4 minute read
Why study through our Enterprise Academy?
Part funded by the European Social Fund, the Staffordshire University Enterprise Academy offers small to medium-sized Staffordshire businesses, students, and graduates access to a large portfolio of fl exible professional training, short courses, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) certifi ed masterclasses and bespoke training packages for free*, while also providing access to progression pathways to higher education through micro-credentials.
Topics and industries are always evolving. As a business, it is vital to keep yourself and your team up to date with the latest knowledge to ensure you stay ahead of the competition. As a business leader and an individual, there are an enefi t to in e tin o r ti e in rofe iona development.
For the business
a ine o ner or a ana in fi re ead o will already have an idea of the skill gaps within your business. Our short courses and masterclasses are a fantastic way to tackle these gaps by bringing new and updated skills to aspirational employees. • A variety of courses from levels 4 -7 (undergraduate to Masters). • e i e de i er to fi t aro nd o r or or t d commitments through workshops, webinars, and face-to-face sessions. • Manageable bite-sized modules that can be built upon as recognition of prior learning to a range of high-level courses. • Taught by expert academics. • Tailored training packages for larger businesses.
Investing in your workforce boosts morale and improves retention. That is why we have developed a ro ra e of co r e de i ned to e o defi ne obtain, and retain the skills and talent your business needs to succeed.
For the individual AREAS OF LEARNING
Our training courses cover a wide range of areas to help transform leadership, management, entrepreneurial, digital, and technical skills for yourself, your business, and your employees.
By engaging in professional development, you will maintain and develop your skills. This improves your or ace effi cienc ena e o to eco e etter at what you do and brings latest ideas to your role.
If you are in the process of trying to secure a new role or a promotion, professional development is a great a to en ance o r and increa e confi dence in your abilities.
• Artifi cial intelligence and robotics • Business, management • Computer science • Data and digital • Entrepreneurship • Healthcare • Human resources • Innovation • Marketing
Subject to eligibility, the training courses in this brochure are all fully funded and can be accessed at no cost to:
• Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire based businesses with a maximum of 250 employees. • Students and graduates who reside in Staffordshire.
or o r a ication to e a ro ed e idence to confi r eligibility will need to be provided. Your key contact in the Business Engagement team will guide you through this process every step of the way.
e i or it o to defi ne an i a o r may have and will provide dedicated support for your business to help promote growth and success, whether that’s through tailored modules unique to your company or with other modules available through the programme.
When a learner completes one of our micro credential courses and the mandatory assessment, 20 credits will be awarded. The credits can be recognised as prior learning and used as a progression pathway to a wide range of highlevel courses, including higher and degree apprenticeships.
1. Register your interest
2. Get a follow-up call from our Business Engagement team to understand your requirements
3. Complete a short Company Needs Assessment / Individual Needs Assessment to develop a learning plan and to identify progression routes 4. Submit your eligibility evidence
5. Attend our training course
6. Depending on what course you study, you will receive stackable credits, transcripts or certifi cates
o if o a e i a iration for o er a ifi ed e o ee it can e a reat fi r t te to i din e o ee rofi e fro a nior e e to enior e e in ot o eration and management.
Our leading academics and subject-matter experts continually engage with businesses and collect vital insights to make sure our work-based skills provision aligns with the needs of your industry.
Continue reading for more information about the training courses you can access. For more details, please visit staffs.ac.uk/professional-development.
If you would like to book onto a course, contact our university Business Engagement team at 0800 169 2148 or employers@staffs.ac.uk.
The Staffordshire Higher Skills and Engagement Pathways programme, and the Staffordshire E-Skills & Entrepreneurship Gateway (SEGway) are part funded by the European Social Fund.