A Survey of the History of the Western Alphabet Research + Booklet Design / E-publishing

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Ty p o g r a p h y Course Projects Spring 2015

Typography GRPH 223–01 11:00 – 1:50 p.m. Tuesday + Thursday 208 Woods Art Building

A Survey of the History of the Western Alphabet Matthew Bailey

Olivia Konert

Morgan Bruggeman

James Lindsay III

Kevin Buglewicz

Emily Nemec

Madeline Christensen

Pha Nguyen

Jessica Dolan

Sydney Rotthaus

Jennica Fernen

Jayme Sederberg

Jordan Geisert

Courtney Sehn

Lani Hanson

Matthew Standley

Natalie Henning

Huy Tran

Shawnee Johns

Alexandria Trumbley

Elizabeth Johnson

Department of Art + Art History University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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A Survey of the History of the Western Alphabet Research + Booklet Design / E-publishing by stacy asher - Issuu