acting as warmup. Please see map below.