Yoga Life Newsletter

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VOL 03 · ISSUE 07 JULY 2016


Pillars of Power 10 Reasons to Practice The Story of Warrior Pose Best Exercises for Healthy Feet


FIND YOUR FOUNDATION ON + OFF THE MAT In Yoga Life’s upcoming online course, Pillars of Power Yoga, master Baptiste Yoga teacher Leah Cullis will lead an athletic and spiritual immersion into the five core pillars of Baptiste Yoga: drishti, breath, foundation, heat, and flow. Here, she explains the importance of finding your foundation both on and off the mat. Being grounded is really important to me. I have a history of worrying, spending too much time up in my head, and moving too quickly, so being in my body is essential for me to live my best life. This also allows me to be able to focus better during the day to maximize my productivity. My practice on the mat is my foundation for feeling centered in my life.

THE FOUNDATION OF A YOGA POSE In Baptiste Yoga, we say the foundation is “hands, feet, core,” or whatever is touching the earth. The connection to the earth creates the platform for growth. In Mountain Pose (Tadasana), the blueprint for all asanas, we draw strength from the foundation, or earth, up to the core and lift from there. From the core to the floor, we root down. This creates total body integration, or the union of all parts. With total body integration, we start to move with more ease and purpose. When you build a solid structure from the ground up, stress, imbalance, and rigidity begin to melt away, and you begin to expand in new directions. More structure or more form actually gives access to greater creativity and flow.

YOUR FOUNDATION IN DAILY LIFE The same holds true off the mat. If you’re always struggling to get your UPCOMING WORKSHOPS footing, without a secure foundation, you might constantly feel pulled in different directions. For example, if you’re not sure what you want to be doing for work, it’s Yoga Nidra with Rima easy to feel stuck in your current job. August 11 | 7-8:30pm | $25 Motivation and purpose in your work Yoga Nidra or “Yogic Sleep” is a state create an outline for you to follow, of deep relaxation with inner awareness. just like eating healthy, nutrientIt draws upon the ancient practice of dense foods serves as a platform for pratyahara, withdrawal of the senses, in feeling good and loving your body.


which the state of relaxation is reached by turning inwards, away from outer experiences.

For me, making time on the mat for my physical practice is my foundation. If I don’t carve out this essential time for myself, I start forgetting things. I get flighty or even reactive and a little sharp. Making the time for daily Retrofit Your Down Dog with Jason movement, taking some time to sit quietly and focus on my August 21 | 2-4pm | $40 breath, and eating a proper No matter what your Down Dog has felt diet are the building blocks like in the past, this is your opportunity to get for me to clear my head a fresh perspective. Learn the important body and create a life where I feel mechanics behind this classic posture, practice balanced, where I can “show fun techniques to give you more access to the up” for my students and be key joints, and experience the comfort of your fully aligned with love for my new, safely posed. partner and family.

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