“A G ath er ing Pl ac e ” Aiken, South Carolina
O K TOBER F ES T FEI C C I - S 2 / 3 / 4 * AND
24 - 26, 2021
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WELCOME, AND THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING OUR FIFTH OKTOBERFEST. Each year, entries for this special event have increased, and each year we enhance our facilities as we determine how Stable View can best meet the needs of riders. This year, you will see the addition of a new Attwood Equestrian Surfaces arena, positioned at the far end of the Dressage Field near show stabling and the Boyd Martin ETB Schooling Field. We are grateful to Cold Creek Nurseries for their sponsorship of a new, landscaped Winner’s Circle from which to celebrate competitors at Stable View. Adjacent to Day Parking, and close to the Covered Arena, the dedicated area is an eye-catching touch to our show operation. A lot of planning and creativity goes into preparing the cross country courses. We completed two fertilizer spreads prior to Oktoberfest. The first is a preemergent (to reduce weed growth) combined with fertilizer. The second is a lime-based application combined with a fire ant treatment. This, along with 24/7 irrigation, is all part of a thoughtful maintenance program to keep our cross country courses in optimal condition. Please don’t forget to use the rider lounges, equipped with snacks and water. And we hope you will join us for our outdoor Graze and Gaze on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings (5:00pm to 7:00pm) at the back of the Pavilion. In memory of our sport’s dear friend Annie Goodwin, there will be a minute of silence before the 4* Cross Country begins. Saddle pad ribbons lovingly made by her peers in Annie’s honor will be distributed at a table near the show office. We hope that you enjoy yourselves while here, and, as we always say, have a great ride. With best regards,
welcome Barry, Cyndy, and the Stable View Team
“A G ath ering Pl ac e ” Aiken, South Carolina
I N S I DE WELCOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
F E ATUR E D VO LU N T E E R . . . . . . . 26
F EI CODE OF CON DU C T . . . . . . . . 3
TR A I NI NG MAP . . . . . . . . . . . 28-29
O FF IC IALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
V. I . V. P ROG R AM . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2 0 2 1 SPON SORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
S P E C IA L T H AN K S . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4* MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9
V E NUE M A P . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-32
EVENT SCH EDU LE . . . . . . . . . 1 0 - 1 1
INTE R M E D I AT E MAP . . . . . . . 36-37
2 0 2 2 E VEN TS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3
P R E L IM I NARY MAP . . . . . . . . 40-41
3* MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-17
COM P E TI TO R S . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-62
A TRIBU TE TO A NNIE GOODW IN . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9
M ODIF IE D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-65
S PO NSOR SPOT LIGHT . . . . . . . . 2 0
NOV I C E M AP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68-69
F E ATURED OFFICIAL . . . . . . . . . 2 2
BE G I NNE R N O VI C E MAP . . . . 72-73
E X P LOR E STAB LE VI E W . . . . . 66-67
2* MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24-25
The FEI Code of Conduct for the Welfare of the Horse The Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) expects all those involved in international equestrian sport to adhere to the FEI’s Code of Conduct and to acknowledge and accept that at all times the welfare of the horse must be paramount and must never be subordinated to competitive or commercial influences. 1. At all stages during the preparation and training of competition horses, welfare must take precedence over all other demands. This includes good horse management, training methods, farriery and tack, and transportation. 2. Horses and Athletes must be fit, competent and in good health before they are allowed to compete. This encompasses medication use, surgical procedures that threaten welfare or safety, pregnancy in mares and the misuse of aids. 3. Events must not prejudice horse welfare. This involves paying careful attention to the competition areas, ground surfaces, weather conditions, stabling, site safety and fitness of the horse for onward travel after the event. 4. Every effort must be made to ensure that horses receive proper attention after they have competed and that they are treated humanely when their competition careers are over. This covers proper veterinary care, competition injuries, euthanasia and retirement. 5. The FEI urges all involved with the sport to attain the highest levels of education in their areas of expertise. The Long version of this Code can be obtained from the Fédération Equestre Internationale, HM King Hussein I Building, Chemin de la Joliette 8, 1006 Lausanne, Switzerland. Telephone: +41 21 310 47 47. The Code is available in English. The Code is also available on the FEI’s website: http://inside.fei.org/. 3
O FFI CI A LS Event Hosts Barry and Cyndy Olliff
Cross Country Announcer Charles Pinnell
Event Organizer Molly Bull
Stadium Announcer John Bandrofchak
Event Secretary Cindy Wood
Sponsorship Coordinator Barry Olliff
CCI Technical Delegate Andrew Temkin
CCI4/CCI3 Cross Country Course Design Mark Phillips
National Technical Delegate & Assistant CCI TD Amelia (Muffin) Pantaze President of Ground Jury CCI4 Peter Gray President of Ground Jury CCI3 Mark Weissbecker President of Ground Jury CCI2 Karen Winn President of Ground Jury - National Beth Wheeler Ground Jury Members Sue Smithson Beth Wheeler Janice Conlon National Dressage Judge Sue Smithson Beth Wheeler Jan Conlon Kate Hutchings National & FEI Stadium Judge Members of the Ground Jury Chief FEI Steward Dana Diemer
CCI2 & National Cross Country Course Design Mogie Bearden-Muller Cross Country Course Builder Eric Bull and ETB Equine Construction Cross Country Course Decorating Anne Dearborne Cross Country Control Rachel Thompson Stadium Course Design Chris Barnard Safety Officer Dr. Mike Quinn Medical/Ambulance Aiken Rescue Stabling Coordinator Chelsea St Jacques Accommodations Coordinator Victoria Bolt Volunteer Coordinator Rhonda Campbell Press Officer Emilie Rollet
FEI Stewards Travis Page Cyndy Kurth
Photographer GRC Photography
FEI Veterinarian Dr. Anne Baskett, DVM
Program Design Samantha Bodie, Design Persuasion
Veterinarian Southern Equine Services
Strategic Advisor Elissa Lumley
Southern Equine Service As the largest equine veterinary practice in the CSRA, Southern Equine Service is the only clinic with enhanced diagnostic capabilities and a seasoned staff on par with those services offered at regional teaching facilities. Our veterinary team offers a multidisciplinary approach to patient diagnosis that ensures optimal outcomes. Our in-house technological resources are unmatched and include the area’s only bone scan and 0.31 Tesla high resolution MRI. All of our veterinarians are equipped with portable radiograph and ultrasound capabilities to immediately address your horse’s needs while on on-site. Most importantly, our dedication to delivering quality care is reflected in the strong doctor-client relationships we continue to build. In Short, when you give Southern Equine Service the reins you get better results
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CCI-S 4*
3:00 PM
Graze & Gaze
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Downstairs Pavilion
F RIDAY, SEPT E M BER 24 Vendor Area
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Graze & Gaze
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Downstairs Pavilion
8:30 AM
Open Preliminary
12:30 PM
Ring 2 CCI3*
8:30 AM
Prelim Rider
1:52 PM
Ring 3 CCI2*
8:30 AM
Open Intermediate
2:28 PM
1:30 PM
3:30 PM
Open Intermediate
4:52 PM
SAT U RDAY, SE PT EMB ER 25 Vendor Area
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Graze & Gaze
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Downstairs Pavilion
Modified A
8:00 AM
Open Training
9:34 AM
12:28 PM
Open Training continued
1:13 PM
Novice Rider B
1:40 PM
Beginner Novice Rider B
4:11 PM
Ring 2 Modified B
8:00 AM
Training Rider B
10:10 AM
Novice Rider A
11:58 AM
3:11 PM
Open Beginner Novice
Ring 3 Open Modified C
8:00 AM
Training Rider A
9:58 AM
Open Novice
11:52 AM
Beginner Novice Rider A
4:39 PM
8:30 AM
Open Prelim & Prelim Rider
10:08 AM
12:12 PM
Open Training
2:26 PM
Training Rider
3:36 PM
8:30 AM
Open Intermediate
9:57 AM
10:48 AM
12:48 PM
Open Preliminary
2:21 PM
Prelim Rider
3:19 PM
8:30 AM
Novice Rider
9:54 AM
Open Beginner Novice
12:11 PM
Beginner Novice Rider
1:01 PM
8:00 AM
Open Training & Training Rider
10:04 AM
Open Novice & Novice Rider
12:32 PM
Open Beginner Novice & BN Rider
3:38 PM 11
2 0 2 2 S T A B L E V I E W E V E N T S Tentative Schedule JA NU A RY 5 12 15 22-23
AUGUST Schooling Hunter/Jumpers Schooling Dressage Winter Combined Test USEF/USEA “Aiken Opener” Horse Trials
3 13-14
Schooling Hunter/Jumpers Eventing Academy Schooling Horse Trials USEF/USDF “Too Hot To Trot I” Dressage USEF/USDF “Too Hot To Trot II” Dressage
20-21 27-28
5-6 12-13 19-20
Schooling Hunter/Jumpers USEF/USDF “I LOVE Dressage” Eventing Academy Horse Trials
10 11 23-25
Eventing Academy Horse Trials USEF/USDF “Southern Comfort” Dressage
MA R CH 12 19-20
APR IL 2-3 9-10 13-17 30-May 1
Spring FEI CCI-S 1/2/3/4* Horse Trials USEF/USDF “Spring Fever” Dressage USEF Hunter/Jumper Spring Classic Eventing Academy Schooling Horse Trials
M AY 4 11 14-15 21-22
Schooling Hunter/Jumpers Schooling Dressage Spring USEF/USEA Horse Trials Eventing Academy Schooling Horse Trials
JU NE 18-19 24-26 27-31
USEF/USDF “Summer Solstice” Dressage USEF/USEA “Summer” Horse Trials USEF Hunter/Jumper Summer Classic
JU LY 9-10 16-17 27-31
Schooling Dressage USEF/USDF “Fall Frenzy” Dressage Oktoberfest FEI CCI-S 1/2/3/4* & USEF/USEA Horse Trials 28-Oct 2 USEF Hunter/Jumper Fall Classic 5 8-10 12 15-16 29 -20
Schooling Hunter/Jumpers T.I.P Championships Schooling Dressage Eventing Academy Schooling Horse Trials Eventing Academy Schooling Horse Trials
N OV E M B E R 2 5 9 19-20
Schooling Hunter/Jumpers Fall Hunter Pace Schooling Dressage Eventing Academy Schooling Horse Trials
DE C E M B E R 7 10-11 17-18
Schooling Hunter/Jumpers USEF/USDF “Winter Wonderland” Dressage Eventing Academy Schooling Horse Trials
Eventing Academy Schooling Horse Trials USEF/USDF “Only In America” Dressage USEF Hunter/Jumper Summer Classic II
“A Gath er ing Pl a c e ” Aiken, South Carolina
Deirdre Stoker Vaillancourt
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CCI-S 3*
ANNIE GOODWIN BY CHARLES PINNELL CROSS COUNTRY ANNOUNCER As we gather at Stable View to enjoy another wonderful edition of Oktoberfest, let us pause for a moment and remember Annie Goodwin. Just over two months ago, the Nation, the Eventing Community and our family of friends in Aiken said goodbye to one of its most loved and respected members. Annie Goodwin lost her life in a freak schooling accident. We are all still shattered by the events of that fateful July day. Annie was among the most loved, cherished and respected riders in our community. Not only did she always put her peers and her beloved horses first but she was a fierce competitor about to break out at the pinnacle of our sport. She showed this with her brilliant performance in Lexington at the Land Rover 3 Day Event in the spring of this season. As you read this, please join us to pay our respects to Annie and send prayers to her family and fiancé, from whom she was taken at the tender age of 32. She is dearly missed by so many including her beloved, talented and courageous ‘Fedarman B’ who threw caution to the wind, knowing Annie would always be there for him. Boyd Martin now has the honor of being ‘Bruno’s’ new rider. We wish him well in the knowledge that Annie will be flying at his shoulder over every fence. Thank you.
SHARER DALE Sharer was born in California, raised in Ohio and is proud to call Aiken, South Carolina her home for nearly 10 years. Sharer is a graduate of the University of Vermont, where she received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Property Management and Development. Licensed for 35 years, Sharer’s passion for real estate and her clients can only be matched by her love of horses. These two passions have allowed Sharer to be one of the top agents in the Carolinas and Georgia, specializing in fine equestrian, luxury, investment, and recreational properties.
BE OUR GUEST A perfect place to rest after an exciting day of competition, Stable View offers a variety of exceptional accommodations ranging from fully furnished cottages and studio suites, to single rooms.
Please visit us on airbnb.com for room images, rates and availability (search: Stable Drive, Aiken, SC)
ADDITIONAL AMENITIES LEED Gold Certified Pavilion • Exceptional Barns and Arenas Flora and Fauna Ecological Preserve
ANDREW TEMKIN A native of New York City from decidedly non-horsey parents, Andrew took up riding following his family’s move to California. Andrew competed in Young Riders and spent two years as a working pupal for Bea and Derek di Grazia at the Pebble Beach Equestrian Center. Following a multi-year gap from competition during graduate school and the start of his professional career as an attorney, Andrew returned to the sport competing successfully through the CCI Four Star level. Andrew served two terms on the USEA Board of Governors and the USEF Eventing Committee. It was not until the late Roger Haller suggested it that Andrew considered becoming a licensed official. Officiating allows Andrew to combine his professional training, technical knowledge of the sport, and his sense as a competitor and horseman. Andrew enjoys being able to contribute to the sport at a high level and to insure its continuation for the next generation. As a Technical Delegate, Andrew has officiated across the United States and globally, including at the Badminton Horse Trials and the Lexington Five Star. Andrew also served
spotlight as a Technical Official at the 2016 Rio and 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.
18 22
CCI-S 2*
Hello, my name is Angela Johnson. I am a Secondary Education major emphasizing in Mathematics and currently a senior at USC Aiken. I plan on being a high school teacher. I am also the Vice President of our IHSA Hunt Seat team and have two horses of my own. Getting the opportunity to volunteer at Stable View has been very enjoyable and I have had a great time. I’ve learned so many new things and met a lot of new people. The environment and community here is so nice, and I have grown a lot as an individual from volunteering. I love getting to spend time at Stable View and
spotlight helping with whatever is needed to be done.
26 18
IT TAKES A SPECIAL CREW TO RUN STABLE VIEW! INTRODUCING OUR V.I.V.* PROGRAM, EXCLUSIVELY FOR VOLUNTEERS. For every hour devoted to our volunteer needs, one point will be awarded toward premium merchandise, including embroidered hats, polos, full zip soft shell jackets, and neck gaiters/face masks.
One hour = One V.I.V point! Scan the QR code below with your smart phone for more information about volunteering and points!
Or visit www.svequestrian.com/volunteers
*This program is independent of schooling passes and other rewards. Please email us at svvc@stableviewfarm.com for details.
THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT How could we do these amazing events without our dedicated group of volunteers? The answer is: We can’t! We are indebted to these wonderful people that give of their time and energy to help set up and run the events here at Stable View. On behalf of Barry, Cyndy, organizer Molly Bull and the staff of Stable View, I would like to thank each volunteer for all you do! Rhonda Campbell VOLUNT E E R CO ORD INATO R
31 27
XC Start
XC Finish
New Attwood Arena
Boyd Martin ETB Schooling Field
Day Trailer Parking
“A Gathering Pl ac e ” Aiken, South Carolina
Riders Lounge
FEI Check In
Show Stabling . . . . . Work Shed . . . . . . . . Temp Barn . . . . . . . . East Barn . . . . . . . . . Main Barn . . . . . . . . . Kennels . . . . . . . . . . . Pond Barn . . . . . . . . .
Springfield C
Hunter Hunter Arena Arena (DRESSAGE) (DRESSAGE)
Silva Silva Arena Arena
Outdoor Outdoor Arena Arena
Covered Covered Arena Arena
Sta ble D
Trailer TrailerParking Parking
D rchhRRD CChhuurc
484.356.3173 484.356.3173 Info@StableViewFarm.com Info@StableViewFarm.com 117 117Stable StableDrive, Drive,Aiken AikenSC SC29801 29801
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USEF Competition Name: Stable View Oktoberfest, Competition Division(s) and Rating(s):
USEF #334595 and USEF#: Competition Divisions and Ratings: 2*/3*/4* & USEF/USEA HT
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40 58
OKTOBERFEST 2021 COMPETITORS CCI FOUR STAR Sarah Kuhn, Aiken, SC MR. CASH VAN DE START: 2012, Bay, Belgian, G, 16.2 O W N E R : Deborah Kuhn, Winthrop MA Elisa Wallace, Reddick, FL LET IT BE LEE: 2008, Bay, Thoroughbred, G, 16.2 O W N E R : Donna Biggs, Jasper, GA Lucienne Bellissimo, Campobello, SC ATLANTIC VITAL SPARK: 2010, Bay, Irish Sporthorse, G O W N E R : Horse Scout Eventing LLC, Campobello, SC Scott Madeleine, Chase, BC CROSBY’S GOLD: 2010, Bay, Thoroughbred (CAN), G, 16.2 O W N E R : Madeleine Scott, Chase, BC Doug Payne, Aiken, SC QUANTUM LEAP: 2011, Bay, Holsteiner, G, 16.3 O W N E R : Jessica Payne, Aiken, SC Ashlynn Meuchel, Kalispell, MT EMPORIUM: 2009, Gray, Dutch Warmblood, G, 17.3 O W N E R : Ashlynn Meuchel, Kalispell, MT Alexandra Baugh, Lexington, KY I SPYE: 2011, Bay, Irish Sporthorse, G, 17 O W N E R : Alexandra Baugh, Lexington, KY Kyle Carter, Sparr, FL REDDY OR NOT: 2009, Bay, Trakenher M, 16.2 O W N E R : Christy Edwards, Enterprise, AL Elisabeth Halliday-Sharp, Ocala, FL COOLEY QUICKSILVER: 2011, Gray, Irish Sporthorse, G, 16.2 O W N E R : The Monster, Partnership, Ocala, FL Phillip Dutton, West Grove, PA FERNHILL SINGAPORE: 2009, Bay, Irish Sporthorse, G, 16.2 O W N E R : David Vos, Ann Jones, Tom Tierney, West Grove, PA 44
Phillip Dutton, West Grove, PA SEA OF CLOUDS: 2011, Bay, Thoroughbred, G, 16 O W N E R : Sea of Clouds Partnership, West Grove, PA Nilson Moreira da Silva, Aiken, SC ROCK PHANTOM: 2011, Bay, Irish Sporthorse, G 6.2 O W N E R : Nilson Moreira da Silva, Aiken, SC Valerie Vizcarrondo Pride, Harwood, MD FAVIAN: 2008, Black, Oldenburg, G, 16.2 O W N E R : Valerie Vizcarrondo Pride, Harwood, MD Victoria Garland, Hallsville, TX FE CAPRICINO: 2008, Bay, German Sporthorse G, 16.2 O W N E R : Cedar Hill Farm, Hallsville, TX Joe Meyer, Anthony, FL JOHNNY ROYALE Joe Meyer, Anthony, FL Alexandra Green Kerby, Loudon, TN FERNHILL LIMITED EDITION: 2009, Bay, British Sporthorse, G, 16.2 O W N E R : Paul Green, Loudon, TN Clayton Fredericks, Anthony, FL FE COLDPLAY: Chestnut GERMAN SPORTHORSE, G, 17, 2012 O W N E R : Clayton Fredericks, Anthony, FL Clayton Fredericks, Anthony, FL FE STORMTROOPER: Bay HANOVERIAN G, 16.2, 2009 O W N E R : Kingfisher Park, Mooresville, NC Bobby Meyerhoff, Statesville, NC FORTUNA: Bay DUTCH WARMBLOOD M, 15.3, 2010 O W N E R : Bobby Meyerhoff, Statesville, NC Bobby Meyerhoff, Statesville, NC LUMUMBA: Bay MECKLENBURG/ HOLSTEINER M, 17, 2011 O W N E R : Donavan Group The, Statesville, NC Bobby Meyerhoff, Statesville, NC ALBANO : Gray BERLIN BRENDENBURG G, 16.3, 2009 O W N E R : Bobby Meyerhoff, Statesville, NC
Leslie Law, Ocala, FL FIRST CLASS: Gray OLDENBURG G, 16.3, 2011 O W N E R : Beatrice Rey-Herme, Ocala, FL Zoe Crawford, Reddick, FL K.E.C. ZARA: Bay IRISH SPORTHORSE M, 16.3, 2013 O W N E R : Suzanne Stillman, Ashby, MA Leslie Law, Ocala, FL VOLTAIRE DE TRE: Chestnut SELLE FRANCAIS, G, 16.3, 2009 O W N E R : Tre Book, Ft. Worth, TX Leslie Law, Ocala, FL LADY CHATTERLEY: Bay HOLSTEINER M, 16.2, 2011 O W N E R : Jackie and Steve Brown, Frankfort, IN Leslie Law, Ocala, FL TYPICALLY FERNHILL: Bay IRISH SPORTHORSE, G, 16.1, 2012 O W N E R : Craig McCallum, Rockwall, TX Jimmie Schramm, Dallas, TX ECLAIRE: Bay GERMAN SPORTHORSE M, 16.3, 2011 O W N E R : Jimmie Schramm Bellissimo LLC, Wellington, FL Karl Slezak, Tottenham, ON FERNHILL WISHES: Bay IRISH SPORTHORSE/ HOLSTEINER G, 16.3, 2009 O W N E R : Karl Slezak, Tottenham, ON
CCI THREE STAR Autumn Schweiss, Ocala, FL GLOBAL INVIETO DHI: Black DUTCH WARMBLOOD G, 16.2, 2013 O W N E R : Julie Schweiss, Fairfax, MN Kimberly Keeton, Watkinsville, GA KEYSOE: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.2, 2010 O W N E R : Kimberly Keeton, Watkinsville, GA Samantha Tinney, Dallas, TX GLENBROOK COOLEY: Gray IRISH SPORTHORSE G, 16.2, 2010 O W N E R : Samantha Tinney, Dallas, TX
Briggs Surratt, Reddick, FL CORTURE: Bay THOROUGHBRED M, 14.2, 2013 O W N E R : Wallace and Briggs Surratt Elisa, Reddick, FL Elisa Wallace, Reddick, FL MUNSON SLEW: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2011 O W N E R : Rick Wallace, Reddick, FL Elisa Wallace, Reddick, FL RIOT GEAR: Bay OLDENBURG, G, 16.1, 2009 O W N E R : Steve Sukup, Clear Lake, ID Elisa Wallace, Reddick, FL SHARP DECISION: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.2, 2011 O W N E R : Susan Day, Alpharetta, GA Elinor O’Neal, Reddick, FL ZICK ZACK: Chestnut SWEDISH M, 16.2, 2009 O W N E R : Sally Cox, Gahanna, OH Lindsey Lanier, Opelika, AL FERNHILL FEEL HAPPY: Bay ISH/DUTCH WARMBLOOD, G, 16.3, 2015 O W N E R : Lindsey Lanier, Opelika, AL Lucienne Bellissimo, Campobello, SC TREMANTON: Bay TB/TRAKEHNER M, 2012 O W N E R : Horse Scout Eventing LLC, Campobello, SC Doug Payne, Aiken, SC CAMARILLO: Steel Bray GERMAN SPORTHORSE, G, 16.3, 2014 O W N E R : Doug Payne, Aiken, SC Lauren New, Jasper, GA FLYING AGAIN: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED G, 16, 2012 O W N E R : Lauren New, Jasper, GA Candace Elizabeth Bell, Newnan, GA FERNHILL PHILM STAR: Bay DUTCH WARMBLOOD/TB, G, 16.3, 2010 O W N E R : Candace Elizabeth Bell, Newnan, GA
Alexandra Baugh, Lexington, KY MHS FERNHILL FINALE: Bay IRISH SPORTHORSE, G, 2012 O W N E R : Altorac Farm, Georgetown, KY Alexandra Baugh, Lexington, KY MR CANDYMAN: Bay HOLSTEINER G, 16.2, 2007 O W N E R : Altorac Farm, Georgetown, KY Allison Springer, Upperville, VA VANDYKE: Bay IRISH SPORTHORSE G, 16.3, 2014 O W N E R : The RICO Syndicate LLC Allison Springer, manager, Upperville, VA Allison Springer, Upperville, VA CRYSTAL CRESCENT MOON: Dark Brown CONNEMARA SPORTHORSE/TB G, 15.3, 2013 O W N E R : Nancy Winter, Woodstock, VT Heather Gillette, Califon, NJ VINCENT CHASE: Gray THOROUGHBRED G, 17, 2012 O W N E R : Heather Gillette, Califon, NJ Stephanie Cauffman, Reddick, FL CHATSWORTH THIRD REVOLUTION: Bay WARMBLOOD, G, 16.2, 2011 O W N E R : Stephanie Cauffman, Coatesville, PA Jonathan Holling, Ocala, FL PIONEER ARCHIBALD: Dark Bay BRITISH SPORTHORSE, G, 16.1, 2011 O W N E R : Rita Dann, Oro, ON Rebecca von Schweinitz, Irmo, SC LIMITED EDITION: Bay OLDENBURG M, 16.3, 2008 O W N E R : Kimberly von Schweinitz, Irmo, SC Joe Meyer, Anthony, FL CLIP CLOP: Bay IRISH SPORTHORSE/TB G, 16, 2003 O W N E R : Theresa Foote, Naples, FL Emilie Mudd, Benton, LA QUITE NICE 11: Bay HOLSTEINER G, 16.2, 2011 O W N E R : Emilie Mudd, Benton, LA
Joe Meyer, Anthony, FL HARBIN: Gray THOROUGHBRED G, 15.3, 2010 O W N E R : Rebecca Brown Steggers, Seagoville, TX
Olivia Wall, Apex, NC GETAWAY: Bay OLDENBURG, G, 2007 O W N E R : Olivia Wall, Apex, NC Matthew Ulmer, Aiken, SC UNO CONCERTO: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2012 O W N E R : Matthew Ulmer, Aiken, SC Mary Bess Davis, Mansfield, GA CSF DASSETT DECOY: Bay IRISH SPORTHORSE/SELLE FRANCAIS G, 16.1, 2013 O W N E R : Mary Bess Davis, Mansfield, GA Mary Bess Davis, Mansfield, GA IMPERIO MAGIC: Bay WARMBLOOD G, 15.3, 2014 O W N E R : Mary Bess Davis, Mansfield, GA Joe Meyer, Anthony, FL BUCCANEER: Brown IRISH SPORTHORSE G, 16.1, 2010 O W N E R : Joe Meyer, Anthony, FL Cole Horn, Long Valley, NJ MBF COOLEY PERMISSION TO LAND: Chestnut IRISH SPORTHORSE, G, 18, 2014 O W N E R : Cole Horn, Long Valley, NJ Cecilia Lundberg, Ann Arbor, MI CASCOR: Bay WESTPHALIAN, G, 16.3, 2012 O W N E R : Kathleen Hanlon-Lundberg, Ann Arbor, MI Leslie Lamb, Rochelle, VA BANJO: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 2012 O W N E R : Leslie Lamb, Rochelle, VA Jenna Schildmier, Bon Aqua, TN ADIOS: Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.2, 2008 O W N E R : Jenna Schildmier, Bon Aqua, TN Dominic Schramm, Cochranville, PA BOLYTAIR B: Bay DUTCH WARMBLOOD G, 17, 2006 O W N E R : Team Bolytair B, LLC, Cochranville, PA Devon Brown, Alpharetta, GA HICKSTEAD: Dark Brown KWPN, G, 16.3, O W N E R : Devon Brown, Alpharetta, GA Devon Brown, Alpharetta, GA HC CELTIC MARK: Paint CONNEMARA/ WARMBLOOD, G, 15.3, 2010 O W N E R : Devon Brown, Alpharetta, GA
Karl Slezak, Tottenham, ON HOT BOBO: Bay IRISH SPORTHORSE/TB (IRE), M, 16.1, 2013 O W N E R : Karl Slezak, Tottenham, ON
CCI TWO STAR Samantha Tinney, Dallas, TX CUTTY SARK: Bay DUTCH WARMBLOOD G, 16.2, 2008 O W N E R : Samantha Tinney, Dallas, TX Briggs Surratt, Reddick, FL BOOMING BODHRAN: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.2, 2015 O W N E R : Rick Wallace, Reddick, FL Rick Wallace, Reddick, FL INGOMAR: Bay KWPN-DUTCH G, 16.2, 2013 O W N E R : Rick Wallace, Reddick, FL Sarah Kuhn, Aiken, SC GREY GATSBY: Gray IRISH SPORTHORSE/TB G, 17.2, 2013 O W N E R : Deborah Kuhn, Winthrop, MA Dana Cooke, Mooresville, NC FE QUATTRO: Chestnut GERMAN WARMBLOOD, G, 16.2, 2014 O W N E R : Kingfisher Park Equestrian, Mooresville, NC Jenny Caras, Cartersville, GA SOMMERSBY: Bay HOLSTEINER G, , 2012 O W N E R : Jerry Hollis, Cartersville, GA Lucienne Bellissimo, Campobello, SC BIG FRECKLES: Chestnut OLDENBURG/TB (GER), G, 2014 O W N E R : Horse Scout Eventing LLC, Campobello, SC Lucienne Bellissimo, Campobello, SC DYRI: Brown HOLSTEINER/TRAKEHNER G, 16.2, 2012 O W N E R : Horse Scout Eventing LLC, Campobello, SC Jessena Defler, Louisville, KY GASPARO VAN DE FALIEBERG: Dark Bay DUTCH WARMBLOOD, G, 16.1, 2011 O W N E R : Jessena Defler, Louisville, KY
Joanie Morris, Paris, KY BETTERTHANEXPECTED: Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.2, 2014 O W N E R : Richard Picken, Paris, KY Jenna Sack, Pittsboro, NC FERNHILL IMPERIAL FLIGHT: Bay IRISH SPORTHORSE, G, 16.1, 2013 O W N E R : Jenna Sack, Pittsboro, NC Michelle Koppin, Ann Arbor, MI CALCOURT VALLEY: Bay HOLSTEINER G, 16.3, 2013 O W N E R : John and Michelle Koppin, Ann Arbor, MI Alexandra Baugh, Lexington, KY DOGANO DE L’OISELIERE: Chestnut SELLE FRANCAIS, G, 16.1, 2013 O W N E R : Altorac Farm, Georgetown, KY Hayden Wathen, Prospect, KY CONTESTOR: Chestnut OLDENBURG G, 16.3, 2007 O W N E R : Hayden Wathen, Prospect, KY Lisa Borgia, Maple Plain, MN SILMARILLION: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2013 O W N E R : Lisa Borgia, Maple Plain, MN Allison Springer, Upperville, VA NO MAY MOON: Bay CONNEMARA SPORTHORSE, M, 15.3, 2014 O W N E R : Nancy Winter, Woodstock, VT Ella Kay Lane, Columbus, GA DOUBLE DARE: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16, 2004 O W N E R : Ella Kay Lane, Columbus, GA Cornelia Dorr, Manchester, MA BRUSH DANCE: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16, 2014 O W N E R : Cornelia Dorr, Manchester, MA Cornelia Dorr, Manchester, MA BY-THE-SEA: Gray WESTPHALIAN G, 16.3, 2014 O W N E R : Cornelia Dorr, Manchester, MA Jane Jennings, Unionville, PA LARANO 5: Bay HOLSTEINER G, 16.3, 2012 O W N E R : Jane Jennings, Unionville, PA 47
Jonathan Holling, Ocala, FL JUCZT MY STYLE S: Bay DUTCH WARMBLOOD/TB, G, 16.3, 2014 O W N E R : Team Rebecca, LLC, Whitefish, MT Elisabeth Halliday-Sharp, Ocala, FL SHANROE COOLEY: Bay IRISH SPORTHORSE G, 16.3, 2015 O W N E R : Ocala Horse Properties, Ocala, FL Jessica Schultz, Aiken, SC ROCKY TOP CITY: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2010 O W N E R : Kristi Johnson, Aberdeen, NC Eliza Farren, Hudson, MA CREFFINO PJ: Gray HANOVERIAN G, 16.1, 2015 O W N E R : Pat Cone, Sandy Hook, CT Cecilia Lundberg, Ann Arbor, MI MANASLU: Bay RHEINLAND PFALZ-SAAR G, 20, 2013 O W N E R : Cecilia Lundberg, Ann Arbor, MI Lauren Brooks, Belton, SC FERNHILL FOCUS MAXI: Bay IRISH SPORTHORSE/HOLSTEINER, G, 16.2, 2013 O W N E R : Lauren Brooks, Belton, SC Nicholas Cardamone, Ocala, FL SLIEVE CALLAN ALPHA: Gray IRISH SPORTHORSE, G, 17, 2013 O W N E R : Nicholas Cardamone, Ocala, FL Jackson Dillard, Port Matilda, PA ELMO: Bay WARMBLOOD, G, 21, 2009 O W N E R : Jackson Dillard, Port Matilda, PA Jackson Dillard, Port Matilda, PA LAYLA Q: Chestnut HANOVERIAN M, 16.2, 2011 O W N E R : Jackson Dillard, Port Matilda, PA
Dominic Schramm, Cochranville, PA QUADROCANA: Bay HOLSTEINER M, 17.1, 2013 O W N E R : Quadrocana Syndicate, Cochranville, PA Summer Covar, North Augusta, SC MONA LISA: Gray CONNEMARA M, 15.2, 2011 O W N E R : Summer Covar, North Augusta, SC Maya Clarkson, Santa Cruz, CA CARRERA 75: Dark Brown HOLSTEINER M, 16.1, 2013 O W N E R : Maya Clarkson, Santa Cruz, CA Claire Anderson, Reddick, FL DEEP SEA: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED G, 15.3, 2003 O W N E R : Sarah Finkel, Jamaica Plain, MA Alden Leavitt, Greenville, SC CASTLEBLAYNEY GOLD: Chestnut IRISH SPORTHORSE, G, 17, 2006 O W N E R : Alden Leavitt, Greenville, SC Daniela Moguel, Shelby, NC ESTELA DE LA GALERNA : Bay MEXICAN SPORTHORSE/ISH, M, 16, 2012 O W N E R : Pedro Gutierrez, Ocala, FL Daniela Moguel, Shelby, NC HIDEAWAY’S NESS: Bay CONNEMARA/TB M, 15.2, 2006 O W N E R : Anne Maunder, Shelby, NC Lara Roberts, Kennesaw, GA BRIARHILL MARCO: Bay IRISH SPORTHORSE G, 16.3, 2011 O W N E R : Lara Roberts, Kennesaw, GA
Faith Wilkerson, Brimfield, IL EVENING MELODY: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.1, 2009 O W N E R : Faith Wilkerson, Birmfield, IL
Zoe Fritz, Aiken, SC ELECTRIC BISCUIT: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16, 2015 O W N E R : Zoe Fritz, Aiken, SC
Lesley Grant-Law, Ocala, FL FERNHILL FINALIST: Bay HOLSTEINER/TB G, 16.2, 2014 O W N E R : Leslie Law, Ocala, FL
Katie Cummings, Aiken, SC QREDIBLE DREAM: Bay KWPN M, 16, 2017 O W N E R : Katie Cummings, Aiken, SC
Deb Grosenbaugh, Hull, GA SCHRODINGER’S KITTEN: Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.1, 2010 O W N E R : Deb Grosenbaugh, Hull, GA
Terre Davies, Alpharetta, GA FULL GALLOP’S DOLCE: Bay APPENDIX QUARTER HORSE, M, 15.3, 2008 O W N E R : Heather Norman, Alpharetta, GA
Kaley Crosby, Fort Mill, SC CATALINA VEX: Bay GERMAN SPORTHORSE M, 15.3, 2016 O W N E R : Cyndi Crosby, Indian Land, SC
Alden Leavitt, Greenville, SC CRISS CROSS: Chestnut HANOVERIAN G, 16.3, 2016 O W N E R : Ruth Bley, Castro Valley, CA
Waylon Roberts, Cartersville, GA DAVINO: Chestnut ZWEIBRUCKER G, , 2013 O W N E R : Mindy Cady, Pottstown, PA
Alden Leavitt, Greenville , SC QUODDY: Bay HANOVERIAN G, 16.2, 2016 O W N E R : Ruth Bley, Castro Valley, CA
April Hays, Lexington, TN HSH FONTEYN: Bay BRITISH SPORT HORSE M, 17.1, 2015 O W N E R : April Hays, Lexington, TN
Maddy Hall, Aiken, SC FGF OLE MOLE: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2016 O W N E R : Lara Anderson, Aiken, SC
Michelle Warro, Annapolis, MD LUCKY RUNS NORTH: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16, 2016 O W N E R : Michelle Panos, Davidsonville, MD
Hillary Irwin, Alachua, FL FLEET STEPPER: Bay THOROUGHBRED M, 16.2, 2017 O W N E R : Hillary Irwin, Alachua, FL
Ian McDonald, Aiken, SC SCOTTISH DEVIL: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.3, 2000 O W N E R : Ian McDonald, Aiken, SC
Lauren Lindsay, Aiken, SC FGF NOTHING FOR FREE: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.2, 2016 O W N E R : Lara Anderson, Aiken, SC
Sandra McDonald, Aiken, SC CARRICK EMERALD DIAMOND: Dark Brown IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.1, 2016 O W N E R : Sandra McDonald, Aiken, SC
Morgan Batton, Beech Island , SC FGF SILVER ROADSTER: Bay THOROUGHBRED, M, 16, 2014 O W N E R : Heather Lafontaine, Windsor, SC Virginia Stanley, Newman, GA SPIN TALK: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED G, 16, 2013 O W N E R : Virginia Stanley, Newman, GA Rebecca Coffee, Rebecca, Coffee SPARROW’S OWEN: Gray CONNEMARA/ PPENDIX QUARTER HORSE, G, 15.1, 2000 O W N E R : Megan Harris, Lutherville, GA Libby Head, Libby, Head FACE VALUE: Black TRAKEHNER G, 15.2, 2016 O W N E R : Mikki Johansen, Hamilton, GA
Lara Shelnutt, Greenville, SC POPPYFIELDS TIGER SHARK: Fleabitten Gray CONNEMARA/THOROUGHBRED G, 15.3, 2002 O W N E R : Lara Shelnutt, Greenville, SC Allison Andrews, Wadmalaw Island, SC STRAIGHTTOTHEHEART: Bay THOROUGHBRED, M, 16.2, 2009 O W N E R : Allison Andrews, Wadmalaw Island, SC Addison Arends, Traveler’s Rest, SC CHEVY A SWEET RIDE: Chestnut APPENDIX QUARTER HORSE, G, 15, 2000 O W N E R : Addison Arends, Traveler’s Rest, SC Molly Adams, Cherry Log, GA CALETTO’S SYMPHONY: Gray HANOVERIAN M, 16.2, 2011 O W N E R : Molly Adamas, Cherry Log, GA
Alexandra Multz, Roswell , GA GRAFFIQUE: Bay WARMBLOOD M, 16.3, 2011 O W N E R : Alexandra Multz, Roswell, GA
Anabelle Kurtz, Atlanta , GA YES IT’S HEART (YETI): Dappled Grey THOROUGHBRED G, 15.2, 2010 O W N E R : Courtney Cook, Montroe, GA
Jeanne Hulse, Aiken, SC EXCEL STAR TRISTAN: Gray IRISH DRAUHT G, 16.1, 2015 O W N E R : Jeanne Hulse, Aiken, SC
Anna Burgess, Atlanta , GA STRING THEORY: Black/White IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 15.3, 2014 O W N E R : Anna Burgess, Atlanta, GA
Alexandra McAllister, Pamplico, SC CERTIFIED CAPTAIN: Gray APPENDIX QUARTER HORSE, G, 16.2, 2006 O W N E R : Alexandra McAllister, Pamplico, SC
Heidi Gyselinck, Ravenel, SC SLE ANOTHER ROUND OF CHAMPAGNE: Palomino QUARTER HORSE, G, , 2014 O W N E R : Katie Clark, Aiken, SC
Tiffany Stewart, Atlanta , GA CRIMSON CLOVER: Red Road, G, 15, 2011 O W N E R : Tiffany Stewart, Atlanta, GA
Heidi Gyselinck, Ravenel, SC CHEVY A SWEET RIDE: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.1, 2014 O W N E R : Katie Clark, Aiken, SC
Emma Osmer, Rockmart, GA BENTLY: Bay THOROUGHBRED/ PERCHERON, G, 16, 2008 O W N E R : Emma Osmer, Rockmart, GA Emma Osmer, Rockmart , GA PLAYER’S SECRET: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.1, 2013 O W N E R : Michelle Frost, Newman, GA Etta Meade Jernigan, Asheville, NC BE THE LIGHT: chestnut THOROUGHBRED G, 16, 2013 O W N E R : Etta Meade Jernigan, Asheville, NC Payton White, Irmo, SC GRAND COULEE: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16, 2009 O W N E R : Colleen Rutledge, Frederick, MD Mary Carol Harsch, Chatt Hills, GA THEODORE ALCODA: Chestnut SPORT PONY G, 14.2, 2000 O W N E R : Mary Carol Harsch, Chatt Hills, GA Wendell Williams, Beech Island, SC KNOB CREEK SPECIAL RESERVE: Pinto DUTCH WARMBLOOD, G, 16, 2015 O W N E R : Wendell Williams, Beech Island, SC Katie Johnson, Chapin, SC CAROLINA CHROME: Bay Roan WELSH CROSS, M, 14.1, 2005 O W N E R : Kathleen Wilson, Chapin, SC
Martha Upchurch, Tottenham, ON ADIAN: Bay CANADIAN SPORT HORSE G, 16.2, 2012 O W N E R : Carol Wiley, Rosseau, ON Ann Schliemann, Citra, FL SOUTHSIDE: Black/White HANOVERIAN/ SHIRE, M, 16, 2013 O W N E R : Anna Schliemann, Citra, FL Allysen Lindler, Chapin, SC FGF BIG BLING THEORY: Gray, G, 14.2, 2014 O W N E R : Lara Anderson, Aiken, SC
OPEN NOVICE Mary Curran, Earlham, IA WINTER ANTHEM: Gray TAKEHNER G, 15.3, 2011 O W N E R : Mary Curran, Earlham, IA Waylon Roberts, Cartersville, GA ROCK WILLIAMS: Bary IRISH SPORT HORSE G, 16.1, 2016 O W N E R : John and Michelle Koppin, Ann Arbor, MI Jodi Hemry, Aiken, SC DYNASTIE DAMON’S D’AMARA: Black HANOVERIAN, M, 16.2, 2012 O W N E R : Sue Ann Wells, Chattanooga, TN Elinor O’Neal, Reddick, FL CREATIVE GENIUS: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 24, 2016 O W N E R : Elinsor O’Neal, Reddick, FL
Jenny Caras, Cartersville, GA THE WELLERMAN: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 17.2, 2017 O W N E R : Waylon Roberts, Cartersville, GA
Jennifer Fox, Aiken, SC HEY JUDE: Bay HANOVERIAN CROSS G, 16.2, 2011 O W N E R : Jennifer Fox, Aiken, SC
Jane Musselman, Louisville, KY BENTLEY’S BEST: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE/ DUTCH WARMBLOOD, G, 16.1, 2010 O W N E R : Lindsey Lanier, Opelika, AL
Kyle Carter, Sparr, FL HSH BLACK MAGIC: Black WARMBLOOD G, 16.3, 2016 O W N E R : Jennifer Wiedrick, Dade City, FL
Serena Baensch, Bedford, KY SYTATION: Dark Bay TRAKEHNER G, 2011 O W N E R : Serena Baensch, Bedford, KY
Jessica Schultz, Aiken, SC ANGELIC WARRIOR: bay THOROUGHBRED M, 16.2, 2016 O W N E R : Barry Doss, Aiken, SC
Meika Decher, Lake Stevens, WA VERILY: Brown DUTCH WARMBLOOD M, 16, 2014 O W N E R : Meika Decher, Lake Stevens, WA
Lisbeth Storandt, Fairbum, GA PROMOTED: Gray THOROUGHBRED G, 16, 2015 O W N E R : Lisbeth Storandt, Fairbum, GA
Jane Musselman, Louisville, KY ENGAPORE: Gray DUTCH WARMBLOOD G, 16.1, 2009 O W N E R : Jane Musselman, Louisville, KY
Sandra McDonald, Aiken, SC CARRICK USKERTY FLIGHT: Dark Brown IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 17.3, 2014 O W N E R : Sandra McDonald, Aiken, SC
Megan Betzel, Leesburg, GA RING OF HEAT: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2014 O W N E R : Megan Betzel, Leesburg, GA
Mellisa Warden, Williston, SC UNFOLDING BLAME: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED, M, 16.2, 2016 O W N E R : Mellisa Warden, Williston, SC
Amy Cobb, Greenwood, SC IRISH COLONY: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2015 O W N E R : Amy Cobb, Greenwood, SC
Christine Appling, Hartwell, GA ROLLER ROLLS ON: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.3, 2015 O W N E R : Christine Appling, Hartwell, GA
Amy Cobb, Greenwood, SC LOCK AND LOAD: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2012 O W N E R : Amy Cobb, Greenwood, SC
Ruth Ahearne, Asheville, NC JUSTIFIED: Gray THOROUGHBRED G, 16.3, 2013 O W N E R : Ruth Ahearne, Asheville, GA
Amy Cobb, Greenwood, SC SWIFT JOURNEY: Black THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2012 O W N E R : Amy Cobb, Greenwood, SC
Juliana Cassar, Auburn, CA FARWEST DE BARBEREAU: Chestnut SELLE FRANCAIS, G, 16, 2015 O W N E R : Juliana Cassar, Auburn, CA
Dana Cooke, Mooresville, NC AS YOU WISH: Dark Brown THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.1, 2012 O W N E R : Gillian Ayers, Salem, OR
Katie Malensek, Ormond Beach, FL FE CHEERIO: Grey HOLSTEINER G, 16.3, 2016 O W N E R : Katie Malensek, Ormond Beach, FL
Michelle Koppin, Ann Arbor, MI WHEELAGOWER GOLD: Dun IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.1, 2016 O W N E R : John and Michelle Koppin, Ann Arbor, MI
Katie Malensek, Ormond Beach, FL MEI-FLEURE: Grey KWPN, G, 16.1, 2018 O W N E R : Katie Malensek, Ormond Beach, FL
Katie Malensek, Ormond Beach, FL MISTER CAPRI JR: Bay KWPN G, 17.1, 2018 O W N E R : Katie Malensek, Ormond Beach, FL
Kathleen Fitzgerald, Versailles, KY THE IMMIGRANT: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE/ OLDENBURG, G, 16.3, 2015 O W N E R : Michael Fitzgerald, Versaille, KY
Kristin Schmolze, Watkinsville, GA IVANESQUE: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.2, 2016 O W N E R : Kevin Whitney, Landrum, SC
Barbara Warren, Aiken, SC HOLY CITY: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED G, 15.3, 2011 O W N E R : Barbara Warren, Aiken, SC
Meg Bowers, Sandy Springs, GA FALDEUS: Chestnut DUTCH WARMBLOOD G, 16.3, 2010 O W N E R : Heather Norman, Alpharetta, GA
Cecily Peters, Dallas, TX TOMGAR CONSPIRACY: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.2, 2012 O W N E R : Cecily Peters, Dallas, TX
Meg Bowers, Sandy Springs, FA TURNING THE TABLE: Chestnutq THOROUGHBRED, M, 17, 2013 O W N E R : Megan Bowers, Sandy Springs, GA
Sheila Wiese, Sherborn, MA COOLEY GREYSTONES: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.3, 2013 O W N E R : Sheila Wiese, Sherborn, MA
Jane McDonald MacLeod, Aiken, SC EPIC: Bay CANADIAN WARMBLOOD G, 16.1, 2011 O W N E R : Tiffany Perry, Sarasota, FL
Emily Marsh, Aiken, SC DYLANO Q: Dark Brown DUTCH WARMBLOOD, G, 16.3, 2008 O W N E R : Emily Marsh, Aiken, SC
Bonnie Mosser, Davidson, NC A FUNNY THING HAPPENED: Liver Chestnut THOROUGHBRED, G, 2016 O W N E R : Hillary Irwin, Alachua, FL
Karen Stearns, Fayetteville, NC PUNCH IT: Bay THOROUGHBRED M, 15.2, 2013 O W N E R : Karen Steams, Fayetteville, NC
Silas Flaum, Ashevlle, NC HARMONY WAY: Bay THOROUGHBRED M, 15.3, 2009 O W N E R : Silas Flaum, Asheville, NC
Andrea Wookey, Southern Pines, SC CASUAL COTTON: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.2, 2013 O W N E R : Andrea Wookey, Southern Pines, NC
Lara Roberts, Kennesaw, GA FERNHILL SHOW BIZ: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.3, 2016 O W N E R : Lara Roberts, Kennesaw, GA
Josie Hough, Keene, NY BULLEIT: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.3, 2012 O W N E R : Josie Hough, Keene, NY
Jacob Fletcher, North Little Rock, AR WT ISLA: Bay HOLSTEINER M, 16.1, 2016 O W N E R : Stephanie Wyly, Texarkana
Julia Avila-Guilabert, John’s Creek, GA REDHEADEDSTEPCHILD: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED, g, 16.3, 2007 O W N E R : Tawn Edwards, Alpharetta, GA
Malin Eriksson, Suwanee, GA WHF WILHELMINA: Chestnut OLDENBURG M, 16, 2012 O W N E R : Malin Eriksson, Suwanee, GA
Audrey Wiggins, Carthage, NC SPOOK HILL AT LAST: Liver Chestnut IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16, 2008 O W N E R : Audrey Wiggins, Carthage, NC Alexandria Burnett, Lexington, SC FOOL ME ONCE: Dark Bay APPENDIX G, 15.2, 2010 O W N E R : Jessie Martin, Arlington, VA 52
LeeAnn Ingraham, Vincetown, NJ TRUMP CARD: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2008 O W N E R : LeeAnn Ingraham, Vincetown, NJ
April Hays, Lexingston , TN H.G. ZIGGY: Bay DANISH WARMBLOOD G, 17, 2014 O W N E R : April Hays, Lexington, TN
Lauren Meyers, Aiken, SC SW COOLEY WINEPORT: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.1, 2014 O W N E R : Lauren Meyers, Aiken, SC
Molly Hunt, Asheville, NC WATCH ME SMOK’EM: Grey THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.1, 2016 O W N E R : Christi Hunt, Asheville, NC
Kylee Narron, Clayton, NC WOODSTOCK RENEGADE: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 16, 2016 O W N E R : Kylee Narron, Clayton, NC
Cheryl Benefiel, Fairhope, AL TRELIVER DRAMBUIE: Chestnut HANOVERIAN, G, 16, 2004 O W N E R : Ashton Denefiel, Fairhope, AL
Jill Condrey, Conyers, GA WILBUR: Black OLDENBURG, G, 17, 2007 O W N E R : Jill Condrey, Conyers, GA
Barbara Brogan, Swedesboro, NJ RED DIRT RACER: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2010 O W N E R : Andrea McAllister, Durham, NC Carolyn Rice, John’s Creek, GA AARON: Bay TRAKEHNER/SWEDISH WARMBLOOD, G, 15.1, 2013 O W N E R : Tawn Edwards, Alpharetta, GA Elizabeth Love, Charlotte, NC THAT’S RIGHT OFFICER: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.2, 2005 O W N E R : Elizabeth Love, Charlotte, NC Madalyn Ellis, Acworth, GA FERNHILL MAGIC: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE G, 16.2, 2015 O W N E R : Madalyn Ellisa, Acworth , GA Jessica Savage, Pendergrass, GA BOURBON GINGERBEAR: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED, G, 15.2, 2004 O W N E R : Lauren Norwood, Jefferson, GA Molly McLaughlin, Peachtree Corners, GA FERNHILL SINATRA: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 15.2, 2010 O W N E R : Molly McLaughlin, Peachtree Corners, GA Emma Doremus, Orangeburg, SC SIMON SAYS: Chestnut APPENDIX G, 16, 2010 O W N E R : Emam Doremus, Orangeburg, SC Mary Carol Harsch, Chatt Hills, GA FOSTER’S BOLD FAVORITE: Dark Bary THOROUGHBRED CROSS, G, 14.2, 2004 O W N E R : Mary Carol Harsch, Chatt Hilla, GA
Courtney Cook, Monroe, GA HAPPY TO EMBRACE: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED, M, 15, 2017 O W N E R : Courtney Cook, Monroe, GA Livy Chambers, Newman, GA FERNHILL DESTINY: Black IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.2, 2014 O W N E R : Livy Chambers, Newman, GA Hana Swales, Acworth, GA HARBOR’S EDGE: Dark Bay HANOVERIAN/ THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.2, 2006 O W N E R : Hana Swales, Acworth , GA Abigail Goodwin, Woodstock, GA FGF BRITISH FIELDS: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 2015 O W N E R : Abigail Goodwin, Woodstock, GA Samantha Baer, Portsmouth, NH EPH HOT POCKET: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED/PAINT, M, 15.1, 2011 O W N E R : Samantha Baer, Portsmouth, NH Anna Scoggins, Moreland, GA FERNHILL DYNAMIK: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.1, 2016 O W N E R : Anna Scoggins, Moreland, GA Kay Burack, Martinez, GA PIPER: Brown/White PAINT, G, 16, 2010 O W N E R : Kay Burack, Martinez, GA Amy Larsh, Aiken, SC WHITMAN: Chestnut HANOVERIAN/ THOROUGHBRED, G, 17.3, 2013 O W N E R : Amy Larsh, Aiken, SC
Genevieve Vogler, Johnsonville, SC ESCAPE APPEAL (CARROT): Bay THOROUGHBRED, M, 16.1, 2006 O W N E R : Genevieve Vogler, Johnsonville, SC Samuel Moreland, Dallas, GA SMARTY PANTS WB: Bay AMERICAN WARMBLOOD, G, 16.3, 2004 O W N E R : Kristen Moreland, Dallas, GA Claire Roddy, Birmingham , AL GOODNESS GRACIOUS: Bay THOROUGHBRED, M, 2010 O W N E R : Claire Roddy, Birmingham, AL Elizabeth Snow, Birmingham , AL MAN OF STEEL: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2013 O W N E R : Elizabeth Snow, Birmingham , AL Jake Tessler, Dunwoody, GA DON CONRAD: Bay HANOVERIAN/ THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.3, 2004 O W N E R : Halliea Milner, Canton, GA Maddy Hall, Aiken, SC ARAYLA: Bay TRAKEHNER, M, 15.3, 2011 O W N E R : Maddy Hall, AIken, SC Sarah Hood, Monroe, GA MILES ABOVE IT: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16, 2013 O W N E R : Sara Beth Hood, Monroe, GA Paige Ansaldi, Ellicott City, MD BOMBAY ORIGINAL: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 16, 2015 O W N E R : Kathleen Ansaldi, Ellicott, MD Logan Harris, Waxhaw, NC GROWL: Grey THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2017 O W N E R : Morgan Spring, Charlotte, NC Logan Harris, Waxhaw, NC TERRY JADE: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2017 O W N E R : Logan Harris, Waxhaw, NC Shawn Dodge, Charlotte, NC TRUE ILLUSION: Bay THOROUGHBRED CROSS, G, 16.3, 2005 O W N E R : Shawn Dodge, Charlotte, NC
OPEN TRAINING Meg Morgan, Moreland, GA WANTED MAN: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.3, 2011 O W N E R : Meg Morgan, Moreland, GA Sarah Kuhn, Aiken, SC F.O.F. FOR REAL: Bay WARMBLOOD G, 16.2, 2013 O W N E R : Deborah Kuhn, Winthrop, MA Elinor O’Neal, Reddick, FL FE LIONS DARCO: Bay WESTPHALIAN G, , 2016 O W N E R : Elinor O’Neal, Reddick, FL Jenny Caras, Cartersville, GA FERNHILL SALT LAKE: Black IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 2015 O W N E R : Jenny Caras, Cartersville, GA Jenny Caras, Cartersville, GA PRIMETIME SPY: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2013 O W N E R : Jenny Caras, Cartersville, GA Lisa Chan, Southern Pines, NC FERNHILL PICTURE THIS: Chestnut IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.2, 2014 O W N E R : Lisa Chan, Southern Pines, NC Alexandra Kleinmann, Milwaukee, WI LOVE RUN: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE/ THOROUGHBRED, G, , 2015 O W N E R : Kathryn Kleinmann, Milwaukee, WI Kelly Carter, Dallas, TX CELIEN: Dark Bay DUTCH WARMBLOOD M, 16.2, 2007 O W N E R : Kelly Carter, Dallas, TX Sarah Lutz, Williston, SC SALUTE THE NATION: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.3, 2011 O W N E R : Sarah Lutz, Williston, SC Kalli Core, Orange, TX FALCONWOOD’S GLACIER: Bay WESTPHALIAN/THOROUGHBRED G, 16.2, 2016 O W N E R : Kelley Kays, Beaumont, TX
Kalli Core, Orange, TX MASTERMIND: Bay HOLSTEINER/ THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.1, 2015 O W N E R : Kalli Core, Orange, TX Maggie Williams, Oregonia, OH RISKY WITH WHISKEY: Gray THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.2, 2013 O W N E R : Maggie Williams, Oregonia, OH Zachary Brandt, Ocala, FL FOXTROT TODD: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16/1, 2016 O W N E R : Erin Lassere, Ocala, FL Cornelia Dorr, Manchester, MA DHI QYARACOLLE Z: Bay ZANGERSHEIDE/ THOROUGHBRED, M, 16, 2016 O W N E R : Cornelia Dorr, Manchester, MA Liesel Fazekas, Kennesaw, GA FERNHILL FINAL CAVALIER: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE/HOLESTEINER, G, 17, 2014 O W N E R : Liesel Fazekas, Kennesaw, GA Ashton Benefiel, Rockmart, GA LIBRIS CHARLOTTE: Gray ZANGERSHEIDE/ THOROUGHBRED, G, 16, 2015 O W N E R : Tony Benefiel, Fairhope, AL Michelle Warro, Annapolis, MD MARCO T. FERGUSON: Bay TRAKEHNER CROSS, G, 16, 2013 O W N E R : Brooke Grove, Davidsonville, MD Missy Miller, Gulf Shores, AL ALLEGRETTO: Bay WESTPHALIAN G, 16.2, 2014 O W N E R : Cheryl Sackler, Woodbridge, CT Alex Martini, Carthage, NC POYNSTOWN JAGUAR: Dark Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.3, 2014 O W N E R : Alex Martini, Carthage, NC Kyle Carter, Sparr, FL WHISKEY CAVALIER: Bay WARMBLOOD G, 16.3, 2014 O W N E R : Janet Wilkerson, Brimfield, IL Faith Wilkerson, Brimfield, IL SHE’S ON FIRE: Chestnut HANOVERIAN M, 16.2, 2014 O W N E R : Faith Wilkerson, Brimfield, IL
Dominic Schramm, Cochranville, PA DAWNBREAKER: Bay HOLSTEINER M, 17.1, 2013 O W N E R : Dawnbreaker Group, Cochranville, PA Adriene Singleton, Cartersville, GA COOLEY ZOOM: Dark Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 2015 O W N E R : Adriene Singleton, Cartersville, GA Sarah Dunkerton Sizemore, Newman, GA SAL’Z ROMEO: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16, 2011 O W N E R : Alison Hardaway, Leesburg, GA Dominic Schramm, Cochranville, PA LOUGHTOWN BONNIE: Gray IRISH SPORT HORSE, M, 16, 2015 O W N E R : Seiija Samoylenko, Bedford, MA Julie Richards, Newman, GA FERNHILL SEVEN C’S: Chestnut IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 17, 2014 O W N E R : Sonja Cooper, Marietta, GA Jessica Schultz, Aiken, SC FGF CONTINGENT PAYMENT: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED, G, 2015 O W N E R : Lara Anderson, Aiken, SC Meg Bowers, Sandy Springs, GA BEAUJESTE: Chestnut WELSH/NEW FOREST G, 14.3, 2005 O W N E R : Halliea Miner, Canton, GA Hillary Irwin, Alachua, FL CAVALIER MONTE CARLA: Bay CANADIAN WARMBLOOD, G, 16.1, 2011 O W N E R : Sarah Lyke, Raleigh, NC Sarah Kuhn, Aiken, SC DOUBLE TROUBLE: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.2, 2011 O W N E R : Alexa Duncan, New Milford, CT Nilson Moreira da Silva, Aiken, SC CANDOLA: Black HOLSTEINER S, 16.2, 2004 O W N E R : Holly Segar, Aiken, SC
TRAINING RIDER Brooke Kahl, Fort Mill, SC NATA MONTADA SCF: Bay BELGIAN WARMBLOOD, G, 16, 2013 O W N E R : Brooke Kahl, Fort Mill, SC Barbie Violi, Dallas, TX CRUGRAFF: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE G, 16.1, 2012 O W N E R : Barbie Violi, Dallas, TX
Molly Hunt, Asheville, NC CAT SUP: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16, 2012 O W N E R : Sea of Clouds Partnership, West Grove, PA
Chandler Nance, Pfafftown, NC FE DOLLAR ROYAL: Bay GERMAN SPORT HORSE, G, 16, 2013 O W N E R : Chandler Nance, Pfafftown, NC
Carson Langenberg, San Diego, CA MONTERREY LA SILLA: Bay IRISH SPORTHORSE/HOLSTEINER G, 17, 2008 O W N E R : Carson Langenberh, San Diego, SC
Marissa Griffin, Williamston, SC CONGUISTADOR: Bay DUTCH WARMBLOOD G, 2007 O W N E R : Marissa Griffin, Williamston, SC
Samantha Leis, Fort Mill, SC SUNSHINE LAW: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.3, 2008 O W N E R : Samantha Leis, Fort Mill, SC
Isabella Sparks, Greer, SC NO MATTER WHAT: Gray HOLSTEINER G, 16.3, 2012 O W N E R : Isabella Sparks, Suwanee, GA
Audra Alland, Fort Worth, TX DELANA LADY WOLF: Dark Bay DUTCH WARMBLOOD, M, 16.2, 2008 O W N E R : Audra Alland, Fort Worth, TX
Callan Littrell, Loganville, GA SEEKING THE STORM: Black THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.1, 2011 O W N E R : Callan Littrell, Loganville, GA
Amanda Smith, Dallas, TX TUG OF WAR: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED G, 16.2, 2014 O W N E R : Amanda Smith, Dallas, TX
JODY CATTELL, Aiken, SC POIS DE SENTEUR: Bay HANOVERIAN M, 15.3, 2014 O W N E R : Jody Cattell, Aiken, SC
Chasity Ross, Acworth, GA CELTIC SAPPHIRE: Bay RHEINLAND PFALZSAAR, G, 16, 2008 O W N E R : Kirsty McLeod, Mableton, GA
Molly Peavy, Fayetteville, GA CLEARLY IT’S DUBLIN: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.2, 2011 O W N E R : Molly Peavy, Fayetteville, GA
Taylor Sherman, John’s Creek, GA FGF DYNASMART: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 17.3, 2014 O W N E R : Taylor Sherman, John’s Creek, GA
Sydney Bolton, Simpsonville, SC BROOMER: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2009 O W N E R : Sydney Bolton, Simpsonville, SC
Darci Phelps, Wagener, SC SANDRO STREET: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE G, 16.1, 2015 O W N E R : Darci Phelps, Wagener, SC
Melissa McLain, Aiken, SC LAGRANGE: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.3, 2005 O W N E R : Melissa McLain, Aiken, SC
Kristin Rubash, Orlando, FL CAPONE: Bay HANOVERIAN, G, 16.2, 2009 O W N E R : Kritisn Rubash, Orlando, FL
Devon Tresan, Ball Ground, GA ZAVALLO: Bay DUTCH WARMBLOOD G, 17, 2014 O W N E R : Devon Tresan, Ball Ground , GA 56
Darrelle Powell, Aiken, SC MADEMOISELLE LA RUE: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED, M, 2009 O W N E R : Darrelle Powell, AIken, SC
Lily Dal Cin, Charlotte, NC FE BOBBY DAZZLER: bay POLISH WARMBLOOD, G, 16.2, 2013 O W N E R : Michele Dal Cin, Charlotte, NC
Margaret Frost, Newman, GA EURO STAR: Bay WARMBLOOD G, 16.1, 2009 O W N E R : Margaret Frost, Newman, GA Theresa Hubbell, Aiken, SC DECIBALL: Seal Brown THOROUGHBRED G, 15.2, 1998 O W N E R : Theresa Hubbell, Aiken, SC Dana McDonald, Cranberry Twp, PA AMAZING MI: Bay TRAKEHNER M, 15.2, 2015 O W N E R : Susan Miller, Gulf Shores, AL Kaitlyn Sullivan, Alpharetta, GA DEFINITELY FERNHILL: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.2, 2013 O W N E R : Kaitlyn Sullivan, Alpharetta, GA Shelley Onderdonk, Aiken, SC CHESTER K: Bay BEVARIAN DUTCH WARMBLOOD, G, 15.2, 2009 O W N E R : Shelley Onderdonk, Aiken, SC Lorna Mathias, Concord, MA WORTH THE WAIT: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED, M, 16.2, 2009 O W N E R : Lorna Mathias, Concord, MA Jennifer Helgren, Aiken, SC DEL RIO: Gray OLDENBURG, G, 16, 2012 O W N E R : Jennifer Helgren, Aiken, SC Paige Drury, Sharpsburg, GA THE FERNHILL FOX: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.2, 2008 O W N E R : Paige Drury, Sharpsburg, GA Denise Norton, Aiken, SC TALULLA: Bay THOROUGHBRED M, 15.2, 2012 O W N E R : Denise Norton, AIken, SC Logan Harris, Waxhaw, NC CABIN CRIMSON LH: Chestnut IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16, 2016 O W N E R : Logan Harris, Waxhaw , NC Camille Byrd, Tampa , FL WINTER MARKET: Dark Brown THOROUGHBRED, G, 17, 2010 O W N E R : Camille Byrd, Tampa, FL
MODIFIED Alyssa Craig, Fort Worth, TX OT BANDINI: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 17, 2011 O W N E R : Alyssa Craig, Fort Worth, TX Caroline Partridge, Paris, KY FINANCIAL EMPIRE: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 2008 O W N E R : Caroline Partridge, Paris, KY Cassandra Wallskog, Mequon, WI QUENTUS 3: Bay HOLSTEINER/ WARMBLOOD, G, 16.1, 2015 O W N E R : Cassandra Wallskog, Mequon, WI Jenny Caras, Cartersville, GA FERNHILL TOPADAMORN: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 17, 2015 O W N E R : Waylon Roberts, Cartersville, GA Elizabeth Zuelke, Nashville, TN TOUT DE SUITE: Bay BRITISH SPORT HORSE G, 16.1, 2007 O W N E R : Beatrice Rey-Herme, Ocala, FL Hugh Wrigley, Charlotte, NC FE SANTOS: Brown HANOVERIAN G, 15, 2011 O W N E R : Hugh Wrigley, Charlotte, NC Hugh Wrigley, Charlotte, NC LUKSOR: Dark Brown POLISH WARMBLOOD G, 16.2, 2003 O W N E R : Hugh Wrigley, Charlotte, NC Meika Decher, Lake Stevens, WA SNOWCAP: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.2, 2015 O W N E R : Meika Decher, Lake Stevens, WA Lindsey Lanier, Opelika, AL ANCHORMAN: Chestnut BRITISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.3, 2012 O W N E R : Lindsey Lanier, Opelika, AL Lindsey Lanier, Opelika, AL DHI KLOOSTERBOY: Gray DUTCH WARMBLOOD, G, 16.1, 2015 O W N E R : Lindsey Lanier, Opelika, AL
Susanna Hearn, Lake Worth, FL THREE CUPS WILDFIRE: Chestnut CANADIAN SPORT HORSE, M, 16.2, 2008 O W N E R : Susanna Hearn, Lake Worth, FL
Matthew Ulmer, Aiken, SC KINGS CARTER: Grey IRISH SPORT HORSE G, 16.2, 2015 O W N E R : Matthew Ulmer, Aiken, SC
Finley Habenicht, Marvin, NC HARRY COTTER: Bay THOROUGHBRED M, 16, 2012 O W N E R : Finley Habenicht, Marvin, NC
Lisbeth Storandt, Fairbum, GA NIGHTLIFE: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2012 O W N E R : Lisbeth Storandt, Fairbum, GA
Solomon Edwards, Alpharetta, GA GIANT RED: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED G, 16.3, 2013 O W N E R : Tawn Edwards, Slpharetta, GA
Katlyn Parker, Wagener, SC BANKERS MARK: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.2, 2012 O W N E R : Kaitlyn Parker, Wagener, SC
Nilson Moreira da Silva, Aiken, SC GO GLOBAL: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 17.3, 2014 O W N E R : Julia Wendell, Aiken, SC
Ariel Grald, Southern Pines, NC BGS AURORA: Dark Bary IRISH SPORT HORSE, M, 17, 2012 O W N E R : Annie Eldridge, Vass, NC
Elena Perea, Asheville, NC B. E. ISABELLA: Bay THOROUGHBRED M, 16.1, 2011 O W N E R : Sydney Bolton, Simpsonville, SC
Campbell Jourdian, Southern Pines, NC LEAMORE VENTURE: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.2, 2014 O W N E R : Annie Eldridge, Vass, NC
Symantha Melemed, Aiken, SC CCS THORIN: Appaloosa KNABSTRUPPER G, 16.2, 2014 O W N E R : Symantha Melemed, Aiken, SC
Livy Chambers, Newman, GA FERNHILL STATESIDE: Rose Gray IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.2, 2007 O W N E R : Livy Chambers, Newman, GA
Audrie Stanka, Ocala, FL JENNY: Bay DUTCH WARMBLOOD M, 16.2, 2014 O W N E R : Zachary Brandt, Ocala, FL
Juliana Cassar, Auburn, CA CHERANIMO: Gray HOLSTEINER, G, 2010 O W N E R : Juliana Cassar, Auburn, CA
Emily Thomas, Pelzer, SC FERNHILL FAMOUS: Gray IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.3, 2010 O W N E R : Emily Thomas, Pelzer, SC Andrea McAllister, Auburn, AL CALL ME COMMANDER: Dapple Gray HOLSTEINER/WARMBLOOD G, 16.1, 2009 O W N E R : Sarah Pyne, Pottstown, PA Josephine Irish, Dallas, GA WIL CELTIC CHARLIE: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 17, 2012 O W N E R : Josephine Irish, Dallas, GA Sinead Maynard, Citra, FL OLDCOURT GRAFEN DANCE: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE, M, 16, 2010 O W N E R : Alyssa1 Cairo, Ann Arbor, MI 58
Ondine Eardley, Ocala , FL RED POLL: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED G, 16, 2007 O W N E R : Elizabeth Abbott, Tulsa, OK Rebecca Drumgool, Compobello, SC MISTRALOU: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2002 O W N E R : Horse Scout Eventing LLC, Campobello, SC Melissa Paul, Deland, FL UPTOWN INDY: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.2, 2012 O W N E R : Melissa Paul, Deland, FL Michelle Mercier, Carlock, IL SHIRSHEEN FUN FOR ALL: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 2015 O W N E R : Michelle Mercier, Newman, GA
Michelle Mercier, Carlock, IL TULLIBARDS CHANCE TAKEN: Dark Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE/OLDENBURG M, 16.3, 2015 O W N E R : Michelle Mercier, Carlock , IL Peter Arndt, Aiken, SC MAKING IT: Bay THOROUGHBRED/ HANOVERIAN, G, 16.2, 2008 O W N E R : Peter Arndt, Aiken, SC Bonnie Mosser, Davidson, NC BEETRAP: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.3, 2010 O W N E R : Tiffany A. George-Kete, Charlotte, NC Jacob Fletcher, North Little Rock, AR FABIAN: Bay, G O W N E R : Fletcher Farms, Little Rock, AZ Molly Parker, Clayton, NC MOMMA’S LITTLE SECRET: Chestnut APPENDIZ QUARTER HORSE, G, 16, 2006 O W N E R : Molly Parker, Clayton, NC Jacques Foussard, New York, NY MISS RUBY COOLEY: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE, M, 2008 O W N E R : Jacques Foussard, New York, NY Nicole Kemerling, Southern Pines, NC MODERN MAN: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16, 2005 O W N E R : Nicole Kemerling, Southern Pines, NC Heather Thomas, Fruitland Park, FL FAMOS 71: Bay GERMAN SPORT HORSE G, 16.3, O W N E R : Heather Thomas, Fruitland Park, FL Carroll Courtenay, Charlottesville, VA MR. PUFF HIGGENS JR.: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 16, 2011 O W N E R : Kern Courtenay, Orange, VA Donna Miller, Alpharetta, GA COUD’ POKER: Bay CONNEMARA S, 14.2, 2012 O W N E R : Donna Miller, Alpharetta, GA Sarah Dunkerton Sizemore, Newman, GA PAINTED VALLEY: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16, 2011 O W N E R : Alison Hardaway, Leesburg, GA
Hillary Irwin, Alachua, FL PROVIDENCE ROAD: Liver Chestnut THOROUGHBRED, G, 17.1, 2013 O W N E R : Hillary Irwin, Alachua, FL Simone Page, New Orleans, LA SHAMELESSLY SHY: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED, M, 16.1, 2013 O W N E R : Simone Page, New Orleans, LA Karl Slezak, Tottenham, ON CHEVALIER: Bay CANADIAN SPORT HORSE G, 16.2, 2012 O W N E R : Carol Wiley, Rosseau, ON Shannon Riley, Aiken, SC INGRESS: Bay TRAKEHNER, G, 16.1, 2016 O W N E R : Ryan Wicker, Aiken, SC Shannon Riley, Aiken, SC LAISSEZ ALLER: Black BELGIAN WARMBLOOD, M, 18, 2011 O W N E R : Debra bergstrom, Pinetop , AZ Huxley Greer, Wirtz, VA ROMAN HOLIDAY WE: Gray OLDENBURG M, 15.2, 2013 O W N E R : Huxley Greer, Wirtz, VA Erin Flynn Mobley, Mansfield, GA DIVINE LEGACY: Gray HOLSTEINER, G, 2007 O W N E R : Erin Flynn Mobley, Mansfield, GA Dorothy Dreelin, Columbus, GA MSH COOLEY TWILIGHT: Bay DUTCH WARMBLOOD, G, 16.1, 2010 O W N E R : Dorothy Dreelin, Columbus, GA
OPEN PRELIMINARY Autumn Schweiss, Ocala, FL BAMFORD CF: Bay OLDENBUG, G, 16, 2015 O W N E R : Allison Andrews, Wadmalaw Island, SC Autumn Schweiss, Ocala, FL GLOBAL QUARYCREST: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.1, 2014 O W N E R : Julie Schweiss, Fairfax, MN Waylon Roberts, Cartersville, GA OKE RUBY R: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE M, 20, 2013 O W N E R : John and Michelle Koppin, Ann Arbor, MI 59
Katherine Brown, Aiken, SC VICTOR Z: Gray ZANGERSHEIDE G, 17.1, 2011 O W N E R : Katherine Brown, Aiken, SC
Alexandra Green Kerby, Loudon, TN FERNHILL LARCO: Chestnut BELGIAN WARMBLOOD, G, 17, 2009 O W N E R : Alexandra Green Kerby, Loudon, TN
Dana Cooke, Mooresville, NC GLOBAL STELLAR BLING: Gray IRISH SPORT HORSE, M, 16, 2014 O W N E R : Darlene Sparks, Greer, SC
Alexandra Green Kerby, Loudon, TN FERNHILL LEITRIM LASS: Gray IRISH SPORT HORSE, M, 16.2, 2012 O W N E R : Aaron Walters, Loudon , TN
Lauren New, Jasper, GA PAULANK PEPPER POT: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE/THOROUGHBRED, G, 21, 2013 O W N E R : Molly Adamas, Cherry Log, GA
Ariel Grald, Southern Pines, NC CABALLE: Dark Brown HOLSTEINER M, 16.2, 2012 O W N E R : Annie Eldridge, Vass, NC
Fanny Lee, Ocala , FL B DREAMER: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED M, 15.3, 2008 O W N E R : Fanny Lee, Ocala, FL
Ariel Grald, Souther Pines, NC FORREST GUMP 124: Bay HANOVERIAN G, 16.2, 2011 O W N E R : Annie Eldridge, Vass, NC
Waylon Roberts, Cartersville, GA CS CARRERA: Bay HOLSTEINER M, 15.1, 2009 O W N E R : Sher Schwartz, Waverly Hall, GA
Michelle Warro, Annapolis, MD WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT: Dark Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.2, 2011 O W N E R : Amanda Whitehead, Annapolis, MD
Michelle Koppin, Ann Arbor, MI COOLEY RINGWOOD: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.2, 2013 O W N E R : Michelle Koppin, Ann Arbor, MI
Waylon Roberts, Cartersville, GA REMEMBER CLEMENT: Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.2, 2013 O W N E R : Ryan Russell, Clayton, NC
Kyle Carter, Sparr, FL RHS CIARADO: Bay OLDENBURG G, 16.2, 2012 O W N E R : Five Pines Partnership , Dade City, FL
Jacob Fletcher, North Little Rock , AR 5O1 CATCH ‘EM ALL: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.2, 2013 O W N E R : Fletcher Farms , Little Rock, AZ
Nilson Moreira da Silva, Aiken, SC SHIVA: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED G, 17.3, 2007 O W N E R : Julia Wendell, Aiken, SC
Mary Bess Davis, Mansfield, GA MONATREA COOLEY ON THE CON: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.2, 2013 O W N E R : Amelia Grubbs, Atlanta, Ga
Maddie McElduff, Ocala, FL SPRING EASY: Chestnut IRISH SPORT HORSE G, 16.3, 2006 O W N E R : Maddie McElduff, Ocala, FL
Ellie van Gemeren, Canton, CT EXCEL STAR LEWISTON: Bay DUTCH WARMBLOOD, G, 16.1, 2014 O W N E R : Ellie van Gemeren, Canton, CT
Jamie McAllister, Metamora, MI MAKE BELIEVE: Bay HOLSTEINER M, 16.3, 2013 O W N E R : Jamie McAllister, Metamora, MI
Kristin Schmolze, Watkinsville, GA JUPILER: Gray DUTCH WARMBLOOD G, 16.3, 2014 O W N E R : Kristin Schmolze, Watkinsville, GA
Joa Sigsbee, Cochranville , PA K-COSIMO SE: Bay BELGIAN WARMBLOOD G, 17, 2010 O W N E R : Rose Sullivan, Newberg, OR
Sarah Dunkerton Sizemore, Newman, GA OLD MAN MOEL: Gray THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2005 O W N E R : Rick Dunkerton, Soso, MS
Emery Reagan, Goshen, KY WALLACE STATION: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.3, 2012 O W N E R : Emery Reagan, Goshen, KY
Jennifer Wiedrick, Dade City, FL WEBSTER: Bay CANADIAN WARMBLOOD G, 16.2, 2002 O W N E R : Jennifer Wiedrick, Dade City, FL
John Michael Durr, Shelby, NC ROULETTE: Dark Bay OLDENBURG G, 2008 O W N E R : Colleen Rutledge, Frederick, MD
Symantha Melemed, Aiken, SC CCS ARAGORN: Appaloosa KNABSTRUPPER G, 16.3, 2011 O W N E R : Symantha Melemed, Aiken, SC
Kyle Carter, Sparr, FL GSTAR VAN DE KLINKENBERG: Chestnut DUTCH WARMBLOOD, G, 17, 2004 O W N E R : Leila Saxe, Atlanta , GA
Madison Chisholm, Elon, NC RELOADED: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.2, 2013 O W N E R : Michelle Chrisholm, Elon, NC
Claire Robinson, Atlanta , GA PRETTY LIKE ME: Bay THOROUGHBRED M, 16.1, 2011 O W N E R : Claire Robinson, Atlanta, GA
Ella Braundel, Clayton, NC CATEGORICALLY COOLEY: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE/THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2008 O W N E R : Ella Braundel, Clayton, NC
Diana Craven, Advance, NC FERNHILL ST.NICK: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE G, 16.2, 2013 O W N E R : Alexandra Green, Loudon, TN
Heidi Grimm Powell, Southern Pines, NC FINNTASTIC!: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 17.2, 2009 O W N E R : Heidi Grimm Powell, Southern Pines, NC Chloe Johnson, Dallas, TX CHILLI BEAN: Bay NEW ZEALAND SPORT HORSE, M, 16.1, 2011 O W N E R : Chloe Johnson, Dallas , TX Jennifer Rivera, Gastonia, NC BIG TIME BABY: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED M, 16.1, 2004 O W N E R : Jennifer Rivera, Gastonia, NC Solomon Edwards, Alpharetta, GA URLANMORE BEAUTY: Chestnut IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 17, 2003 O W N E R : Tawn Edwards, Alpharetta, GA Karli Wright, Gainesville, GA THE DIESEL BOY: Black AMERICAN WARMBLOOD, G, 15.3, 2008 O W N E R : Karli Wright, Gainesville, GA Katarina Midgley, Franklin, TN DITCH: Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.1, 2007 O W N E R : Katarina Midgley, Franklin, TN
Crockett Miller, Ellerslie, GA MR PANDA: Dark Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE G, 16.1, 2013 O W N E R : Crockett Miller, Ellerslie, GA Tristen Wigg, Baxter, IA QRICKET: Black OLDENBURG, M, 16, 2013 O W N E R : Tristen Wigg, Baxter, IA Emery Reagan, Goshen, KY RECALLING MEMORIES: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED, G, 15.3, 2010 O W N E R : Emery Reagan, Goshen, KY
OPEN INTERMEDIATE Mia Petersen, Franklin, TN FERNHILL ROYALE: Bay IRISH SPORT HORSE G, 16.3, 2009 O W N E R : Mia Peterson, Franklin, TN Meika Decher, Lake Stevens, WA ARCHIE MCPHEE: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.1, 2010 O W N E R : Meika Decher, Lake Stevens, WA
Jamie McAllister, Metamora, MI ARMY RANGER: Bay THOROUGHBRED G, 16.2, 2012 O W N E R : Jamie McAllister, Metamora, MI
Jacob Fletcher, North Little Rock, AR 5O1 MISCHIEF MANAGED: Dapple Gray IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.3, 2011 O W N E R : Fletcher Farms , Little Rock, AZ
Morgan McAllister, St. Louis, MO MADE TO ORDER: Bay HOLSTEINER G, 2007 O W N E R : Morgan McAllister, St. Louis, MO
Sydney Rovira, Minneola, FL OAKDALE: Chestnut THOROUGHBRED G, 16.3, 2007 O W N E R : Kim Creek, Clermont, FL
Mikayla Hoffman, Tees, AB ELI: Bay THOROUGHBRED, G, 15.3, 2007 O W N E R : Mikayala Hoffman, Tees, AB
John Michael Durr, Shelby , NC TILIKUM: Bay WARMBLOOD/ THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.2, 2006 O W N E R : Becky Brown, Rutherfordton, NC
Missy Miller, Gulf Shores, AL QUINN: Bay HANOVERIAN, G, 16.2, 2010 O W N E R : Missy Miller, Gulf Shores, AL Lesley Grant-Law, Ocala, FL CASTLE HOWARD ROMEO: Dapple Gray IRISH SPORT HORSE, G, 16.2, 2013 O W N E R : Jackie and Steve Brown, Frankfort, IN Sallie Johnson, Williston, SC FERNHILL DICAPRIO: Bay ANDALUSIAN G, 16.1, 2014 O W N E R : Martha Upchurch, Williston, SC
John Michael Durr, Shelby , NC BLUE RODEO: Bay DUTCH WARMBLOOD/ THOROUGHBRED, G, 16.3, 2010 O W N E R : Hay Dr. Bill , Columbus, NC Morgan Batton, Beech Island, SC I’M SEW READY: Dark Bay HANOVERIAN G, 16, 2004 O W N E R : Morgan Batton, Beech Island, SC
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E xplore
Trails • Wildlife • Flora
“A G ather ing Pl ac e” Aiken, South Carolina
Uniquely situated within a transitional zone between South Carolina’s distinct geologic regions—the Piedmont Plateau, the Sandhills, and the Coastal Plains—Stable View’s 1,000+ acres provide a habitat for diverse wildlife and flora/fauna, and hold clues to an era bygone. Therefore, we are creatively at work designing a number of programs to entertain and educate with a focus on our conservation efforts. Whether you are an outdoor enthusiast or an avid bird watcher, are hosting guests from out of town, or know someone in search of an idyllic event venue, we are grateful to share all.
BY THE NUMBERS >> 850 acres secured in conservation
>> 15 miles of well-maintained trails
>> 325+ species of flora and fauna
>> 32 available accommodations and RV sites
>> 2 active Red-cockaded Woodpecker clusters >> 390 Eastern Bluebirds fledged to date
>> 5 beehives and plans for native wildflower gardens for pollinating and seed harvesting.
A BIRDER’S PARADISE This time last year, Stable View had one resident Red-cockaded Woodpecker. Today, we have nine (five adults and four juveniles)! Additionally, by increasing our number of nest boxes we have helped
many of our feathered friends thrive:
Having started in early spring with
to date, we have fledged a total of 155
five nucleus colonies (also known
Eastern Bluebirds; a pair of Eastern
as “nucs”) from a local bee supplier,
Screech Owls successfully fledged
Stable View’s bees have grown
two young; and the American Kestrels
to ten hives with healthy queens.
fledged all five nestlings from the same
Over the summer, we will support
nest box as in previous years.
the bees’ efforts to build up and prepare for winter. Our goal is to contribute to healthy pollinators in our area, and share the sweet fruits of their labor!
According to our expert, Mark Pavlosky of MPJ Wildlife, we expect to observe many migrant species working their way South early this fall. We look forward to hosting bird watchers who wish to view native, rare, or endangered species on their lists!
HISTORICALLY, “A GATHERING PLACE” Set out afoot—or ahoof—on on our 15 miles of marked trails, each named in honor of local Native American tribes, where you may see evidence of our prescribed fires, which increase plant diversity, perpetuate endangered species, allow wildlife easier access to food sources, restore nutrients back into the soil, and reduce the risk of wildfires. 67
68 66
Açaí Bowl Açaí base, apples, cinnamon, granola, coconut flakes, and maple syrup … 9
Fall Menu Coffee Specials…5 Created with 2 Shots of Organic Espresso, Flavor & Choice of Milk. Hot or Iced **Mythical Mocha -white chocolate & caramel **Maddy’s Mess - salted caramel & english toffee Namaste - hazelnut & shortbread **Pure White - white chocolate **Be Vanilla Sweet - vanilla bean **Moo-Mo - chocolate mocha **Salty Pooch - salted caramel Pump it up - pumpkin spice Boozin’ Nut - bourbon caramel & butter pecan Spice is Nice - ginger, caramel, and vanilla Cool & Refreshing…5 Milicent - mango, strawberry, and cherry Fritzer Max - lemon & lime Fritzer Chai Drinks…5 Made with the best blend of chai spices Hot, iced, frapped, or dirty Chai This - original Razzle Chai - chai & raspberry Twisted Chai - chai, brown sugar & cinnamon Pressed Japanese Matcha…5 Made with natural Japanese Green Tea Hot, Iced, or frapped
Fresh Fruit Offerings Barisimo Smoothie - fruit blend, whey, & milk … 6 Lean Green Machine- Matcha, spinach, protein powder, banana, coconut, milk Apple a Day Smoothie - apples, banana, whey, cinnamon, and milk Paninis and Grills Jersey - everything bagel, sausage, egg, arugula, cheddar & horseradish…8 Jackson - everything bagel, chicken, bacon, egg, cheddar, and ranch…8 Sedona - egg, mozzarella, sun dried tomato pesto, spinach … 9 Bozeman - Belgian waffle, sausage, egg, and maple syrup drizzle…10 Bordeaux - Brie, apples, turkey, chutney, cinnamon … 11 Wilmington - turkey, ham, bacon, tomatoes, fresh greens, ranch, mozzarella (Our twisted version of a Club!)…11 Portland - grilled chicken breast, apricot mayo, fresh greens, tomatoes, and mozz/Provo blend..10 San Fran - avocado, sweet peppers, kale, sun dried tomato pesto, mozz/Provo…10 Add choice of protein … 11 Sweet Belgian Liege Waffles Original, Cinnamon, Vanilla, or Chocolate…5 Pumpkin Spice … 5 Fall Festival - pumpkin spice waffle, grilled apple slices, whipped cream ... 8
R&L Vending Breakfast ............. Bagel (Plain)
Daily ................... Rib (half )
Saurage, Egg, & Cheese Bagel $5.00
Rib (whole)
Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Bagel
Rib Basket
Ham, Egg, & Cheese Bagel
Chicken Nuggets
Grilled Ham & Cheese
Chopped BBQ
Grilled Cheese
Grilled Chicken
Egg & Cheese Sandwich
Chicken Salad
Cheeseburger Basket
Mr. Barry Special
Hamburger Basket
Bologna Sandwich
Sausage Dog
Corn Dog
Hot Dog (plain)
Chili Hot Dog
French Fried
Drinks .................. Soda, Water
Tea, Gatorade
Coffee, Hot Chocolate
72 66
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